The Dr. Seuss of Gothic Fiction
We Looked at Your Fan Art And...
The Immortality Scam
21 күн бұрын
If Death Were a Place
Ай бұрын
True Names as a Magic System
This World Wants to Die
Ай бұрын
This is the Chosen One. Sorry.
This is a Safe Place
2 ай бұрын
When Do You Forgive a Villain?
One Million Pieces of Fan Art?
This is Not a City
3 ай бұрын
3 ай бұрын
Junji Ito's Weirdest Story
3 ай бұрын
Well... I Tried Booktok...
4 ай бұрын
Books Too Dangerous to Read
4 ай бұрын
The Robot Apocalypse We Need
Humanity's Quiet Extinction Event
Why Adaptations Keep Failing
Fates Worse Than Death
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What is The Pale Man?
7 ай бұрын
How to Beat Every DEATH GAME Ever
Five Very Existential Youtube Videos
7 ай бұрын
What If The World Never Ends?
@teirusureynard9279 26 минут бұрын
Some of these examples, such as ARGs and analog horror, liminal spaces and others, fall under "intrigue" to me more than "horror"
@MysticNoodle411 35 минут бұрын
just now finding this channel, that animated intro is beautiful.
@sholmes4593 35 минут бұрын
People thinking this is a metaphor for a lot of deep stuff. Junji Ito, very probably: "Hole goes brrrrrrrr!!"
@gusty7153 45 минут бұрын
going to the store is just plain surreal comedy. it's been a thing since the time of flash for internet based comedy to take a very very surreal form. not horror at all
@Demon-egg-roll Сағат бұрын
This is how I feel about snape from Harry Potter his "redemption" doesn't make sense at all he literally bullied his own students him dieing doesn't make me sad or think he changed he just died
@SheepLiver Сағат бұрын
8:12 my take on this is that the stories belong to whoever is depicted in the stories. for example, I think the story of achilles being immortal except his heel belongs exclusively to achilles himself, whether he's real or not
@WokeCrusade Сағат бұрын
What book is this based on?
@friendlyneighborhoodvampir9081 Сағат бұрын
I don't think you understand Thanos. His goal isn't to kill off half the universe, that's just a way to get to his goal, which is easing the strain on the resources in the universe. His GOAL is genuinely a good thing. That said, I still think he's an anti-villain. To me (and, I'd imagine, most people), an anti-villain is someone with a noble goal willing to cross moral lines that heroes aren't (what those lines are will vary on the works). Conversely, an anti-hero is a hero who lacks the traditional heroic traits, but still does good things.
@erstwhile-lost Сағат бұрын
I watched the Monsters Are Due on Maple Street in middle school history class!!!
@Demon-egg-roll Сағат бұрын
This reminds of when people say (or when it appears in song)"home is where the heart is"
@morrigannibairseach1211 Сағат бұрын
I think immortality would be good. It is something we should aspire to. However immortality without change in the world would be boring. We could build dyson swarms and continue having kids. Immortality with a catch makes for great drama though. However I will always want to see how the story of life continues. I don't want my story to end.
@erstwhile-lost Сағат бұрын
i didn't have a choice, by awesome 7th grade English teacher made us watch a bunch of episodes during class and discuss them. That class was the best and I always looked forward to it
@andrewholmes3116 2 сағат бұрын
The best example ever of this is the Louie episode Untitled. 4 seasons of a comedy show (albeit a surreal one at times) and then BAM naked Jon Glaser running thru a dark doorway and latching onto Louis like a Redead from Zelda
@LexFrelsari 2 сағат бұрын
Angels are the most horrifying monsters in all of fiction. Lovecraft couldn't imagine anything more horrifying than angels. In my tale about Heaven being a condemnation of the faithful, the Angels preside over a utopia inhabited by Hitler and Dahmer and Stalin and Bundy. And that's literally the kindest concept of angels I'be yet read. They are always so morally terrifying. Like God, but less rapey.
@agameextreme 2 сағат бұрын
People who clicked this video because of the thumbnail 👇
@TheTrueUlfhednar 3 сағат бұрын
Hey!! You got around to my side of the Internet horror. Lovely!
@whitejayz4655 3 сағат бұрын
I would say they're not horror they're eerie
@Pokeymarmot7168 3 сағат бұрын
I like the fact that most of the intro was wham city.
@ckl9390 4 сағат бұрын
One option to consider is that someone knows they are taking a contract with unfavourable long-term terms as a sacrifice for the greater good or a particular cause. Say that the hero cannot defeat some grave threat to the realm as is, so they take what measures are necessary to be capable of achieving their task. They are in effect sacrificing themselves so that they can wield an otherwise unattainable power when it matters.
@sarahluchies1076 4 сағат бұрын
As someone who may be autistic (undiagnosed) all of the intro scenes made me feel confused and uncomfortable. But there are also things that most people seem to consider normal that make me feel the same way. Like sitcoms with their laugh tracks. They make me so uncomfortable, I can't even watch Friends without looking away because of the squirming feeling in my gut. So I tend to see horror in a different light than most people. I always have to watch it while watching how others react to see how I should be reacting.
@neonoah3353 5 сағат бұрын
One nice story related use of the "true name" system that i saw was in odin sphere leifthrasir. the doomsday prophecy says that 4 kings would end the world, and that the king of fire, or whatever he was king of, was going to be killed by an elf called yggdrasil, which kept the king of fire at bay and away from the elf forest, because he feared that an elf named "yggdrasil" would kill him. By the end of the game, most, if not all elves are dead, so the king decides to invade and destroy their forest, both because the sea if destroying his fire kingdom and he needs to expand, and as well as he believes he is invicible since the prophecy cant be fullfiled now that theres almost no elfs left, he just need to avoid the one named "yggdrasil", the one playable elf character, the elf princess, mercedes, is still alive and goes to fight him. Arrogant, thinking he is invicible, since he knows mercedes, and she isnt named yggdrasil, he fights her, and at end, both end up mortally wonded and about to die, which surprises him, since she isnt "yggdrasil"... Then the 1 plot point that NEVER had any weight before finally shows why its in the game, and just like the fire king, the players probably forgot about this, the elves, when they are dying, chant to the earth their "true name"... Guess whats mercedes true name? Yup, yggdrasil.
@marko-1987 6 сағат бұрын
Yeah i would i think, go past Entropy of the Universe (if that even is the death of the universe) with some future tech.
@mikowolfe23 7 сағат бұрын
i tried booktok twice. 1 for ACOTAR (I love the series!!!! finishing the last one) and 2 for Fourth Wing (nope!! DNF BC VIOLET ANNOYED THE SHIT OUT OF ME, and i couldn't continue with the repetitive quotes. I tried one more time (tried the Twisted series)..... yeah didnt realize that the relations were toxic. I enjoy a good enemies to lovers but not when they're TOXIC IN THE RELATIONSHIP. yeah didnt care for the twisted series or War Hour.
@JohnHankins-n6p 7 сағат бұрын
The twilight zone and night gallery were my favorite TV shows when I was a kid...
@apriconol 8 сағат бұрын
Fair point. But that is not why I don’t find cosmic horror scary. In fact the idea of confronting the sublime is terrifying, but in cosmic horror I don’t feel like I am confronting the sublime, but rather that I am being told that the thing I am confronting is the sublime. Authors of cosmic horror love to use adjectives like impossible, incomprehensible, inconceivable or not meant for humans, and expect me to do the work of scaring myself by using my own imagination. A existential philosophy book like “and thus spoke Zarathustra is much scarier than any cosmic horror book. When reading existential philosophy I am not being told there are things in life that are incomprehensible, but rather I am being forced to confront those things and derive the conclusion myself that it is indeed not possible to comprehend them
@SteveElOtaku 8 сағат бұрын
I have this thing with evil clowns where I find them scary, but the moment they do something funny, I laugh, and the situation, no matter how awful it is, becomes comfortable in a way it shouldn't be. This feels like that.
@mrmackinac5266 8 сағат бұрын
I think my favorite example of this sort of horror is The Onion’s Porkin Around miniseries
@DefendUrPolicyDontScapegoatLie 8 сағат бұрын
Dr Suess made me feel so uncomfortable as I got older.
@aquasniper88 8 сағат бұрын
7:57 Reminds me of a joke about context “ If I take you to my Cottage in the Forest, we are having a whimsical moment. If I take you to my Cabin in the Woods, its probably a horror movie”
@lilibane81 9 сағат бұрын
to be fair I think a lotta people think things would be different to how they are now... for me I lose track of time easily so years would've flown by in my imagination and I'd still be sitting here. waiting. I'm not sure if mortality is something the brain is even worse to comprehend when evolution is based on survival. I think... death is a scam? it's not really there? it's not an end. as long as you exist you live. the moment you die that is not your end the concept of you is simply suspended in the memory of others. is death of a person real for themselves?
@stephane9579 9 сағат бұрын
Hades is NOT the god of Death. It's Thanatos
@ImEverytingPeopleHate 10 сағат бұрын
this video perfectly sums up my feelings about horror/comedy combinations. I find this type of horror the most upsetting, because it essentially forces me to feel an emotion that I don't have. like, I'm clearly scared because it's off-putting or uncanny, but it's so absurd that I want to laugh, so I'm also amused... but I don't know how to feel fear and amusement at the same time, because they're two completely different emotions. so the end result is just a mental malfunction where I don't know whether I should laugh, cry or scream, so I just shut down because my brain assumes I'm experiencing something potentially traumatic (I have PTSD, and I dissociate when I experience intense emotions) ... I probably sound really dramatic, because any time I express fear or otherwise strong emotions, people always tell me iT's NoT tHaT dEeP bRo... even though it is to me, and saying that is really hurtful and invalidating, so please just, leave me be, alright? it costs nothing to just, not leave your hurtful opinions in a stranger's comment...
@FluxNomad678 10 сағат бұрын
I tend to associate the word Punk with subversive or also disharmony Perhaps the video game Bioshock could be applied to the term DecoPunk
@sir.cornyneck3960 10 сағат бұрын
My current character in Dungeons and Dragons uses a contract system, so the second I saw this I had to watch. Thanks for the help!