@seekerhonest 25 күн бұрын
Faith is what made the Canaanites sacrifice some of their babies to their gods.
@SharedPhilosophy 25 күн бұрын
Agreed. It's what made every radical religious person commit an atrocity without justification.
@seekerhonest 25 күн бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy Exactly.
@barclaybehie7787 Ай бұрын
While out target shooting, I caught a ricochet in the ear. I had absolutely no idea it was god that saved me. I don’t even believe in a god, so thank?
@the.doubting.thomas.256 Ай бұрын
well put thanks
@hermanhalici1 Ай бұрын
"Arguing without the right tools is like trying to measure a fish with a ruler made of spaghetti-completely pointless and a bit ridiculous. If you’re searching for answers, they’re right there in the Bible, like a cosmic cheat sheet. And if that’s still not enough, don’t be shy-ask someone who actually knows what they’re talking about. There’s no shame in calling for backup!
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@@hermanhalici1 thanks! I did that and got contradictory answers from every Christian denomination ✌️
@Daeva83B Ай бұрын
Perhaps Satan did? :)
@Gram72534 Ай бұрын
Trump is the antichrist!!!!!!!
@tyruku18 Ай бұрын
Gonna be honest, I am just sick of having the US NOT having their issues slowly being fixed. I am also not one of the folks who think Trump is the only way. I don't fully agree on most of the standards. But Politic Violence is disgusting as Violence is.
@fatherofjman2475 Ай бұрын
If god is a truly omnipotent being that holds reality in his hands as most believe…then yes god saved him. Lucky, lack of skill, all of that is simply a vehicle in which an all powerful being could have achieved such a thing. Mocking people for faith is kinda a dick move.
@SharedPhilosophy 25 күн бұрын
I mock people for believing things on bad evidence. Faith is an unreliable method of identifying truth, because you could justify ANY belief based on faith. You, nor anyone that I'm aware of, could demonstrate that "god used luck or lack of skill" in order to save Trump. Thanks for the comment!
@Abradrake Ай бұрын
I suppose there is the possibility that god is just really arbitrary about when to intervene, still indistinguishable from luck but technically a possibility.
@johnathannoble409 Ай бұрын
Or accidently missed on purpose
@stephanpain Ай бұрын
Your point of view is the one of an atheist. Can we prove that God exists? Certainly not. Faith is not a matter of proof but rather of experience. There would not be any reward to put faith in God if everything were obvious. Your video is a strong point in itself to show that the same event witnessed by the whole world can produde disbelief. As you mention the event can produce hysteria. No one can argue this hysteria is the result of a too big love in minorities/equality/feminism and so on products of liberal ideologies. I saw in a comment that christianism should be opposite to nationalism. First, when mentioning the end of times, scriptures always use the term nations. At the end of time there is no such thing as a humanity ruled under one governement. Modern "democracy" is a form of imperialism, and the spreading of liberal values in the world is nothing else than imperialism. The first enemy of the Messiah is the empire. Temple priests were submitted to empire instead of the One God. In theology, when you manage to understand something you have to take a step back and look at history. I will compare Trump to emperor Constantine. At the beginning of the reign of Constantine they were 4 emperors. During a battle he is said to have seen a Sign in the sky. In hoc signo vinces: by this Sign you will win. The acronym is still used in modern christianity: the IHS can be seen both in catholicism and protestantism. Constantine defeated his enemy. Soldiers were killed during the battle. He put an end to christian persecutions, beginning the process to make christianity the religion of the empire. And by saying that we understand that to make a persecuted religion in charge is the best way to make the religion becoming persecutor. Was Constantin a good christian? A role model? A god to worship? It doesn't matter. He introduced a lot of paganism due to his mentality. But this was the price to pay. The triumphs of Constantin wasn't for his own greatness but for the one of the Creator. He has a plan and sometimes He can save the life of the worst man of earth. Life here is meaningless in comparison with eternal life. Peace be upon you.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@@stephanpain Faith is the excuse people give when they don’t have a good reason to justify their beliefs. If this life is meaningless compared to the eternal afterlife then why shouldn’t we all end our lives right now? Its meaningless anyway correct? I dont know which one is worse, nihilism from nothingness or nihilism from eternity.
@CigaretteCrayon Ай бұрын
Let's steel-man what a person who believes that not only COULD god do something to intercede and save Donald Trump's life, but HAS done it, most likely thinks. Because those same bullets ended Corey Comperatore's life. Then God intended that to happen. God gave Corey the presence of mind to save his family, uttering his final words, "Get Down!" That God has plans that we cannot comprehend, but also Corey has to come home and leave his family without a husband and father in this rotten world. Trump and conservatives raised millions for the Comperatore family, and Helen Comperatore said, "I would rather still have my husband." There to me still isn't proof that god loves us.
@misanthropicservitorofmars2116 Ай бұрын
Jesus brother what a weak argument.
@misanthropicservitorofmars2116 Ай бұрын
“There to me still isn’t proof god loves us” Well if you’re going to be like this, you’ll never see it. Proof is already there. Among every group of 2 or more Christians. Jesus is the way and the light. That’s the proof brother. That he assumed flesh and experienced humanity and took on our sins. He’s saved our souls to forever be close to his glory. Corey is up in heaven right now being close to God.
@misanthropicservitorofmars2116 Ай бұрын
Jesus I remember when I was an athiest as a teen, I had better arguments than this. Cmon kid.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
"Proof is already there. Among every group of 2 or more Christians" This is proof that 2 or more people love and show love, says nothing about god. "Jesus is the way and the light. That’s the proof brother." That is not evidence or proof, that is simply a statement you have pulled from the bible "That he assumed flesh and experienced humanity and took on our sins." We know what the story is, now where is the evidence. How could anyone possibly prove that such a thing as sins has been taken? How do you distinguish Jesus taking on our sins and someone dude dying from crucifixion? "He’s saved our souls to forever be close to his glory. Corey is up in heaven right now being close to God." Assertion, assertion. Now provide the evidence that supports the idea that souls exist and that Corey is in heaven
@fredwoods-o3g Ай бұрын
Small point; around 2:24 in, you say Trump is a Christian and then play the video where Trump says he's not a Christian. Trump's religious support baffles me. He keeps ticking boxes for the Antichrist in Revelations, but the folks that believe that stuff still follow him. The young man that shot at Trump was not an experienced hunter. Best guess is he was applying video game thinking.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
End times gonna be here any day now, am i right?
@fredwoods-o3g Ай бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy The grain of truth in Revelations is that which has already caused the downfall of many ancient cultures. Life has the potential to exist on Earth for around 4 billion years before the Sun becomes a red giant. Modern apes lasting that long would be cool, but that depends on our ability to learn resource management.
@Gabachazo Ай бұрын
Jeebus Freaks are friendly but......The shit they believe got their brains slammed shut!!!
@khankorpofficial Ай бұрын
No such thing as a Christian that likes TRump If they vote for Trump, by definition, they CANNOT be Christian
@khankorpofficial Ай бұрын
God wouldn't go out of his way to have divine intervention to an open blasphemer
@misanthropicservitorofmars2116 Ай бұрын
Nah he definitely would do that if it served his plans. Father loves playing pranks. All the apostles and early followers of Christ were all blasphemers or heathens or invalids.
@javiercorral722 Ай бұрын
If god saved trump, then god also put Biden into office. And, will put Harris into office as well.
@kennethflegel5736 Ай бұрын
If you believe God saved them then you must believe God put the rifle man up there. Maybe God was trying to teach him humility and it did not take. If you thank God sent Trump then you need to read your Bible. Specifically 2Thessalonians 2:9 -12 Trump is the deceiver Maga celebrates the wickedness and God is watching. Preaching hate is wicked judging others is wicked being a hypocrite is wicked. Matthew 7:1-5, Matthew 5:6 and let's wrap it up with Luke 6:27-28
@prestonbacchus4204 Ай бұрын
The leader of the party that will not take away the mass shooter's favorite weapon is shot by one in the ear by a mentally ill 20 year old in legal possession of the weapon. If "God" saved Trump what was He saying with that? Will the GOP hear?
@googolplex1 Ай бұрын
If that's the case, then God also saved Hitler from several assassination attempts.
@NegativeProcess Ай бұрын
If god saved trump, then god saved hitler from each of his assassination attempts because that man legit had plot armor. So lets be real, it was dumb luck.
@misanthropicservitorofmars2116 Ай бұрын
Yes God did save the German chancellor. Or rather, he didn’t interfere to make eyepatch Tom Cruise plan work. It’s not that God specifically saves you, it’s that he doesn’t do anything to prevent things from playing out as they have.
@slugmuffin6935 Ай бұрын
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity, no it wasn't luck...
@Uraim Ай бұрын
the aim was good but, when the trigger were pressed, it wasn't in the calculation that trump will move his head that much, so he can miss, also the bullet can be really fast, but from greater distance it can be even seconds that it arrives, also the wind is able to move the bullet, etc. God didnt do anything in this, also whatever we hate some presidents, and we dont agree with them, i do not support anyone to die.
@xtoadphrogx Ай бұрын
2:40 Trump tells ya what he is "I love you Christians, I'm not Christian!" He's a Satanist!
@xtoadphrogx Ай бұрын
war? really?
@josephmccracken8286 Ай бұрын
@Baso-sama Ай бұрын
Lmao sure, god saved trump and then god also miraculously healed his ear perfectly, not even a scab or any kind of telltale sign that there ever was a shooting. And people will say with a straight face it was not staged. Idiocracy.
@paul-ie Ай бұрын
I want a refund for the time I just wasted watching this
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
ask god 🤷‍♂
@tomfrombrunswick7571 Ай бұрын
At this point I think the Democrats are very happy that Trump survived. His press conferences, I mean the press conferences are so awful that he leaks votes when he is on camera, His attacks are so awful that women are moving to Harris in droves. At this point the Democrats would probably put in for more agents to protect him.
@danielnemesio3388 Ай бұрын
I want a christian to prove that the devil didn't save Donald Trump
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
Well that's actually more likely since "Satan is the god of this world" or "ruler of the material world" 😅
@stephanpain Ай бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy The .evil has no power except inspiring things to ears of people. He doesn't rule anything beside if a gathering of people in charge decides to coordinate their action accordingly to his whispers. We can conclude that he cannot control a bullet trajectory.
@casparblattmann755 Ай бұрын
From a Christian perspective there are only two options (because God actively upholds all things at all time). Either God intervened or God let it happen. Apart from that it would not have happened. The devil is not an independent actor who can act counter to what God wills. That's it.
@danielnemesio3388 Ай бұрын
@@stephanpain So when babies get cancer and earthquakes kill people that's all god? Got it
@sadscientisthououinkyouma1867 Ай бұрын
The problem of evil isn't a serious problem, that line of reasoning is absurd in its entirety such that no atheist philosophers actually use it anymore (only KZbin atheist primarily). It also has nothing to do with the topic, and that entire section could have been shortened to "God can only save Trump if God exist, I object to that premise" which would take up far less time and avoids the strawman of the free-will defense that is just one defense of many. That aside, I don't think guessing if God saved Trump or not is productive especially as we don't have the benefit of hindsight yet. If Trump was saved by God, then we would all agree that God has a plan for Trump, and to that end if such a plan does exist we have not witnessed it. We can easily wait and see how things go instead of debating it now, If Trump somehow prevents the collapse of America (Our debt spending has overtaken our military spending, across history this is fatal to all empires) then I would consider that evidence in favor, but we simply don't have that evidence (or counter-evidence) yet.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
The idea that god is willing to intervene with human affairs is in DIRECT opposition to the theodicy of human free will causing evil in the world. This is a double standard that must be discussed because god's valuing of free will has been used in order to justify the existence of numerous evils. If god is willing to save trump then there is no excuse to why he won't save children with disease. As Alex O'Connor would say this is just "unthinking theological sloppiness" to attribute any person being saved to god. I disagree. If Trump somehow transformed America into an actual paradise that would still not be evidence of god protecting him, only evidence of Trump being a good leader.
@sadscientisthououinkyouma1867 Ай бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy I will explain why it doesn't hurt the free-will argument, the free-will argument doesn't once ever claim that free-will is absolute such that God could never intervene, in fact if this was true you could say Jesus's existence would contradict free-will as we have all freely chosen sin and don't deserve forgiveness. The idea God can have no impact on the world at all or else free-will doesn't exist is absurd, and would logically mean Christianity is outright false because it professes a God that impacted the world. To respond a theist could go further and utilize skeptical theism combined with the free-will defense. There is no contradiction, and again you are hyper focusing on a single theodicy of which there are many, so you can drag out a centuries old argument that was dead before atheism was even 1% of the global population. Just for the sake of this point, let's pretend you are correct and it is irreconcilable, it does nothing. The Problem of Evil isn't refuted by just free-will, it is refuted by numerous theodicies that have made it to where all frameworks can answer it (thus killing the logical problem). A single theodicy being refuted would not suddenly make the PoE some profound argument, it would mean people switch to any other theodicy as a defense because those still hold and refute the PoE. This aside, basic Bayesian reasoning would show why you are wrong on if it is evidence. What would we expect if God did save Trump VS if it was dumb luck? If Trump managed to save America from economic collapse that has destroyed many great empires, would we expect that more under dumb luck or divine intervention? If Trump failed to save America from economic collapse, what would we expect that more under?
@RudyAvelino-j4c Ай бұрын
It was God. Regardless what people say
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@@RudyAvelino-j4c bro just wanna believe whateva i guess 🤷‍♂️
@RudyAvelino-j4c Ай бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy I release the arrow of the Lord's deliverance in my life (2 Kings 13:17). I release Your sharp arrows into the heart of the King's enemies (Ps. 45:5).
@khankorpofficial Ай бұрын
You worship the Devil
@papa_ethan Ай бұрын
Or maybe a demon?
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@@papa_ethan haha, Satan is ruler of this world 🤷‍♂️
@toddduchesne1749 Ай бұрын
People don't vote for Trump because they think he is a Christian. They vote for Trump because he's 10×better than Biden, Harris, or Walz.
@arcdecibel9986 Ай бұрын
I'm sure this seems like an interesting philosophical question for an atheist. It's also a source of debate between Calvinists and Lutherans. Does God permit free will, or does he not? What most people don't ever consider is that God built the chessboard to begin with, and, as in scripture, you can choose to go to God, or you can reject him and fail. That's the game, as evidenced by all human evolutionary biology, the instinct and longevity of religions, and the very short-lived, catastrophic, utterly dystopian failures of atheism. As the scripture says, both in the Old and New Testament, you cannot establish a morality without God. Turns out, that's biologically true. The same force that secularly gave rise to our own sapience, empathy, is what creates God. In a real Cain and Abel story, some proto-human figured out what some other proto-humans were likely to know, and was thus able to murder all of his competitors, take their resources, and take their mates. We are all the Marked of Cain, and to this day, detecting subterfuge in other humans, having curiosity, seeking mysteries, enjoying drama, forming strategies, and executing violence are all matters of "play" to us. They're entertainment in practice of how we survived. We inherited what made us. Scripture says we wanted the knowledge of God, and that is how we fell from paradise. Turns out, that's biologically true. The empathy originally used as a weapon, and that gave rise to our sapience, requires the cognitive ability to create multiple abstract consciousnesses for any given situation. It's how we deal with any scenario, and lesser animals are so easy to trap for us. One of those is the "highest" consciousness, wherein all our actions and motives are scrutinized by our own estimation of what other people MIGHT think. According to Dawkins, that's the God consciousness, and he isn't wrong. He was just so committed to his own ideology of atheism that he didn't fully appreciate what that meant, and he ended up being undone by his own works. He tried to kill God, but there is no killing the religious instinct we all inherited, and so his prospective followers turned against him as a human agent. They chose to worship another human agency in the form of Leftism, and as ever, their societies collapse VERY quickly. Ayn Rand suffered the same problem in her rebellion against the religion of socialism. I LOVE Rand, just like I love Dawkins, they were both geniuses. But they both failed to account for Cain and Abel. They couldn't see how mankind is evolved against itself, and so no human agency can govern man. Only God can. Did a God actually do that? Beats me. Given my observations of this universe, I really believe one did. But even if I'm wrong, does it matter? You only get this ONE path forward. There is no lasting society without religion. Never has been, and no reason to suppose there will be. The atheist Left handily demonstrates this all the fucking time as they murder their own children and import migrants to replace themselves, creating inadvertent dictatorships all the while. For whatever reason, God is God. We don't need to know His motivations or design. He even tells us that we cannot know them. I don't want to know them, because I have a far greater estimation of human capability than any half-baked atheist activist does, and I fear the things I know we will inevitably build right now. There is simply no escaping the selection pressure to build planet-sized mechanical brains, or blot out the stars with our megastructures. Communists and de-growth can fuck right off, they're just waiting for someone to take advantage of them. BEGGING for it an all practical sense. This species never stops building. We cannot, it's not in the program we genetically inherited. So HOW could we keep humanity, spread across the vast distances of the stars, where relativistic kill missiles could end a whole planet or orbital megastructure in an instant, together? Only religion. It's our shared instinct, even when we never have shared philosophy.
@michaelbuick6995 Ай бұрын
Considering an innocent person was killed, arguing God saved Trump is in very poor taste.
@wakkablockablaw6025 Ай бұрын
Assuming God did it, then no, it wouldn't be in bad taste because it is merely a truth claim.
@ThomasJDavis Ай бұрын
@@wakkablockablaw6025 Well, the idea is that people are attributing Trump's save to god. People don't actually know, they're just surmising it to be the case. So by that same reasoning, they would also have to arbitrarily be surmising that Corey who was killed in the bleachers was meant to die, which is a horrible thing to say to their loved ones.
@misanthropicservitorofmars2116 Ай бұрын
Nope it’s not. As a believer, you believe everyone dies as God intends it. Cory is now in heaven experiencing the overwhelming joy of being close to God.
@UltraK420 Ай бұрын
Ah, I see you're tired of the bullshit "god" arguments too. Thank you for making a video about this, I've been hesitant to make one myself. Humanity seems to have a long way to go before finally becoming a logical species.
@CarlosAlbertoCabezasGómez Ай бұрын
by the way good luck
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@CarlosAlbertoCabezasGómez Ай бұрын
God saved and the purpose will evident in what is coming
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
Even if the country somehow became an actual paradise because of Trump, that still wouldn't be evidence of god.
@arcdecibel9986 Ай бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy The evidence of God is that you cannot create a successful society without religion. It keeps being tried, and it keeps failing. If you had read your fucking Dawkins, like an self-respecting atheist SHOULD, you might have some idea of why that is. But you didn't, and you certainly haven't applied any critical thinking to it.
@atmanbrahman1872 Ай бұрын
God is "the Father of lights from whom All Good Things come!" - hence, to God is always ascribed all good things that happen. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in saying thar God saved Trump. Unless you think that Trump should've died and him living is an evil thing.
@atmanbrahman1872 Ай бұрын
Therefore all your sarcasm is worthless, just like you.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
if you wanna just define anything good as your god, go ahead, but don't expect to convince anyone else with that circular reasoning
@KirkBelmont-w7d Ай бұрын
Trump is Faking it until he makes it period. He doesn't want to face his criminal prosecution.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
Once he makes into office he has that sweet sweet pardon from himself as president from all his crimes
@eljefe2243 Ай бұрын
God does most certainly intervene. That doesn't even mean that the person He intervenes for is going to somehow be a little angel. It was not luck. And not luck that they keep on trying to take this guy down without success. It is uncanny. So instead of acting like a snarky brat why don't you actually attempt to understand that God is involved in His creation.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@M1773ns Ай бұрын
I'm sorry, but how is trump surviving equal to God interfering with free will? If it was interference with free will, the shooter wouldn't have shot, or the Secret service would be "forced by God" to shoot the shooter before he could shoot. He forced Trump to turn his head? what if Trump chose to turn his head because he saw something there? Kinda weird to ask for proof that God saved trump, but then you don't present any evidence that he didn't save trump? just Christians Nationalists look at the time and spit through the bible to see if that applies somewhere. yeah, that's kinda farfetched ngl. But the secret service's horrendous performance and the fact they just ignored calls of a guy on the roof with a gun, heavily implies it was a sanctioned hit from high up in the government. ofc they gotta shoot the guy after the fact, or they look sussy af. I'm just after the bit in the vid where you butcher how Trump living interferes with free will. so maybe you address more. But comon man, you using just as bad reasoning as the people delving through the bible to find something that fits 6:11. Also we all know it should be 18:11 am/pm sucks.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
When I state that trump was saved by luck, I don't have to provide evidence for anything because it's not a claim that has insane implication on reality. But when someone states that the creator of the universe saved this person, they are making a fundamental claim about reality and how it is affected by a supernatural entity, therefore, prompting that evidence should be provided in order to back their claim. If god did save trump he absolutely would have to interfere with human affairs and influence human free will. Saying that trump had the choice to listen to god doesn't solve anything. Anyone who is not suicidal doesn't have the choice to easily choose to die. Any slight inference with human affairs is god interfering with human free will, doesn't matter if YOU think it's not significant, he is still interfering which then eliminates the argument of evil from free will.
@williambranch4283 Ай бұрын
A theist like Stilgar, sees the signs. Devils like the Harkonnens won't ;-)
@_-___________ Ай бұрын
Answer to the question in the title: There is a distinct possibility that that might have happened. It is also the case that it could be a coincidence. You won't know unless you can ask God later. Good luck.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@@_-___________ thanks, appreciate the insight 👍
@_-___________ Ай бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy ufufufufu~ Anything for you. **Pulls out a strange collection of screws, strings, buttons, and whoopee cushions** JUST KIDDING!!! **throws the entire collection at you** .... **stares in bafflement at the fact that every projectile missed** What is this? Pulp fiction? **goes home in a dour mood with the exhale of whoopee cushions in the background**
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@@_-___________ 😭💀
@lain7758 Ай бұрын
Nice video! Here's everything wrong with it (and some other stuff): 3:42 I didn't know about Eph. 6:11 actually, thanks for showing us lol. I personally don't care too much about biblical numerology, but it's neat when it happens. Like the iconic "I AM" verse being later numbered as Ex. 3:14 which, even though Archimedes had already discovered π as ± 3.14 way earlier, would've still required some planning of the numbering, at least, of the whole Book. 4:07 why should we bother? We can very well call God, God, knowing He's supernatural. Sounds like you're automatically ascribing a bad meaning to the word and getting frustrated we're not going out of our way to do the same. 4:20 is it really so high? Why? And what's "proof", exactly? I'm not playing dumb here, actually. You're making a lot of assumptions that, ultimately, rely on some degree of subjectivity, and thus, on us wilfully accepting your standards as equally authoritative. 4:55 funnily enough, we could say the same about those who throw any supernatural explanation out of the window. Which may sound reasonable, until you realize it comes from a comparatively close-minded way of thinking, a description that brings a bad connotation to it and, suddenly, makes it not sound as reasonable anymore. 5:15 so, you've mentioned the "way too close" argument, but didn't exactly rebuke it. The kid being so bad at shooting and from such a long distance - and I add, with an improper assault rifle instead of a sniper -, how come he initially missed by so little, instead of more? 6:37 as I was saying, how authoritative are Hume's parameters (you probably quoted the wrong guy) and why, especially when applying it to theology? Sounds like it would require "extraordinary evidence" in order to "prove" that they should apply to God, whose whole deal is ordinarily doing what's perceived as "extraordinary" to begin with. 6:48 here's a clearer flaw of your reasoning. By saying the supernatural needs to be subject to an unified methodology, you're drawing inspiration from the scientific method, which was specifically designed (by a devout Christian, no less) for the natural world. You're arguing that A should be preferred over B because B isn't [essentially like] A, which is ultimately circular reasoning. 8:20 God not doing something doesn't mean He's unable to do said thing. That's a false premise. Also, just because something isn't (apparently) ideal, doesn't mean it isn't (apparently) good. That's the nirvana fallacy. 9:33 uhh, no, we don't believe God absolutely cannot interfere on our free will. That's Gnosticism. We're Christians. 10:23 God never "has" to do something. He's literally God. He just did it. 10:46 again, refer to the nirvana fallacy. 11:42 yes, we absolutely can. The whole "problem of evil" crumbles at a simple understanding of "evil" in it's dichotomy with "good". Even if we assume "evil" is what you personally think is bad (which is, again, a set of subjective morals we don't subscribe to), if it didn't exist to begin with, "good" would be as good as "evil" because both concepts would be empty. Alternatively, God's moral is objective and doesn't care about what each human thinks of it, so He can simply do His thing, without essentially contradicting Himself (He's God after all), and that's it. 12:27 refer to the previous "false premise" part. 12:48 in conclusion, that's a false dilemma. God can very well interfere when He pleases, while still leaving plenty of room for free will, as He does. 13:47 not as many people were "narrow-mindedly" claiming that Trump is protected by God before he "coincidentally" found himself in miraculous-like circumstances. This is not as much a "favorite candidate" issue from us, as it looks like a "hated candidate" issue from you. 14:08 Hitler's circumstances weren't as miraculous, but sure, go ahead and take his word for it that it was God who protected him. We don't. Christianity is "too Jewish" for him, after all. 14:36 not necessarily. Refer to Hume not necessarily being right, and we personally not agreeing with his subjective standards. As for the rest, I lost interest as soon as you devolved into pop culture, which is a common problem with atheists and the like. It's the Spider-Man false analogy all over again. You can do better than that.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
Hey! Thank you for the feedback I really appreciate it. 3:42 you're welcome! 4:07 I have no problem with the supernatural, just saying that it requires an extraordinary amount of evidence to back it up because it is detached from reality. When people started talking about general relativity it seemed like some crazy out-of-this-world idea but with enough evidence provided to back the idea it became part of science and accepted. You can call my epistemology "subjective" because it doesn't even mean anything. Of course it's subjective, by definition, epistolomy is subjective. I personally want to believe whatever comports closest to reality, and in order to do that I require evidence for my beliefs. If you're fine accepting ideas on insufficient evidence that's fine, you have that right 100% but I personally believe it would be more beneficial to us if we accepted ideas that are backed by evidence instead of ignorance fallacies. 4:20 It's huge because the claim is detached from reality. It's so far from the reality that we know, study, and experience. I understand for some people that have been part of the faith for a long time it sounds strange to suggest that god is something supernatural and far from reality but that is what supernatural is. The further you get from reality the more evidence is needed in order to honestly back the idea. If you disagree with that stance, that's fine, we can agree to disagree. 4:55 Disagree, I have never thrown out the supernatural explanations. If anywhere in the video I stated that I am going to throw out the supernatural explanations please state the time and I will admit to being inconsistent in my reasoning. Here's how I view it. What do we have more evidence for? People getting lucky, people missing because a mistake, people getting nervous and making a hiccup in their aim, and any other number of natural explanations that we see every single day. But, if there is evidence of the supernatural presented, I will say, the natural explanations can now be ignored as we have found clear evidence of the supernatural. Until that happens, I will be considering the natural explanations as more probable and reasonable. 5:15 Theres nothing to rebuke here. It comes down to subjective interpretation of the situation. All I'm saying is that there are still natural explanations available. This is the fundamental difference between people who believe in the supernatural and people who don't. At some point, the supernatural believer became convinced one way or another, and now they are open to the possibility of the supernatural, the person who doesn't believe in the supernatural was never convinced therefore the supernatural is much less likely of an answer. Doesn't mean the person who believes in the supernatural is wrong, but the only way to prove to others that they're right is by using evidence. 6:37 Once again, you don't have to accept Hume's parameters (I think you're correct the quote was attributed to the wrong person) but this is my video and I'm stating my opinion and my epistemology on a channel that is my own. I think it is more reasonable to require more evidence for the supernatural than the natural. Because we have more evidence of the natural than the supernatural, so the natural takes credence over the supernatural. The further from the reality that we experience a claim goes the more evidence is required in order to justify belief in it. 6:48 Science, as far as I know, is the most reliable method we have in order to discover and understand the phenomenon. It may not be perfect, but it's the best we've got. So if someone claims something that goes against the claims of science they need to provide the "method" (doesn't have to be like the scientific method, as long as it produces reliable results) that they used in order to come to that conclusion. I don't understand what else you would accept in order to produce reliable evidence for claims. If there's an inconsistency in the way someone tries to justify their ideas then that means their method is flawed and likely to produce inconsistent results. 8:20 Nirvana fallacy doesn't work when talking about god aka a perfect being with the knowledge and ability to come up with the perfect solution. 11:42 People have just started with the axiom that god is good and moved on from their without having to justify it. He is contradicting himself when he says that we loves everyone equally and decides to save trump but let hundreds of others die. 13:47 I don't hate Trump. Never said I did. I disagree with some of his policies and ideas but I don't hate him as a human being. Well good thing I left that very obvious joke at the end of the video since it was so unfunny that you couldn't bear to watch anymore 🤣 Thanks for the comment!
@papawcollins8911 Ай бұрын
GOD Does not do for us or do to us, but he can shine through us. and His Creations . Assault rifle bullet is long as your finger spinning would have scalped half his face away. Hulk Hogan taught Trump the ole nick yourself on the way down and then rise up to milk it for all it's worth,
@FLOTILLA4852 Ай бұрын
The Devil Saved Trump. Trump is the Anti-Christ
@Some-random-Scythian Ай бұрын
I support Trump, I'm also an ex-Christian.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
Cool, I personally think has a problematic personality and isn't fit to be a leader, but that's just based off my research so far. Maybe that idea will change. I have trouble connecting with the conservatives a lot of the time due to constant affiliation with religion and the consequences of it such as homophobia and transphobia. Not suggesting you're any of those but that is a common thing in the conservative party. Thanks for commenting
@vela-6 Ай бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy I know a lot of atheist and agnostic conservatives. Generally speaking we just recognize patterns. The more democratic the voters and politicians in a county are, the higher the violent crime, the higher the homelessness, the bigger the gap between wealthy and poor (the more devastated the middle class). When a republican is in office, gas is cheaper, groceries are cheaper, interest rates are cheaper, stocks go up. With the modern right, when we had Trump in office, we had less people being lost to wars, there were less civilian casualties. We also use simple logic. Liberals often say they want a nationwide flat minimum wage. That would destroy our economy and massively increase homelessness while wrecking the middle class. California wages can't relate to countryside Ohio wages. Also, in terms of patterns, places with the lowest minimum wages have people who are financially better off. As for the transphobia claims, it's about chivalry. We want biological women to have a space where they can compete amongst each other, gain scholarships, get access to new opportunism. Disregarding objective reality to cater to someone's incorrect identification would logically result in biological men taking opportunities intended for women. And we care about women. We don't want that to happen to them. Logic, reasoning, rationality, objective reality.
@ThomasJDavis Ай бұрын
@@vela-6 I'm also an atheist. I tend to lean right-wing, but I do share some sentiments on the left. My argument about trans people is just that it doesn't take competing in sports in order to transition. I also believe there's a difference between actual trans people and "trans-trenders", as I would call them.
@alienus9092 Ай бұрын
Hey! Catholic Christian here, ye christian nationalism is very not scriptural and worship around trump is to be considered idol worship and aganist the scripture.
@TheZodiacRipper Ай бұрын
Catholicism isnt very scriptural either and has a lot of idol worship.
@alienus9092 Ай бұрын
@@TheZodiacRipper Classic accusation I heard countless times. It's veneration to saints not worship.
@SharedPhilosophy Ай бұрын
@@TheZodiacRipper I used to be part of a catholic church. I recommend you have long form conversations with them because they have a lot of reasoning behind their beliefs. Don’t base your opinions of peoples beliefs based off what others tell you they think. Go ask them.
@alienus9092 Ай бұрын
@@SharedPhilosophy Ye that comes with over thousand years of theologian study.
@eljefe2243 Ай бұрын
Worship of Catholicism is not very scriptural and worship around your denomination is to be considered idol worship and against the scripture.