A classic Commodore 64 repair!
Analogue Pocket - is it for You?
NTSC and PAL on the same C64?!
CGA on the Amiga. Wait... what?!
Testing out the imported X68000!
Importing an X68000 from Japan!
@crashoverride328 Күн бұрын
Any time you are trying to desolder a large thermal mass low melt solder will b e your very good friend. The resultant alloy's low melting point simplifies the removal process a LOT.
@cathrynm 3 күн бұрын
There was a way to play music from QLink, I believe. I think how it worked is you hanged in the chat, and asked the admin to play a song.
@amonster8mymother 4 күн бұрын
The pizza is a jar.
@piplup10203854 4 күн бұрын
18:00 Oh no, Tamagachi! My sister is gonna steal my Analogue pocket! 21:12 Sold it for me! I love Dig Dug! I remember playing it in the arcades. If this thing could only play one windows game from 1998 called Outlaws I'd think I'd cry otherwise because Dig Dug was one of my favorites! I cannot wait to play that. I am gonna lose my mind lol 😆
@brentgreeff1115 6 күн бұрын
Another interesting video - worth a passive watch, but not sure I would want to play the games myself. - I just got a 34" standard def Sony Trinitron which I am loving with MISTer. I am using antoniovillena's SVideo adapter - I was playing MISTer on my LG OLED, but didnt enjoy it. - I did scummvm a bit and started to wonder - what computer cores would work with standard-def? - I dont want to damage my TV so was a bit nervous to try, but playing the original Larry or maniac mansion would be awesome. There are some point-and-click classics on PS1 & Saturn, - not sure if a USB mouse would work with those consoles. There is always so much to explore with MISTer - a "Standard Definition MISTER Super video" would be a nice idea. - ie - whats possible with SD (CRT) beyond the console cores.
@jcchaconjr 7 күн бұрын
It’s a shame that the labels got damaged while cleaning. I got and cleaned a heavy sixer about 8 years ago. I went ahead and crashed the console, but I did two things - I avoided running the brush over the decals, and other than some VERY LIGHT blotting with a paper towel after washing, I just let the labels air dry. I’ve seen others apply clear shipping tape over the labels, carefully trimming the edges to leave it on permanently, but that’s a personal choice.
@Naturd420 8 күн бұрын
For anyone wanting to know how to start games like salamander and space harrier, you put your cursor over the start.bat and double click Q
@robinmoseley766 9 күн бұрын
put the boards into the service mode position.. it is shown in the service manual
@apocalypsevingt-cinq156 9 күн бұрын
Awesome computer! More!
@fordprefect_amiga 9 күн бұрын
I grew up in Dale City, 10 minutes from this place!
@Toby_Q 11 күн бұрын
I know this is an old video, but the first part of this video has exactly what I was looking for, a shot of the bottom of the A3000. Did A3000's not come with any feet? I'm trying to figure out what kind of feet came with them, as mine had none, but I did see a bit of adhesive residue so I think it had something... but I have no idea what. Was it rubber? Cork? Felt? Nothing?
@lovemadeinjapan 11 күн бұрын
The best (8-bit) computer has decent BASIC, a decent video ouput signal (RGB+80-column), looks cool, has common interfaces, has room for internal expansion and has a proper (built in) power supply. C64 does not fit any of those criteria. How can it be best?
@scotth4713 13 күн бұрын
My first and only console system before the Commodore 64 came out. Still have it and nearly all the games.
@ArcadeFan77 13 күн бұрын
Another terrible secret (in old 1541) is the power filter integrated into the C14 socket. Due to possible sparking and "magic" mass, it may cause a short circuit, lack of electricity, damage to electronics and even fire.
@lurkerrekrul 13 күн бұрын
The ST/Amiga ports of Outrun were absolute garbage. NOBODY liked them. Back then, it really seemed like companies would pick the most incompetent, and inexperienced programmers to handle arcade ports, then give them a ridiculously short period of time to work on it, and force them to take shortcuts to get the game to run on the absolute, lowest common denominator system possible. Plus, the unwritten rule that home ports of arcade games always had to be inferior in some way, regardless of the actual capabilities of the system it was being ported to. Pick even the most well regarded home port of an arcade game from that era and I guarantee it will have some flaw that stops it from being perfect.
@AmigaBoingBlog 14 күн бұрын
Yeah sadly the Amiga got the ST-castoff of Outrun - such a shame, since they could have made it require 1MB which might have produced a better Amiga port, since the Amiga had the Graphics Power Lotus was also better on the Amiga - Most Games were better on the Amiga, except a few such as Outrun and Rolling Thunder Between the Atari ST and the Amiga per-se -- The Atari ST was a downgrade to ZX Spectrum Graphics and Sound
@ivannasha5556 15 күн бұрын
Nobody else noticed he messed up and picked the .crt for the last file XD
@Alianger 17 күн бұрын
24:00 That's an awesome manual for the time
@aleksandarl6975 18 күн бұрын
C64c with keyboard keys printed on top and front (start of 64c production) most likely will have long board, later ones with print only on top of the keys will most likely have short board. C64D, breadbin with case and keyboard colors same as C64C, also known as Aldi 64 made in Germany will most likely have short board. Short boards are more reliable, but many parts for long board have modern replacements, like dirt cheap easy to diy GAL PLA, vs not so cheap but still obtainable sharp "super pla" wich combines few chips in one big custom chip for the example. I like C64C look, but prefer long board, my firtst contact with c64 was breadbin, and becose of the diferent sid sound of c64c was never "it" for me, and imho long boards have more chance to be cheaply repaired if something goes wrong. One thing to remember, 80s where long time ago, check psu voltages before you plug it in the 35+ years old compter you just bought.
@gryzman 18 күн бұрын
what's this dell monitor you're using ? The one /I got doesn't have S-video
@10MARC 19 күн бұрын
I had a promo advertisement with all of the Odyssey games listed, and I used to drool over "Quest for the Rings". Never owned it, never even played an Odyssey, but I spent hours fantasizing about that game.
@durrcodurr 19 күн бұрын
1:21 Did you see this? Most CP/M systems contained a GSX subsystem for graphics. Why does nobody ever pay attention to that?
@cgraham6 20 күн бұрын
My parents bought me an Oddysey 2 after I broke my arm and couldn't play outside for a while. I absolutely loved it. I remember a game where you flew a helicopter and had to rescue people off the rooftop of a building by lowering them a rope and flying them to a pad on the ground. That was the whole game. It got old after about five minutes, but i remember playing a lot of it.
@whochecksthis 20 күн бұрын
Brings me back to 1987… I ran geos 128 for my dad’s business…
@user-me4ok9fl2x 20 күн бұрын
hahahaahahahahahahahhahaha loooooooooooooooooooooooool yeah i know this why we started looking at power of th device
@LightOfReason7 21 күн бұрын
I had an Odyssey2 and it was pretty cool. My favorite games were UFO and K.C. Munchkins (you could create your own maze). The controllers were better than Atari
@erockbrox8484 21 күн бұрын
Also any console can actually produce good games, it just takes good programmers and some time to produce them. But what made the appeal of the NES so much better? Well there was Mairo, so Sega really needed a mascot during this time period.
@gmirwin 21 күн бұрын
It didn't come with a mouse... but the mouse found the box anyway.
@argniests5357 21 күн бұрын
did you have to change settings on the OSSC to get it to work on that LCD panel? Thanks
@erockbrox8484 21 күн бұрын
I was a North American kid in the 1980's and I can tell you. The NES 100% dominated the market. It was fun and easy to use and every kid had one. This is what SEGA needed with the master system. - They needed good games. - They needed a pause button on the controller - They needed better artwork on the boxes - they needed better sticker artwork on the cartridges
@fangzine937 21 күн бұрын
This is really strange but my great uncle had an Odyssey 2 and he bought it at a store called Heydlauff's in Chelsea, Mi. Maybe your tagged one came from the same place. My cousins and I loved Showdown 2100 - the ricocheting bullets were a hoot. Bowling was fun also.
@randylivengood3112 21 күн бұрын
I grew up with an Odyssey 2. Showdown, Pickaxe Pete, and Spin out were my favorites. Sadly my console died many years ago. I bought one for $200 a few years back and it was a dud! You absolutely scored big time finding a functional system. $50 is the deal of a lifetime!
@SpaceAce57201 22 күн бұрын
First video I have watched of yours. Love the format! ✌️
@discopants68 22 күн бұрын
Had one of these as a kid. I later bought the voice module as well, which wasn’t really worth the price (80 bucks I think) so I returned it. I always insisted the graphics were better than Atari 2600 because there were no flickering sprites. FYI, a third board game about stock trading called “Wall Street Fortune Hunt” also existed, complete with ticker crawl and breaking news stories that affected the stock prices. I had two friends that also had Odysseys (I think I sold them on it). Each of us owned a different board game, as those were pricey at around 50 bucks apiece.
@digitalarchaeologist5102 22 күн бұрын
Best platformer of all time - Bubble Bobble.
@OM19_MO79 22 күн бұрын
Retrobits? More like Retroboxes!
@mikepalmer2219 23 күн бұрын
I loved the intellivision and the Coleco.
@csudsuindustries 23 күн бұрын
When the hard wired joysticks fail you can hard wire and Atari one in. I had to do that when I wore out the 1st player one with Smithereens.
@stephenriggs8177 23 күн бұрын
The only console system I ever had. It was given to me by my brother in law, and I loved it. I particularly liked Pickaxe Pete and their Asteroids knockoff. The game was weird, in that you could only rotate your gun in one direction, so you had to be careful not to miss. My favorite part was the "idle" sequence, which described the enemy craft. Most had names, but one was simply called "drifts randomly." That became my favorite description for some of the cars I encountered on local freeways.
@HAn-ie2zp 23 күн бұрын
Pick-axe Pete was my favourite game!
@HAn-ie2zp 23 күн бұрын
So many awesome games to this consol!
@gypsyclaw 23 күн бұрын
That was my first console. I had about 6 -7 games for it, and an adapter called "The Voice" . It was basically just a voice that spoke to you and encouraged you while you played. I bet it bugged the heck out of my parents, now that I think about it. lol
@pascal.gouhier 23 күн бұрын
I remember my first game: K. C.'s Krazy Chase! On my french brand Philips VIDEOPAC C52, it was 'Super Glouton'.... Miam Miam (= Yummi Yummi) ;-)
@monolith2001 23 күн бұрын
Me and my cousin played Showdown 2100 a ton back then. It was so much fun to play the ricochets. We eventually moved on when my parents got me an Intellivision and he had so many more games on the 2600 that we ended up playing it until I got a Coleco Adam and the Super Action Controllers and the football game that worked with it (my thumb still is sore from spinning that wheel to throw bombs downfield)
@NumosG 23 күн бұрын
That Quest for the Rings looks great in the presentation. I like those big box games. Had to look up a bit of a footage for that game and it seems to be somewhat using the computer for the fights and such, but the physical representation looks a lot better than the computer part (as, well, is normal. "Screenshots from various system" on the box, anybody?). But still, pretty awesome find you got there.
@Phantassm 23 күн бұрын
Sound like Leonard Nimoy narrating the Odyssey commercial.