What Zelensky Could Have Had.
Nagorno-Karabakh and Donbas
9 ай бұрын
Lukashenko's Advice to Zelensky
Rabotino: A Ukrainian Breakthrough?
New Tends in Russian Politics
@olgavilenskaya6542 3 сағат бұрын
I watched the interview of Hodorkovsky where he said that his company really was owned by Rothschild.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 3 сағат бұрын
nothing surprising in thqt
@olgavilenskaya6542 3 сағат бұрын
Thank you! Enjoyed it.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 3 сағат бұрын
thqnk you
@olafbley2286 15 сағат бұрын
@yttean98 22 сағат бұрын
A month has passed, and no new videos from you. Hope you are alright. I am more worried about Ukraine than Zelensky whose country has so many bombed sites than the Moon's crates(figure of speech), coupled with so many dead Ukrainians.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 8 сағат бұрын
I am not at home hence a pause. As for bombs the US wants them refuses peace
@SophyaAgain Күн бұрын
The inhabitants of half the planet realized that their leaders are nuts on steroids in straightjacket.
@SophyaAgain Күн бұрын
I'm quite suspicious of "nation's saviours". It is a very effective way to get support when the population is deeply unhappy about their governing authorities. But oftentimes after the new goverment had taken office we realise that we've jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. By the way, I'm wondering if that coup d'état attempt in Bolivia had something to do with Uncle Sam ... Am I being paranoid?
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
no not parqnoid
@AlexanderKirilkin 2 күн бұрын
Because ruzzia is a fascist state under putin😊 this guy in the frame spreading ruzzian propaganda…
@BrasaodeArmas 2 күн бұрын
You are necessary, professor Vladimir.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
thank you
@Comradeblucher312 2 күн бұрын
How was the legal system under the USSR
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
There was no legal syste, under the soviet regime
@user-yw5hm4fy2i 3 күн бұрын
Great information from Dr. Brovski🌹 👍
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@user-yw5hm4fy2i 4 күн бұрын
I do agree with Dr. Brovski that the US government's systems overall are NOTHINGS but like a joke's with poker face's..Although I don't approve of Trump attitudes since day 1 he got elected, I think his opponent's wasn't much better so American's peoples actual had NO CHOICES and got stuck in the sinking ships..I remembered seeing Trump on the news with all the congratulations..I told myself: U stupid Americans voted for this clown..Here we ALL go down together..And, surely today's had proven my points..Trump court's cases were simply a political tactics to DISCREDITED Trump and his party's to run for this coming election..Therefore, American's peoples again are getting stuck to Democratic party's unless there is someone else's who is neither Red nor Blue since there is no chance for Republicans to save their face's plus to have whoever would be the gutsy to come out and be on the same stages with felony as Trump..Regarding to extramarital affairs, there were quite a few CEO'S within USA'S government's history had committed to such "extracurriculars activities" as John F. Kennedy wasn't excluded as well as Madame Clinton's husband.. In summary, Trump's cases were purely politically motivated schemes to shoot down Republicans before they had their chance to ascending and descending again. Similarly, before Mr. President of Russia 🇷🇺 election, the Westerners with USA 🇺🇸 as leaders of the packs to smeared of whoever was killed by Mr. President of Russia 🇷🇺..If it was true, Y would Mr. President of Russia 🇷🇺 waited to those critical moments to kill whoever this guy was..I didn't care to watch those sensational news during the times until I listened to Dr. Broski explained that the guy's dead still unanswered for the real cause of his perished away..Whenever one is involved in political arenas, one is likely living in war zones with suits and ties 👔 instead of military uniforms, and everything that the high rankings officials declared and/or signed agreements are as similarly as arrangements of military weapons readying to launching..In terms of "extracurriculars curricular" activities, they are NOTHINGS but more like having favorite pets for relaxations ..Therefore, for those who like to be someone else's pets, don't be heart broken 💔 if puppies were not being in favor and bored with but kittens were being chosen or anythings else's available for CONVIENIENCES per tastes..Period..
@user-yw5hm4fy2i 4 күн бұрын
I agreed with Dr. Brovkin logical analysis 👍.. Don't forget it probably the works of CIA flying monkeys 🐒 who did the dirty killings to frame Mr. President of Russia 🇷🇺..Didn't the times this guy was found dead coincidences with Mr. President of Russia 🇷🇺 elections for his new terms?🤔?..PERIOD..
@user-yw5hm4fy2i 4 күн бұрын
I don't know much about the Russian government's systems.. However, I once read somewhere that Mr. President of Russia had managed to pay back the loans owed to others before the due date..I think that is remarkable of Mr. Putin, who inherited a basket case's and managed to put things together and made them work and lasting as well..👏 Mr. President of Russia 🇷🇺 👍💯🌹
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
Yes that is correct. Putin did that. I write about that too in my book
@eleanorkett1129 4 күн бұрын
Dear Dr. Brovkin, thank you once again for this eye opener regarding Ukraine, Russia and Europe. Forgive me for straying from this topic for I would like to comment on your latest book “From Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin”, which I am in the middle of. While I am enjoying it, I was disappointed that while discussing the Khrushchev thaw and the literature during this time, you omitted Vasily Grossman’s “Life and Fate” which is now considered the “War and Peace” of WWII. I was looking forward to your comments on the USSR’s aggressive ban of this masterpiece. The primary reason for the ban on this book is that Grossman equates Communism with Nazism. I was looking forward to your comment on this.
@user-yw5hm4fy2i 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for the 👍 information 💯🌹..
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
I am sorry I omotted Grosman. It is a great book. There are many others that were great too. I could not write about them all. In an overall history I mentioned only those that marked a trend or depicted the mood of the nattion
@dkoz8321 4 күн бұрын
All of these 'plans' that Brovkin presents are 'land for peace' appeasement of Putin. None of them will work and will simp,y provide motivation for PUtin to talke more land. From NATO. Starting with all three Baltics and more parts of Poland. It would be unending war in Europe for decades. Ukranians won't surrender. Neither will Poland ever willingly surrender land to creater a land bridge for Russia to Kallingrad. As that would give Russia direct line into center of NATO and split Poland. Not thinkable, a nonstarter. It woudd be direct invasion of European NATO member by Russia. Period! Art.5. Declaration Of War, and US+UK fully switch to wartime economy. That would take months, and forces in Europe would have to hold line or trade space for time, but them US+NATO would have to stage a new Overlord to push Russians out of NATO territory , and prevent nuclear exchange in process. PUtin must consider that this is a strategic trap for Russia to get US+NATO fully and directly in conflict with Russia. Naval, air, space, underwater, cyber, economic, the works warfare. The potential of Europe , USA, and Canada to produce munitions exceeds that of Russia. Russia would have to lean on China. China needs it own armamments if it wants to take on US+Pacific Allies to retake Taiwan. Retaking Taiwan is Overlord + Olympic(invasion of Japan by Allies) X 10 for China. China , likewise, cannot do it by itself. It has to get Russia involved in Pacific and get North Koreans to keep South Koreans and Japanese occupied. This is full on total WWIII. That is what we face if NATO does not stop Putin's Russia in Ukraine. Russia has not faced NATO. It fought Ukranian Army, which RUssia greatly outnumberes , which was equipped and partially trained by Americans and Europeans. Ukraine was not integrated into NATO force structure. Not to any significant degree. It will be in the future, after situation is tabilized and Russia is pushed back or halted. For Ukraine, a frozen conflict is a sort of victory. For Russia, for Putin., anything less then full victory is a strategic defeat. Like when Germany occupied European continent, with only UK holding it back, barely, with American supply, Ukraine fills that role today. Russia has turned into a beligirent aggressor with extra-territorial ambitions. No doubt about it.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
You are right that Putin wants full victory over NATO proxies in Ukraine, and he will get it. The US cannot do anything to stop it short of a nuclear war. Russia does not need Poland or any other EU land. Russia does not need it There is nothing there but hostile population. Russia needs Ukraine because Ukraine is a part of Russia and has been such for 500 years except the last 30
@Larkinchance 5 күн бұрын
The acrimony from the Baltics towards Russia was understandable but it didn't rise to the level of war. It also explains why they quickly joined NATO to avoid a roll back.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
Why cannot people understand that there is nothing in the Baltics that Russia needs. Why conquer a piece of land of no value?
@Larkinchance 59 минут бұрын
@@vladimirbrovkin4052 Dear Professor, I am on your side. The Baltics were unwillingly incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1939. in 1990, they repeatedly requested independence which they eventually won. Joining NATO was just insurance against re-incorporation. This was a strategic opportunity for NATO/US that I suspect was sweetened with loads of cash. NATO relies on unity and panders to the Baltic's insecurity.
@Larkinchance 5 күн бұрын
I was in Berlin in Dec89... There was a feeling of relief that the Cold War had finally ended. I do not remember a cry of victory at that time but I remember the word communism being seamlessly replaced with the word socialism... The idea of socialism had inherited the dangerous meaning of communism. I may be mistaken, but I do not remember cries of victory from the West until after re-unification. I felt the reasons for this as being opportunistic and pretty flimsy
@Tidbits12345 5 күн бұрын
If today, there are any grandchildren of Anastazja, then it is very easy to confirm that wwhout a doubt. Then we would know for sure which story is real.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
that would be good to do
@SophyaAgain 5 күн бұрын
Professor, I've been learning a little about Putim these days because of mess of Ukraine. And I really respect him. He's a great statesman and has sense of humor.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
I agree
@SophyaAgain 5 күн бұрын
I get it. It's like ... I'm the most popular girl in school. Because I pitty that boring and fat girl I allow her to be with me. Then she changed. She became witty and lost weight. She's now very popular and everyone want to make friend with her. So I hate her.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
Great analogy. Good girl
@Kit-d8h 6 күн бұрын
On MSM in Denmark I am always told that I am onesided about Putin - and that's the problem, we have to love or hate a prominent figure. I don't live in Russia so I can only, like most others, talk about his foreign policy - and I was excited, I admit that, when he went into Ukraine! - I thought: Finally, someone is putting a foot down to USAs demands! And I started watching his speeches, beginning with his Munich speech from 2008, and I think he is a very great man: He doesn't ridicule others or talk down to anybody! He sticks to the matters important to him, he says what he does oppose or greet from other countries without wrapping it up! He tells how the situation has developed and what he is going to do! Yes, I sound one-sided for my reactions, and I can live with that because the other side is even more one-sided in their accusations. But it annoys me - like with the Israel-Gaza debate - that we can't have a civilised debate without throwing mud. I don't understand why ppl are on a debate if they are not interested in the subject - and if they are interested I don't understand why they stick to informations from the one side! - But I guess that's the western world nowadays: Either you are a Putin lover or you are right! - Putin is the most intelligent politician in the world today, and he definetely works for peace - in my humble opinion.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
I agree completely
@Kit-d8h Сағат бұрын
@@vladimirbrovkin4052 Thank you 🙂
@KellyJK07 7 күн бұрын
also, now, Poland could beat russia
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
keep dreaming
@KellyJK07 7 күн бұрын
moscow would be better off, under authority of Kiev...helpful moral perspective here
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
there is no authority of any kind in Kieve just thieves and crooks and foreign stooges
@KellyJK07 7 күн бұрын
This speaker is just about opposite of true.. hypocrite
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
What specifically is not true?
@robertharneis9506 7 күн бұрын
A year later, the West has been revealed as a paper tiger.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
that is so!!!
@KellyJK07 7 күн бұрын
Do you support holodomor?
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
There was famine in all of Russia not just in its part in Ukraine
@KellyJK07 7 күн бұрын
Since 1918. Russia had been a mean attacking stupid nation.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
as for stupid, I am afraid you are wrong or envious or both
@KellyJK07 2 сағат бұрын
Read some Solchenitzen...and eastern European sources
@KellyJK07 7 күн бұрын
Funny vid ...actually russia is guilty, is losing, is incompetent
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
it is competent and it is winnnig
@Dumpsteret1 8 күн бұрын
I read GB and F could have easily stopped the Germans but King Edward, who as King isn't suppose to intervene in politics, stopped it at the behest of Whitehall anti communist elites.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
I do not know about easily but thay had a chance and they chose not to
@davidndahura7437 8 күн бұрын
This is the reason NATO and Europe can't win a war against Russia, they are divided but United to still Russian resources, never the Russians made all the three, Europe needs to shape their history.
@davidndahura7437 8 күн бұрын
The problem was zelensky, viktor Yanukovich new well the genesis of Russia, even the current war is mostly fueled by zelensky ignorance and western propaganda, but a political history of Europe is clear about it. Even president Biden knows but he is on a mission to achieve capitalism agenda.
@janpukallus721 8 күн бұрын
Another brilliant show.
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
thank you
@abejegeta7284 10 күн бұрын
In 90s when Gorbachov on power there was good relation with the west and the US one Russian very old patriotic man which I meet in Russia said about Russia and US was very intersting to me on this days what he said was that he didn't like the friendship of Russia with the US even it is dangers because the warest to became after this friendship, because the US hate Russia they never love Russia they want to destroyed Russia and divided to many pieces because They know Russia have a potential become to greate and powerful than they are, that they never like it"
@holasoyjose9683 10 күн бұрын
great explanation, very useful and insightful; just missed what role played Clinton-Harvard-Jeffrey Sachs' design of the Soviet Union economy dismantling/transition plan, in the rise of the oligarchs
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
rise of the oligarchs is a domestic affair. Sachs did not anticipate that
@holasoyjose9683 Сағат бұрын
@@vladimirbrovkin4052 good. Thank you very much for your magnificent videos. I'll just make one observation: Perhaps the way in which the economic transition plan was designed had the foreseeable consequence of conflict with influential people who would want to take over Soviet assets; This is something that has happened in many countries with similar economic transition processes, including my native Spain in the 70s-80s. That is, it is a common type of conflict that an experienced political-economic planner must anticipate, and make a transition design that takes it into account. I still need to see your other videos about that transition process, maybe you explain that. I am curious about the role of Harvard-Clinton-Sachs in what seems to me to have been the design of a "looting plan" of the USSR.....as they usually do in any country. I congratulate you for your excellent explanations; If Western societies cared about this type of knowledge they would be less stupid regarding Russia and the non-Western world.
@davidndahura7437 10 күн бұрын
Powerful insights, stay strong Russian people, God is in control.
@erikatoth2396 11 күн бұрын
Beautiful! Mr Kotkin is a very intelligent man and talking very convincing way. A Russian historien. But he is american. Thank you Mr Brovkin! You are very right! Mr Kotkin needs to update his knowlige!
@vladimirbrovkin4052 2 сағат бұрын
thank you
@user-zf2qn8ud9f 12 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for worm words about Russia.
@robertharneis9506 12 күн бұрын
General Lebed died in 1950.
@barabek3175 12 күн бұрын
good to see this hasnt been taken down yet
@robertharneis9506 12 күн бұрын
Marshal Goldman wrote a great book about this ‘The piratisation of Russia’. The Poles did better because they took their time and avoided Russian mistakes.
@CrazySe7en 12 күн бұрын
I suppose Mr Putin all the way❣️🇷🇺🇷🇺🇧🇿🇧🇿
@user-kd3rw4rh6p 13 күн бұрын
Thank you Dr. Brovkin for so much valuable information and presenting it so well. Given the facts you reported, especially at the end of your video, I find it more than shocking that so many European leaders want Ukraine to become a member of the EU, even if it is for geostrategic reasons only. It's like inviting the mafia into your home, feeding them at your table and marrying off your daughters to them. The reputation of your family will be forever tarnished.
@Mr.Patrick_Hung 13 күн бұрын
Were the Rus actual vikings or Scandinavians? The word 'viking' is similar to the word 'pirate'.
@user-jq2jp7cn3f 14 күн бұрын
They can not control Russia so they make them look like the bad guys. Only the people that are brainwashed easily by media fall for that. More people are seeking answers. Many believe there will be an end times war , WW III , with Russia being a key aggressor or savior.
@ruthmay9868 15 күн бұрын
The problem is that so many people have allowed themselves to become indoctrinated
@joebish6629 15 күн бұрын
Excellent explanation. The USA is truly a force for evil in the today's world.
@1971gift 15 күн бұрын
Robber barons robbed their own people as well...hoarded wealth; fought labor rights; didn't pay workers; had crappy working conditions; many people died. They were behind crushing the coal mine rebellions; Haymarket, company towns, new slavery using prison labor as slave labor. Again, people forget or don't want to acknowledge that the US's wealth is built on genocide of indigenous and the enslavement of Africans. British "Investors" were built on the brutal empire on which the sun never set. So the West has allways been thuggish mafia states...all under the veneer of liberal democracy--which is essentially a sham.
@Larkinchance 15 күн бұрын
Dr. Brovkin thank you... I am not a scholar. I am from the States and one of the first of the BabyBoomer Generation. Because of the sorry state of education and corporate media saturation, Americans really do think this is all just a movie... Out of curiosity about the world, I visited Berlin in 1972. I visited again in Dec89 to see the Wall come down. We smoked and drank and talked about the bright future... It seemed like the only people worried were the “Joint Chiefs at the Pentagon.” The US did not read the writing on the ruins of the Berlin Wall. They chose unilateralism instead of building a new world. Because people ignore our own history, they do not see the dreadful irony of current events. Early on in this conflict, I commented that we were digging up the ghosts of WW2. This was the lands of the Death Camps for anyone who would not conform. An independent Ukraine presented a strategic opportunity for US/NATO as suggested in Zbigniew Brzeziński 1997 book, "The Grand Chessboard" where he suggests using Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia. How is different Hitler infamously saying, "We only have to kick in the door...", about the invasion of the Soviet Union. Was he (and the Nazis) alone in viewing the USSR as unstable and "rotten"? I would think that Germany would owe Russia a debt of gratitude for not blocking re-unification and yet it is German tanks rolling East through the Ukraine. What's more disturbing is when I try to look at both sides of the situation, I am shouted down with angry hostility... So much for democracy. Dr. B, because of the pervasive nature of corporate propaganda and the passive complacency of the people, we need you!
@christophertunusau3023 15 күн бұрын
If there was ever a Seat for the President of the "Whole of Earth", no doubt all the world population would vote for him including me. Putin is a treasure for the Russians to have a President who have theiir interest at heart.