Seamless Education in Thailand
@jeelliott1758 21 күн бұрын
"An intellectual caravan:" don't you mean something closer to "traveling folk?" What pillar can you possibly build on this? You are not an intellectual, nor do your conferences cater to such. Cheers--
@louisemaylimlim7782 Ай бұрын
It was nice watching this, Prof. Kester.
@jerryhu4763 2 ай бұрын
21:18 What? US has a military base in Hong Kong (or Guangdong)?! US imperialism truly has no bounds...
@barb4645 3 ай бұрын
@user-us8ql4vw5z 3 ай бұрын
Thank you
@user-rd7bi7mm7q 4 ай бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 🧠 First language acquisition (FLA) and second language acquisition (SLA) are distinct fields of study, but there are overlaps where insights from FLA research can inform SLA practices. 🤝 Mitsutomi and Kirjavainen are collaborating to develop a language education program at Osaka Gakuin University, focusing on English learning for Japanese freshmen. 🌐 Mitsutomi's background is in FLA, particularly studying syntax and morphology in typically developing children aged 2 to 6, from a usage-based constructivist viewpoint. 🎓 Key aspects Mitsutomi investigates include how children acquire language, what influences their language development, and the role of caregivers' language input. 🧒 Children learn language gradually, making errors along the way, and their linguistic competence is influenced by factors like exposure, cognitive processes, and language input. 💬 In SLA, learners face challenges due to the presence of their first language, varying starting points, and individual differences in learning contexts, motivations, and identities. 📚 SLA theories and approaches differ, but there are commonalities such as the importance of negotiation for meaning, noticing linguistic gaps, and the dynamic, nonlinear nature of language learning. 💡 Mitsutomi emphasizes the complexity of language learning, highlighting the need for teachers to be adaptable and supportive, creating a safe environment for learners to experiment and make mistakes. 💭 Differences exist in language acquisition between first language learners, who typically master language effortlessly, and second language learners, who face challenges such as maintaining focus and motivation. 🎓 Second language learners have more control over their learning process compared to first language learners, with the ability to choose levels of engagement and effort. 🌪️ Chaos Theory is suggested to explain the complexity of second language learning, emphasizing the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the process. 🤝 Authentic contact with the language, creating original thoughts, and negotiating meaning are crucial for second language learners to become fluent. 📚 Teachers must understand the linguistic aspects of the target language to effectively teach it, unlike parents who don't need such knowledge to facilitate their children's language acquisition. 🏫 Mitsutomi and Kirjavainen aim to apply insights from first language acquisition research to their language education program, focusing on providing authentic language experiences for students. 📊 Diagnostic tests reveal a variety of English proficiency levels among students, despite their academic performance, highlighting the importance of motivation in language learning. 🎯 The language education program targets eager learners with passive language knowledge but limited experience in producing original sentences, emphasizing the need for more effective teaching approaches. Made with HARPA AI
@JasonHewkins 4 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with severe dyslexia back in university, yes I got the free computer etc, what I never got was one to one in person support! even to this day 25 years later I struggle to articulate myself very well, this has lead me to struggle in social meeting etc, example I can never find the correct words in my brain when i need it, if you know what I mean. as for the debate, Prof. Joe Elliot see things very clearly
@polarofficial1598 4 ай бұрын
remember folks in english five/seven/five is not end all be all
@HakuYuki001 5 ай бұрын
The comments are hilarious. Of course there is a particular kind of person who may click on a video about Abe.
@SailingRamona 5 ай бұрын
Very inspirational talk Lowell :) Thank you for sharing it!
@tarkov666 5 ай бұрын
Problem with avoiding conflict all the time is that even slight conflict get seen as big conflict. Nevermind it shows you don't trust the other person to handle themselves. You are taking something that works in a very homogeneous country and trying to say it will work for very heterogeneous countries. It only works cause everyone else has a shared background in a high context society...
@adamcollegeman2 5 ай бұрын
@user-hp1gy8qd1q 5 ай бұрын
Dr Curtis, very interesting, do you remember an old student, French Spanish, still working for the same company than last time you contacted her, SISLEY but in SAINT OUEN L'AUMONE PC 95310? HOPE THIS REACHES YOU
@towTruck42 8 ай бұрын
While I agree with where you arrived by 7:00 and your critique of 'normal', at 4:51, you're leaning on John Stuart Mill's semantic manipulation of the term 'natural' as the default term for describing phenomenon that may have occurred or would have been likely to occur in environments where humanity is/was not a dominant shaping force, such as the world (including homo sapiens place it in) would have been before the development of sophisticated cultures. The term 'natural' is worthwhile in it's earlier form for distinguishing things like, perhaps, diet, where one could make an argument about energy sources such as mushrooms that would have been available in a pre-human world and thus included in the endowments of evolved responses (i.e. digestive enzymes) present in biological forms existing today. This is in contrast to perhaps music, or plastic, which, while they may be a part of the evolved world, were not part of the so-called natural world, and thus may introduce either improvements or contaminants to the planet's current inhabitants. Where this is most profound is perhaps in philosophical observations which may be drawn from the 'natural' world; "Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water; Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it." Again, I tend to agree with your overall message, but I was a little disturbed by the way you threw observation of "natural" under the proverbial school bus on the way to disassembling stereotyping, conformity and blind ideology.
@stephenjablonsky1941 8 ай бұрын
For unique modern American haiku check out this video:
@sylvias.7048 9 ай бұрын
I heard about this book, maybe 20 years ago. Sadly it is now out of print. Dr Brian Daizen Victoria is a wise and humble man, and well worth listening to. Interesting how the threads of attention can bring fruitful results. Thank You Dr. Victoria
@felicidadzalun9970 9 ай бұрын
It was an awesome experience. Looking forward for more presentations.
@Woland21459 9 ай бұрын
Haha thé murder raté example is not good. To keep harmony you suicide. Show the numbers of suicide stats! 😂
@Woland21459 9 ай бұрын
I don’t like the fact you talk about conflict directly. I think the bases is simple problem addressing. Sharing experience and your feelings for instance. Then start a discussion. Calling this conflict upfront makes it a bit harsh upfront. I’ve seen Japanese that would take the remark « the soup is salty » as a direct conflict déclaration though, like it was a direct fundamental attack, and not just an invitation for a joint problem resolution invitation.
@Woland21459 9 ай бұрын
I wonder how Japanese resolve problems if you can’t talk about problems? In my experience, just raising a problem is getting some Japanese freaking out. If I say « the soup is too salty » it’s understood as a serious critic and personal challenge (like « you are not good enough a cooker or even a bad wife for instance). So even expressing your feelings becomes impossible (« I’m feeling bad about that » for instance), as it’s instantly a problem statement that becomes a critics and personal challenge. It’s seems the only way to get on is not to address the issue and just forget. How can a group survive by not being able to address challenges collectively? It’s puzzling my mind…
@morgengabe1 10 ай бұрын
They are precisely what we make of them. If you have the time, please learn how to compose and transform tensors. It's easier than it sounds and you could learn a lot by teaching yourself ways to skin that old proverbial cat. Vectors are the best kind, imo.
@jwkelley 11 ай бұрын
Dyslexic and the guy is so right and so wrong. Factually right but the way he is going about things is just kicking a hornets nest. Diagnostics he is correct but there are all these struggle readers, spellers who have years of trauma and found comfort in each other in the dyslexic identity. Lots of what these organizations is do is try and remove non important hurdles so struggle readers, dyslexics or whatever you want to call them are not excluded from things arbitrarily. Things like not taking away spelling points on a listening test, not excluding an engineers students work because his spelling sucks but his math is all correct, being allow extra time on tests but having it noted, being allowed access to tech. Attacking the dyslexic identity like he does makes them feel threatened and attack him even though they probably agree with him on so many things. Besides that he is absolutely right about how we need structure ideal interventions. Problem is he is wrong laying it at the feel of dyslexic diagnosis. So many things draw funding away from school, people need to fight for their share and sadly this impacts the people with no one to fight for them the most.
@dramatizestory 11 ай бұрын
love this topic❤
@fernandocortes1187 Жыл бұрын
10:40 Comienza 17:46 images
@pedrom3627 Жыл бұрын
I am going to attend iafor conference in July 2023 UK
@MritieunjayKumar Жыл бұрын
Start from 7-50.Before that it's o
@kento4177 Жыл бұрын
cant hear it
@SandraRocha-xv5vu Жыл бұрын
Just great ! Impossible not to share with my colleagues
@auburncrimson Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@nny2055 Жыл бұрын
Why just keep shooting Mr Nittono, please show us projected image lolololol
@thaliadelpilar5442 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this speech, I've been wondering for so long why I have such an attraction to Kawaii✨ things, and now I have a better understanding 🙏Thank you
@rbxSilurian Жыл бұрын
I love how cute this little comment section is of people leaving their haiku so I will add mine to this : In the snow so white Breaking through false facade The moon is undying
@eiecouse Жыл бұрын
Maybe Dr Yvone should teach in Indonesia.
@flungingpictures Жыл бұрын
@flungingpictures Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Lindesays for your illuminating the world on the Great Wall
@flungingpictures Жыл бұрын
AT 44:44 The Govt re-surveyed the Great Wall with these results: - Total length about 8 851 km - 30% has disappeared - 30% is derelict - 40% is good
@abdualhafeezaliali9626 Жыл бұрын
Thank you . I have attended hee presentation in Sudan in TESOL SUDAN
@NicholasKlacsanzkyICM Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this insight!
@erichawkinson Жыл бұрын
Find more information on these projects and more on Eric's website -
@howardleekilby7390 Жыл бұрын
@aoeu256 Жыл бұрын
This whole thing is a big simplification, cultures are very contextual and in many contexts Japanese will decide to speak up and not avoid conflict. For example, if someone is late by 5 minutes twice the Japanese will get incredibly angry while Westerners may bring it up but decide its not worth talking about it in order to avoid conflict. Its accepted that the sempai/superiors start conflicts for infractions of small politeness rules that may seem ridiculous by Western standards. Its not accepted to start conflicts call out superiors or groups on their racism, bigotry, xenophobia, two-facedness, double standards, etc...
@khalifa9544 Жыл бұрын
@spookyBritnney Жыл бұрын
Love it man very talented excellent with word use for sure also incredibly knowledgeable ty
@m.k.s.7417 Жыл бұрын
Dare I admit: that: I think, this person, is wrong?? Because: many dyslexics; have SIMILAR (Not the same): weakness', but also: STRENGTH'S/"Positive"_ - "Compensatory"_ perhaps: "Trait's"; E.G.: Many (though; not all **due IN Part, to: "Over-lapping_ conditions"**): can be good, @ art. Some of us, can be good, @ S.T.E.M -Subjects (@ least: 1 (OF THEM)); for instance: Science, TECH., Engineering (where; (apparently; a lot of: dyslexics, are);-INVOLED IN) And Math-s. This has taught me, that: "being_ "Academic"; Is not: "The be all and end all!!"!!"?? There are: many: "Success-FULL: Dyslexics": in such field's/area's; as: business/enterprise: some of them, can barely; do: their alphabet: yet can run hugely; success-FULL: Business-es (they often: "Delegate": reading and writing etc.-{Etc.-ETC.})??
@m.k.s.7417 Жыл бұрын
**Apologies about/for: me poor_ -punctuation and all!?**!!??
@dansheffield4021 Жыл бұрын
Ja ne, Shinzo
@blacklisted4885 Жыл бұрын
@rackett8655 2 жыл бұрын
I recently started reading haikus from Sonia Sanchez and this talk was really good for being straightforward and easy to understand. Here's one that I wrote: maybe tomorrow the angry dog will notice it's barking at wind
@caiomh7605 2 жыл бұрын
Michael Hudson got me hooked into economics... which is both an eye opening blessing, and a painful curse.
@jeffstrong4580 2 жыл бұрын
China has been borrowing Japanese Yen at 0% and exchanged to USD for investment abroad for the Belt and road initiative which caused lost of interest income in hundreds of billions for the US federal reserve. Japan has currency swap deal with the US and their debt ratio is at 260% of their GDP thus Japanese federal bank kept their 10 years bonds at minus 0.1 to 0% or else they can't pay their debt. Washington must stop currency swap deal with Japan to stop China and Japan must compensate Washington in hundreds of billions of interest income lost. Any country that has currency swap deal with Washington should not have 0% in their federal bank.
@camilatorresb 2 жыл бұрын
que adorable señor. Apuesto que los japoneses no estarian listos para esta conversacion