Tom Platz inspired leg day
28 күн бұрын
Fitness influencer
Ай бұрын
That one bad lifting day
2 ай бұрын
Deload week/new PR’s
2 ай бұрын
The most calories I’ve eaten
Legs day (edit) | bulk to 200lbs
Getting coaching
2 ай бұрын
July 20th
3 ай бұрын
Bulk to 200lbs (90kg)
3 ай бұрын
Spring cut legs & abs day
4 ай бұрын
Spring cut full day
4 ай бұрын
5’10 | 192.3lbs
5 ай бұрын
I got sick again
7 ай бұрын
ANATHEMA | 188.7lbs
7 ай бұрын
@himboslice_ 7 күн бұрын
bro you're taking a fucking sarm, they are all trash unless you do S23, LGD3303, or injectable yk11/4033 with a test base. hope you're getting blood work done, sarms fuck your lipids etc.. 10x worse than 300-500mg test and 1/10th the gains. Ostarine tanked my total testosterone from 800 --> <200. RAD for how popular it is also completely rapes a lot of peoples hairlines.
@lewis3856 7 күн бұрын
Dude this might be the dumbest video I’ve ever seen I’m bigger than u at 17 and I’ve been training for only a little longer than a year why tf would you go on gear ur lazy as fuck
@bigdaddytrips6197 7 күн бұрын
You're on gear just so you can bench 225 ? Weak.
@blueboynick 7 күн бұрын
I am so sorry Wilson. You look great. You will keep growing. You don't need a cycle, you dont need to be the biggest. Your dedication is inspiring. You will find happiness
@blueboynick 7 күн бұрын
WHat do you do for blood pressure? and insulin? just tanking it?
@desert-stormvet88 7 күн бұрын
Brother you arent ready for steroids. And you really need to understand the risks at your age. On the real..? This doesnt make me respect you. A dude who worked his ass off for years with no gear, is the real hero. Any loser can cheat. “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!” -Rocky Balboa
@derp3044 7 күн бұрын
Currently in the same headspace myself Wilson. Feel like I haven't been happy in a long, overdue time, and there's nothing I can do to escape it. I think it's so easy to degrade and put ourselves down, and extremely difficult to just be happy for a sustained period. I've also struggled with being able to completely commit to things. It feels like anytime it gets slightly hard I back down. If it makes you feel any better you could compare yourself to me :,) feeling like I peaked in elementary/middle school lmao You shouldn't have to worry or apologize to us about taking a break. Everybody needs one from time to time, or we'd all go crazy. You also shouldn't feel pressured to continue on this path if you don't want to. Self reflection is a real hard skill to come by. I've heard stories from lots of body builders that realized after getting super jacked that it didn't make them any better, any happier. That once they reached the top they've already sacrificed so much. Steroids can also make u depressed i think :,( hmu if u wanna hang
@wolfgangschmidt3720 8 күн бұрын
Brotha wanting to be successful isn’t a problem but not being happy and comparing yourself to others isn’t great
@wolfgangschmidt3720 8 күн бұрын
But take care of yourself get in a good headspace
@dr_chedz2229 8 күн бұрын
if youre not gonna pin atleast use anavar
@SuperFischboy 8 күн бұрын
dude , you look like you just started going to the gym and not eating right and decided take PEDs you´re just stupid man
@cwa34_ 8 күн бұрын
your so so so far from the point of where you need to juice bro get off this shit and save yourself
@SmerfTeam 8 күн бұрын
Bro looking like a dyel, blasting PED's and benching on a smith machine - is this like a parody video or sm?
How long have you been working out? And at 400 test do you not qualify for trt?
@desert-stormvet88 7 күн бұрын
You have to be below 250 ng/Dl total T before the docs will put you on TRT. Some men are more androgen sensitive and do not require the big T numbers. When I started lifting at 50 y/o I just wasnt getting the results I should have. Strains and minor injuries would take weeks to heal. I told my doc this, and he tested my T and found me at 132 ng/Dl at age 52. So they put me on a regimen and now my T is around 600ish. And the gains started acting like they should for a guy lifting 6 days a week.
@himboslice_ 7 күн бұрын
@@desert-stormvet88 I qualified with 380 bro, depends on the trt clinic you go to... some will just give it to you if you say you feel like shit
@desert-stormvet88 6 күн бұрын
@@himboslice_ Yea I use the VA so there are "rules". I didn't consider a private clinic for some reason.
400mg is the cutoff zone for some states in the US for a private clinic. I just think in small doses it may be safer than sarms he’s taking
@lsirocky93 8 күн бұрын
Bro u don't even have decent form on ur lifts. Get the basics down for 2 years before you even think about cycling again. Stop making the excuses like im not a responder. Learn proper form, intensity and eating.
@desert-stormvet88 7 күн бұрын
I totally agree. People ask me how I did it at my age, as if there is some secret lol. I tell them all, there is only 1 rule when you start lifting. Stay consistent. I tell them, if you went to the gym 5 days a week, and did ALL your lifts incorrectly, say, you're trying to work muscle "A" but in your bad form you are working muscles "B, C, & D", even doing that 5 days a week you will get stronger, and in time, your form will improve, and you will learn how to work muscle "A" properly. Repetition is the greatest teacher. The prob with most is the lack of consistency and impatience.
@sfxwillow867 8 күн бұрын
Please, please, please do more research before hoping on cycle (especially about AI/PCT etc.). A lot of side effects are irreversible and SARM are not for human use. PEDs are stimulants, not mircle drug. If your diet is not on point and you didn't train harder than last time, you won't look shredded. FYI, it is good to hit the macros and eat clean just as a harm reduction protocol while on cycle. However, frankly only carlories and hitting the daily protein intake matters at the end. My advice will be read more, watch Greg Doucette, Jeff Nippard, MPMD and Renaissance Periodization etc. whenever you can, build-up your knowledge before thinking about the next step.
@alejandroruiz2948 8 күн бұрын
bro rad140 is one of the worst sarms to use in terms of results and consequences. your test levels will tank, your liver will not thank you, and once you get off it, your gains go away insanely quick. I would suggest starting with mk677 and enclomiphene bro
@wolfgangschmidt3720 9 күн бұрын
Looking at your physical appearance you dont look like you should be doing peds, like your body isnt as far as you can go naturally i see down below you said your not seeing changes without them. Have you had a test to check your testosterone levels first? are you actually calculating your calories correctly? and you training to failure in the gym? like i went to the gym 2 days ago for arms and still feel the soreness in my rms 2 days later. are you spending an hour on the bike? whats your goal and current amount of calories and how much protein are you putting in? im 30 new to the gym and have grown a ton of muscle in months without ped and have 6 pack and abs im currently starting a bulk to 200 so im eating a ton and pushed my protein up also i can feel the difference in my body already. Just concerned that you are doing more harm than good to yourself using peds
@WilsonIChou 9 күн бұрын
@wolfgangschmidt3720 I have gotten my testosterone checked which was a couple months ago at which was 400. I am hitting my macros being 200g of protein, 60 fats, 225g carbs on training days and my calories are at maintenance 2500 cause my coach said I need to trim down a bit. I do train to failure on my sets and do drop sets if needed and I always feel slightly fatigued from previous lifts during the week. I`m doing a bigger surplus right now cause that's what someone suggested so I think that will help but is technically my first real cycle and also my last for a long time. My dexa scan said I had 40lbs of muscle and 32lbs of fat so maybe that's why I haven't seen any real significant cause it could be buried in the fat I'm not sure but I am trying man. But I do agree you can always train harder so I think I just need to stop complaining and just train harder
@wolfgangschmidt3720 8 күн бұрын
@@WilsonIChou NAW sounds like your doing whats right, i dont agree with peds but you know your body. sounds like a cut would show the muscle better whats your body fat percentage?
@wolfgangschmidt3720 8 күн бұрын
also like thats if you want to look shredded with the current amount of muscle. however a bulk is good to help build muscle but suggest it to be healthy bulk gain muscle the n cut to lose fat
@desert-stormvet88 7 күн бұрын
Bro you only need an additional 500 cal to put yourself into a "bulk" mode to gain muscle. If you increase much more than 500 the fat you will gain with the muscle you'll have to cut it off, and when you lose fat, you also lose muscle, so, be careful with how much you "bulk".
@desert-stormvet88 7 күн бұрын
@@WilsonIChou You cant see muscles if they are covered with fat. Bro you might look better than you think. Start walking 3-4 miles a day, it doesn't take too long, keep calories at around 2500-2700, and you'll gain/maintain muscle and lose fat. I body build myself, I'm too old to power lift, it causes me too much injury at 55 y/o. But the walking is what keeps me around 13% BF. Walking is KING for weight loss while lifting.
@dafyddj34 9 күн бұрын
BRO no hate, but you havent even reached your natural limit yet. Meaning you're not training properly. Why would u do peds when u dont even know how to train. again no hate, just curious. it'll be a shortcut to limting your lifespan not a shortcut to building muscle
@WilsonIChou 9 күн бұрын
@dafyddj34 I started weight training in high school and got some basic home gym equipment like dumbells, pull up bar, and workout bench. Then I started going to the gym I`ve trained very consistently and I put everything into this so I got a coach as well, but even with training 5-6 times a week, hitting macros getting a coach and trying and switching things up I still haven't made that much progress physique wise most likely I just need more years of training so I decided to see if boosting my testosterone would help out of curiosity which is why I decided to try a cycle to see if it would do anything but going back to what I said I probably just need a lot more years of training.
@saltycreamy8354 8 күн бұрын
bro watched too many tiktok vids lol
@jenswolters4035 8 күн бұрын
@@WilsonIChoubro you don’t just try a cyle to see if it is going to make changes😂 Ofcourse it is going to make changes. That’s established in a lot of case studies. But please optimize al the other factors: training intensity, volume, sleep, protein intake, micronutriënts from good foods, the amount of volume etc. For multiple years before hopping on. It’s not a toy to play with and to “try out”. Too much health risks!
@jeremiahthethird3827 8 күн бұрын
@@WilsonIChou you have bad genetics, its unlucky but its yet another reason to not hop on
@MandM12369 8 күн бұрын
@@WilsonIChou "but even with training 5-6 times a week" you know rest is important? You're really just impatient, eat more, get enough recovery. But yea get on a cycle you know it
@ALICE333 10 күн бұрын
you need to eat big to get big
@WilsonIChou 10 күн бұрын
@ALICE333 I'm hitting my macros protein per bodyweight, and I'm eating clean foods like chicken breast, rice, broccoli, yogurt, nuts, fruits, maybe that's not good? Idk I could start slamming more calories, which is not a problem of course the only thing is I would get bloated a bit it like I usually do when I do a bulk.
@ALICE333 10 күн бұрын
@@WilsonIChou if you want to be 200 you gotta eat like you're already 200. eating for your current bodyweight will only maintain mass.
@WilsonIChou 10 күн бұрын
@ALICE333 I think you're right. I appreciate the insight 👍 and I also notice I am stronger and fuller in a bigger surplus, so I will just try not to spill over too much.
@MarioGarcia-de2fj 8 күн бұрын
​@WilsonIChou do your research on nutrition and how the body works. Don't listen to people in the comment section when pertaining to advice.
@sfxwillow867 8 күн бұрын
@@WilsonIChou Please watch more Coach Greg videos and stop listen to random advices in youtube. You don't need to eat that clean and defintely do not need to bulk. Chicken/broccoli/rice is a big Hollywood lie. Pick a diet that you can sustain. A small cheat meal say KFC slider plus fries (500 calories) will do no harm as long as you pay attention to the daily calories intake or just do zone 2 steady-state cardio afterwards to burn-off the extra calories.
@UnforsakenXII 10 күн бұрын
You are fighting demons, brother. At this point, just make sure you got your PCT ready to go.
@jm.9 23 күн бұрын
Great dedication, visually I can see your progress..
@HardAssWork 25 күн бұрын
Nice Man keep going.
@WhiteAzn4Life 25 күн бұрын
Sick video
@halicritters9478 26 күн бұрын
Canadian spotted. Gottem.
@-_Luciano_- Ай бұрын
You’re looking bigger bro. Can I ask what weight you do on dumbbells now and what you started at (what was initially too heavy for you?) and how often you were able to successfully add weight? Thanks man
@vczxcz Ай бұрын
I'd add boron & L-Carnitine / L-Carnitine - L - Tartrate. Boron to lower the SHBG from the enclo, and the carnitine to further improve liver parameters. 500MG Carnitine with meals & 1000MG before activity/workout. 3-6MG boron daily - 3MG upon waking, 3MG evening. Curious did your coach suggest this cycle to you? Going straight to rad is kind of nuts to me considering this is your first PED. I would of suggested something like ACP 105 / AC262. You wouldn't get crazy gains from them but would assist in the fast last phase your currently doing, they are also partial agonists so the suppression would be minimal / non existed if you added the enco later on in the cycle. anyways good luck with the cycle!
@WilsonIChou Ай бұрын
@@vczxcz I looked into the peptides cycle you guys suggested awhile back and I’ve watched a lot of videos and read multiple forums, a lot of guys saying that peptides won’t do much unless you’re older because of the anti aging properties that many of them have. So I looked into sarms and there was Ostarine and a couple others but LGD and Rad 140 were 2 of the big ones it seems that guys suggested that would be beneficial. My coach uses L-Carnitine too, currently he’s trying to get his Natural pro card. So I will look into it also as well since you mentioned it and the boron. The enclomphieme you are right about cause a lot of guys say you can wait a bit longer to use the enclo unless you get suppressed fast but that might be a genetics thing. I will wait a bit longer for sure maybe until week 4. Appreciate the advice as always
@french.ie_lifts 2 ай бұрын
Hey bro I love the work ethic and you are definitely on the right path. I sent you a message on Instagram and I would love to work with you if you are looking for advice.
@ijazsharif8333 2 ай бұрын
yo, science shows you only need 1.6-1.8g per kg of bodyweight. I just saw a video about this a while ago by jeff nippard or something. more than that isnt really necessary bro, you dont need 1g per pound, 1.8g per kg should do just fine.
@mdkns9862 2 ай бұрын
0.6 per pound of body weight would be fine
@WilsonIChou 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate the info!
@Mr.Sleeparalysis 2 ай бұрын
How much do you weight at the moment?
@WilsonIChou 2 ай бұрын
@Mr.Sleeparalysis 2 ай бұрын
Keep it up bro 🎉
@Mr.Sleeparalysis 3 ай бұрын
Wow good job bro, I see change for sure alloooot swoller
@Mr.Sleeparalysis 3 ай бұрын
Keep up the great work brother, I’m rooting for you in your fitness journey
@ClayRosco 4 ай бұрын
Good luck to the journey. Also using MK677 from Swisschems helps a lot as i'm on bulking
@UnforsakenXII 4 ай бұрын
MK677 isn't worth it. You will get alot more from just making sure your sleep, nutrition and to a lesser extent, training is locked in. It just requires time and consistency. 3 years training isn't long at all. I looked like I didn't even lift until 5 years in because of the extra bodyfat. I'm 14 years in now. Most competitors try to max out their own stuff before going unnatural but also who cares about the natty card, the important thing is your health. MK677 effectively borrows the time that you have in the future, can potentially lead to complicated cardiovascular and blood sugar problems depending on your dosage + time exposed to it. I'd wait until you have a few more training years down (preferrably 10 years of natural training), then hoping on a semi-legitimate cycle like RAD140+MK677 (and realistically, you'd want a testerstone base but consult your doctor obv, i aint no medical professional). Simply MK677 this early is a silly. If you compete unnatural, you're going to end up seeing that you're going to need to take a shitton more compounds. It may be worth it to you but I'd think it over hard because you still have hella natural gains to gain. But ya don't have to take my advice, but you're young bro, you'll want that extra time in the future for certain. Much love and good luck.
@WilsonIChou 4 ай бұрын
I’m gonna hold myself accountable and get as far as I can without using anything, I tried mk677 as a stepping stone to see how my body would respond made some progress but i don’t think I’ll use it again since it is only good in certain aspects like bulking and like you said side effects to. are not worth it. But I’m not gonna lie if I were to do a real cycle I’m not that interested in sarms since testosterone is better, but like you said I can make a lot of progress naturally which I agree with so I am holding off until I get a couple more years of experience.
@vczxcz 4 ай бұрын
@@WilsonIChou Just to add onto this, apart from the obvious side effects that come with MK it can also increase prolactin levels. This can cause gyno which you obviously do not want. Unforsaken mentioned a cycle like RAD+MK which you could do, but again you would ideally want to do it with a testosterone base but can be done with a SERM (enclomiphene). This basically increases your test while on the sarm to prevent crashing, can be introduced the entirety of the cycle, or 2 weeks in. You could go down the peptides route, this will increase GH levels without the complications that come with MK, again do you own research but I'd recommend looking into Ipamorelin, could also be stacked with something called CJC 1295. Honestly if you are set on trying to compete this is probably one of the better routes to go down, as you will actually be pinning and will be helpful in the long run when you do eventually get on Testosterone to compete.
@WilsonIChou 4 ай бұрын
I will take this into consideration and give it some thought/time after doing my own diligence. Most likely the peptide route mentioned because i am aware that sarms do have similar anabolic or growth androgen receptor like effects as anabolic s do but they can have the same or worst sides than anabolics potentially with less results compared to actual gear . I know it’s probably not worth it in my opinion which is why people say if you’re going to be enhanced you should use real gear. But with that being said I appreciate your guys insight/help.
@UnforsakenXII 5 ай бұрын
@playlistaccount 6 ай бұрын
Where’s the manna himseff?
@-_Luciano_- 6 ай бұрын
You good g ?
@jm.9 6 ай бұрын
I was thinking the doing ok man, are you feeling any better?
@jm.9 7 ай бұрын
Take care, hope you feel better.
@Patxgib 7 ай бұрын
Pause your bench
@doncorneliuswheeldon5556 7 ай бұрын
Pick up the fork
@WilsonIChou 7 ай бұрын
Appreciate the advice will work on that @patxgib
@-_Luciano_- 7 ай бұрын
Also i know you’re in sort of pre consideration phase of anabolic steroids (not recommending them) but they are the proven gold standard for “gains”, now what that translates to for non steroid users i’m not so sure but the proof is definitely in the pudding, the more testosterone, the more muscle mass synthesis. So, as a ballpark guide, genetics, specifically hormones, correct gym routine and diet are the most important things. My issue with it when i think on it theoretically is, if i max out my genetic potential, how much further can it go before steroids are necessary to take it further? You’re right diet is only so much, and it’s sort of a confusing conundrum. It definitely doesn’t help when all everyone’s favourite influencers are on gear and sometimes possibly even concealing the fact or lying about it. You just have to grind it out, see how far you can take your genetic potential, but you obviously have to do everything else to a high standard also. I think by the time you reach your genetic potential, to which you probably aren’t even at 10% of it yet, you wouldn’t even want to consider gear unless there is some kind of deep insecurity that isn’t even to do with how you look as such but more an attitude/habitual/unconscious thing… Huge gains, like Bradley Martin or whatever in my opinion is unnecessary… or like mr olympia level. it does look good. But there’s a fine line between wanting to impress others, or being unhappy with how you look. Most cases of steroid users, getting their asses waxed, hopping on sun beds etc they’re never fulfilled and it’s like working out is just an avenue for their skewed perspective of themselves if that makes sense. Like the male version of a female that has fake hair, fake extensions, loads of makeup, fake bewbs etc etc … sometimes just screams of discontentedness. My advice to you is if you relate to those issues is first start to become comfortable in your own skin, then any progress you make will be like watching a friend progress in positive ways… yano? rather than like beating yourself up or thinking gains should come quicker or whatever Peace out bro. These are just my thoughts
@-_Luciano_- 7 ай бұрын
Also i heard you say muscle weighs more than the fat in the body due to muscle groups being bigger and more common in the body compared to fat areas. That may be true but that’s not the point and you may be misunderstanding When someone says muscle is heavier than fat, they mean isolated outside of the body and that it’s denser, 1 pound of fat has lots of mass, 1 pound of muscle has less. This is what they mean by weighing less or more. It’s like gold, gold weighs more than silver. Cause it’s heavier. it’s no different with muscle, it’s heavier than fat. Forget about the body. And just those two things. It’s like a kg of lead weighs heavier than a kg of feathers, for feathers you’d need a garbage bag full of them, the lead is smaller. i’m probably oversimplifying it, but yeah. They’re not heavier, cause it’s the same weight, but if going back to feathers and lead example the lead is much denser. Keep going my dude
@WilsonIChou 7 ай бұрын
Appreciate the correction, any info helps
@-_Luciano_- 7 ай бұрын
It’s not just about calorific surplus but what you’re putting into your body, empty carbs = not so good, sugary or low nutrient value foods = not so good. But eat more lean protein, eggs, egg whites in particular and the protein synthesis along with progressive overloading, causing hypertrophy and recovering properly leads to most muscle growth from what i’ve saw. If you eat too little calories your body will convert fat in the body or even muscle in the body just to function …. hence any possible loss of body weight or gains. Or even just fat. This is how dieting works for obese people. Make the body convert its own cells by burning them. I would ignore that you are too early in to consider bulking and cutting, but read more on a dirty bulk vs a clean one. Cause imo you have to look past gains, and consider health, it don’t matter how much muscle mass you put on if it makes you unhealthy in the long run. Better to do it properly than with shortcuts. It’ll make you way ahead of others in the long run and you’ll thank yourself Keep it up bro. I got you.
@-_Luciano_- 7 ай бұрын
It’s why you bulk and cut over time. That builds the muscle mass and corrects the just getting fat issue
@-_Luciano_- 7 ай бұрын
You can def tell you work out now dude 👍
@WilsonIChou 8 ай бұрын
Edit: hammer curls are not useless, if done correctly
@jm.9 8 ай бұрын
It's your call on what style you want to do, I prefer voice over but thats me...its a good call to switch up routines/exercises & especially the angles/grip within each movement... it stimulates greater muscle growth, overall strength, stability as well as the visual asthetic of how the muscles develop. Changing the order of exercises etc. from time to time forces the body to adapt by confusing how the muscle is being conditioned & over time should yield more gains - though initially you may need to reduce the weight/reps as it adjusts.
@WilsonIChou 8 ай бұрын
Let me know if you guys prefer voice overs or music
@ucjjg6752 8 ай бұрын
I’m a fan of everyone who gets into the gym. You’re too much of a beginner though to worry about bulk vs cut. Your focus shoild be on learning proper form, gaining consistency and diet fundamentals. Also, and perhaps most importantly is to build a mind muscle connection to find failure and lean into it for hypertrophy. Good luck on the journey!
@UnforsakenXII 8 ай бұрын
im gonna sub and imma see you bench press 225 in the future.