Debating Abortion At The DNC
@Chasing-Red 10 секунд бұрын
Anyone who believes in the right to kill their unborn child, the child has no choice, nor are you taking a responsibility to sleep around. At least use protection for heaven sake.
@prosantapaul1698 2 минут бұрын
Wow that’s crazy
@prosantapaul1698 5 минут бұрын
The baby killing escorts are dress like the lbgt groomer flag too. Man it’s just all bad for the kids with lbgt agendas.
@nicolepere2056 6 минут бұрын
I really wish Dr. Carson was running for president. He is a very knowledgeable and successful man. This was a great and informative interview.
@prosantapaul1698 8 минут бұрын
Yes men need to step up. Be responsible with who you give a baby to too.
@SmileBeautiful100 9 минут бұрын
Im infertile. Tried everything you could think of IVF , medications and no luck. If you are currently pregnant or have been blessed with biological children never take for granted one second.
@WGoldenDelicious 12 минут бұрын
Because she believes in eugenics, Planned Parenthood isn't an organization designed to help people. It's designed to cull the population. A goal it has succeeded at in leaps and bounds. So much so that nobody's going to be able to take care of us when we're old. Abort the children and abort the future, the numbers don't lie.
@rustyshackelford934 14 минут бұрын
“Why does she sound more like an unhinged racist dictator, than a health care provider?” “She probably is.” Hahahaha
@geniespice1 15 минут бұрын
What was the title of the book she said toward the beginning of the interview?
@Viper-g6g 15 минут бұрын
I wouldn’t want to see my appendectomy either but I still needed one 😂
@prosantapaul1698 19 минут бұрын
I think at 6 weeks the baby has a heartbeat. Those babies go through a horrible death during abortions…now I know.
@thegeeg1751 23 минут бұрын
And they call it "women's health care". Who believes that?
@prosantapaul1698 24 минут бұрын
Making perform abortions is cruel too. It’s worse than forensic pathogists… those bodies aren’t alive like these developed babies in the womb.
@bettyfourman5438 26 минут бұрын
How can this woman kill her baby at this age....? Oh my gosh, and talk about how it might affect her ... with no thought of her baby ready to be born.
@jessica8471 29 минут бұрын
My husband and I tried for 10 years. It was so hard seeing that negative over and over again. So now we are on the adoption journey, hopefully this will be our year ❤
@anlangms4208 39 минут бұрын
Barbaric !
@marciimeris503 41 минут бұрын
The founder of Disney literally loved the H man. Just because the founder or owner has done/said something bad doesn't mean the thing itself is bad. Chic fil A for example. The owner literally funds conversion therapy camps which are proven not only completely ineffective, but are essentially medieval torture. But chic fil a employees and the food are still great.
@alanolson6913 45 минут бұрын
It isn’t just ‘my choice, my body’ …..there’s another body inside - the baby’s body. Interesting how all of these pro-death supporters were born.
@NelliotMess 50 минут бұрын
Watching an actual abortion, changed my mind instantly. EVERYBODY should have to watch the video I saw. Only the most psychotic personalities among us would still be in favor of abortion. ☕☕☕😎🇺🇸
@RhiannaBarr 51 минут бұрын
Thank you Karen. As a woman with ASD 1..ive heard these arguments myself. Truly heartbreaking. you, i graduated both high school and have a degree in music technology, have a choral leadership degree as well as operating my own recirx company as an independent artist. To all that want to linit me, i say... sorry no
@BakoSooner 55 минут бұрын
Democrats main position on this election has been 1) Orangeman bad, 2) right to kill a baby and 3) putting men in women’s space. Why? Because they can’t stand behind their open border, record inflation, new wars and high crimes. I can accept abortion under certain circumstances. But on most situations people should practice abstinence, protection and just common sense. My body, my choice? Did the fetus (a human life form) agree to that decision?
@crisspyg.9742 55 минут бұрын
😂 what did you trip and fall on it?
@bumpercoach 56 минут бұрын
DO YOUR JOB Ms Lilah Rose... Trump did his job like Moses with the Red Sea ... If you want a ban nationwide then YOU need to DO THE WORK convincing 60+% in every state it's murder and how it misleads women to ruin their lives... you may as we'll blame God for not doing it FOR you
@called7bn Сағат бұрын
This looks like such an important conversation needed to change hearts and minds. Thank you!
@MultiMakiss Сағат бұрын
Like my mother she lost one kid(probably the same way she almost lost me)she took pills and injections to destroy me but i came out perfectly healthy and doctors was baffled (they knew what she was taking for so long)😢doctors are one of the worse human beings ever they have no emotions about human life,theybdont care if anyone dies on their hands.thats why i dont go at alk to doctors i dont trust them and i dont use anything from what they suggest to give me.i only use the ones i choose to use such as creams or very low chemical medicines further no way to trust them.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Сағат бұрын
@Apoc_Bone_Daddy Сағат бұрын
Margaret says horrible shit "i support planned parenthood" Trump says shit that's true "ORANGE MAN BAD"
@MrGrumblier Сағат бұрын
There is a very good reason why Margaret Sanger sounded like a racist. Planned Parenthood was originally formed as a eugenics program. In fact, the USA and other nations all praised the German eugenics programs as being exemplary models that the world would do well to emulate. Then, of course, WWII and the holocaust happened and everyone began to distance themselves from anything that even hinted at being favourable to the German regime and The American Birth Control League became Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
@AntisocialRedNeckNerd Сағат бұрын
Liberals are very good at naming things to hide the truth. It should be called Unborn Baby Murder Inc.
@coreyhholliwwa1857 Сағат бұрын
Thank you for this video,don’t let KZbin remove it,keep sharing
@sherrycatanese4312 Сағат бұрын
God bless you for all you’ve been through. How traumatic and horrible to go through at such a tender age. Your video will save lives. ❤️
@MichaelWilliams-se3vc Сағат бұрын
What the hell do you want lady