Top 5 Adult Swim Shows of All Time
My Top 3 Fights in Naruto
3 ай бұрын
@potatoproud 55 минут бұрын
Its just his hypocrisy and how he tries or pretend to be nobel and honourable while he is far away from those things one scene that made me %100 sure i hate him was the erik areik thing or whatever their names instead of taking responsibility of his actions and how he was riding the queen insted of doing his job as a kingsguard he blamed the whole thing on the poor arik who was actually doing his job gurading aegon and sent him to a suicidal mission just beacuze he couldn't face the consequences of his actions
@chrisantony6218 Сағат бұрын
I haven't read whole the books yet ....put i knew when i watched the movie that Number Twelve Grimmauld Place belonged to Harry from the way Kreacher talked to Harry vs how he talked to Ron and Hermione
@Rivers198 2 сағат бұрын
For me its the back handed stuff, hes an incep when rejected
@Robiruu 11 сағат бұрын
Original dvd from mid 2000's or it didnt happen. 😂😂
@moronicron 12 сағат бұрын
Dumbledore loves sherbert lemon candy, in the Swedish translation of the first book the translated it into lemon ice cream.
@KA-pr1xt 13 сағат бұрын
I have to explain everything to people who watched the movies but didn't read the book. Too many things don't have a n explanation
@__ibeeant 14 сағат бұрын
man , reading the books was the best thing i did
@johnowens7876 15 сағат бұрын
Dobby from every story he was in after chamber of secrets....except just to kill him off...not going to lie that bugged me.
@danettej5096 20 сағат бұрын
The books are better just because you get the WHOLE story. Not just what would fit into a 2 hour movie. I like the movies, but I LOVE the books.
@savanahsdollhouse Күн бұрын
He’s a whiny pick me boy. I think it’s because we’ve all met men like him that we hate him.
@user-by7pl7wq4k Күн бұрын
He wants harry to be on a level playing field with everyone else. Doesnt wanna give him special treatment
@anirudhkaimal5127 Күн бұрын
They also didn't explain that they couldn't say Voldemort's name. In the books we know that the name is hexed but in the movies, when Xenopilius Lovegood says his name and the death eaters show up we are left to think that it was just great timing!
@monterowow7024 Күн бұрын
It is. I don’t know where but I remember some part of the movie where it says that Sirius’s is now Harry’s
@NobleGuardianW Күн бұрын
I'm mainly tired of the kid sidekicks and shitty stuntwork. Kenobi would've been a better show without Leia. Mandalorian could've gone for a season without Grogu. And the choreography in Ahsoka and Kenobi felt painful to watch at times.
@stevefilms1997 Күн бұрын
They didn’t want to explain how their protagonist just casually owns a slave, I say fair enough.
@brghtbluefish Күн бұрын
I stopped watching after the fifth movie. Read all the books though
@MarySanchez-qk3hp Күн бұрын
Film makers need to edit movies to fit time frames, and often simplify with less details. But I will point out that THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO TEACH KIDS TO READ, rather than just watching movies that predigest a story and direct what we should notice, feel and think. Don’t get me wrong, the first HP movies were fun. But when you read, you hear YOUR voice in your mind, you think, imagine and feel more, with less mind control. You’ve got time to read a story at your own pace instead if being spoon fed in just two hours. Keep reviewing like this. Without realizing it, you're actually being an advocate for reading literacy, one of the most useful skills school is supposed to teach kids along with critical thought, something sorely lacking today. Reading is so much better than having a story turned into predigested pablum for us. Books convey ideas that writers, philosophers, scientists, poets had hundreds or thousands of years ago. It’s a record of human growth. Movies…. aren’t. Movies are entertainment, but books, editorials, essays are records of how we think and grow, they stimulate discussion and debate. They teach kids how to THINK. We wouldn’t be in so much trouble today if kids weren’t products of our failed public school system. That’s on lousy teachers who can’t inspire students, not on the kids. They turn out illiterate kids who have no ability to question, no critical thought.
@mortalhalt Күн бұрын
This isn’t a Mandela effect at all this is just the movies omitting things that would take too much time to convey. The movies need a specific pacing that books do not so movie writers take the major points and connect them while leaving out things that would take too ling to explain.
@6darren6 Күн бұрын
That’s not a Mandela effect that’s just you forgetting a few details
@DLight616 Күн бұрын
Hot take. I think the movies are actually horrible.
@ChaoticMoonN1bd Күн бұрын
As someone who has only seen the movies, there were a lot of things that I was just like I don't know what the is going on 😅
@skylerwhite3427 Күн бұрын
After all these years, we finally deserve a streaming series that goes thru the whole story again but is loyal to the writing 100 percent . Not a singe detail left out. I thought it was so cringey dumb how they revealed the room of requirements in the movies- just by Neville walking by pissed off one time.
@jamesmoreno5282 Күн бұрын
That was his mother's last name
@tobiasfrost86 Күн бұрын
The acolyte was just bad
@bubbaspurlock3862 Күн бұрын
It's gets worse the more times you've watched the movies and read the books. I've read all the books at least 4 or 5 times apiece and watched the movies countless times, so it all bleeds together. The movies make the Wizarding world a real visual place, so in your mind, you see the books play out.
@jackpaice Күн бұрын
I think the movies smartly shied away from the problematic ideas that the author has about slavery. Hence excluding SPEW, as well as the details of how kreacher has to answer cause he’s a slave.
@StephenButlerOne Күн бұрын
Never watched more than the first movie. Boring af.
@Not3xactly Күн бұрын
The Ray argument is still trash and you know it.
@HistoryBusiness16 Күн бұрын
For those who are curious he’s called the half blood Prince because he’s a half blood (1 wizard parent/ 1 muggle parent) and his mother was from the wizardly Prince family.
@bryannawalls8367 Күн бұрын
Werent they not going to include the Deathly Hallows in the last movie(s) except for the fact that theyre in the title?
@cameronkreitner2076 Күн бұрын
It’s a problem is that they didn’t full send with legends. They took bits and pieces and made a mess
@thehistoricalgamer1960 Күн бұрын
I don’t like grass. It’s course, rough, and it gets everywhere
@britishbanananugget3723 Күн бұрын
How dare you call the cute fluffy ewoks stupid?
@thecavalieryouth Күн бұрын
🗣️ Speak 👏🏽 on 👏🏽 ittttt 👏🏽 Neville Longbottom *is* the GOAT. (Also, we need to do some campaigning for one Ginny Weasley bc she was a badass motherfvcker, and Harry was lucky to get with her!)
@thecavalieryouth Күн бұрын
We never get into the extent of the Marauders' bullying of Snape, either. IIRC, Sirius set that boy up to come across a werewolf who's in his full moon, not-in-his-right-mind form, nearly getting him killed. It wasn't just petty shit like calling him "Snivellus", or something immature & thoughtless like exposing his underwear, that had Snape antagonistic as hell at James & Co. Also, Snape's friendship with Lily ended bc he called her a mudblood; without that context, wouldn't one question why Harry's sweet mom ended up falling for the rich bully, when before she was friends with the quiet outcast? *Why* was James a bully? How & when did that change? And other than the scene of Snape crying while holding Lily's dead body, I don't think I would've understood just how deep his feelings for her went. And I know I didn't understand why his Patronus being a doe was significant (enough that it warranted Dumby's shocked reaction to it) until I read the books. And, in fact, why *Lily's* own patronus was a doe in the first place.
@LaundryFaerie Күн бұрын
Yeah, my SIL watched the movies before reading the books and she was frequently confused
@SlyMaelstrom 2 күн бұрын
I have this Mandela Effect where I thought the Mandela Effect was a cultural phenomenon where a large portion of the population has the exact same false memory of something thus creating an eerie coincidence. Now in this world apparently it's just when one random person forgets whether he remembers a completely insignificant detail from a movie or the source material book.
@JCDay 2 күн бұрын
I rewatched the movie so many times that I know it from the back or my hands, and right now Im reading the book and boy, I do not know anything, the book has so much more details
@MikeEPerez 2 күн бұрын
I didn't even have to rewatch them. I remember leaving the theater thinking how could anyone who didn't read these books make sense of these movies?
@addisonratcatcher3287 2 күн бұрын
"Full video linked below" 🧐🧐🧐
@kevinmora8551 2 күн бұрын
Thats not mandela
@grantharriman284 2 күн бұрын
Force healing was in legends, true, but it was OMEGA TIER. This isn't a once in a generation talent, this is a once in multiple millenia talent, fully trained for decades to be an all conquering master, and only then could she pull it off. Why is an almost entirely untrained novice pulling this off?
@ClearestofGlues 2 күн бұрын
I like how you only reply to people who share your horrendous taste in media. Great way to grow your mediocre channel.
@izzik2781 2 күн бұрын
100% correct
@mintroyale7930 2 күн бұрын
The movies really shied away from JK's setup of the slavery/banking/wholeass socioeconomic systems. I firmly believe the writer and directors of the movies made a stank face at the original scenes and just removed them.
@samorelove4386 2 күн бұрын
That's not what Mandela effect you're just bugging
@pangypirate 2 күн бұрын
The movies butchered ron
@JunkAccount-ig8st 2 күн бұрын
The book's made it clear that Harry was the master of death. He had the cloak of invisibility, the elder wand, and the resurrection stone. The movie didn't even mention that his cloak was the third Hallow.
@Travelactually123 2 күн бұрын
You aren’t the only one, I never cared for the movies starting with the fact that Harry’s eyes weren’t green, and he looked nothing like his father, and his personality is completely different. I didn’t like it watch any of the films, I only saw the first one and was done with them.
@LordGoose-zr6jj 2 күн бұрын
The headless hunt are actually in the movies, although they're only in one scene and it's barely even a cameo