Libertad para vivir sin trabajo
14 күн бұрын
Justicia social y el Bruderhof
Covenants and vows
2 ай бұрын
Are vows biblical?
2 ай бұрын
¿Qué es la justicia social?
Imitators not admirers
4 ай бұрын
Faith is obedience
5 ай бұрын
Saludos para Navidad y Año Nuevo
God's Kingdom Now!
7 ай бұрын
@quissengomartins8999 2 күн бұрын
Hola, son menonitas?
@Koalabears7777 2 күн бұрын
I would like to learn more about your community. Is it possible for me to visit?
@cathcolwell2197 2 күн бұрын
Wish there was a version of this in Denver, CO.
@Frogman69.. 4 күн бұрын
Looks like the Jesuit symbol
@larrywatson6252 8 күн бұрын
The name Baptist was given to John the "Baptist" by Jesus himself, so called anabaptist was give by oranised false religion, Baptist or disiples of Jesus were never part of any protest. There is no other man named for each group, Its simply followers of Jesus. Its not made of reformers, its born again people ! Others is religion with man made rules added to Jesus and apostales teachings, which have no merit !!! Christians should identify with Christ not a named reformer !!
@hughoxford8735 10 күн бұрын
We need a state. The state is just the people.
@jazzznake 11 күн бұрын
Who else edges to these videos
@ashleyladner7620 12 күн бұрын
Laura, how do Bruderhof share their faith? Do they have evangelistic services like Billy Graham? Do you have people go door to door? Do you just make friends and live out your faith and if people ask then you share your faith with them? Or is outreach and doing things for others the way you do that? And are there Bruderhof "Missionaries?"
@ryantaylor4015 14 күн бұрын
How can you in the breath of 1 sentence completely miss the message of Christ. Community=Commune=Communism=give away all your possessions=be one
@John-tr7iq 16 күн бұрын
Why is the title in Spanish?
@michaelgibbs3147 16 күн бұрын
Wow, what a treat! :-)
@jamiepoems 20 күн бұрын
I am from England I want to visit Darvell sometime
@enbyjedi 21 күн бұрын
I believe Christ was very political, but not in the modern meaning. The nature of being the Messiah seems innately "political" not to mention turning over the tables at the temple and his opposition to the rich
@noskpain2792 21 күн бұрын
Indeed, a lot of proto communist revolutions that failed were led by Christians.
@shanemb3 24 күн бұрын
I lived near here as a child
@stchristopherschurchleices9464 26 күн бұрын
Saw the title 'Life Together' and immediately thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's book of the same name.....just a coincidence?
@troybeals8431 Ай бұрын
First. Interesting.
@jeanndegeya2500 Ай бұрын
How to be a part of you
@jeanndegeya2500 Ай бұрын
Can I be a member I love Jesus is my King
@Smee17 Ай бұрын
Is that an actual Bruderhof church? I have to admit I was expecting something much plainer (like the little Welsh Baptist chapel I grew up attending).
@matildaswaltz Ай бұрын
I like the statement (6:40) that "the Sermon on the Mount is the constitution of the Kingdom, (and the Kingdom is a corporate notion)". The concept aligns with the fact that the Beatitudes have reflections in other religions, (notably the 8 fold way of Buddhist faith), and Jesus updates religious instruction, or teaching, attuned with the needs of the human mind in these times. Therefore the way Jesus states the beatitudes is his claim to the Earthly Kingdom. The teaching is in essence an older phenomenon, much older, (actual much older than as modern Buddhists claim also), and Jesus has re-evaluated the teaching and provided it in depth to the tune of contemporary need in the age. A huge aspect of his updating of The Teaching, is his inclusion of a higher level emphasis upon loving one's neighbour as we will want to be loved ourselves. Jesus teaching is formulaic and an overt improvement to the Buddhist version, but it is how he insists we love one another, by which we are to know Jesus, and he knows us. Thanks for your videos.
@matildaswaltz Ай бұрын
here is a comparison of beatitudes and outdated buddhist version:
@hollandgreen7555 Ай бұрын
Good and bad can be perceived in every single thing. It seems to be all in the heart of the beholder. Unlike the Amish as a whole I am a hardcore environmentalist. I have a degree in Environmental Science. I sat for three years listening to learned leaders at my small environmental studies department in college hash and rehash out why Christianity was the problem with the environment because in genesis it states that we are to multiply and subdue the earth. It is true that many Christians use this idea at least partly as a reason to not be concerned with the environment--including the Amish. But my view on the environment was at least a catalyst that led me down the Anabaptism road....I was reading books at the time by Aldo Leopold, wendel berry, Henry David Thoreau, Rachel Carson.....I have some exAmish friends. I have visited Amish communities, done Amish stuff, read Amish books, magazines and other stuff. It is a testament that they could care less about the environment and yet have the smallest impact on it of most people I met. They have short comings...their problems are far fewer than mainstream society but much more complex to deal with from a social perspective. I almost did not graduate from college because in my final paper I wrote that higher education had a major negative impact on the environment because it perpetuates this pursuit of ever expanding knowledge and consumption for the sake of knowledge and also in an attempt to do things in an easier more pleasurable way. I look back on that and think I was half right in what I said. I could have stated it differently for sure... Anyway I am not an advocate of wind power or solar or electric vehicles. Mining and refining rare earth metals uses a huge amount of fossil fuels, massive toxic by-products. This pursuit of green tech is like trying to create a perpetual motion machine. Anything we do to the ground releases carbon. We need to do less to the ground--not different stuff to the ground. We need to find contentment w the grind and good times and the transitory nature of life....If we need to get cows because they eat plants and fart greenhouse gas then on the same premise we must get rid of vegans too. We need to be caretakers of the earth and it's things as noah did in genesis and not its conqueror by extension we should do that for each other. This eliminates the need for hitech simplicity. A favorite Amish-ism of mine ' is: Many hands makes work light.
@cityhomestead4490 Ай бұрын
-Indeed that is very good question how are desicions made. I hope you will answer that one in a next vid. -Another one is how and who is responsable for your soul care besides yourself? With who can you talk about my worries and sins and etc. -How is your organizational chart? Is there 1 leader or multiple? This question stems from stories I have heard and seen on the internet. It is often said that there is one family that is allowed and granted more than the rest. This family is biased. And leadership passes from son to son. So actually a kind of heredity. Just like a king.
@michaelgibbs3147 Ай бұрын
I am so asking Doreen if she’s Amish next time I see her! :-)
@m.bolden 20 күн бұрын
Hahaha You might be in for a scolding :-)
@travisbplank Ай бұрын
I am not religious, but this video makes me feel like I could be.
@kevinsusnar7070 Ай бұрын
The farmer at 0:53 sums it up nicely. Each denomination claims they hold the truth. Each way claims there way is the right way to Christ. Unless you belong to this faction, you can’t make it, unless you belong to the Catholic Church, you will not make it to Jesus Christ. Unless you belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church or the Oriental church. Just let all of you pack yourself up and get a life! They are suppose to love each other but they end up calling each other heretics and they won’t even let one another into their church to worship because of their theological differences, yet they all follow and worship the same Lord….absolute hypocrisy at its best. Jesus Christ is neither Catholic nor Orthodox. We should never put any name on Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is one thing; God revealed in the flesh-period. Catholicism doesn’t get you into Heaven, it is Christ. Orthodoxy doesn’t get you into Heaven, it is Christ. Orthodoxy and Catholicism need to learn how to draw from this truth. The Church doesn’t hold the truth, the Truth is Christ, the head of the Church. The Church is the body. Don’t ever be the head. You cannot be the head, you can only learn from the head, you can only draw from the source of that head and live by what the head is telling you, but you don’t hold the truth. The truth is Christ!
@melfros7100 Ай бұрын
Here are potentially interesting talking points as we await the next YT video. They are meant to stimulate dialog. I offer them respectfully. 1. “…(a) lifetime commitment to a specific group 0:50 of people doesn't make sense unless you 0:54 consider yourself to be the only 1:00 true church um on Earth which 1:03 obviously we do not believe at all” The above quote begs the question how one defines “the true church on earth”. I think it fair to say that Bruderhof members believe the true church on earth stands on certain bedrock principles. They include, “community of goods” as reported in the Acts of the Apostles, no divorce, purity of conduct, poverty, a vow of loyalty to the (earthly) Bruderhof church above all other considerations, including loyalty to one’s spouse, be that person a member or not, and life-long submission and obedience to the an earthly church institution. Another characteristic is pacifism across the spectrum of human relationships. This includes not taking someone to court. How do you participants understand reference to “church on Earth?” 2. “2:48 ..we promise to seek together to be honest 2:50 with each other to constantly think 2:53 about how to be more true to the 2:55 kingdom the vision whatever..” This statement is truly appreciated! Is it possible to “honest with each other” even when we cannot find agreement? Is it possible to live together in a seeking environment even as we sometimes need to acknowledge that the Spirit may speak differently to different members? Should Unity be seen as a gift rather than as the default position? Does the Spirit always speak with one voice to every member/believer? Are there biblical examples where this did not happen? Consider this: “..there's been so much 3:03 change over the course of Bruderhof history 3:06 um and some very strongly held um 3:10 principles or practices at certain 3:12 points have been abandoned uh in favor 3:16 of other ones right um and that's not to 3:20 say those things were wrong at the time 3:22you know they may have been right.. I understand Tim and Richard to refer to earth-bound (cultural?) principles and practices, such as the dress code for women. They may be referring to the practice of shunning, which the Bruderhof claims to have abandoned. Interestingly the brothers are NOT claiming former principals or practices were seen to be wrong. I understand them to say they heard the Spirit correctly at that specific time. As time changes, so does the leading of the Spirit (??). How do you understand the apparent change in Spirit-leading? 3. “..when we make this 4:33 commitment to membership we're not 4:36 committing to the form of the Brut ho so 4:39 much as to the vision itself..” This is an interesting comment. What might they mean by “the vision”? 4. “..and it is 6:59 also part of our understanding of the 7:00 work of the holy spirit that we can 7:03 discern together what God's will is 7:05… we're all open to the leading of the 7:34 spirit that God will show the way It is my understanding the Bruderhof believes if all members are truly surrendered to each other and to God, they will hear the Spirit speaking in One, Unified way. This was an important point in the founding of the Bruderhof. Thus, when there is no Unity, something is missing. The Spirit is not being heard correctly. What is your experience with Spirit Leading? How does the quest for Unity with fellow believers work for you? Can Unity of Spirit transcend human agreement?
@danielmaxson4287 Ай бұрын
On the topic of God making the truth clear to the community, although I agree it intuitively seems like it should be that way (after all, we're told God is not a god of confusion), it seems difficult to me to square with the existence of diverse denominations of faithful Bible-believing Christians, as God has for whatever reason clearly chosen not to make some things clear to the universal church. For example, as a Baptist myself, I'm fascinated by baptism discussions with Presbyterians since we're both firmly convicted in our respective views, and both of these views have been firmly held by faithful Christians, with scriptural basis for both sides, for centuries. That might be interesting to talk about. But I'm also interested in hearing the decision-making discussion you teased at the end.
@melfros7100 Ай бұрын
Daniel Maxson: I think diverse expressions of Christian faith(denominations) exist, at least in part, because “faithful Christians” have tried to rectify errors committed by the church; the institution representing something wholly other. The Reformation and Counterreformation (to which the Bruderhof lays claim) are examples of this rectifying process. You appear to place primacy on views congruent with scripture. The Bruderhof, on the other hand, claims Spirit-leading as its primary leading. Yes, the bible is important, but the leading of the Spirit more so. I think the issue is not so much “God” per se, as it is how humans experience/perceive “God”. Perceptions vary. The question is: Can diverse experiences and expressions of the holy co-exist?
@teresasmith9333 Ай бұрын
Since God tells us throughout the Bible that we should be fully committed to Him… emphasis on “fully”…and in the gospel of John, John noted that Jesus committed himself to no man, because He knew what was in the heart of man….it appears that we should not commit to any man. We are all brothers and sisters and Jesus is the head of the church. And we are only part of that church if we are fully committed to only Jesus.
@hollandgreen7555 Ай бұрын
When I was younger I went to a protest. I think it was for the Gulf war invasion. We stood on the street and held signs and screamed stuff into traffic. Looking back that stupid. It grew a primal mob mentality--people forcefully demanding peace instead of being peaceful. It's exactly how so many BLM protests became riotous--some of which the Amish attended. It works out so much better to focus on the outcome you want and not the outcome you don't want. To create peace you have to be the peace from which it grows. Gandhi did that. MLKJr did that.....I have a great appreciation for Mother Teresa...
@reylambarte5615 2 ай бұрын
Is ther anyone who can share me the verse that prohibits believers from leaving with the secular neighbors, use of modern tecnology and many more. I have the suspicion that this were just the imaginations of the false preachers.
@edwardsolecki6036 2 ай бұрын
Unfortunately instead of addressing my biblical arguments against vows, (indicated in your original post) you are just justifying your unscriptual practice... Bereans community was 'dynamic' because they "examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true" Act.17.11. This practice allows change! Bruderhof's community "thinking together how to be more true" is not dynamic, is just patting yourself on the back. Is the result of thinking that 'what we know is sufficient for eternal life, there is nothing more to seek for in the Scripture. Community is our ticket. Reformation was ended when our fathers discovered the truth'. I am not against community living. I visited Bruderhof with my family with the intention of joining but I decided not to because one of your 'abandoned practice' was "examining the Scriptures". By doing so you abandoned the only hope of spiritual progress, as being "partakers of God's nature" can only be attained by "epignosis" 2Prt.1:1-3 as "everything we need for a godly life can only be achieved through our knowledge of him". Communal living is just the small part of it. Your minuscule changes to the dress code or timetable is just insignificant. You are static. "Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." Eph.4:13 until then we need to feed our spirit with "unpolluted spiritual food that is Word of God; "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation," 1 Peter 2:2 I wont even mention "the solid food". Vows as well as keeping traditions are not "worshiping Father in Spirit and in Truth", they are just distractions, THEY ARE EVIDENCE OF YOUR SPIRITUAL LEVEL! Listen to Paul's warning - "Be careful that nobody spoils your faith through intellectualism or high-sounding nonsense. Such stuff is at best founded on men’s ideas of the nature of the world and disregards Christ! Col.2:8. Only children need "pinky promise", mature man's yes, means yes! That is the reason I am waiting until you are "open to the lead of Holy Spirit". You are claiming that but so far it is not observable!
@mikem5475 Ай бұрын
I'm nearly certain that their vows are just affirmations of yes or no to some specific and important questions about intent and future plans for life, and to hold people accountable for making the decision to join and give their word in certain agreement to the decision. Affirming an intent and affirming that you never plan on changing that intent is not an oath. Swearing on someone's grave or making an oath with life, limb, God's name, or something else in jeopardy other than your trustworthiness, would be not Biblical, and would be an oath. If it can't be affirmed with a simple yes or no, then it is not Biblical. Matthew 5:33-37 ESV / “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.
@edwardsolecki6036 Ай бұрын
@@mikem5475 If you check in English Dictionary vows, agreements, affirmations, oaths, swearing (and plenty more) they all are synonyms, holding that same meaning. So, there is no need to "split the hair". The issue in our discussion is not the object of our vows, but the vows itself. I though we are not analyzing Bruderhof's vows, but "Are the vows biblical"? Bruderhof's vows are just an example. When Jesus is saying "But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all" means not vows of any kind. Some can treat this as a commandment, but some can wish to understand the reason behind it, and that is what I just expressed in my original comment. Don't forget that Jesus is introducing a "New Covenant" that is addressed to 'hairs' not 'slaves'; but "as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate." Gal.4;1 . What we obey shows who we are.
@mikem5475 Ай бұрын
@@edwardsolecki6036 there is no way that an affirmation, vows, and swearing can all be seemingly equivalent to an oath just because they are synonyms. Respectfully brother I say that we agree to disagree. I love looking at the etymology of words in the Bible because it can reveal the precise meaning. Precision seems dire, especially on something as important as the validity of an element of your life's calling, or the critique of someone else's. I feel more research is due before any conclusions
@edwardsolecki6036 Ай бұрын
@@mikem5475 You may be right, I am not expert of English language but I understand the Scripture. By focusing on this small detail that is etymology, you are in a danger of missing the whole point of this discussion that is spiritual maturity and its requirements. Using biblical terminology "by straining the mosquito you may swallow a camel". I will appreciate your comments on the rest of my post if you don't mind.
@mikem5475 Ай бұрын
@@edwardsolecki6036 I'm gonna have to come back later, I read it a few times and didn't comprehend. My apologies
@realtomtomeny 2 ай бұрын
I love you guys and have visited the Bruderhof once. Yesterday I visited a Twelve Tribes intentional community, which is somewhat similar to the Bruderhof. After much prayer and consideration, I don't think that Jesus calls us to live in intentional communities, because His great commandment is "Come, Follow Me" and He did not live in an intentional community, but rather in the world, even consorting regularly with "sinners". Something a Twelve Tribes member said to me yesterday really struck me as wrong, and I met at last one Bruderhof member when I visited a few years ago that has the same attitude. He said, and implied, that his commitment to Jesus exceeded mine because he had given up all to live in an intentional community. Upon prayer and reflection, it appears to me that intentional community members, like you, have NOT given up everything to follow Jesus. For you still have the security of your intentional community. And may, like these two brothers I mention, have personal pride in having vowed themselves to such a community. What say you? Is this a fundamental flaw in intentional communities?
@reylambarte5615 2 ай бұрын
Can any body share a verse that justifies the living in isolation away from the secular societies is the will of God or just the imagination of false preachers
@davided9881 Ай бұрын
There is none, they are just another sect that has hilarious claims
@reylambarte5615 Ай бұрын
@@davided9881 thanks, so they are the modern version of asceticism.
@davided9881 Ай бұрын
@@reylambarte5615 that’s one way to put it
@tb9k_ 2 ай бұрын
I've enjoyed this series. The commitment seems like the scariest part of joining the community.
@melfros7100 2 ай бұрын
I want to commend you guys for a much more seamless, more easy to follow, and flowing presentation. As a person without hearing I am totally dependent on captions. I may or may not have more to offer later, but I do want to commend you for the presentation. Well done!
@Mattjh1969 2 ай бұрын
Hello, thanks for discussing these topics. As far as I know, the only lifetime vow in the Bible is for marriage, and even that is not specified directly (Humans make vows to help us stay committed), but are Marriage vows actually given in the Bible? Not that I know of. I do know that the Bible teaches that marriage is between one woman and one man and should be for life and that is commanded. My understanding is that any kind of vow is before God and the marriage partner. I'm not saying vows are wrong or shouldn't be used, but I don't think they are necessarily commanded and are rather put there by humans to help stay faithful or for whatever. I would think the same would go for membership vows. Are they biblically commanded or required, or is it humans adding them there to help us be more faithful or whatever. I think it is the latter. I would appreciate your feed back on this and if there are any biblical references could you please list them. Thank you
@hollandgreen7555 2 ай бұрын
I have heard many times that "God is unchanging" as an argument to imply that church should not change, dress should not change, traditions should not change, hairstyles should not change etc. The problem with the argument is that while God may well be unchanging, that does not mean that God is static and not dynamic. And certainly a person's understanding of God and God's will changes over that person's lifetime. There definitely needs to be a commitment to follow through regardless of change. A quaker lady once told me that she was divorce because she was ok with the idea of loving a person for a while and then moving on and not loving them anymore. I understand that oxytocin flows and wanes and flows and wanes. That does not mean that one cannot manifest harmony and deliberately produce feelings of love of varying degrees, trust, respect, commitment and attachment and so on. Our society is filled with people that have all kinds of abandonment issues because of broken homes, because there is lots of money and people don't need each other...I recently read that the US has one of the most narcissistic societies-- a society where the needs of the individual are greater than the needs of the many. Anyway sorry for going on a rant.
@mikem5475 Ай бұрын
I think being dynamic, in a good direction, is good, but the Bible cannot be re-written, so eventually you arrive on certain non-negotiables of values. Just reading the Bible makes one aware of the everlasting wisdom. Curious of your thoughts on this, and if maybe you have seen divorce for the wrong reasons
@melfros7100 Ай бұрын
@@mikem5475 "Curious of your thoughts on this, and if maybe you have seen divorce for the wrong reasons" Q: What do you consider to be the *right reasons* to permit divorce? The N. Testament teachings of Jesus- the Matthian exception clause in mind, appears to set an immutable standard: Divorce is contrary to the divine purpose for marriage. You affirm "the bible cannot be re-written." How then can there be, as you say, a change of views? One possible way forward is to look for the metaphorical meaning behind the divorce prohibition. Jesus taught that ALL human relationships are sacred. This being the case, the question is not should one/should one not divorce. Rather, it becomes a question of counting the cost. Divorce affects more than just the couple involved. There are divorced members on the Bruderhof. The question the Bruderhof faces is whether it is permissible for divorced members to remarry WHILE the former spouse is alive.
@mikem5475 Ай бұрын
@@melfros7100 I'm confused. Do you have any interpretation of the Bible verses on divorce? I know that divorce is not biblical, except in cases of adultery, and if I recall correctly that rule was only made because our hearts were hardened. I just don't think divorce should ever happen, but adultery shouldn't ever happen either. I think society plays a big role in what does happen
@melfros7100 Ай бұрын
@@mikem5475 First, please know that I am writing from a post-Christian perspective. I no longer identify as Christian. Never the less, I take the teachings of Jesus seriously as I am able. I believe what Christians refer to as the Spirit of God resides in EVERY human heart. Some know this and act on it, and others know it but fail to act. My intention is not to give you my biblical interpretation regarding divorce. Rather, I am trying to make clear my understanding of the Bruderhof's current bedrock assertion that divorce is contrary to the will of God. Likewise, holding private property is contrary to the will of God. One has to give up ALL in order to receive the blessings of God, as Jesus taught and the brothers/sisters of the Bruderhof have repeatedly made clear in many YT videos and books. Jesus explained that, although Moses made an allowance for divorce because human hearts were hardened, divorce was not the *Original Intent* of God. Bruderhof founder, Eberhard Arnold, made clear that in order to understand God's *True Will*, in order to grasp the *True Nature* of God, one must go back to the Beginning... to *Original Intent*, so to speak. The Bruderhof's current (as well as historical) view is that adultery can be repented of and forgiven. Every evil can be forgiven, and there can be 490 new beginnings. Adultery need not automatically trigger divorce. Perhaps I am misunderstanding but your last sentence suggests society has a say in what happens in cases of adultery. The Bruderhof I know would disagree! Please understand that I am not giving you my personal view on the subject. I am, in context, trying to explaining what I believe the Bhof position to be. Speaking for myself, divorce and remarriage can happen...but....Jesus would have us consider the potentially harmful fallout to children of divorce, extended family, the church...the nation. Hopefully my reply sheds light. If not, ask some more. It's this kind of give-and-take that makes this channel worth participating in.
@mikem5475 Ай бұрын
@@melfros7100 that clears things up. Thank you. I meant to say, society seems to influence what happens in marriage, and whether there's divorce, and why it happens. I think environment is almost everything, when it comes to how things manifest and what people end up doing.
@markdeduke606 2 ай бұрын
Just a point of observation here , your job at some point takes you to a place where your fellowship doesn’t exist. With this vow mandate , do you then have to quit your job which provides securely for your family. And I don’t read any where in scripture where God states that you as one of God’s saints has to make a life long mandatory commitment to a certain denomination/ group of believers!
@melfros7100 2 ай бұрын
You quit your job and dispose of your possessions before you become a member. Your new job will be complete and life-long submission to the will of God as experienced by all members of the Hof. As Jesus is recorded to have said, you need to lose your life in order to find it.
@markdeduke606 2 ай бұрын
@@melfros7100 as one of God’s saints that simply is not going to happen, and this smacks and smells cultish
@melfros7100 2 ай бұрын
My point is to inform you of the details, and I believe the Bruderhof wants all seekers to be fully aware of what.membership entails
@mikem5475 Ай бұрын
​@@markdeduke606I'm curious what you mean or who you mean by as one of God's saints, and what part is not going to happen
@marksouthern920 2 ай бұрын
Well said .God bless you 😊🙏
@Caleb.S.Spangenberg 2 ай бұрын
The Lord brought the Bruderhof to my attention at the beginning of this year, and my spirit was filled with joy as I saw your level of Christ-likeness, and from that point I felt "called to community." Yet, I also am not called to community, in the sense that I cannot stay in one community and work solely to its benefit, but rather I am called to be an apostle, moving from place to place, and working for the benefit and unity of the Church as a whole, and for the sake of the Gospel of Christ. I desire to visit you when I graduate high school, but I cannot join you (and I could not anyway for the sake of my age). Nevertheless, am I yet able to stay at a Bruderhof every once in a while, and work for the community without pay except to eat and fellowship with them, reminding them of the Lord's teachings and notifying them of the work I would have seen God doing, as I sojourn for the sake of Christ, without necessarily becoming a member?
@michaelgibbs3147 2 ай бұрын
Well said TJ, you too Rich! :-) Static thinking will always push people away but what I gathered from your chat today is your community is always evolving which leaves the doors open to even more folks!
@mikem5475 Ай бұрын
I think some of the static thinking is attractive. A lot of the world is so ever-changing, in a direction away from the principles of the Bible, it's getting more dangerous, and uncomfortable (outside of the community)
@andrewdewitt7234 2 ай бұрын
I love the way Paul uses the analogy of the body in 1st letter of Corinthians - it's so true! And note where it comes - slap bang between sections on divisions in the church and the 'love chapter'. I smile when I remember a definition of an organism someone once said: 'A group of cells that agree to hang out together'. That's the journey of division to love. Once again thanks for this food for thought.
@ToniPetrof 2 ай бұрын
Hello Bruderhof, Can you make a detailed video about How to become a novice? Thanks a lot!
@Bruderhof 2 ай бұрын
Yes we'll plan to do that. Thanks for watching!
@ToniPetrof 2 ай бұрын
@@Bruderhof Please keep in mind that some people are not born in the Community, but come as a visitors and request to be accepted as a novice. Can a believer be accepted as a novice on his very first visit when this is his profound calling?
@WitOn4Wheelz 2 ай бұрын
It's always great to see people like yourselves who actually live the the way it is sad to live in the Bible, especially if you're going to hold the Bible up what some people call God's book to live by. It's the people who push that book and truly do not live by it that poison it. Thank you very much
@nederhood9192 2 ай бұрын
Social justice includes giving equal respect to those who are considered traditionally of having lower status. Jesus Christ's treatment of the lepers he met is a prime example of practising social justice. In India, there still are groups of people who are considered having lower social status by birth and caste identity. This is true even in the Christian community of India.
@braulio5805 2 ай бұрын
Muchas gracias. Thank you very much 😊 🤗🙏🏻🕊️🏳️🤝🏼👏🏻👏🏻🌷
@Bruderhof 2 ай бұрын
De nada, y saludos.
@melfros7100 2 ай бұрын
FURTHER DIALOG 15:24…we'll be glad15:27to uh glad to discuss it in the comments SHOULD ONE TAKE A VOW TO A SPECIFIC GROUP OF BELIEVERS? 14:58.. I mean there's no14:59command of Jesus that says you have to 15:01make vows to a body of Believers …14:32you like um we really should live in 14:35such a state of truthfulness that that14:37we don't need Ceremonies 12:53…Jesus says let your yes be yes let12:55your no be no anything else comes from 12:56the devil 13:2 Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount 13:22says do not 13:24swear by heaven or Earth or Jerusalem or 13:29the hair on your head um so what what13:32does he mean by that and there I think 13:36what's going on there is he's calling us 13:38to the kind of life where we take 13:41telling the truth so seriously that vows 13:43are no longer necessary because the 13:45whole point of the whole point of vows 13:48is you want everyone to know including 13:50God that you really mean what you say. IS A VOW TO A BODY OF BELIEVERS BIBLICAL? 14:46anyone makes a commitment to the14:48brutter (Bruderhof) on their knees in front of14:50Witnesses in the sight of God that's14:53binding that's binding um and it's 14:58difficult to say I mean there's no14:59command of Jesus that says you have to 15:01make vows to a body of Believers15:05there is as I said biblical vows the 15:08importance of staying true to the people15:10who you live in community with we take 15:13it seriously um yeah so this is CAN A VOW EVER COME INTO CONFLICT WITH THE LEADING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? 10:38question I just want to throw in there10:40because it's probably on some people's 10:42minds you often see in particularly in10:43Christian discourse people talking about 10:45moving from church to church um saying10:47God God led us here.. 10:54and and there's this I think a valid 10:57question about the leading of the spirit10:58the Holy Spirit and and would the11:01leading of the Holy Spirit actually ever11:03come in Conflict um with a 11:06Vow that's a good question
@K1ERKEG44RD 2 ай бұрын
As an european that has studied subjects in Sociological theory, Political theory and also Russian history from 1861-2015 it is so provoking hearing americans badmouthing communism, without AT LEAST including theory from essential thinkers like Rousseau, Marx and Engels 😂🤣😅
@andg_rodg_4_real710 2 ай бұрын
I dont want to let someone kill or rape my loved ones though, the commandment doesnt make any sense, why does the god of the universe want us to suffer more than necessary??
@FATHOLLYWOODB123 2 ай бұрын
How can me and my wife join? Love from NYC!