Chinese Herbal Tea in Cantonese
Months of the Year in Cantonese
@KoHokCheung Сағат бұрын
My favorite ones are the more traditional ones. My wife is from Shanghai, she prefers the Shanghainese salty one types, with meat. In Hong Kong Moon Cakes can be very expensive. So people need to save up several month before the Festival to afford buying them (they will then offer them to their family and friends). I keep the empty boxes of moon cakes. They are usually very well decorated, embossed with a design of the moon, Sun Ngo and the rabbit. The night of that Mid-Autumn Festival, my wife contemplates the full moon and likes to recite the poem 李白 靜夜思.
@KoHokCheung Сағат бұрын
I was waiting for this video. Thanks, it helps a lot understanding and practicing the passive form.😊
@athandog Күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. I will be learning Cantonese in the future. It is a target I hold deeply in my heart. Your videos are a goldmine and know there are many of us who have been helped by the hard work you have put into these videos. So thank you 💙
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 2 күн бұрын
In Russian we often say 'батя [batya]' to refer to someone's father in a friendly, maybe even ironic way 😁 But usually it's just 'папа [papa]', or more formal 'отец [otets]'
@wecancanto 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing with me! I love learning different cultures! Thank you! :)
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 2 күн бұрын
Your parents did a great job, I think this is an example to be followed 🙏
@wecancanto 2 күн бұрын
It means a lot to me for saying that. Yes, I love my parents and I'm grateful to be called their daughter. Thank you!
@cpwong7977 3 күн бұрын
全世界有一億二千萬人講粵語💪💪💪。 粵語是我認識的語言中最有感情和美妙的😊 最能代表人類語言的最高境界☀️! 如果能用粵語朗誦 中華文化中的詩、詞等文學,你就會明白何謂 人類語言的 "最高境界"☀️! 所以一定要推廣粵語☀️! 總結: *粵語是一種感情豐富、有正能量的語言。👍 *普通話是擦鞋仔用的,是用來擦鞋的!🤪 *在地球要搵食最緊要學好英語。😊
@wecancanto 2 күн бұрын
宣揚粵語的確很重要。與此同時,我們亦需要擁有廣闊的胸襟。引用《莊子・秋水》裏面所提: 天下之水,莫大於海,萬川歸之,不知何時止而不盈⋯⋯其中的重點是:有容乃大。我的頻道集中於分享有關粵語的知識。謝謝支持。
@卓越-d8y 3 күн бұрын
@wecancanto 2 күн бұрын
@卓越-d8y 3 күн бұрын
@wecancanto 2 күн бұрын
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 6 күн бұрын
Hehe, this is good 😂 I think I have only tried *one* so far, and I didn't understand what the filling was... Me and my friend are going to an event this weekend celebrating 中秋節 here in St. Petersburg, so maybe I'll get to taste many, I usually don't eat much though (hopefully, there will be 迷你 ones 😁) I'll sure try to find any snow skin ones-that I took a note of, thank you 😌 中秋節快樂!🐇
@wecancanto 5 күн бұрын
Same to you! Thanks for sharing. I'm excited for you to join this fun event. Enjoy. We usually share the big ones with others as they are too big to finish by one person. FYI, snow skin ones are a bit like monchi and they're stored in the fridge. I like them partly because I like monchi and they were first invented from HK, it's a bit like a special memory to me. If you like cookies pastry, the lava custard ones taste good too. 玩得開心啲。
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 5 күн бұрын
Oh yes! I *love* mochi ! I remember on 長洲 they have huuuuge mango mochi-I love such treats so much 🥺 I am gonna step up the efforts at learning the language and culture, I feel so motivated 😁 多謝晒!
@wecancanto 2 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov You're welcome! Mango mochi! Yummy! I'm glad you're motivated! I hope you've enjoyed your moon festival event!
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Күн бұрын
The festival was overcrowded and they had run out of 月餅 😂 Took photos, got ourselves some fancy drinks and headed to a Chinese café not very far from there ☺️ Thank you 🙏
@almasa92 11 күн бұрын
Great video 😊 I tried the white lotus double yolk one for the first time with my (Cantonese) wife. It was given to us by someone from HK (we live in the UK) and i thorougly enjoyed it. Famous brand - 香港美心月餅
@wecancanto 10 күн бұрын
Classic! I grew up eating this. Thanks for your sharing! I'm so glad that you've enjoyed it. 🙌
@polluxtroy2010 11 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your videos!!
@wecancanto 10 күн бұрын
Pleasure. I'm glad it is helpful! :) Thanks for dropping by.
@disasterblooms2822 11 күн бұрын
That's a great video and great explanation to something that I've been wondering for awhile. Thank you!
@wecancanto 10 күн бұрын
You're welcome! Thanks for dropping by and I'm glad that you've found it helpful! May you enjoy your Cantonese learning journey. 加油 - gaa1 jau2 (You got this!)
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 11 күн бұрын
我食過山楂餅, 買山楂餅每次我去中舖頭。好食! 😌 Is it understanable? ☺️
@wecancanto 10 күн бұрын
Yes, I understand. Well done! You could try this next time: "我食過山楂餅。每次我都係("都係/都" usually goes with 每次 to emphasise "everytime") 去唐人舖 (Chinese grocery)買山楂餅。好食!"
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 10 күн бұрын
Ah ! Thank you 🙏 I think I get it, things relating to time are usually in the beginning of the sentence
@wecancanto 10 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov In general, we have the subject first before the adverb and the verb phrase, followed by the object. However, it is also common to have the time before the subject, that is why I didn't change your sentence. You can also say, "我每次都係去唐人舖買山楂餅。" To give you another example, "我琴晚去咗睇演唱會。" (I went to watch a concert last night.) The focus is on "睇演唱會". I can also say, " 琴晚我去咗睇演唱會。" And this sentence focuses on "琴晚". This is a reference, because sometimes when people express themselves in Cantonese, it is quite flexible with their sentence structure, but we usually don't put a verb phrase at the beginning, unless in exceptional cases, like "做嘢啦你,仲喺度玩。" (literal translation: start working now, you are still playing.) This sentence is a bit like a command. Hope it helps.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 9 күн бұрын
This is very helpful, thank you 🙏
@wecancanto 7 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov pleasure 👍
@dianayeung7096 11 күн бұрын
Sharp to the point, thanks for your teaching. ❤
@wecancanto 10 күн бұрын
You're most welcome! :)
@kiwifruitkl 12 күн бұрын
My own mother makes pineapple mooncakes. Yeah, I know. Not traditional.
@wecancanto 11 күн бұрын
Sounds delicious! Does it taste like those Taiwanese pineapple cake (鳳梨酥)? Would love to try. It's 新式月餅.
@kiwifruitkl 11 күн бұрын
@@wecancanto Mother uses the same filling to make pineapple mooncake (菠蘿月餅) and pineapple cake (鳳梨酥). Whenever the pineapples at the store go on discount, Mother would consider on buying a ton of them. Some of them will be eaten fresh. Others will be used to make pineapple filling. And some will be used to make pineapple fried rice (菠蘿炒飯).
@wecancanto 10 күн бұрын
@@kiwifruitkl Thank you for sharing! Your mother is so smart and wise. I love 鳯朵酥 and 菠蘿炒飯. You're so blessed to have so much homemade yummy food. ^_^ I am happy for you!
@Feudorkannabro 12 күн бұрын
Mood cake
@wecancanto 11 күн бұрын
What is a "mood cake"? :)
@jaycee5676 12 күн бұрын
Awesome video!!!!!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊
@wecancanto 11 күн бұрын
Thank you as always!
@marywong4819 12 күн бұрын
I like the 雙黃白蓮蓉月餅
@wecancanto 11 күн бұрын
What a classic. I had a lot growing up. 童年回憶 - Childhood memories.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 12 күн бұрын
I also like all kinds of noodles ☺️ Saint Petersburg, where I grew up, has all kinds of cuisine-both European and Asian, including Central Asian cultures like Uzbek cuisine (laghman noodles, most notably) For the most part, Russians eat Western-style pasta, and don't differentiate between its various types (we call them all «макароны»); often, they would just cook some pasta or spaghetti and add cheese on top-this is a dish we all remember from childhood 😁 But right now I really want some glass noodles hehe
@wecancanto 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing! Pasta with cheese, yummy! Glass noodles (粉絲) tastes so good with so many things. It also goes well with hotpot. Thanks for teaching me Russian.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 14 күн бұрын
Wow, this is brilliant acting ☺️ I have also worked through the description, thank you very much 🙏
@wecancanto 13 күн бұрын
You're always so encouraging. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 14 күн бұрын
In Russian, we say «выходные [vihodniye]», which means 'days of going out'-we work during the week, and then go out and socialise ☺️
@wecancanto 13 күн бұрын
That so makes sense. Thanks for sharing!
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 15 күн бұрын
Hey, this really cheered me up ☺️ Thank you for the insight 🙏
@wecancanto 13 күн бұрын
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 15 күн бұрын
My favourite poem is in Russian 😄 It's a short poem «Когда посеяно зерно...» by Olga Chyumina, published in 1897 The first lines go somewhat like: When people sow the seed Of freedom, truth, and kindness There will be time indeed When gracefully it sprouts It doesn't rhyme well, but it seemed right-it's very difficult to translate because Russian language doesn't have any strict word order and has a lot of 'melody' or 'dance' in it, which cannot be rendered, so please forgive me 😂
@wecancanto 13 күн бұрын
That's beautiful! I think you did a good job. It's very hard to do translation, especially with poems. Thanks for making effort to share this beautiful poem with me. Thank you! I love literature as it shares cultures and history.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 18 күн бұрын
I am awful at small talk 😄 In Russia people are usually straightforward-I have a neighbour and she is a rather old woman, any time she sees me she goes: 'shave your beard already, when are you shaving your beard' (I have quite a beard, true), and it's not considered impolite, if anything it's actually friendly tone People discuss their work and salary, private life, gastritis, you name it-and they usually get right to the point, unless you are getting swindled haha
@wecancanto 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for your sharing. I love learning different cultures and different ways of thinking. In that sense, it's quite similar to Chinese cultures. I'm so glad to learn that your neighbour has a good relationship with you. There is a saying in Cantonese, "遠親不如近鄰" , similar to what the bible teaches: " for better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off." (Proverbs 27:10 )
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 17 күн бұрын
Thank you! I actually learned both the Cantonese phrase and the saying from the Bible Here I live we have a rather tight-knit community, but despite people being indeed straightforward, it is proverbial in Russia that neibours usually don't know each other, and it is common in more affluent areas that people don't even respond to a simple 'hello', which always confused me-do they get nervous? Do they feel anything? They get into the same elevator after all
@wecancanto 15 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov I kind of understand what you mean. We might not know what's behind those stories, I still believe that we can do our own part to be nice and kind. And I'm sure you are nice to others. :)
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 18 күн бұрын
made me giggle 😁
@wecancanto 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words!
@seasidejoe9037 21 күн бұрын
Thank you for another great lesson
@wecancanto 20 күн бұрын
You're most welcome!
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 21 күн бұрын
haha, brilliant! 😄
@wecancanto 20 күн бұрын
Thank you :)
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 21 күн бұрын
想唔想 ☺️ The example I came up with: 你得唔得閑飲茶?😁 nei5 dak1 m4 dak1 haan4 jam2 caa4 You free or not free for yum cha (my friend from Fujian brought me a cardholder with a similar phrase for me to use in Hong Kong, I'm so happy 😄)
@wecancanto 20 күн бұрын
I miss 飲茶, but it's quite expensive to have 飲茶 here in Australia. Your friend is so sweet to get you a very meaningful cardholder. FYI, 閑 and 閒 are interchangeable when it refers to leisure.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 20 күн бұрын
Are the restaurants in Australia different or they are just more expensive ? Thank you for the insight 🙏
@wecancanto 17 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov There are authentic Yum Cha in Australia as there are chefs from Hong Kong. It is just that it is more expensive here, especially compared with HK.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 17 күн бұрын
Hm, got it!
@cccEngineer 23 күн бұрын
The way I like to remember how to use bei2 is by thinking of it as the English word by. They sound similar and can be translated as such.
@wecancanto 20 күн бұрын
This is such a good strategy. Thanks for sharing! Much appreciated! :)
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 23 күн бұрын
I usually forget about some things when I am sleepy, even if I am not busy 😂 And otherwise I take things really slow, it became apparent to me when I studied at university with people from other places and they were like: wow, you really are carefree right 😄 It's to an extent cultural, on the one pole people in Moscow being unbelievably fast, be it public transport or a business meeting, and on the other St. Petersburg, where people seem to care less about their careers and just enjoy the ride, as it were
@wecancanto 20 күн бұрын
That's a good thing to be able to be calm regardless of circumstances. Thanks for sharing your stories as always. I've learned something new!
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 24 күн бұрын
In Russian we often say 'да нет [da net]' , which is very hard to translate much like Cantonese final particles, especially because taken literally 'да' means 'yes' and 'нет' means 'no', so it's like 'yes no' 😂 But it's actually a kind of hesitant 'no', because 'да' can also mean just softening the statement And Cantonese is at times so poetic if read literally, I've had so much joy 😄 (and also fun, my favourite is all sorts of animals that have 鼠 in the name like 松鼠-pine mouse hehe-and of course the majestic ✨龍貓✨ 😄)
@wecancanto 23 күн бұрын
This is so interesting. I think I sort of understand after looking for some examples. So it's common to reply: Да нет, наверное, right? Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me! I think Cantonese is logical and straightforward so it's easy to grasp the ideas once you get how it works. I like 龍貓 too, but I’m not fond of mice or rats, especially if they’re found near restaurants or residential areas.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 23 күн бұрын
It can be 'да нет, наверное' too (which is 'yes no, maybe'), but that would narrow the meaning to a negative response with a certain doubt, and да нет by itself can be even assertive, not doubtful, though always with a pinch of hesitance Something like 'well, no'-it's just softer than outright 'no' 😄 And with mice I meant that-if taken literally-it's an adorably straightforward way to call animals-松鼠,花鼠... ☺️ In my area rodents are alright, entirely harmless, I even know an organisation which helps ailing wild rats-they take some of them home and some vets specialise in these animals (I had a hamster, he had an operation performed by a hamster surgeon!); we don't allow them inside any building though, residential or otherwise, and people are often afraid of them as they would be afraid of a spider 😄
@wecancanto 20 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Thanks for teaching me again! Wow! You’ve a 倉鼠. That’s so cool. A hamster surgeon, amazing! Good that your area is alright.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 25 күн бұрын
河內!😄 (ho4 noi6, lit. «river inside», Hanoi being situated between two rivers)
@wecancanto 23 күн бұрын
Have you been there? Our family loves Vietnamese food! Especially bánh mì and Phở! Yum!
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 23 күн бұрын
Nah, but I would definitely go there when I move to Hong Kong 😄 I go to a rather underground Vietnamese place here in St. Petersburg, and the owner is a very oldschool, strict yet kind grandpa from Hanoi He actually told me that I could go to Vietnam and have a good job there, but it feels like selling out my dream about Hong Kong, so I decided not to go (things are not going well in Russia, so for me moving somewhere is the only way to travel) The food is excellent, but I mostly eat plain rice or noodles with vegetables, because I 食齋 😄 Bánh mì looks supercool, I guess this can be made into a vegetarian dish; it's always harder with soups because of the broth 😅 Is phở yum like a sour and spicy variety of phở? Ah, I am very happy for you 😌
@wecancanto 20 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Thank you! When you say 食齋, you meant "Buddhist vegetarian” (which don’t eat garlic, etc… as well) or just “vegetarian” “食素”? I feel that there would be vegetarian version of both bánh mì and Phở. I like Phở as it has a clear soup (the soup itself isn’t sour or spicy) and I like the noodles too. Thanks for sharing your current circumstances. I will pray for you. Thank you for taking HK as your option to move to. Take care!
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 20 күн бұрын
Whoa, that's most insightful, I never knew about garlic and other things! I actually meant something in-between, because it seems to me that religious connotations kind of hint at the principle behind my vegetarian diet (otherwise it's hard for people to make sense of my beliefs), which has do to with suffering, even though I am not following any particular religious tradition or doctine-I am in-between different cultures, so it gets confusing So I 食素 from now on 😄, thank you for the insight 🙏 They actually cook vegetarian Phở at one place in St. Petersburg, but the staff is not very friendly so I don't go there 😄 Thank you very much for the kind words 🙏
@wecancanto 17 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Thanks for your sharing. For some reason, this conversation reminds me of a meaningful sermon that I listened a while ago. I was benefited by watching it. If you're interested, please take a look:
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 25 күн бұрын
I agree that learning the language helps to understand culture as a whole, I think it’s necessary One of the most insightful examples for me is the use of wordplay in Cantonese festive traditions and also superstitions 😄 Thus, tangerines are actually part of the New Year celebration in Russia also, but for entirely different reasons... And so you would have to learn that they were initially used by wealthy families as a Christmas tree decoration/treat before the Bolshevik Revolution; and then much later in the 1960s, when the import began, they happenned to be the only fresh fruit available in the USSR by New Year-they had reached there by that time from Africa-and thus they came to be associated with the New Year and acquired this distinct festive flavour 😌 And then you have 柑 which sounds the same as 金!😄
@wecancanto 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing such detailed information. That’s amazing! I actually studied Russian history intensively in high school for a public exam, trying to memorise as much as possible. Of course, I've forgotten most of it (you don't use it, you lose it :P). So, it's lovely that how you’ve brought back some of those memories for me.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 23 күн бұрын
Ah, I'm so glad! 😄 You sure have tonnes of education under you belt, that's amazing!
@wecancanto 20 күн бұрын
@@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov hahaha, far from it. But one of the things I've learned after moving to Australia was that Formal Education is only a small part of learning. There is so much isn't taught at school.
@nanayemikhaing1738 25 күн бұрын
Thank you🎉
@wecancanto 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for dropping by :)
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 27 күн бұрын
This is funny 😄 I remember when I was a child I overheard someone using a very bad word in Russian, but I didn't know what it meant so out of sheer curiosity I began asking other people, and I started making up songs with that word and so on 😂 Our neighbours were very surprised and pretended they didn't know the word, and my family just yelled at me-as a confused disciplinary measure I guess 😄
@wecancanto 26 күн бұрын
haha... you were innocent. Thanks for sharing your story with me! 😄
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 28 күн бұрын
I decided to establish independent film production in HK by the end of 2024, which I think is not going to work as I am not even in HK yet 😅 Anyway, I am definitely better at not getting angry, which was another resolution 😄
@wecancanto 26 күн бұрын
I'm so excited for you! I will pray for your plan. Sometimes we just need to wait for the right timing for different things. Also, treat this period of time as a training ground. You may be surprised how it turns out. I love drama since a kid, so I could feel your excitement. I pray that you can turn your frustration into motivation. 加油呀!
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 26 күн бұрын
Thank you, this means a lot 😌
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov 28 күн бұрын
I tried and, well, at least I liked it! 😄
@wecancanto 26 күн бұрын
Well done! 😃
@akmclemore 29 күн бұрын
I appreciate the depth and clarity you bring to your content. Keep it up!
@wecancanto 26 күн бұрын
Thanks for dropping by.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
中秋節 😄
@wecancanto 29 күн бұрын
@katamaranscom Ай бұрын
Great, thks, I like the help with the tones. I guess I will avoid doing stuff on Mondays and Sundays 😅
@wecancanto 29 күн бұрын
Thanks for dropping by! You've a sense of humour. 😄 You got this! Add oil! 🙌
@dojisatchivi1664 Ай бұрын
幾好用呀,呢個video! 多謝多謝😁
@wecancanto 29 күн бұрын
多謝你呀!你覺得有用就好喇! 加油!
@evangelion045 Ай бұрын
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
@@evangelion045 Thanks for dropping by 😊
@dianayeung7096 Ай бұрын
Love you way to explain Biblical truths, blessings sister❤
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
Thanks sister! May the Lord Jesus bless you and your family too! :)
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
Whoa, thank you for opening this magical world of herbal tea for me 😄 I think I saw this kind of thing in 元朗 when I was in HK-the whole place has a magical feeling about it, I remember a man in the street saying 'Hello' in a very friendly manner as though he knew me very well ☺️✨ I've read all of the description and learned a lot! Thank you for this tiny yet enchanting trip that has brought up some very warm memories 😌
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
Thanks for your sharing! You've such good memories! I sometimes got the bottled ones when I was in HK. Of course, the sweeter ones, not the bitter ones :P
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
These are brilliant and beautiful videos, thank you 😌
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
I'm glag that they are helpful :)
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
Amazing acting! This truly makes a great comedy 😂 May I ask if I understand the 開年 part correctly? So it's like a wordplay, meaning literally opening the New Year with the person (and thus expecting them to give you the envelope; hence 我*同*你?), but also figuratively getting disciplined for being cheeky? 😂
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
You're always so encouraging. Thank you! With "開年", it is a tradition that people have a big feast on the second day of the Chinese New Year, it is called "開年飯"。Traditionally, people believed that everything should go peacefully on the first day of the year. In the old days, they would not kill animals nor discipline kids on the New Year Day. You're right with "我同你開年", it refers to the kid being disciplined for their behaviour. In the clip, the daughter was in trouble by asking for too much money, so mum jokingly said she would "同佢開年" to discipline her.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
Got it, thank you for the explanation 😌
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
我幾時都得閒呀。😄 我攰嗰陣會去瞓㗎喇。 May I inquire why do you say 《專心啲》with 啲?🙏 What does it mean here grammatically?
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
Well done! "啲" here mean " a bit more", it's common for people to give advice to others by using "啲". For example: "飲多啲水呀" (drink more water),"早啲瞓呀"(sleep earlier)...
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
Got it, thank you 😌
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
你諗緊乜呀? What are you thinking about? 諗 seems to be an interesting word, peculiar to Cantonese and its roots seem not to be clear
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
Good example! The Chinese character "諗" has actually been used since ancient times. Besides meaning "to think", "to miss" or "to consider", it used to mean "to reprimand" as well. But it doesn't mean "to reprimand" anymore. If you look at the Chinese character, it is made up from two parts: "言" (to speak) and "念" (to think). So it does make sense how it got extended to today's meanings.
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
邊個係你嘅班主任呀? 呢部電話係邊個㗎? I would never have guessed what this 㗎 is used for here, thank you very much 🙏
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
Good work!
@Daniil星夜Kuznetsov Ай бұрын
半個月前 😄 But I honestly wasn't sure about the quantifier (I feel a bit unsure where to use an attributive 嘅 and so I see any noun as a normal noun with a possible quantifier, and where the grammar itself allows for a more straightforward structure, but still demands the quantifier), I checked the comments and found the answer, thank you 🙏 I guess one can also say 上半個月? ☺️ Also thank you for the tip about the calendar, I now use it all the time 🙏
@wecancanto Ай бұрын
"半個月前" is correct and it is commonly used when referring to half a month ago. We don't say "上半個月". :) I'm glad it has been useful :)