The Bad Batch 3x15 WATCH PARTY!!
@stevena.7022 5 күн бұрын
Emperor Palps should have tossed his robe into the reactor core. Show Luke the real power of the dark side.
@michaelchanez3790 5 күн бұрын
Dammit Andrew I love your style so much always find myself coming back to these
@pepe2548 6 күн бұрын
I still have the rule of two sealed bag I got from you guys 2 or 3 years ago!
@empireradiopodcast 5 күн бұрын
it'll be worth millions some day!
@Every113 17 күн бұрын
According to her actor Jecki is about 18 years old and is Theelin-human hybrid.
@NateK48 17 күн бұрын
I don’t think the show is very good so far but that’s just my opinion and I’m probably just mad because the mavs lost
@empireradiopodcast 17 күн бұрын
see what attachments do to you?
@__DYLAN_ROBIN__ 19 күн бұрын
Respectfully, I don’t think people understand character; he exemplifies everything wrong with the Jedi, he the epitome and prime example of the order’s arrogance. In TPM he’s so quick to suggest it can’t be a Sith since they’ve been gone so long because he’s perpetuating his part in a secret this group had covered up from the counsel. his secrecy in the matter to even his peers on the high counsel is a reflection of the Jedi order itself and their hubris. Nonetheless Mundi has made this exact mistake before; at the beginning of AotC he specifically says he doesn’t believe Dooku is a killer, let alone a Sith. Both of which were rather obvious answers initially cast aside due to, again, their own arrogance. (Sorry about the novel)😂
@magicker8052 20 күн бұрын
Thank you for the only sensible commentary I could find
@empireradiopodcast 20 күн бұрын
You are welcome! Thanks for watching!
@augoosto11 21 күн бұрын
I respect your opinion, and your right to like whatever you like; but could you illuminate me on a few points I dont recall hearing you mention / discussing (you may have mentioned them in previous breakdowns, but this is the first time your channel has been reccommended to me) 1. Do you find the writing in this show to actually be tight, and well-scripted writing? Or do you just find it to be adequate? I am not talking about the "Brick doesnt catch on fire" type stuff, since there is at least a possibility that is the result of an unreliable narrator; but I mean the show constantly contradicting itself, and forcing in plot contrivances that make zero sense just to keep things moving the way they want them to. examples: "The Thread is not a weapon" followed IMMEDIATELY by both using it as a weapon, and instructing others on using it as a weapon. "Jedi cannot be killed by blades or steel" moments after a Jedi Master was killed by a steel blade. "A Jedi only takes out her weapon if she is prepared to kill!" when we have seen thousands of examples to the contrary. The witches having a level of understanding in the force that the jedi have not achieved in millenia, with a membership exceeding them thousands of times over (it is also canon that Jedi are not frat boys, they are deep thinkers), The Jedi requiring MASTERS to return to the temple in order to have a conversation, when they are literally having a conversation right then over the HoloNet. 2. Do you truly find that the content of the show does not stretch your suspension of disbelief? For instance, there was an extremely overweight jedi in a previous episode. If we know ANYTHING about the jedi, it is that they are required to exercise EXTREME discipline, and mastery over your body and your mind are pre-requisites for becoming a part of the Jedi order. 3. Do you actually think the Star Wars canon benefits from having a new order of witches that overlap massively with the powers of the nightsisters save for their complete and total lack of male members to propogate their beliefs and membership? Do you genuinely believe the story would not have fit better if instead the cult was a group of Nightsisters? Like I said, I totally understand that you liked it, and like the show; and that is totally fine. Totally your right to like it, and I am glad you do. But I feel like there are GLARING flaws with the show as written, and all the discussion of the cheap visuals, and the nit-picking of really questionable moments has totally overwhelmed the actual critical conversation about the show. The problem is not that there is fire in space; the problem is that the Jedi order does not operate even remotely like the Jedi order of the prequels, while simultaneously looking exactly the same. The problem is not that bricks lit on fire, the problem is that the show contradicts its own rules. The problem is not that the show has cast people of all colors and races; the problem is that the show has sacrificed cohesion and immersion at the altar of inclusion. That is just my opinion, you are still welcome to yours, and I would still be very interested in hearing your responses to the three questions I had asked if it is not too much trouble.
@augoosto11 21 күн бұрын
@@TheWyattSteeleW we will see. I've yet to hear answers to these questions that don't involve either Olympic level mental gymnastics, or criticism of you as a person (the overweight Jedi has a lazy, built in defense). But, I am totally willing to be proven wrong, and I do my best to be respectful, so that it is clear my criticism is coming from a genuine wish to understand, not a wish to condescend.
@empireradiopodcast 21 күн бұрын
@augoosto11 Thank you for your honest questions. We acknowledge that this show is far from perfect, and we acknowledge that the show's creators has an agenda apart from telling an enjoyable Star Wars story. Which is problematic. It will be hard for this show really rise above the rest of the shows we have that are mostly great. For your first question, I (Jeremiah) would say that writing is sub-par on many levels. I actually hated the first 2 episodes because it felt off and it didn't feel like Star Wars to me. I think that this show heavily relies on a quasi "from a certain point of view" story telling. This looks like sloppy writing on the surface, but by the end I think everything will make sense...or at least I am hoping it will. As for your examples I think there are logical explanations for them. Master Indara was killed by a knife, yes, but Mae used a distraction to land a hit. In a sense, Indara was killed by her compassion to save the bar owner rather than just the blade itself. For your second question, your example does warrant the shifty eyes monkey GIF/meme. My negative thoughts on the first 2 episodes might answer this question more adequately. For your third question, I don't think the show would be better or worse with the Nightsisters rather than this new group. I think it is reasonable to believe that multiple groups of people could discover Magick. Also, in this episode, it was stated that these witches were exiled. They might have been Nightsisters at one point. But at the end of the day, this witch coven is just a thing in the past. I do think we will see more of what happen to the witches from a different perspective, but the witches are not the focus of the show. I think you'd like a lot of our content, and I hope you continue to watch our content!
@augoosto11 21 күн бұрын
@@empireradiopodcast really appreciate you answering in good faith. I can relate to you feeling like the first two episodes didn't feel like Star wars. That's how I have felt about nearly everything since the force awakens with the exception of Mando season 1, and with the visuals of Rogue One. For me, my love of star wars was started by the movies, but really built by the EU. Almost every story in the EU was made by someone that loved the franchise and source material, and it showed. Kotor felt like Star wars, even though it took place thousands of years before the battle of yavin. The Timothy Zahn novels felt like Star Wars, because the author had an encyclopedic knowledge of the source material before he began to add to it. These Disney Plus shows and sequel trilogy are just a way to push the careers of executives, and directors; and feel as such. I truly believe that for every one of the loose threads I mentioned, two more will pull loose for every one the show ties up, because the show runners care more about making a point than making a good story. I hope I'm wrong, and I hope the show will right it's course and end up incredible. I'll freely admit if it does. Right now though, it just makes me sad. Sad that I don't have the same passion for star wars that I did back in 2012 when I had figure dioramas and more lightsabers than I had clean forks in my silverware drawer.
@empireradiopodcast 21 күн бұрын
@@augoosto11 two of us hosts don't know much about the EU but our third host, Andrew, is our EU expert. He does a running segment called, "EU with Andrew". check some of those videos out! We also LOVE Zahn here at Empire Radio btw.
@magicker8052 20 күн бұрын
1) the mysterious fire and the mysterious death of the witches is clearly part of the mystery. "A Jedi only takes out her weapon if she is prepared to kill!" was literally a line spoken by the highly confused and angry protagonist not a statement of in universe lore "he witches having a level of understanding in the force that the jedi have not achieved in millenia," this is only their opinion of how the force works. They are clearly an unhinged fringe cult of force users not all that different from the night sisters 2) its a show about space wizards these are NOT the jedi we are use to. We dont know anything about their training methods OR what species the larger humanoid is. In the comics there are Jedi shaped like horses. 3) yes it benefits greatly
@robbie9723 21 күн бұрын
Finally an honest review that isn’t just grifting off “Star Wars has gone WOKE”
@empireradiopodcast 21 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@gat2asp919 23 күн бұрын
No people hate it because it's horrible. Can we say toxic 47 more times. Buzz word. The writing is cringe the power of one the power of two the power of 3 Ha Ha Ha. I was waiting for the Count to pop up. The Jedi Robes in the show are literally from Amazon. Spice is a drug in Star Wars so now we're drugging kids? And really the story is the twin did it. The Jedi are just on this planet outside the Republic for no reason
@empireradiopodcast 23 күн бұрын
Can you cite your source that the robes are from Amazon?
@gat2asp919 23 күн бұрын
The witches of Dathomir dont use the Force. They use Magic.
@empireradiopodcast 23 күн бұрын
Magick is an aspect of the dark side of the force. That is canon.
@MorbidMind123 23 күн бұрын
Put a chick in it, make it lame and gay- Kathleen probably
@zedtraffickerz 23 күн бұрын
How much is Disney paying you 😂😂😂
@empireradiopodcast 23 күн бұрын
$0.00 USD
@ajmgdaj 23 күн бұрын
I don't get it. Where in the canon is it mentioned, that kids are forced to join the order? The only thing mentioned is that there is an age limit. Even Anakin, one of the most powerful and potentially dangerous force users was given a choice, wasn't he? The order didn't want him. ...
@empireradiopodcast 23 күн бұрын
in season 6 of the clone wars the Bardottans said they accused the Jedi of abducting their children, so in canon an entire planet/species believed the Jedi were abducting/kidnapping their children based on their own experiences with them. Based on that alone it points to at least some people in the galaxy thinking the Jedi's method of recruitment was problematic. As for Anakin he was a slave and already wanted to become a Jedi. Qui-Gon was quite different than the rest of the Jedi, so maybe his recruitment methods were different too!
@davestp 24 күн бұрын
Agree this episode was better than the first 2
@oigliyj 25 күн бұрын
The Force isn't female. The Force isn't male. Its a concept. It doesn't have a gender. Its a reaction to yhe life in the Galaxy. They retconned Anakin being the only immaculate conception in the galaxy. Theres nothing "Star Wars " about this series. Not even mentioning all the contradictions in the series so far.
@empireradiopodcast 25 күн бұрын
the big thing that all those who are complaining about magik being used to make Mae and Osha don't know that it is literally canon that Palpatine made Shmi pregnant by using the force. It is also canon that the Sith and Witches were involved with each other leading up to the prequels. Plagueis probably learned how to create life from Witches, and he taught this to Palpatine. I think this is a great backstory to Anakin's birth.
@magicker8052 20 күн бұрын
Lol tell me you know nothing about star wars without..
@Kenzierose93 25 күн бұрын
How?? Y’all being for real? You liked it??
@empireradiopodcast 25 күн бұрын
Listen to our thoughts and breakdown, and you will see why.
@andrewlowden322 21 күн бұрын
@@empireradiopodcast would say the same to you about the "they went in WANTING to hate it"...did you watch or listen to their breakdowns? Nah, so we wont finish your video either. Cheers
@ibidiby1 25 күн бұрын
Enjoyed this episode, very balanced. I wasn't understanding all the hate for the show, seems to be a lot of people hung up perceived wokeness etc. Jeep up the good work.
@empireradiopodcast 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@Rob_Himself83 28 күн бұрын
Overall, I liked both episodes and I'm excited for what's to come. Basically, everything shown in the trailers has been from the first two episodes. Flashbacks and the forest scenes are the only major trailer scenes not shown yet. Few things, the kid whose eyes turn black is Torbin. And Osha definitely missed both stun shots on purpose. If you rewatch the scene, they clearly show her move her aim so she misses the shot. I think Sol picked up on her missing on purpose from the way he looks at her.
@reyndor1583 Ай бұрын
It's funny you think the show runners would spend the time to read enough to be able to turn some of the books or comics into shows.
@Mike61679 Ай бұрын
This was the first Star wars book I read as a teenager. Always loved it and Kyp Durron. Wish they would do a toy of him
@hehu4025 2 ай бұрын
6:55 And that's the problem. The first trailer was anti-promo. This trailer is better but still weak. There's nothing interesting or intriguing for the typical fan in these trailers. As someone who knows a bit about High Republic lore, I am only happy that Vernestra will be in this series and might have some impact on events. And that's it... The whole trailer should be intriguing, captivating, and build up the action, especially the ending should be a climax where emotions should run high. That's just not working.
@texas9076 2 ай бұрын
Why do soy boys always make that face?
@NateK48 2 ай бұрын
@empireradiopodcast 2 ай бұрын
Nate...calm down
@danielc56 2 ай бұрын
“How do you stay so thin, eating food of this kind??”
@tahnadana5435 2 ай бұрын
im going to say to you making podcast the same thing im saying to zack snyder making movies, JUST STOP, youre not good at this, its not for you son
@empireradiopodcast 2 ай бұрын
Hopefully, this corrected version of your comment will help you as much as your comment was for us, and thanks for the view! "[I'm] going to say to you [concerning podcasting] the same thing [I'd say] to [Z]ack [S}nyder making movies[:] just stop. [You're] not good at this. [It's] not for you [sons]."
@aaroncline7358 2 ай бұрын
Yet they have plenty of subscribers on KZbin and a great community of people. Maybe you should not just comment on videos and leave your negative comments at the door.
@wakecross51 2 ай бұрын
Great mustache !
@Bricksanimason 2 ай бұрын
Keep the stache!
@davestp 2 ай бұрын
Keep the stache!!
@walkerlamebrain 2 ай бұрын
Hi new subscriber here😊😊
@empireradiopodcast 2 ай бұрын
thank you! We got tons of content, so there will be plenty for you to watch!
@NateK48 2 ай бұрын
drew NEEDS to keep the ted lasso stache
@teeganreed7989 2 ай бұрын
What if Echo uses his data attachment to open the cells of all the clone prisoners all at once from a central location ? Does Drew win the bet then? Great job as usual guys!
@empireradiopodcast 2 ай бұрын
I'd say no! - J
@rodneywyatt9441 2 ай бұрын
Ripoff Moon-The scabies giver. Another trash vehicle heading over the cliff into the trash bin of history. Where did Zackie boy get his skills as a writer, in a raffle?😂😂😂. Now you know why Netflix didn't promote this clunker after the awful reactions to the first film. Anyone using a crayon for his scripts is deranged😂. Stop drinking the Snyderverse Kool-aid to actually believe this film was better than the first!! WHAT!! Clean your glasses and rewatch if you dare! Trash!! To quote Admiral Akbar, "Its a TRAP"!!!!😂😂😂
@davestp 2 ай бұрын
Did not even know the part2 was out already i guess i have to watch it
@cuber2575 2 ай бұрын
Go empire radio you guys are great
@empireradiopodcast 2 ай бұрын
we know! haha
@teeganreed7989 2 ай бұрын
In Revenge of the Sith we do see the turbo tanks launching missiles out of those side launchers in the battle of Kashyyyk! Also I think Oinki-wan Kenobi would be a good pig name!!
@teeganreed7989 2 ай бұрын
Great job guys on reaching 500 subs!! Love the pod! Keep up the good work spreading the indoctrination of the Empire!!
@empireradiopodcast 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! Long live the Empire!
@EntryNumberPodcast 3 ай бұрын
This definitely went viral 💀
@empireradiopodcast 3 ай бұрын
Help Jeremiah's go viral too!
@rosebucketz3548 3 ай бұрын
First thing I did was look at your collectibles to see if you knew Star Wars like that and I saw the Thrawn Timothy Zahn style art and the figure in the back 👏🏼. Good man…sub 491.
@empireradiopodcast 3 ай бұрын
Drew has many unboxing videos. Go check them out! Thanks for the sub, and welcome to the fleet!
@user-tl6mh5uz4n 3 ай бұрын
Incomprehensible intro
@anthonyyoutubefan7567 3 ай бұрын
Great reaction, Man. This is going to be EPIC.
@empireradiopodcast 3 ай бұрын
So hyped bro!
@jedimaster5838 3 ай бұрын
This trailer looks epic!! I can't wait!!
@empireradiopodcast 3 ай бұрын
less than a month away!
@zaandarbrow 3 ай бұрын
Just did my reaction! anything with thrawn im here for!
@zaandarbrow 3 ай бұрын
Just did my reaction! yo i am hyped for more thrawn any day ! and grand !
@empireradiopodcast 3 ай бұрын
even though we might only see him for a few minutes, it shall be amazing!
@codyrowe9529 3 ай бұрын
So excited for thrawn
@jasonutty52 3 ай бұрын
I'm more excited for toss.
@julesampo1607 3 ай бұрын
im greatly anticipating for launch
@NateK48 3 ай бұрын
Love the new intro
@empireradiopodcast 3 ай бұрын
@Every113 3 ай бұрын
The bounty hunter is base on a species that appears in a new hope that literally is a pray mantis.
@Every113 3 ай бұрын
@Every113 3 ай бұрын
But Vernestra Rwoh is phase 1 and 3 not phase 2 and young Jedi adventures is canonical considering the facts only visions and legends is non canon and Lego.
@empireradiopodcast 3 ай бұрын
yeah, I looked her up after we recorded and saw the mistake. Again, that is why we need Grace to help us navigate more HR content!
@Every113 3 ай бұрын
To be fair she only appears in the young adults and kiddy stuff.
@davestp 4 ай бұрын
Good job!
@cuber2575 4 ай бұрын
Great episode guys