The weird science of beliefs
28 күн бұрын
Do we work too much?
5 ай бұрын
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@zomgoose 3 минут бұрын
The cost of policing the crime, murder and gangs has increased. GDP per Capita is declining. Mass Immigration is hurting the middle-class of many Western Nations.
@adityarajswami Сағат бұрын
Amazing work!
@twojstary4820 2 сағат бұрын
The point about signal versus reality is quite misleading. Sole ownership of resources isn't as significant as the efficiency of their use, which has a greater impact on economic growth. This is particularly relevant in discussions about migration. Many refugees and illegal migrants lack the skills and experience needed for work in an advanced economy because they haven't lived in one before. In the case of legal migration, the selection process can enhance the efficiency of labor allocation. However, this is clearly not applicable to refugees. Additionally, treating people like any other economic resource is sociopathic. For any other resource, you want the price to be low and for it to be abundant (from macro perspective, it's the opposite for sellers). For labor, this would translate to having masses of impoverished people living throughout the country, which is obviously not good. Lastly, you should consider using GDP per capita instead of GDP to picture the impact of migration.
@prolarka 2 сағат бұрын
Other countries, rather help their own to have larger families than foreigners.
@prolarka 2 сағат бұрын
In regards of Ch 1: The deviation from the mean is important too.
@erikkaareson6493 3 сағат бұрын
I live in Norway I'm 45. Worked all my life. Went through an "unfavorable" devorce 4 years ago. Now I am mooving out from the a small flatt in a barn to a room in friends house because I can't find a hous to rent. And working on the farm where I rent now isn't possible any more and don't pay any bills. The market is vacumed clean of housing for rent and the bank don't give me a loan to buy. 1.5 rimes more people came in to Norway than norwegians borne last year. Running a business is extremely hard when forign labour push every norwegian in to every allready overcrowded nitch and generally push down prices and make everyone who do blue collar services spend much more time idle or going around quoting work they don't even get. Wasting huge ammouts of time and burning capital on trying to just staying in the market. But the economic reasons arn't even the most important. It is the cultural and societal reasons against mass migration that is the worst. Mass migration lead to loss of trust and conflict. Civil war is the ultimate consequence. That is not a small risk. Mass migration of culturally distant people from in to a country or region has always ended in ehnical cleancing or war.
@thomasvilhar7529 3 сағат бұрын
As a Swede living in Ukraine I must disagree that "ALL" immigration is a benefit. Here there is a big difference having some western immigrants or russians with guns. Just saying.
@RJ-tr8vt 3 сағат бұрын
This video is like a breath of fresh air. Thank you.
@Oysteims 3 сағат бұрын
Good video, as usual! I do disagree with the idea that tax money invested in a person and how much they repay in taxes is _not_ a good metric for society, though. I have never heard of it just being based on average/median taxes. The metric used is how much the state invests into someone compared to how much that same person re-pays in taxes to the state over their entire lifetime. The results can sometimes be a net-negative expenditure by the state on a person, which in many cases, maybe even most, is completely ok. It is part of the fundamental social contract in Scandinavian countries that some professions are a “burden/cost” for society's benefit, such as nurses, teachers, police, sanitation workers, etc. However, when the state spends money on social, medical or policing programs for elderly, sick, uneducated, or poorly integrated immigrants, that deficit spending has to come from somewhere. This, in turn, disproportionally punishes the people who have historically been a positive “burden/cost” for society's benefit, as they are mostly government employees who are first in line for cuts as the budget has to be spread thinner and thinner. This also explains the lower unemployment rate in the Scandinavian countries as we have a disproportionate amount of people working directly or indirectly for the government, compared to any other OECD countries. It’s also important to point out that the tax “contributors” are middle-class people, such as engineers, lawyers, doctors, etc., not casino CEOs or advertising executives (who might not even be pay taxes), so any government is hard-pressed to increase taxes on the already squeezed middle class to make up for the deficit in their spending partially due to immigrants. The thing is most people are _barely_ contributors, and those who are not are mostly _barely_ a burden/cost with some extreme outliers on both sides of the scale - but immigrants are _disproportionally_ a large burden/cost. I will also say that just as financial resources are useless in a vacuum, real resources are, too. We could live perfectly happily and content with the “real resources” we have today - it’s a matter of prioritisation, exactly as it is for financial resources. It is really a fault of modern capitalism that a constant increase of real resources is a requirement for prosperity.
@musiqtee 4 сағат бұрын
I’m 11 months late to this one… But, taking this to heart, how can this be viewed through another book “The Code of Capital” by K. Pistor? If we grant her take that capital (assets, monetary dynamics, fiscal) is created by law - oh… at this point in the video you pointed to her book… (smacking forehead) Thanks, great…! And subbed… 😅
@Ligerpride 4 сағат бұрын
There is simply no way that importing immigrants into your (already developed) nation at a level that seriously impacts demographics in terms of ethnicity can have a positive net impact on a nation. By any metric it's a bad idea.
@musiqtee 4 сағат бұрын
Greeting from “grannen”, Norway! As to “flaws in economics”, my take is that our (public) perception of “economics” is the flaw itself. And, our flawed perceptions are the leverage used by leading politicians (and large corporate entities) to keep the theatre going - and remain incumbent. As the professor mentions, MMT shows how monetary, fiscal and macroeconomic agencies could be described - After the Breton Woods deal fell in 1971. Money is created all the time, but increasingly in private banking. Taxation recirculate from the “real” economy, but less so from capital ownership, nominally lifting GDP. So, public or individual ownership and investment loses out to the corporate sector, legally protected and allowed (Pistor). The real effect is that the owners of debt have a lot of power, through the QE mechanic as bonds, or in the nominal growth of asset values - housing hitting ordinary people the most, but also education and having children. How this “flaw” is misused (unwittingly or not) through media, touches upon what Chomsky called “manufacturing consent” - to make us believe and accept narratives that support incumbent power, or “bad news” about i.e. scarce energy, so prices must go up. Blame is always “external” (the others), or internal but “foreign”. As austerity bites ordinary people, nationalism and individualism ensues - as the “fault” is collective and must be resolved by law and order… That’s my take - and thanks to the algorithm for showing me your channel! 🇳🇴🇸🇪
@WhiteMouse77 5 сағат бұрын
Hi Andres, thank you very much for HQ work. Lack of "real human" resources on one side and "cultural war" as real cost on the other side....and none of these can be solved with money. Therefore....It seems to me...that we as Europeans aren't as smart as we over-valuated ourselves to be.... Further no matter how the factual truth ughly is, abased on our experience, we must admit when learning from our mistakes that migration MUST be strictly selective and democratic system MUST finally and once for ever solve paradox of toleration towards non-democratic ideolgoies. After we are done with these....EU might finally move on...and go through BIIIIIG reconciliaton...
@WhiteMouse77 5 сағат бұрын
Just like George Carlnin used to be ironic about them...about the "symble-minded" people...
@mp630720 7 сағат бұрын
Hello, Andres. How are you? I’m always keen to see your new content. Dr. Peo Hansen has an interesting approach about macroeconomics, though it is not a new one. Migrants do contribute to a more prosperous society, since they add new real resources to an economy that has not reached complete efficiency. From my point of view, Dr. Hansen omits a very strong argument against migration during his interview: there are adding costs to public budget when it comes to public security. Organized crime activity can make some areas less attractive to allocate these real resources. And it is also well known that in Sweden, there are neighborhoods that are simply isolated from the rest of the Swedish society. And it seems that this did not happened before mass migration. It would be interesting also to listen to someone from these agencies to contest Dr. Hanses’ ideas. Especially the authors of SVERIGES RIKSBANK WORKING PAPER SERIES 405, that affirm that a refugee (economic) immigration shock yields large initial negative (positive) effects on GDP per capita and employment rates. Best regards from a Brazilian economist.
@osamataha336 3 сағат бұрын
Your point are valid, the aspect that is missing tho - there are two waves in migration, Gen 1 usually work lower tier jobs that are not desirable by the local population and some high skilled jobs but usually don't assimilate to local culture so the rate of Gen 1 migration need to controlled to limit isolated pockets/ crime areas don't develop, Gen 2 should've grown up with locals and should assimilated with marginal difference, Gen 3+ should be indistinguishable from locals - failure comes from the lack of existing programs for assimilation and integration that becomes more pronounced as you add more ppl to it, example 1 migrant who hasn't assimilated and didn't find a job, gf, etc might steal - 5 of them will a small gang, 1000 = organized gangs. so the root of the issue is the non existent integration plan.
@Jusdragon 8 сағат бұрын
Very nicely done! I always ask myself how we can explain the concepts, like this in this video, the people who are not interested in understanding this. Because I know I can’t make them watch an amazing video like this because they’re a lot of presumptions they have that need to be challenged first….. .
@lakshayyadav676 10 сағат бұрын
Banger after banger!
@laurentogetatx 10 сағат бұрын
This is such an important and necessary work - Thank you.
@SarangMadhani 11 сағат бұрын
Really high quality vid
@4mb127 11 сағат бұрын
I don't think the cost/burden analysis is correct. It should be about lifetime value of a person to a society. Do you make more in taxes than you take in benefits? A cleaner could easily earn more than what was put into his or her education and healthcare etc. A casino manager can not just cost more to the society, but also destroy wealth by getting people addicted to gambling and destroying their lives. I did not think this was a good comparison at all. Plus you should really also mention the political tendency of capital to push for cheap labor immigration to pump up their profits. Less cheap immigration would mean higher wages as companies are forced to pay higher prices for labor. The real story in the West during the past few years seems to be growth of wealth disparity. Middle class is disappearing. Good jobs are harder to get, but stock market growth is higher than ever in history. Low cost labor immigration feeds directly into exacerbating this phenomenon.
@mysterioanonymous3206 6 сағат бұрын
Spot on. Housing and wages are major costs but coincidentally they correlate positively with GDP while the working population gets stiffed with the externalities (cost/bills). There's also cultural factors that are hard to quantify: peace of mind, community, alienation... There's a study out of California recently that puts the depression of wages due to immigration at 15%. Quite significant. I think anyone could use a solid 15% more in their pocket. Lifelong care for rape victims isn't cheap either but it sure does increase gdp. Also, we don't know who they considered in their "immigrant" category. That term includes Americans who work in software for example who then skew the data due to their disproportionately high impactdie to high salaries. So this isn't as obvious as they may seem to want. Also, not everything is always about economics. People just don't want to deal with it and complicate things or have tiring debates, and the for sure don't appreciate no go zones or hand grenade attacks. Who gives af whether Sweden grew more? Useless anyways since that money was pocketed by the bosses, not the average Joe. You think Gunnar the Plumber got a 4.5% raise? Also who said there's a correlation with these Syrian Doctors and engineers? Couldve been policy changes or a change in how they measure growth, or a bunch of productive Finns coming in. More people more economic activity, duuuhhh. Do we need professors to see the correlation?
@johan.j.bergman 12 сағат бұрын
Strålande! Särskilt hur det belyser hur dysfunktionell den dominerande nationalekonomiska diskursen är. Snacka om dumma pengar!
@cv7314 Күн бұрын
Typical envious socialist who has no understanding of how capitalism works.
@Yahya_inthehouse 3 күн бұрын
Dang, I love in Qatar
@MagnusChirgwin 5 күн бұрын
Fantastic work ❤
@TheMarketExit 4 күн бұрын
Thank you Magnus!
@Basih 6 күн бұрын
Hade önskat en höger/konservativ synvinkel på videon också. Kändes väldigt vänstervriden när bara vänsterpartister och miljöpartister intervjuades.
@Bouje411 11 күн бұрын
First off, I’m biased because I have worked for PE portfolio companies and it’s actually been a mostly good experience, and I haven’t even been in management for the vast majority of those years. And I get the whole rolling up all the dentists in a certain area may not be a good idea for an area. But like… if they want a restaurant for example or some other random company… I certainly don’t see that as somehow evil. Whether those who invest in these companies could do just as well for cheaper well that’s up to them to decide imo. It certainly can be ruthless out there.
@Purrre 14 күн бұрын
Ja man kan nog hitta rasism i allt om man gräver tillräckligt djupt. Å självklart är det männen som tjänar mest på tunneln ja ^^ Äeh lugna ner er nu det blir nog bra det här.
@user-gw4oz1rk3i 16 күн бұрын
That dress is blue and Black! Granted the back-ground is gold and White, so maybe that has something to do With the disagreement!
@makeaniiimpactYT 17 күн бұрын
You hit the nail on the head where we've seen the same 'money saving' tactics to offshore to cheap low-quality tech resources but then remove all the high-ticket high-value employees/consultants that can actually build and innovate to make themselves look more 'profitable'. We know a company that almost missed the boat of AI when they laid off everyone who could actually integrate AI (except for our team). Luckily this is what we are doing now, but their off-shore teams couldn't come close to the level of experience and even the headhunter said, there's no way we can replace our dev team with the budget they were limited to...anyway, of course the execs are "Gen AI experts" now and touting this as they continue to look for another PE to buy them out. Another company didn't keep the good tech designers and devs around as PE said to just off-shore it all. 18 months later, they went against our original plan, failed to execute and removed their India off shore team to go offshore to central that is the strategy. "Just off-shore the product design and build" - Whether you have A-players or D-players on your team, building a successful new software product doesn't happen with a room full of builders. There are def some PE that do the right due diligence and want to grow companies with actual good experience and collaboration. It's just like house-flippers, some are good, many are just looking to make the quickest $
@DE-GEN-ART 20 күн бұрын
you left russia out of the map of places gay marriage is forbiden, in fact its illegal to be gay in russia, or thats what NFKRZ said
@JeremyHelm 21 күн бұрын
3:52 what's the quote, Franky?
@JeremyHelm 21 күн бұрын
7:07 best explanation of "priors" I've heard
@JeremyHelm 20 күн бұрын
9:33, 9:38 three responses to disequilibrium (new information), ignore, assimilate, accommodate
@SpaceOutlaww 21 күн бұрын
This Andre Avocado fellow makes some good points
@TheMarketExit 20 күн бұрын
🥑 cheers!
@jkytpeace 21 күн бұрын
@TheMarketExit 20 күн бұрын
Thank you very much!
@WallaceRoseVincent 21 күн бұрын
I liked the sound effects. Thanks for the translation in English.
@lolroflmaoization 22 күн бұрын
i would love to hear you addressing the thoughts of thinks such as Bryan Caplan, Jason Brennan and Christopher Freiman.
@Bobbbybags 22 күн бұрын
Can’t believe this only has a few thousand views. Amazing work dude!
@TheMarketExit 20 күн бұрын
Thank you very much! You can help me out by sharing it with a friend or two :)
@Bobbbybags 22 күн бұрын
Amazing video. I am thanking the algorithm gods for sending you my way! 🙌
@user-xg4df7ge2c 22 күн бұрын
Every subjectivity is objectivity to someone
@mhugman99 22 күн бұрын
Excellent essay. I would like to add that the ultimate “argument” is not a set of facts you present to others, but you yourself, your everyday behavior and existence in the world. The existence of gay people going about their lives normally is the ultimate argument for gay marriage, not people debating the facts about it - that happens, but it’s secondary and downstream from the argument from existence. The reason that historical social change is guaranteed - the only constant is change - is because you cannot be otherwise than how you are. The world either ignores, assimilates or accommodates you - sometimes with tragic consequences for those who don’t fit the mold. Both Tragedy and victory over impossible odds are part of the human condition.
@TheMarketExit 22 күн бұрын
That's a great point, I do agree with you. Elegantly put. Do you have any examples of values/behaviors/opinions you're hoping to spread in the world through your own actions or behaviors?
@mhugman99 21 күн бұрын
@@TheMarketExit I think the ideal of enlightenment rationality is something I believe in - but it’s also telling me it’s not possible for everyone to be enlightened all the time. Maybe a more worthwhile value is just openness, willingness to see things a different way. And especially when you’re convinced you’re on the side of good - maybe have an inkling that you’re actually not. So basically, what you’re talking about in this video - I think that’s the most important value that we need to spread.
@chocolatepotato5469 22 күн бұрын
We made mac and cheese change color! EU is world power. Lol checks out.
@TheMarketExit 22 күн бұрын
Gotta celebrate them small wins, right?
@mygalsiii 23 күн бұрын
Uh Oh... That dress was Blue and Gold though. Oh No My Brain Is Broke?!?!?!?!
@valeriecarpentier6384 23 күн бұрын
as a woman, my answer is yes. I personally change my mind every minute or so
@stravvman 23 күн бұрын
6:20 What do you mean the picture is not blue and black? It is.
@nourreddincharrad4003 23 күн бұрын
for me its blue and gold soo it's more crazy to accept between the two choices
@heuzame6198 22 күн бұрын
Blue and gold/brown. No idea, how do you guys see white and black
@thrwwccnt5845 21 күн бұрын
obviously you don't see light right then
@heuzame6198 21 күн бұрын
it's light blue for me, yes, but still not white. Ofc I can't see what they see and *I* see light blue others might see it as white or dark blue.
@stravvman 23 күн бұрын
3:33 Didn't know that it's possible to be "wrong" about gay marrages
@noobixx8588 22 күн бұрын
I think its more about changig the mind abd the belief than actually being right about something.
@rcolemanhd 23 күн бұрын
Great video.
@asuka_the_void_witch 23 күн бұрын
unapologetic swedish accent
@TheMarketExit 23 күн бұрын
haha, unapologetic and relentless swedish accent
@bunger001 23 күн бұрын
I’m American born and raised and you highlighted a lot of problems I see in Southern California and America at large. Just like anywhere access to a good life is so dependent on the zip code one grew up in because of access to good schools, good food, level of crime etc. We need the brightest and smartest minds to invest in solving these problems in society and not pursuing private equity, another great video of yours by the way! America is cutthroat place that could use a little more equality!
@TheMarketExit 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment! If someone wants to make society more equitable, what do you think that person should focus on first?
@LeroyMustang 24 күн бұрын
I think possibly there is another way of perceiving the social aspect of this. Human thought, in local groups and now possibly globally, is in its own way a collective organism which has its own subconscious collective opinions. I think because it has no sole mouth and face to address we tend not to think our collective thoughts as being conscious. This collective person/s is competing with its own traits and collective biology for survival. Not necessarily for rightness or reasonability. Yet there might be something to approaching it with the intention of making this collective mind/person more self aware. We first implant the basics of scientific theory and reason to budding Scientists, not as a means of indoctrinating them but rather as a means of effectively creating VIABLE and USEFUL ideas for the purposes of their SURVIVAL as scientists. Perhaps there is something to be said for trying to replace the blind survivability of traits in collective thought with one that is more self aware of its own embodiment? There are other minds besides the individual ape mind which might stand to be addressed as needing to be convinced too?? Maybe?
@anothenymously7054 23 күн бұрын
I believe the collective mind is self aware, we have various names for it, God, gods, zeitgeist
@asuka_the_void_witch 23 күн бұрын
@@anothenymously7054 it isn't self aware , but also it is, i think. we're all connected to the universal oneness, but we as people can't really feel that consicously. we are separated in that regard. whatever consciousness exists on higher levels of being are inacessible to us.
@TheMarketExit 23 күн бұрын
Interesting take, but admittedly I don't understand it completely. What should I read if I want to understand better where you're coming from?
@anothenymously7054 23 күн бұрын
@the__void__spaghetti__girl it by it's nature is inaccessible to us as the personality that is you is inaccessible to any individual neuron within you. There are unintended between the you and the individual neurons. On the scale of people the thoughts of god are those synchronicities and coincidences we write off as chance. I differentiate this by meaning we have a demiurge shared between us that is separate from the universal oneness which is all encompassing and indistinguishable
@LeroyMustang 22 күн бұрын
@@TheMarketExit I guess you could say I’m synthesizing several concepts. Memes from “The Selfish Gene “ concerning in part the concept that ideas are essentially self reproducing traits that compete like genes but at a level of culture. Possibly, the Buddhist concept/schools of thought dealing with Pratītyasamutpāda “dependent relation” which starts to help ease the concept of the sensation of ape self as separate from other minds or even what we might call a mind. That what we sense as self is actually composed of many selves and form perhaps other larger fully thinking selves. The psychological papers published on the results of corpus callosotomy. Literature on the invention of the self starting computer systems, the programming and hardware. The invention of process monitoring software, and anti virus software. How computer monitoring systems are perhaps a model for perceiving the self monitoring of collective minds. To note the functions of culture and mind that act as self monitoring collective memes. I’ve seen it dismissed that the collective mind of the super organism of humanity is too fluid to address but I believe that there are definitive points of cultural collective thought change which act as self monitoring systems, in some part, there after. I tend to also “invent” amalgamated concepts which already have fields of study. So maybe you know of the sociological studies/fields already directly addressing collective thought, err as a distinct person?
@Auirtozz 24 күн бұрын
excellent, thank you!
@benjaminwilliamson9580 24 күн бұрын
To me the emotional responses in the comments are a very good example of exactly what you state in the video. 😆