De Afspraak: Bart de Wever 04/05/2020
De Afspraak: Jan Jambon 10/06/2016
De Afspraak: Hilde Crevits 03/06/2016
De Afspraak: Kristof Calvo 27/05/2016
De Afspraak: Bart de Wever 20/05/2016
@Iwantmymtv Ай бұрын
Nooit de sossen van Vooruit vertrouwen is wat we geleerd hebben de voorbije jaren. En Vivaldi bleek de meest anti-Vlaamse regering die de meeste schulden maakte. En Vlaanderen zal het weer kunnen gaan betalen. Hopelijk kan de NVA het nog rechttrekken maar het zal moeilijk worden met de onbetrouwbare sossen.
@Frederer59 Ай бұрын
"Logic is the beginning of wisdom." - Commander Spock
@automatofix Ай бұрын
6:51, 12:49, 15:34, 18:41, 20:32, 22:06
@ggThys Ай бұрын
De Wever heeft een glazen bol! Alles is uitgekomen!
@AssieChi69 Ай бұрын
Thank you 4 making this interview with Mattias Desmet: listening it was so worth my time! I find Mattias explanation about how this mass formation works, very well put. It also re-lighted my own fire to keep on speaking and writing about our humane values and ethical principals! ❤️‍🔥
@jim-gb7sj Ай бұрын
I've watched him over and over, read his book and this explains so much.
@TheHeinrichSymposium Ай бұрын
Be realistic - plan for a miracle.
@tonyclifton7606 Ай бұрын
Desmet is wonderful. Bret Weinstein spoke of a dream team that has emerged from the coronavirus disaster, and Desmet is a part of that dream team. I really enjoyed this.
@freelectron2029 Ай бұрын
I don't for one second believe this video has only 270k views. Yt def messing with the analytics
@Eriksvensson4231 Ай бұрын
I see 237 860 views
@johnwakefield8570 2 ай бұрын
Does God play dice? Hell yes. .. and He loves it.
@johnwakefield8570 2 ай бұрын
Mattias .. my dad went to MIT .. Civil Engineer .. he was also a commercial pilot and, later, a Navy pilot. He inaugurated Alt Field at Whidbey Island where he was Operations Officer. The best thing about MIT, for me - as per an osmosis from my old man - is his studiousness, his continuing learning, desire .. this is complemented by, for me, the other most important: he never mentioned MIT. Not once. I am here in the Dominican Republic, finishing a book of history about here .. and working to turn into a movie, my screenplay and music - the movie to film half here and half at Chillingham in the north of England - about a woman overcoming severe depression .. by coming here and through the warmth of the people and opulence of nature. Depression, the plague of our time as you know. The template here as per a Hannah Arendt read .. add yours, is, by nature, existentially different. And must be gotten into. That is, the applicability of your thesis, and there is, must be ascertained, parsed, applied .. and, that we thus and then rest transparently over the spirit that gave us rise, as David Milch says, meaning: together. Reason is a two bit candy .. is not the Suchard chocolate of chocolates.
@brechtgoossens8083 2 ай бұрын
zei is zo irritant
@torceridaho 2 ай бұрын
"a society that can deliver real ethical principles". that's way too much of threat for the denizens of Washington DC....
@flaneurable 2 ай бұрын
Well, Wilfred Trotter wrote the 'Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War'
@stojnastanichevski2201 2 ай бұрын
@vaidali 2 ай бұрын
@dib3354 2 ай бұрын
Ben niet van Gent maar voor de Gentse Fieste waren we altijd paraat. Altijd en nog verliefd op deze stad maar laat ons eerlijk zijn, vergeleken met de jaren 70 is de shwoeng er echt wel uit. Ik herinner mij nog het Schuurke, men zei dat ge daar wiet kon kopen :-)
@NarcArtTherapy 2 ай бұрын
Remember how we made allies with the Soviet Union? They won the war because we helped them. Let me repeat that. Communism won the war, not liberty. Liberty bowed down to communism and now we see the fruit of that evil tree.
@paulschultz2751 2 ай бұрын
Now it has a name!
@trevsimmonds4959 2 ай бұрын
NewZealand stood against nuclear weapons and power stations Against the masses It’s about common sense and love (Aroha)
@cgfreeandeasy 2 ай бұрын
Ok, what he is refering about, is not only a "mass formation", its a "mass-psychosis".... to belief stricktly and without adequate proof in a scenario/truth or condition, is typical for "psychotic" mind state. Ands then he explaines, that then, if that psychosis happend in a part of the society, those, who aren´t psychotic doing the right diagnosis and decissions, the last stage won´t happend, is a interesting thing, because in germany, at th elast govnernment-votings, there was one part of the party-landscape, that didn´t do anything to get voted (not much , bad/no serious candidates, no real ambition to win voters), so we can conclude, that those, who are the only part of society, that could avert the full consequences of mass-psychosis, have done nothing and maybe (very likely) with thenot even wanted ti win this vote .. and they are accountable for actual circumstances...whilest criticizing the ruling governement....for their failing and all those bad conditions in economy and industry and social conditions, for what they not accountable...also because of, that the others partys playing that infamous game and pushing the badest developements further to accellerate the failing of their "opposition"... the actual governement. So, can you all see the problem with "democracy"? If it is possible, to see the problems, but also possible not doing anything against it, why democracy is called th ebest organisating-strategy of all... and even worse, if a part of the society/accountable population can simply sitting there and waiting for the failung of others.... I mean, they also may will say, democracy is deopendend on voters and votings and if the votes fall for the psychotic part of the society, nobody can do anything...against it... Thats the bad thing in actual usual demmocrazy.... because a "psychosis" is a sickness...and every psychotic human would get forcedly medicated (by legal judgment over a judges decission who is refering to a psychiatric advisory opinion....). But that doesn´t happend for the winning party, that is actualy ... for shure.... in a condition of mass psychosis. and are willing to kill their own he explaines as an example for the dramatic consequences of such a state of psychic condition... And its not only happend in germany, rather in all western the US, the scandiavian nations (for longer time)...only as examples, there are more. But..... the problem is, as we can see, that the other parts of society doing nothing, even, if they know, that the situation is dramatic and dangerus.... The problem with democracy is, that sickness and mass-psychosis is a problem, but politics can´t react adequate to it, because of... democracy..... I had recogniced the problem 15 years ago.....or i have found the reason, why, so i got to the conclusion, that a democracy must had been suspendet for the time the psychosis is existing acute in the population. But that is not even specified in the laws, that suchg a complication can be/is reality and need a adequate reaction to it... Scandalous....such a situation....i found the reason, why psychosis happend, and i only could find that reason, because typical science knew the scenarios and consequences in detail, but that does not lead to a application on population-wide level, rather only on individual level. Interesting is, that now, were this governement, with a population that is psychotic, is in charge, many complain about "totalitarian" tendencys.....thats funny, if it wouldn´t be so bad at all, .. because in a mass-psychosis, you need to get totalitarian because you cannot debate and solve any problems with a psychotic population,. because...look for the reasons and symptomatics in the medical books....its you need totalitarian solutions..... And: the counter-movement is ..even, if not his reaction simmilar totalitarian, as the condition, they fight against. Thats also, because those from this mass-psychosis more effected humans are not only in one group, so you could sanctioning that group and th eproblems would be, they are everywhere.... and if the opposition trys to fight against the totalitarian governement, they have to use psychotic individuals to even get to an effective oppositional position with possibility to win/succed (populism-problem, that is neccessary...espacialy in psychotic populations). So, that imagined "not effected" group doesn´t exist in reality...its only theoretical existant...albeit actually only 30 % of the population are actually so psychotic to fall for totalitarisms... And by the way, that is the reason, why the western ideologues criticizing some autoritarian states in the world....because if you have a problem, like the west actualy has, you must counter the psychotic actionism with strongness and strickt regulation of public discipline...that then is, what they all call a "autoritarian state" were all peoples are unfree.... but its not, that they are realy unfree, they are only restickted in their behavior in public spheres, because th epublic is the space, were mass-formation happends and mass-psychosis will get food for escalating.... For example: China, they say, is a communistic dictatorship.... bad of course. But..... in every populations there are at least 50 % of the population, that are pleased with the governement....or not have any idea of problems, that are based/caused by gvernement-behavior and decissions. So.... thats also a idiotic criticism from "democratic" nations.... because that is absolutely the same in every western democratic nation.... ther is always a majority, that is overall uncritical towards the governement. And all this populism in those western democacys is about to fiddle consent/votes from that less ambitiouse peoples to win the voting, but those part of population does not have any adequate knowledge about actual neccessary decissions to do....or conditions in the politics.... because they did not have enough insight or knowledge about...or any special demands to.... so, thats the big lie of western democracy, that pretend to be voted by informed voters, but in principle, they are votes by a majority of uninformed voting-sheeps....who vote by symphaty, not by factual issue..... This democracy is not even a decission making by a majority voting of peoples, who have a specific opinion (out of informed conclusion), because the biggest part is voters vote out of not being informed, and voting by symphaty.....and opportunism. And the biggest opportunistic enticement is money and the promise of wealth, and that enticement you only can promote, if you have uge amount of money to promote it and demonstrate "wealth" in its best luring way.....and that is usualy coming from the economic sphere..... Out of such a completely stupid mechanism of decissions and is a wonder, that western democracys were successfull over the 20. century....albeit, if the incentives came out of the economy (for almost all decissions to make), they only vote and advertize for "profit".... and of course, that leads to a higher menotary wealth for them, and only partly for the population itself...but... bragging about growth in economic activitys (in the yearly balance sheet) is sort of succes and a big incentive for believing, that all are wealthy, albeit in reality only a view companys are....and all are lucky to be able to buy their stuff....and thinking, they are on the right way with doing the right votes. 7 Ok, i digress.... The point is, that psychotic masses never do something good, productive,, why nobody has aver spoken about, that we are exactly in one of such a situation of mass-psychosis and why nothing is done in regards to that complications? Because of democracy..... and freedom..... of course......but thats a stupid argument. because... psychotic peoples make decissions, that are bed for themselfes and bad for others. But obviousely, ther is no possibility to react adequate to a psychotic population and to democratic irrationality..... so..... bussiness as usual.... and let them fail, so the way to next governement is open and very clearly the votings will proof, that the past governement was stupid and unable to do their duty.....dispite they themself have supported the failing by doing the "wrong" thing....namly not to reacting adequate to a very critical situation and supporting alll oppositional tendencys, that can acccelerate the governements failing.....and making all even worse, as it should be. Fo rthat, in regards to that one party at the last votings, you may can conclude, that to annihilate that party would be the adequate consequence, because they didn´t do their duty......rather did make it even worse.... by intention. Because nobody needs a party, that then, if it is realy neccessary for the state, didn´t do their duty.... and they always will behave so, so annihilate the party....make space for other partys....other peoples to prtoof, they can be better politicians.
@Antonocon 2 ай бұрын
Why did Google remove my 'like' from this video since the last time I looked it up? Evil Google, fostering mass formations. Fostering evil. Hate for people to actually be informed. Or maybe they are just too in the grip of one of the many current mass formations.
@sokasodjunk 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. I just have became aware of professor Desmet and I am glad to find this interview. It can be eye opening for many people but not to the masses... Everything just establishes more and more that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Whenever the crowd would like to make him a king he disappeared.
@jolanda1988. 3 ай бұрын
Mattias is een held. Bedankt! ❤
@miamayapiahviidjensen1685 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Tucker Carlson ❤ for this video with this very wise man, Mattias Desmet 🙏🦋 that see through all that stupidity and nonsens 👌that is going on in the world. It is unbelieveable to comprehend that intelligent people follows all the propaganda that we have been exposed to
@edvandenberg1118 3 ай бұрын
Mooie mathias
@SteinbergJudith 3 ай бұрын
thank you so much :) so wise and clear
@vicky_webcatuk 3 ай бұрын
Mattias has it in a nutshell, so how do we get ourselves and our hapless fellow citizens the hell out of this situation? The ideology were facing is horrible and will turn us all into slaves... its rushing up at us at a thousand miles an hour, it'll be here and unstoppable in a few years, none i know is listening to me, there are a tiny handful of all the people i know who gets the reality, who arent under the mass formation psychosis. Its not enough.....
@tinekevandemerwe9472 4 ай бұрын
Excellent speaker. It is amazing that Tucker lacks the insight that both the conservative right AND the liberal left are guilty of mass formation tactics. We can only evolve if we focus on our own shortcomings rather than crutisize the 'other' side.
@klik-klik28 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for making me feel sane again 😊 take care everyone ❤❤❤
@voiceofreason2674 4 ай бұрын
Barry is a dawg , he was a good dude, but at the same time he messed with rich people too much. And when you tussle with rich folks they will scorn you. I could blow smoke in a good woman's face and she wouldn't betray me, but Barry didn't get that, he flew too high
@valeriamoojen2798 4 ай бұрын
I listen to this conversation three times and at each time I’d appreciated it more as it is simply wonderful and powerful! Congratulations and I thank you to have shared with us so many important concepts.
@patrizioganda7736 5 ай бұрын
Woar ès den tijd noartoe van t begin van de nieuwe gentse fieste mee onze Walter........ Toens was t nog giestig aan tsint jacobs..... We zullen Walter nuunt ofte nimmer vergeten.
@mandyspring808 5 ай бұрын
Very true. I own a salon , I talk to people all day. They would tell me things they never seen in real life, only on the phone or TV.
@andreaandrea6716 5 ай бұрын
" People enter madness in crowds but return to sanity one at a time." (Quote from under another video, from 'WHITEHORSE' ):
@warehousehhm3694 5 ай бұрын
This is simply a trick of Satan, in our country most people under 50 are NOT Christian, so they don't believe Satan.
@lindas2531 5 ай бұрын
Tucker is learning how to establish a Russia-style tyranny in the US! Bye-bye America that once was…
@embalmertrick1420 3 ай бұрын
Its worse than that, its the 4th reich
@michaelwimmer8495 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this great clarification! 🙏
@destinaronin 6 ай бұрын
Islam is het grootste probleem. Ik als geboren moslim kan er van spreken. Christian prince op youtube
@bryanwalkerCT7729 6 ай бұрын
💯% #BeingSaneInInsanePlaces
@MyTubeOne 6 ай бұрын
She just like dolls very cute 🥰
@dirkh.matthee7099 6 ай бұрын
Rational knowledge will ALWAYS just circle the truth, as the truth is Spiritual in essence to be found only in Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life, through whom all things were made and nothing that was made, was made without Him. He who possesses all knowledge of everything for all time!
@dirkh.matthee7099 6 ай бұрын
Blessed are those who have not seen, yet they believe!
@theunknown4570 6 ай бұрын
Divide and conquer
@soluschristus8360 6 ай бұрын
"How to talk about God without God." Book of Romans Chapter One.
@soluschristus8360 6 ай бұрын
28:14 this diverse group of people do not go along with the asses. And no one knows who will be a part of this small group. We do know Doctor. They are the chosen few who are in closest relationship to the Creator Most High. The Triune God of the Bible. Start with the Book of John.
@soluschristus8360 6 ай бұрын
The best existential phrase Dr. Desmet can manage is "ethical principles." Who's doctor?
@SylvanTheSage 7 ай бұрын
When the domesticated herd, the narcissistic masses, experience loneliness, anxiety and frustration, like a child abandoned by its mother, they regress to a psychotic, infantile psychological state, all bad is outside of me and all good is me. They lose reality testing and begin to use primitive defense mechanisms like projective identification and splitting. A fetus has no use for freedom or autonomy so the mindless mass gives up all freedom, individuality,and autonomy to an idealized, authoritarian leader that reflects the ideal self and that promises to solve the crisis and fulfill their grandiose, delusional fantasies, while they simultaneously demonize a scapegoat group that reflects the undesirable self that they then persecute and destroy.
@trakgg5314 7 ай бұрын
Do you think attacking capitol based on lie election stolen is patriotic?
@mindygreenwood3366 5 ай бұрын
​@@trakgg5314 Honey your off topic? LOL. The crowd on Jan 6 was full of undercovers egging on the crowd? Why? No one has been apprehended? Can't you at least concede that fact? Do you think we are better off w Biden/Obama? WAKE THE F'UP
@embalmertrick1420 3 ай бұрын
@embalmertrick1420 3 ай бұрын
​@@trakgg5314TDS much? 😂
@MrCommonTater 7 ай бұрын
I smiled all the way through this. It's exactly the path I have lived. I was educated by theologians and mathematicians. It was in the incompleteness theorems of Kurt Goedel that I found what I'd been looking for: A clear demonstration of the very real limits of how far sense-reason and logic can take us. The knowable personal God to whom Planck refers is the only way we overcome our disconnectedness, our loneliness, and search for meaning. Bravo to Desmet for exposing the lie of reason-has-all-the-answers and showing the hellhole this worldview leads to. His book is masterful. He is a superb thinker and so very important for our time.
@ygerekhirosaki172 7 ай бұрын
Nigel for president