How can we help save our nation?
Who censors Christians the most?
Is your church a status symbol?
@msrebro2698 17 сағат бұрын
Jeff, I like your style.
@Itsyourboisteve Ай бұрын
Hello, I am Fredericks brother I would like to apologize for his actions.
@FrederickBreen Ай бұрын
Thats in IL and thats were my mom walks evey day and her best friend ZZ
@FrederickBreen Ай бұрын
@rachelannbreen394 Ай бұрын
@badgamerjeffpatton3592 Ай бұрын
How fast tpp speed and also cruising speed , thanks
@JeffReiman Ай бұрын
I actually don't know, I had it in Chicago on city streets and never really opened it up on an open road.
@evangelinemancilla1582 3 ай бұрын
❤ thank you so much brother jeff
@patrickfurey2839 4 ай бұрын
Videos are horrible....all over the place
@craigerc713 4 ай бұрын
Why didn't you share the gospel with him?
@RogerClay-g6w 4 ай бұрын
Does the zs190 engine vibrate less than the original engine?
@JeffReiman 4 ай бұрын
I didn't notice any difference.
@georgeprz7483 7 ай бұрын
God bless You Jeff Reiman..
@samscott54 7 ай бұрын
Got mine yesterday. Picked it up in Chattanooga. Excited
@samscott54 7 ай бұрын
Thx so much
@robinhoodstfrancis 8 ай бұрын
Interesting start up to 11 min. Now, I´m an interfaith progressive Christian, who got started by being raised atheist humanist educationalist. I opened a world religion book in 10th grade after a friend asked me if I were atheist. I liked what H Smith said about the Chinese Dao-Tao. I also walked into a Unitarian Universalist interfaith location and liked what they said about individuals´ spiritual paths. I like Buddhism a lot, and went on sampling a lot. Some people even say things like "sampling is dangerous." I see now more clearly that they defend their purist doctrines. What we have, I now see after all my sampling, is that my education represents a Christian spiritual practice that has been secularized, using methodological naturalism. Gandhi wasn´t the first, but he is among the best known. Wm James the psychologist also wrote an informed book around 1900 in that interfaith spirit. Progressive Christianity has various denominations, and is normally relaxed about individual lifestyles. After all, Civil Rights democracy has made Freedom of Religion an individual opportunity. Jesus is often quoted for saying, "I am the way....the only way to the Father...." Well, his integrity and legacy have resulted in University-based society, and rampant Christian materialism and neglect of education as a strength on its own, ie spiritually. It is now other faiths that both benefit from modern education, and the UN human rights, sustainability standard, and inform Christians of spiritual practices like yoga, tai chi, and Buddhist meditation, and more. Jesus the way now is officially expressed for his loving, just, and spiritual integrity through University-based education resources and democracy.
@georgeprz7483 8 ай бұрын
God Bless you! Brother ...Jeff🎉 from Guatemala 🇬🇹
@timothyorphanageugandacomm8193 8 ай бұрын
@panbimbo3000 9 ай бұрын
Hey jeff! We spoke about 3 years ago, i would like to sit down and talk to you. Let me know if and how we can make it possible. Hope to hear back from you soon!
@davidjankowski5460 9 ай бұрын
Jeff, I enjoyed your lesson a lot. Thank you for your diligence to make these doctrines available. Of course i have a different perspective that I will share with you.
@healinghumanity1782 9 ай бұрын
I am an African Adventist Baha’i. The Adventist side of me is that I am a vegetarian. The Baha’i in me is that I love people of ALL religions. The Baha’i Faith is a new cycle of human power that brings humanity together. It generates energy & desire to fellowship with people of different tribes, races, nationality & religion. It's a power that works to exterminate from the face of the earth any feeling of superiority or inferiority. It's an invitation to fellowship with diverse peoples of the world. It promotes the use of scientific and prayerful ways of solving problems. It's a power that instills in individuals & society the confidence to question ancient beliefs & institutions that promote hatred & fear. It has immense capacity to wash away division which leads to conflict.
@andrewhayden1995 9 ай бұрын
Amen. Lord, please pull Gary out of religion and reveal to him what it means to be born again. In the conversations I've had with Catholics, it follows the same course. They say works until you mention Jesus, and then the response is something along the lines of, "Oh yeah, Him too." I always challenge them to read the Bible and express the errors in Catholicism. It's interesting when many Catholics will agree and say, "Oh yeah, I don't agree with that part" in reference to praying to saints (or as they may prefer to phrase it, asking saints to intercede for them), or the infallibility of the Pope (ex cathedra), or some other errant doctrine of which there are many. Other times, of course, they do believe in these things, in which case I will use the Bible to show that they are false teachings.
@georgeprz7483 10 ай бұрын
God bless you! Jeff🎉
@robinhoodstfrancis 10 ай бұрын
Hey Jeff! Missing you at Prog Christ Global! Well, I'll share rhis one there. Hope you're well in this UN world in Jezus' living legacy! God bless you in Jezus' name, and I say Buddha, Gandhi, and interfaith for Jesus!
@MushiMage 11 ай бұрын
[Atheist, skeptic - I believe you are the victim of your own shallow thinking about God. Or maybe “victim” isn’t appropriate here, as it could be more of an intentional mischaracterization. Colin mentioned that he much prefers the idea that humans make gods in their own image, and that maybe we are the true gods of the universe.] I think you have sustained the idea of humanity making "God" in its image given your commentary... [But for God, jealousy is an entirely expected and appropriate emotion when people choose cheap substitutes, precisely because He IS God, and rightly deserves our attention and authority and glory and honor and praise. ] Why would a supposed omniscient entity have ANY jealousy? The very idea registers as pathetic given the scope of understanding that such an idea denotes. It seems that you are guilty of being a victim of your own shallow thinking. Understand that in knowing everything, that one also knows why an individual does whatever they do and thus understands that the state of cognitively limited entities cannot be there fault.
@danalexoff5904 11 ай бұрын
0 comments!? incredible! I am honored to be the first one! Thank you for posting this. I look forward to processing this as well as sharing it with others. (In more ways than one!)
@dailyspiritualdietelizabet7777 Жыл бұрын
I am an author of the book I did it His Way.... I have shown all the key verses devil has removed to weaken power of truth to set us free
@ajeyraj7189 Жыл бұрын
love to be a bahai beautyfull teachings of Baha'u'llah 💖💖💖💖💖
@exoticredtadpole2713 Жыл бұрын
This guys is not a Bahai and I do not think he said a single concept from the Bahai Faith. He seems to be more a parish-less Christian who (forgive me because I am trying to be as respectful as possible) has not read a single passage from the Bible.
@robertlechelt8650 Жыл бұрын
Praying for Alex
@robertlechelt8650 Жыл бұрын
Praying for Noah
@ccom22 Жыл бұрын
thank you brother , excelent job, providing all the material, blessings.
@davidjankowski5460 Жыл бұрын
Is this live now?
@JeffReiman Жыл бұрын
No, I made these videos a couple years ago!
@jamesferron5388 Жыл бұрын
Great bike! Couple things, boy that oil cooler line runs awful close to the exhaust...You changed tires..not wheels and lastly, do you think fifth gear is an overdrive? I'll bet it's 1:1 just like the 4 speed was.
@robinhoodstfrancis Жыл бұрын
Another enriching interview by the author, but an alert to his conservative theology. "God is love" is a wonderful teaching, and something as a progressive I have seen developed in incredible ways in Christian Science. The alternatives include the Quaker Friends who focused on the individual´s "Inner Light of Christ", and University-based philosophical scholarship in general. Here, the author shows his conservative presuppositions about punishment for sin. A helpful detail is understanding that Jesus taught prayer for seeking God´s help, and understanding that Jesus´ legacy has led to University-based philosophical scholarship with empiricism that has underlain natural philosophy, aka "science," and its rapid and extensive expansion and popularity. While ideological materialists, with economic, scientific, and secular three main forms, mistake the underdevelopment of spirituality and religion and overemphasized scientific "laws" as rigid and absolute, there is an important principle involved. "Punishment" was a term used in the Old Testament, but with Jesus´ legacy leading to empiricism and philosophical logical coherence, along with the observation of lawful regularities in the created Universe, we see that the "you reap as you sow" principle isn´t a threat of God´s decision-making per se. It operates more or exactly like the Hindus and Buddhists have been formulating the principle of karmic moral law. Physical reality has now been studied so that we understand human biological evolution, and the evolution of the human mind in many ways, especially in academic scholarly resources linked to University-based culture. In Jesus´ legacy, to be clear. The human mind, and broader psychosocial religious symbol use in culture for moral understanding involves its own familiar dynamics, with some very understandable, as in the persistence of memory in vengeance, or in repayment for kindness, as in reciprocal altruism. The Buddhists have conceived dynamics like the unscrupulous shifting of karma, which is itself familiar in people with economic and political power hiding their dirty deeds, and trying to create scapegoats and patsies even with misrepresentative lies. Thus, the assassination of President John F Kennedy is officially blamed on Lee Harvey Oswald, while ample broader sources in society, like Attorney General Jim Garrison investigated many aspects of the case and exposed clear evidence of the misdeeds and guilt centered on the covert operations of the intelligence gathering agencies like the CIA, led at the time by colleagues of the fired Allen Dulles and Gen Charles Cabell. The corruption at Enron company is another example, in which Ken Lay passed away from a heart attack during the court proceedings. In people´s lives, it involves the less exposed, more isolated processes of psychological and social defense mechanisms first outlined by Freud, including denialism as in the case of an alcoholic or many kinds of abusers and perpetrators. As Jesus specified that he did not come to "condemn, but to save" John 12. And how? Literacy in University-based psychosocial studies shows us that education is one of the keys to modernizing lovingkindness and justice. Christian humanism is credited to Petrarch in the 1300s and his being the specific source inspiring the Italian Renaissance, shortly after the University modernization of Thomas Aquinas in the 1250s. He perceived law at the time as the "making merchandise of the mind" and "selling of justice." As University-based efforts included Descartes´ becoming central to math in scientific natural philosophy, Newton was able to make his advance in gravity drawing on the empirical efforts already of the people around Kepler and Galileo. John Locke, at the same time after 1660, advanced moral philosophy in diverse angles, including psychology and political science, as had T Hobbes and Hugo Grotius slightly earlier, with D Hume and I Kant just afterwards. Beginning in 1650, George Fox was only little educated as his spiritual genius in greater London area led him to lead the co-founding of the Quaker Friends, in which his spiritual practice indications of the Inner Light of Christ included valuing individuals, women, and protesting injustice. Higher born and educated people like Marg Fell a woman and William Penn soon were involved leading to the crucial advances in modern social movements with the abolition campaigns in the UK and North America. Thus, "God´s punishment" as a doctrine of God´s behavior can be discerned as false. The emphasis on God as loving and just is a good clarification, but itself needs to be contextualized. Limiting analysis to the Bible itself is exposed through Jesus´ own open-ended and future oriented comments like "go and learn..." Matt 9. Jesus advocated "doing good" as in Matt 5:13 and Matt 12:1, along with "seeking the Kingdom of Heaven first" Matt 6, seeking it "not there or here, but on the inside" Luke 17, along with "cleaning the cup on the inside where there is wickedness" Matt 23, and recognizing those who become literalists and obscure the will of God in Jesus´ teachings about personal effort in spiritual practice for personal growth and social justice goods, as in Matt 7:22 . God created the material Universe, as lawful, from the physical to the moral, with material finitude related to physical lawful behavior, and grounding psychosocial moral behaviors. The OT Mosaic law proved ineffective in great measure, which I suggest can be interpolated retrospectively from Jesus´ legacy as the insufficiency of personal effort in spiritual practice for personal growth. The evaluation avoids the anachronistic fallacy by not projecting and judging, and reserving its focus for modern contexts. The author Jeff´s references to "God´s punishment" now can be evaluated at two levels. Abusive control doctrines typical of conservatives widely funded by profiteering businesspeople like to frame their scapegoats as deserving victims of prevailing business-economic-political power. Progressives, meanwhile, can identify individual Christian and related humanism for its wide accomplishments against such business-related injustice in social movements through democratic structures for Civil and Human Rights. "God´s punishment" then would be the deemphasis on high integrity individuals in Jesus´ legacy, who act in concert with Jesus´ loving commandments, loving and just, and overcome misdirections by propagandistic doctrines. Thus, doctrines like business executive supremacism have been transformed by loving and just activism in Social Europe´s domestic context with examples like green power co-ops. In the US, too, from food co-ops to credit union co-op banks and green power co-ops after 2002, especially. Not for profits like Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the PIRGs, and Oxfam as well, and any inspired by Gandhi and Rev ML King, and so on.
@bonneyraven5281 Жыл бұрын
Great gospel message!🎉💙🙏🔥
@BlueRidgeRider Жыл бұрын
The good: the mirrors and exhaust and the information on where to find them. The headlight is interesting but your description of the wiring was confusing. The milk crate was a clever solution. The bad: you didn’t change the wheels. You changed the TIRES. In spite of the published numbers on sites like Amazon, tires from different manufacturers are not the same size outside diameter. The ugly: the fender mount. You should start with an explanation of how the motor and oil cooler affected your choice. Those brackets should be black so people won’t notice them. The HONDA sticker is on wrong. I suspect you swapped the left and right sides. You say you are a teacher. I hope it isn’t public speaking 😮. If you edited out all the “and uh” your video would be half as long. As for what happens after we die, lots of things! They just don’t involve us. Once this meat sack ceases to function the mind, which is a function of the brain, also ceases. The meat sack gets recycled into other stuff. No pearly gates. No 72 virgins. No planet of your own and best of all, no annoying old relatives who have been spying on you your whole life. I hope this helps.
@jodifosco2648 Жыл бұрын
I watched until the end!! Praise the Lord!!
@samueljimenez7420 Жыл бұрын
I love this man’s heart and desire to bring people to Christianity. I wish you never lose that. This isn’t a very effective way and that’s why I don’t think testimonies and experiential preaching is effective. Paul preaches the Gospel by addressing their sins. I’d say presuppositional apologetics is more effective but still not enough. A repent and believe Ray Comfort style addresses people’s reasons for why they don’t believe. It’s not neutrality or not reading enough Bible. It’s they love their sin.
@JeffReiman Жыл бұрын
Good comments and I totally agree. I wouldn't expect people to watch my videos all the way through, and based on my video comments it could seem I neglect preaching about sin, hell, and our need for repentance, but I usually do at some point in the conversation. Ray Comfort is one of my role models, but I have a different skill set so I am more conversational and he is more of a polished preacher.
@samueljimenez7420 Жыл бұрын
@@JeffReiman Jeff brother. I love your heart already. Thank you for responding. May the Lord continue to bless you and what you do.
@waltercopeland2912 Жыл бұрын
Some do and some don't. We do not decide who goes to heaven. Instead we are instructed by Jesus to preach the gospel and sow the seed. Some will believe and be saved. Some will choose not to believe and be lost.
@accousticdecay Жыл бұрын
My response is simple: What you believe is up to you; as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
@tomwatts4336 Жыл бұрын
Jeff, you'd be a good addition to our discussion group that includes two pastors, a Muslim and a few atheists. I'm actually a strong supporter of the best of what the Abrahamic religions have to offer but what you say here is the source of my major disagreement with the more outspoken minority of Christians who are evangelicals like yourself. //Another way to put it is that there may be both Stoic Christians along with non-Stoic Christians in heaven, but there won’t be Stoics there who are non-Christians.//
@tomwatts4336 Жыл бұрын
Got to go but will expand on my what I've said later on. Looking forward to a discussion.
@robinhoodstfrancis Жыл бұрын
"Quanitfying the soul"? We have medically attested, medically impossible healings with spiritual religious testimony. And many of them, with the Catholic Church maintaining extensive records. For one. Christian Science to C. Keener´s 2011 Miracles. And more. Empirical data.
@kensey007 Жыл бұрын
<3 Lamont.
@2NDFLB Жыл бұрын
▪️ These past few years - There was *NO* "word that starts with a Pand, ... and Ends with a ... mic" - *AT ALL - WHATSOEVER* . ⬛️
@robinhoodstfrancis Жыл бұрын
The Catholics were the continuation of the Roman church. Luther was an educated monk first. Christianity begins with Jesus. His legacy´s greatest fruit is education, and the issue of the state of the world, good and evil, justice and injustice. Identifying it specifically in the world makes it clearer. Corporate-consumerism has many people not wanting to rock boa ts, just join in the fun. From Sierra Club to Greenpeace to Oxfam and more, there are basic issues of unsustainability and human rights going on.
@robinhoodstfrancis Жыл бұрын
Nick talked about "getting back what you put out in the world." As for the author´s stating that different paths lead to the same end as if there is only one path suffers from the lack of adequate use of his educational resources. As do most people, clearly. In eco-social activist circles, globalization as globalized markets and big business and the like has been treated as a negative. The positive side, however, has been education and UN human rights standards. With all the positive sides, that includes education´s origins as an invention by Christians, monk scholars specifically. With that information, the figures of non Europeans with some knowledge of Jesus Christ like Gandhi, Mandela, and Wangari Maathai, along with their mutually inclusive understanding as multicultural and/or interfaith people indicates a more complex reality. Jesus´ legacy seeks people learning to love their neighbor, themselves, and until their enemy like the Good Samarian parable alone indicates. Modernized knowledge over 2000 years has gone and come far. The author´s reference to guilty sin-checking and seeing Jesus´ view of anger is one of the most revealing. Jesus´ legacy has "done greater things" and helps update Jesus´ concerns. Anger is an emotion, and in therapeutic psychology, and comparative religious studies, people can study and practice in various ways to develop their emotional and social intelligence. Learning, not sin-checking for blame and shame judgmentalism, has been possible for decades and decades.
@johnengland8619 Жыл бұрын
I have 1 question I like to ask too. Most people run from me. Call me names and make threats. In accordance to 1peter3,15 can you give me 1 reason to believe what you believe ?
@JeffReiman Жыл бұрын
Why do people call you names and make threats?
@johnengland8619 Жыл бұрын
@@JeffReiman burning in hell threats of violence when I ask for a reason. Names of heathen, godless commie and the such
@JeffReiman Жыл бұрын
@John England My guess is there is more to the story than your innocent question. So, to humor you, one important part of the body of evidence for my beliefs would be Jesus' resurrection from death.
@johnengland8619 Жыл бұрын
@@JeffReiman just because you believe that doesn't make it true. Also that is not what I asked for. I asked for a reason. It's just too hard for you. You say you humor me? Ha. Another example for you. I HAVE A FULL HEAD OF HAIR I just have a hard time giving people a reason.
@JeffReiman Жыл бұрын
@John England So you don't believe evidence can give a reason? Are you moving the goalposts here? If not, how exactly do you define these terms? What are you criteria for "evidence " and "reason"?
@annemariegerun7955 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy the way you relate with people to try and share the gospel. God bless you Jeff. May our Lord continue to bless you as you minister on His behalf.
@Capitalismhater Жыл бұрын
Jeff, you could learn a lot from Lamont
@JeffReiman Жыл бұрын
What, pray tell?
@kemoayers8272 Жыл бұрын
Dude. That was a great video. Very informative/Interesting & full of ideas. Thanks for taking the time. Man of the Lord. Bless you brother!! I'm seriously thinking of purchasing one of these & really appreciate all of you out there with your knowledge/ ideas! People are watching and these Things are growing(Icebears) so Keep posting the upgrades & ideas please. Thanks again!
@andrewthomas2353 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this!
@georgeprz7483 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jeff! It's me Jorge from Guatemala.I met you when you came from Guatemala to the United States. I really like your videos.Good job!
@JeffReiman 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, good to hear from you!