Masking is More Than Not Stimming
Apraxia & Autism (& Non-speakers!)
Diagnostic Manuals (DSM & ICD)
Highly Sensitive Person or Autism?
Faking Autism (& Other Disorders)
@insertnamehere3971 3 сағат бұрын
I'm a black female and it seems that for years they kinda refused to diagnose me with autism. I was diagnosed in my early 20's. I had a very advanced vocabulary as a kid and struggled a lot with math. But I honestly have always identified more with autism than NVLD. I can relate to some aspects. I just wish it didn't take me so long to get diagnosed. I could have both, but idk.
@EdytaBruckmann 9 сағат бұрын
Does it work with ADHD?
I understand that ABA comes from a crazy place and is effective in very limited ways. What is a good way to help someone that is in SIB mode? Human ways? I am just curious. Not an advocate for ABA/restraints.
@vonbuddya1 Күн бұрын
Lovaas worked with children who were considered high functioning compared to many. The claim to cure autism is bogus. It is by definition a developmental disability and irreversible. Acquiring skills helps anyone in life and a person with autism is no different than typical people in the benefit of learning. But cure. No.
@bosssub-master6799 2 күн бұрын
I have ADHD, i'm 13 going on 14 and going into 8th grade. I mask a lot not only in public and school, yet also at home. This makes it beyond easy to crumple, to shut down. My teachers are sick and tired of having to come to my classroom to help me. I am sick and tired of having to try to hide it or redirect it to a few panic attacks at midnight. "You're faking it." "Stop faking it" or "You're only shutting down for attention." I don't understand why people don't listen to me there are very few people in my school that understand, and most are sped kids. We come to Sped teachers to help us, but where's the help? How come the teachers trained and educated to help kids like me don't help? I mean they have autistic kids of their own, why can't they help?
@mjchristie100 2 күн бұрын
I'm autistic snd it's a living 24/7 hell. I struggle with dark thoughts, feel like I don't belong here, feel like I'm a burden to society. It's chronic and painful.
@QuincasMoreira 4 күн бұрын
Giftedness is not mentioned. It should be
@Ka-ly8oi 4 күн бұрын
Die KI kriegt es nicht so richtig hin mit der Übersetzung, krass. Es heißt Pathologische Anforderungsvermeidung.
@zhiqiry 4 күн бұрын
Some people might fake it and some people might think they are autistic because of some other reasons. They could have another diagnosis or another situation that could be the real reason behind their difficulties. For example; difficulties in social situations could be because of social phobia. Or difficulties in sensory input could be because of stress.
@zhiqiry 4 күн бұрын
If they hold on to the arm the results can be compared with the spirit in the glass, but if they help the child a little and the child can do it independently later, then it must be a success.
@austincaruso7596 4 күн бұрын
Its interesting that you make the point about autistics "rubbing it in" i havent seen this. I would like to hear more about this topic!
@relentlessrhythm2774 5 күн бұрын
If everyone was autistic, the label would be useless.
@leilacarpenter10 5 күн бұрын
great video and ♥️ your presentation. MBTI doesn’t seem to include autism much (although more people like yourself are). You could be a jumper. ♥️
@ScottHolliday-uw9bs 5 күн бұрын
this is a 100% made up disorder
@carlostapia9699 6 күн бұрын
Está seudo profesional habla mal del médico medium sin tener idea de sus libros y la ayuda que ha dado a millones de pacientes en todo el planeta.
@isaiahmartushev9371 6 күн бұрын
I would've never guessed ur autistic
@diannalynnYT 7 күн бұрын
Because girls were not diagnosed years back. I'm 50. My mom was told I was a best and to do better. She tried to get me help from early on. Lots of misdiagnoses in 20's.
@SamuelBlack84 7 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with dyspraxia in college and had an assessment a few years ago for autism which ended in them deciding that I wasn't autistic, but something keeps niggling at me that I could be autistic I'm almost 40 and have had little to no help for either of these things to understand them better which really puts me off seeking it in tbe future Not to mention a wait for well over a year I'm sick and tired of so-called professionals treating me like a crippling burden
@TheAureliac 8 күн бұрын
I'm almost seventy and have been experiencing this. It's scary as f. It's not the same as dementia. Smells again reduce me to tears: some voices hurt my ears. I am exhausted by interactions with others--even wonderful experiences with those I love.
@pointofnoreturn3103 8 күн бұрын
Hmmm. Based on this video, it sounds like I am an HSP, rather than autistic. I DEFINITELY have a problem with watching violent movies! I literally feel every blow, and flinch. Years ago, I saw The Passion Of The Christ. Worst experience of my life. If I hadn't previously known circular breathing, I would have hyperventilated and passed out. ...I have fibromyalgia. I have thought about it, and it may very well be that I carry pain with me all the time, and if I am in the room with someone and they bump into something, it just makes me aware of how much that area of MY body hurts too? It's difficult at best to differentiate where your absorption of other people's emotional and physical pain ends and your own pain begins, if that makes any sense... Thank heavens I am now what is known as a trained empath, and I don't carry everyone's pain with me 24-7. I consider myself "practiced" at Offering up pain, and praying that God will use it for everyone in the world... Take care. Thanks for making this video! Susan
@Sakichii 8 күн бұрын
The voices of the people making the commands in the video were so loud it's painful to listen to.
@TheAureliac 9 күн бұрын
There is a huge difference between pointing out that neurotypicals insist on being empathized with but are not willing or able to extend empathy toward the autistic, and vilifying neurotypicals. Bethany is using the highly manipulative abuser's argument: if you point out my abuse, you are abusing me. Not true. Autistic folk are just pointing out that they must spend an inordinate amount of time and energy codeswitching for the NT world. It isn't a punishment for NTs to work at understanding AS folk a little.
@pointofnoreturn3103 9 күн бұрын
I was thinking more about what you said in your video. You honestly remind me of myself at a younger age. ...At one time, I was hungry for people's approval. But, the day came when I realized that people's approval is fickle. So, on an unconscious level, I stopped putting pressure on myself to achieve it. You can genuinely want to make a difference in the world without it being about getting people to like you. Ironically, when I made this shift, it was about this time in my life that people started to open up to me and trust me. ...I can tell that you have a good heart. If someone doesn't currently know that friendship goes both directions, it isn't saying anything about you. It is a reflection of where they are currently at in their journey. You can only help people if they are willing to make positive changes in their life. Keep wanting to make a difference, and eventually the kind of people who know that friendship goes both ways will find you! Everything will work out eventually! Take care. I really am enjoying your videos! Susan
@pointofnoreturn3103 10 күн бұрын
I wanted to say, as the mother of twins who are on the Autism spectrum, I am sorry that people have been competitive with you, or have looked down on you. This kind of thinking does NO ONE any good. Even the person who is treating you badly. ...I think that THE way to avoid envy over how green someone else's grass appears to be while also avoiding feeling like you are better than anyone else is to ONLY compare yourself to how you were yesterday. There is simply no need to be competitive. I think it is FAR better, and healthier, to enjoy the talents that others have! Take care. Thanks for making this video! Susan
@user-jr6ez2gl3m 10 күн бұрын
Those who passed away too soon cannot contribute that is reducing the chance to come to prper conclusions
@Themakeupchair15 11 күн бұрын
they dont let people stop her stims but one time in and ABA vid the dad stopped her from stimming with a doll cuz " she was to hyper"
@MaryKDayPetrano 11 күн бұрын
OMG !!! I am an Autistic savant, by diagnosis. And, I would walk into Courtrooms in my own cases, while the other Neurotypical lawyers walked in with huge trolly-carriers filled with boxes full of papers and legal texts, three boxes stacked on top of each other. And, I would be able to script out and say an entire argument with citations and even where in a law Reporter a case quote could be located (e.g., around 2/3 way back in a certain numbered So.2d Reporter), all from my savant memory, and the Neurotypical lawyers would start freaking out visibly, and opening their boxes and texts and trying to flip through them to find if I was right or wrong, and then they turned very hostile at me because I could just script it out from my savant memory in my head, and they couldn't, and it freaked them out, and then they went on hate attacks on me both in the Courtrooms and outside the Courtrooms And, these were like people I went to law school with !, Maybe they went to a different law school, but they were like the people I went to law school with, since most law students are a lot alike, but nevertheless ... like you say, they went out of their way to make efforts to say I was wrong. They wanted me to be wrong !
@MaryKDayPetrano 11 күн бұрын
OMG ! What you say about people can't seem to hold the idea in their heads of someone being disabled and at the same time being smart - I first discovered I was Autistic when I was outed by a Deputy Trial Counsel of the State Bar of California, and what she did was filed a motion for a physical and mental examination of me by a "developmental psycholinguist." I never had anyone say I had any kind of "mental problem" before that. But this lady kept saying I was "odd" and :weird" and she wrote me that "some people can be "highly intelligent and have a mental illness."' When the Deputy Trial Counsel made that move, I went to a former riding student who is a psych, and he wrote me an opinion that I may have "peculiarities" but that didn't matter, basically. Yeah, I was obviously Autistic. To understand these unfolding circumstances, you have to (1.) be Autistic, and (2.) put yourself back into the state of Autism knowledge in 1994-1995. So, yeah - what you just said happened to me !
@VegaMega3nity 11 күн бұрын
I'm french and two days ago I fell on a craaaaazy lady who were drinking that and trying to convince me about it. She was selusionnal, speaking about a dragon visiting her etc as well, but damn. Im pretty sure she is in a cult. was so scaryyy
@Argeaux2 11 күн бұрын
You’re more mid diagnosed than late diagnosed. People are being assessed as autistic over the age of 50s. THEY are late diagnosed.
@Ruthless701 11 күн бұрын
I went through the same thing. I was diagnosed late at 20
@3mk.k270 11 күн бұрын
Normal ppl try to act autistic while autistic ppl are actually trying to act normal😭.
@tahoesnowlion 12 күн бұрын
Jen, thank you for sharing . You are obviously very intelligent i think you have gifts unseen .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@MsLisa551 12 күн бұрын
My ex husband of 23 years was the king of gaslighting. I had to get a divorce. I am better now. Adhd and asd diagnosed but I'm not gaslit daily. Learning to love myself.
@user-dc3ek1pn1n 13 күн бұрын
They’ve expanded the criteria
@vonbuddya1 13 күн бұрын
I have practiced techniques in applied behavior analysis for years, long before there were certified behavior analysts. I have conducted research on treating self-injury and engaged in many of the practices you highlighted in this video. I am not a certified behavior analyst and my background is in social work. You have caused me to think about my 30 years of work. I still believe there are benefits to knowing behavioral techniques, but I think you bring up very valid points. I am preparing a talk on ethics and your documentary has given me much to think about. I consider this a documentary and it feels like one. Thank you for your time and effort.
@akisatsuki8444 2 күн бұрын
Well, of course there are benefits to knowing behavioral techniques. This just isn’t the way to go about it
@user-jr6ez2gl3m 13 күн бұрын
All tét a tét methods are satisfactory as long as maintain good contact and pleasant time szent togather
@user-jr6ez2gl3m 13 күн бұрын
Might work, but don t pushing it too far
@crucialily 14 күн бұрын
This was one of my favorite animes back in the day. I've watched every version available.
@VirtualCam 14 күн бұрын
So diagnosed Adhd. unsure about autism here. im sorry im about half way threw the video so where i feel my thoughts exploding. i really am unsure how i feel about the term neurodivergent. in a sense it really feels like its a "neurotypical" special kid club. it reminds me how 15 years ago how all of a sudden 1/3 people were all of a sudden bisexual . not to attack anyone questioning there sexuality because i 100% did. but from my perspective we have taken a really dark stance on adhd and ASD via tiktoks and other stupid short form content. my depression almost sent me to the grave. i would say the 3 big ones i don't see talked about enough is OCD, schizophrenia and or SPD which are different, and bipolor which my ex has. (not making any jokes if my comment seems odd i was all over the place listening to you while trying to type) <3
@Ww-nh9pl 14 күн бұрын
100% love this!! I simply cannot stand when people judge mothers! Especially when mothers judge other mothers. I’m a mother to a neurotypical daughter my sister has an autistic son and we have both shed tears many times before. No mother cries over her child’s existence, we do however sometimes cry over parenthood. Show me one mother who hasn’t taken longer in the laundry room to let tears out, hid herself in a pantry to shed some tears, let some fall while in the shower, or gut wrenching tears at night after a long hard day. ALL mothers have done this a time or two. I hate when it’s twisted into something negative! And again these tears have nothing to do with your child’s existence it has to do with parenthood, not feeling enough, guilt, like you’re drowning and alone sometimes. Most days are magic as a mother, but it’s unrealistic to say you have your emotions in check 24/7 100% of the time. Show me one mother who hasn’t felt like she’s failing or falling short in some area and needs to vent or cry to express it! If joining an autism mom group or venting on the internet helps you get those feelings out and reach others in the same situation then it’s a good thing. Sometimes even with a neurotypical child I seek out videos of those going through the same thing as I am. Something about seeing you’re not the only one who struggles at times with motherhood is so very healing and absolutely helps you become an even better mom!
@holeymcsockpuppet 15 күн бұрын
Hey, since this is so fashionable, can I be autistic too? I've had bipolar disorder as far back as it being called manic-depression (well controlled today). I'm NOT Bipolar. I'm looking into Borderline Personality Disorder. OCD is soooo 2007, you know? The sensory processing stuff sounds kinda interesting to add to my "identity". Kids, you are more concerned with your labels and identifying AS those labels rather than getting it together. You aren't autistic. You aren't a HSP. You aren't bipolar. You HAVE autism. You HAVE sensory processing issues. You HAVE bipolar disorder. When you realize that, EVERYTHING changes for the better.
@carolzinha94 15 күн бұрын
Science already proved that these conditions are very different, even in the same spectrum.
@Lady_Tism 15 күн бұрын
I highly HIGHLY dislike the idea of a cop having access to that information. I feel like it’s absolutely NONE of their business…but at the same time what choice do we have if they don’t know how to recognize it.
@Nintendofanboy101-yk8ro 16 күн бұрын
wow, this video explains alot but I must tell you, some people really do purposefully gaslight others. My ils worker for example. He litterally said certain things and when I contronted him about it, he denied it. He also didn't trust me on things that were very clearly true.
@HM-uj6ud 17 күн бұрын
Bless you for this video. You are an American hero. I am so disgusted and fed up with this trend and find it so offensive to those actually suffering. Can we also talk about parents who are also dying to win the oppression Olympics or parent of the year and foist these diagnoses upon their children that they’re just convinced are so special or simply want excuses for their parental failures and kids’ bad behavior?
@judithgraham3458 18 күн бұрын
Why does your name have two "n"s on the placard behind your shoulder ?
@oliviagrace9167 19 күн бұрын
what are you the cia spreading misinformation like what 😂 “pseudo science”
@VanessaDayleRaeWaggoner 19 күн бұрын
Just today I heard the “everyone has a little autism and adhd” thing. So ignorant and devaluing!
@CrysPhoenix 20 күн бұрын
Honestly my issue with his rep is not that he's not like me it's just that whenever I see autism it's this specific type of autism. The types that cause comments like "you can't have autism you're nothing like my little cousin shean" types. It's a really narrow view of what autism looks like and presents like. Especially through the representation of multiple autistic characters being treated in very similar or stereotyped ways. We don't hate people like him existing in media. It's just frustrating that this very atypical and stereotyped way autism is viewed by allisitics is the dominant representation we get on screen. The completely inept, rude, emotionally tumultuous "manchild" who needs others in his life, does not understand anything, can not conform in any way or "mask" and is infantalised by both the narrative and the audience. But it's okay. Because they have one specific super power that justifies their "misdemeanor" or "disordered thinking". This is FAR from your avarage autistic person. Which is fine. If it wasn't the only way we were depicted. Atypical, the good doctor, music. All the same crap, used to infantalise, dramatasise and stygmatise.