@MissHaotic 5 ай бұрын
Why the entire film is not avilable on youtube?
@jamesgordon8867 8 ай бұрын
Photobiomodulation with graded exercise
@teripeterson5709 Жыл бұрын
First I had a case of Mono/EBV in March of 2020! After many months of slowly regaining a bit of energy & ALWAYS ENDED UP WITH MANY CRASHES! In 2021 was finally diagnosed with Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome- Today I’m laying down on my sofa Trying To Recover From Another Crash! FYI; I haven’t been able to work in 2 yrs
@ralfschink Жыл бұрын
Es ist so verdammt traurig und macht mich täglich wütender, dass nicht mit allen Möglichkeiten an Medikamenten geforscht wird 😪
@Knobbynomates Жыл бұрын
M.E was defined and has a medical definition which is explained in its name. It was initially accepted as an organic illness then over time it has been bastardised and diluted by lies misinformation and purposeful intent. Even the estimate for folk I'll with this illness is categorically incorrect. Because folk get the wrong definition for their illnesses. Thus the figures banded about willy nilly are from an estimate banded about willy nilly from the 1980s. Which is absolutely incorrect obviously. It has been firmly and intentionally ignored . Thru medical abject ignorance across the board. It is a auto immune illness. It isxmore severre than anything you have come across but because both it's term and the often used incorrect shadow name of CFS itself made up to support the deception. Back again in the late 80s . It goes back in time to the mid 1950s. No one but no one does their homework in this respect. And once an illness is bastardised to mental health thru medical pointed ignorance, so is every doc and his dog. Thus the condition is further exsaerbated by wrong diagnosis for there simply is no medical diagnosis....so how could it be considered in any formal sane way.! The way to cure is similar to any other major auto immune illness. But sufferers do not understand this because no one suggests this. Thus they are left in the dark permanently continuing to not get better......if you get cancer you get medical help. If you get me you get abuse. It is easy to identify this illness. It is easy to beging to assist folk with it , it is easy to not compound this illness. But none of this is done Thru abject ignorance. If you only think in terms of oxidative stress you start to figure out the issues involved. For sufferers it is made worse because they have to contend with the wrong gases in the blood causing foggy thinking....why they can't concentrate ot work out basics it's like trying to chat to someone who is gassing themselves in a car ! The accumulative effects of this illness accumulate because no one is given proper basic advise let alone any medical care. It is a criminal abomination . Thus the initial ability to deal with this illness is lost and 40years on folk are left in the same painful situation still not quite getting what's actually wrong. And no charity out there is remotely helpful....money goes to the continued nonesensical medical enquiry when it needs none . It needs an appropriate responseclike any other major serious illness , shadowing the same basic principles.....that's it !. It is compounded a 100 times over by folk who have been given the GP waste basket diagnosis.....who then improve because it's not what they have anyway that complicates the issue horrendously. As does all ignorance on the matter . Becausec gps have no concept of what they are doing and nor does the innocent sufferer. Whatever they have !.. PS any comparisons to any other illness is gross stupidity .
@shokorapi Жыл бұрын
これは映画化されているのでしょうか? 見れるとしたら何から見れますか?
@francinebacone1455 Жыл бұрын
I'm in Canada and am suffering undiagnosed with this right now. Waited 2 years to get into a rehab clinic, now they're trying to push me beyond my energy reserves and "educate" me that my chronic pain/symptoms are simultaneously "real" but "just in my head", while my fatigue and brain fog are ever present but not getting looked at as the main reason for me not being able to exercise or do anything really. What I would give for a long meandering bike ride, an hour of laps in the pool... its assumed I'm not doing these things because I've somehow made myself overly sensitive to pain?!?! Its getting too hard to recover from the commute to meetings and workouts and I have no energy left for anything else. I feel lucky that I'm well enough to sustain getting out of my house for a few hours once or twice a week... but I'm probably going to be kicked out because I'm getting too tired to make it there on time or keep the rest of my life organized. I can tell my increasingly-hard-to-conceal frustration is likely going to result in a conversation about how my "negative attitude" and "faulty beliefs" are "contributing to poor outcomes for (my) condition".😩!! 'Thoughts and prayers', FFS. RRRRGH! This is heartbreaking and emotionally, its making me feel like I'm either crazy- making it up in my head, or god forbid LAZY, or like overall I'm ALL those things and a complete failure if I can't avoid being kicked out of rehab. I'm giving it my all to get some sort of help, but it's not enough. I'm sad. It sucks. I need to rant. Next week I think I'm going to politely refuse to comply while simultaneously refuse to quit. Hopefully they can take feedback and maybe the next ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia client they treat will have it easier and get their actual needs met instead of being penalized or neglected for the symptoms of the illness that are debilitating them. Hopefully I wont have a relapse in between everything. UGH! So frustrated. Hang in there, ME /CFS/ Fibro/undiagnosed/mystery condition people out there! You peeps who can recognize how familiar this struggle is are the ones who keep me going. Dr.s & clinicians (I've yet to meet one who has experience in treating CFS patients) can make me feel crazy but talking to other sick people makes me feel real. Hang in there!
@ryanneilcarr 2 жыл бұрын
The people who repeat ME/CFS suffer from some kind of severe mental retardation. As clearly this is no such thing.
@nicokelly6453 2 жыл бұрын
This is such great progress toward making a better future for ME/CFS treatment and I'm so glad it's happening.
@marieharris4682 2 жыл бұрын
I got my test result yesterday and I finally tested negative to HSV 2...., It really feels good to have my life back and I am so thankful to Dr. Okiti for helping me out..... If anyone reading this comments wants to contact Dr. Okiti for questions or help
@Ex-expat 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, GET was established globally as the norm. Insane. I was told the same and thankfully ignored it as just going up one flight of stairs was too much, and the one time I did some minor "exercise" I was done for 2 weeks and peed on a freaking bottle as I couldn't get out of bed. I was wheelchair bound and finally slightly mobile to today 6y later being able to slowly walk 1km thanks to a doctor who worked out the right meds and fine tuned them. My key message: don't give up, and the days you can do something, do to max 50% of your capability. 2nd: Get a Garmin watch to track your "stress" Level and body Battery. That was what helped me seeing how my body felt. Game changer!!
@banzobeans 2 жыл бұрын
Ideas for anyone watching this: * Ozone therapy. * Ketogenic diet. * Fasting * LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) * Trauma therapy. e.g. Somatic Experiencing, EMDR.
@elizabethcarver5151 Жыл бұрын
Idea for people who offer unsolicited quack therapies to chronically ill people: go and boil your head.
@banzobeans 2 жыл бұрын
3:04 "On average, people with ME/CFS have lower quality of life compared to people with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthiritis, cancer or depression."
@banzobeans 2 жыл бұрын
2:55 "These patients have an inability to create energy for physical and mental activities that they want to do."
@aremedyproject9569 2 жыл бұрын
Why don’t you name the colleges and doctors who are blocking this??
@potsbottlejars5551 2 жыл бұрын
Let's not forget how B12 aids recovery.
@unyxpectedtrinkets4616 2 жыл бұрын
*tries not to cry, cries a lot* When will the medical field decide to help people? 😭 We NEED research. Every time research is done, they find there IS evidence. I’ve had doctors write me off for decades and it has directly negatively affected my health long term (nearly killed me). Chronically ill patients are dismissed as drug addicts, lazy, or that they just have a bad perspective.
@teripeterson5709 Жыл бұрын
Well said
@michaelpond813 2 жыл бұрын
I ve had. C. F. S. For decades. I've found that. Taking. Co q.10. Omega three Neuro mag. Zinc. I. Carnitine a good multiple and v D3 2000. I. U. A good veggie diet with protein.
@lancemacdonald1819 2 жыл бұрын
I contracted ME in 1983 and tried all types of therapy, it took about 6 years to get back to 95% right. I didn't even consider exercise as a therapy as after exerting myself a couple of times I was very very tired, it's as though your life force has been drained. I recovered by reducing all activity, reducing stress in little ways, eating a vegetarian diet and getting my stomach bacterial right. Once your stomach is right the rest of your body can start healing within.That worked for me , I understand it may not work for all ME sufferers. My love and prayers for all ME sufferers as I know what you are going through.
@mdee860 2 жыл бұрын
I can't wrap my head around that THREE Royal College Physicians still want to attach their names to such low quality "research" - the PACE Study. 😱 They hang onto GET & CBT as 'therapies,' having built & banked their reputations on the recommendations (GET & CBT) from the PACE Study. Simply because they won't admit that they were wrong. Such a small, harmful group of science-deniers have done so much harm to so many. They've broken the Hippocratic Oath - "First, do no harm." Shame on them. Publish your new report now NICE, please.
@geraldking4080 2 жыл бұрын
I got it at age 21. Now I'm 68. I was misdiagnosed for 20 years. I was a backcountry skier & climber. Trying to maintain an active life & physical conditioning caused immeasurable harm.
@hals1fineday 2 жыл бұрын
I also got it when I was 29 and I am now 58. I have to regulate my exercise and mostly it's walking, to stay in a tolerable zone.
@StealthyNomadica 2 жыл бұрын
@penny4174 2 жыл бұрын
These videos are great. The only reservation I have is the music in the background is a bit drippy and distracting. I think they would be more powerful tools in the fight to persuade hcps without it. Maybe also the narrator is too softly spoken. It’s important to have a strong voice that carries and commands attention.
@debbiedausch7259 2 жыл бұрын
You can’t move . You try to move. Your body will not move
@shellbell8062 2 жыл бұрын
Is anyone still naive enough to think that they will be "cured" by mainstream medicine? I am just coming out of 4 years of ME - in the final recovery stages and the key points for me were fixing my leaky gut, detoxing from heavy metals, rebalancing my hormones with bio identical hormones and eating an extremely clean diet high in farm raised meats, bone broth and kefir. Also vitamin D supplements. The cure may be different for others because the body has suffered an onslaught of toxicity and depletion which have affected multiple systems. Graded exercise does work but only in the final stages of recovery, and needs to be extremely slow and gradual. It has been key for me in this last leg of recovery. I wish you all the best. It takes a huge amount of research and discipline in eating the right things, ditch the coffee and sugar and stay on the path. There is no doctor or pill that can cure you. You have to put the body into a healing state. You can recover.
@shellbell8062 2 жыл бұрын
@@mauledbytraitors You seem to have missed the very point I was making; which is that science has very little to offer in terms of recovery. That's because there is no money for big pharma in you taking full responsibility for your health, detoxing, eating clean, getting enough sleep. Stop worshipping science, it's not going to help you and they don't have a clue. I should have mentioned as well that mind set is MASSIVELY important. Those who don't heal tend to be those with a defeatist attitude, who choose to believe that they will never heal and that their healing is not in their hands. The ME community is full of negative people that never heal, and "can-do" people who do heal. If you don't believe you will heal you will never put in the work required. Check out Raelan Agel's channel - she healed after 10 years and her channel is packed with interviews of those who have healed. None of whom found any support from science or mainstream medicine. Like mine, their experience was to be told that they are depressed, it's all in their head, there is no cure etc. This illness is incredibly nuanced and so are the causes. Most include childhood trauma, followed by perfectionistic tendencies, so putting a huge strain on the system for years through over achieving, poor diet, divorce, drugs, over exercising, viruses, heavy metal and mould toxicity etc. Everyone's path to getting here is different but boils down to deficiencies, toxicity and stress on the system. When you put your body into a healing state it will heal. Taking full responsibility is not appealing to everyone - and those people will unfortunately remain sick.
@Star5dg 2 жыл бұрын
Semi professional football player, then triathlete, working full time, raising family. Valuable member of community. Now, unable to work exercise or be a good father. Anxiety they say. I've climbed highest mountain in South East Asia, I've bungee jumped etc zero fear and minimal anxiety
@janaw514 2 жыл бұрын
I remember that Outside magazine published an article on Overtraining syndrome. It sounds so similar to ME/CFS and Fluoroquinolone Toxicity syndrome, all of which point to the mitochondria.
@juliebella1221 Жыл бұрын
Seems to take out the most active and brave of us out. You hear this over and over. Anxiety???? Depression??? We were the type that could find something to do on a rainy day and were the sunshine in other people's lives. Now we are the burden that can't die and can't live. If they allowed human euthanasia there would be lines for days. If an animal is this bad off they put it down. Deep sigh. Will our children ever really meet us? Know us? All they see is us feeling life is a curse. Honestly can say I wish I was never born. I KNOW the medical community has INTENTIONALLY done this to us. It's been a noted condition since 1970 and before - used to be called hysteria as it mostly affected women. Now maybe that more men are getting the almost all male doctorship since the 70s will finally deem it worthy of their time and not just an easy reason to dispose of women past their prime. How being in your 20s and 30s is past your prime I have no idea. Doctor told me it was just I was middle aged at 35 and should accept it's just getting old. He's been given several awards. It wasn't until I dropped my notable doctors name from another state that he stopped being so smug and actually paid attention. Doctors only cause years long more harm. I wish I never went to them. What else is there though? Big hugs to you and yours! :)
@edwinajesby6985 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for ….understanding; /
@jeaninardi8538 2 жыл бұрын
So after this beautifully done vid, they sign off saying to check with experts and list exercise physiologists.
@ryanneilcarr 2 жыл бұрын
There is 'no such thing' as 'ME/CFS'. It seems to be another name for 'CFS' and a silly name for an undiagnosed, uninvestigated individual. M.E. is the same illness as Enteroviral Encephalomyelitis. Its a (motor neuron illness - neuromuscular disease if had Enteroviral Encephalomyelitis). CFS is the 'lack of energy' people. Its a totally different group of people lol everybody has a different condition to 'ME/CFS' as there is no such thing. The illness they do actually have MISSED.
@papercup2517 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspective, Ryan. As you are no doubt aware, the terms have been interchangeable for some time, but, like it or not, ME/CFS is the compromise one used currently by most medical professionals and researchers. It's messy, an umbrella term for what may well be a group of different diseases or related sub-groups of one disease, but almost everyone agrees it's better than 'CFS' - or even worse, 'Chronic Fatigue'- those ridiculous, misleading terms previously forced on us by a few influential psychologists who felt the need to campaign for decades to try to have it classed as psychogenic, and to persist in describing it as if fatigue were its chief, or indeed, only symptom. (As per the Oxford diagnostic criteria, now fully discredited as an in any way adequate description, but useful to the psychologists who could then offer therapies to reduce said idiopathic 'fatigue' with psych-based methods, and then claim to have 'cured' ME or CFS.) Incidentally, I was diagnosed with 'CFS' in Australia in the mid-1990s by a highly experienced specialist physician after a 2-3 hour physical examination, long and detailed questioning about symptoms and patterns (eg PEM), history taking, analysis of blood results, etc. 'CFS' is just what they were calling it at the time in Australia - there was no 'ME', officially. But what he was examining for and diagnosed me with was clearly identical to current ME and ME/CFS definitions - a complex, multisystemic condition with a very long list of neurological and other symptoms - definitely NOT just 'lack of energy'! Hopefully, with vastly increased funding and as biomedical understanding grows, we can find more apt names for the group of conditions and/or its sub-sets. Hopefully then we can all get access at last to suitable treatments and the care we so desperately need to more closely match our particular condition.
@nicokelly6453 2 жыл бұрын
Just because we don't fully understand the causes of the illness yet doesn't mean there is no illness or that it's all actually something else. Lots of patients are being checked for other diagnoses and are still being found to fit this diagnosis the best. Researchers are also finding some pretty distinctive physiological features in these patients that show there is likely to be a specific illness we have previously not known much about, and that illness is currently being called Myalgic encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. To try and say across the board that everyone must have another known illness they just haven't been tested for when we're talking about millions of patients whose condition has been studied pretty deeply by certain specialists, well, that's rather bad science, mate.
@ryanneilcarr 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicokelly6453 M.E. should of never been attached to the term to start with. CFS is a misdiagnosis. Having an acute encephalomyelitis is not the same as not having one. Absolutely absurd conflating an unrelated illness defined by fatigue with an acute encephalomyelitis. No resemblance. Fatigue isnt even an essential symptom in M.E.. The biggest piss take of all is stealing the encephalomyelitis term and attaching it to CFS if the individual in question has never had one. The individual in question is a clear liar. Pathological lying. A lying gaslighter of questionable personality. Who lies about having something that doesnt apply? The person is an absolute fruitcake clearly.
@mischa23406 2 жыл бұрын
Great video....one day we will be free of this my fellow survivers
@rbar3623 2 жыл бұрын
I used to roll my eyes when my doctor would tell me to exercise more. How do you exercise when you can’t even move some days.
@RMT192 2 жыл бұрын
@websurfer5772 Жыл бұрын
I hate my doctors and they hate ME.
@MK-co6uf 2 жыл бұрын
Love these videos. Thank you.
@Manageode 2 жыл бұрын
I wish this did not have the piano playing simultaneously with speech. Or that the music was very much lower in volume. Its too much for my brain to try to filter out.
@elizabethcarver5151 Жыл бұрын
Hear hear! They know CFS patients can't manage sound overload and then they go and do that!
@travisinLA 2 жыл бұрын
Anti viral herbs then brain and nervous retraining is best I’ve dealt with it for decades from the chicken pox
@mdee860 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you to so many who are "fighting the good fight" on my /& our behalf. We are too sick to fight for ourselves. Thank you, thank you.
@teripeterson5709 Жыл бұрын
@barbarateresarhiannonsreal1756 2 жыл бұрын
There are many more of us who have me/cfs because we haven't been diagnosed. I've spent my life dragging myself to work & back home to sleep. My symptoms became much worse after getting Covid-19 from a work client or at home. I "fired" my nurse for gaslighting & not updating my medical files. I've filed for disability, was looking forward to retiring & my "golden" years. I believe mine started with infected tonsils as a child...my Dr. refused to do a tonsillectomy. As a young adult in my early 20's, in the 1980's my dentist said my tonsils were so infected he refused to clean my teeth & said I could die from this infection. I had the tonsillectomy, but years of being chronically ill & stressed have taken it's toll. Having me/cfs has robbed me & others of our lives. Someday soon, the medical community will "catch-up" & provide some much needed assistance.
@jameshunt1516 2 жыл бұрын
That's very sad to hear I hope you get better soon. Very sad that so many still don't understand this awful disease. I'm in my 20's, have had CFS for nearly five years now, no pain just constant fatigue, some days worse than others. I am lucky enough to live with my parents who are understanding and I don't have to work I get £400 in disability benefits per month.
@barbarateresarhiannonsreal1756 2 жыл бұрын
@@jameshunt1516 yes, that's great. It allows you to focus on yourself & get better. Best of luck to you James!
@penelopelambson6794 2 жыл бұрын
In spite of still no cure, at least we finally have a credible diagnosis. So many of those who got sick in the 1980’s not only suffered from the disease symptoms, but from almost total lack of support or interest from the medical community or the general population.. Considered fakes, hypochondriacs, maligners, or depressed and hormonal, living with this was extremely difficult. The general feeling towards us was “ Get well or die!” Having genuine credibility at last is miraculous to us. Videos such as this are very helpful to share with those who are still skeptical or are interested. Thank you!
@paul2019monte 2 жыл бұрын
The cruelty we have suffered just from the fact that we were refused a proper diagnosis and therefore society would not accept our very real illness. I get that there isn't a "cure" but why the denial and abuse? I have struggled through but it didn't have to come with a side of suspicion and gaslighting.
@mdee860 2 жыл бұрын
@Sue & Penelope - that's because it was labeled/listed as a Psychiatric Disorder for so long & because of that, research money was denied & medical students were not taught about ME/CFS. To this day, most Drs. in America do NOT understand this multi-system disease,, nor its' severity. There needs to be a Public Awareness campaign & it needs to be MANDATORY education in every medical school - esp. those that accept Government $$$.
@paul2019monte 2 жыл бұрын
@@mdee860 This is something that Jennifer Brea was addressing when she took her film "Unrest" around the US (and I believe Britain & Australia) for public screenings aimed at health care workers. Their responses indicated that they had no idea prior how devastating and widespread this is. Spreading public awareness to people that hadn't been taught anything about this illness. What an incredible effort. Particularly while ill herself. I have a close friend who retired from family practice medicine after 40 years. He had never been informed of any of this both in medical school and during his practice. Of course that parallels the fact that I have been ill for decades with no understanding or a name for this. The psychological damage of that is huge. *sorry for poor syntax. It's one of those days.
@mdee860 2 жыл бұрын
@@paul2019monte - Yaaass! I had to completely educate my very smart ( not joking) Dr. Although she is so bright, she was not taught anything about this in any of her Ivy League College(s) & Universities. After becoming a Dr., she continued her education & not one school covered ME/CFS. Until you've been a victim of Dr. "Shuffling" i.e.: Passed from Dr. to Dr; "Not in my wheelhouse" or, "I know you're sick, but just don't know with what" - no one can comprehend how invalidating, exhausting & frustrating it is.
@barbarateresarhiannonsreal1756 2 жыл бұрын
@@mdee860 Dr. Shuffling? That's what it's called??? THAT'S WHY I'VE BEEN REFERRED TO 24 DRs in 24 months? WTH? I'm done! ME/CFS brought on by chicken pox in the 1960's when I was a toddler. Covid-19, Longhaul Covid, & worsening symptoms of ME/CFS & my Post Covid just suggested CBT! Now, I'm not a Dr. BUT, thinking my way out of this is NOT going to help. That like CBT for Cancer. DOCTORS PLEASE LEARN ABOUT US. WE ARE YOUR BREAD & BUTTER. WE ARE HELPING SEND YOUR KIDS TO COLLEGE. WE ARE THE REASON YOU CAN AFFORD A TESLA! WE ARE HERE AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES IF WE CAN GET OUT OF BED OR OFF THE COUCH. HELP US!
@barbie3139 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for standing up for truth and for helping those who are hlelpless among us. For those who can't exercize, being told by a doctor that either their symptoms are psychological (despite scientific studies showing otherwise) or that they just need to excersize, is really patient abuse.
@Agi1969 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this very informative summary. I have ME since 10 years. I get absolutely no care from my GP surgery, only Tramadol to manage the pain which they try to withdraw from time to time and I have to fight to keep. Tramadol is the only thing that makes my life bearable when I am in a crash out.
@jameshunt1516 2 жыл бұрын
Terrible you should have at least been offered CET or GET like I did.
@paul2019monte 2 жыл бұрын
That is just cruel. Nothing like having what little relief you get being threatened for no reason.
@soggymoggytravels 2 жыл бұрын
There was an error in this video. When one of the interviewees said that there is no biomarker to diagnose this disease, in fact there HAVE been multiple studies involving brain scans and blood tests following exercise that reveal distinct differences.
@lav3rn3h82 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have a link to these studies?
@explore_with_sagan9596 2 жыл бұрын
Organic acid test can detect mitochondria dysfunction. In my case, it's mitochondria dysfunction.
@barbarateresarhiannonsreal1756 2 жыл бұрын
@@explore_with_sagan9596 Really?! That's a huge start! Good luck!
@sunshinenOJ 2 жыл бұрын
2:03 Excellent excerpts on ME/CFS
@OscarPerez-ig2vw 2 жыл бұрын
RIP Graham
@sunshinenOJ 2 жыл бұрын
3:20 Share with your doctor: doctorswith.me
@hellowp1345 2 жыл бұрын
What a brilliant video.
@madamshome 2 жыл бұрын
I have been an exercise addict my whole life & it has taken many bad crashes to concede that even graded exercise can be toxic to ME sufferers. In this case, I would prefer the shrinks to be right, because a simple cure would be better than the complex research challenge of ME which means that at 60, a useful treatment is unlikely to occur in my lifetime,( other than living the life that's more limited than some 99 year olds.)
@Bobhig100 2 жыл бұрын
Yes agreed. I would prefer psychiatrists to be correct but like madamshome, I've had bad relapses from exertion and learned the hard way. With any illness which is not properly understood, the emphasis should always be on caution.
@madamshome 2 жыл бұрын
@@Bobhig100 im sorry for your ordeal. Unfortunately, with ME, we see m to have swung from the extremes of preventing sufferers with diseaases with no known cure, to be allowed with informed consent, to take experimental therapies, to being used as lab rats for the psychiatrists. I am still shocked that they have been able to surpress the revised NICE guidelines. There is a hypothesis that you may reach full recovery with an individualised adequate amount of rest. Conversely, each time you significantly go outside your energy envelope, the ME status may be reset to day 1. If this theory has some merit, how much damage is being done to patients engaging in GETS, particularly the over enthusiastic adopters who believe that its their best chance of a cure. Best wishes
@Bobhig100 2 жыл бұрын
After many years NICE finally change their guidelines! After getting ME from a very severe coxsackie B infection I recovered to maybe 75%. A relapse in 2006 and hospital advice for graded exercise cost me my career. Who is accountable? No one of course!
@aremedyproject9569 2 жыл бұрын
The change was blocked.
@dianecarubia1099 2 жыл бұрын
excellent video i wonder how many DRs will watch this?? i am 20 years me/cfs sufferer and thankfully i ignored the advice to exercise more. I knew it was making me worse. I did push through my life though as i had 2 young children, but i have now had to stop working in a NHS career i loved due to this horrible disease that has stolen my life. But I still have some hope, hoping this is the beginning of change.
@medfreerecovery3022 2 жыл бұрын
Make your doctor watch this, just send them the video link. If they are to lazy to watch a 10 min. video with clear and essential information and some highly reputable colleagues in it; move on and find yourself a new doctor. Keep the hope, there are people working on it.
@pandypop1 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if we'll ever be able to figure out why our bodies can't produce energy as they should and why M.E is often accompanied by fibromyalgia.
@TEBLify 2 жыл бұрын
I keep seeing fibromyalgia coming up in the same patient groups I'm, but given that the symptoms are overlapping I usually chalk it up to a doctor writing the diagnosis they are familiar with. Personally I'm hopeful that the treatments to be tested for long Covid will end up working for us as well, there's certainly enough patients and money to ensure it has a path to market.
@shellbell8062 2 жыл бұрын
There is a neurological element to ME - like a stroke victim the body has gone into shut down and the brain is no longer telling the body to produce energy via the mitochondria.
@explore_with_sagan9596 2 жыл бұрын
In my case, it's due to mitochondria not functioning properly. I take coq10, it helps some with energy but not a miracle.
@mdee860 2 жыл бұрын
@@explore_with_sagan9596 - what brand CoQ10 & how much do you take?
@abstuli1490 Жыл бұрын
There is already a new, little-known disease that can explain all the symptoms known from ME/CFS. Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is a new, little-known autoimmune disease where mast cells become hypersensitive and release too much and the wrong type of mediators. Mast cells can release more than 1,000 different types of mediators, including all types of Growth factors, Proteases, Leukotrienes and Cytokines and chemokines. Many of these mediators are inflammatory and elevated in ME/CFS patients. MCAS is suspected to be linked to ME/CFS, POTS, IBS, Fibromyalgia, Post-Lyme syndrome, CIRS, MCSS, IC/BPS, PTSD, GWI, ADHD, Autism, Kounis syndrome, Hypermobile EDS and many more. For more info look for. Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: An Alert to Psychiatrists The Role of MCAS in Long Covid | With World Leading Specialist Dr Lawrence Afrin Dr. Tina Peers from UK Discusses the Management of Long Haul Syndrome (Long Covid) Mast cell activation symptoms are prevalent in Long-COVID on NCBI Recent advances in our understanding of mast cell activation - or should it be mast cell mediator disorders? on NCBI Mast Cells and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) on NCBI Mast Cells, Neuroinflammation and Pain in Fibromyalgia Syndrome on NCBI Mast Cell Activation Disorder and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: A Clinical Association on NCBI The relationship between mast cell activation syndrome, postural tachycardia syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome on NCBI Post-HPV-Vaccination Mast Cell Activation Syndrome on NCBI
@nicholas6823 2 жыл бұрын
Very good summary of the current situation regarding NICE. Thanks. We are all watching what happens next.
@wirhabennureineerdewir6782 2 жыл бұрын
Wo gibt es den ganzen Film?