Benzo withdrawal update 2/27/2024
Xanax withdrawal day 7 update
@My3Pugs Күн бұрын
Patrick always in my prayers .Sadly going through the same 😢stay strong and keep going forward..I’m right along side of you and look forward to your updates makes me feel not alone in this journey.🙏😘
@cletusdeletus3863 3 күн бұрын
I was a heroin addict for 12 years, I was on benzodiazepines for a year and I was in withdrawal for a year or so after i tapered down and stopped, it’s the worst of any drug
@GuovannaLee 3 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry this is going on to you . Your young and will get through this and it will just be a bad memory one day . (((((Hugs)))))
@TheDailyDoseofMentalHealth101 4 күн бұрын
I hate when people don’t understand that withdrawal is subjective. Everyone has different withdrawals symptoms and timelines. The brain fog and muscle spams and weakness are terrible
@PoetaCallejero755 4 күн бұрын
I was left with many after-effects of benzos, more than 50 symptoms daily but even so I am happy and feel good, there are very dark and difficult days where I even consider suicide but there are days with light and peace that give me the motivation to continue Stay busy, relax, do things for yourself, take care of your mental health, avoid toxic people around you, eat well, sunbathe, take cold water baths, exercise intensely when you can, play a video game, go out. walk in contact with nature, take magnesium and vitamins b12, fish oil, green tea is great for recovering the damaged brain, little by little we will heal, there is still a lot of life left for the brain to return to normal, don't give up
@PoetaCallejero755 4 күн бұрын
I don't understand English much, I'm Mexican but believe me you'll be fine brother, I was someone who used clonazepam xanax diazepam and alcohol daily along with marijuana at very high doses, a cocktail daily for almost 2 years, I don't remember 2 years of my life I have hazy memories of being with women in my bed, robbing a liquor store, hitting a transgender woman to take her money, and talking stupid things because I was too high on benzos, I used high doses. high recreational drugs and I got them on the street illegally, I also once robbed a pharmacy for clonazepam, etc., and I stopped suddenly, I never reduced the dose, I stopped all the benzos and alcohol at once and I almost died, I had hallucinations, delusions, psychosis, confusion tremors extreme spasms nausea fainting and 2 seizures, I ended up hospitalized in an emergency and the withdrawal symptoms after that were anxiety depression and a feeling of being dead in life in addition to derealization, I have been without benzos for a year and a half and life is good, I feel 75% cured now I only fight anxiety, some derealization and occasional depression but easy to handle, life is good and The more time passes I feel more healed, be patient if I used very high doses of benzos and stopped suddenly I am still alive and healing you can too, stay busy and entertained eat well drink a lot water, believe in God and have good habits, everything will happen, trust me, blessings from Mexico
@nitroelectric5170 4 күн бұрын
Hey Patrick thank you for updating us. You are doing amazing to have cut to where you are. Well done. Keep going at the pace that is right for you. I highly recommend taking a bio available vitamin b complex if you can daily. This really helped me and they really do help repair the nerves and nervous system. You will come through this my friend. You are not alone and it really does get better.
@TheAjmos 5 күн бұрын
Keep fighting the good fight bro, All I can do is sit at my computer every day, and I'm thankful for at least that. I have the heaviness and the swallowing thing and the brain fog also. Right there with you.
@Rollwithit699 5 күн бұрын
Just seeing this channel for first time. He doesnt state how far into withdrawal he is in this video, but i can only assume he's close to a year out at least. He seems extremely calm and nonsweaty to be in early withdrawal. He makes sense when he speaks and seems to be speaking clearly without breathlessness or word searching. He's doing very well.
@Patricksbenzowithdrawal 5 күн бұрын
I have spoken about my dosage and history in videos but I should do a better job of keeping that info in every video. I’m sorry. I have a bit of a complicated history but I’ll try to sum it up easily. First was put on Xanax in 2019 for minor anxiety at 0.75 mg per day, by 2022 I was having major panic attacks very frequently and barely able to function, dose by then was up to 2.5 mg. We realized it was paradoxical reaction. Attempted a switch to Valium which failed so back to Xanax it was to taper. Then attempted switch to Klonopin which also failed so back to Xanax. Then my doctor suggested adding low dose Valium(4mg) on top of the Xanax to help smooth out the taper, essentially putting me on 2 benzos at once. I was finally able to be fully free of Xanax in January of this year and at 8mg Valium. As of now I am down to 4mg Valium. Taking it slow for the rest of my taper since I became SO unstable during most all of 2023 with the constant changes. Using a 20x standard Valium to Xanax conversion at my highest point of 2.5 mg Xanax plus 4mg Valium I was taking an equal amount of 54 mg Valium. Now being down to 4mg puts me down by around 93% from my original dose. Long journey to get here but I’m trying. Sorry that’s a bit of a long answer but I hope that clarifies. I will start putting more info in each video as I realize that’s actually very useful and hadn’t even crossed my mind. Sorry about that!
@Petequinn741 5 күн бұрын
Coming off the combo of tianeptine and kratom, I can relate tianeptine I've totally stop for 7 days now, kratom I'm trying to taper ... joints aches,, well actually hurt, sleepless, constant headache, blood pressure up and down and now depression, I don't do anything, I used to do alot..your not alone
@Petequinn741 5 күн бұрын
I feel it , im trying to get off tianeptine and kratom combo..been hospitalized 2 twice within month and a half .. still not remotely right . hang in
@eumilafajardo7924 5 күн бұрын
28months off.. Withdrawal is hell🥺. Getting slightly better now
@angel_2022M 6 күн бұрын
The disconnect feeling is really scary, mine is like my brain is disconnected from environment and surroundings, I see the things, persons, but with no connect or emotion, it's like seeing a picture. I am 13 months off xanax now, but all the weird thoughts, strange sensations, numbness are so on and off, that I feel so hopeless. I thought I am healing, but suddenly two days ago, I went to a crowded place with heavy smoke and smell, after that my symptoms increased intensily, can it be the cause? Or this is just the non linear process of withdrawal at this far off?
@johnloftin2461 6 күн бұрын
Klonnopin got me. Prescribed by my DR, yet impossible to control dosage. Always needing more. Withdrawals left me wanting to die after nights of insomnia. Best of luck and health to all of you.
@sidalitifoura 6 күн бұрын
All that, simply because you were taking benzos like candy, I'm sorry but it's your fault and you're considered as a drug addict like any meth of cocaine addict, you should learn more about moderation.
@stevenbakos 6 күн бұрын
Windows and Waves
@senthilnathan2k 6 күн бұрын
From India Hi Patrick let God give you strength through the taper journey I am also tapering 5 mg diazepam then I am on SSRI fluvoxamine 125 mg amisulpride 25mg pregabalin 50mg which I need to taper next all these are prescribed due to alprazolam xanax medicine induced ocd intrusive thoughts where I went to emergency for BP issue I am on Bp medications for 17 years and now facing all kinds of side effects from these poly Pharmacy play dpdr morning anxiety no interest in activities which I used to do before I am a software engineer from India for last 16 years....initially I was on clonazepam 0.5 for 3 months and 0.25 for 20 months I cannot taper properly with hell lot of withdrawal effects some how I found a doctor in India who prescribed diazepam as per ashton manual.
@kerrijodierberger 7 күн бұрын
I can relate about the heaviness , I feel super week I have Anhedonia I can’t watch tv, or listen to music, I till have a lot a chemical fear , it’s very difficult and agoraphobia, I hate this, still tapering k, have 2 more to go, I’m sorry we all have to endure these crazy symptoms, take care of yourself, who cares what people think, it takes people however long it takes to taper, don’t want about what others say😊
@Gloria-ud1bs 7 күн бұрын
And just one more thing. I know how discouraged you are and I know how hard it is to try to imagine better days when you are in misery and grieving where you are now. Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. Right now you were looking at all of these “trees” so to speak..things that you are still going through and it’s agonizing and painful and difficult . But the bigger picture “the overall forest” that you’re starting to see, shows that you have made a lot of progress from where you were. You do have more life now than you had before when you couldn’t have any light or any sound or wear your glasses, etc. I know you’re a Christian and I know that as bad as it is, that God is going to get you through it and he’s got wonderful plans for your future. You’re gonna come out of this stronger than ever before and are an encouragement to everyone. It shows them that they can do it too. Don’t get discourage and depressed 😪💔 Everything will be ok 🙏🏻
@heatherinCT 7 күн бұрын
Hi Patrick happy to see you're having some improvement ♥
@Gloria-ud1bs 7 күн бұрын
Patrick, I’m broken hearted you’re still struggling 😪 It hurts me to see you hurt. But, I do see progress in your ability to do another video, wearing your glasses, not having to go to ER etc. And, you’ve cut a lot! I know you feel horrible, but you’re a strong person for sticking with it through all the misery you’ve faced. Don’t listen to any critics. Everyone is different and it does take a long time to do it safely. But, you’re doing it! And you look good! You don’t look sick. ❤
@amethystrosemaclaren5853 7 күн бұрын
It's so good see you and hear you in your video Patrick. I have a short prayer that I want pray over you here. I come to you, Lord to thank you for all the ways you have been keeping my friend, Patrick safe and being his strength when he doesn't have any. Lord, please give him the peace in this storm and help Patrick to feel your presence all around him and give him peace in his mind and give him the rest his body needs. Lord, please boost his immune system and keep Patrick healthy always Lord. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen God bless you always Patrick. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and never give up.🙏🌹🤗
@HopefulEmpath 7 күн бұрын
I’m glad to see an update. You have come a long way and are doing it slowly which is the safest way. I’m on 7.5mg from 10mg of diazepam with only some nights where I can’t get to sleep. I know as I drop down further things will be more difficult. You’re helping a lot of us understand what it’s like and I appreciate the time you take to share. Wishing you all the best! You got this! ❤👍
@teresaHify 7 күн бұрын
Now you can withdraw from valium
@Patricksbenzowithdrawal 7 күн бұрын
Which is what I’m currently doing. Valium is the much preferred benzo to Xanax for tapering as it has a very long half life. Crossing over from Xanax to Valium was incredibly difficult, yes, but now tapering from Valium isn’t nearly as horrific as trying to taper from Xanax
@graysonguice5956 7 күн бұрын
Do you have any way to find a doctor who can put you on a liquid micro taper? That should make it a good bit smoother than the big drops. It also sounds like you're in protracted withdrawal (neurological damage) like me mentioning the skin burning, lack of appetite, sweating, and hypersensitivity to cuts. Those are signs of protracted withdrawal
@DH-dh2nj 7 күн бұрын
My lord , the feelings you describe, I feel that way too, I don’t know I know I’ve been trying to get my Social Security disability due to heart issues and circulation issues in my right leg nerve damage digestive stomach issues are horrible. Been trying to get a referral to get into the stomach doctor and now with already being diagnosed with a heart issue and taking medication And blood thinner it’s like they don’t wanna deal with me no more but the crushing fatigue the throbbing numbness in my right leg along with heart not beating right it’s just a nightmare. I don’t know what to do anymore. Sorry for complaining I just know how you feel or I should say I can relate to what you’re saying try to be strong and know that God loves you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
@yalna3140 7 күн бұрын
I apparently destabilized after only 10 short days of 1 mg Ativan! This was beginning of August this year. I am still tapering! I am on such a low low dose equivalent of about 0.3mg Valium and i still taper!! Why? If i stop my skin burns everywhere and my muscles are burning still. I will soon stop but sometimes someting happens to some of us and all you can do is keep going slowly. You cant push it. If you do you pay a price. I dont know why this happened i think its because i cold turkeyed from the Ativan. I also cold turkeyed from Valium once without much issue but not the Ativan. I got akathisia and i guess beginning of psychosis and therefore my condition. These events are very bad for our CNS and causing real damage. I also now feel very depressed, not much anxiety but depression just as you. At first in this last month i felt no emotion i was like dead, and had benzo flu. Now at the end i have depression. My taper of course is much shorter still but its a mini version of longer once just cycling faster but i went through all stages still.
@jaimemelendez8029 7 күн бұрын
Hang in there, we know its tough. Think of the improvements. For example, you are no longer running to the hospital everyday. That is another improvement. Its tough man. Just take your time coming off. Don't make big jumps! Tell us what you are on, and at what dose.
@jessicathomasian-yv2bo 7 күн бұрын
100% relate to everything you said here. I have all of the same symptoms. Especially the crushing weakness. It's severe. Also, feeling small reductions. I am having to reduce by minute amounts in order to get through this taper. Thank you for sharing and describing this ordeal so gracefully. You are in my prayers. And you will get through this. 🙏
@katiesssriexperience 7 күн бұрын
From where you started to now you have improved so much. You take as long as you need to. This is your journey and nobody else’s. You have to do what you feel is best for you ❤Sending positive vibes your way.
@joebaumann1083 7 күн бұрын
Why are you even coming off fully? Such a long time and process of going through hell and you never abused so why not just stay on a low dose and feel normal again?
@Patricksbenzowithdrawal 7 күн бұрын
Good question, the problem is I started having paradoxical reactions to them. Taking them causes me to feel worse in many ways but then not taking them causes withdrawal. It’s kind of a delicate and weird place to be in where they help one thing but cause other things. They helped me initially but within 3 to 4 years of starting them I started having the paradoxical reactions. I also realize compared to what they’ve caused I was functioning perfectly fine and living normally aside from some minor anxiety before my doctor ever put me on them so I’m praying once I’m off and healed I’ll be back to my pre benzo level of functioning, which is to say essentially normal. I pray…
@DavidJones-ib3zy 7 күн бұрын
@@Patricksbenzowithdrawal Great answer , when I take more than my 4 mg of Xanax , I actually feel worse . In my opinion the Xanax is working just like my methadone does . ( keeping me out of WD ) . The Xanax helps still but it may be a mental thing . Praying for you Patrick . Peace
@prickly.cactus7280 7 күн бұрын
@@PatricksbenzowithdrawalI have never seen this mentioned anywhere else and I’m so glad you brought it up. When I first started taking benzos, it was like night and day. It would definitely help with my anxiety and help me be more functional. Three years later they don’t work as well. I feel like I just get the side effects now and it increases my anxiety. I’ve tried tapering a few times but I can’t make it past a week and I get awful POTS like symptoms. I’m pretty much bed ridden. I don’t know how I’m ever going to get out of this mess 😢
@Dji2stellar-C 6 күн бұрын
​@Patricksbenzowithdrawal I don't think there's any going back at this point your right,.any adjustments make you feel iller,..the beginning of last week moved my 3 doses of V a day into 2,..the doses being stronger were absolutely an unreal experience for 2 days,..I went straight back to 3 doses and just had the worst week/wave since I started in January,after 6 days holding I've just had my first half normal day but that week shook really me bad,.i know how you feel Patrick going through this is an absolute unreal experience,hope you're having a hard decent day with it all buddy
@GrantsModernLife 7 күн бұрын
Welp, 1 year off and now I'm back working. You do come back.
@Patricksbenzowithdrawal 7 күн бұрын
That’s great to hear! Congrats. I’m waiting for the day I’ll be able to say that. I believe it will come. Just a matter of when I guess
@GrantsModernLife 7 күн бұрын
@@Patricksbenzowithdrawal That's it!! Just stay strong, you got this!!!
@widesky713 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for mentioning the “disconnect” between your brain and body regarding difficulty moving. I tell others it’s like someone cut the cord between my brain and muscles the nerve signals can’t make my body animate so I have to force every movement which is so grueling. Like you said, hard to explain. I’m 16 months from a CT off Valium. I too crossed from Xanax to Valium. I never could really stabilize from long holds. It sucked.
@jamesscherbenske3584 7 күн бұрын
Nightmare I went to jail one time OMG is all I can say. It will kill next time I am 55 now I was 40 when I sid 42 days in jail
@DavidJones-ib3zy 7 күн бұрын
I feel you on that one , I did 18 days in County for driving suspended (X 3 in 5 years ) to my clinic , Thought I was gonna die ; I had been on 2 mg of xanax & 70 mg of methadone + Prozac from 2002 til 2007 when I went to jail ( I was 36 at that time ) crazy but I blamed the methadone for all the hell I went through , tho it was 90% of it IMO . Now at 53 & 4 mg of Xanax a day + 60-70 mg of methadone , I doubt without going to a 6 month to a year place of solitude I can not recover . I doubt such a place exists + I'm poor . Oh Well Keep on keepin on Patrick , I BELIEVE you will overcome . D in N GA
@jamesscherbenske3584 7 күн бұрын
Iam on Ativan 1ml 3 time's a day for 21 year's
@normadunjwa7135 7 күн бұрын
I only take that when i need it
@debbywilliams9172 8 күн бұрын
Your saying it how it is thank you keep well
@TheAjmos 9 күн бұрын
Benzos are Garbage!!!!!!!!! And they damaged me in only a week and a half . It’s not fair!!!!!!!!
@TheAjmos 9 күн бұрын
I’ve had huge setbacks that almost made me Try reinstating but I was too scared to
@elblondie69falconer65 9 күн бұрын
Don't let haters get to you. Everyone's journey is different. Doesn't mean that you are not suffering. Hope you get through this. Praying for you.
@metalhead45 10 күн бұрын
Great video, whoever said benzo withdrawl is easy is probably someone who is still on benzos and lying to themselves/ others
@Nightwalker25-m3u 11 күн бұрын
I hope your insomnia has gone away. Cause, mine is horrible.
@nadabiag7622 11 күн бұрын
I hope you doing better.
@blakelevi4006 11 күн бұрын
It is all well worth it, even if the real gratification is yet to come. Waiting for another update and wishing you lots of strength!
@boonefdky 11 күн бұрын
I took fioricet for headaches and kept getting rebounds so kept taking it. Finally figured out it was causing the migraines. Went cold Turkey after using 30 a month for years straight. I had no problem. No tapering just stopped. Sumatriptan works better for my migraines and you do t have to risk addiction with it.
@ddaniel1057 13 күн бұрын
Well said. With God all things are possible.
@trento8397 14 күн бұрын
Calming your cat down
@angel_2022M 16 күн бұрын
Please make a video for an update. I always pray for your healing. It's a tough journey, but You will get through this. You are not alone, like many other people, I am also suffering this hell after one year off xanax. Medical community and pharmaceuticals harm so much without giving proper information about the side effects of these mind altering medicines. We just trust them and suffer immensely, and the worst part is that nobody believes us and listens to us . Hey! Don't lose hope, we will all. heal. ❤
@matchpoint14 18 күн бұрын
Patrick Iam going through it for the past 3.5 years. I have probably 30 symptoms. God is trying to bring you into a new season. Meditate on scripture, such as I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Get away from any sin in your life and love him with your whole heart
@williamwinn948 18 күн бұрын
Benzo withdrawal can kill you, be careful to anyone that's been on them long term and wants to cold turkey it.
@DavidB.Fischer 19 күн бұрын
Totally understand you with the throat swelling. I’ve been tapering off for almost my 7th month now.