Another Crabs Treasure Is.... Special
19 сағат бұрын
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@NPK476 5 минут бұрын
If I was a bum who's only accomplishments was playing video games and my self-worth was based on how well I play video games while trying to impress others I would gladly sink 300 hours into it and "git gud" but I would much rather spend my time learning actual meaningful skills. It reminds me of Guitar Hero when that was a thing and people would brag about playing 100% on a plastic toy guitar. 😂
@NPK476 7 минут бұрын
If I was a loser who's only accomplishments was playing video games and my self-worth was based on how well I play video games while trying to impress others I would gladly sink 300 hours into it and "git gud" but I would much rather spend my time learning actual meaningful skills. Kinda reminds me of people playing guitar hero when that was a thing and would brag about playing 100% on difficult mode, it's kind of sad actually.
@kevinmouth8082 4 сағат бұрын
i think the dlc is maybe not difficult enough cuz honestly im not ashamed to admit im so very shit at souls like and souls born games and i just recently beat Bayle and almost beat Messnarr within 10 maybe attempts each and beat Rellana with only Leda's help and lets be honest shes nothing more than a hit sponge but she did take me more than a few attempts havent and ngl the most trouble i had was the golden hippo, that fucker made me submit and get help
@al-bot1094 6 сағат бұрын
These games aren't hard. Watch a couple videos, level up. Knowing is half the battle.
@rollerr 6 сағат бұрын
I one tapped most of the bosses, even Bayle. The only hard boss is the final one, and that's because he's bullshit and spams aoe and long combos. If you use the tools the game gives you, it's not that hard.
@blubboi4446 11 сағат бұрын
No one will agree with me but I hate the fragment crap, the way I play the game I have 9 main saves I’ve beat the game on with different builds, I’m not good enough at the game to skip the fragments so if I want to put one of them into the dlc it’s so grindy to get all 59 scattered in every crevice on the map
@peanhead2543 13 сағат бұрын
the final boss is harder than anything i've faced in Elden Ring, i just cant beat him without shield on second phase, also Bayle, Skibiditree Avatar, and Gaius is annoying, still manage to beat the the base game + dlc in one go at 61 hours (all Rememberance bossess incld)
@gamerstroveTV 13 сағат бұрын
Damn so I really have to lock in for the final boss then huh 👀 good to know! But damn 61h for everything is insane 🤣 Im somewhere at 150+ hours and probs not even halfway through the dlc.. you are him.
@peanhead2543 9 сағат бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV missed some questline cuz i have my own head canon, killed all ranni sibling/half siblings and his fathere, to finally leave the land between behind
@Sargatas 14 сағат бұрын
I have more then enough complaints to this game, but difficulty is not one of them. Mostly because I don't care about difficulty, everything can be overcome - something in 5 minutes, something in 5 hours. Among bosses the only boss that wasn't fun to learn and fight at all is final one. Also I don't like how empty and worthless the open world is, I don't like the implementation of these skadooshtree fragmets being literally the only justification of this open world because there's nothing else there to loot. I don't like the amount of reused mobs from base game and even freaking DS3, hell...I've even found the Midir's arena in a completely different game. But difficulty...c'mon, this is a game with the most broken weapons and mechanics among all fromsoft games. Besides, the reason for these mixed reviews is the popularity of original Elden Ring. This game has opened doors of the genre for lots of people including more casual auditory. The DLC bosses tho are inmmesurably stronger then in main game and I can understand where all those complaints are coming from, but for example I could kill them, therefore they are doable. They may not always be fair and I may not always like them. But there's a boss out there that I have to slay and that's it. Life is unfair by it's nature, you either adapt or give up, there's no third option. Although I would say that in next games boss design and gameplay in general need complete overlook. We crossed the line where the only way to set the difficulty is just tuning the HP and damage of a boss which is the laziest way. These games need a total course change. New mechanics, new ways to fight. Because current combat of this genre starts to outlive itself, people have seen everything by this point.
@gamerstroveTV 13 сағат бұрын
Man I absolutely LOVE this take! First of all I appreciate you taking the time to write down the text because it does take a lot! I personally like the open world a lot because it asks to be explored imo. I get why to some its boring or needlessly big but to me I like looking at the distance and catching something that peaks my interest to then explore. Maybe in the end I'll get bored of it but for now I like it As for reused assets.. yes you make a good point there and I find it very hard to disagree on that.. They even go the route of first giving you a boss to fight to then make them a normal mob later on.. Like I say in the video, Elden Ring is a victim of its own success because of the base game being so popular to invite a metric shit-ton of new players. Now is the game challenging? hell yes it is but not nearly enough to NOT be fun and that is the whole point of the video tbh. The whole genre is known for challenging gameplay and thats why so many people love it. And 100% you make a great point with saying that there are so many busted mechanics and builds in the game to make it so much more manageable on top of the summons and the mimic..
@Sargatas 12 сағат бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV I would say that it is not that challenging...pressing 3,5 buttons and just memorizing movesets until perfection is not a challenge, it's a blunt analyzing of a moveset until you remember most of attacks (at least in my mind). Anyone can do this if this "anyone" just sit and pay attention for 20 minutes instead of raging and blaming the game how bad it its. I really like this type of boss design nonetheless, but I don't even think about it as some challenge, I just like to fight strong enemies. More then that, I fought bosses lot stronger then these and played games lot harder. Also I was always saying that "hardness" of any game is determined by what a person plays. For example, I play fast-paced games like DMC, Ghostrunner and Ultrakill for the half of my life, therefore the entire souls-like genre feels very slow to me and my decision making is always instantanious because those games don't give time to think at all. But on the other hand I saw people that play mostly such slow games like souls-like genre and they can't complete even the demo of Ghostrunner because their brains can't handle the speed on a physical level. Some people come from very casual-friendly games and they have a culture shock from realization that countless deaths is main mechanic of the game. Everything is relative. P.S.: btw, like those "engpanish" words of yours, it's quite funny😆
@gamerstroveTV 11 сағат бұрын
@@Sargatas Damn thats basically a very simplified description of whats souls games are 🤣 But regardless of the game and how people subjectively see the experience, its all down to if the game is fun or not and thats all that matters imo. With your experience in the field of souls games and challenging games in general, what game/boss has been the toughest for you to beat? I havent had the minerals to start ghost runner yet because I enjoy not raging too much tbh but maybe some day lol Yeah man glad you enjoy 😁 I make myself laugh with those comments so its nice to see all those years of speaking Spanish paid off 🤣
@Sargatas 11 сағат бұрын
​@@gamerstroveTV hmmmm...if I refer to mechanical difficulty then it would be Sisyphus from Ultrakill. This guy demands insane reaction to dodge every move and after losing 50% of health he starts to attack non-stop without windows, I have to shoot on the way. This is in addition to having 15 guns that I need to combo with each other. In fact my ADHD helps to play such games a lot🙃 If I refer to just time spent, it would be Radahn from this DLC. But it was tough on physical level alone. Amount of white during this battle just don't let me see anything and jeez, my eyes hurt hard every time I fight this dude. Also even when I figured out how to dodge or deflect every his move I still get hit by aftershock beams in his 2 phase because of how inconsistent they are. First time he took 8 hours, 5,5 of them I just tried to see what he is doing and 2,5 I just said "screw this, I'm parrying this mf". And I had funny situation: I almost got him in an hour, but screwed up very hard and was doomed to spend 7 more... Second time he took 5 more hours to learn to beat him within 1 health bar (without heals that is). And I made a goofy video out of this run😁 But overall I very rarely spend on a boss more then an hour and almost never more then 2. I even have the ranking system: 1 try (total pushover), ~15 min (weak), ~30 min (my minimal requirements), ~hour (strong enough), ~2 hours (the strongest). Though there is exception when I come to boss underleveled and it takes more time just mathematically. Also I have very simplified view on life in general, my mom always making jokes out of this, but that makes my life much easier and estimating things by "yes or no" system is very convenient. Souls games though really have 3,5 buttons: LMB+RMB (counted as one because usually a build includes use only one of them), weapon skill, dodge and jump (0,5 because lot of people don't utilize this in fight). This is the simpliest you can ever see in games😅 And I highly recommend both Ghostrunner games, these are one of the best series I've ever played. Though they are very small in length...
@northwoodsjjd8454 15 сағат бұрын
Consort Radahn second phase is epic but I don’t really like fighting it
@gamerstroveTV 14 сағат бұрын
Spoiler alert 🥲
@pennefries4642 15 сағат бұрын
So the whole vid was my guy just playing easy mode while complaining abt ppl COMPLAINING and the amount of times he said broski it's like he's stuck in 2020 and the amount of self plugs he did. Good god if you wanna bitch and say it's not difficult and you don't get why ppl complain make it harder for yourself then and then see how "easy" it is
@gamerstroveTV 14 сағат бұрын
Bro saying "stuck in 2020" like it was ages ago 😭 Also why would I WANT to make it harder for myself? Im not a professional "no hit run" gamer, even the creator of the game said he uses summons so why wouldnt I use a legit mechanic thats in the game as well😅 If you played the game and didnt like it thats completely fine l didnt make the game, I even mention that point in the video broski. What I dont understand is review bombing the game because someone ELSE didnt like it..
@KonjikiNoYami666 15 сағат бұрын
cheat engine wont help me here so it sucks
@gamerstroveTV 14 сағат бұрын
@claytonbraud7123 17 сағат бұрын
Miyazaki said he uses summons, bro made the game😭
@gamerstroveTV 14 сағат бұрын
and theres people still saying summoning is cheating 😭
@comradeanthony4120 18 сағат бұрын
Just wanted to let you know playing on a NG+ character is actually MORE challenging for you. The DLC is explicitly an End Game DLC you are SUPPOSED to be like level 150 at the start. NG+ scales enemies health and damage up for each level. So you playing on NG+ has made every enemy you've faced hit harder, and take more hits to kill.
@gamerstroveTV 18 сағат бұрын
You just made a grown man blush brotherman 😳Appreciate you clearing this up for me!
@comradeanthony4120 17 сағат бұрын
@gamerstroveTV I wouldn't say it makes things MASSIVELY more difficult (unless your only like NG+7) but it WILL be slightly more challenging then base DLC would have been
@gamerstroveTV 14 сағат бұрын
@@comradeanthony4120 Hey I'll take "slightly" any day of the week as an indicator that I'm officially a Elden Ring professional 🤣
@QuoracTheBard 18 сағат бұрын
Nice quick shot against Dr. D. Fuck that guy and anyone who supports him.
@WinstonASmith 21 сағат бұрын
hey broski. enjoy bob ( . Y . )
@gamerstroveTV 18 сағат бұрын
Wont catch me lacking broski 🤣
@jsonthefallen5218 23 сағат бұрын
Holly frijoles 😂👌🏻🙏🏻 you won me there, the rest of the video is a plus 😂🙏🏻👌🏻
@gamerstroveTV 17 сағат бұрын
🤣 appreciate it broski!
@richardjamesIII Күн бұрын
It's objectively difficult. I'm currently stuck on final boss for a day or so, but I've completed nearly everything in dlc, all furnace golems, all dungeons, every other boss. It's heart-pumping and honestly pretty brutal but we don't choose these games for a cake-walk
@gamerstroveTV 17 сағат бұрын
💯 I agree with you, these games are known for their difficulty and thats what makes them so great imo.. But you are HIM! you got this brotherman, Ima need you to come back and comment when you beat him
@tomekk.1889 14 сағат бұрын
You agree with him yet you still named your video this clickbait shit? 😂 Shameless ​@@gamerstroveTV
@gamerstroveTV 13 сағат бұрын
@@tomekk.1889 Y'all clutching at straws at this point, like at least watch the video before commenting 🤣 I say the game is challenging for experienced players but not TOO difficult to not be fun 🤦‍♂️
@zcytrox Күн бұрын
Ever boss feels "normal" besides radahn who is just insanely hard and commander gaius and his bugged out hitbox.
@gamerstroveTV 17 сағат бұрын
I think this counts as spoiling the ending broski 🥲
@adammauer6424 Күн бұрын
I disagree with your title and I’ve beaten the dlc
@gamerstroveTV 18 сағат бұрын
Its all love bro, "title is not to be taken seriously" should be written in fine text somewhere 😅
@PhantomMainChannel Күн бұрын
tbh I found like 90% of the dlc to be a fine difficulty, it was just a few gank fights that felt near mandatory to summon on and bosses like the divine beast that mess with your camera that were unfun. And the last boss is great but has quite a lot of bullshit with bad visual clarity, spamming attacks and also a near undodgable attack
@gamerstroveTV 17 сағат бұрын
Having large bosses in small arenas has been a pain in soulslike games in general because of how the camera angles limit you from seeing anything and this game has been no different tbh.. I feel FromSoft like to add bs bosses here and there to just mess with the players heads 😅
@HunterAMTV Күн бұрын
People play without upgrades, summons, etc to challenge themselves, just to leave a bad review, rather than use what the game has to offer and experience the greatest DLC in any game ever made. It's beyond me lol
@acelin4615 Күн бұрын
sure mimic tear+10 impeccable throns 3 shoting every boss,hey this is fun
@HunterAMTV Күн бұрын
@@acelin4615 ppl should play how they wanna play, but leaving bad reviews cuz its "too hard" while their going out of their way to make it more difficult for a "challenge" is their fault, not the games.
@zcytrox Күн бұрын
@@acelin4615 mimic dies from a couple hits from most bosses and is nearly impossible to summon in some boss fights.
@gamerstroveTV 18 сағат бұрын
This exactly! There are certain features that are put in the game to make the experience easier and instead of using them to HELP beat a boss, people would rather hate on the game 🤣 make it make sense lol
@gamerstroveTV 18 сағат бұрын
@@acelin4615 it actually is fun to watch a boss get destroyed after being destroyed by it for hours...🤣 no diddy
@NgVene Күн бұрын
Shadow of the Erdtree IS difficult, but it is as diffcult as you want it to be 🤷 just grind and it will get a lot easier
@gamerstroveTV 18 сағат бұрын
Yep! I have noticed once you get the items to boost your character it becomes waay more manageable 🤷‍♂ Not to mention mimic, npc summons or even online summons.. they're all features implemented to make the experience easier so why not use them😅
@untouchable360x Күн бұрын
"We chose to go to the moon, not because it is easy. It is because it is hard." JFK
@gamerstroveTV 17 сағат бұрын
My guy JFK was a soulslike fan
@theseancolnel Күн бұрын
It was fun in the base game, now i can see it's not for everyone, i'll leave this for the fan boy and never touch souls game again
@gamerstroveTV 18 сағат бұрын
Thats fair broski, its not for everyone but "never"? Even when bloodborne 2 comes and all that 🤣 Thats a bit excessive
@andresgarza8511 Күн бұрын
get gud basically
@gamerstroveTV 17 сағат бұрын
This guy just compressed the whole video into one sentence ☠🤣
@EldestCoont Күн бұрын
Messmer is hard. You will likely have to change the way you play to beat him, and you'll get his movements down eventually. Spoiler-free, I won't tell you anything more
@gamerstroveTV Күн бұрын
That's good to know 🤔 appreciate it broski! Did it take you many attempts?
@EldestCoont Күн бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV It took about 20 tries, but I like to experiment with flashy moves.. to save you the trouble, parry works great for most bosses, but not Messmer - which caused most of my deaths. He can be staggered but no parry
@gamerstroveTV 17 сағат бұрын
@@EldestCoont Okay thats good to know! Glad I dont use parry almost at all.
@gamerstroveTV Күн бұрын
Is Shadow Of The Erdtree too difficult to be fun❓
@QuoracTheBard 18 сағат бұрын
No. It's just as fun as Elden Ring. Git gud.
@gamerstroveTV 17 сағат бұрын
@@QuoracTheBard 👏
@Liratan 9 сағат бұрын
Most of those Negative reviews were Chinese players complaining about getting stopped by the Anti cheat. I'm assuming something that's pretty commonly used by most Chinese gamers was flagged by the Anti Cheat which blocked them from playing the game. In the end 83% of English reviews were positive.
@noelkawm 6 күн бұрын
I loved the game, but I feel like for souls like it loses it souls like part too fast. Second half of the game becomes too easy compared to first half. I accidentally killed big crab in sands in between on my way to forest and when I brought map to old hermit crab he was like wth, you were not supposed to kill him this early😂
@noelkawm 6 күн бұрын
As well as some game breaking bugs, but to be fair devs thought about it and added button to die immediately
@gamerstroveTV 6 күн бұрын
no way 🤣 broski you must be good at the game then because I'm stuck at the big crab fight right now... need to get good
@gamerstroveTV 6 күн бұрын
@@noelkawm oh damn, what kinds of bugs did you come across?
@noelkawm 6 күн бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV tbf, I used Thimble shell for most of the game. It becomes invincible if you use it ability and I used hammer fork for more damage. Boss fights were taking me around half a minute
@noelkawm 6 күн бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV sometimes if you use grapple and take damage at the same time it breaks the game. And one time boss hit me so hard I phased through walls amd died
@gamerstroveTV 7 күн бұрын
Thoughts on Another Crab's Treasure? Lets discuss it down below⏬
@PerfectGameQuest 8 күн бұрын
I've been looking forward to this game for a while
@gamerstroveTV 7 күн бұрын
If you like spongebob and soulslike games then youll feel right at home broski😁
@PerfectGameQuest 15 күн бұрын
This is my first time hearing about this game, but toy story with guns sounds fun
@gamerstroveTV 14 күн бұрын
Really? Damn it's the best feeling when you discover a game for the first time 😄 this game feels like the love child of toy story and quake which I didn't know people wanted but here it is
@gamerstroveTV 15 күн бұрын
Is Hypercharge worth all the praise❓ Lets discuss down below ⬇️
@jfkst1 21 күн бұрын
Wrong. Starfield is the first BGS RPG with bad exploration. So it is a bad game for that reason alone.
@gamerstroveTV 20 күн бұрын
Okay broski 👍 Whether you like the game or not, thank you for the comment!
@kailanirhys6107 23 күн бұрын
As someone who works second shift. Finding anyone to grind dungeons with is near impossible. It is why I quit ff14...and new world....looking forward to seeing if I can solo dungeons with thr update
@-Ryu- 22 күн бұрын
i wouldn't say at all it is the case on ff14. anyway be smart, if your playtime is in the middle of the night just play on a different data center, if you are on na you can play on eu and viceversa.
@kailanirhys6107 22 күн бұрын
@@-Ryu- I would ha e to give up two fc houses and 2 personal houses, and pay to change data centers...course I canceled my sub less than a month th ago finally. So going to lose the houses anyway *shrugs*
@gamerstroveTV 22 күн бұрын
Damn that sucks broski 🥲 But soloing dungeons in New World would be a feat! Amazing to think players are THAT good in games to be able to do that haha
@kailanirhys6107 22 күн бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV i thought that was what I read in their press release. Maybe I misunderstood. But sounded like all the content will be solo capable???
@gamerstroveTV 22 күн бұрын
@@kailanirhys6107 oh yeah? That's friggin awesome if true! Will definitely get me back to playing the game more when I don't have to queue up with randoms 😄🔥
@SargeDrums 24 күн бұрын
Van Helsing..what a great movie!! I love this game,im nearly 50,and really enjoy just going nuts with combos and genrally having a 'Blast'. I dont understand all the hate..this isn't supposed to be like all the big triple A games with endless maps and repetitive side quests. Sure this has its repetition,but with how nice it looks and how easy the controls are...this is that breath of fresh air you talk of! Really good vid of a game that is just plain out fun..and isnt that what games are all about..having Fun!?!? Rock On Mate 🤘😎🤘😎🤘😎
@gamerstroveTV 24 күн бұрын
Yees exactly brother, you get it! I get that not all games have that triple-A caliber or budget but damn what happened to just having fun!? thats what gaming should be all about 💪
@stefan6587 26 күн бұрын
Good job 😊
@gamerstroveTV 26 күн бұрын
Well thank you ☺👍
@alejandronunez7650 27 күн бұрын
its a good game, its a beautiful game.. and ofc its not perfect!
@gamerstroveTV 27 күн бұрын
It will definitely only get better over time 👏 Most of all it's FUN!
@alejandronunez7650 27 күн бұрын
you should try "Dead Frontier 2" its a Zombie MMO free 2 play :D
@gamerstroveTV 27 күн бұрын
Ooooh that's a great suggestion 😄 I will for sure check it out broski 💪
@alejandronunez7650 27 күн бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV noice! :D
@playerone2629 29 күн бұрын
Great review!! You get it!!
@gamerstroveTV 29 күн бұрын
Yep 💪 This game deserves more praise for sure!
@ehrpy_ Ай бұрын
Great review I was trying to convince myself to buy this one and now I'm convinced, subscribed! Looking forward to more content and other game reviews 👏🏻
@gamerstroveTV 29 күн бұрын
Thanks so much brother 💪 Appreciate you for the awesome words AND subscribing like damn that's the perfect combo 😄
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
Thoughts on Senuas Saga: Hellblade 2❓ Let me know ⬇️
@amitansurkar1769 Ай бұрын
I just dont understand after all this hate on the internet that this game gets.... It still is the most played game of 2023 and so far 2024.... And the 7th most played game of all time... This means either the people who play it dont bother to engage into bs conversations on the net.... Or the hate is totally superficial.. and people who hate on this game on the internet, have 1000s of hrs in this game already
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
Some of the times it might just be some big youtuber that says they dislike a game and then the hate train begins 🤷‍♂ Most of the hate the game gets is based on an older version but my impression is that most gamers who disliked it just never came back to it.. But then again I get why someone would hate on the game. They might hype it up in their head so much that no matter the game produced, it will end up a failure in their head. OR they just might not like it at all and its that simple 🤣 Gaming is the best because there is literally something for everyone!
@amitansurkar1769 Ай бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV agreed.... Critisism is ok.... I don't like the hate.... Some of the critisism this game gets is pretty valid, i understand that, but when people call this game trash and boring and then when someone defends it , these haters go.... " Oh you can't even take some critisism" that makes me cringe.... 😂 But with this new update for Starfield, seems like it exceeded expectations.... People are loving it, also there is a 72% increase in players after it!
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
@@amitansurkar1769 Starfield will definitely get it's well deserved praise in due time 💪 sometimes it just takes a bit longer with some games 😅
@amitansurkar1769 Ай бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV happens with RPGs, cause they're pretty big, and run a marathon than a relay race
@oserus999 Ай бұрын
200 hours in, and still loving it.
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
Thats awesome broski 😁So after 200h what are some things you would like added/changed in the game? 🤔
@oserus999 Ай бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV Maybe something post end game? Basically once you beat Dracula, you're done. Except for just making your castle pretty, there isn't anything to do after that. I'll come back to the game when they add more or have a DLC (which I'd happily pay for), but for now....
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
@@oserus999 hmm okay, kind of a bummer that there is no end game content 🥲 but I know if the base is this damn good then they will for sure add some more stuff in the near future 😄
@oserus999 Ай бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV I don't doubt they will add more stuff. The dev team has been great all through this journey.
@Omnidestrophic Ай бұрын
Bruh. I love this game.
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
Its very good 😬
@ShinForgotPassxXx Ай бұрын
I made the night longer and set the loot drop rate to x2. The game works perfectly great like this. I play on normal and beat every boss with my scythe, blood rain and chaos volley. The Mission waiting time is absolutely ridiculous for single players and you SHOULD be able to reduce the time to any ammount you like. It should not make you wait longer than 2 hours at the best prepared settings. Apart from this, game works great and I do not need to grind that hard. I think you can get all the schematics in 6 or 8 hours if you do grind for them easily.
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
Ooh okay thats good to know! Can I tweak the settings on an existing save file then or do I need to start a new one? Because a few people have said to change some world settings 😅
@Priest4232 Ай бұрын
A few minor what now? :25
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
🤣 Bruh because of this comment I highly recommend you watch the latest video I uploaded on V rising
@s0lace462 Ай бұрын
Well made video, but the title is a little misleading. I thought you were going to talk about playing solo, not give a basic overview and review for someone who has never played the game…
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
I get that broski... but I am playing it solo 😅 This does give me an idea on a future video of trying to survive in a online world as a "solo" player 👀
@NeillSmith Ай бұрын
Played in EA to completion on default settings and returned with the full launch to dip in for bit. #1 thing that stands out to me having played the game across multiple versions and in both single player and co-op is for a single player playthrough there are a couple settings you should 100% tweak in the 'server' settings when creating your world to have a better experience going solo: 1. Inventory stack size - should be set to max IMO. With a coop group you can raid together and share mats across multiple inventories but solo it's just you so crank it up. Honestly I think even in group play the default stack size is too low. 2. Crafting rate - should be set to max IMO. you mention it in the video about the speed of the crafting stations and it is an issue because the game was designed around online play with dedicated servers where you'd put a stack of stuff in the machine and let it run *while you're offline*. For a single player game with no dedicated server that's only running when you're in the game tweak the crafting rate to be much faster. 3. Mission Rewards - similar to crafting rate these were balanced around always being online with the high end missions taking hours to finish. On a dedicated server you'd fire one off and come back to the rewards the next day but playing solo it will be multiple play sessions before some of the longer high end missions will finish. So, IMO, you can work around this somewhat by cranking up the rewards multiplayer on missions. 4. Fast Travel Limits - should be turned off IMO. You mentioned this too and it's because the game is balanced around ganking players while they travel back to base with resources. In a single player environment it doesn't really do anything to have this limit but add a bunch of extra traversal time. 5 Resource Gathering Rate - if you don't want to punch as many trees and rocks for mats crank this up. 1 feels like it was intended for group play IMO where you have multiple people working to gather multiple stacks of mats at once. Personally I think in as a solo player 1.5 or 2 feels best. If you really don't like the resource gathering parts of games like this max it out.
@eloeden2056 Ай бұрын
thanks for the tips !!
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
Damn I love this!! Thank you so much for the tips brother! All amazing things that fix pretty much all the "issues" I found during my early hours 👀 I forget that this game is build around online play so thats why there are certain "features" in the game but amazing! Pinned!
@HppyP3m Ай бұрын
Completely agree. Glad someone already mentioned this. The fact that we can just fully customize the difficulty & amount of grinding in a solo game made it playable & enjoyable for me. The game default settings are a "playable" middle ground for both PvP coop & solo PvE, so ofc it won't be perfect gameplay experience for both cases unless we tweak it to our liking imo.
@ShaddoII Ай бұрын
servant hunts work offline now. No need to crank it imo. I had it at 3x but tuned it down once I figured out it still works as intended in private games
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
@@ShaddoII Servant hunts!?! Brother this game keeps on giving huh
@StupendousFool Ай бұрын
Funny and informative video, underrated content brother!
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
Thank you bromigo! (*sees your name, gets sudden urge to start speaking finnish 😁)
@StupendousFool 25 күн бұрын
@@gamerstroveTV I'm impressed you recognized it as finnish :D
@gamerstroveTV 24 күн бұрын
@@StupendousFool Brother lemme tell you something.. oon asunu melkein koko elämäni suomessa🤣
@BlenderHmn Ай бұрын
Bought v rising shortly after it came out on steam. And like so many I waited for full release. And I can say they made the game so much better its almost uncompareable, especially how you earn spells its very rewarding.
@gamerstroveTV Ай бұрын
I think they have mastered the gameplay loop of craft, hunt & upgrade because its just so damn rewarding and the sense of progression is constant. There have been only a few occasions where I didnt know what to work towards next!