@Seanbostic7767 2 ай бұрын
Bulaga for the sub.
@1Milo37 3 ай бұрын
Great videos. I'm still waiting for the continuation.
@LazyestJ789 3 ай бұрын
I know im a little late but ive been looking for good ftd content and you do an amazing job! Keep it up
@lachlanofconnor5253 4 ай бұрын
Wow 100 liks
@TheKids-pq9wc 4 ай бұрын
An aircraft carrier would br nice for the campaign
@The-Lonely-Nexus 4 ай бұрын
so first off good looking fortress well done but i noticed you moved the fort without using the U,H,K,J(top left)??? how did youy do that? 10:13
@Speefbogdar 6 ай бұрын
If you ever need someone to play with let me know, I really enjoy the types of games you play
@RadTheImpaler 8 ай бұрын
Are you going to continue to upload?
@nickjohnson410 9 ай бұрын
Your videos have been so helpful in learning the actual game. Thank you so much for making this series.
@nickjohnson410 9 ай бұрын
I have learned more from your playthroughs than hours of tutorials. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
@chuckg333 9 ай бұрын
I think I prefer your method of coloring over complicated designs. It makes them look more technologically advanced and stronger than the other factions designs.
@sleeptronic420 10 ай бұрын
You've gained yourself a new follower my friend!
@ashfre2207 10 ай бұрын
I found your 2022 meter campaign for the same reason you made it. Lathland hadn't made another playthrough. I love your FTD videos and I can't wait till you're back!
@Bluewave10146 10 ай бұрын
die channel
@leafykille 10 ай бұрын
I have literally watched this series for a whole day. Long form is definitely my favourite format.
@Carmwah Жыл бұрын
Great vid
@ericchdjdjnx Жыл бұрын
Love your series, doing a rewatch right now! Would you ever consider putting the Catfish (and possibly other designs) on the workshop for download?
@Monkeydew1o2 Жыл бұрын
Ballsack > Ransack. No need to thank me
@robbyflobby201 Жыл бұрын
Hi, I know this series came out a bit ago, but I thought I'd let you know that I'm a freshman in college and this series has helped me not go insane over these first few days, so thank you.
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. That means a lot.
@robertquackenbush4334 Жыл бұрын
I'm late to the party. I feel the Dove was almost pupose built to counter the Deep Water Guard. Love your series. Would you concider uploading the Attack Dove to the Steam Workshop. I'd love to fly one.
@britishknightakaminininja1123 Жыл бұрын
The turret positioning on those canons of yours is really bad. Sorry that's blunt, but it is true. Half of the material cost you're experiencing is from trying to repair the damage your own guns are doing to your own ship almost every single time they open fire. Remember, if you have a vessel that costs 1,000,000 resources, and you are constantly doing just 1% of damage to yourself, that's a constant 10,000 materials gone in supplies for repairs every single time you apply that damage. Additionally, the small turrets on the top cannot fire past each other, so are effectively just wasted material cost on the vehicle in all situations unless an enemy gets on your broadside, which it seems like your navigation AI is set to avoid happening. Super-firing turrets matter a lot, (meaning turrets that can completely safely shoot past/over/around your other turrets) in applying all of your firepower. Even if you apply safety switches to prevent self-damage, that means the turret cannot fire, and its potential is nullified until it again has a clear line of fire. Particle Canons are simply one of the most expensive weapon systems in the game, just in terms of components, so the exposed firing lens should *always* be protected with some layered energy (planar projection) shields - ideally three layers, where 2 layers are versus physical shells and fragments, while the other one is versus laser beams. Usually best to have the laser one the closest to the lens and smallest so it can't accidentally interfere with your own LAMS. PAC lenses are extremely fragile really, and so expensive, usually, (especially since the whole fragile tubing that is also expensive is usually right behind it) so really must be protected, or your repair costs will skyrocket. PAC weapons are kind of overpowered in that they are the only weapon that has no mitigation, no means to block or resist, so they are entirely balanced in the game by how expensive they are to build, and to power. PAC weapons, just like laser systems, really require that you have a battery bank, in that their power is related to the amount of potential energy you have available. Having lasers and PAC systems run off a battery bank means you have a more stable sense of available power, one not changed by the engines having to manoeuvre suddenly at high power, and let you separate the engines needed for just moving the vessel from place to place from the costs of generating power for the battery bank. The issue of the vessel falling into the water every time it attempt to go backwards quickly (to reach its engagement distance) is almost certainly that the centre of mass is off compared to the force of your reverse thrust. You could offset that to a large extent by having more pitch thrusters, but the more economical way is generally to rebalance the thrust around the centre of mass in the first place. Hope all these little tips will help you reach a higher level of building and resource management. Right now you are overall still at beginner level, transitioning into intermediate as you start to realise how powerful and economical advanced cannons are, and slowly wean yourself away from over-reliance on missiles (an easy to master beginner weapon that is easily outperformed by better, more intermediate weapons). (That said, missiles, and especially torpedoes always have a place, especially when you start mounting sonar on torps that slowly get close to the enemy for better accuracy/detection, and know fully how to set the AI to avoid wasting salvoes on targets that are almost impossible to hit, how and when to stagger to avoid your missile blast radiuses taking out your own missiles before impact, etc).
@britishknightakaminininja1123 Жыл бұрын
The reason that taking the stagger fire off your missiles actually made the enemy missile defence more effective is that I think you have some HE in the missile warheads, thus when one of your missiles explodes, the damage radius will hit all your other missiles around it, so everytime the enemy shoots down one missile, it takes out 4 or 5 in their own blast radius. Staggered fire is to prevent all your missiles destroying each other, either when shot down, or when the first impacts with an enemy and takes out any of your other missiles in the blast radius that hadn't hit yet.
@britishknightakaminininja1123 Жыл бұрын
The editing during the battles, with all those jarring cuts, makes this really hard to follow in any meaningful way, and somewhat painful to watch (headache inducing).
@britishknightakaminininja1123 Жыл бұрын
A few years back I did a 'Submarine Faction' playthrough of Neter, where my faction focused almost entirely on submarines only (had a few drone satelites, and my resource bases were above water). I dropped down the default detection settings (because the default settings have a ridiculously high percentage of knowing where an undetectable vessel is), and used a lot of rubber on periscopes, etc. Needed the periscopes because with the lower detection settings, hitting fast moving aircraft, especially high altitude ones, was a nightmare - but the periscopes were also how I enabled resource gathering from my subs. Submarines are a really interesting trade-off. Yes, the water that is between you and any enemy can be a first line of defence, but that can apply to both sides, especially in terms of detection. Radar buoys certainly help, but they are very poor for actual pinpointing - meaning it'll detect an enemy is somewhere within a 10 meter point, but not accurate enough location for canons of any kind, and those misses make your resource cost per battle much, much higher than otherwise. The use of periscopes loaded with better detection equipment was pretty much essential. I found that about the best all-purpose weapon for submarines was advanced cannon railguns - fast enough traveling shells (super-cavitation shells, of course) to hit even small agile flyers without wasting ten times the resources in missiles that the small enemies cost to build, yet also powerful enough to take out larger, heavily armoured enemies. Naturally, some large torps for any enemy that enters the water too, because the damage boost of those is insane. My most powerful submarines were effectively submersible, streamlined battleships. However, even with stealth dialled up from the default, with lower automatic detection settings, trust me that there are still many, many vessels that can harm submarines, even powerful ones that have incredible torpedo-interceptor defences.
@britishknightakaminininja1123 Жыл бұрын
Missiles are great in the early game where very few enemies have any defences against them, or in massive barrages that simply overwhelm defences, but the downsides of them are that such barrages may cost more materials than they do in damage, and more importantly, that they are pretty much the most easily countered weapon in the game. (Lasers can also be countered with stacked smoke and shields, but can also be tweaked to be less-countered). That said, torpedoes (where appropriate), can be one of the most cost-effective weapons in the whole game against targets partially below the water. I think the only time I ever focused heavily on missiles in a Neter campaign was a submarine only campaign, and even there all my mid and late game submarines had advanced cannons and railguns to fight everything that torpedoes couldn't. Subs only was a pretty difficult challenge I found, especially against flying enemies where my torps couldn't be used to end the fight fast.
@The-Lonely-Nexus Жыл бұрын
Can you upload the complete build and then the build without the weapons
@sgxbot Жыл бұрын
Of course the railgun at 12:00 is ap. Why would you need a heat railgun? Heat doesnt benefit from the extra speed…
@The-Lonely-Nexus Жыл бұрын
Is them fast ships of yours on workshop
@sgxbot Жыл бұрын
I really hate americans always using their double negatives. Anti-Missile-Defense. What do you think that means? You think it is something to destroy missiles. But the name says it is something against missile defense. Missile defense is the missile that destroys other missiles and the thing against it would be sonething that defends against a missile defense. Like an aps purely designed to counter missile interceptors. Thats a anti missile defense. Or the module on missiles that makes them ignore flares is a anti missile defense. But the missile interceptors are anti-missile or missile defense but not anti-missile-defense. Thats the same like saying a pilot cant find no place to land. That means he cant find a place where he cant land. So he can land everywhere. The exact opposite meaning of what people think it is.
@LeFrenchLad Жыл бұрын
This Game Looks fun
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
It is, but definitely play with friends if possible.
@LeFrenchLad Жыл бұрын
@@kipalo1480 Okely dokely. Also thanks for inspiring me to get the gamer "From The Depths," it looks nice and I was wondering if you have a discord server for your channel by any chance?
@legionx4046 Жыл бұрын
5% isnt bad for taking 3 nukes 😂
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
@andrewruss5824 Жыл бұрын
where have you been its been 5 months
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
I dont really have a good reason for stopping except for just not feeling it. I should probably get back to making some videos soon.
@andrewruss5824 Жыл бұрын
@@kipalo1480 its alright i understand that burnout definably gets people take your time
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
@@andrewruss5824 Thank you
@ryokkeno Жыл бұрын
Know its been a year but in case no ones stated yet.... Missile Interceptors explode in an AOE hitting everything nearby with a number of fragments based on the size of the missle. If your missile salvos are tight then they may get past LAMS but Counter missiles will wipe them. If they are spread out and the LAMS system is always charged then it will be able to engage every missile sequentially while Counter Missiles will not be able to pop multiple at a time. A way to counter good overlapping defenses like that is to make your first couple missiles in a salvo extremely solid(essentially all reinforced bodies or a large % of) and stagger them so the lams drain themselves heavily on the first ways and counter missiles slam into the first wave giving a higher CHANCE that your following missiles may strike the targets. You can also make a gun that shoots smoke rounds at the enemy target to mess with their lams effectiveness but thats usually a dicey prospect as it makes them take less damage and impedes targeting.
@Carmwah Жыл бұрын
Great vid
@sveinhongset4725 Жыл бұрын
how does ships fly i dont think its caled ships anymore:)
@dicedoomkid Жыл бұрын
Kip sounds like me streaming sometimes. Trying to speak, but not words dont word. It's that late night brain lag.
@dicedoomkid Жыл бұрын
Some CIWS would be great on the hammerhead
@dicedoomkid Жыл бұрын
I love how the hammerhead is just a football shaped death star
@dicedoomkid Жыл бұрын
That sub is epic
@dicedoomkid Жыл бұрын
I love how the squids drop barrage looks like that one scene where the UFO death beams the white house. Nuts
@dicedoomkid Жыл бұрын
I think the name "Hawk" goes well with the missle dropper.
@gamerzombie4822 Жыл бұрын
Sad underwater noises.
@Silber_Ag Жыл бұрын
Got spooked by an albacore on my first campaign attempt
@D4RKEVA Жыл бұрын
nice try! You got lots of room for imporvement, but youll get it next time! Oh btw, also. R1A1 is not the easiest level. R7A1 is. And (arguably) all of R1B1, R1B2 and R2A1 are similar or easier compared to r1a1
@johnxina6632 Жыл бұрын
6:06 that one dove made a sacrifice for the team 🥲
@theturtle701 Жыл бұрын
Can I join you on your next attempt?
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
@beanboy8093 Жыл бұрын
Branching out to multiplayer games looks fun, can't wait for more!
@DanielG03 Жыл бұрын
I agree! I think rust could be interesting 🤔
@nocanseegreen3845 Жыл бұрын
11:35 not entirely true, the glaive is a laser anti-bomber AA, that cylindrical section has a bunch of laser guns pointed upwards
@nocanseegreen3845 Жыл бұрын
woah ive not heard of this game
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
Pretty cool right
@RadTheImpaler Жыл бұрын
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
not really sure what this means
@RadTheImpaler Жыл бұрын
It’s a salute
@kipalo1480 Жыл бұрын
@@RadTheImpaler Ah, I see.