@cat1racer 5 күн бұрын
PSA = Patient stimulated Anxiety
@jeffmorton2668 6 күн бұрын
I advise all men with a history of prostate cancer in their family tree, buy and read Dr. Patrick Walsh's book, 4th edition, "A Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer". It will give you more insight and guidance than all of Dr. Amblin's ramblings.
@mrhcopeland 7 күн бұрын
Wake up. Lougol's Solution is highly effective on prostate cancer. Not patentable ,,,, not interested. Sad
@schmingusss 11 күн бұрын
I recently had a physical and psa test done. PSA came in really high, 15 ng/ml. Should I just ignore it?
@mytickets 14 күн бұрын
I've had increasing PSA levels levels were checked with lab work drawing blood recommended biopsy 3 weeks ago When I left the biopsy office I was very uncomfortable almost felt faint that night I was sick I have not been well since that biopsy results came back after checking 18 different places on my prostate poking little holes in it they found 5% on one spot 5% on another spot and 15% on another spot I was fine before I went in that office I have not been well since something about poking into the prostate and my body changed my hormonal balance or something is not right you really must consider before doing biopsy and allowing someone to poke holes in you
@RoyilBlue-vp1ut 17 күн бұрын
Eat meat foods, nutrition is everything. no carb no sugar no plants diet
@tomjones7089 Ай бұрын
Genius to say the least died last year sadly. Rest in Peace.
@justinerogers1353 Ай бұрын
Who wants to live longer (after treatment) if your body is wrecked by the treatments. Thank goodness for Dr Ablin. My husband was recently advised to have a biopsy - no pros and cons discussion at all. We will be given a leaflet at best. People have to do their own research - the medical profession won't tell you.
@boomertalkinglifeandjoy Ай бұрын
This makes perfect sense!
@tlspurlen6442 Ай бұрын
Make your own extract (tincture) of the creosote bush. The leaves contain NDGA (Nordihydroguaiaretic acid).
@tblightningbolt8902 Ай бұрын
Every situation is different. PSA when from .4 to over 4.5 at 47. Not an alarming number. But prostate cancer killed my grandfather and almost killed my uncle as his spread. Found out via biopsy I have a very bad case and I also have bladder cancer. Screening saves lives. The science and diagnostics are changing and always need to improve but this cancer is real and id prepare extra screening vs demonizing it. Find it too late and you are dead. Especially in black men
@pinegd1 Ай бұрын
I had a punch biopsy then had my prostate removed. Cancer came back 2 years later. I am convince the biopsy spread those cancer cells out of my prostate where they avoided removal durong the prostatectomy and survived to spread.
@timmyhassett 2 ай бұрын
1:17:14 incorrect info from expert. He says that if your psa is in the top 10% (in a specific age group) you have a 45% chance of dying of prostate cancer. I found the study (Vickers) He can't read. In fact 45% of those who die have a psa in the top 10% That is a big difference. From study: 44% of deaths occurred in men with a PSA concentration in the highest 10th of the distribution of concentrations at age 45-49
@NedFerguson 2 ай бұрын
At 62 I was just referred to a urologist b/c of a PSA in the low 6.x. I explained to the urologist right off the bat that I am a contrarian and non-interventionist and told him that I had read Dr. Ablin's book in 2018 in preparation for this day, since I knew it was coming eventually. He was sympathetic to this view and said he was more concerned about 1) PSA velocity than the number itself and 2) the ratio of PSA to prostate size. He agrees that biopsy is too invasive and said if my number still looks concerning after checking again he might recommend an MRI, which will tell him a lot and is non-invasive. I am inclined to allow it for that reason. I told him that I am not one of the worried well and I don't lose sleep over these things. My life is in God's hands. Otherwise I am asymptomatic. Digital exam is good with no palpable nodules. Any thoughts on the MRI? I didn't realize this was a thing now.
@ricknowak4582 2 ай бұрын
My urologist was getting a little upset with me because I saw him three times question the procedure. He doesn't make big bucks with office visits.
@EPA18 2 ай бұрын
My question is, if PSA level is not good for prostate cancer screening, what IS good for screening? An MRI?
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
I am continually researching Prostate Cancer on KZbin.And I come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this and nobody knows what to do. They keep coming up with really cool terms like...... The gold standard. That gets me every time. Or.... second or third generation hormone treatments. That gets me too. And if this combination of drugs don't work will try another combination!!!!!??? WTF!!!?
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
I have Prostate Cancer my PS A was at 13 NOW it's at 8!!! . Metabolic therapy. Three doctors still want to do treatment. Gleason 3+4=7 (5) cores. PI- RAD 5!( Which worries me). ADT !! And radiation or RP!! ImAGAINST ALL OF IT !!Dont know what to do.
@joseapadilla1484 3 ай бұрын
No wonder there’s a sixth sense telling you for a second opinion. 🤔 If in doubt follow up your instincts. Medicine today’s a commodity driven by money,and only by money.😕
@robwells230 3 ай бұрын
The greatest prostate cancer hoax perpetrated by the Alberta CROSS CANCER INSTITUTE is the coerced, deceived, intimidated and extorted administration of ADT chemical castration on patients without their FREE AND FULL INFORMED CONSENT. .....DOCTORS and big pharma lie to men pretending that the horrific quality of life destroying and life shortening side effects are "generally well tolerated and temporary". The side effects are often insufferable and life threatening with little curative benefit that may not be worth the two year reduction in overall survival. A six month shot of ADT results in CASTRATION levels for many months and years, and after ADT of 18 months or more 75 percent of all men will not recover their testosterone levels even after a median time of FIVE YEARS, and up to twenty percent of older men will NEVER RECOVER ABOVE CASTRATE LEVEL. Without full disclosure, there can not be FREE AND FULLY INFORMED CONSENT.
@ovidididaho 3 ай бұрын
I avoided doctors telling me my PSA was elevated, after 10 years horrible urinary symptoms then leg hip and pelvic pain. I am 63 and finally got tested one month ago. PSA 155, MRI then PSMA-PET scan. I have stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer spread around my pelvis now on hormone therapy 6 month injection plus an oral pill, just started radiation for 4 weeks, then chemo. Check your PSA learn your numbers.
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
With all the ADT treatments and radiation.How are your side effects coming along brother?
@ovidididaho 3 ай бұрын
@@ricknowak4582 I had an Ellegard 6 month shot on the 26th of March, also bicalutamide oral pill for 30 days. This crap will be hormone resistant before long, so my doctors got me approved for Nubeqa which I'm on my third day this goes along with the docetaxel chemo treatment 3 weeks after radiation ends. Just finished # 9 of 20 radiation treatments prostate and bone. I don't feel too bad just a little off like something is missing still lifting, riding and hanging with family. We have a long way to go we are going to win. Rolling with the changes.👍
@yogeshvyas3217 3 ай бұрын
Is there benefits in taking Flomax and Findedtride once daily?
@maritanix3677 4 ай бұрын
Ein sehr interessanter Vortrag , Grüße Wolfhart Huhn, aus Wuppertal
@wildhumans8116 4 ай бұрын
Paliperidone sucks, doctors gaslight. This industry is fraut with subjective bullshit, many doctors dont understand the phenomenon theyre treating.
@theSilvioRoesler 4 ай бұрын
Such great panel, thank you a million for making it available to the public. People need to be educated on this topic to make an informed decision.
@dragi2163 4 ай бұрын
This was great presentation, humble and with courage. Courage which is missed by doctors last e few years, years of torture with biochemical agents. 90% of them turned the head aside, not hurting superiors from WHO! They lost respect from more patients; but, what else, we have to visit doctors. We have to believe them! Pharmaceuticals - the most profitable business, in the visinity of makeing weapons... Power and money. Unbelievable, Urology re to prostate is not advancing. Like in dentistry, and other types of mediicne for human body. Prostate problems, neverending worries. Help!
@williamparker1085 4 ай бұрын
i have a very high level and have been sent to a urologist twice only to be told my prostate is fine
@kenp7580 4 ай бұрын
Painful presenter to listen to.
@AAa-qd8hb 4 ай бұрын
PSA is a worthless test. Most men have the slow cancer which is not cancer. Do nothing because treatment does not work and diapers will be needed after this treatment scam IMO.
@larsgothe6961 5 ай бұрын
It’s been 20 years now and still doctors hasn’t fund a proper good treatment mostly guys who gets robot operated remains incontinense through rest of their life’s. This is no good living quality. It’s shame that doctors keep on operating people when patients come up to over 4. The evidence is to bad it feels that the whole care about prostate is lost cause . Science has made poor guys to lab rats of science that still isn’t solved.
@larsgothe6961 5 ай бұрын
This doctors are over estimating the issue about prostate cancer. Feels like doctors playing with people even if have low PSA . In couple of years this will proven all this doctors are wrong in many issue this doctors talk about.
@garymitchell6056 5 ай бұрын
All a PSA is - is a "check engine light" - it tells you to pay attention to your prostate. Sure it could be BPH or Prostatitis - but it could also be prostate cancer. I didnt have a psa until I was 67 - and exhibiting major negative symptoms - when I did have it - my psa was 99 - and I had bone metastases! Dont be put off - the earlier you get the prostate cancer diagnosed - the better off you will be!!
@megalewy19 5 ай бұрын
Hi can i have the name of this man please ive got a problem will need information on a medical basis take care all Trevor
@mervschetter3244 5 ай бұрын
Hospitals just want to generate more money???????
@user-og2tv9im6c 5 ай бұрын
41 years ago I was told I had the "S$$t" and had 1 year to live. My family took out a $500,000 whole life insurance policy on myself. I'm 63 and have outlived both parents. He lived to be 79 and she lived to be 89 years old. Although on disability I'm currently living off of the $500,000 life insurance policy. God is good!!!🎉
@rjh1226 5 ай бұрын
My PSA has been tremendous for over a decade. My Doc plotted a graph and only when I had a spike up or down he was concerned. I have. had one biopsy . When it went to 21 a few Months ago he did a Sonogram in his Office to make sure my Bladder was emptying. My PSI dropped to a 15. He told me my Graph was a steady upward slope. I am on two Meds. I am 67 and erections are no issue. Orgasm aren’t either. Desire, I am losing it, I like younger Women Plus it just doesn’t matter. Trust again?
@gerardorevilla89 5 ай бұрын
Moral of the story, don't be a dick!
@germanarturo11 5 ай бұрын
A test that cost us billions, its not accurate to say the least, the FDA approved and don't reevaluate or review? Maybe we should look at the people that work in the FDA, who they are most likely selling themselves to different companies... follow the money!!! Criminal Behavior.
@45graham45 5 ай бұрын
My take from this is that random screening is a waste of time. But in men with symptoms using psa trending values & considering age / prostate size can result in effective diagnosis of prostate cancer (not 100% of course). Or have I misunderstood?
@kelz6569 5 ай бұрын
PSA is a workers union in New Zealand, maybe the PSA are literally taking the piss out of everything
@robshaw3655 5 ай бұрын
Im in the UK where we dont directly pay for our treatment. Im also a conspiracy theorist according to some (911 only) but i didnt take the covid jab mainly on the basisi of the speed it was brought in. That said I have had 3 psa tests over about a year and it has steadily risen, dre suggested enlargement on one side, mri was inconclusive. after the last psa of 11 I have a biopsy due latwer in Feb. from the research ive managed to glean is that a PSA of 11 suggest over a 50% chance of prostate cancer. The result of the biopsy will determine any cancer and what stage. I think its at that point where bigger decisions need to be made. No treatment at low level cancer doesnt affect life expectancy much compared to treatment. It seems its only in the higher cancers that treatments have been seen to give longer life expectancies than no treatment. Those stats are also based on data from 10 years ago.
@MsSilver41 5 ай бұрын
So PSA screening and breast screening are the same , over diagnosis and over treatment . No wonder so many doctors now are saying we don’t have a health system we have a sick system .
@rconger24 5 ай бұрын
32:10. PSA test screening is Tissue/Organ Specific not Cancer specific. 47:55. An age related disease. PSA is a bad test. 55:39. 1:26:00 " And I would remind you of your hypocratic oath."
@DavidBorda-oz9mu 5 ай бұрын
Quack Quack Quack
@mikebell6869 5 ай бұрын
No digital rectal exam after 40 gives you a good chance to die early for no reason. My psa was 4.2 and the tumor was out of the prostate and entering my rectum. Good luck to those who think testing is a hoax.
@phukit5456 5 ай бұрын
Those German accents make me leery of another Dr.Mengele.
@raymondgross6419 5 ай бұрын
Thank you
@rickelpers1820 5 ай бұрын
Years ago a friend died of prostate cancer. If his procedures include vitamin sad , perhaps he’d still be alive.
@ivomedic5745 6 ай бұрын
According to your presentation all man’s will eventually in life develop prostatic cancer .
@Shutityou 4 ай бұрын
That’s more or less correct, but we die of other things too. My dad died of it but he was 82. Used to wash his hands with petrol after working on engines. Abused his body his whole life and was working until the last year.
@IsaacNussbaum 6 ай бұрын
I can't decide if this is an instructional video or a demonstration on how best to alienate an audience. Perhaps it is both.