How elected strongmen weaken democracy
Democracy is the sum of us
V Spehar: TikTok News and Politics
@titansquirrel4408 4 күн бұрын
Kinda wild that this guy wrote a book about partisan politics and isnt aware of the movement for multi-party democracy
@OutOfElmo 4 күн бұрын
This hysterical panic is going on at the adult level too. The news on the left is full of risible accusations contending that democracy itself is at threat if a certain candidate isn’t kept from being elected. They don’t recognize themselves as the threat to democracy.
@YeahThatsTough 5 күн бұрын
Moron camera work
@Valhondrian 11 күн бұрын
How do you explain what seems a huge contradiction to me. 1) Students are supposed to fear "microagressions" and to want "safe places" 2) Yet it is precisely these students who are much more violent and intolerant than in the past. This doesn't compute.
@jamiedorsey4167 4 күн бұрын
I think its something like growing up in an over sanitized environment where the immune system can't develop properly. They aren't exposed enough to small harms and now everything seems like a major threat. Their psychological "immune" systems are over reacting.
@andrewcriscione 12 күн бұрын
The university as we know it today is an institution for the assimilation of ethnic elites into the wasp ethnic elite group. The only small problem is that there no longer is a wasp, ethnic elite group. We may be faced with the horrifying possibility that the university has to start teaching the truth or else people will stop paying tuition.
@andrewlim9345 15 күн бұрын
Curious as to whether there is a connection between depression and mental health problems among Generation Z, and political polarisation in thr US and the wider world.
@chrisfrancis6101 16 күн бұрын
Lolol more bad science and useless info ! Btw ... we live in a constitutional republic... not a democracy like he is pushing! Really sad that professors push this hippy crap on our kids!
@frentz7 18 күн бұрын
Oh no, this clown again? Seriously people, it's not his FIELD. His stuff is discredited. Academics need to stop pandering and start sticking to what they know and can contribute. And people like us need to read the reviews -- the professional ones -- and learn to see the difference.
@dienar3717 20 күн бұрын
South Africa failed! South Africa was largely very, very thinly population. For interest sake, the division of land under apartheid was based on the treaties signed after minor wars, military expeditions, etc
@user-tx2mj6uz6v 22 күн бұрын
Almost all of this violence, and the polarization, is coming from the political left, not the right. The "cancel culture" and the censorhip are from the left. The violence at Berkeley, nd the attack on Murray, from the left. The current demonstrations, from the left. In Congress, this is manifested most explicitly in Nancy Pelosi, but also in Harry Reid and now Chuck Schumer. The Republicans do react, but not with the viciousness of Pelosi. All of this is what Victor Davis Hanson calls "the Jacobin Culture of the Left," after the Jacobins of the French Revoution (1789-1799), who believed in extreme egalitarianism, extreme radicalism, and violence to the point of cutting off heads. The US has not arrived at the point, and hopefully will not, but that is the essence of what is happening -- the conviction of a small elite that they re correct, everyone else is not, and all dissent must be suppressed. Not a recipe for a happy society. Larry M. Goldstein
@Trevil666 25 күн бұрын
When looking for causality, I wonder if there's a connection with kids being pushed towards gender confusion and mutilation of their reproductive organs.
@VioletFemme810 26 күн бұрын
Is it a coincidence that the discussion of microaggression coincides with a close up of a Black person?
@trinnas 26 күн бұрын
Sounds to me like girls need to get off social media and start playing more video games.
@doloresabernathy9809 28 күн бұрын
let me guess .. she says let’s arrest all the Republicans and suppress their social media
@peterstafford4426 29 күн бұрын
Bad idea - taking psychology advice from a business professor on a book tour.
@VioletFemme810 26 күн бұрын
Isn’t he a social psychologist? I think he teaches ethics and negotiation and stuff like that but it’s in the school of business.
@peterstafford4426 26 күн бұрын
@@VioletFemme810 Much of what he is saying is total BS
@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 29 күн бұрын
Assuming the US military doses mutiny, because unless you a cold-blooded mass murdered you're not going to launch tomahawks on your home territories
@CarlosArizona Ай бұрын
The Troubles. Let's hope we don't find out Northern Ireland had the right idea for calling their massive and brutal civil strife The Troubles.
@doloresabernathy9809 Ай бұрын
notice she couldn’t think of any left wing insurgents. does burning down police stations and torching police cars count? Assassinating cops? how about trying to set fire to a federal building? somehow those are invisible. the bias makes me question whether there is any real analysis here.
@glennmitchell9107 Ай бұрын
So, this algorithm would not have predicted the American Civil War. Both the North and South were ethnically white. It would not have predicted any of the British civil wars, where both sides were ethnically white.
@Seinfeldfour Ай бұрын
So the “left” are the ones perpetuating violence over their fear of “alt right” perpetuating violence? Seems like in the US it’s the left wing we need to be worried about.
@AncientRylanor69 Ай бұрын
leigh raven
@newpilgrim Ай бұрын
Brilliant, well done, Dr. Haidt!
@ZiggyBoon Ай бұрын
When boys play video games, they know they’re in an entirely virtual world. When girls are on social media, they know they’re in the virtual version of the real world. So for boys all the violence they might engage in is entirely virtual; but for girls on social media all of the meanness and nastiness they might experience is coming from other real people. IMHO, that’s why girls are having a much more difficult time.
@joemccoy2287 Ай бұрын
It's one thing not to show the slide presenting the data. But then to show the earlier data to tease it, then not to show the most recent data. Kiiinda aggravating fellas.
@laulaja-7186 Ай бұрын
Did anyone mention that college costs too much for individuals who have never had a career? That’s another conundrum, or crisis.
@CarlosArizona Ай бұрын
Go Nittany Lions! Honestly, I fear the militias the most. Very local and tribal. Very racist and scared. But, seriously, Americans too old, fat and lazy to really be a threat outside their own fiefdoms? I don't think the aunts and uncles could have come back on Jan. 7, 2021 to pull that crap again. I cant see a very organized Civil War. Maybe President Abbott in Texas. Big Showboat Politician. But, I can see a total breakdown of society with high crime and terrorist acts. Don't forget ... during Katrina, a natural disaster, many First Responders stayed home to protect their own. Will armed citizens fill the void? Militias. Sure hope you geniuses in DC have a game plan for this ...
@anthonybateman8470 Ай бұрын
Not looking too good for the US and the UK then is it?
@almavallejocasarin693 Ай бұрын
Por favor enfoquen las gráficas, cuando las menciona
@daveg5857 Ай бұрын
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger... or weaker... or has no effect on my strength, but it's definitely one of the three, 100% of the time!
@seawolfswimming Ай бұрын
In this extremely restrictive environment this advice might seem to make sense. For some people (either in or outside of academia) it's a painful lesson that some people are abusive and to be avoided. It's irresponsible to give sweeping advice that could actually cause a person to put themselves in danger.
@Heretic-007 Ай бұрын
He is controlled Opposition
@skiphoffenflaven8004 Ай бұрын
Put the dang laptops and cellphones away folks!! Good golly. Attention on one thing, a live speaker, is what is required in that environment.
@skiphoffenflaven8004 Ай бұрын
Young Americans are weaker than they have ever been. It’s embarrassing.
@davidunderwood9728 Ай бұрын
"We don't take side" repeating uses David Hogg
@peterstafford4426 Ай бұрын
His peanut study is total BS. He is starting with children who for some reason have a high chance of being allergic to peanuts. OK, WTF does that mean? It means nothing. This guy is a business professor. He is not in medicine. He goes out and finds studies that back up his BS and uses them as proof of his predetermined notion.
@lawsonharrison6927 Ай бұрын
I would guess this phenomenon has the same cause as the economic perceptions. People are being told how bad things are. Thus, they feel things are bad.
@TheMauf Ай бұрын
@la8pv737 Ай бұрын
The communists gave the country to the blacks, and surprise surprise, they have ruined the country.
@FusterCluck_9000 Ай бұрын
Great talk. Atrocious camerawork and editing. 🤮
@markusd.7409 Ай бұрын
This presentation ought to be canceled. The presenter talks of only two genders. „He“ didn’t even give me a trigger warning 😡
@lawsonharrison6927 Ай бұрын
Well that was considerate of him since trigger warnings have been shown to cause more emotional damage.
@markusd.7409 Ай бұрын
@@lawsonharrison6927 :)
@laulaja-7186 Ай бұрын
@daffidkane8350 Ай бұрын
The bad behaviour on campus was often instigated or enabled by adults, especially DEI staff. I was on campus on 09 Nov 2016!
@daffidkane8350 Ай бұрын
But the adults in my office also have higher levels of anxiety and depression. Video games and social media is bad for everyone. News media is also bad for people. People are more sedentary and isolated.
@rebekahmontesdeoca565 23 күн бұрын
I think of social media as an amplifier, it just exacerbates problems that already existed rather than creating the problems.
@davidfleischman4808 Ай бұрын
Not showing the slides later in the discussion kills this video. The last thing I need is reaction shots from people who are not reacting. One more piece of evidence of the competency crisis among our elites.
@DieFlabbergast Ай бұрын
Camera crew are hardly "elites."
@darbyheavey406 Ай бұрын
Boomers expanded the college base and we are dying off.
@paulwiggins183 Ай бұрын
The cross-discipline collaboration is not evident in this "outreach".
@nicholasaustin2717 Ай бұрын
They paid to be there, and this video is made primarily to benefit them and their colleagues.
@joeme Ай бұрын
It is part of the dumbing down of America. If the people stay dumber than the ones in office those said people will pull the party lever and send the same fool back again. TheN they will wonder why it is the same poop show . . . To fix it, require a course in common sense and don't take it as part of the supposed education I WILL GET STUCK FOOTING THE BILL FOR.
@joeme Ай бұрын
It is called stupid. Started when history became a useless subject. Now we are repeating 1930 something Germany. Just like writing, lost knowledge leaves stupid people. They are so dumb these days that don't see what they signed their name to on the student loans they want ME TO PAY FOR. My college education is bought and paid for before most were born and I didn't give up my COMMON SENSE. Sadly, these morons will make their way into the work force. Last batch put another step in the job. They wonder why it takes longer. The next batch will add three more steps and take longer. They will still wonder why . . .
@peterstafford4426 Ай бұрын
In one video, he blames cell phones. In this video, he is blaming things that have been going on for decades. His book is BS.
@peterstafford4426 Ай бұрын
There was a time when no one had deadly peanut allergies. 3% is enormous compared to near zero. 3% is 3 out of 100. This lecture is BS
@myself2noone Ай бұрын
3 is still less than 17. Can you find an actual reason to disagree with this? Not some irrelevant point? Because as it stands you've done this like 5 times and none of red harrings have been convincing. Hell they're all weirdly textbook falasious. Like is this a parody or something?
@peterstafford4426 Ай бұрын
@@myself2noone 3% is enormous. Much bigger than it was 50 years ago.
@peterstafford4426 Ай бұрын
@@myself2noone Should we trust Haidt's statistic? No. Why? Because only 1.8% of the US population has a peanut alergy. He has a book to sell. That is all that is gogin on here.
@candysleep314 Ай бұрын
The statistics he gave were for a clinical test of 640 mothers and babies, not for the population as a whole. It could very well be that only 3% of all US people who were given peanut products as babies developed an allergy. 1.8% of the entire population is about 6 million. We don't know what portion of them were in which cohort. Which is why clinical trials are useful.
@peterstafford4426 Ай бұрын
@@candysleep314 The guy is full of crap