How Fighters work in OSR D&D
Dungeon Design Tips - Empty Rooms
How Magic Users Work in OSR D&D
Using Locks in your D&D or OSR game
How Turn Undead Works in OSR D&D
Delving Deeper Dungeon Exploration
Say NO to Clerics
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@alberthennen7370 4 күн бұрын
Agree completely. I don't want to force Christianity into my gameworlds just to justify the Cleric concept. I also agree with the unbalanced return of game time value in taking the prep time to work new pantheons into each and every setting , especially when Cleric is not the most common Class chosen by players to play. Conversely , I have no problem allowing a PC to be or become a priest of some sect that play at the table has unearthed. In this way - with the players input , unique and useful priest types can be with each setting with a minimum of fuss and lost development time from the DM.
@GravesRWFiA 7 күн бұрын
I find the old system was better than modern rogues
@donkeyfly43 13 күн бұрын
this was incredibly useful. Thank you!
@NicholsonNeisler-fz3gi 23 күн бұрын
Could be matched up with the Dwarven Glory module!
@ThrowAway9001 24 күн бұрын
These reviews are excellent. I think I'll borrow many ideas from this adventure, despite the overall mediocrity.
@Pharto_Stinkus 25 күн бұрын
Great video as always. A couple of points I'd like to comment on; First, I've never understood why so many people take issue with the name "Magic-User". I don't think it's "clumsily named" at all. It's meant to be generic, so that it can mean shamans, witches, warlocks, wizards... I've always felt the choice of name was rather elegant, and is inline with the naming conventions of the game (Clerics for all characters that call upon their god for power, Fighters for all characters that are good at fighting, etc.). The name "Wizard" conjures up specific images in the mind (Merlin, Dumbledor, Gandalf, Raistlin), but the term "magic-user" can mean ANYTHING. It's perfect. Secondly, you say "the player will have no control over which spells this will be" regarding the new spell(s) a player gains upon leveling up. While the Basic rulebook does not specifically address this issue, the Expert rulebook quite clearly states "Either the player or the DM may choose any new spells." regarding the new spells the player gains when leveling (X11). Which version of the rules are you referring to? I readily admit I am not as versed with OD&D and BECMI. I interpret the B/X spellbook and casting rules as meaning that scrolls are very valuable and important and are often a magic-user’s MAIN source of spells, even at high level, and I believe that this is what the original creators of the game intended. In my games, MU's are running around with a few spells in their heads, and scrolls falling out of their bags and pockets, because of their spellcasting comes from them! Regarding the house rules you suggested, I added the "Arcane" language to my games many years ago. It is by default the language that all MU use to write their spells and scrolls (thus negating the need for the read magic spell and getting rid of the whole "to choose or not to choose read magic at level 1" conundrum). Additionally, it's the default language for any magically-created creatures (golems, homunculi, etc.).
@rangerlemure 24 күн бұрын
I find the name Magic-user to be too literal and therefore not very evocative. While you are right that there could be various types of magic-user, I don't think the difference between wizard, sorcerer, warlock etc makes much difference here. It is stranger when you introduce the Illusionist into the mix, as he is clearly also a Magic-user (but that's not really a BX thing). As magic-users have spellbooks, it feels like they are Wizards, rather than any other category. In my own games I refer to them as Mages (or Magi), since that word is relatively close to Magic-User anyway. In regards to not being able to choose the spell upon leveling up, I was referring to learning a spell from a tutor, as the tutor's own known spells would be determined by the DM. I was referring to the Rules Cyclopedia, however in the Basic Set (Menzer 1983) p38 it states that the DM should choose the spell on level-up. Thanks for your comments, it's always good to check on these things and notice how many small differences there are in each set that can have quite a big effect on the game.
@Tysto Ай бұрын
Great stuff. I’ve always felt adventures should be a bit of a mystery, & making them make sense is important to that. The players have to believe they can apply logic to the dungeon if they’re going to have any hope of figuring out the mystery of what happened to Sir Daggoth or whatever.
@AdamPerry-yi2sz Ай бұрын
I have this, and I love it! The Yog-Sothoth campaign seems like it was hastily thrown together, I'm sad to say, but the rest of it is pure gold.
@dmeep Ай бұрын
I buy rpg things i probably wont ever get to use but i like to pretend i have players for every adventure i buy
@Pharto_Stinkus Ай бұрын
I don't play CoC much, and never have. But I've always "liked" it, in that i recognize its "coolness". Regardless, I'm a sucker for a good boxed set. I'll have to pick this up. Thanks for the review!
@iantaran2843 Ай бұрын
I need to distract myself from my Hyperborea and DCC spree and actually play some Call of Cthulhu Its been years.
@mklj0 Ай бұрын
A Call of Cthulhu once over, quite lovely! Always adore the modern day version of this system. It was one of my first live plays that I watched, and I always enjoyed the works it was based off of Very nice video. I believe the opinions expressed were indeed quite fair for the knowledge on the subject
@dittrich04 Ай бұрын
Not even done watching this and it's the most useful DCC adventure video i have seen yet. I'd watch a lot more of these. Good produi, great overview and insight.
@markayres8014 Ай бұрын
Very good explanation of how thief skills work. Thank you. Love your videos on OSR D&D.
@markayres8014 Ай бұрын
I recently got Delving Deeper and really appreciate your videos. Love your videos on OSR games.
@Gym_firebrand Ай бұрын
Thanks for the summary.
@mikehallaron Ай бұрын
Wow! This is a terrific primer in locks and pick attempts to add more detail and color to any game. Can be used in a dungeon, tomb, or urban setting. Great info and game ideas for GMs and thieves. Thank you!
@Alexxave32 Ай бұрын
I got here because I wanted to understand 'Hide in shadows' and instead learned so much about how to play this game in general!
@nekonekolen 2 ай бұрын
What I run is Dying Earth. No gods,no clerics. It makes a huge difference in feeling
@Jay-ql4gp 2 ай бұрын
That was excellent, thank you!
@nickbangr 2 ай бұрын
You're the man. Simple and to the point, that's all people are looking for when they seek clarity lol.
@machfront 2 ай бұрын
Yes! This is my #1 go-to overall and my personal go-to in the realm of OD&D, otherwise it’s B/X full force….or RISUS or (maybe odd as I’m a Yank) any iteration or clone of FF (like Troika or Spellzard). Heh
@TheAnthery 2 ай бұрын
I really love your D&D style videos. Your presentation and insight are very good
@Arcboltkonrad13 2 ай бұрын
Would love to see you do a review of Basic Fantasy RPG
@cavalier973 2 ай бұрын
Eh, where would Acquisitions, Inc. be without Omin Drann? Where would the AV Club be without Avaricios, the Left Hand of Lisian (sp?)?
@cavalier973 2 ай бұрын
Also, Cadderly, from Salvatore’s “Cleric Quintet”, who even makes a cameo I. Baldur’s Gate. I think Paul Anderson wrote a book about clerics who take a spaceship to another planet, or something. The adventuring cleric is Dungeons & Dragons’ particular contribution to the fantasy genre.
@mikemckinney7031 2 ай бұрын
I have been DMing Forge of Fury, for the last two weeks, and made similar "modifications" to fit our campaign. I like how you spoke making changes of your own, in the Foundry. I think I may do something similar with the Duergar, ad bump up their numbers.
@DrPluton 3 ай бұрын
Magic User is an attractive class if the DM is generous on gold and allows the MU to equip slings or darts. Otherwise, it's a difficult class to play. There's no way a d4 hit point weak character in robes should be charging into combat with a dagger.
@Giles29 3 ай бұрын
The dagger is a defensive weapon in case something gets past the fighters. It doesn't make a lot of sense for Mr. 4 hitpoints to be on the front line, no.
@messenger3478 3 ай бұрын
I found that you still need more tools to actually use this. I suggest Delving Deeper's exploration guidelines. I look forward to do this at some point.
@messenger3478 3 ай бұрын
I just got the 4th edition booklets printed recently. I love them!
@Giles29 3 ай бұрын
Sort of liked the Goodman Games version, sort of felt it was just tacked on to their version of B2 for reasons I never could figure out. Did get some mileage out of that version of the dungeon though when someone released a BBEG that is not in the original upon the land.
@LogHewer 3 ай бұрын
Wonderfully written and clearly stated...I had a much easier time with DD than I did with the original game.
@RPGrandPaTV 4 ай бұрын
Does this adventure have a BBEG?
@KattKirsch 4 ай бұрын
Really appreciate this rundown, as I've just began running this adventure and haven't had the time for prep this week that I'd've liked. As for my experience so far: at the risk of turning the module into something it's not, we're running in our House Rules B/X and I've tried to make the map a lot sparser by greatly expending its scale; it took a few hours to walk from the standing stones to the village, for instance. This gave players time to talk with the maiden, talk amongst each other, and start scheming as to how to make this situation work in their favour. All in all, our first session was mostly spent with players pontificating and acquainting themselves with the surroundings, and I'm so excited to see how they proceed once they're snuck into the father's tavern. Good looking out on those strength checks and other multi-check situations. I figure a quick roll-under-STR ought to do it for us. Thanks again!
@Sanguivore 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic and very helpful overview! I’m considering picking this up to supplement my Whitebox FMAG campaign.
@Joker22593 4 ай бұрын
I run Pathfinder 1E most often, and since the game gave it to me, I use the Slow, Medium, and Fast XP tracks to balance the classes. Full Casters always get the Slow XP Track to make up for the fact that they have spells that automatically solve situations. This has the effect of lowering how many people choose to play as Clerics, Wizards, etc. It also balances the fact that Magic Items don't cost XP to create anymore, as magic item crafting is one of the best force multipliers you can provide as a caster. Multiclassing can switch characters to other XP tracks (which have been slightly adjusted to fix track switching exploits), and I mostly run E6 games, so the system doesn't leave players too far behind/ahead.
@MrBsberzerker 4 ай бұрын
Descending AC is better than Ascending. This is a pretty good and cheap book, I like it but still prefer BX rules.
@HowtoRPG 5 ай бұрын
You really aren't talking about an empty room. The ideas are good for rooms that focus on exploration.
@mariooooo.o3404 5 ай бұрын
I spend the whole afternoon trying to understand BX Thief. Finally I do xD
@user-kw5ij8em9b 5 ай бұрын
This looks fantastic! I just started playing Into the Odd and am loving it.
@vidgrip8622 5 ай бұрын
This is great. I own Into the Odd but have never played it as I had found little support in the way of settings or adventures. This video lead me to the "Rainy City" which looks like all the setting info I'd ever need.
@frenstcht 5 ай бұрын
Are yours the weather books & parlor tricks? Just those? Are there more that are yours?
@rangerlemure 5 ай бұрын
Those are it at the moment, more to come!
@chibinya 5 ай бұрын
I wanted to run it this weekend, but it has to finish in 1 sesh, so I think I'll have to save it for another time when I can setup a followup.
@russellharrell2747 5 ай бұрын
Chainmail allowed figures with longer weapons to attack first compared to opponents wielding smaller weapons. However weapons that were much smaller vs those longer weapons could attack 2 or three times (a dagger vs a pole arm for example). This coupled with the extra attacks of higher level fighters vs single hit die creatures meant polearm fighters could obliterate groups of orcs or bandits before any of them could ever get close enough to attack. Also heroes and superheroes had effects on morale that usually didn’t get explicitly carried over to later editions. And there’s a footnote in Chainmail mentioning Rangers being Fighting-Men with bonuses to hit, making them an older ‘class’ than Thieves, Paladins or even Clerics.
@freddaniel5099 5 ай бұрын
Fair assessment of one of the finer options for OSR play. Cheers!
@MrSteveK1138 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! Love your videos 😊
@rangerlemure 5 ай бұрын
Thanks, much appreciated!
@kontrarien5721 6 ай бұрын
I have the original module. I ran a party through The Sunless Citadel and planned an expedition to Khundrukar, but the campaign fizzled. I've never taken a group through it. I do agree that the treasure is very lackluster, especially the weapons. With all the buildup about Durgeddin's fabulous weapons and to have the best weapon be a +2 axe IIRC. I'm not all about overdoing the magic loot, but it was quite disappointing.
@aarondavidson4093 6 ай бұрын
I had one look at the dungeon map and thought “what is this abomination?” It also spends a lot of time saying “this is a great dungeon for a DM to learn from” I feel like it could be clipped in half by cutting out the verbose and often repetitive points in the text and the “how to play section”
@perplexedmoth Ай бұрын
Consider 1978 and having only 3 little booklets and maybe holmes.
@sawyeryoung7849 6 ай бұрын
Your videos are excellent!
@pentegarn1 6 ай бұрын
What I do now is have a Druid from the Druid grove in Hommlet get kidnapped by Lareth and taken to the Moat House for torture. I either say one of the Druids in the grove inside Hommlet were part of a party that hid the Hand of Vecna, or if one of the PCs are a Druid I have them run an adventure where they help take the Hand of Vecna to the Elves of Celeste to keep it hidden. In this later case I have one of their fellow Druids of the grove get kidnapped (because word has gotten around town that the Druids helped hide the Hand of Vecna) by Lareth on accident...thinking this other Druid was the PC Druid. This is a sure way to pull them to the Moat House in a hurry. And it helps explain why the Cuthbert priests don't go to the Moat House themselves.....because they could care less some Druid was lifted.
@The_Custos 6 ай бұрын
Prepped and ready to run this tomorrow. Can't wait.
@rangerlemure 6 ай бұрын
Good luck!