Łukasz Rybarski - Jak schudnąć
Łukasz K. - Żona i Blade Runner
Dywizjon 303 - Historia powstania
@ElizabethSzymanski-x7y 4 күн бұрын
On na prawdę zjadł 12 parówek? Boże.. Chyba były jakieś mało tuczące i mało słone mam nadzieję.
@andrzejlechowski1064 8 күн бұрын
Za parówkami przepadała Maria Czubaszek.
@LilianaBachstein 8 күн бұрын
Ten człowiek jest niemoźliwy
@GosiaGrabowski 8 күн бұрын
Genialne ❤😂😂😂😂❤
@tadeuszkida1326 9 күн бұрын
Taka prawda, ale kto z polityków wyciąga wnioski?
@Waldo_Ilowiecki 13 күн бұрын
Nie posrajcie się z zachwytu. To już trzecia liga. Powinien dawno zejść ze sceny.
@ADRKur 17 күн бұрын
Genialny skecz 😂
@remigiuszpiszczek 17 күн бұрын
przepieknie opowiedziane
@adamesteta581 25 күн бұрын
Reperacje + odsetki 💥
@arturdobrowolski3930 Ай бұрын
Co ci "ludzie" mają na "twarzach"?????????? A to bolanda
@tserdushko Ай бұрын
Rozumiem że , armia Hallera i jej uzbrojenie przekazane przez Francję nie zostało wykorzystane w walkach przeciwko „Ukrainie”. Zgodnie z podpisaniem przez Hallera zobowiązaniem .
@krzysztofwrobel8716 Ай бұрын
Dobrze że Zenon Laskowik wszedł do Was ,bo tylko u Was może się dowartościować, Dziękuję, Dardzo szanuje jego oryginalne actorstwo, które cenie .Dziękuję, to jest czlowiek ,który umie wytworzyć kabaretowy klimat dla potrzeb chwili ,za to go cenie i szanuje.Daj Ci Boże Zdrowia, I dobrego humoru.Zszacunkiem Dla Ciebie
@Patriota8580 Ай бұрын
Moj dziadek bral udział w kampani francuskiej ale to była druga wojna światowa 1940r Niech Żyje Wolna Polska 🇵🇱❤ CZEŚĆ I CHWAŁA BOHATEROM! 🇵🇱❣️💪 Świetny odcinek!👏👏👏
@dontmindaboutthisstupidtroll Ай бұрын
12:50 pasuje ⚽
@bogusawaperech9979 Ай бұрын
Ale dno totalne ta kobieta
@americanexcursions3542 Ай бұрын
W Niagara-on-the-Lake w Kanadzie jest polski cmentarz wojskowy błękitnej armii m.kzbin.info/www/bejne/o4W3qqiQoa6biZo
@WojciechBogdał-h8l Ай бұрын
To byli ludzie z jajami W tvp jaj nie maja
@WojciechBogdał-h8l Ай бұрын
Ci ludzie byli patriotami Czemu telewizja Polska nie emituje takich filmów w dzień niepodległości
@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Ай бұрын
Because the corporate globalist funded governments that have now usurped our former democracies now want us all to forget our history and all become nationless slaves.
@MarkWilenberg Ай бұрын
Pani EWO jest 8 ⅘ , ja nadal czekam na CIEBIE😂
@henrykapawowska2843 Ай бұрын
@dawidwalkowiak9220 Ай бұрын
ale te maseczki były absurdem
@MariolaKaka Ай бұрын
Ale ktoś zarobił na maseczkach...
@user-darekas 2 ай бұрын
Jako potomkowie Prawdziwych Polaków mamy obowiązek dbać o Ojczyznę! Pamięć o historii!
@waldemarleszczynski7533 2 ай бұрын
Chwała i Pamięć BOHATEROM. ❤❤‍🩹❤ Bohaterów nigdy za wiele. Za mało sprzętu do walki.
@AdriannaBorowska-g5x 2 ай бұрын
Pękłam ze śmiechu s tymi parówkami 😂😂😂😂
@AdriannaBorowska-g5x 2 ай бұрын
Laskowik jest zajebisty satyryk ❤❤❤❤
@DominikMattern-e8x 2 ай бұрын
mikołaj cieślak i robert górski lepsi i to znacznie
@adamgrabowski7434 2 ай бұрын
To się nazywa patriotyzm żyli sobie spokojnie w USA i Kanadzie czy Francji rzucili wszystko aby walczyć o wyzwolenie ojczyzny. Jak słyszeliśmy w filmu niektórzy słabo mówili po Polsku możliwe że to już drugie lub trzecie Pokolenie emigrantów Polskich szło walczyć mimo że nigdy Polski nie widzieli
@magorzatamadry774 2 ай бұрын
@magorzatamadry774 2 ай бұрын
Najlepszy satyryk wystarczy popatrzeć już jest uśmiech urodzony z wielkim talentem rozbawia za nie musi dużo mowic
@mariuszpuchloski1663 2 ай бұрын
Polacy zostali zdradzeni DW Św przez Anglików dwókrotnie..
@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 2 ай бұрын
A lot of people in the UK are getting TIRED of the CONSTANT current day bitching and clueless insults from uninformed Poles and devious lefties directed at Britain for perceived historical "betrayal" as was taught to the Polish people for 45 years after WW2 by the communist authorities. Another clueless commenter who chooses to ignore the "elephant in the room" that Poland owes the UK far FAR more than we owe them. What is it with clueless modern day Poles and thick headed lefties? They go out of their way to HIDE the fact that modern day Poland OWES its ENTIRE current existence to the British Empire ALONE. What do they imagine would have happened to Poland if Britain and France did as the ENTIRE rest of the world did in Sept 1939 and completely IGNORED its nazi / soviet dismemberment in Sept/Oct 1939? Or if the isolated British Isles had instead decided to seek an armistice with the nazis after the fall of France in June 1940? Do you all stupidly believe that Poland would liberate herself from 1000 years of nazi tyranny? Dream on. Let me tell you what would have happened in reality. Today Poland would not exist. It would simply be a footnote in modern history books, a former nation that would now be divided between nazi East Prussia and the "General Government" region of the nazi Empire. The former Polish cities would now be "Germanised" and each would STILL today have swastikas flying above them, and most chillingly of all, the likes of Sobibor, Chelmno, Belzec, Treblinka, Majdanek & Auschwitz would STILL be operating and belching human ashes into formerly Polish skies. And thats before we even mention the usual Polish BS about "The Brits charged Poland anfter the war". If you'd like to read the details of the post WW2 Polish/UK financial settlement then search for "FCDO Treaty series 044/1947 : Cmd 7148" and you will see the original treaty signed in 1946 between the UK and Polish provisional govts, that plainly shows how the UK taxpayer funded the POLISH part of her war effort against nazism in the west. The summary is that post WW2 Poland repaid the UK a total of £13 million over 15 years (actually it took 22 years to complete those payments) and the balance of the Polish gold reserve then held in the bank of England was freely transferred back to the vaults of the Polish national bank in Warsaw, the British taxpayer in total had expended nearly £150 million on the Polish forces and refugees in the west during WW2, thereby leaving the UK taxpayer nearly £140 million (£4.8 BILLION in 2024) out of pocket with regard to the Poles after WW2. Please give over with the almost CONSTANT insults at the UK, the nation that made a sacrifice of 460,000 of it's OWN citizen's lives, which ENTIRELY bankrupted itself, and which financed the Polish war effort in the west with UK tax payer's money, and due to those ruinous costs also lost its empire, ALL in the selfless effort to prevent a nazi domination of Europe, and saving YOUR Polish asses from extinction. Surely it's about time the brainwashed Polish nation now ditched the communist schoolbooks they were forced to "learn" from for 45 years after WW2. Sincerest best wishes to all intelligent, decent Poles from us in the UK, the people who understand the reality of the situation in WW2. To all the idiot Polish commenters and ignorant duped lefties please leave your messages of thanks & gratitude to your British saviours below.
@krystynar7270 2 ай бұрын
Pan się nic nie zmienił Ten sam głos uśmiech Życzę Zdrowia
@MrManiek220 2 ай бұрын
Super wstawka. Dziękuję.
@ElżbietaMer 2 ай бұрын
Dzięki wszystkim którzy kochają Polskę
@ElżbietaMer 2 ай бұрын
p.laskowik dzięki za wszystko ❤
@danutamarciniszyn1732 2 ай бұрын
hist Husaria i król Władysław Jagiełło,a jego następcy ..Insurekcja Kościuszkowska przyczyny-skutki.. Herb-Herbowni w heraldyce Polskiej=Sławianskiej a ang.ARMIGER... niem.Wappengennose.. hist.dywizjonu 303, Komandorów marynarki, żołnierzy WP w II wś i 1944-2024r Orzekł symbol WP... Orzeł godło RP...orzeł w koronie... WSI,SKW,SWW...logo orły w koronie... komu służyli, służą..jakiemu narodowi.
@apolonias2402 3 ай бұрын
O dywizjonie 303 czytaliśmy w czasach PRLu i byliśmy dumni z naszych pilotów. Nikt nam nie bronił. Z tego co pamietam latał też znany aktor, który grał Zaglobe w filmie i serialu Pan Wołodyjowski. Wrócił do ojczyzny.
@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 3 ай бұрын
Give over with your "Nobody defended us" nonsense. After the invasion of Poland, tell me exactly who else, APART from Britain and France, challenged the nazi regime? Then after the fall of France who else apart from Britain ALONE continued the struggle against the nazis. If it wasn't SOLELY for the British, who continued the challenge to the nazi regime when utterly NO-ONE ELSE in the world cared to lift a finger, then today Poland would not exist. It would simply be a footnote in modern history books, a former nation that would now be divided between nazi Prussia and the "General Government" region of the nazi Empire. The former Polish cities would now be "Germanised" and each would STILL today have swastikas flying above them, and most chillingly of all, the likes of Sobibor, Chelmno, Belzec, Treblinka, Majdanek & Auschwitz would STILL be operating and belching human ashes into formerly Polish skies. For the trouble of continuing our efforts to topple the nazi regime Britain sacrificed 460,000 of its citizens, its ENTIRE national wealth (transforming itself from the world's richest country in 1900 to the World's LARGEST debtor in 1945), and as a result of that RUINOUS expenditure lost our empire, and completely destroyed its own economy. Then postwar when the US & USSR divided up Europe to their own benefit, it was BRITAIN who was FIRST to graciously grant a new safe national home for the stateless 250,000 Polish ex-service personnel who had continued the fight against nazism in the west by means of the 1947 Polish Resettlement Act, which granted them FULL UK citizenship and residency rights, thereby saving them (AND their families) from having to return to their cherished homeland to face Polish communist brutality and death. Stop parrotting postwar communist propaganda.
@szemroch 3 ай бұрын
no tak Czerczil nas wybzykal bylo mu wstyd dlatego nigdy nie odwiedzil Polski ale nie zapomnial nam wystawic rachunku za sprzet i paliwo . Pierdolone angole
@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 3 ай бұрын
More uninformed Polish BS. It was the US & USSR who divided up postwar Europe. When the British found out their secret deal we were the FIRST nation to grant FULL UK citizenship and residency right to ALL Polish service personnel who had fought on in the west AND their families, thereby saving their lives from brutality and death at the hands of POLISH communists. As for "the bill" after WW2... HERE are the facts. The British taxpayer funded the Polish Govt-in-exile in London to the tune of +£150 million (£5.2 BILLION in 2024). At the end of WW2 the Polish Govt agreed to repay the UK just £13 million (just 8.6% of the money they had been provided with) over 22 years, leaving the UK taxpayer nearly £140 million (£4.8 BILLION in 2024) out of pocket with regard to Poland. And you modern day freeloading Polish ingrates have the utter cluelessness to complain about having to repay just 8.6% of the money you were given. Just realise you silly ingrate that if it wasn't for the UK ALONE, then Poland would not exist today. Please leave your thanks to your British saviours below.
@ikamikam3347 3 ай бұрын
A sprxedsjni politycy wszystko niszczą sprzedając się pieniądza opcym kraja i historia zatacza koło
@andre1756 3 ай бұрын
Laskowik i Smolen zawsze nas bawili swietyny humor i prawda np.Granica
@wojciechlipowicz4180 3 ай бұрын
Polscy musieli walczyć przeciwko sobie jako żołnierze wrogich sobie armii. Oby ta sytuacja się nie powtórzyła.
@hubertkondrak9598 3 ай бұрын
Dzisiejsza konfederacja i suwerenna również poddaje kraj pod Moskwę:)
@KrzysztofKubiak-p5w 3 ай бұрын
Hubal nie był partyzantem....był dowódcą regularnego oddziału wojska polskiego
@WitoldMakowski 3 ай бұрын
Brits have no hisotory recalled. Born in farm, die in such as well.
@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 3 ай бұрын
Just type in your native language.... YT's translator will make a better job of the translation than you yourself have done.
@Szymon-c6v 3 ай бұрын
@MariuszOpole 3 ай бұрын
Podobno po wojnie w londyńskiej Paradzie Zwycięstwa najpiękniej paradowali polscy żołnierze i dzielni polscy piloci👍
@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 3 ай бұрын
No unfortunately they didn't. They had chosen to ignore BOTH of the TWO invites they received from the UK govt to the London 1946 Victory parade
@coco1761 3 ай бұрын
Ale glodny byles ..😂smacznego 😢
@seba8431 3 ай бұрын
Odpowiednik kompanii 🤨 a nie batalionu
@alembiks 3 ай бұрын
To nie on zbudował tylko obrzezani i od tamtej pory Polska jest im podległa.
@AZOGPLUGAWY 3 ай бұрын
Kak i przed wiekami i teraz mamy tych zajebanych zdrajców , każdy zdrajca bezwzględnie powinien być wieszany
@RobertPiorkowski-w1t 3 ай бұрын
na defiladzie zwyciestwa z rukimi francuzami polakow nie bylo