@IssaWulf 9 күн бұрын
i like it. IMO It's not meant to be anything more than a distraction and/ or a little treat in the form of a fun way of leveling and collecting old gear as we wait for the war within.
@SurpriseMechanics 9 күн бұрын
I’ve played this timerunning mode and I also feel like something is just off. I’m going to wait a month before I play. Give Blizzard time to balance everything.
@kurykirin6281 10 күн бұрын
Upgrading gear is worth it even if you dont have the blues or epics yet once you have upgraded every piece from 346 to the next tier, upgrading a new piece to the same iLvl costs 225 bronze rather than the initial 2k-4.5k. So at max level upgrading your gear is worth it, but upgrading anything other than 346 level 70 gear is pointless because you will outgrow it every single time you level up regardless. The gear does no matter while leveling. Leveling your first character starts relatively slow compared to what it will be like later on, but it is MUCH faster than retail leveling. By the time i was level 55 i had 229% bonus exp gain on my cloak from doing the raids as i was leveling up. each boss drops a 12% bonus, on top of potential exp thread drops, The leveling was SO fast and each subsequent character will be faster. I do not feel weaker than retail and i can speak strongly to this as im playing a paladin on both and my retail paladin is 523 IL right now with top 100 parses in heroic awakened raids lol... Even at 350 IL on Remix i felt exponentially more powerful because of the tinkers essentially 1 shotting entire packs of mobs i pull as they react off of eachother. The initial 70 scaling was pretty bad though, i agree with you there. I hit level 70 in heroic temple of the jade serpent and my own add meleeing me on the last boss 1 shot me. Something was definitely not right about that. As far as bronze acquisition, bronze is INSANELY easy to farm. It takes around 40k bronze to upgrade your full set of gear to the next tier and 40k bronze only takes a few hours to get. The raids are daily lockouts, go insanely fast, and net you 500-750 bronze per boss and final bosses grant 1250 bronze. Its VERY easy to get bronze. I really think you misunderstand how easy bronze acquisition is and how the gear upgrades actually work. Upgrading the gear and getting more and more power gains from not only the gemslot values scaling up with IL, but also gaining power to your cloak over time makes the raids easier every time you step into them, im at the point the entireity of normal raids feel like a heroic dungeon on retail minus Dark Animus. Everything dies insanely fast and I did not even use the frog farm or really any other mob farm to gain power. I simply did content. MoP remix is great overall and i have little to no complaints other than they havent rolled back peolpe who frog farmed and are insanely far ahead of someone who does actual content each day and progresses as a more normal rate. Im just now starting heroic raids while the frog farmers have already cleared mythic despite how INSANELY scaled up each tier is from the previous one.
@vtxshiva 10 күн бұрын
I think the issue is you fail to understand the problem and you're framing this all in a VERY specific way. Leveling can be faster, IF you play it in a specific way (i.e prioritize running the daily content for exp threads first before doing anything else and prioritizing the most efficient exp gains, ignoring the fact the EXP threads were added to queues later and were not present the first few days). But that's really no different from gaming the leveling on retail with heirlooms, potions, speedrun strats, dungeon runs, etc. People can reach level 70 on retail in under 5 hours playtime, but that's not the case for every class, spec, or every leveling method. You're effectively comparing a normal method of leveling on retail, with a not-normal method of leveling on Remix, even by Remix standards. In regards to the gear upgrades, the problem continues to be the cost and value proposition at 70. The value proposition here is that you need to spend at least 150k bronze to upgrade your gear, before you actually feel a return on that investment. With 150k, you can clear one or two vendors if you focus on the cheaper items and it's 1/10th of the way towards the total rewards. If we're talking about full upgrades, you're looking at 1/3rd of the bronze needed for the rewards. "A few hours to get" is also misleading. Those "few hours" would take most players that don't hyper-optimize or take advantage of hyper-spawns and the like, several days each. Not only that, but the early farming is done while you're weak, getting beaten by mobs due to scaling, and generally not having fun. If we account for 12 upgrade cycles for your entire gear, that would be 2 weeks of farming on the lower end, and a month on the higher end, to fully upgrade your gear and start actually having fun. Which leaves you with 2 months left, to get 3 times the bronze you already spent. Is it doable? Yes. Is it an appealing prospect to go "it gets good after 200+ hours?" no. In a game mode that's all about speed and feeling powerful, that to me sounds neither powerful nor speedy. But by all means, if you're OK with the current rates, enjoy yourself, I'm not here to tell you not to have fun. I'd rather spend my time in more meaningful and fulfilling ways however.
@kurykirin6281 9 күн бұрын
@vtxshiva the exp gains were available day 1 from normal raids. For example, once you hit 25 (which WAS relatively slow) you could do MSV normal and it was fairly easy. Each boss dropped a 12% exp boost item so day 1 that's 72% exp boost plus whatever you happened to get by leveling via quests or dungeons. On average people were around a 20% boost by the time they hit 25. By the time I personally hit 70 I had a 229% exp boost just from doing the first 3 normal raids one time. I leveled mostly through questing and would get a level every other quest turn in by the time I was level 50. It was insanely fast. Now they have added daily content which makes it even more accessible than it was last week. That's the main point I'm making.
@tekamer6566 10 күн бұрын
So it’s not a fun leveling event? Because from my impression it definitely is
@vtxshiva 10 күн бұрын
Strictly as a leveling event, ignoring the rewards part, it's fun, until about level 50 or so. Then from 60 to 70 it really depends on what class/spec you play, but don't be surprised when you get one-shot by a random no-name mob or have a dot ticking for 2/3rds of your HP for no reason. You can go from soloing elites to dying to a pack of fodder. Depending on what type of player you are and how you enjoy your progress, those last 10 levels really drag down the experience and could be a deal-breaker for many.
@anthonyclaughan5620 10 күн бұрын
I'm just leveling what i don't have on main account Alliance monk and mage horde priest im using my bronze for mog and mounts as for gear ill sort that out at the end of the event. As for leveling first toon i have to disagree i leveled mine at least twice as fast as on normal servers.
@DrinkingMidget 11 күн бұрын
I was having fun leveling until I hit 66 I'm now 68 and I'm getting 1 or 2 shot by mobs in quest. I quit playing. I made a new toon and on my new toon i noticed my cape is not the same as my high level. So now I have lost interest in playing.
@jacobburris9637 11 күн бұрын
You only want to upgrade blue gear. they have extra stats.
@vtxshiva 11 күн бұрын
That is only true at 70 though. the blues prior to 70 are(were) identical to greens. At the time I upgraded the gear, I didn't have any blues with extra stats.
@jacobburris9637 10 күн бұрын
@@vtxshiva you can item restore the blues you deleted while leveling. yeah, it's a weird system that they don't give any indication on how it works.
@hookshot320 12 күн бұрын
For the daggers thing, that's how it's been for enh for years(I think in WoD it started?). It works like that on retail too. Blizz doesn't want anyone outside of rogues to use melee daggers, so they made it so abilities don't work if you aren't using the "appropriate" weapons for your spec.
@vtxshiva 12 күн бұрын
Glad to hear it's just unintuitive by design. I get daggers as loot, can equip them, just not use them. Great design 10/10 /smh
@hookshot320 12 күн бұрын
@@vtxshiva Yea, as a shaman you're getting daggers as "caster loot." It's just that in remix ALL weapons have all 3 primary stats no matter what, so if you're in enh it looks like an agi dagger.
@billjohnson2307 Ай бұрын
I Think the biggest killer to wow is the community. You have such a huge split between everything in wows player base. for example M+ you have casual key runners and then u have the Hardcore key pushers you try to do as high of keys as possible, Raiders you have the casuals who do LFR/N/H (i put herioc as casual only cause its kind of a mid teir where there is a slighter challenge over the others but becuz its easier then this next) and then you have the Hardcore raiders who push for Mythic kills (cutting edge) and then you have the pvpers the casual side who enjoy fighting other players but not really there to push for high rating and then the hardcore pvpers who push for gladiator+. The player base is split between so many things wow has to offer and each side of it complains because something on there side is either "Really strong/broken" which then causes havoc on the opposite side if blizzard changes it and it ends up being a nerf on the other side. You also have the part of the community who for some reason is playing an MMROPG but doesnt wanna make friends or group up with people. they rather solo everything which includes getting the good gear so blizzard is also making so much solo content that honestly pushing for these other things is pointless because blizz is pretty much handing out free gear that you can solo. Why put yourself out there and into pvp or raiding or M+ when you can basically earn pretty good gear doing solo content such as the Weeklies in emerald dream during S3. We also have the players who are playing classic/cata classic now so now not only is retail split into like 7 different player types... youve also split us into 3 different games. We are so split as a community that when blizzard tries to make one side happy.... 5 other playstyles of wow are unhappy and it continues and itll always continue down this road because no matter what blizzard cant focus on balancing EVERYTHING they have.... Especially when they keep adding so many Systems which is another thing to me that is a huge downfall to balancing. Borrowed power such as the Legion artifacts or the Corruptions from s4 bfa are absolutely terrible for balance in wow. Covenant abilities were pretty much the definition of unbalanced through the entire SL Expac. Community split is whats drilling a hole through blizzard and until we can find something we all like and can come together to push blizzard to do it... wow will struggle.
@SquishyEggo Ай бұрын
A spectrum of player skill is present in any multiplayer video game. In WoW's case because it's a MMORPG, the spectrum needs to be able to complete endgame content and feel rewarded for playing the video game. That goes for casual content, take LFR , for example, and the difficult content (Mythic). Both have their place in the game for good reason. It's no one's fault that this happened - I think it's just the natural evolution of a 20 year old video game.
@supersolenoid Ай бұрын
The main issues with wow are the systematic obsolescence of content and the continuous (and pointless) level grinding. Case closed.
@LTymeEdits Ай бұрын
I'm 26
@mykaelnyx8821 Ай бұрын
Also, stop calling this casuals. We spend more time playing the game than you ever will. So technically you're the casual player
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
While I appreciate the comment, why do you feel targeted, and what makes you think I'm talking about you? Casual and Hardcore are simply terms to denote time investment, usually, but not always, related to mastery and improvement. As to your second comment, yes, I fully acknowledge that i am >currently< a casual player (i.e I don't play that much). Never said otherwise. Once you've achieved what you wanted to achieve and you find new things to experience and enjoy, you have to split that time between multiple things, which is what I am doing at the moment. I am inclined to start playing WoW more with Pandaria Remix and Cataclysm, but right now I'm focused on 10 different games at once, and I'd rather complete those than re-run another raid or mythic dungeon for the n-th time only to have that time invalidated in a week or two.
@mykaelnyx8821 Ай бұрын
Blizzard's biggest mistake in my opinion was taken away the ability and talent called spirit bond from us hunters that we had back in the warlords of draenor expansion. It allowed us and our pets as long as they were out to heal at a significant rate every few seconds and gave us an ability to actually be able to solo some outdoor content. Blizzard said no we're taking that away because we want you to have to rely on healers and not allow you guys to actually run around and do things on your own. And when you take away one of the ways to play a game well it is the downfall
@Gecimator Ай бұрын
Man... if we're talking about Blizzard getting their "old players back", then we need Blizzard to pay them child support, give them money to be able to be unemployed and just play WoW... I myself balanced my life so I can have a healthy relationship, time with friends, work, and play WoW, but most of my friends no, they either have a lot of family issues, ass jobs, priorities change.... stop blaming Blizzard for everything, really... you think someone will stop going to work and feed his family just to play a game?... the game is 20 years old, we need new blood, not the same people that were playing 20 years ago...
@jmbrady1 Ай бұрын
I think Blizzard's biggest mistake was allowing addons.
@lazz2341 Ай бұрын
dungeon finder
@horvathviktor8266 Ай бұрын
IMO the biggest problem is that between difficulty levels there are huge time investment differences and not skill requirements. I consider myself a fairly good player, I've cleared SOO mythic back in MOP but now I'm 31 don't expect I gonna grind 40 hours a week just to get invited into a raid group.😂
@Wellshem Ай бұрын
There are addons and addons. The capacity of totally changing your UI is trully insane in WoW. My interface is a clean, simple, GW2 style, UI. Can I go top 1 world with it, no. Could I go top 1% of the world with them, totally (if I was better lol). People put too much importance on addon but don't know how to use them. Hence why you see so many people with 24564646 addons. When DBM or simply few weak aura could be enough. You could argue that you should not even need to have neither of them. True, it would also be trading off the possibility to use addons at all. And once you understand how to use it instead of be slaved by it like some casuals, it's a huge lost. Would be like Bethesda blocking modding on Skyrim.
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
I just want to make one thing clear. I don't hate add-ons. I don't think they're all bad, or that a game is necessarily better without them. What I'm arguing for is an environment where add-ons are not mandatory or "heavily encouraged" to play the game (not talking about accessibility). I have no problem with add-ons in most games, but if you're going to make a multiplayer/co-op mode/game you'll have to make a choice IMO. Either you allow add-ons but make then non-essential (i.e. content is not hard enough to warrant the need for such add-ons so it becomes purely a form of self-expression), or you prioritize the integrity of the competition/difficulty/etc. and ban add-ons. The main issue with this is that if you deny access to the API/game files/systems, etc. for one type of add-ons, you will in most cases end up doing this for all of them since on a systems level it's very difficult to differentiate the reason/intent of the add-on. Which makes this a binary choice. Ultimately, I prefer to argue for lower fight/class/spec design/complexity and a lower emphasis on mythic raiding to invalidate the need/pressure for the add-ons as banning add-ons outright would just be silly as you pointed out.
@kentrunenordli2189 Ай бұрын
39 been playing since end of wrath😊
@realnzall Ай бұрын
For me, WoW is like a Pizza: I don't like every variety of it, and I sometimes need to take a topping I don't like along with what I do like, but in the end, it's comfort food, and even when it's not as good as usual, I can still appreciate it at the end of a long day. And sometimes it's best to just stop eating it for a couple weeks or even months if you can't handle it anymore.
@WilliamGLewis-yt9fw Ай бұрын
WoW probably won’t see those big sub numbers i think because culture has shifted. But it doesn’t need to. The marketing blunder made by Hollywood is trying to appeal to audiences that were never going to watch your movie in the first place. As long as they maintain the larger than life fantasy story, sub numbers will continue to rise. Don’t try to create content for people who already don’t like this kind of content.
@christhecrazy6904 Ай бұрын
The biggest mistake was when Blizzard decided to dumpster the entire lore because The Jailer is an absplute gigabrain apparently. All the coolest parts of WoW have been absolutely gutted because "it's all part of the jailer's plan" That's almost as hilariously bad of a twist as "and then he woke up". Complete wtf moment that ruins everything you previously thought was cool. Arthas? Jailer Sylvanas? Jailer Vol'jin? Technically Mueh'zala... Mueh'zala? Jailer Dreadlords? Technically Denathrius... Denathrius? Jailer Hotel? Trivago Shadowlands did so much more damage to the game than just being a bad expansion.
@lohcantfail Ай бұрын
Similar but different situation in ffxiv, 8 & 24 man there, with the 8 being the harder raid, the 24 being the "catch up" for alt classes, works well there. (with the 8 mans having a harder mode)
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
That's the key take-away there. the 8 man and the 24, man are different raids entirely. One is used as a catch-up one is used for progression. To compare that to WoW, it would be similar to TBC's Karazhan 10-man entry raid, vs everything else that was 25-man. That's fine. What I'm talking about is specifically the same raids in multiple difficulties. (i.e 8-man normal vs 8-man savage). You can technically make it work, especially after so many years of iterations, but fundamentally for an MMO, I strongly believe it's unhealthy to the social fabric of the game.
@lohcantfail Ай бұрын
@@vtxshiva Aye, but there's no lfr difficulty, even the Savage (the harder mode) can be done by a pug because they're well designed :X (Not sure how the state of raiding in wow is now, have not hit a raid at lvl since ... I actually don't recall when. I get what you mean though, at least their cinematic team is still pumpin' hit after hit :X
@gimmecandy1257 Ай бұрын
biggest mistake being that the game cant get new players,its so,so unapproachable
@shoulung Ай бұрын
I'm a 37 year old male, and have been playing since patch 1.9
@psi915 Ай бұрын
Skipping content with trial of the crusader.
@kaakrepwhatever Ай бұрын
I think it was intentional to change the game into one where there were castes of players considered of different value to the game by developers. Again, increased emphasis on end game has led to changes like pointlessly fast leveling. Blizzard tries to rush new players to max level as though that will turn them into hypercompetitive monsters of esports. The continued degradation of world content is supposed to give those who would play it an incentive to get on the hamsterwheel, while mostly it gives them less reason to play at all.
@Fabyu40 Ай бұрын
Huh, I started with WoW in the launchnight of DF and it took me an hour to understand how I even move because I started as a Dracthyr, six weeks later I had all four 10.0 main faction renowns finished so I don't know what is so bad about it... If you do not make a plan of what to do for the day then I can't help you either
@carlcard7 Ай бұрын
I was actually OK with WoW all the way up to and through Battle of Azeroth, it was when Shadowlands was released is where I started to get concerned.....Wrath of the Lich King was my favorite expansion.....
@AkiRa22084 Ай бұрын
It's the most popular MMO. It's stupid to blame WoW for anything, when the MMO genre as a whole is strugling ever since social media exploded.
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
"something is number 1, therefore it has no flaws and it never did anything wrong or can ever do anything wrong" - that's a mood.
@AkiRa22084 Ай бұрын
@@vtxshiva Perfectionism is the worst thing in the world. Thinking you can improve something complex like an MMO, can ruin it. You can't pinpoint an issue in time in the best MMO when the whole genre is struggling at the same time. It's a multivaried problem.
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
@@AkiRa22084 Who said anything about perfectionism? And just because something is complex, does it mean we're not allowed to explore the topic or discuss it in any capacity? I don't understand this logic. Should I just take everything at face value and gobble up anything a company throws at us without any feedback or pushback? Why is critical thinking and analysis a taboo all of a sudden? Just because games in a genre are struggling doesn't mean they're all struggling for the same reasons. Some reasons may overlap, while others may be specific to each game or caused by the predecessors. I make videos like this one because I want to explore these topics and discuss them with people. Through these conversations both I and the viewers can either learn something new or gain insight on a new perspective. This would be a much more productive and interesting comment if you added some insightful commentary, or a rebuttal to the points I made, rather than just saying to effectively not think about it.
@AkiRa22084 Ай бұрын
@@vtxshiva "Just because games in a genre are struggling doesn't mean they're all struggling for the same reasons" The chances of that are so tiny that it's insane to think that. Especially when we know what happened. Because you are isolating one game from the genre, you cannot find the real reason of the downfall, so what you are critiquing as bad could be one of the best thing that happened to the game. You are just wasting your time, by not looking at it as multi-varied problem. If it weren't for the LFR difficulty, 80 percent of my friends would NEVER have tried Raiding. And now I even managed to get a few of them into Normal Raids, because they could dip their toes into a less intimidating difficulty level.
@shawnmkalish Ай бұрын
The game is 20 years old. It looks ancient. You might as well discuss mistakes made by cavemen. It's over people
@coolkumla Ай бұрын
Blizzard bad. Like please
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
That's not how it works :)))
@NazzyDragon Ай бұрын
Guessed it before you said it. I'll say, Ulduar did it best to a degree. An optional, toggleable hard mode.
@selmevias1383 Ай бұрын
Spot on. Personally, I would say that LFR/LFG and having multiple servers linked together for those activities+PvP vastly damaged the game. To re-use what you said in the video, people weren't aware of the positive effect of being "locked" on your server and your server alone: 1 - Chief amongst those positive effect was the crucial aspect of having a good reputation, this soft locked people into being tolerable at the very least, since being an annoyance would quickly shut you many doors. With the absence of server transfer and name change it was rather rare when someone decided to throw away a level 60 toon by doing something dense. 2 - You always met faces that you kind of knew, from your side and the other side, rivalry and interest got created and if you're compatible, long lasting friendships. 3 - With mixed difficulties, server identity in the gutter and not requiring to be part of a guild, it was the perfect recipe to remove the first "M" from MMORPG for WoW, mix that with the change of mentality and general worldwide malaise.
@skycatlive1576 Ай бұрын
If it was growing up it wouldnt have tab target or be ripping off fortnite, SAME OLD MILKSTEALERS
@Avardus Ай бұрын
30 years old, and I feel WoW will never get back to those big Sub numbers it might get close but I think folks will come and go Season depending and how good the game is at the time
@witcherpie Ай бұрын
one thing I'd like to correct. Mythic raiding is not inaccessible because of it's difficulty, but because of how inconvenient it is. Ppl in 2024 don't want to play with guilds, on scheduled days and times of the week to raid. This is such an old system, remove it. Make mythic puggable on release, or even better make a fucking mmr matchmaking queue for raids AND m+. Ppl don't want to sit in lfg getting rejected for 30' or waiting 30' for ppl to apply in your group. These systems are what making wow content inaccessible. LFR has the most player participation because of how EASY it is to get into. You press play and you're in. This is how every single modern game is, and this is how wow should be, yes this is not ideal for mmos, but outdated mmos are dead, they need to get up with the times to survive.
@witcherpie Ай бұрын
I mean asmongold is the living proof of being a successful mythic raider while being the dumbest wow player alive, so ofc it's not about the difficulty.
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
I think we're arguing semantics somewhat. If people get rejected over and over again, there has to be a reason for it. If they're not good enough, or the raid leaders don't think the people applying are good enough, that implies the requirements are too high/ the complexity of the fight is too demanding. If it takes a long time to learn the fight, and the raid leaders aren't willing/prepared to stick around/have people learning the fight due to how long it takes, that further reinforces the need for the difficulty to be adjusted to the expectations of that particular player-base. If it wasn't "too difficult" then the raid leaders would be OK with accepting just about anyone, that meets a modicum of requirements, no? Even if we don't account for random groups and pugs, the participation and kill rate of mythic, especially on the tail-end of the raid is low, even when comparing to just the other raids of this expansion.Less than 5% players even do Mythic raids, with less than 2% even clearing it. And that's me being generous and rounding up. We can talk semantics, but ultimately the conclusion is the same. Mythic raids require too much time to invest in order to progress, wiping hundreds of times over weeks and months, and a large portion of people, even those that would historically be considered mythic raiders, can't clear it during the relevant patch despite consistent and repeated nerfs. I.e Mythic is too hard.
@DR-fc1ey Ай бұрын
i agree with you on that. but not so much with your "fix", i am a very anti social player, i never play with anyone unless i am forced to and participating in a guild feels more like work than fun because of the fact that you basically have to integrate yourself into a small community that functions like a workplace and you have to participate in a number of things to meet the bare minimum to not get kicked from the guild and if you have no guild getting into any raiding is so hard. so because of this ive only ever done a single raid in normal mode legit. that was castle nathria and it took while to prep and took almost 6 hours to complete with a random group on group finder and all i got from it was 2 pieces of gear and a toy. and mythic plus... thats just mind numbingly boring. you know i once spent 16 hours straight on separate days killing over 34,000 pirate mobs in tanaris to exalt all my steamwheedle cartel factions, to then exalt my blood sail buccaneers by killing 14,000 brutes in booty bay then farming over 1600 heavy junk boxes by pick pocketing mobs... this whole process took a week long with me spending on average 12 hours a day for 7 days and tomorow i will have earned the last 500 rep of the darkmoon event to earn "insane" title and you know what i felt more accomplished and felt it was more worth my time than any time i had ever had when doing higher end raiding and mythic plus. hell i fucking leveled up 40 fucking alts JUST SO I COULD run ICC as many times in a week as i could just so i could get invincible and you know what after 1200 runs over the course of 30 weeks i still never got him and i actually in fact have given up and conceded defeat to that fucking horse and i still felt that my time used was much more worth it than raiding and mythic.
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
@@DR-fc1ey While I understand your mindset, I can't help but point out that's not a healthy one. I'm not trying to lecture you because I AM you, down to the T. But that's also why I'm suggesting what I'm suggesting. Because if the only way to do a particular piece of content is to collaborate and talk to others, you will do it. I did it back in the day and thanks to that, I learned to speak English better, express myself better, learned social etiquette, learned to be a guild officer and manage people, raid lead and shotcall, etc. While I agree it 's important to understand what the player base wants, I also think it's important to identify bad/negative play patterns and not necessarily remove them outright (as these can be fun in moderation), but at least make them less common/prevalent. At the end of the day, this is an MMO, the main selling point of an MMO is the social aspect and interactions with other players. We are creatures of habit and we can easily go down the path of habitually doing bad things. If the game promotes bad habits like elitism due to keys breaking in mythic, making content harder and harder, less accessible, etc. players will become more hardcore, more competitive, less understanding, etc. On the other hand, make the game too easy, too casual, too accessible, and people stop interacting with each other entirely. People nowadays don't play in guilds or groups, because the game gave TOO MUCH leeway to being outside a group. If you put the people in an environment where they have to interact with each other directly in order to achieve something, and that's the only way they can do it, they will (provided the investment is somewhat proportional). LFR's biggest failure isn't that it's super easy. It's that its super easy AND queue-able. There is no more friction, in any type of content in any capacity at the entry level. We now have "no engagement" "moderate engagement" and "too much engagement". This in turn means that any meaningful social interaction becomes a chore, because anything above 0 is orders of magnitude higher than nothing.
@witcherpie Ай бұрын
@@vtxshiva it's not specifically about getting rejected, it's just an example I gave to show you the infinite amounts of "time wasting" systems in wow that force you to waste your time to get into content you want to play. Wow by it's old school mmo design is wasting your time constantly. This is what needs to change. Ppl like and enjoy difficult/challenging content, this is why retail is still huge to this day lol. I already explained why mythic raiding is inaccessible to 99% of the player base. Spoiler: it's not the difficulty. It's about getting into groups, filling them up, waiting for new ppl after each wipe, rebuffing, waiting for 20' for a healer, or finding a guild and dedicating specific times and days of the week to a game. This is the reason why mythic raiding is garbage. Lost ark is hundreds times more difficult than retail raiding will ever be. And still ppl do INFERNO raids with pugs, why? Because you don't need a fucking guild or any of that crap wow requires you to do to start raiding at the hardest difficulty. You completely missed the point again.
@witcherpie Ай бұрын
finally someone saying the unbiased truth. The main reason why wow is not as huge, is because it's audience are grown ups. It has nothing to do with covenants, bfa azerite powers or retail being competitive, grow the fuck up. The game has no 18 year old players.
1:18 there is actual location in game where lich king took out sword and there is also same frozen dragon under ice
@R3ar3ntry Ай бұрын
Blizzards biggest mistake is activison, imo, and i think a few things such as not having finished off wod to make it better, the garrisons, etc
@shoca85 Ай бұрын
38, have been playing since vanilla, still peeking in most of the offered contents, pve & pvp wisely, I only dropped raiding mythic years ago, would still be interested but don't want to raid hardcore anymore
@SquishyEggo Ай бұрын
31 year old here, BFA killed my hope for the game. The recent changes the company has made (Remix MoP, Plunderstorm, and Worldsoul Saga) has given me hope for its future.
@franciscotolley Ай бұрын
I am 34 and from the MOP generation Xd great vid!
@Amateracu1991DFFOO Ай бұрын
I'm sorry but you're wrong. The one mistake Blizzard did that can never fix is letting addons infestate the game. And what I mean by that is that addons are nowadays such an integral part of the game that Banning them now would make the everyone stop playing. Raids are now designed around addons which is even more sickening. Take FFXIV for example, it was the same amount of raid difficulties as WoW does but you don't need to use any addons, no, you don't want to use any addons. In FFXIV you can clear mythic difficulty raids without any addons and/or any communication between the players as long as everyone follows the fight mechanics and yes try to play their rotation optimally in the most part. So respectfully, it's not the different raid difficulties, it's not the world revamp or the butchering of the lore or LFR/LFD. It's the addons, period.
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
Respectfully I disagree. Add-ons are a mixed bag with very strong and obvious benefits. I totally agree that the performance enhancing add-ons are a problem though. In part because they are too strong and allowed to continue, and in part because WoW raid design philosophy and balance on the highest difficulty is all over the place. Unlike FFXIV Ultimates, Mythic difficulty isn't just "one" difficulty and one boss. It's more like 10-12 bosses and 12-20 difficulties. Right now it's not "I beat Fyrakk on Mythic". It's "I beat Fyrakk on Mythic week 24" because there are nerfs to mechanics every other reset. And that's JUST mythic difficulty raiding. If difficulty wasn't as high and all over the place, add-ons wouldn't be required. That isn't to say I think add-ons in an mmo/multiplayer setting is good. I just don't think it's the biggest mistake they ever made, just one enhanced by their other mistakes.
@jesjes1694 Ай бұрын
im 19 years old and have been playing since Cataclysm maybe even late Wrath
@Traxano Ай бұрын
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
Interesting guess, but not really something that I would categorize as a Blizzard/WoW mistake. Bots and cheaters exist in every game, both single-player and multiplayer. That's a never-ending fight and even if you do an impeccable job, there's always going to be some.
@viktorsh4261 Ай бұрын
I agree with the different difficulties of raids.
@viktorsh4261 Ай бұрын
The lore story behind the game was never its biggest asset. There are thousands and thousands of players with no idea about the lore and still playing.
@ripedroxx Ай бұрын
This, people constantly about how the lore was bad in x spot despite skipping every cutscene and not reading a single quest text yet somehow are heavily influenced by other opinions about the lore The players that actually care about the lore are a minority
@vtxshiva Ай бұрын
@@ripedroxx Everyone is a minority group if you're being reductionist like that. Mythic raiders? Screw them, they're the minority. Arena players who? Minority, nobody cares. Mythic+ Dungeons above 15-20? No need for that, it's a minority of players, scrap it all. While I agree most people don't care about the "story" in its entirety, I disagree that most people don't care about "lore" which is about developing and expanding the world, the characters, the villains, the historical major events, etc. People might not have cared about what we did throughout the Outlands on a zone-per zone quest basis (a.k.a filler episodes), but a LOT of people were hyped to go to Karazhan and explore Aegwynn and Medivh's sanctuary, Going to TK and fighting Al'ar and Kael'thas, motherfluffin' Illidan in BT, etc. That all falls under lore and a lot of people care about it. You don't have to gobble every single tidbit like a historian or chronicler to enjoy lore.