Where To Start In EVE Online
New Beginnings Pt.2 A Day In FW
11 жыл бұрын
New Beginnings Pt.1 FW Recruitment
PVP Learn Through Failing
11 жыл бұрын
Just a little Eve Online 30(impatient)
Just a little Eve Online 25(Back to it)
@rainy131313 10 сағат бұрын
The dreaded dailies, as you call them, are mostly background noise. The isk and skill points awarded are trivial; and completing two of the four daily (which is all you need for the SP) will usually be achieved just by going about your daily business. Often it's manufacture a single item (easy as pie). Often it is one or more "kill 25 NPCs" which, if you do ANY missioning or ratting, is already going to happen. This only pisses you off for Eve because you have an advanced case of FOMO, and don't want to miss out. Might want to get that checked.
@bucklinfondue 8 сағат бұрын
Defending it because it's easy, and not because it's good is not a defence. I feel you may just be numb to it from other games.
@rainy131313 7 сағат бұрын
@@bucklinfondue OP's complaint is that dailies create pressure due to FOMO, and he hates that pressure. My point is that the eve dailies only save you TIME, and they're often completed without even intending to complete them (i.e. via what you were going to do anyways). It's not like WoW dailies, where you have to go do stuff you wouldn't normally do. Complaining about the Eve dailies is just... pointless. You're complaining about trivial levels of cash and skill points, nothing irreplacable or unearnable elsewhere - which was another of OP's FOMO issues. If dailies earned you special skins or something that'd be one thing, but Eve's dailies literally earn you a few credits and some SP. If that gives you FOMO, you need therapy, not a different game.
@bucklinfondue 6 сағат бұрын
@@rainy131313 you've still yet to say what's "good" just doubling down on stating it's easy and insults. Either way, I just found out EVE is literally doing what I've asked in the next expansion but doing a monthly reward instead of daily.
@drakos365 13 сағат бұрын
Heheehee ... We're never getting all that blood stain out of those stars .... o7 Fly safe.
@MnemonicHack 19 сағат бұрын
The way you find joy in mining, is getting set up somewhere, targeting the rock, starting the module, and then doing something else. Talking with friends, playing another game, reading a book, whacking, whatever. You're getting isk while you do it, and that's the joy. Unless you like mining gas in lowsec, then it's more about keeping on alert and looking out for people trying to kill you while you rake in that sweet sweet money.
@Justdizzy Күн бұрын
Started in 2016 when it first went free to play. Always wanted to try it but ...you know issues... Since I started playing I have not missed a log in. I love it. (all I do is mine) I love that I am not some chosen one or the hero to save the universe. I'm just a guy in a ship doing what ever I want at my own rate. No pressure. Never noticed the graphices till recently since I play zoomed out. Just me looking at purple ships on screen. But once I did I finally realised...eve is beatiful. Eve has muisc? I play muted lololollol Most boring player ever - zoomed out in potato mode - muted and mining 🙄 Oh I am a dirty highsec multyboxer miner. That is what keeps me playing. If I had to play a single char I'd quit.
@acdimalev8405 2 күн бұрын
Can still use plex to buy omega. Just open your in-game wallet.
@camerontyler1386 2 күн бұрын
Lost interest when I realized to fly the Battleship just bought i'd have to wait for 2 1/2 years with full learning books research.
@Michael-bn1oi 2 күн бұрын
Nah, it's not worth it. Second job that doesn't pay you? Glad I got out years ago, very little reason to ever touch it again. Couldn't possibly recommend it, even after nearly a decade of playing
@networkguy3152 2 күн бұрын
EVE is not for everyone. It is however the greatest game I have ever played and I have been playing games since Atari.
@bucklinfondue 2 күн бұрын
Mass attraction doesn't make something the best, it just makes it popular. EVE is perfect for the right people.
@Justdizzy Күн бұрын
@@bucklinfondue While I totally agree... I always wonder what space would look like if eve had wow's numbers :)
@tylerstewart3181 2 күн бұрын
Still waiting on high sec capital ships. If those ever became a thing I would sub for the rest of my life. It'll never happen though
@bucklinfondue 2 күн бұрын
Call me naive, but wouldn't that kind of break what high sec is?
@acdimalev8405 3 күн бұрын
Started playing EVE back when Titans were first introduced. Tried going hard into high-sec trade routes. Upgraded to a Badger Mark II (these days it's called a Tayra), got ganked and bounced off the game hard. But I learned a lot during that time. I'm back playing as an Alpha (for now) and learning more about the game's mechanics and about weighing risk / reward scenarios.
@bucklinfondue 2 күн бұрын
I'm trying not to pigeon hole myself too hard into a single thing. I really want to dabble in everything at first.
@giacomorestivo5210 3 күн бұрын
Saw some dude play it when TDY in 2013, 2020 got a PC during the pandemic and got eve, some dude bumped me off my mining drones and stole them......and now I am a PvP'r lol
@bucklinfondue 2 күн бұрын
Haha that's a good story.
@generalrexgresh 3 күн бұрын
The music brought me into EVE.
@bucklinfondue 2 күн бұрын
The music did that SciFi theme so well.
@TheGUARDIANOFFOR 3 күн бұрын
Congrats you play for a mont and you didnt learn anything. If you whud play WOW you whud literary still be level 2 in elven forest ...... Im cant even begin to explain how big of a failure of learning you are. Any member can catch up easili. The skill gaining is a curve. You get much more skillpoints on begining then on the end. Making it wery easi to get to most of the content and catch up. We as newbro corps have guys who make 250 000 000 per HOUR after 7 days of plaing...... Game iznt about cumulating isk EVE is PVP game you farm is to blow it up ! Thats the main game loop. There is no disadvantage !!! You can catch up fast and join PVP modes for new players ...... FACTION WARFARE and ROAMING IZNT FOR NEW PLAYERS.....
@p.w.studios7989 3 күн бұрын
Mining is basicly hanging out with friends, loughing and having a great time while making isk in the background. Atleast in my opinion mining only is fun in a fleet.
@bushidok9180 4 күн бұрын
I'm a recent player, and I am sure I will try it at some point but funny enough PVP actually doesn't interest me much. Maybe if I was in a corp or faction warfare. I've been very into this game so far
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
I haven't done any PvP yet. None that I've sought out anyway. But I'm excited to try.
@thunderzurafa7056 4 күн бұрын
I started playing eve in 2017 mainly because i saw it went free to play by an advert and i was finally a chance to play it and i would say the variois people that i meet on my journey is what keeps me playing, nowadays i just build stuff and occasipnally go pew pew and also planning big projects keeps me going also :D
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
Start for the game, stay for the people.
@WWarrior234 4 күн бұрын
I stopped playing Eve in like August of 2016. At the time my toon was like 3-5 years old. I had originally quit due to lack of interest and time. I was sitting at my PC a couple of weeks ago trying to figure out what to play to scratch the gaming itch I was having. I was tired of arena based PVP combat in Halo, Battlefield, and Battlefront II. So, I decided to install the game. Sent a good buddy of mine whom I met because of Eve a screenshot of the download saying can't believe I'm doing this, but here we go again! After the game downloaded, I logged in to all my accounts, got a feel for the interface and controls again since it had been 8 years since I last played. Then I resubbed for 3 months same day. A couple of days later my buddy got his accounts sorted with his new e-mail address and he's back in as well. I play because there is nothing like Eve. There are no replacements for it. No matter what you do, you're a part of something. Mining, you're procuring resources to be built or sold to be built into something. Run PVE missions but be mindful of anyone watching you. They may want your ship and what's inside of it. If PVP isn't your thing work on your trading skills and commit to market warfare.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
Ha, I'm glad you pulled your buddy in. But there really is something for everyone in the game.
@Magitrek 4 күн бұрын
I've been away from EVE for three years now (started 2011, stopped 2021 a few months after WWB 2 ended and I picked up FF14), but I still consider myself a player, and I know I'll be back at some point. The way you interact with others in eve is unmatched, and they've been doing a fantastic job of revitalizing the game in the past year or two. Also, while EVE's age can cause issues with development times, it also means that there's been time enough for lots of people to grow up playing EVE and end up working for CCP, leading to passionate devs who are very involved in the game (shoutout to CCP Aurora who was a huge part of the 2022-2023 turnaround!).
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
Devs who actually play and have played their game are always very noticeable.
@TrampyPulsar 4 күн бұрын
As someone who has played EVE for 14 years at this point im sad to see EVE adopting dark pattern systems like daily login rewards, time gating, pay 2 win, ect. The one thing I will say, full loot PVP isn't as bad as people think. You have to get rid of the mindset that every MMO has to play like WOW, where you're timegated from getting new equipment and are strictly at the mercy of RNG drop rates to build your character. When a game is designed for you to lose your stuff consistently, its also designed for you to get new stuff consistently as well, where as a game that is designed for you to forever grind a number to be bigger will have to throttle your progression in some way to keep you invested long term, one is a natural cycle of player driven gameplay, the other requires devs to invest time and money into stuff that might ultimately just be recycled content with bigger numbers, aka what WOW is today. EVE has a full player driven market, newbros can make money just like any vet, as long as they're willing to invest the time in learning and doing the activities that generate wealth. Also balance in EVE is designed in such a way that being in a frigate or cruiser, the lowest tiers of combat ships, isn't a strict disadvantage. Community has more sway in the success of a PVP encounter than pure stats, and even more so if you and your gang of 10 tech 1 cruisers catch a bling fit tech 3 cruiser, you'll all make tons of money in the process. This is the draw of EVE that most modern MMOs fail to grasp, that no amount of grindy, timegated, vain attempts to keep players subbed longterm with pure system design can compare to an MMO that fosters a stronge sense of community of its players. Im just sad to see that EVE has devolved into a multiboxing and bot filled nightmare because CCP snuck in ways to monetize them with buyable skill points and such.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
I like that, from what I can tell, all content in EVE has a purpose. You don't out level things. It just has a different purpose.
@StykeWarden 4 күн бұрын
Small? Eve has trouble handling more players than it currently does - I mean if you can find an empty/dead area you're likely to make crazy money uncontested, so good luck.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
Haha. Small compared to the millions of the big ones.
@StykeWarden 4 күн бұрын
@@bucklinfondue Millions of other big what? MMO as a genre is a shadow of what it used to be, even blizzard won't post subscriber numbers anymore. Covid was a small resurgence for FF14, other than that you've got a handful of kickstarter MMOs that never happened and a pick-your-poison variety bag of failed/DOA mmos from Amazon and the like. For what Eve is, it's thriving, which is terrifying to really consider so most don't.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
@@StykeWarden numbers were recently released from Blizzard and the player base is still well into the millions. But I'm glad EVE is thriving. More players equals more better.
@Michael-bn1oi 2 күн бұрын
​@@StykeWarden *millions of the big ones* As in the player count. You know, WoW and FF14 have millions of players.
@Nabekukka 4 күн бұрын
What brought me to EVE, was a former co-worker, he mentioned the game briefly, I took a look into what it's like. At that time I wasn't interested in MMO's as they inherently require interaction other people, and I had seen and heard my fair share of random people, especially kids doing the most cringe things and just insufferable behavior from random people Okay, this universe does seem interesting though, so I'll give it a shot. This was back during the Quantum Rise, some months before Apocrypha. I took the free trial period and after getting to know the game a bit, joined the corp my friend was in. It was basically a noob teaching oriented corp that had some more experienced guys as well, and overall a very laid back and easygoing vibe. Loved it. So I went all in and took part in a lot of corp stuff and eventually they wanted me to join the management, a lot of stuff happened and at one point ended up being the CEO of the nullsec / pvp wing of the alliance that was formed out of splitting the former singular academy corp. Spent some time in Providence while it was still under CVA rule, but then eventually got evicted by the russians because of some stupid decisions made by CVA leadership, and I think I did end up with a burn out at the end as it was hard to keep the corp together after we got kicked out of null, and as most of the old vets either dropped out or went elsewhere, like the unofficial faction warfare corp of the alliance (as at the time the game didn't allow a corp to be in FW without the entire alliance joining up too) and our alliance executor being rarely available, I was stuck pretty much alone with the relatively new guys. I felt like I wanted to try to keep the corp going, and we did try out things but they didn't really work out, I wanted to step down but I didn't really have anyone willing or able to replace me at the end and then add some IRL things, I ended up with a burn out and had to take a long break. I have come back many times after that, ended up joining a nullsec corp that a lot of the former academy retirees went to as part of the goons / TEST bloc, but during and after that real life just took over every time I've tried to come back and eventually I lose the momentum and the break usually extends far beyond the planned duration, and it hasn't quite been the same since the first corp and alliance fell apart, and I don't have time quite the same way that I used to. Yet I still pop back every now and then to fly the spreadsheets, even if just for a little while.
@traviskinchen2265 4 күн бұрын
I started playing in 2007, while discovering an interest in various sorts of virtual worlds. Since then I have explored many different types, but the ones I find most interesting and enjoyable are the ones that allow the most freedom to create your own experience and are primarily a platform for people/players to drive the world rather than preprogrammed experiences that you can’t change and can’t leave. Eve has that, to a large degree. I’ve played off and on ever since.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
There is no ESCAPING EVE! haha
@sachad964 4 күн бұрын
bring back alliance tournament
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
I don't know what that is but I'll try.
@clouddefender1773 4 күн бұрын
Started just because I liked the trailer, currently a Fleet commander and loving to cause trouble with the boys ❤
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
They make damn good trailers.
@fangoriously1 4 күн бұрын
Played for about 2-3 weeks. It's not for me. Feels more like an idler game than anything, just threw it on and mined while I watched KZbin. Qued a bunch of timed talent tree stuff then quit.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
I can't do mining. I would quit for sure if I had to do it.
@wonkothesane3482 4 күн бұрын
First point, I'm over 15 years in and I still have not figured out how to like mining. As for your question, What keeps me coming back to EVE, and this is going to sound odd, is the fact that you are nobody. So many MMOs start the game with a cut scene that explains that you are the chosen one and then dumps you out into a world of 10k other "chosen ones". With EVE, especially when I first started, dumped you into the universe with nothing, as a nobody and then wished you the best of luck. There is no endgame, there is no big bad guy to beat before the credits roll, it's just you verses the universe.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
This completely! I'm so tired of being the chosen one. I just want to be some guy trying to make it in some crazy scfi/fantasy world.
@Pestolents 4 күн бұрын
The only thing that you should do in EVE is, J.J.G.S. Just Join Goon Swarm! Yes, I said it. I am not sorry. J.J.G.S.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
I have seen the name pop up a few times now. Hmmmmmm.
@splurg123 4 күн бұрын
I only recently started playing EvE myself. It's one of those games that has always been on the periphery of my awareness via ads or articles that have popped up around it. Thus far I enjoy the sandbox nature of it. The game doesn't baby me or push me to follow a pre-determined path. If I want to do something I need to learn how to do it, then do it right or be penalised accordingly. That makes anything I do and earn in game feel like an achievement. Day 1 I jumped into wormhole space to explore and went to a relic site only to be 1 shot by a sleeper NPC. Day 2, after doing significantly more research, I went back and made 26million on a single relic site. Now I can spend days in wormhole space, dodging (or occasionally dying to) players who want my loot. It's satisfying. My only concern is how long it will be sustainable and interesting to play with an alpha clone. Some of the coolest looking ships and skills definitely require Omega clones.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
You've got me beat. I've dipped into wormhole a bit but haven't really gotten the hang of what's what.
@splurg123 4 күн бұрын
@@bucklinfondue what game loops are you playing?
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
@@splurg123 scanning, missions, and combat sites right now.
@Arjunvandemataram 4 күн бұрын
Started playing EvE Online in 2008 and still playing it a lot. This game is amazing, a 1 of a kind, there's no other game like EvE Online. Amazing community, spaceships you can fit the way you like, so many things to do like exploring, mining, industry (manyfacturing), pve combat, pvp combat. You can do all this in space with different rules like wormhole space, triglavian space ( Pochven), high security, low security and null security space. So many different types of ships for different roles.This is just a few things. Too much to mention. And let's not forget the huge battles !!! EvE Online forever !!!
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
You really can do anything. The game can be as exciting or as chill as you want. You're also allowed to fail. The game doesn't hold your hand.
@silentedge69 4 күн бұрын
join us. Amarr Faction Warfares finest in low sec. Apply an Crimson Inquisition corp today!! Full of pros, patient teachers and lots of fleets
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
Thanks. I'm actually hoping to join Amarr faction warfare soon.
@Kenabukanyo 5 күн бұрын
The EVE: Revelations trailer is the one that got me hooked. Found the trailer in a gaming magazine i bought around 2008/2009, named Level. (Ironic that it has EVE in its name). It was so epic, the scale and everything. I don't know how many trial accounts i made, but which each expansion, there was a new account :)) Oh, the magazine had a DVD inside whith games, utility software and wallpapers and other sweet stuff. It always felt like a Christmas present, with each purchase. :) Here, for nostalgia: kzbin.info/www/bejne/aYjClZ1vit2fsJo
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
Probably dating myself here, but I remember getting a copy of Rollercoaster Tycoon in one of those old gaming magazines before.
@alistairmccairnhill1729 5 күн бұрын
2010 here. its real life with spaceships...yolo...no exp grind. you can play with 100s of other people, or be alone in the crowd. you do you. need to have an eye at the back of the head. it is relaxing,... and i can play during work sitting in a belt while attending senseless meetings xD (also,... no screamo kiddies... whats the average eve player age? 38 ?) love it....
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
The game is entirely what you make it.
@Amber-vn2le 5 күн бұрын
Abselutely a fantastic video, and it was really interesting to see eve from a new players point of view that wasnt just "this game is too confusing bye". I originally started playing when i was 14, and ive always liked space-sims. I really like it because how many options it gives you. When ive talked to people about eve, the most common question is "well what do you do", which is a really difficult question to anwser, because i mostly just want to say "well what do you WANT to do?". Also the sense of community you get after joining a good corp is incredible, and is not smth ive experienced in any other mmorpg (and ive played my fair share), and other then that? idk the game is fun and one of the only games where you consistently can get the shakes
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
For real! I was actually shaking when I stumbled into my first gate camp and lost a pricey (for me) ship.
@splurg123 4 күн бұрын
As a new player myself, I enjoy being made to go learn what I need to know for certain game loops. It turns the things I do into achievements rather than the game simply handing me stuff. It's far more interesting to be a self-made success than just being "the chosen one" as per many MMORPGs
@deathby1hpgaming485 5 күн бұрын
I think the problem is majority of Old players don't want new players, because they have a "ownership" of the space they live in ingame. They don't want competition its clear so the olds will run off the new people.
@bucklinfondue 4 күн бұрын
I hope more players can give EVE a proper go. New players are always healthy. Plus I don't want to be one of the only few newbies lol.
@splurg123 4 күн бұрын
This hasn't been my experience as yet. Sure I've been targetted by older players in low-sec or wormhole space but that's just the game. On the channels and such older players have (mostly) been really helpful. Curious as to how your experience has differed.
@machinegunpictures 4 күн бұрын
This hasn’t been my experience either. Being in a wormhole corp, we are constantly recruiting and even specifically looking for new players to join and and train into our doctrines. The more pilots the better.
@Michael-bn1oi 2 күн бұрын
​@@machinegunpictures you are part of what they are talking about. New players have to join up and work for existing corps or get run out. In the mines or get out of space lol
@machinegunpictures 2 күн бұрын
@@Michael-bn1oi there is no working “for” involved. Our members do not “work” for us, we work together to accomplish bigger and better things. We teach and show the new guys how stuff is done, the opposite of “running them out”.
@dennisdeal3323 5 күн бұрын
Relatively new player here.. I love mining myself. After I get done with a dungeon crawl. There is something relaxing about going out to an asteroid and mining it for all it worth. Don't know. I am getting to the point of wanting to join a corporation. But still doing missions and have outfitted my first frigate. It still needs some things before I undock and take it for a spin around the star system. Though I still love my venture .As It has proven to be a good work horse for now.. I love that nothing is really given to you. That you must work for it and earn it as you both progress in skills and do the missions. With nothing being a guarantee that the moment you undock till you dock back up. That any point in time you can be blown out of the sky. Though I know in Highsec that chances are rather low of that happening. But the NPC's ships can, if you are not attentive, will blow your ship up.
@bucklinfondue 5 күн бұрын
I have sadly lost a few ships already to some NPC ships. But, EVE does offer high intensity gameplay or if you want it, some relaxing gameplay as well.
@dennisdeal3323 4 күн бұрын
@@bucklinfondue I haven't really done the enforcer or the solder of fortune missions. I have started to do the explorer missions. Not sure just how it all works at the moment. Going out and shooting things up is not a real interest to me at the moment. I play another game that I get all the fighting I need. But the frigate is my effort to building up to that. I want to be effective with more than little civilian gatling gun.
@MetaGuideMedia 5 күн бұрын
I started playing EVE Online a few months after launch when i was in middle school. I still play to this day. I learned more from EVE than i ever have in school. Playing EVE made me want to learn math, Other languages, etc... and i contribute a lot of my success irl to the opportunity to get to play it.
@bucklinfondue 5 күн бұрын
For real! EVE really does make a person want to learn. Take a note schools.
@sovietbear5163 5 күн бұрын
You earned a sub o7 see you in space <3
@bucklinfondue 5 күн бұрын
@MalcolmLionel-cc5dj 5 күн бұрын
What keeps me playing is running a wormhole corporation, making friends and watching the corp grow with time 🪴.
@BinderAJ 5 күн бұрын
seeing adverts the graphics hooked me, the fiction and lore hypnotized me, the friends met just made me build my home and feel cozy
@bucklinfondue 5 күн бұрын
Graphics got me through the gate as well.
@YoutubeStupidBullshit 5 күн бұрын
Except Mining, I laughed at that. I just mined out three belts in my L3 mission system cause I wanted to test the Retriever with the strip miner and the t2 variants on a new character you inspired me to create. I created him at the end of April and been chewing through some content, but I always enjoyed the industrial side of the game. I'm right next to an Faction Warfare system and have been dumping ships on the market for them to purchase, I've researched BPOs and been mass-producing drones and ammo for their struggle and everyone else in Verge Vendor for that matter. Recently built my Myrmidon to start running Level 3 missions to take a break from strip mining a system. I keep telling myself I need to catach up in Final Fantasy as the next expac comes out this summer but I just keep pushing it off.
@umadbroimatroll7918 5 күн бұрын
Great video, couldn't say it better myself! I got into eve over 10 years ago after seeing some KZbin videos on it, before that I played the x series, x3 most and it helped with the learning curve of eve because it has the same real economic systems and permanent loss, x games were singleplayer though. Still play x to this day, now the new x4 foundations :)
@bucklinfondue 5 күн бұрын
I've apparently been living under a rock. I just googled that game and it looks awesome!
@umadbroimatroll7918 5 күн бұрын
@@bucklinfondue if you play x4, record your first time playing and make a first impressions/review I'd love to see it!
@douglasharbert3340 5 күн бұрын
EVE is sociopathic free market capitalism in space, and I love it. Been playing 18 years now with no plans to stop.
@bucklinfondue 5 күн бұрын
Haha good description.
@CharlesVanexX 4 күн бұрын
It's been out for 18 years?
@douglasharbert3340 4 күн бұрын
@@CharlesVanexX 21 years.
@theDackjanielz 5 күн бұрын
When i was younger i thought EVEs gameplay was slow boring and stupid, i always loved the universe and the idea behind it but i couldn't get past the basic gameplay - However in my older years i actually now appreciate the slower pace of how the game functions....its Star trek rather than Star wars and once you simply accept that you can enjoy yourself. i'm not a "slow" gamer, i can play quake 3 and give good players a run for their money, but i've been there and done all that....Now that EVE is f2p i'm now exploring a player driven universe.
@bucklinfondue 5 күн бұрын
It's so different from anything else. It's not minute to minute to excitement, it's methodical planning with a burst of excitement.
@c.t.gordonsgaming1078 5 күн бұрын
Great video! I just got into Eve about a month ago also and don’t find a lot of new videos about players impressions. (Also, mining starts getting good in wormholes when you can bring in millions more per trip)
@bucklinfondue 5 күн бұрын
You're actually the third person to say that! I may have to give it a go
@Arjunvandemataram 5 күн бұрын
Nice video mate :) You might want to fit a webifier to slow down the npc ships so your guns can track them better so they do more damage :)
@Mic_Glow 6 күн бұрын
New Player Experience and the UI gets an update/ rework every 2 years (not always for the better) but rest of the game...instead of reworking 15+ year old stuff they add new, similar things. Probably because the code is so ancient and spaghettified that changing a combat site NPC would probably make Jita trade hub explode "f2p" is a lie, it was more true BEFORE the game actually was f2p. Back when plexing an account was <1bil and running a couple DED's yielded billions, enough to plex several accounts monthly. Now reward is way down while plex cost is 200-300% up. You will be lucky to plex one account, without isk to spare on pvp ships and other stuff. Ship price is way up too btw xP
@thedronebay 7 күн бұрын
Welcome back!
@bucklinfondue 7 күн бұрын
Thanks! I've forgotten nearly everything and feel like I'm starting all over.
@MegaTron7568 8 күн бұрын
id rather go out tbh </3
@NerdJC 8 күн бұрын
Such a good video, as another person who has been playing for years off and on i 100% agree about information being available when looking at how things are done, it should all be there without 3rd party sites/guides!
@BlackMoridin 9 күн бұрын
I've not played in 6 or 7 years and suddenly..... This is the first video i'm watching since the itch. Don't like the daily login thing..... not sure yet. Thx for video
@bucklinfondue 9 күн бұрын
I've been enjoying it. Coming at it with a much different mindset this time though.