@xlxfx 2 күн бұрын
@El_Ekis 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for the video. I've heard that Portugal will discontinue the D7 visa by the end of 2024. Is this true?
@creativeleodaily 5 күн бұрын
This is so true, I have lived in many european countries and Portugal's weather is very ambiguous, its very cold at times and very warm at times, and very very veryyyyyyy rainy at times... I Live in Loures LISBON, and its has micro climate just like Sintra. So sometimes its very motivating, while on others its very Demotivating and gives off winter blue vibes... But most people are warm when you talk to them, but in recent days Crime rose sharply, so watch your back as Police don't even register most of the crimes...
@adolfoformoso5445 7 күн бұрын
I am Portuguese and I living in London, London raining much more than Oporto, the city of Oporto is not sunny like Algarve but when is not raining the sky is complete blue, in London its very difficulty to have the sky blue and sunny. I having Osteoporosis and thinking to move to Oporto because there has more sun than here. London have 9 months of winter, in Oporto in 4 months.
@SimaoCosta2 8 күн бұрын
Good luck with this beautiful channel!🤝🇵🇹
@janetlombardi2314 8 күн бұрын
I love Naples. Thanks 😊
@tonymediati8274 9 күн бұрын
Naples.....are you kidding???
@bantafanta7301 10 күн бұрын
These seem like it was done by an expat
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
By expat, for expats ;)
@davidoliveira119 10 күн бұрын
Regarding the first one, you can actually not pay for them according to law. Source: www.publico.pt/2015/09/23/economia/noticia/restaurantes-nao-podem-cobrar-couvert-que-nao-seja-pedido-1708723
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
Perfect Portugal?...
@zeazevedo 10 күн бұрын
As a native of Portugal, born and living in the Porto region, I can confirm that everything said in the video is true and therefore I approve, without any reservations, the message. I just have to add that the author of the video was too, let's say, sympathetic regarding bureaucratic issues in the relationship with the state and public services... bureaucracy can be extreme, despite the significant advances in digital services that have occurred in recent years . What I hate doing most in my country is having to go to a public service office. Good video. Greetings from Porto, Portugal.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
Thank you :)
@user-fe9rr3hz9p 10 күн бұрын
I hope the world never speaks englsih, its fundamental to learn languages. If one is going for getting a job than he is an emigrant.
@asatechnics8363 10 күн бұрын
another lie is that ''porto'' is NOT a wine ... wen you interrupt any wine fermentation to ad sugar ... that wine is NOT a wine anymore ... it's a liqueur ..... porto é um licoroso ou um generoso ......
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
That's true :)
@MsJoao101 10 күн бұрын
"Expat" immigrant...
@pvaz 10 күн бұрын
É diferente. O imigrante é pobre, vai para se integrar no país, obter emprego e viver na economia. O expat é um turista de longa duração, vive de investimentos feitos no passado ou trabalha remotamente. Na prática produz o dinheiro fora do país para onde vai viver. Escolhe destinos com boa qualidade de vida e preços baixos e nem quer obter cidadania no país de destino. Está lá só para curtir os preços baixos e gozar a vida.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
Endless debate...
@CitroTeam 10 күн бұрын
Another lie about Portugal: an ignorant person commented in a video that Portugal is not a country but a city in Spain.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
@joaocamelo3932 10 күн бұрын
Ba - ca - lhau my friend :)
@atilmont 11 күн бұрын
Indeed, this year near the Serra de Estrela... Autumn until May... and snow on the Torre till may too. And the rural cuisine here... Hmm... Not always the finest. Cheap? Depends what you need. Lidl/Aldi is as expensive here, ikea even more (23 % VAT). And oler people speak... French, have worked in Switserland etc.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
Yes, VAT is very high in Portugal
@MENSA.lady2 12 күн бұрын
I'm sure I could think of a worse place to live, given long enough.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
A suburb of Naples maybe?
@user-ww7un4tw6d 12 күн бұрын
Greetings brother. Wonderful video thankyou I am a seriously considering moving there to live and work. I am 32 and from the UK. I do not speak Portuguese as of yet, Will this affect my ability to find work? Regards Martin
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
Hello, English is fine to start your new life in Portugal, but I can only suggest you to learn some basic Portuguese to fully integrate :)
@ozmunky 13 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention the drugs, crime, pick-pockets and the Mafia ....🙄
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 9 күн бұрын
All what you said is a reality in Naples, but not quite good reasons to move there... ;)
@darioche85 16 күн бұрын
"Cilento" not Salento, Salento is in Puglia region
@gonebananas1076 18 күн бұрын
The income requirement has been updated to 820€ x 12 = 9,840€. This video is Not all inclusive of what you need to apply for a D7 visa, but a decent overview.
@supermercerbros 18 күн бұрын
currently wanting to vacation then look for properties it seems they are cheap right now!!!
@drawinmusic83 28 күн бұрын
Hi, I'm a musician, how can I get job in Sardinia ?
@teddydavis2339 Ай бұрын
People often get upset when one says that they don't love Portugal. I am one of those people who doesn't like Portugal. I think it's overrated. I also believe that they lie about their crime rate.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
Never criticise Portugal in front of a Portuguese... even for obvious things! I think Portugal is a good fit for some people, and the world is wide enough to find your place :) Regarding crime rate, I also suspect that "one of the most peacefull country in the world" is not true. However, Portugal is not (yet) Brasil and still has an acceptable crime rate
@JoaoMartins-nb4tv 27 күн бұрын
No body cares abaut if you like, Portugal,just dont came,. get of, just say i love Portugal once because my cat will be happy then , you can take first fly home,no more pain for you by,,,,,,
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 27 күн бұрын
🤔 Are you OK Joao? Do you need some medicine or some beeer maybe?
@minookalantari Ай бұрын
Thank you Grazie
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
You're welcome :D
@SamStormbornOrmandy Ай бұрын
10, Portugal is in the European Union which means that they effected by EU laws and rules.
@nunoteixeiradesign Ай бұрын
For the ones who made this video, please stay in your country and leave Portugal for the Portuguese, and do us a huge favor, do not choose Portugal for your vacations...thank you!
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
Ok, but who are you? 🤣
@luisoliveira9135 Ай бұрын
Vamos falar a verdade, não temos que ser virgens ofendidas, Portugal sob muitos aspetos é um país de terceiro mundo, quem viaja regularmente sabe que o que acabei de dizer e a mais pura das verdades. Agradecia que o povo que comenta para aqui indignado fizesse uma introspecção e fosse honesto para consigo próprio: os cuidados de saúde são bons? Os salários são bons? Os transportes públicos são bons? A burocracia e suportável? Os impostos são altos? Os portugueses na maioria são hostis e mal educados? A justiça funciona?Etc, etc, etc. Quem responder que a estas questões honestamente sabe que Portugal não e um país de topo, quanto muito, de meio da tabela
@paulocorreia7942 Ай бұрын
Os transportes públicos em Lisboa são muito bons, tomara muitas cidades Europeias terem o mesmo sistema.
@luisoliveira9135 Ай бұрын
@@paulocorreia7942 , peço desculpa, mas melhores em relação a que outras capitais europeias? Estou curioso para saber quais
@paulocorreia7942 Ай бұрын
@@luisoliveira9135 Era melhor ler o que escrevi outra vez, não falei em outras capitais, mas sim em cidades, porque já sabia que ia perguntar isso?
@user-xc2mk9lz8m Ай бұрын
Mais um brasileiro invejoso...
@Solrac-Siul Ай бұрын
oK Amigo eu nao sou portugues, e já residi em 4 paises diferentes da EU. servicos de saude? quer comparar com a irlanda eu residi 10 anos e quem tem um salario em media 3 vezes superior ao de portugal? Nao apenas a saude é mais barata mas os serviços mais rapida,.. por alguma razao a irlanda que tem metade da populacao de portugal teve o mesmo numero de mortes por covid. Transportes , igualmente, Experimente chegar ao aeroporto de dublin cerca de meia noite e querer ir para por exemplo cork que é a segunda maior cidade... vai ter de esperar 7 horas uma vez que nao existem transportes entre a meia noite e 7 da manha.alem disso voces ainda tem voos entre porto, lisboa e faro e a irlanda nao. Internet? ja andei pelo pais todo e acho que em alguma parte encontrei problemas... o mesmo nao posso dizer de onde sou originario (US) e de varias zonas da alemanha e austria, onde igualmente residi. relativamente a justiça nao posso dizer muito uma vez que nunca tive problemas judiciais em nenhum dos sitios. Quantos aos portugueses sao taos hostis ou mal educados quanto os irlandeses, que ainda continuam a noite a urinar contras as paredes na rua, ou alemaes. Provalvemente menos que os holandeses e espanhois. E geralmente fazem um esforco para comunicar coisas que os franceses raramente fazem. Portugal tem problemas? obviamente, mas todos os sitios onde residi também incluindo a minha pátria onde apanhar uma ambulancia pode custar 1200 dolares e tem tantas chances de levar um tiro como de ser atropelado. Além disso temo que o senhor talvez nao tenha alguma vez vivido por algum tempo num pais de terceiro mundo, eu tive em varios durante o servico militar - Somalia, Iraque, afeganistao, Africa do sul. Ainda nao vi pessoas em portugal a morrer na rua com Sarampo, pessoas penduradas numa arvore como na somália, quer verdadeiramente comparar Portugal com paises do terceiro mundo?ja comparou os niveis de alfabetizacao, esperança de vida, calorias diárias consumidas, accesso a água potável ou energia com o que acontence num pais de terceiro mundo? senao acredita vá a somália e talvez acabe pregado a uma arvore com estacas , como vi alguns.
@costaantonio7823 Ай бұрын
Bah tout le contraire ,un jaloux du portugal
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
Tellement jaloux que j'ai fait des dizaines de vidéos et d'articles sur les bonnes raisons de partir y vivre, mais vous ne retenez que la seule qui parle des aspects négatifs (comme si le Portugal était parfait 😂)
@teddydavis2339 Ай бұрын
Jealous of what? Low wages or cold and weird people?
@beyoundsound Ай бұрын
Thanks. We will apreciaste tô not came.
@JoaoMartins-nb4tv Ай бұрын
Who cares abaut, if you don't like portugal! that is though because all contry will cry . My cat is to sensitive please just say i like Portugal i will reward you with this 🎉 good man
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
I did tens of videos and articles about the good reasons to move to Portugal, but you complain about the only video that speaks about negative points.... I forgot Portugal was the perfect place on Earth 😂
@11burnout Ай бұрын
I’ve just applied for a nif number from the site, hope it works fine:)
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
Hello, thank you for your request :) You will see, we have been doing this since 2017 and we always deliver
@gauchoparaguayo Ай бұрын
Too much meat and lactose products in diet
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
But it’s good and local meat 🍖
@peterbonini9134 Ай бұрын
Great overview, looks great thank you
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
Thank you Peter :)
@tedbates1316 Ай бұрын
Does Portugal require the various documents to be apostilled and then translated into Portuguese?
@elizabethscott6743 21 күн бұрын
@blankfaces256 Ай бұрын
AIUTO 🙏 Tante persone in zona non sanno ancora nulla della scomparsa di Mike Frison MISSING😭. Abbiamo bisogno dell’aiuto della gente sarda per condividere il caso fra i villaggi vicini. Non tutti usano i social, quindi vi preghiamo di parlarne con i vostri vicini, colleghi, in famiglia, etc. . E per favore, dì loro di chiamare IMMEDIATAMENTE il 112 se hanno informazioni. Tutto aiuta, grazie 🙏
@xTrengo Ай бұрын
everybody has access to public free healthcare...
@equatorialcat4569 Ай бұрын
Hi, do you need codice fiscale if you have EU passport? if i want to open bank account
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
Hello, yes you will need a Codice Fiscale :)
@PatriciaGossler-lt9qw Ай бұрын
Can you havé thé vidéo in French ?
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq Ай бұрын
Bonjour Patricia, la vidéo existe déjá sur la chaîne en Français :D kzbin.info/www/bejne/Y3mcdpyBqpmtnK8
@doreekaplan2589 Ай бұрын
Living in Mexico, renting from an AMERICAN with a house there, locals told me he charged them HALF what he got from Americans, including me.
@DavidJNogueira 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, south of spain is a much better option. Lisbon was a good option around 2017-2023.
@doreekaplan2589 2 ай бұрын
@mango4ttwo635 2 ай бұрын
I wish I had known
@Fegga1955 2 ай бұрын
🙏 thx
@Fegga1955 2 ай бұрын
@mademenchronicles2335 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Lisbob. Your services were really came in handy for me. I am in the process of settling in.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, you're welcome :)
@jeffinkhobar5711 2 ай бұрын
This person or AI knows nothing about how to pronounce Italian - que vergogna!
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 2 ай бұрын
Are you trying to make fun of someone else's accent or pronunciation? Can't wait to hear you talking other languages...
@carlapinheiro1842 2 ай бұрын
The first is NOT a scam. It is sad you are showing this as a scam as it shows you don't really know it's based on the culture: don't allow your guests to go hungry. Plus the menu always shows that these items are 'couvert"
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 2 ай бұрын
Let's agree to disagree: the whole world is saying that this way to proceed is at least dishonest... But no, it's the foreigners who are stupid if they don't read the menu? I don't like people saying it's foreigners' fault... :/
@thesixt.o.7568 2 ай бұрын
@@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zqthe whole world, lol! Talk about a biased generalization. First and foremost Portugal 🇵🇹 is not your responsibility to atone for, how arrogant to believe this is a scam! If you feel that you were “scammed”, then it shows your pettiness.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 2 ай бұрын
@@thesixt.o.7568 Thanks for the kindness :*
@bireshwarmitra2089 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing . Can you open an Bank account for us ? Pls suggest Bank name.
@Lisbobtheexpatsassistant-bj8zq 2 ай бұрын
Hello, yes we can :) Please contact us at [email protected]
@lynnguo6987 Ай бұрын
I heard that the yearly stay length would be more than 183 days. Did the government change this rule recently?
@LuckyAmi-kl5ci 28 күн бұрын
Nice video please I have a question, I have a company in my country Nigeria which includes rental property , farm and transportation company I make around 900 euros if converted am I qualified for the D7 visa am single?
@olumideannan2519 23 күн бұрын
​@@lynnguo6987yes it changed