@az5654 19 сағат бұрын
According to your comment about waiting until the battery is near full discharge, it appears necessary to have a spare battery.
@Earage1117 17 күн бұрын
The Trail of geometry are 65 (F10) vs 57.3 (Ostro), which give you very different handling. Very few people understand the importance of this value in the geoemtry chart...
@MrSzwarz Ай бұрын
0.35 Watts saving! Tested. Absolutely not worth it. If you get better tyres ist it would be far more beneficial. It is impossible for human being to sense 0.35 Watts difference.
@andriivaskovets5438 4 ай бұрын
Very very good review!
@wheelman998 4 ай бұрын
life of a cyclist! We get called names, yelled@, buzzed, just got to grow thick skin...I guess~ However, I find that having a Garmin radar helps me anticipate oncoming vehicles and move closer to side faster!
@wheelman998 4 ай бұрын
love it! keep riding!
@dwaynepedals 4 ай бұрын
Solid video! Just upgraded the pulleys on my GRX Di2 to Kogel 12/14 pulleys. Looking forward to testing them out when they arrive,
@theorangehelmetguy 4 ай бұрын
thank you! would love for you to follow up to see if my experience is similar to yours.
@antoinecdc 4 ай бұрын
Super helpful and honest review! Appreciate it
@theorangehelmetguy 4 ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@pvasiliou3948 4 ай бұрын
Unless they changed recently, The Black Bibs products were made in China; I have two thermal knicker bibs and love them, too. However, they have now gone 100 percent the cargo-pocket route and I'll stay away from that (not a fan); absolutely CANNOT beat their pricing/quality combo.
@theorangehelmetguy 4 ай бұрын
Cargos are great! Especially for filming lol
@nice_to_mitio 4 ай бұрын
Nice content! I am sure your channel will grow in no time.
@theorangehelmetguy 4 ай бұрын
I hope so too thank you for dropping by!
@stefano_barberi 4 ай бұрын
@theorangehelmetguy 4 ай бұрын
You’re always an inspiration
@TravelingBabyCompany 4 ай бұрын
@derekwatkins2137 4 ай бұрын
Good goals - let us know how you are going to get that FTP up
@rascalbiker 4 ай бұрын
Nice to see you out riding again! Looking forward to more content and hope you have a great year!
@theorangehelmetguy 4 ай бұрын
Thanks, you too! see you at WTF?
@johnsmith401 5 ай бұрын
I also do both, and i see often both situations, when im on my cycle i see a lot other cyclist going paralel, blocking all the line, going in bigs groups +4 without spacing between them (just to put in context im from spain and all those are prohibited) and with im on my bike i see other bikers speeding way to much, lanesplitting, passing on solid lanes etc. Is not a bike or cycle problem, its depends on the Human over it. That said, seeing the situation, the road making a turn to left, biker on a big ass bulk harley, i think is a fault from the biker but not an intetional one, he didnt control properly his bike, dont think he pretend to intimidate. That said, yeah its his responsability to control the bike he is riding
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the comment
@johnsmith401 5 ай бұрын
Np, and remember be careful, cause we are the weakest point in case of an accident, i have the same habit as yours, when i heard a vehicle aproaching i just move away, better safe than sorry (i mean when im on the cycle)@@theorangehelmetguy
@NanaRides 5 ай бұрын
He was coming around a curve, with only one lane to ride in, trying to stay in his lane to avoid any cars that could be coming around his way who frequently get into the oncoming lane in a tight curve. He simply did not see you in time because bicyclists are much slower. No way to know if it was intentional or not. I think we should all give each other more grace and not assume everyone has bad intentions or does things purposely. I personally think bicyclists are much safer staying on roads that have bike paths, or at least more than one lane, so cars, trucks and motorcycles have more room to get around them safely. I've passed bicyclists on my motorcycle and in my car. Have mad respect for them! If I rode a bicycle, I would take my safety very seriously and ride where it's safer for me.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
I agree perhaps he didn't see me in time, but still decided to hit the throttle going pass when other motos simply don't. Again, in my video I really like other opinions and I too want don't mean to make this a big deal, it happens frequently unfortunately. I see what you're saying about only riding where's there's a bike lane but there's simply not enough roads with bike lanes to make this sport meaningful for most of us enthusiast lol We 100% share the road with everyone and I appreciate your respect, likewise I respect all motos because they too deal with cars cutting them off all the time as well.
@NanaRides 5 ай бұрын
@@theorangehelmetguy He may have sped up more to get around you quicker once he saw you and realized the danger to you, you know? I also wish there were more roads with bike lanes. I used to bicycle lots several years ago before falling in love with motorcycling. But I wouldn't bicycle on a windy road that only had one lane. But that's just me and I'm a chicken, admittedly, lol. Ride safe, my friend!
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
@monab3081 Appreciate the reply. Speeding up as I’m hearing to get around a cyclist maybe “safer” but he could have been closer to the left vs me. And yes…I hate wind too. Often I don’t ride in mild to bad conditions because the drivers on the road I don’t trust.
@sailingpretenderbyeastcoas7494 5 ай бұрын
You would think that a fellow biker would have enough of an understanding to give you more room. I think the motorbike rider needs to spend some time on a pushbike to appreciate how vulnerable they are.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Vulnerable I think is the key word there, most motos forget we aren't protected by much, only a helmet really. So a less skilled rider may have been thrown off by a close pass and could have ended really badly.
@embraceuncertainty7127 5 ай бұрын
I believe that the temples of the glasses must be outside of the helmet straps rule was born from sponsored individuals who were required to show the branding. I use the helmet strap on the outside to keep my glasses and earphones in place. Very comfortable. The motorcyclist was not aiming to close pass you, in my opinion. He was just involved in the rush and you were just another blip in the road.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
In my opinion the glasses are the worse part of the video LMAO
@naedynot1 5 ай бұрын
If you usually ride alone, why do you care what side of your helmet straps your sunglasses are on? Do what YOU want to do.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
haha good point
@SherKhan-b1kes 5 ай бұрын
That motorcyclist failed his responsibilities as a road user. I am both a cyclist and also ride a motorcycle. That Harley rider in your filming seems fueled with hate which in itself is a crime. To keep traffic flowing smoothly we all need to show respect for one another. Ride safely, best wishes from Germany 😉
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thank you my friend. I agree that most motorcyclist can be fueled with hate for cyclist. Look at the comments here. Nearly all cyclist approach this with logic and know the law, and almost all motorcyclist that commented based it off a self opinion or personal thought, not the law or logic.
@qicas 5 ай бұрын
Let's look at this realistically, you were occupying the center of the lane going down hill, you noticed the motorcycle coming and moved over which was logical. Unfortunately you have done every bicycle rider an injustice by canning the motorcyclist. The risk to him and to you by crossing the center lines at that point would have put you at greater risk if there was oncoming traffic, it appears as if there was no oncoming traffic, but at the speeds we ride the decision to place yourself at a particular location within a lane or outside that lane needs to be made well before we are adjacent to you as a cyclist. This is the epitome of creating a mountain out of mole hill, nothing more! Lots of motorcyclists are bicycle riders, to think that was deliberate is just nonsense.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Appreciate your perspective. I'm not sure I'm overly "canning" someone, I want other individuals thoughts on the situation but canning is not my intent. If that were the case I could do a lot more shamming and a bias opinion of motorcyclist which honestly I respect and don't need to start a uproar over this little incident. I share the road with them every single ride and having a good community and understand between cyclist and motorist is key, which is why videos like this are important so we can share how it feels in our shoes because it may be something a motorist doesn't see. Everything you mentioned makes logical but the rider could have maintained the slow speed at which he came around the corner through the turn and pass me instead of accelerating no? Because hundreds of motorbikes do that typically when they pass me ESPECIALLY on a turn like this. Again, I'm not making a mountain out of this but I think it's a healthy conversations to have, thank you for your thoughts.
@deformemvita 5 ай бұрын
As a motorcyclist and a cyclist; I feel like he gave you plenty of space. There's easily 3-4 feet between you and him, and while I would have cut all the way to the double yellow when I passed you (because let's face it, cyclist are slow, make unpredictable movements, and none of y'all have the ability to shoulder-check without turning) I think what you're overreacting about is how fast he did it. Was he going to fast? Yes. Could he have given you more space? Yes. Did he do it on purpose? No, don't be stupid. Nobody is gonna risk having a fucked up motorcycle accident on a mofn canyon road just to scare a dork in spandex. I could see some dumbshit in a car doing it, because cagers are the lowest form of life on the road (especially Tesla drivers) but a motorcyclist faces the same risks a cyclist but at much higher speeds.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
so motorcyclist are just faster dorks in tight leather pants…got it 👍🏻 you basically said what he did was wrong but since it may have not been intentional it’s ok to unintentionally do it because he didn’t want to ruin his moto. I understand what you’re saying but also don’t all at the same time. Either way I share the road as I should, as shown, and can’t speak for every cyclist out there. Regardless I appreciate your comments because I really do want others perspectives as I said in the video, so thank you
@cranedaddy678 5 ай бұрын
Stick to roads with a bike lane or a shoulder so you don't have to cycle in the middle of the lane. Like in your video you're in the middle of that lane, in a curve and a no passing zone. How far under the speed limit were you going? You're basically a slow moving road block and the only option you gave the motorcycle was hit the brakes hard in a curve (which is dangerous) or pass you like he did. We'll never know if he passed in your lane because of the no passing zone or he was just being an ass.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
understand what you’re saying but unfortunately cyclist are allowed on such roads and can take a lane if certain, not all, conditions. It’s a fine balance between what’s lawful, appropriate and what our opinions are of that.
@dudeonbike800 5 ай бұрын
PS For all you cyclists around there who haven't ridden a motorcycle: IT IS SO FRICKIN' EASY! Talk about a cake walk! Holy crap, once you've experienced what it takes to climb a killer mountain, descend like a maniac with ZERO suspension on 23mm tires (old skool), ride at the edge of your aerobic threshold WHILE battling within a back of 50 other riders, winding up for a sprint at 40 mph, or kicking ass riding hard off road over the gnar, again at your aerobic max, you realize just how easy throttle twisting is. Like riding a sofa by comparison. Funny how "aggro" many moto riders think they are. Try mountain biking at your limit for 3-5 hours if you REALLY want to know what hard riding is all about!
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
well said thank you
@dudeonbike800 5 ай бұрын
Motorcyclist was a total jerk. He had LOTS of room to move over for you. Hypocrite who probably smashes mirrors when drivers do exactly what he just did. He twists a throttle to get around, so his cardiovascular system is weak and he's probably a bit flabby. Perfect way to develop ED. You're a fit, happy cyclist in great shape. This probably pissed him off. So he had to twist his throttle member to try to regain his manhood. Maybe he was in a hurry to pick up his Viagra?
@hanspetersen4741 5 ай бұрын
It was not intentional, when you look back at him he is basically at the apex of the corner and when he passes you he is still leaning over from the turn, only after he passes you was he able to straighten up, showing that he did everything he could as well to stay as far left in the lane as he could with the speed he was carrying.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the perspective. In the video I didn't mention he was doing hot laps up and down, not sure if that adds anything but I think there was some sort of entitlement there. I don't think you need to floor it within 3' of a cyclist, especially in a turn. I hard 3-4 others pass me shortly after this all backed way off and pass me less than 30mph
@dudeonbike800 5 ай бұрын
Not even close. He probably had three more feet to the double yellow. And who says the double yellow matters in that case? He could have moved right to its edge or even on it and given this rider a LOT more room. I cross the double yellow all the time to give others room. Drivers LOVE to scream, "But I CAN'T CROSS THE DOUBLE YELLOW, it's ILLEGAL!" But then you see them do it ALL THE TIME. Plus, drivers are habitual law-breakers anyway, so it's laughable that they suddenly pretend they're saints. Funny how when given the choice to break the law and endanger no one (crossing the double yellow when no one's there), or break the law and endanger someone (not obeying the 3-foot cyclist passing rule), they choose the latter! They'd rather put someone's life in danger AND break the law! Wow, that's some critical thinking right there! Hypocrites AND stupid. A deadly combination.
@blondiejoe 5 ай бұрын
As a motorcyclist and cyclist, I agree that we need to respect each other, and consider how what we do affects others. Somebody like this harley rider is just looking to be a macho dickhead wherever he goes, and no amount of reasoning is going to change that. People like this give motorcyclists a bad reputation. Most of us are fighting some of the same battles as cyclists out there.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Agree'd, I'm always the guy who moves my car way over when someone is lane splitting, I always get a wave of thanks too.
@feronous8207 5 ай бұрын
I drive a motorcycle and a E-scooter. There is a hierarchy of safety that needs to considered. The motorcyclist should have slowed, and gave more room for a few reasons. 1, he cant expect you to move over since u are near a cliff and debris/rocks pose a danger to the bicyclist . 2) The motorcycle cant move over to a large degree either because the cliff and bend in road block the view of oncoming cars. slowing down was the only safest option, and while no one got hurt, your safety was still threatened.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughts, I agree all he had to do was slow down and gently move pass like 99% do. You also bring up a great point, had there been debris or boulders in the shoulder, which there normally is especially after rain, there's no way I could have moved over that far and him coming around the corner wouldn't be able to spot that in time.
@dudeonbike800 5 ай бұрын
He had ALL THE ROOM IN THE WORLD to move left and afford the cyclist more space. I do this ALL THE TIME on the bike or in the car. Jesus, if you cannot handle other road users, you have no place driving or riding.
@geneclarke2205 5 ай бұрын
I wouldn't give it a second thought. Motorcycles, cars, trucks, the drivers just aren't paying attention or they lack judgement as to how close the are or they just believe they have the right of way and you're an obstruction. This is cycling in America and its not going to change. Best bet, ride defensively and don't challenge these people. It a no win situation.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Appreciate it, definitely not looking to challenge anyone. I saw him doing hot laps on the way back up and I didn't make a gesture that time (I did the first) or cause for any reason for a further confrontation. It is what it is, I moved on. Great opinion thanks again!
@DaBinChe 5 ай бұрын
Let me put a different perspective on this. When a faster moving vehicle comes to you they slow, when passing you they will accelerate. The quicker the pass happens the safer. If the passing vehicle lingers next to you it makes for a much less safe condition. As both a bicyclist and motorcyclist I'll pass a bicycle the same way on either bike, moto or car, slow down till I'm just behind the rider then accelerate quickly past the rider keeping the side by side time to a minimum. It is just like passing a 18wheeler, you don't linger along side it, pass it quickly as you can. As a cyclist with someone faster behind me I'll stay as far right as I can and be predictable maintaining course. All to common I see cyclist swerving side to side, learn to hold a line. A moto like a bicycle has very good spacial and distance awareness, harder to do with a car with the driver on the far side of where a bicycle is. The space that cruiser bike passed by was about a foot, plenty safe, he knew his line and you knew your line. What really freaked you out was the noise of acceleration, it can be startling even when you know and hear it there, but when the throttle opens the noise is so much more which physiologically feels like a danger or a threat. Cruiser riders believe that loud pipes saves lives, but the data shows otherwise. Now weather he wanted to freak you out or not is a matter of perspective. He might just not wanted to cross the double yellow, I usually don't like to cross over the double yellow at all. Usually when I pass a bicycle on a moto I don't like to cross the double yellow, I'll pass on the same lane left side if the bicycle is on the right side . Also there was a interpretation of communication. When you looked over your shoulder and moved over it was your acknowledgment he was there and his que to pass, if you hadn't moved over he most likely would of cross the double yellow to pass. His little swerve could also be his communication to you to stay on the right instead of being in the middle of the lane or it could be him swerving back to center. Actually looking over the clip he did not swerve to you. Just before he got to you and passed the road swerves to the left. Once he pass you the road was straight and he was just straightening out from the swerve in the road. He basically wants to stay center of the lane after the pass, but when he was behind you just before passing he was on the left side of the lane. When on a bicycle I always stay on the right side of lane, only time I don't is fast downhills. There is no reason not to stay on the right side unless the road conditions requires you to move towards the center like a storm grate or debris etc. You assume that road users are updated on the laws. As an avid cyclist you are more aware of bicycle specific laws but the reality is most are not. Hell I wasn't aware of one lane over law..I'm barely getting used to the 3ft law. So no I don't think there was intent on his part.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
that is a well thought out reply and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I see and appreciate your perspective and can definitely agree on some of those points, some I hadn't thought of. I have to admit when I come pasts a cyclist I to tell them to hold their line or call our that I'm passing on the left. I see new to riding cyclist swerve not knowing what to do and that does throw me off, even more reason to pass slowly as you can't predict erratic behavior. The only 2 minor things that I would like to call out is that 1 foot passing is not safe no matter what, even a bike vs bike it's not safe if you're coming up that quick. Yes maybe cyclist are updated on the law of 3' but I am almost certain with moto's having similar run ins with cars, they probably are aware of those rules too. At 1' at that speed, there is a suction effect from the moto and turbulence that can easily throw off a cyclist. I ride enough to understand that and know how to control myself. In this case I felt it but you can see my hands were in a good position to control. It's similar to not standing too close to a train track. I do agree passing faster could be safer, but not when passing a smaller object generally. Passing a 18-wheeler on a moto or car faster is safe yes, but what about a 18-wheeler passing a moto/car at speed? Not as safe right? A cyclist also passing a 18 wheeler can be unsafe because they maybe too small to be seen and again the suction from the 18-wheeler is highly un-safe. Again, I certainly understand your points and it's great feedback.
@NinjaElephant 5 ай бұрын
Really scary. But there is literally nothing you could have done better in that situation. Since a certain incident I use the Garmin Varia, so at least I can hear cars coming when I am going fast downhill, and the red blinking makes me more like an obstacle to them too. What’s funny is that in Italy cars and bikes overtake much closer to me but I feel safer than in my home country Austria cause I get the feeling that they do not dislike you. It’s all about driver attitude and attention.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Yes I hear those a very popular, except when riding in groups...then they tell you to turn off the volume LOL
@dudeonbike800 5 ай бұрын
You moved right, held your line and lived to ride another day. That's how it's done. But that moto rider is a jerk and needs to have his attitude adjusted.
@gabrielk6244 5 ай бұрын
Nope... you are just a stupid cyclist. You were almost in the middle of the lane and heading back to right white lane. You should not do that, because you are not even reaching the minimum speed for the road. I don't know your gear color, but wearing black is the worst you can do. Use reflective cloth and high contrast. Never black "because it's cool". Why cyclist this days think they own the roads?
@pvasiliou3948 5 ай бұрын
Must be something about Mulholland. I've been buzzed like you by both Harley types and crotch rockets; I'm almost used to it and sort of expect it now whenever I hear them coming up behind me. The best is when you hear the rumble of a big V-twin (Harley) from a distance, they almost idle as they close in on you, and then go full-open throttle as they pass. It makes the ground shake. And you wonder why. Anyway, good video, keep them coming, and stay safe!
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Mully is definitely the go to speedway for everyone on the weekends. I agree the full throttle at passing is intentional. To the other users comments as passing fast is safer, while that may be true, doing it at such an aggressive speed and having the throttle open the most right at the point of passing says allot
@KingGorrino 5 ай бұрын
I get the complaints about people passing cyclists way too close, but this idling + throttle thing being rude is 90% likely in your head. There can be dickheads, but come on. If we idle behind cyclists is because we are waiting for the safest opportunity to pass, since we normally have to invade a lane with potential incoming traffic to do so. The open throttle is just the natural outcome of us trying to spend as little time as possible in this unsafe position.
@DG-tf9rp 5 ай бұрын
He passed to close. You moved over, and he gave you no respect as a fellow road user. I wonder how close he would have been if you did not move over, We as cyclists have to do what we think is the safest thing to do, taking the hole lane and getting honked at, may piss us off, but I look at it, as the driver saw me and went around me, that tells me they see me. I know if all drivers rode a bicycle and that happened to them, things would be different. This hit close to me, I was on a ride 2 days ago and rode up on a cyclist fatality scene on a road I ride all the time. The driver was thought to have been on their phone. Stay safe out there.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
thank you for sharing your thoughts. I’m sorry for your experience and having to ride past a fatality…that’s the worse case scenario. I know in the UK they put bus drivers on a stationary bike and road 3’ from them to show what it’s like, they were scared sh*tless
@ReX-xt2q 5 ай бұрын
As someone who does both, then I think it is very important to share you story. That was way more dangerous than it should be, but I hope he didn't have malicious intent and he "just" wanted to scare you. Still not okay at all as we share the road and he has no more right of way than any others. But I doubt that his experience was the same, thus it is important to share those stories and then hopefully at least a few riders changes their ways.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughts! :)
@denniebone388 5 ай бұрын
This motorcyclist buzzed you on purpose my friend so you be safe out there riding.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thank you, will do.
@nicoliroos4865 5 ай бұрын
Unfortunately you get people that are inconsiderate and even malicious, he had plenty of space to pass you. Probably won't be the last time it happens... better to just move on and accept that this is the world we live in.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
thank you 🙏
@gabrielk6244 5 ай бұрын
at that speed? in a curve? while the cyclist is going in the middle of the lane? with 2 yellow lines in the road? and the cyclist now going at minimum speed for a road?? WTF are you talking about? Cyclist should respect more the traffic rules. "Plenty space" where??? Watch the 2 yellow lines saying "do not overtake" and the cyclist in the middle of the lane with his human-powered vehicle.
@duncanrobertson6472 5 ай бұрын
​@@gabrielk6244 1:41 really? Even with the fisheye lens it's pretty clear he moves well to the right and motorcyclist could easily have been 4-5 feet further left without touching the lines. There's not even oncoming traffic. "At that speed" and "in a curve" don't help your case, those are reasons he should give more leeway, or approach slower if he's that worried. If something goes wrong, both of them could be SOL. You'd think fellow 2 wheelers would appreciate that.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
You said it all my friend
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Gabriel…VEH21200-21202…read it thoroughly then you can understand how cyclist get irritated when someone almost runs them into the side of a canyon wall. So because we are human powered we deserve to be injured? What about pedestrians, they should probably not cross streets right?
@chris4221x 5 ай бұрын
The look back while passing says it all….
@massimoserafini8115 5 ай бұрын
You would think that motorcyclists would be cool to cyclists, like we’re kind of on the same team. But ironically they’re actually worse than cars.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Agree’d, and they get mad at cars for doing the same thing they do to us
@davetravis8994 5 ай бұрын
Very good video and very timely. I agree that the motorcyclist was way too aggressive and obviously creating a dangerous situation. One thing I would encourage you and other cyclists as well and that is consider investing in a Garmin Varia. You can't always hear cars coming from behind, especially if it is windy. I ride alone often and it is a piece of safety equipment that I rely on, Always enjoy your content.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the advice and idea, I have a few friends that have them and enjoy them 👏
@cyclingmoe069 5 ай бұрын
Agree, this is one of the best pieces of equipment I’ve bought. Wouldn’t want to ride road without it again!
@luckynadal9329 5 ай бұрын
great info and Video... Josh and Favian are great Mechanic and people. also, what wheels are you running?
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Mavic SLR 45’s tubeless with 30c Vittoria Corsa’s
@pvasiliou3948 5 ай бұрын
Awesome video; you did an outstanding job (as usual). Great to see a little extended coverage/exposure of my CVC brethren toward the end. I only did the Latigo loop last year and that was way more than enough. One thing about the Nosco Ride is that everyone focuses on DC/Mully/Latigo, and essentially fail to mention the 😡🤬🥵 stingers on Cotharin. Those are the absolute worst! Again, great job! keep them coming.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Ya the one at 28% is tricky especially if you don’t get a good run in.
@SPMech1 5 ай бұрын
@cyclingmoe069 5 ай бұрын
It was indeed a tough day! Great riding with you!
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! You too Mo! See you soon!
@happydays8171 6 ай бұрын
So has Factor done away with their twin vein downtube?
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
I believe so, the new one that was at the TDU didn't have the twin vein either, but that may be on a different model.
@happydays8171 5 ай бұрын
@@theorangehelmetguy Thanks
@hadishhagos2909 6 ай бұрын
I had my new factor bike a week ago, I live in Texas not much hills but I feel the difference when I ride on hills great bike I love it
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@cyclinginsoutherncalifornia 6 ай бұрын
I have a KZbin cycling channel as well. You do great content. I'm in Camarillo. Once we both get to a million subscribers, we should do a collab...ha ha. If you ever want to make a video together, let me know. I'm close enough.
@theorangehelmetguy 5 ай бұрын
1MM let’s go!
@cyclinginsoutherncalifornia 5 ай бұрын
@@theorangehelmetguy it’s only a matter of time!!! Ha ha
@derekwatkins2137 7 ай бұрын
what was the temp - anything below 70f /21c degrees requires arm warmers in SoCal lol
@carlosmtb427 7 ай бұрын
I talked to factor and they recommend size 54 and I’m 5’7 height and 29 inseam..
@theorangehelmetguy 7 ай бұрын
Ya everyone is different, I like a longer stem to usually for with a smaller frame. Did you talk about reach or give them current fit numbers?
@TravelingBabyCompany 8 ай бұрын