How Patient Privacy Could Hurt AI
Losing a Hospital
5 ай бұрын
What Brings You In Today?
7 ай бұрын
Medicare’s Open Enrollment Mess
@thebrainwash 13 күн бұрын
Amazing . What an interesting topic
@RG-iw7py 14 күн бұрын
In one survey on trans people 50% were narcissists. It's copying mechanism and a type of character, like any other. There are therapies helping them. No drugs or surgery will help them.
@RG-iw7py 14 күн бұрын
@9:45 I also avoid medical care out of fear of mistreatment.
@TheKqkk 15 күн бұрын
biased lies
@honestbabel6321 16 күн бұрын
Do u remember the trans woman who wanted her Dr cancelled bc she dared to say they still needed to do a prostate exam bc trans women still have prostates and she considered this transphobia! So with a general questionnaire it’s a little difficult to know what they are reporting as discrimination. Is it discrimination that we would all agree to and recognize or situations like this one?. It’s not transphobic for a Dr to evaluate the organs you have. That’s not hate. That’s not medical incompetence or discrimination.
@cxa24 16 күн бұрын
Needing your defeat and worthy of it
@jeffjenkins9529 17 күн бұрын
BS survey is fake, they do it all the time
@elliefrancis1422 19 күн бұрын
I didn't understand this whole trans thing until I listened to the many who have trans and regret it. They clearly said that its was an idea that was encouraged and fed into the natural anguish of youth regarding our imperfections,,,,and how this evil agenda is a program to kill and weaken rather than affirm identity in this world. I only see chaos in this but it goes with a very mixed up world, and had caused many to suffer. Its BS that they don't have tons more benefits in Medicare, housing etc,,,IF they will accept the mutilations of body and soul. My heart goes out to them but I don't think the whole of our society has to pay or them to be a part of the ME generation.
@user-og4km2di8b 19 күн бұрын
These are two different issues. Trans gender affirming care should not be lumped with supporting people in their journey to explore who they are and are becoming. But the use of medical interventions especially to underage individuals is a whole different and abusive misuse of what is true informed consent and healing medical care…professional and ethical and transparency in what is a multi billion dollar industry (the surgical and hormonal ‘treatment’ for medically transitioning) I think this has bled into the issue of being compassionate and non discriminatory of individuals who are gay lesbian or trans. Being able to participate as anyone else does in society with full rights and respect ..
@pholdway5801 19 күн бұрын
If crumpet has no muffin then why even glance ?
@amym1126 19 күн бұрын
Why can't hospitals start a special department that goes out to homes with computers to help people with the home video health care? They can charge for this but less than sending a doctor...😊
@BarryCampbell6822 19 күн бұрын
How many of those"92,000 transgender people were actually, really, just rabid far left fanatics, and not trans at all? It matters not a jot what surveys say, even surveys that are more credible than this one - trans 'women' are not Women. Trans 'women' are Men.
@robinthrush9672 20 күн бұрын
You may want to stop whispering into the microphone. The harshness of your voice doing that is a bit unpleasant.
@mizv4043 21 күн бұрын
going into doctors offices and being told "we dont treat your kind" really means a biological male went into an OBGYN office and got told "you have a penis, we cant treat you" or "you dont have a female reproductive system"
@TheGeekess 21 күн бұрын
How many of those people had actual diagnosed gender dysphoria, and not just the social contagion/flexxing for clicks?
@ScottHolliday-uw9bs 21 күн бұрын
so they are mostly crazy. We all knew that bro
@waynebollman 22 күн бұрын
What a complete load of crap. Imagine you've spent tens of thousands of dollars irreversibly mutilating your genitals leaving yourself medicalized for life as a circus freak and unable to ever have normal sex again. Of course, when asked how things are going, you're going to say your life is better in order to justify the horrific mistake you've made. It's just basic human psychology.
@earlymorningtwilight9119 23 күн бұрын
Im over this ridiculous crap. Leave kids alone
@dextergilmore953 23 күн бұрын
92 000 wow!! That’s an unbelievable number. Unbelievable…
@sqrley 24 күн бұрын
STOP child mutilation!
@bronze2956 24 күн бұрын
Come on. You don't believe men can feel like or be women. So disingenuous. This ideology is absurd.
@Tomken8d2 25 күн бұрын
Our society is being systematically destroyed for the benefit of a small group of psychopaths. This Mass Formation is just part of it; an induced self-destructive mass psychosis characterized in part by a craving for attention and meaning through a victim mentality. This mass victimization delusion permeates wokeism in general. If they don't have a source of victimization they invent one. They victimize others, often with extreme v1ol3nce then convince themselves that they're the ones who are being victimized. None of them have the perceptual acuity to understand that they're being used as pawns to destroy themselves and everyone any everything else around them.
@familycorvette 26 күн бұрын
The Carr report revealed that close to 85% of the children referred for "gender affirming care" exhibited a single symptom: same sex attraction. "Gender affirming care" is a genocide (yes, mass-sterilization is regarded as genocide) against gay children and it should not only be banned, its proponents should be put on trial for crimes against humanity.
@juliesheard2122 27 күн бұрын
If gender has been a social construct, it still is. If the gender binary is a construct and can be deconstructed, then trans ideology can also be deconstructed and should be. Biological sex is observable ie, not a social constructive. Transition will not solve the problem of human suffering
@juliesheard2122 27 күн бұрын
Gender affirming "care" 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mabit 28 күн бұрын
92 thousand what type of Trans people? How ago did they Transition. Key questions are missing. 92000 seems far too high, proof they are not bots?
@Engrave.Danger 22 күн бұрын
Trans-trenders are pretty much bots anyways. Them and "queer" activists probably made up most of the group.
@alland1241 28 күн бұрын
If you think that there are 92,000 of these people in your country, then it's you that needs looking it
@linzbrad13 28 күн бұрын
Trans kids losing "access to healthcare" means no longer allowing them to sterilize themselves before they have a fully developed brain. These phrases are disingenuous af.
@zephsmith3499 29 күн бұрын
An activist group surveyed more than 92,000 "trans-Americans" (term quoted from this podcast!) in 2022. From the linked report, it was a self-selected survey collected on the website of the activist group, and took an average of an hour to complete several hundred questions (meaning that only those with a high interest would do so). This is typically one of the least accurate survey methods possible. Also, unlike the professional surveyors, they did not release the questions. 5 minutes in, the activists describe the goals of the survey, what they designed the survey to show, so its results can be useful for trans advocacy. Later they said they had "crafted the questions very carefully to capture certain data points". Then they note that getting a 97-98% satisfaction rate (on surgery and hormones) is "pretty astounding" for any survey, but that anomaly apparently doesn't raise any questions of accuracy or sample bias. The "survey" also included a section for collecting anecdotes, from which the surveyors selected the best examples for presentation to the public (have you EVER seen Pew or other non-activist surveys do that?). Then they say that half of young people in the survey reported support from immediate and extended family, and "that doesn't align with the narratives that we've been seeing". This is just after presenting their own narrative of increasing hostility and oppression of trans people, but that's not the narrative they are referring to. Half of the surveyed who had sought medical care had a negative experience (which could vary for minor to major). As an aside, I've seen doctors refuse to treat some trans people for non-emergency care because they do not feel comfortable dealing with the special issues which arise (medical, psychological, or legal), and refer them to specialists; this would have been reported as "refusing medical care". I mention this just to note that really understanding stats requires understanding in more depth than accepting all self reports from an unrepresentative group as accurate and unbiased truth. They asked each person hundreds of questions from a pool of over 600 (they have not disclosed their algorithm for who gets which questions) back in 2022; so far in 2024 all they are reporting is the summary results from a small fraction of that database, selected by them as the most useful subset for their purposes. I think anyone even vaguely familiar with professional scientific polling can form their own conclusions about how much weight to give this "survey".
@cathy1523 29 күн бұрын
What kind of Rights ! Why should they have more rights than the rest of the human race? We have to turn society upside down for transgender.
@stacey4u2luv Ай бұрын
After all the body midificatons they are doing and when it all goes wrong we should not have to pay for it. All these blockers and reversals and whatever else they are doing and the long term effects and when they cannot conceive later or get new forms of cancers etc... who is footing all these bills.
@Olliethelabradane Ай бұрын
This is the stuff that the Nazi book burning was about.
@Anne_Onymous Ай бұрын
These comments give me hope. People are waking up to this woke shit.
@Anne_Onymous Ай бұрын
Now go over the new study
@sthom3052 Ай бұрын
Do u realise that any laws that puts this nonsense in its place . Is a victory for normality and common sense
@ElAteoMexicano Ай бұрын
If the doctor who said "we don't treat your kind here" was a gynocologist talking to a trans woman, then that is valid.
@jiminverness Ай бұрын
"Gender affirming care" is a euphemism for surgical mutilation.
@scarba Ай бұрын
@Sunnydreamer1470 Ай бұрын
We are living in the scariest times. Our children have no idea how they are being used and abused by these money making vultures. They are butchers hacking up these poor kids bodies.
@timfool Ай бұрын
I see why no ones watching this BS. They surveyed 92,000 people like I'm the Pope. I'm glad this nonsense is fought on every front now. Thumbs down on the fake survey and your gay propaganda.
@Axe_WoundTV Ай бұрын
For those of you that don't have the dislikes displayed: the ratio is 👍94 to 👎470 as of May 17 2024. Also according to what they say about 5 minutes in: 97-98% of improvement in mental health in trans ppl after receiving hormones/ surgery, those numbers are more cooked than the elections in Russia.
@robinthrush9672 20 күн бұрын
Especially when only 60% of the respondents would logically need to receive HRT or surgery. 38% were non-binary and 2% were just crossdressers.
@mrmatt24 Ай бұрын
6 minutes in and they've said nothing specific at all
@mikemiller551 Ай бұрын
@jenniferbond5771 Ай бұрын
No thanks ,cult people
@Absaalookemensch Ай бұрын
Minors should NOT be allowed to transition. The treatment causes permanent changes to the body. If a minor identified as blind, do we allow them to have surgery permanently rendering them sightless?
@user-fc1qp4wg2x Ай бұрын
It is child abuse. Plus show us your faces stop hiding
@user-fc1qp4wg2x Ай бұрын
Then they get free surgery that none of us can get
@adancdego6339 Ай бұрын
This survey was manipulated to show what they want as results. And this ideology is not only misogynistic, but is also homophobic.
@suezq9155 Ай бұрын
They are pushing this in kids in school, the kids wouldn’t even being thinking this way if it wasn’t pushed on them. Many detrans young people have the same story. There is a faction out there pushing this.
@tulisotilas Ай бұрын
If you ever thought whether this was genetics or environment, then look at the political affiliation for these people. You would expect it to be 50-50, as the population is such. If being tg was genetic, as you claim (being born in the wrong body) then we would assume the affect would be leftward biased even split. Since left is more creative and open. It wouldn't be exact 50-50, but it should mirror the population somewhat. Your data: "Half (50%) of respondents identified as Democrats, 48% identified as Independents, and 2% identified as Republicans, compared to 27%, 43%, and 27% in the U.S. population, respectively." This shows a real anomaly which shows that tg is majorly caused by environment, since political affiliation has genetic component. "We begin by describing twin studies and more sophisticated approaches that have now emerged, which consistently show that ideology is about 40% heritable" From (On the genetic basis of political orientation, Dawes and Weinschenk 2020) Since we have 50-50 split in the US, we should expect at least 20% republicans. This is if the tg was genetic. But it is environment that causes tg. Also 43% independent whole population is obviously bogus, due to US president never being independent even when the majority of US was claimed to be independent.