Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?
Mailbag: We Solve All Your Problems
@server_and_dragon 13 сағат бұрын
Americans and their fixations on accents 😂
@kelwinkwel 8 күн бұрын
Really enjoyed this deep dive conversation. thankx TJM.
@kelwinkwel 9 күн бұрын
…And yet they returned for Dune 2.
@BradleyAshley 12 күн бұрын
I just watched this in my theatre last night - have been waiting for the Bluray to be released. Loved it and now I can watch this podcast,- finally!
@CrunchgTime 14 күн бұрын
Who’s back in 24?
@FilmStockNews 15 күн бұрын
Only movie worse than this was The Godfather
@jakebuster522 16 күн бұрын
Riley oh nooooo
@brickafide 18 күн бұрын
@debodatta7398 22 күн бұрын
20 min in 4 mid roll ads calm down lol
@drewpop3117 22 күн бұрын
Read this comment. This is stupid.
@mofojackson 25 күн бұрын
Heat. My all time favorite movie hehe!
@mofojackson 25 күн бұрын
Steve O also has small role as dancing janitor in "Nothing To Lose" which I think he was a big part of writing or producing.
@zara-zq1oi 28 күн бұрын
The single aspect of the film that was lacking was timothée’s acting with zendaya. I do not believe he even likes her that much let alone loves her. The way he puts his arm around her in the kiss feels so unromantic and more of a hug you would give your mates. It makes it so hard to care about them! And it’s also ended up making people annoyed that chani doesn’t like him becoming the messiah! But that moral snuggle of loving someone who you morally disagree with could have been so much more powerful if his acting made it feel like he loved her.
@zurimoon-md8ch Ай бұрын
Really hoping TJM comes back just to review season 2
@zachend6218 Ай бұрын
just realized the do a flip guy from this movie is the try hard guy from severance
@Contevent Ай бұрын
I am amazed at how many people not identifying Paul as villainous at the end. He purpousfully highjack an entire people's belief, warp them into fanatics, and launch them against his enemies because he wants it all. Revenge for his father, the wellfare of his loved ones, and the love of Chani. He keep saying he has no choice but that's just not true, albeit clearer in the books where he has more options since there are more moving parts. Does he need to cackle maniacly while torturing kitten, or just killing billions of people because he was upset his daddy died isn't enough?
@bigdoubleu117 Ай бұрын
Nah this is basically just people complaining about the Prequels. They don't need fixing, they are good, it does have good acting, the writing was fine. Y'all just the types haten to hate. The films that need fixing are the sequels.
@Wh0isTh3D0ct0r Ай бұрын
I honestly have no idea how this movie made so much at the box office. The tin-foil-hat side of me wonders if the numbers were padded or if tickets were purchased by the studio--or even James Cameron himself. Because almost everyone I know loves sci-fi, especially James Cameron movies, but literally none of them mentioned having seen this movie.
@chanceneck8072 Ай бұрын
2:14 Totally reminded me of Dan Avidan saying "Arin...." on Game Grumps... 😅🤭
@HoneyChonker Ай бұрын
It's clear to me that the "Food Free Dinner" is because Lumen has developed some sort of supplement so as to not require food anymore.
@adityakhaprelap Ай бұрын
Why is everyone saying "tenant"?
@adityakhaprelap Ай бұрын
Butch can't be riding the motorcycle at the start of the film. Because his fight is after the scene where Jules returns the bag to Marcellus.
@theConquerersMama Ай бұрын
I saw it in the theater on a date. I loved it and laughed so much I ruined my make up. It's one of my all time favorites. It's my go to happy place still. Grew up in the Fandom, worked at JPL, had my wedding at the Cal Tech Anthenaeum, so I might be biased.
@danniemck Ай бұрын
As an Aussie, I'll accept ANZAC Bikky or Anzac biscuit and nothing else What you call biscuit I would attribute closer to a scone and/or maybe a bread
@Colinkrauss1 Ай бұрын
I’m not sure why this happened, but for some reason, Kung Pow became our “family movie” growing up, and all 6 of us loved it and watched it way too many times. Though the comedy success rate isn’t 100%, the ones that hit are unreal. -The god awful lip-syncing. -The voices like Wimp-Lo and Master Tang and Betty and Betty’s right hand man with the missing toe and the guy that has a southern rural accent when he yells “Chosen one! Master Pain’s in town!”. -But the thing that does it for me is the way people cough and choke. Master Tang choking on two moths in a row and his agonizing screams when he gets out of bed.😂😂😂
@AnkD-ug7te Ай бұрын
Part 2 is doggcrapp 1st was better..
@leewhiting3834 Ай бұрын
I think you have to watch this movie more than once to enjoy it. I didn't love it the first time but now it's one of my favorites. It's dreamy but so much like the real world and she gains the ability to navigate it. Yubaba is not like the wicked witch of the west; she's like a bad boss. Every phenomenon of human life is in the bathhouse--kindness and compassion (a lot of people help her), greed and exploitation, injustice, love. It is the same story basically as The Wizard of Oz, Coraline, etc. I find it incredibly reassuring.
@gasracing5000 Ай бұрын
fan of the 80s movies, but the ornathopters from the new movies are spot on. How the F do you replace Sir Patrick Stewart with MoMo though? Ruined Gurney.
@siobhonc Ай бұрын
I agree with David. I didn't like the movie. Boring characters, too much talk. Dom Cobb is a pretty bad name and his character is boring. Always going on about his guilt over Mal, always this sad serious face and tone. Was not impressed by the action scenes. Somehow I find it difficult to find any character Leo played after Titanic convincing...I think it's because he still has a baby/teenage face and so him playing e.g. older serious characters with kids just doesn"t work somehow. 😂 And in every movie I see him more than I see the character. It feels like he's always just playing himself Michael Caine is the best part of the movie. And maybe Saito. Everyone else is forgetable.
@Wh0isTh3D0ct0r Ай бұрын
I feel like "Everything Everywhere All At Once," while indeed a good and fun movie, is a bit overhyped because it's riding the current sociopolitical waves as well as the current multiverse fad. I feel like the movie will eventually be often described as "a product of its time."
Ай бұрын
What's with North Americans and can't standing without peeing for 3 hours :D?
@Cleveland_Rocks Ай бұрын
A masterpiece fo utter bullcrap. Les Dunes sont worst movies I have seen in years...OMG. how can people enjoy this dreck...I remained stunned.
@adolfocastanon1880 Ай бұрын
If you read the saga, Prescience isn’t just calculations and mentant abilities, it is the ability of witnessing multiple futures and outcomes supernaturally.
@redhex__1738 Ай бұрын
My interpretation of the telepathy is that in the books they can read each other so much that they can accurately fill in the blanks.
@The_Mup Ай бұрын
Whooo! They're just carpool movie critics reunion! 🎉
@James-dv3dl Ай бұрын
This is the best movie ever made by mankind
@ThinkTinkh Ай бұрын
Good movie, not great movie. A bit too boring at times. Fairly sure I fell asleep too.
@ThinkTinkh Ай бұрын
I didn't know you revived the absolute best part of the Linus media group without equal nto even close are you kidding me I will resubscribe to Linus tech tips which I stopped doing after this was done to yall Anywho deuces
@anthonykirsch6482 Ай бұрын
such a great movie
@seldoon_nemar Ай бұрын
1:25:30 They were not using telepathy. The book talks about how there are basically covert hand languages developed to have secret conversations. Basically ASL with Micro-movements The Duke and Duchess Fenrir have a language that just sounds like a hummering muttering babble that basically sounds like sleep noises if you don't know what they are doing
@seldoon_nemar Ай бұрын
It's wild how different the end was than the books. But it's also cannon, because Paul simply doesn't choose the "right" path he does in the books He needs the violence of nukes to control the spice, not the softness of water, and the Fremen are led to Jihad, something that was avoided in the books if memory serves. They manage to take the planet without taking the galaxy immediately
@Wh0isTh3D0ct0r 2 ай бұрын
The movie hit theaters on my son's 8th birthday. The movie underwhelmed even him. So much so that the Lightyear spaceship toy that I got him for his birthday was promptly returned to the store so that I could give him something else instead for his birthday party later that day.
@Wh0isTh3D0ct0r 2 ай бұрын
...My beef with Lightyear was that all throughout the movie, the characters kept reaching minor obstacles and then working around them almost immediately. Again and again it was like, "Oh, no! We can't do the thing!.....Never it."
@thunken 2 ай бұрын
should DV remake blade runner 1?
@thunken 2 ай бұрын
really 1 + 2 were one film. I've watched them both dozens of times now. 1 leads into 2 as if they're the same act.
@Konsker 2 ай бұрын
@InTheBannerOvShadows 2 ай бұрын
Maybe telepathy special to monthers and daughters
@peas320 2 ай бұрын
1:58:48 it's the year 10,000, but that's 10,000 years after the creation of the spacing guild so it's not like 8000 years from our time, it's even further in the future
@justinvanstaden4125 2 ай бұрын
That was awesome. Just watched Dune 1 and 2 in one sitting. This this... WOW
@clg763 2 ай бұрын
Love the show, I'm always entertained by your takes. It may not be the best movie podcast but it's the only one I've enjoyed. BTW, F you guys for quiting, you owe us this several hours a week, THIS is your job!😉
@clg763 2 ай бұрын
This movie is 10/10 for being a mad max film, I don't know how you could do it better. Some films have better themes or are more approachable but for mad max, sorry, it is perfection