@junkyupedia7348 13 сағат бұрын
I just don't want newjeans to disband 😢😢😢😢😢 I love them too much
@TammyAustin-p6u Күн бұрын
MHJ said during a interview on KBS on the 11th,same day as the live,that she had told the girls not to do the live. Dannille had said MHJ didn't know about the live. Everyone is treating the girls like they would break. Okay I understand the girls are young,and talented ,but they need to grow up. They can't keep living in a bubble,expecting to get their way, you can't threatened your bosses,much lest tell them they were not going to listen to what they say. All I can say is WOW! They might have just looked at the end of their career.
@ike7484 Күн бұрын
Good and clear report on this matter! Sadly there is so much misinformation spreading about the feud between MHJ and BSH/HYBE, especially on the English speaking internet. So big props for sticking to the facts and doing your best to show both sides in the conflict.
@momomomo__ Күн бұрын
I genuinelly think Min Heejin has completely groomed these kids and it's so sad to see. And grooming isn't inherently sexual, for the record. Despite Min Heejin's questionable past and taste in media, there's no evidence of her doing anything sexually inappropriate to NewJeans, so I'm not acusing her of anything in that regard. Grooming can also happen when an adult, often in a position of power, takes vulnerable kids/teens and creates a concerningly close bond with them so they can finantially exploit them, because it's easier to use them if they trust you and see you as family or a really close friend. Them saying Min Heejin is more than a producer to them, that she's a member of the group, when added to what we already know of their relationship (the sleepovers, the texting, the confiding in eachother, etc) really shows the envirionment Min Heejin has created around them. Only she can protect them from Hybe, she's the only one looking out for them, etc. That us vs them mentality was simply a way to make them rely on Min Heejin and isolate them. I think both Hybe and Min Heejin were at fault with everything, and honestly that isn't my main concern here anymore. To me, it's still obvious that this is corporate drama that was made public and the girls got caught up in it. My problem with the livestream is that the way these girls are coming to Min Heejin's defence is typical grooming victim behaviour. When you point out that the groomer has done something wrong or has wronged them in any way, they're programed, in a way, to immediately defend the groomer. They often don't care about consequences for them because, in their eyes, the one person that has their back and has helped them so much is being unjustly attacked. It happens time and time again, and I've seen it happen myself with a girl I know for a fact was groomed, so this stream to me is heartbreaking because it unfortunately confirms my suspicions. And this isn't to say that Min Heejin doesn't care at all for the girls, she probably does, but I think her trying to get NewJeans not to do the conference and the stream was more to ensure she could still keep them as an innocent party publicly, so consumers would still support them. She knows that as soon as NewJeans pick a side, the public will see them as an involved party and there will be people boycotting and not supporting them, which means she can't profit off of them as much as she wants. It also means now Hybe has a reason not to fund and promote the group as much, which will affect the group considerably, not to mention legal action Hybe could take against the girls themselves if they see fit. Again, I'm sure she doesn't want the girls to get hate or get their careers ruined, but her being against them speaking out feels more like her trying to reduce damages to their brand than someone trying to keep them safe.
@hugeal8716 Күн бұрын
Personal videos & medical records WERE leaked. This was well known and documented in the press. Illit was thrown under the bus and referenced *by HYBE*. NewJeans never mentioned anyone by name. The Fifty-Fifty situation was VASTLY different. The KBS report was mysteriously deleted very quickly at the alleged behest of HYBE. It’s not known when the HANNI event took place since she never cited a date. HYBE is the only one who said the date and individuals involved. They also stated their “evidence” was A/V CCTV footage, which many K-Netizens pointed out is not possible as only video is legally allowed. There’s no wave for them to ride anymore. HYBE’s “stance” can only be alleged. What the former CEO DID SAY, was the plan to give NewJeans, “…a 2.5 year break.” Comparing K-POP to any other industry is a bit futile is it is a VERY unique space with VERY odd interworkings. Normally, if an entity holds significant value, threats CAN be made and acquiesced. But K-POP functions much like the modeling industry of paper dolls. As HYBE is ever so slow to realize, the BTS thing was a rarity…like lightning, almost impossible to strike twice. The estimate of costs to break their contract is only if they want to walk without fighting. A court battle might change this figure immensely. HYBE has disbanded or basemented very profitable girl groups before: GFRIEND, fromis _9… Looking at HYBE’s track record, there wasn’t likely any alternative than the nuclear option and hoping for public support and some excellent legal wrangling. Doubt the new CEO wanted to “work with them.”
@Popsori Күн бұрын
This is a good point you made that the KBS report was deleted and referenced by HYBE. This report is definitely alleged, but I forgot to say that during the recording. Sadly, the video was already in final edits when I found out about this. The KBS report is one the major points that I have against HYBE these days.
@miratheworldd Күн бұрын
nj really digged their own grave with that live. i cant imagine what hybe would say. i also heard that bbangsaz was proud of the live... unpopular opinion, but something is really sketchy about nj... i also believe that mhj and hybe are both at fault.. and i cant help but not side with nj, even though they're the victim...
@theonlymisfit2757 Күн бұрын
What happened to this group is really sad. This is a real promising group. I agree that the 3 ex members should've compromised with the mother company instead of continuously pursuing the lawsuit. I don't think other agency/label would want these artists after what happened. Their careers just went down the drain. Hope they can still make a comeback in a different company although I don't see it happening anytime soon.
@HotLeafJuicer 2 күн бұрын
Everybody got something to say about this, but at the end of the day, NJ deserves so much better. NJ's opinions matter regardless of people taking sides without really knowing the behind-the-scenes details of the situation.
@Popsori 2 күн бұрын
I agree with this. As with any major drama or controversy, everyone will have their take. There's a lot happening behind-the-scenes that we all don't know. I say that without definitive proof, receipts, and testimony, such as the LOONA case against BBC, it's hard to say what's true in the NewJeans case. With that all said, I think NewJeans, even with their ill-advised livestream and ultimatum, deserves so much better.
@lenasugarkitten1979 2 күн бұрын
Working for four years under a boss you cannot accept because you consider him incompetent and a puppet of a superior master who interferes in the healthy processes of your company just to assert his authority and nurture his vanity, is hell, especially when it comes to creative work and you cannot simply disappear into inner exile. Your advice, Jason, that the girls should ignore the intrigues and power struggles in the company, accept the loss of their mentor and content creator and work with the new figures who are placed in front of them, could therefore only be followed, if at all, by very level-headed, self-confident and significantly older people. The most unprofessional of the people involved is His Majesty the Supreme HYBE Boss Bang Si-hyuk himself, who does not understand how to prevent such conflicts in his empire and then has to take such clumsy and business-damaging measures to save face, maintain control and save his self-image as a brilliant leader and Kpop strategist. The fish rots from the head first. The inability to defuse crises in advance that has been shown so far (including in the Garam affair at Source) would be amplified if he wasted the girls and their talents in the HYBE dungeon and with it the considerable income that they would generate for his company. The YG dungeon only underlined that YG is a company with a toxic corporate culture that conjures up such excesses as the Burning Sun scandal. HYBE is well on its way to going down the same path!
@bragbask239 3 күн бұрын
NJ might have taken the decision, bcoz they know that HYBE has decided to push LSF & Illit at their cost. Even if they give up MHJ, HYBE has indicated that NJ is effectively done/dungeoned etc So better they risk backing MHJ, than be reduced to irrelevance by HYBE. It is a gamble. They can't work with the new CEO, bcoz of the trust deficit. HYBE should just take the money & give up control on ADOR, that's more profitable to the shareholders
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
I actually heard of that theory too, where HYBE wanted to "Dungeon" NewJeans to push LSF and Illit more. Since I didn't have concrete proof though, I didn't put that in the final video. I'm hoping a resolution to buy out NewJeans' contract happens, because right now, the girls only have two options: 1. Return to ADOR and work with the new CEO 2. Get their contracts bought out and leave HYBE With #1, like you said, the trust factor is shattered, so I don' think they can go back. If there was still some trust left, I can see NJ doing this route and it would be the smart play. But yeah... without trust, this option is dead. With #2, I hope there's a big investor willing to buy them out. Or if they find enough evidence against HYBE, their contracts become voided and they can leave without any penalties. Really curious to see what happens on Sept 25 and beyond.
@brianlittrell797 3 күн бұрын
I actually believe Hybe and MHJ are both at fault here. I believe Hybe has behaved negatively towards New Jeans and so I believe NJ did a good thing with that Live. Even if it hurts their careers for years. I see Hybe facing many difficulties in the coming years unless positive changes are made in how they treat their idols and how they operate. New Jeans will be okay in the long run but it might take them a while to get to the place they want to be. Which is probably not going to happen with Hybe. That's my opinion.
@bragbask239 3 күн бұрын
Sad business. Spoiling a great brand group over corporate politics. MHJ was recruited bcoz her great track record & she delivered a great group in NJ. It is effectively the failure of HYBE if they couldn't do what YGE did with Teddy.
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
Definitely, I think it's a sad, horrible thing that a great group (NewJeans) gets destroyed over corporate politics. While I think MHJ could have done a much better job in guiding the girls, HYBE is not clean in this either. I put the blame on both parties, with a little bit on NewJeans as well for their sudden ultimatum during their livestream.
@NataliaSagala-ti9cv 3 күн бұрын
I disagree that Newjeans is the biggest 4th gen female group. The biggest 4th gen female group is still Aespa, and the 2nd is ITZY. Newjeans is 3rd, and IVE is 4th.
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
Hmmm.. I would respectfully disagree. From a pure numbers and sales standpoint at both concerts and K-pop stores, I can see Aespa and perhaps IVE topping NewJeans, since NewJeans debuted just two years ago in 2022. Itzy would fall behind all three groups, including NewJeans, numbers wise, measured per capita (meaning per year, NewJeans outsells Itzy. We have to use per capita/year, since NewJeans is a much newer group). But when you go outside the sales numbers, as in appealing to the casual, non-hardcore-K-pop fans, NewJeans tops all groups easily. To most casuals and non-fans, NewJeans is what got them back into K-pop. From the numerous surveys and data points I have working within the industry, NewJeans is the number 1, 4th gen female group in the West and US, by far. I talk to numerous fans that have to choose and budget which female group to see that month or few months, due to K-pop concerts being expensive. From data and talking to hundreds of K-pop fans in this past year, nearly all fans would hands-down prioritize NewJeans as their one concert in several months over all others. NewJeans is often requested as the top female group in the West at anime cons, gaming events, and K-pop tours. I think if a group can have significant impact outside the hardcore K-pop fandom, such as NewJeans, it's a great indicator if they're the biggest group in their era. I believe NewJeans to be just that.
@farfetchleek9821 3 күн бұрын
@@Popsori I would disagree further! Le Sserafim is the top 4th gen girl group. Nobody else is as brave or shakes up the medium like them.
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
Haha, fair enough! I do like me some Le Sserafim a ton! I play "Perfect Night" daily. Yet, I would still put NewJeans as the top 4th gen female group for the reason I said in one of my earlier replies (i.e. pulling non-K-pop fans/casuals back into K-pop, the highest demand female group in the US/West from data, etc.)
@NataliaSagala-ti9cv 2 күн бұрын
​​​​Everyone is gangsta until ​@popsori brought the datas and facts. I can't argue about the datas with a professional journalist. What i want to argue is 1) Aespa and ITZY are already a established group. So everybody (not everybody but seem like everybody) already know them. And people still remember their higher hype few years ago, although their hype right now is lower than Newjeans. But like you said, popularity is not about the hype and the sales but how much people know you. 2. Because Aespa and ITZY came from big company. If you said NJ is bigger, The implication are either A. You said big 3 previledge is not a big factor now. While I believe it's still big factor or B. Hybe is already bigger than big 3 company. 3. Newjeans vibe is like GFRiend, a darkhorse. You believe they are the best but you know they not gonna be the biggest one because they are not mainstream enough. And you want them to be more famous, but in your heart you don't want them to be more famous, because you want to keep them for yourself in your room. So, you could feel special. Hi guys. I love a special and unique group named Newjeans, i don't follow trend to stand mainstream K-Pop group like Aespa. You must don't know NewJeans, because i have a higher taste of music than you guys.
@Popsori 2 күн бұрын
I like talking in-depth about K-pop with you and everyone else here! And before I respond, thanks for being chill and keeping this conversation mature :) As for your points: 1) Oh, for sure that Aespa and ITZY are established groups. No doubt. I actually attend the ITZY concert in the SF Bay Area months ago. Although it had a lot of people, it wasn't as packed or had insane ticket prices the way that the IU concert did. Or even IVE. 2) I would say B, that HYBE is bigger than the other 3 "Big 4" companies (SM, JYP, YG). The Big 3/4 privilege is so real haha! 3) I see what you're saying with NewJeans being a darkhorse like GFriend. But NewJeans is known even to the casuals and non-K-pop fans. For instance, I talk to a lot of gamers and content creator friends on Twitch and KZbin that only listen to the mainstream groups, like BTS and Blackpink. Yet, nearly all their followers love NewJeans when their songs play on their livestreams. The same goes for anime fans. Then when it comes even to the hardcore K-pop fans, NewJeans is beloved. I talk to a lot of K-pop store owners here in California and NewJeans routinely is in the top 3 (and top 5 at worst) female groups for sales. I've taken several polls of fans here and they consistently rank NewJeans in their top 3 female groups - the others are usually Le Sserafim, Twice, IVE, or LOONA (and its spinoffs). At Lollapalooza in Chicago in 2023, NewJeans was the headliner and according to my friends that went, it was insanely packed during NewJeans' set. There's video of their performances that also show how crazy packed their performances were at the music festival. From all that, I would say NewJeans is very much mainstream in just two years. I do think both the sales/MV views numbers, as well as NewJeans' impact outside of the K-pop bubble, shows just how impactful they are.
@farfetchleek9821 3 күн бұрын
I think that what's going to happen is: Everybody loses MHJ will become toxic, no other label with sufficient funds will want to touch her. NJ will be put into the dungeon and left there to rot and slowly going broke. I don't even know if the members could go out and work at a convenience store or go to school under their 7 year contract. Hybe loses out on their investment that they put into NJ and loses in their stock price. The fans lose out if they've bought a light stick or photo cards. Ador employees could be laid off. Illit might be the only ones that benefit. Could it all have been 5D chess by Illit?
@brianlittrell797 3 күн бұрын
Those are reasonable and logical conclusions. I believe that everyone will lose in the short term. However I believe that the New Jeans girls will win in the medium or long term. If the negative things they say about MHJ are true then she will definitely be experiencing a lot of difficult times ahead. If the evidence against her is untrue then she will be fine medium or long term. In my opinion Hybe deserves to lose out because they are not good and decent in their actions. This is true of many companies. Karma is a very real thing and anything positive or negative that we think, say or do always returns to us. It's a big part of why there is so much suffering and conflict in the world at the individual and collective level. That is why I predict the NJ girls are going to be fine and do very well. Whereas Hybe and many companies will experience great difficulties and suffering unless they change. Everything is playing out exactly how it should. Just like it did with Loona and BBC. It's a transition period and not everything is going to be pleasant in the short term. It takes a while for things to resolve to something better. Maybe even years.
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
I do think that everyone loses in this drama. Really horrible to see NewJeans' career potentially ending because of this. I really hope that it doesn't. Maybe Illit does benefit from this. If NewJeans goes on hiatus, they and Le Sserafim will get a lot more of the spotlight as HYBE's premiere female groups.
@brianlittrell797 3 күн бұрын
I believe everyone loses short term. But I believe New Jeans will win long term. And I believe Hybe loses in both the short and long term unless they make big positive changes in how they treat their idols and how they operate.
@farfetchleek9821 3 күн бұрын
@@brianlittrell797 well I think we are having a real example of this happening as we speak. If the new fifty fifty works out, then we know new jeans will have a good shot at coming back.
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
If NewJeans wins long term, that would be the biggest "comeback anime arc" I've seen in K-pop. I'd root for them!
@farfetchleek9821 3 күн бұрын
Also, I want a break down of the new fifty fifty
@Popsori 2 күн бұрын
That's a planned video enqueue right now :)
@farfetchleek9821 3 күн бұрын
what does dungeon mean?
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
Dungeon means a cave or prison room. In K-pop terms, dungeon is used when a label doesn't make new music for a group for a long time. We don't hear much from this group. This is called "putting that group in the dungeon," as that K-pop company put that group in a prison and can't be heard. A common term is "YG dungeon," where YG Entertainment put their groups there. These groups haven't released music in a year or longer. With the "Hybe dungeon," Hybe could stick NewJeans in there, where NewJeans may not get new music or promotions in a long time.
@kgjung2310 3 күн бұрын
Sorry, ladies. That CEO decision is way above your pay grade. At this point your ex-manager has burned so many bridges, that there is no way she is coming back. If you want to risk your careers and go with your ex-manager, good luck with that. Sounds more like Hybe has grounds to sue the ex-manager trying to interfere with a contract among other things if these things are true. If you're going to pull that trigger, you better have all your receipts in order. Otherwise, this is going to end up in Fifty Fifty territory. If the girls thought going public was going to force Hybe to do anything, they are most likely very wrong. If anything, it probably guaranteed the opposite if there was any chance at all at this point. Frankly if the ex-manager really cared about the girls, she would've told them to stay out of all this and not risk their careers. It looks more like she is using the group as a tool for her own benefit in more ways than one. Great job to Popsori for this rather detailed video on this.
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
Agree with you. Keeping ties with ex-manager Min Hee-jin will be bad for NewJeans. I totally understand why the girls adore Min Hee-jin. And to be fair, HYBE is not all innocent in all this too. I do have some serious gripes about them. But by refusing to work with new ADOR CEO Kim Joo-young, NewJeans' career is in serious danger of ending. Like you said, you gotta have all your receipts if you want to be on the "winning side," since this won't just be seen by the public, but in court as well. Like you also said, this is heading towards Fifty Fifty territory, where calling out your own label will most likely backfire. Taking it to the extreme with NewJeans demanding Hybe to reinstate Min Hee-jin is both disrespectful and shocking. I do think Min Hee-jin tried to keep the girls from doing a press conference or going live, but the group by then, were going to spill the tea regardless. If I were Min Hee-jin, after the press conference, I would tell them not to risk their careers, even if it meant Min Hee-jin is eventually kicked out of Hybe entirely. Thanks so much for watching!
@brianlittrell797 3 күн бұрын
I would never side with Hybe on any matter. They are not a good and decent company. I have no doubt Hybe has treated them very poorly since MHJ was replaced. Obviously nothing the girls say is going to make Hybe change. The only thing that companies care about is money and power. It seems that MHJ is very bad for the girls as well. It's unfortunate NJ are not signed to a better company. None of this mess would have happened at JYP or Dreamcatcher Company for example. The girls would be happy and treated well. I have nothing against BTS in case your mind is going there. BTS are good and decent persons. It's Hybe that is very problematic. And probably MHJ too. The girls are caught in between that fight. They will be fine though. Hybe won't be fine. Something they are going to find out to their surprise and the surprise of many. Unless they have a change of leadership.
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
I can understand your take as well. To put this out there, I wouldn't say Hybe is anywhere near clean in this mess either. I think both sides - Min Hee-jin and Hybe - are at fault. NewJeans shouldn't have done the ultimatum towards HYBE's CEO either. With that said, I do think there's some truth in NewJeans' livestream. How much is the truth remains to be seen. From a "can NewJeans salvage their career," the best play is for them to work with the new ADOR CEO. Unless they have smoking gun receipts, it will be very hard for NewJeans to get out of ADOR/HYBE without paying a huge sum. But if NewJeans can't or refuses to work with HYBE, they should try to find as many receipts and a solution to get out of the label. One thing is for sure though: HYBE's stocks are hurting because of this fiasco. Losing a huge, 4th gen female group is a huge blow towards the label.
@kgjung2310 2 күн бұрын
@@Popsori The biggest mistake was taking this public and making an ultimatum. It was a noob move and guaranteed the company would not comply. The girls are young and have no experience in this kind of thing, so of course they would make this mistake. However, there should be some adult telling them this was a really bad idea. After the whole Fifty Fifty fiasco and false claims, I think people are going to be even more skeptical without proof. About MHJ, I'm very skeptical of her. She seemed to go out of her way to create as much drama as she could to get her way. It's the kind of behavior someone trying to cover something up looks like as they try to distract attention in one direction hoping people don't look too closely where they should actually be looking. Either way, NJ and MHJ have made this much worse and pretty much made it impossible for Hybe to see it their way. Too much over emotionalism rather than hard facts to prove their case to the public and to Hybe themselves. Is Hybe innocent? Probably not, but that actually doesn't matter when it comes to tactics and contracts. If you go in claiming big bad agency but your own hands are unclean, you don't exactly have the moral high ground.
@Popsori Күн бұрын
I agree that NewJeans taking this drama public and making an ultimatum is a huge mistake. I think if they didn't do this or id that behind-the-scenes and talked with Hybe, public support would be even higher for the girls. The girls are indeed, young, and have no experience in corporate politics, so they did what they thought was right. Yet, a sense of professionalism still needs to be there. No one in their right mind at their 9-to-5 would go up to the CEO and demand something from them. MHJ and other adults needed to check the girls and discourage them even further from doing said livestream. With the livestream now done, I think Hybe won't negotiate any longer. Over emotionalism, like you said, got the best of NewJeans sadly. On the other hand, Hybe isn't innocent either. I do think there's some truth in NewJeans' livestream with corporate politics going on. But until more details becomes unveiled, we won't know. But I do agree that when it comes to contracts, you (NewJeans) can't demand things when that label hasn't broken their end of the deal (Hybe).
@blrgrl 3 күн бұрын
Good commentary and welcome back. 👍
@Popsori 3 күн бұрын
Thanks! It's great to be back. And most importantly, thank you for watching the video :)
@dmitrykim3096 3 күн бұрын
Risky move from them, HYBe can make their life so much harder
@brianlittrell797 3 күн бұрын
Agreed. They probably believed that Hybe doesn't care about them and wouldn't take anything they say seriously. And so they wanted the public to know that Hybe are mistreating them and being negative to them. People do these things when they feel unheard and disrespected and disregarded. Which I imagine Hybe are masters at making people feel.
@brianlittrell797 2 күн бұрын
@@HailToTheMeep Because this video is about Hybe, MHJ and NJ. SM and many other companies are like Hybe or even worse. In fact, almost all companies/businesses in the world operate in an evil way to varying degrees. Many knowingly, and many companies unknowingly because they have been brainwashed into believing what they are doing is okay and "just how business is and how things have to be". That is why a collective consciousness shift is needed. And that shift is happening now even if it doesn't appear to be so.
@diannaa.62 2 күн бұрын
And that would be wrong of them…if they were ethical they would work to compromise with them not make life harder for speaking up…but what company is ethical. We can’t expect the bare minimum from them.
@dmitrykim3096 2 күн бұрын
@@diannaa.62 yep hybe is not ethical and not sure why the girls rely on that
@brianlittrell797 2 күн бұрын
@@dmitrykim3096 Maybe because New Jeans are young and naive. And if what they say about MHJ is true, then they have been manipulated and fooled by MHJ.
@hl2428 3 күн бұрын
So the girls balsically F themselves RITP. So sad
@masishta 3 күн бұрын
Graduation system was based of Morning Musume not AKB48
@david3388 12 күн бұрын
I don't understand why Seolhyun, Irene and Hyeri are on this list while Hwasa is not, when she's bigger than the 3 of them combined, at least in Korea.
@Popsori 11 күн бұрын
Now that I think about it, I would have added Hwasa on this list. I was borderline on Hwasa already, but yeah, I would add her. As for Seolhyun, Irene, and Hyeri, during their primes, all three were huge. Pretty much everyone knew them, on TV ads, seen all over Seoul, and had huge roles in MVs, movies, and dramas.
@updownleftrightasdw8423 14 күн бұрын
Shes loke the japanese Lauren Hill
@NataliaSagala-ti9cv 16 күн бұрын
Is it true that GOT7 is not as popular in Korea than internationally? I hear that in GOT7 peak, 2016-2019. Some group that GOT7 were more popular than them internationally were more popular than them in Korea. These group are: BTOB, Winner, iKON, NUEST, VIXX, INFINITE, "young" NCT, Monsta X, "Young" Seventeen and Block B. While internationally, you can argue that GOT7 was top 3 or at least a top 5 most popular boygroup back then. Is not case in South Korea. But i also hear, that they were the most popular boygroup in Thailand back then, even bigger than EXO (biggest K-Pop boygroup 2016-2017) and BTS (biggest K-Pop boygroup 2018-2019).
@jorge8915 20 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this video i just discovered her on ig
@Hamida-eh2qk 21 күн бұрын
😢😢I really miss OT12 😭❤️‍🩹
@ilikechocolate2575 22 күн бұрын
i got into this drama just because my best friend is a kpop fan who used to do kpop dance here in stockholm in the same school with athena whos now a new member of fifty fifty
@sharnya8332 25 күн бұрын
As a person that grew up with her music, starting from her and Sachiko's first album, DOUBLE still didn't get enough credit for/to me. Flowers are WELL deserved for singers/artist like DOUBLE, JAMOSA, ARIA/ASUKA, EMI MARIA, SOULHEAD, Heartsdales, Miliyah Kato, Daichi Miura, Emi Tawata, Emyli, Meajyu, FULL OF HARMONY, Mihiro/Mairo, SONOMI, COMA-CHI, SILVA, Toshinobu Kubota etc.
@neineijaim-iw4zu 25 күн бұрын
We want them back toghter😭😭😭
@PapaWoody440 27 күн бұрын
8:30 is the key. As a western fan who never paid any attention to K-pop before Fifty Fifty, I supported the girls, but never bashed the other side. Yes, in the west, there are plenty of cases of artists getting screwed, but blindly siding with the girls and calling ATTRAKT evil when you had no idea what was happening, made a lot of people look really dumb. I think Shian took advantage of the other 3 members' inexperience and naiveté, and exploited them for his financial gain. Even so, they till haven't made any attempt to apologize, so it looks like they're cooked. That said, Keena was my bias from the very beginning, and I'm happy to see her back. Now that Starry Night is out, her voice is getting more attention and I love her more than ever. I'll learn the other 4 members in time, but she's the reason Fifty FIfty is even still a thing.
@NataliaSagala-ti9cv Ай бұрын
Hello Popsori, hi i'm your subscriber from Indonesia. I'm curios In 2PM prime from 2009-2012. How you rank them in top 3 most popular boyroup in Korea? My ranking as someone who not lived there! Just by estimation. 2009 1. SUJU 2. TVXQ 3. BIGBANG 4. SS501 2010 1. SUJU 2. 2PM 3. SHINEEe 4. BIGBANG 2011 1. SUJU 2. BIGBANG 3. 2PM 4. SHINEE 2012 1. BIGBANG 2. SUJU 3. SHINEE 4. TVXQ 5. 2PM Where's your correction?
@Popsori Ай бұрын
Hello and I hope you're doing well there in Indonesia! Your list on 2PM's popularity in Korea is very accurate. From my time living in Korea, I would agree with you in nearly every selection. I would change just a few rankings. I'll be ranking these groups based solely on their popularity within Korea, not in Japan/China/Indonesia/Asia or any other country a group did promotions in. I won't be basing this just on sales (although this is important). I'll also base my opinions on what I saw in living in Korea too. With that being said, let's break down your list! Note: --> means what I would replace a group with 2009 1. SUJU 2. TVXQ 3. BIGBANG 4. SS501 --> SHINee My take: I would probably replace SS501 with SHINee. SS501 was really popular in 2007 and 2008, but by 2009, I didn't hear as much about them compared to the other boy groups. Suju exploded with "Sorry Sorry" that year, TVXQ were legendary at the time, and BigBang was really popular as well, even with their solo work. I wanted to put BigBang over TVXQ, but TVXQ was just insanely popular during that time. The top 3 in 2009 was so competitive and had some incredible male groups. 2010 1. SUJU 2. 2PM 3. SHINEEe 4. BIGBANG Agree completely with this. BigBang went to Japan to promote for much of that year. They also did a lot of solo songs as well. 2PM had some serious bangers during this year and was even in the news for Jay Park leaving. Despite the Jay Park news, 2PM had a lot of ads during this time. You saw them and Girls Generation everywhere on posters and on TV. Their song "Heartbeat" was being played a lot. SHINee was doing really well and BigBang, even in Japan, was still very popular. 2011 1. SUJU 2. BIGBANG 3. 2PM 4. SHINEE I agree with this ranking completely. While I wanted to say BigBang being #1, as I heard them everywhere during this time, I also heard Suju a lot too. Suju's popularity, loyal fan base, and insane sales during this time makes them the #1 male group in 2011. 2PM was really popular during this time with the song "Hands Up." You heard this at cafes, at colleges, and at clubs all the time. The amount of times I've heard this while walking in Gangnam I can't count. For many fans, "Hands Up" remains 2PM's signature song. 2012 1. BIGBANG 2. SUJU 3. SHINEE 4. TVXQ 5. 2PM 6. ---> EXO I agree with these rankings as well. BigBang was the premiere male group now, overtaking Suju. TVXQ, while still popular, took a big hit after the big split in 2010. I would add a #6 with EXO by the end of 2012. I was hearing so much about them by this time and by 2013, would become the biggest male group for the next several years. B.A.P is another group I was tempted to add. I heard a lot about them as well, as they were huge from 2012-2014. ----- Your list was fun to talk about, as you definitely know your K-pop. I would say that since you live in Asia, you have a good idea of who would be popular in Korea during 2009-2012 :) Thanks so much for the message! EDIT: added more info
@NataliaSagala-ti9cv Ай бұрын
​@@Popsori thanks for confirming it. It so rare to have k-pop yourutubers who like to read and reply comments. I thought SS501 were still in peak in 2009, because of Boys over Flower. I predicted, you would put 2PM as 2nd in 2011 iver Bigbang. I'm shocked that i'm right about it. I'm just curious about how Bigbang was more popular than 2PM in 2011, while Hands Up was more popular back than any Bigbang's song that released in 2011 (i think the most popular one was Tonight)? I'm just curious
@Popsori 14 күн бұрын
Apologies for not replying earlier, as I wanted to. I was on a business trip for 2 weeks and didn't get back until now. Let's talk about 2nd gen questions! I do agree that SS501 was still popular in 2009 because of Boys over Flowers. SHINee, the group I put above SS501, was also becoming quite popular at the time too. They were charting all over the Korean music charts and had the song, "Ring Ding Dong," which was incredibly popular. SHINee being SM Entertainment's newest male group at the time was also a big factor, as they were in the spotlight often. But if you put SS501 over SHINee and in the top 3 male groups in 2009, I can't blame you either. As for BigBang being more popular than 2PM, this group was everywhere in Korea after 2008. Even when the group did Japanese promotions, fans were waiting for their Korean return. YG Entertainmentin 2010-2011 was quite dominant those days in Korea and BigBang was a big reason why. Everyone knew who YG was. They also came out with the Tonight EP, which did very well in sales and popularity. I remember BigBang getting a slew of big awards at the end of 2011 at the MTV EMAs and MAMAs. Their 15th YG Anniversary tour also sold out and was insane attending. I do think 2PM is extremely well with "Hands Up" (it's probably in my top 3 songs in 2011), but the overall impact of BigBang was only beaten out by Suju in 2011, in my humble opinion.
@sazychannel Ай бұрын
@drataa Ай бұрын
No such thing 😂😂😂Just typical culture vultures. They hate our Rhythm but love our Blues... Malcolm X
@sharnya8332 25 күн бұрын
You're a miserable person to make such assumptions about people you DON'T know.
@dannaali217 Ай бұрын
Japanese citypop is a progressive eastern jazz pop. Prove me I am wrong
@msptv6247 Ай бұрын
Anime was my first intro to Japan. Then there came J-Pop. Video games, even cutting-edge technology back then made me wanna visit Japan.
@NickiCrookston Ай бұрын
I LOVE 2PM❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@hyacinth8522 Ай бұрын
2PM indeed. ♥️✨
@hyacinth8522 Ай бұрын
Very informative. Thank you! ♥️
@Popsori Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching! 2PM is too good!
@Popsori Ай бұрын
Hi everyone, I wanted to add a couple more things that was not mentioned in the video. After learning more about the horrible health conditions of the original members, I do think ATTRAKT needs to be held a lot more accountable. One of the sadder stories is that Aran was diagnosed with chronic cholangitis with polyps, with the worst case scenario leading to cancer. While I do think ATTRAKT pushed the girls and kept working them to achieve greater success and to ride the "Cupid" wave, no wave is worth potentially destroying their idols' health. This is on ATTRAKT to realize that overworking their talent is not the right play and should be taken seriously. Perhaps for future contracts, idols can put that if a doctor or physician says they cannot work for X amount of weeks/months, then that should be adhered by law. The label, in turn, cannot retaliate on their idols for resting. If I were ATTRAKT, I would have put out a statement saying the girls will take an infinite rest until recovery. Then when they recover, have a comeback concert and slowly engage in fan meet ups to reengage fans, in preparation of their next songs, post-Cupid. While the label loses out on some money and promotion for not fully riding the "Cupid" wave entirely, they gain a lot more respect among their fandom, both Korean and international fans. It would normalize rest without shame a lot more in the K-pop industry, which sadly, is still looked down on. Plus, ATTRAKT would look even better, compared to Siahn and The Givers. At the time of researching and publishing the video in September to December of 2023, news of the girls' health were still coming out in Korean news and social media. I went with the information presented at the time in Korean media, and showed excerpts from both sides. I gave my take on it, again, with all the info shown at the time. I also think the parents of the girls should have been criticized a lot more. They set their daughters up for failure by continuing to side with Siahn well after it was known that he was screwing over their daughter's careers. If the parents weren't sure if Siahn was giving them the run around, they could have hired lawyers to protect them and their daughters. It's a shame the parents didn't protect their daughters more. I do stand with the video saying that the girls got screwed over and their own big mistake is continuing to fight ATTRAKT after it was known that Siahn screwed them over. I honestly think they could have gotten back to ATTRAKT, get a lawyer to put medical clauses and rest in their contract, and worked out a compromise. With the rest of the video, especially hammering The Givers and Siahn, I'm proud of doing that. No shame from me at all, as his company ruined one of K-pop's best, underdog stories in 2023. If you read all of this, thanks so much! I truly appreciate everyone that watches my videos, comments (agrees or disagrees), and shares them. Best, Jason
@hannayyxy Ай бұрын
I came here because I wasnt sure if I should support the new 50/50 and although I’m still not sure given that ATTRAKT did overwork them, it definitely cleared things up. Thanks for the update!
@Popsori Ай бұрын
No problem at all! As whether to support new Fifty Fifty and ATTRAKT, I understand. In a perfect world, I wanted ATTRAKT and all the former members to get back together with protections to the members' mental and physical health. With that said, the new girls they chose for the new group look promising. It's really a tough situation though in whether to support ATTRAKT. I can't blame fans either way.
@limnbakpoplolyihong8979 Ай бұрын
Wait actually, how true is the fact that aran suffered from chronic cholangiitis with polyps? I know that she provided medical paper as evidence which suggest that it was probably/definitely true, but a quick search tells me that more than the fact the chronic cholangiitis with polyps can indeed turn cancerous(but it won't happen immediately[within short span of a few months]). Apparently gallbladder polyps alone only has a 0.5% chance of turning into cancer and that is within the span of a few years!(but with the addition of chronic cholangiitis will increase the % to a higher amount(i cannot quote any % number here(because I didn't do any research) but chronic cholangiitis is essentially an infection in the gallbladder which can allow cancer to form more easily). The bigger and significant issue is that performing 4-5 months(assuming aran was diagnosed with this particular condition in early january 2023), has a moderately high chance of turning into immediate life-threatening issue. Which means that, either aran cited something wrong(or is mistranslated) OR she was literally put in a life-threatening position by attrakt/the givers(whoever the heck was managing aran's particular health issue). Another thing is: this statement that aran was diagnosed with this condition came out in october 2023, which brings me to the question whereby, why didn't they submit this as a proof in court? Because remember, the court ruled that attrakt did not need to be held accountable for the financial or health issues for the fifty fifty members. Assuming aran did submit this, does it potentially mean that it was ultimately not attrakt's fault because they were under direct management of the givers and the givers delayed her surgery? Or are you going to tell me attrakt has political power that somehow managed to influence the korean court?(HIGHLY UNLIKELY BTW). Furthermore, there is also a chance that aran did not suffer from chronic cholangiitis with polyps, and instead had gallstone buildup which could have caused acute cholecystitis. *Please note that this was from a certified medical student's opinion that I found on reddit*. According to this person, if it was just a gallstone buildup, aran would've felt pain from time to time(intermitten duration), and it was totally fine from a medical perspective to have her continue to perform despite this pain, because the pain duration is totally unpredictable and hence they have no way of dealing with it other than letting aran rest properly when her pain occurs. Then they just have to wait until the problem develops into acute cholecystitis(which requires immediate emergency medical surgery to remove the gallbladder) and hence aligned with the fact that she could perform 4-5 months without needing the surgery immediately. The takeaway is this: you can say that I'm suspecting aran might be lying but I genuinely cannot find any information on whether her condition was chronic cholangitis with polyps or gallbladder stone induced acute cholecystitis(which occured in april 2023). In general, what i'm saying is, if it was chronic cholangiitis with polyps, immediate surgery was required because it is a medical emergency and needs to be treated immediately and attrakt/the givers can be held accountable for neglecting aran's health issue. This particular problem is very weird because although aran gave medical proofs that she had chronic cholangitis, I find it difficult to believe because she very well could've have died. Also, honestly... if her condition was life threatening, i'm sure they will allow her to through with the surgery immediately right? No matter water, they(by they i'm talking about either attrakt/the givers[again whoever was managing aran's situation]) can't drop so low that they don't allow her get the surgery and potentially risk her actually dying and give themselves so much and I mean SO MUCH issues down the line...
@kgjung2310 5 күн бұрын
The easiest way to get people to fall for scams is to tell them what they want to hear. Appeal to their vanity, ego, and greed. When your so called advocate tells you to lie right from the start in order to get more money for yourself, that's your first red flag. No shocker to find out that the Givers CEO was guilty of much more dishonesty in connection to all this (forging signatures, trying to steal IP, fake education credentials, etc). The parents screwed over their own kids almost as much as the Givers CEO did. Now the girls and their parents owe $9million for all this. They refused to meet with ATTRAKT and ignored all offers of some kind of reconciliation. The whole KEENA thing of her apologizing is not so much a Korean thing as it is a human thing. If you mess up, you are expected to admit it, apologize, and make whatever restitution that is appropriate/possible. If one doesn't, why would anyone forgive and forget much less give that person another opportunity??
@jealousmuch784 Ай бұрын
This was a great video! Super informative as I haven’t been able to understand all of the drama for months. Thank you!
@user-NoP11201 Ай бұрын
@chainedunfree727 Ай бұрын
I am really looking forward to their re-debut next month Sept. 2024. Idc if their songs are not as viral as Cupid as long as the songs are catchy I will play their videos over and over. I hope the 4 new members that will join will be successful!
@stuguy2 Ай бұрын
50\50 ONE HIT WONDER....RIP 50\50
@bunandcheesecomedyy1920 Ай бұрын
DOUBLE needs more love
@Embargoman Ай бұрын
Now I think that Frank Farian’s daughter could get AKB 48 and make a Korean version known as KDZ48 yet they are all Korean but originates in Berlin, Germany to say Frank Farian’s daughter if she could make KDZ48 from Berlin, Germany more popular than AKB48 from Japan; as KDZ48 is known as Korean Demilitarized Zone as to be based in Berlin, Germany where the wall has fallen and the group from this Berlin based AKB48 group are all Korean and yet it might become bigger than AKB48.
@pelagic3824 2 ай бұрын
They are so great. I'm scared I'm too late to this party. I hope they are still great friends and still want to work together.
@cjhan9816 2 ай бұрын
Korea Wave = 2000s; 2010s; 2020s; etc.
@cjhan9816 2 ай бұрын
Cool Japan = 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; 2000s.
@kokorohiro2430 2 ай бұрын
Fifty fifty is finally coming back🥰
@Popsori 2 ай бұрын
I'm curious to see this new edition of Fifty Fifty!
@xxgg3407 2 ай бұрын
😮Ohhh! I was so surprised. What are the Chances of them making a splash' song this year?! They will need a MIRACLE
@miguelfranciscosoares6745 2 ай бұрын
and you’re absolutely objectively correct