What's "Good" Tea Spilling?
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The State of "Irrelevant"
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Cult Followings and Fousey
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The "Spidey Response" Backlash
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The "Leveling System"
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Permadeath Probe (ft. Jarbs)
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Sentient Gamers (ft. HappyCraftTV)
Creation Club Aftermath
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Rummaging Reboots and Revivals
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TF2 Controversy Debunked
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The Worst of Steam
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Bubsy Returns
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A Game for Normies
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Mega Man Montage (Super Smash Bros.)
@neonknight4318 Күн бұрын
They STILL haven't paid Mick Gordon?
@ctrlaltrees Күн бұрын
Shame about the galaxy brain "acktewally" comments nitpicking unimportant things, this is an excellent video
@blunderly Күн бұрын
@@ctrlaltrees Ay I appreciate you. In their defense I’m like a good bit younger than Quake itself so trying to get all my stuff together with these games was a fun challenge for me that I could’ve done better if I made the video twice as long lol.
@willhenley525 2 күн бұрын
Great video from a man named blunderly🔥🔥
@Jkaninteangemittnamn 2 күн бұрын
Nightmare should have removed the maps zonelight feature and use only pointlight sources , faster shoting enemies might be hard but the devs seems not to have played the difficulty to realise its boring - just as when you do 1/3 of mobs health in WoW means the mobs never do his intented attacks and abilites since hes dead which make old wow classic the game to play . I geuss in a modern quake the devs would add a lot of mapfog instead of having or removing zonelight - which is just as bad as always lit up textures
@LinkageAX 2 күн бұрын
Its good to see new people covering quake!
@wickednature2062 2 күн бұрын
quake is a misfit series of games, every game was changed vastly in some way to differ from the original vision i.e quake being an rpg, wor being quake 2 and tim willits hard on for quake 4
@Eurynomos326 2 күн бұрын
Cool vid. Bit pessimistic but it's hard not to be. The thing about being sad that John Carmack isn't doing John Carmack things any more, is that all those old John Carmack things still exist. We can and do still play Quake 1, regardless of Champions or Quake 6. Also Quake Champions is kinda sick af. I don't really play it much but I do watch the pro scene and it's the same feeling of watching pro matches back in the day but regular and with good video quality.
@Eurynomos326 2 күн бұрын
@blunderly 2 күн бұрын
I actually really enjoyed Quake Champions when I played recently to get footage for this vid. It's a good game and actually kinda easy to adjust to aside from the garbage about unlocking the characters and their abilities which I think is kinda annoying.
@Nob1ej0n 2 күн бұрын
Geez, dude. I've never heard of your channel, but this came up in my recommends. You definitely come at this decades later and missed a lot of context. You give Quake a lot of credit where you shouldn't. Right from the start, "Finer details like Quake adding the ability to jump." That wasn't a monumental design decision for Quake, and DOOM's designers weren't just idiots who missed something obvious. In 1993, making a game like DOOM was already nearly impossible. The one developer who could make it happen, John Carmack, was in the right place at the right time. Non-orthoginal walls, different light levels per sector, and variable floor heights with unique floor and ceiling textures were already mind-boggling technical achievements. It's witchcraft that we got it at all on machines build for spreadsheets (PCs, using a 386 processor, were probably the worst gaming hardware available in 93), and beyond impressive that DOOM is just as fun today as when it released. In 96, when Intel Pentium processors were becoming common, a fully 3D world with jumping was the obvious next step, one that the same brilliant developer had been working on for three years, not a brilliant decision by game designers. John Carmack was not a game designer. He made engines, and then left it to the rest of the staff to make a game out of it. A lot of your criticism seems to come down to 3D good 2D bad, and I highly disagree. 3D good, but 2D also good. Creativity isn't necessarily in what you add, but in what you do within constraints. Both games faced a lot of constraints, in terms of hardware, time, money, and staff. DOOM had more constraints in each area. So long as you're missing this mark, you're being highly subjective and masking it in hand-waving objectivity. Each of the points you raise about what makes Quake good were also true of DOOM. "The Genius of Quake" is an incremental increase from what was already established with DOOM, except Quake was thrown together at the last minute from a hodge-podge of unrelated maps so they'd have something to release. A result of having fewer constraints. You seem to be comparing Quake at its best with DOOM at its worst, or else you wouldn't be saying what you were to compare them. (Seriously? The soundtrack sucks because you didn't like one song? Absolutely no bangers in there? Really?) - DOOM had memorable locations in its maps to help make navigation easier. Watch John Romero play through DOOM Episode 1 with IGN where he explains some of the design decisions. - Id didn't "condense levels" in Quake to make them easier. They're condensed because the hardware in 96 couldn't handle anything bigger. Maps had to be trimmed to run at all. (See the updated E2M6 for a large chunk of the original map that was restored in the remaster.) Same reason why levels in DOOM are smaller than DOOM II. Hardware got better in 94. And yet they still have convoluted maps in both Quake and DOOM. - They didn't get better with keys in Quake. DOOM already dangled carrots to show you what you were looking for. - "Finding" and "reaching" aren't monumentally different. One is about the journey, the other is about the destination. They're part of the same design loop. You do both in both games. - You keep saying "stumbling through corridors" about DOOM's maps, when DOOM has more outdoor areas than Quake and more wide open areas. You're stumbling through corridors moreso in Quake. Just because levels could have floors over floors doesn't mean they did. Lots of corridors in there. - DOOM also teaches weapon and monster mechanics within the level design. - DOOM's monsters did require you to "locomote", especially with the DOOM II arsenal (mancubi, revanants, arch-viles, pain elementals). Some surround you in melee range, some use hitscan from afar, and some throw projectiles. Some have to hit you directly, some can hit you with splash damage. Many of DOOM's monsters also had both melee and ranged attacks. Combat changes based on the types of enemies, the verticality of the environment, and the weapons, ammo, and items available. - On higher difficulties, monster and item placement also changes on DOOM, which does necessitate a change in strategy. I could go on, because it's literally every point you make to compare them that misses the mark. But the thing is, you like Quake more. And that's fine! I've sunk hundreds of hours into Quake myself since 96. From DOS to WinQuake to GLQuake to many source ports and different platforms. I even have all the achievements on multiple platforms, so I've definitely spent a lot of time in the remaster too. The majority of my time in Quake was single player, but I also sank a couple hundred hours into multiplayer over the years. It doesn't bother me that you like Quake. It bothers me that to say you like Quake you criticize DOOM when literally all of your criticisms are misrepresentations. I get it, welcome to KZbin 2024 when everything has to be controversial to get clicks and create engagement. And here I am feeding the algorithm as we speak. But come on. DOOM is objectively a great game, whether its your cup of tea or not. You don't have to say otherwise to say that Quake is worth playing. Okay, now that I've written a novel, KZbin will just delete my comment. Carry on, I guess.
@blunderly Күн бұрын
I do believe in the idea that good things can be born of technical limitations. Even if Id's intent isn't why something in Quake is the way it is, that doesn't negate the effectiveness of it? I like how it's condensed, whether intentional or not. This isn't really a video meant to tackle why Quake is better than Doom or something like a Sequelitis, simply to appreciate Quake for what it is with some light comparisons to Doom at best. I still think it's easier to get lost in Doom than Quake, but I do agree that distinct areas were more prevalent in Doom. Bigger levels makes it easier to get lost in general, but I admit I hyperbolized the maze aspect of Doom. It's really not that bad once you get adjusted, I just think Quake's verticality makes adjusting to that nowadays easier. If I say Quake does something more (or better) like with the keys, that doesn't mean Doom didn't do it at all. It's refining versus inventing. Also, it is just my opinion. I love both games.
@blunderly Күн бұрын
And I do like the soundtrack of Doom. There are many examples in it that are effective at matching the feel of levels. That was just an example of one that didn't work for me. I don't have to say I dislike Doom to say I like the direction Quake was going with the Doom formula. Both are exceptional games. I appreciate your time leaving the comment, it's given me a lot to think about with my biases and understanding that I'm coming to the games as an infant basically. But I disagree with what you assume about me just needing clicks or implying that I'm grifting or something.
@Nob1ej0n Күн бұрын
​@@blunderly First, I want to thank you for your thoughtful reply. I am surprised KZbin didn't delete my comment, and I'm happy it didn't. I appreciate your perspective. And I'm sorry if my comment offended you personally in any way. Contrary to what my comments may have sounded like, I wasn't trying to imply or assume that you said what you said for clicks, just that the way it came across, which really does seem like a list of things that Quake did well and DOOM didn't, got engagement, and that's why KZbin recommended it to me. I'm happy to hear you like both. That didn't come across in the video, but, as I said, this is the first video of yours I've seen. Maybe you shared your opinion of DOOM in another video, or videos. I don't have that context, and this video made it seem like you were upset with the praise that DOOM received and didn't think it deserved it, while Quake did. I disagreed, so I shared my view. I more than agree that good can come of technical limitations. It wasn't idly that I said, "Creativity isn't necessarily in what you add, but in what you do within constraints." Constraints and limitations are what creativity needs. I do agree that Quake did well within the limitations of level size. My biggest disappointments with Quake (speaking as someone who waited patiently for its release and then stormed the local software stores for the shareware CD) was in how it lacked any cohesion, and played like Id didn't learn anything from the successes and failures of DOOM. It felt like 60% of what made DOOM great, and then Id figured the 3D paint job made up for the rest. Maybe a slightly unfair modern parallel with help illustrate how it felt in 1996, but if DOOM was Lord of the Rings, Quake was The Hobbit. They had too much success with DOOM and it got to their heads. Quake was a mess. I was a teenager when I formed that opinion and still carry it to this day. To be honest, I still consider Quake a poor game in comparison. However, and this may cause further controversy, I think Quake is the best of the trilogy. (I say trilogy because Id made 1-3. Quake 4 was made by Raven. I honestly really like Quake 4. But it's not an Id game, so I'm not comparing it here.) Quake 2 was much too clunky, and too ambitious for my tastes. (I just played the full game again last month, with all its expansions, in the remaster. By the end, I was really just counting down the levels until I could be done and move on with my life.) And I honestly hated Quake 3. This is with the context for the mid to late 90s when Id was no longer the only kid on the FPS block. Games like Blood, Half-Life, and Unreal Tournament far surpassed Id's work by the time Quake 3 came out. I think the tech of Quake really kept it alive, while the design did not. (I'm specifically referring to the disjointed nature of the sci-fi and Lovecraftian themes. The game didn't know what it wanted to be because no one was taking charge of the overall design. Map makers just did whatever they wanted. Some liked tech bases and slipgates. Some liked horror. And then they slapped everything together and called it a game.) And I know you'll disagree with me. That's fine. We don't need to agree. I still have fun with it, but I think it could have been so much more than it was. That said, there are some areas where Quake absolutely excelled. I think that the physics, multiplayer, WASD + mouselook, modding, and 3D acceleration in Quake (noting that VQuake and GLQuake were not available upon release) really did a lot for FPS as a genre and gaming as a whole. Much of the world doesn't appreciate how influential these aspects were. (I will note that DOOM created deathmatch, supported WASD + mouse from release, and was built with mod support. But each of these were more limited. And Quake did more than a slight bump up in each of these.) Rocket jumping and bunny hopping are huge. Not an intentional design decision, but great for the feel and free-form nature of movement (and exploiting these movement mechanics did a lot to popularize speed-running on the web). Fast and smooth 16 player online multiplayer was huge. (Thank you, QuakeWorld.) Defining our modern WASD + mouselook first-person control scheme was huge. (Although, to be fair, that came from deathmatch players sharing their control schemes. Quake didn't have any option in the menus to enable mouselook. That had to be done with console commands and cfg file tweaks.) Having deep support for modding basically everything about the game was huge. Assets could already be changed in DOOM, but QuakeC allowed modders to change the very nature of the game completely. And the mods created new deathmatch modes, new genres, new full games, and launched many careers. Being among the first games to support 3D acceleration cards really did a lot to legitimize the hardware, and having a killer app made it more financially viable to mass produce. Back then, 3D accelerators were add-on cards. You had a video card for 2D. You had to buy a separate accelerator card (or cards) for 3D. And it didn't make sense why you would do that until there were games to support it. I honestly love the influence Quake has had on modern gaming. I will never diminish that. And I still have fun with the game. I especially liked the Dimensions of the Machine add-on that Machine Games did for the remaster. But in terms of design, I still think DOOM is a superior game. So this video pushed a lot of buttons for me in a negative way. I appreciate that you took the time to read and respond to my thoughts. This is definitely my own opinion. And I really don't know many who share it, if anyone. But I appreciate talking about these games. They still mean a lot to me. And I appreciate being able to discuss them thoughtfully with others. So thank you. I also didn't notice when I first watched this video how small your channel is. Who says The Algorithm doesn't recommend small channels? Congrats on breaking 1000 subs! I hope you have more success!
@Nob1ej0n Күн бұрын
In hindsight, I feel bad about using that LotR/Hobbit analogy without context as I did. I feel that I need to say I actually like The Hobbit trilogy, while most people don't. It's not nearly as good as LotR, but I still enjoy it. So when I compare the two, I'm comparing them based on how I feel about them, not how others feel. Some people loath The Hobbit. And if you do, that's not what I meant by comparing DOOM and Quake. I only wanted to illustrate that Id came off a high and let it get to their heads. And Quake isn't as good as it could have been because of it.
@blunderly Күн бұрын
I’m not offended by your comments, I appreciate them! I upload videos to talk about games like this so it’s fun for me and thanks for taking time out of your day to watch and analyze my vid. Just wanted to clarify my intent mostly. To be honest I’ve only made like two videos discussing games like this so I’m still learning and Id Software history is difficult to tackle so I definitely can concede on some of your points. I agree Id let a lot get to their heads, Quake is a messy game and there’s a reason Id sort of fell apart after it. It’s why I left the video off mentioning how it has a lot of untapped potential so I’m definitely with you on how it’s thematically jumbled. Doom is the more refined experience and most people will probably agree with that. Thanks again for the discussion and the well wishes! I hate how KZbin is with comments, glad it didn’t get rid of yours.
@elio7610 2 күн бұрын
Quake just seems like another Doom game but with a different title. The whole concept just seems to be the same as Doom, only difference is technical improvements. The level design may have different trends but that is just what would be expected from a Doom sequel anyway.
@blunderly Күн бұрын
There are similarities, I don't think anyone would argue that they occupy a similar space. But there is a distinct feel to it, especially if you're comparing the "firsts" of each franchise.
@BillyBlazeTheKeenest 2 күн бұрын
Great video. Insta-subscribe from me dude.
@blunderly 2 күн бұрын
@@BillyBlazeTheKeenest Appreciate you!
@KingPBJames 2 күн бұрын
I never gave enough credit to Quake 1's gameplay so thank you for this video. I was firmly in the Duke 3D camp since it was just so much more immersive despite the outdated tech of sprites in a pseudo-3D world. Quake 3 is what got me to give 1 a real try but I still didn't get it. It was just too brown, dungeon-y, and monotonous. And I really liked Quake 2. I wonder if that game had been named Doom 3 would it have been received better?
@blunderly 2 күн бұрын
Thanks! True I have tons of what-if's with the Quake franchise.
@SanValentin199 2 күн бұрын
When i play doom I feel the demons are trapped in hell with me With quake i feel like wimpy cat trapped in cage with a horde of dogs with rabbies
@Schraiber 2 күн бұрын
Omg I've never felt so seen. It's like you read my thoughts and put them into actual words about why I prefer Quake to Doom.
@blunderly 2 күн бұрын
@@Schraiber you get me
@jakechiasson6786 2 күн бұрын
Anyone else think the thumbnail looks like Murderface?
@blunderly Күн бұрын
lmao I can see it
@toninhosoldierhelmet4033 3 күн бұрын
it does mildly annoy me that were almost at the third modern sp doom, but quake? nah dog if you want something new go after some modder food or go play QC or whatever.
@blunderly 3 күн бұрын
@@toninhosoldierhelmet4033 Yeah I have a feeling that Id and Bethesda don’t want to share the market with Quake since they’ve gone all in on the Doom franchise. Or they’ll keep it forever multiplayer.
@un1d 3 күн бұрын
Even though nightmare difficulty is pretty poorly designed, I still massively appreciate that they did not want to touch the HP of enemies. Knowing how many shots of each weapon it takes to kill each enemy is some really satisfying game knowledge to learn.
@blunderly 3 күн бұрын
I agree 100%. there's a satisfaction in building that routine.
@nezhakan 3 күн бұрын
Quake was overshadowed by Duke. Duke was simpler but so much more fun, than dark shitty quake.
@blunderly 3 күн бұрын
I disagree, hard to see Quake being overshadowed by Duke considering Quake's multiplayer. But the market was more saturated than when Id released Doom.
@nezhakan 2 күн бұрын
@@blunderly Duke had own multiplayer as well, not so incredible as quake, but had it. And worked perfectly on 486@100Mhz and higher, while quake required Pentium 100MHz to play at reasonable framerate for multiplayer. Ofc, we played at 10-15 fps on 486, but experience are far from perfect ).
@danielginerminana2361 3 күн бұрын
There is a configuration in the sourceport that makes quake crispy like the original but maintaining the hd resolution, you should try It out
@blunderly 3 күн бұрын
that sounds good! will look into it
@DisgruntledDoomer 3 күн бұрын
If Quake is a "boomer shooter", then Mario is a "boomer platformer"...
@-41337 3 күн бұрын
time to replay quake
@unrealengine1enhanced 3 күн бұрын
quake champions seems like an unreal tournament rip off, lol. even the quad damage effect is there.
@blunderly 3 күн бұрын
I feel it's more likely that they borrowed elements from each other's franchises.
@impairedtrout6917 3 күн бұрын
Very well done video. If you keep doing this format you'll get more subs
@iroxudont 3 күн бұрын
Getting music to work on quake is a such a fucking arcane knowledge.
@wickednature2062 2 күн бұрын
tried getting the mark v port before id remastered the game, and I am not joking when I say there was no information on how to install the port
@2ndbrid 3 күн бұрын
I should not have twice as many subs as you
@blunderly 3 күн бұрын
ha I wouldn't phrase it like that myself but ty!
@Jax49 4 күн бұрын
what a great thumbnail, dude... i did similar one like a year ago, not as good as yours ♥
@blunderly 4 күн бұрын
hey thanks! would love to see what yours was sometime
@Jax49 4 күн бұрын
@@blunderly haha, youre so awesome! Jax49- *Quake 1 - E1M1 Pacifist (October 21 2021)* Jax49Gameplay- *Im gonna slap Shub-Niggurath!* It's nothing really, but do i love creating 'for myself'
@blunderly 4 күн бұрын
@@Jax49 I dig it! I like the branding you got on it. Videos should be made for yourself first so that's a good mindset.
@Jax49 4 күн бұрын
@@blunderly Holy shi- you actually did it, WOW what an honor ♥ Thanks a lot! Appericiate it
@billyboy3840 4 күн бұрын
napoleon dynamite here telling me about the beauty of quake
@carloRX78K2 4 күн бұрын
Ironwail sourceport man, the easiest way to play quake
@henryambrose8607 4 күн бұрын
To clarify about nightmare: - The original version made enemies do ranged attacks more frequently. It also makes vore projectiles move faster, all enemies flinch less frequently, and each shambler lightning blast last longer (which equates to 10 extra damage). - The Copper mod _used to_ make nightmare the same as hard but with base hp lowered to 50, but version 1.30 scraps that in favour of an individual buff for each monster that suits its role - I assume this is what you meant by "smarter instead of faster", but I wouldn't say it's entirely accurate. Some enemies still shoot faster without being as exploitable, some move faster, and others have more specific changes. The mod also improves enemy AI in small ways across all difficulties. The current version of Copper is my favourite iteration of nightmare (and Quake's base feature set in general) by far. - The 2021 rerelease has the 50hp cap that Copper used to have, as well as the faster vore projectiles and reduced flinch frequency from the original version.
@blunderly 4 күн бұрын
Yeah the other changes nightmare makes from hard I actually like such as flinching less, I mainly mentioned the fast attacks because it's the most noticeable and honestly not the best. Good to know those details about copper!
@Kroenchkin 4 күн бұрын
I can recommend the turok remaster for a somewhat similar game experience , in fact there is a quake mod campagin for turok
@blunderly 4 күн бұрын
I need to try that, I've heard a couple things here and there but had no idea there was a mod!
@MarioVelezBThinkin 5 күн бұрын
oh my god. Another person who can't keep up with their content creation.... my people. Great video dude. I would love to watch more.
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
@@MarioVelezBThinkin Haha ikr it’s tough, hopefully will change but I’ve learned it’s best not to make promises to anyone but yourself! Thanks!
@jconley2795 5 күн бұрын
5:48 Crazy how Lovecraft was so racist he named a diety after the N word
@IzunaSlap 5 күн бұрын
Shub Niggurath makes Doom 2 Icon of Sin look like Ocarina of Time Ganon in comparison
@aanproduction1516 5 күн бұрын
So, let's digest this video I'm surprised you called Quake map design "less convoluted". There is no map to look at, the 3D enviroment in a lot of cases is convoluted and dissorienting, a lot of the areas use the same brown colored textures and the architech has a pretty repetative shapes. Two explicit examples of that are first and the last map of episode 2. Keys being shown to the player but being out of reach isn't unique, since Doom had the same thing in few levels, but I think the reason why it's more prominent in Quake is that it's much easier to miss it compare to Doom's ones -- no vibrant main colors, no glowing , just spinning in place. The teaching aspect is kinda...got out of nowhere to be honest, at least the first example is just...bad. The dinamicy of enemies is...prominent in some cases, but HO HO they ARE quite a bullet sponges. Especially considering how after few levels of each episode Quake constantly uses only 3 types of enemies: ogres, fiends and dread knights. Enemy design has some...weird decisions too, like how Vore's projectile is near impossible to get rid off, a lot of enemies being too spongey for using anything but rocket launcher and super nailgun for the rest of the campain, only shotgunning some dread knights out of necesssity. Also, some placement is just unforgivably cruel or annoying for no reason, like 2 fiends in the end of episode 3. They just cause you to die ince, then when you know they are here you have to jump to the side, and then do a D-tour back to the exit. Also, the existance of Spawns just makes the balance even worse (not that it was super great from the beginning) Soundtrack? Works in every situation? Eh...no. It's same-y, gives one type of mood throughout the game. Doom's one experimented with variety of themes, from Suspense to Kitchen Ace, from Signs of Evil to The Demons from Adrian's Pen. Also, half an hour on that small ass maze? You just bad, dude. Tim Willits is a douche. He is well known for his pride and the story how he helped American McGee made a bad map when he was directed to learn from him by Carmack (in the middle of already really tough development) should tell you all about him. His words are as trusty as a faulty beam
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
I don't think Quake needs a map to navigate it. Shit is good at conveyance with clever enemy placements, portals and lifts directing your attention. There are obvious flaws in it considering diff people designed diff levels and some are worse than others. I think getting lost is a little more baked into Doom than you're letting on, which is the point of the design of some areas of levels. I think the vore's projectile usually makes it feel like it's my fault if I ate it. The level design does teach a lot to the player, and I was never bothered by spending more time taking down enemies since there is a lot of moving and avoiding projectiles that makes it not feel dull. The soundtrack does not feel same-y, unless by same-y you mean consistent. I think it enhances the atmosphere. Doom does have parts of levels that showcase a key ahead of time, but like you said it was less often than Quake so of course I'd prefer that more often? You might just not like Quake, which is fine, but you seem to be trying really hard to avoid giving the game any credit whatsoever.
@aanproduction1516 5 күн бұрын
@@blunderly I can give Quake's credit, I just don't think your points is really working. And your additional comment is basically saying "You wrong" for every topic I've pointed out. Credit where credits do, but downsides of the game can't be easily overlooked. And I know, I've played and somewhat enjoyed Quake, wanted to even try out expantions, but they didn't lauch. "baked into Doom" that's...sounds surprisingly racist. Especially from the guy who got stuck on a 3 minute area, like c'mon. Maybe you've just played Quake a billion times and remember all the passages, but it doesn't mean they are good at navigating player. "Never bothered to take down enemies" good for you, doesn't really make it a great design, especially when you are low on anything but shells. Also, using ONLY the enemies that takes 4 Double-barrell blasts throughout most levels just get's tidious. Soundtrack -- you've completely missed my point. Quake's soundtrack adds ONLY to the atmosphere. But it's not really a great music by itself, nor is it adds any fits different themes all that well. Doom's soundtrack did a much better job at that.
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
@@aanproduction1516 Racist??
@aanproduction1516 5 күн бұрын
@@blunderly yeah, I know, sounds dumb. But for some reason it kinda does sounds racist.
@TwistOfTransistor 5 күн бұрын
The original Quake is a definitive masterpiece
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
@somnvm37 5 күн бұрын
one thing that I love about the quake shotgun is that it has a rhythm, how often do you shoot, strafe, and then shoot again esp with the hellknight [i think it may just be the best enemy in the game btw, also ogre], and when you're too tired of it you can whipe out the nailgun or the perfarator [yes that's the name for the objectively better nailgun] and quickly kill the enemy, you do think of how the projectiles work though.
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
I thought it was just super nailgun lol good to know. But yes there's something so satisfying about the shotgun, especially the double barrel. It becomes very rhythmic when you build a general idea of how many shots it'll take to down an enemy too.
@404waffles 3 күн бұрын
like how high level players use the shotgun's rhythm to time grenade jumps
@criptfiv3 5 күн бұрын
i love the first quake game: it innovated the fps landscape, gave us rocket jumping, birthed half-life and team fortress, has a unique and awesome theme. its such a shame the actual sequel to the first quake, which would have been quake 6 was rebranded into doom dark ages. (you cannot tell me id decided to coincidentally make a fantasy fps with a medieval theme and have it be for the doom franchise)
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
I know right that's how I felt when I saw the trailer too. It's kind of a shame because I'm not really a fan of Doom's narrative direction recently (I know people don't usually care about it but still). It's crazy how much impact Quake had on game development, even to this day.
@Italian_Isaac_Clarke 5 күн бұрын
Resident Hill
@kozlorog 5 күн бұрын
I liked Quake. I LOVED the original Nightmare Quake. Yeah, I got the point that Nightmare makes enemies dumber by making them hyper-agressive. But by making them so, it also makes them play DIFFERENT from any other difficulty. What's the point of playing slightly harder Hard? More enemies with more health hardly make for a new experience. Here I am, completed the game, telefraged the last boss and want more Quake on Hard. I don't want to do it again, I want something new. I know the locations, I know enemy patterns all too well. That's where Nightmare comes in. Familiar places and enemies now require a completely different approach! Yeah, ogres mindlessly spam you with granades... AIN'T THAT AWESOME?! YOU HAVE TO DODGE ALL THE NADES WHILE SHOOTING THEM BACK! Yeah, Shamblers spam their lightnings at you... AND FORCE YOU TO COME TO LITERALLY FACE TO FACE WITH THEM TO TRIGGER THEIR MELEE ATTACK SO THEY DON'T SHRED YOU INTO PIECES WITH THEIR RANGED. YOU ARE DANCING WITH A BEAR WHERE A MISSTEP IS DEATH. In Quake, enemies do a ranged attack and then walk to you. This walking stage gives you a breather. On Nightmare, there is no breather. When you look at enemies one by one, Nightmare might seem to dumb down the dynamic of the game. But that's not how the game plays. It throws various types of enemies at you at the same time. And on Nightmare, they don't try to close distance. They attack you. All at once. And they don't stop until YOU stop them. And you have to dodge and shoot back and adapt. That's why I HATE remastered Nightmare. It is just slightlt harder Hard. If at all harder. What do 50 hp matter if I know all enemy patterns and can dodge them easily? When I played on Remastered Nightmare, I did not feel difficulty. I felt boredom. You have a clear concept of Quake enemy deisgn and how it should affect the player. Maybe you throw the academics out and try to feel out the experience of Nightmare as a DIFFERENT mode rather than higher difficulty? You might get the best Quake experience. And if not, hey, you played Quake, so time was not wasted.
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
Yeah I definitely enjoyed the fast shooting mobs, even if there's arguments on which is easier it's still hard and really fun. There are some parts where I think the fast shooting doesn't work like when an ogre is placed at a lower plane than you, but some situations make them superrrr deadly.
@jonnyronnyguy 5 күн бұрын
I have been seeing the numbers 111 and 1111 alot lately, and only realised that this video is 11:11 minutes lol. Awesome video man.
@goob8945 5 күн бұрын
I like your logo and how fast you get into the video
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
Hey yeah I appreciate that! I dread long intros usually.
@arkgaharandan5881 5 күн бұрын
i never liked quake 1, the claustrophobic levels with tight corridors in combination with bullet spongy enemies pissed me off because they ruined my pacing, i prefer both expansions over the original levels and quake 2.
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
@@arkgaharandan5881 I actually do agree that I think the expansions were really good and I had more fun with them. It’s fair for that stuff to bother you, I just like the tension caused by the claustrophobic design.
@user-wy4sy2re8c 5 күн бұрын
>using a rocket launcher on the Shambler STOP. FUCKING STOP.
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
@@user-wy4sy2re8c IM SORRY I DIDNT KNOW
@SleeperJohns 4 күн бұрын
@@blunderly Just like you didn't know they have 600 health. And people spend ~12 rockets on them bastards not understanding why they run out so quickly nor why they're so resistant to rockets. You should only use rockets on Shamblers as a last resort. Or just start axing them questions.
@henryambrose8607 4 күн бұрын
It's ironic that the creator of a video about how well Quake teaches its mechanics didn't know about the Shambler's explosive resistance, which is hinted at in the manual and otherwise completely opaque. To be fair to them though, that's pretty much the only major mechanic that isn't easy to understand from gameplay alone - there's also the fact that you still take armour damage when using the pentagram of protection, and a bug that causes dogs/fiends/spawns to instakill you if they land on your head, but that's about it.
@AleK0451 3 күн бұрын
@@SleeperJohns arcane dimensions has a genius fix for this by making the explosion look like a puff of dirt so it's visually obvious it's not working so well
@VileVeilt 3 күн бұрын
​@@blunderly​​ to be fair you could just play it on console and have a better time no trust me the deals for Quake generous. Not to mention if you have a PS5 or new Xbox ("I can't be bothered in telling what type of name Xbox has for their consoles") they can be integrated to keyboard.
@slyofwar3661 5 күн бұрын
I don't think there's anything wrong with Nightmare being unfair It's the top difficulty above Hard what's worse than hard? Unfair and the satisfaction of overcoming such a challenge is great My favorite Nightmare challenge is definitely DOOM 3 it's a lot more fun on that difficulty DOOM 3 Nightmare: no medkits you lose 5 health every few seconds until you get to 25 and enemies deal more damage but you have the soul cube for the whole campaign
@blunderly 5 күн бұрын
I'd be totally fine with it being unfair, I think the issue is that it's actually easier and the 50 hp cut in the remaster is a very bandaid approach that doesn't alleviate the issues created by messing with the base health pool. I didn't know how the nightmare worked in those games, that does sound fun.
@fadedgames1 6 күн бұрын
5:49 Tell that to Nyarlathotep.
@blunderly 6 күн бұрын
I can't even begin to pronounce that one lmao
@fadedgames1 6 күн бұрын
@blunderly Shub-Niggurath is taken directly from one of H.P. Lovecraft's stories, by the way. The whole aesthetic of Quake with all those castles and otherworldly dimensions is considered Lovecraftian.
@Flesh_Wizard 3 күн бұрын
@fadedgames1 6 күн бұрын
Me when I love rocket jumping but NIGHTMARE hard caps my health to 50.
@blunderly 6 күн бұрын
Yessss I wish I mentioned this in the video lol
@sirrockemsockem5465 6 күн бұрын
On the subject of source ports, I'd highly recommend giving Ironwail a shot. It's a fork of Quakespasm, but adds a couple of extra features, like a new fullscreen hud, performance improvements in heavy custom maps, and a video mode that simulates the look of the original software renderer, with adjustable intensity. Anyway, it's always nice to find a fellow Quake enthusiast! To this day, its one of the best-feeling shooters I've ever played. I can't tell you how many times I've ran through the first episode.
@blunderly 6 күн бұрын
Agreed! And that sounds super good, been using Quakespasm so it sounds like a nice jump.
@Preinstallable 5 күн бұрын
Doesn't work very well with netquake servers though..
@tehFozzeY 4 күн бұрын
@@Preinstallable Isn't ezquake the port for multiplayer?
@DinnerForkTongue 3 күн бұрын
Does Ironwail support Vulkan rendering?
@Preinstallable 3 күн бұрын
@@tehFozzeY ezquake is a QuakeWorld port, not a netquake one
@tehFozzeY 6 күн бұрын
>texture filtering
@blunderly 6 күн бұрын
damn I didn’t even know about that
@PickleAndPearBTBM 6 күн бұрын
thousandth sub 🤘
@blunderly 6 күн бұрын
@@PickleAndPearBTBM Hey thank you so much!!
@cooler_carpington 6 күн бұрын
5:48 I mean, Shub-Niggurah is literally a Lovecraft character
@blunderly 6 күн бұрын
Fair but still a bad final boss and name
@cooler_carpington 6 күн бұрын
@@blunderly it is a shitty boss, but that's just how it's named. Sandy Petersen is a big Lovecraft fan and his passion definitely seeps into Quake
@blunderly 6 күн бұрын
@@cooler_carpington Yeah for sure and I think Quake overall is the better for that influence.
@user-wy4sy2re8c 5 күн бұрын
can't believe he named an elder god after his cat
@cooler_carpington 5 күн бұрын
@@user-wy4sy2re8c People who know: 💀
@indieemil 6 күн бұрын
So happy to hear more love for og Quake 💜 I miss it!