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NeovimConf 2022: Lua, a Primer
How to cheat at programming
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Astro Vim - All in one Nvim config!!
Hacking: Expectations vs Reality
Pop!_OS 21.10 Review
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Best programming languages 2022?
htop - become a linux wizard
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GitHub Copilot for Vim
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5 years of coding - the highlights
@Justanoobcoder 2 күн бұрын
so when will it be released exactly? they said Dec but still no information about release date
@SaumyajyotiMukherjee 3 күн бұрын
How does it perform in comparison with WezTerm?
@sauravagun9751 5 күн бұрын
it's all good but ig if you just crave a fancy terminal you can get it with oh-my-posh, i mean it's a pretty solid terminal!
@leetrout337 8 күн бұрын
The ability to list the fonts so you what name to use is a serious life improvement for me. I always have to play whack-a-mole guessing variations.
@swellen_king 3 күн бұрын
Btw, kitty has a tui for selecting fonts
@shinebayar 8 күн бұрын
alacritty developers are bunch of morons that refuses to provide example configuration lmao
@PerryCodes 10 күн бұрын
Thumbs down for Alacritty pronunciation.
@sharificles 10 күн бұрын
you can just use fzf-lua instead of telescope and telescope-fzf, a lot of people have pointed out that fzf-lua is faster than telescope for larger projects too
@RYOkEkEN 14 күн бұрын
i use pop btw
@vibovitold 15 күн бұрын
Measuring productivity by lines of code makes about as much sense as evaluating football players by counting their number of footsteps during the match. (By that logic, the goalkeeper must be borderline useless.) Just like running distance is not the objective in a football match, and it's not directly proportional to the outcome, churning out a lot - or very little - of code isn't a sensible metric for actual productivity, Like Bill Gates once said. "measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight." The number of useless software engineers may be higher than "9.5%" for all I know, but that's unrelated to the amount of submitted code. Software development is not a sausage factory.
@anphambinh6027 15 күн бұрын
The title is just ... boom! This is the last month of 2024, and Vimscript isn't dead yet, in fact, some maintainers of Neovim like justinmk still use Vimscript to configure Neovim
@offtheball87 15 күн бұрын
Even if you are in meetings understanding requirements, working with stakeholders, building understanding within the business, you may not be the person who writes the code. You may also spend a lot of time exploring possible solutions that don't ever get written, because you ruled that out and saved the business time and money implementing something that won't meet the requirements. This is so short sighted, and every engineer can immediately see the problem with it. The biggest problem is that writing code is the easy part. I haven't written code (at least any that will see a PR) in a week, and it's been really stressful because of the other stuff I have been spending my time doing. Someone who's raising a bunch of PRs is probably not being productive. It's more likely they're bored.
@batboy49 15 күн бұрын
I have been using ghostty for about three weeks now myself, I use it on arch hyprland. It is very native feeling there as well.
@PerryCodes 10 күн бұрын
DING DING DING!!! You've correctly nailed a TRIPLE LINUX NERDWORD!!!
@suminshizzles6951 15 күн бұрын
I know a lot of sys admns do nothing but play games all day. Especially the ones in management or the ones who are solely in charge of systens, like those in small schools. They sit there and play wow till a problem comes up.
@BryantSuiskens 15 күн бұрын
People, and especially managers, forget that any non-freelancer isn't paid for their output or productivity. Productivity is contignent on a dozen things, of which only perhaps 30% is in the hands of the worker; 50% in the hands of the org and 20% in the hands of god. If you wanted productivity, you'd gone for a contract but this actually requires a coherent specification and a legal protection for the contractor to rip you off if you specify it incorrectly, and this is a burden and risk most people don't want, primarily out of intellectual laziness. No, you pay a salaried worker for 3 seperate things; availability (When demands can be addressed), added capacity (The complexity and scope of the demands that can be addressed) and added concurrency (how many problem spaces can coexist). A shocking amount of labor is hired to try to cheat capacity with concurrency, or concurrency that only really is needed in a handful of peak moment which can be mostly helped with better scheduling.
@Matthew-s5x7d 15 күн бұрын
Way higher in gov contracting. Don't need a study. I lived it 23 years. It's all about incentives there
@sotonin 16 күн бұрын
The problem is you can't measure engineer productivity. especially for senior devs who are in meetings / pair programming and digging into the hard bugs. A ticket is easily 99% finding where the hell to change one line. The code itself the end result is almost nothing. Did the engineer do nothing? No. But you can't measure it
@vibovitold 15 күн бұрын
And that guy who rolls out his own 50 KLOC library as a replacement for an open source industry standard solution is not productive (severely counter-productive, in fact).
@MrTubeyoucomment 16 күн бұрын
I just want to leave without writing any comment. <goes invisible >
@SuperGreat23 16 күн бұрын
Just so eveyone knows this is NOT a peer reviewed or published study with literally no documented historical data or links to specific methodologies used to come up with this number. Also the datasets mentioned are estimates which use NO REAL COMPANY DATA and uses odd metrics such as code quality of non company data and commits that are not weighted with any real financial or industrial impact whatsover related to no actual company internal data or information or code. This article is snakeoil in order to attempt to go virial for an MBA that doesnt work in any feild or company and only at a university to gain noteriaty - basiclaly he just made up a viral sounding term and made some slideshows with magic projections with no datasets to back it up, no strict or even validated methodologies, no underlying publicly assesible paper, no sources, no publication, and no university backing for the validity of his "study"
@messiahmozgus 16 күн бұрын
Wasted 2 hours today and wasn't able to get two steam games to launch that launched fine in Mint. Shame. Also Xbox dongle failed to install. Followed their instructions. No such command it said Also it had no Discover or flatpak app store. They removed it recently I guess?
@rightq3111 16 күн бұрын
Where’s the course link take my minimum wage income money I’d like to be one of those please
@minma02262 17 күн бұрын
Where can I subscribe to become a ghost software engineer?
@JohnCodes 17 күн бұрын
@hopelessdecoy 17 күн бұрын
This just seems like a hit on remote work and "trim the fat" mindset which is becoming popular. I wonder who funded or bought the research.
@TruckingRonny 17 күн бұрын
Windows is only for the SHEEP!!
@TruckingRonny 17 күн бұрын
FEDORA IS UP TO VERSION 41 !! Nobara is behind the times, now. I went to their site and it says it is basically Not to be taken seriously. It is a HOBBYIST desktop. WHAT??
@nceryu 18 күн бұрын
I'm gonna be honest, haven't watched the video you mentioned about how that research was done. With that being said, I completely agree with you, but I also don't understand why this thing has become so popular lately. I'm in engineering since 2021 and I've heard about this right from the start, that in big companies, there are people who get away with not doing anything. So idk, for me these news are 4 years late really
@romewillriseagain 16 күн бұрын
the corporate class is waging war on remote work
@JohnMcclaned 18 күн бұрын
20% of the remaining 90% do everything.
@Randorandom232 17 күн бұрын
@ev3rybodygets177 18 күн бұрын
Stfu about people being over employeed. The day elon musk stops managing 5 different companies and is praised for it is the day i lll start feeling guilty for having two jobs. Go f urself
@putnam120 18 күн бұрын
I don't think multiple jobs is illegal as long as you don't break any conditions in your different contacts. Oh and pay taxes
@JohnCodes 18 күн бұрын
At almost all big tech companies, it's a violation of employment conditions. And it's usually a pretty bad look unless you can spin it as a legitimate moonlite gig that your current employeer has signed off on.
@putnam120 18 күн бұрын
@JohnCodes from personal experience they only disallow you from working at a company that competes in an area they operate.
@hopelessdecoy 17 күн бұрын
@@JohnCodes If you aren't coding or doing technical work it should be none of their business. I don't know why being a door dasher or a janitor on the side to make some extra money is bad. Especially if you are someone who does real work.
@vibovitold 15 күн бұрын
​@@hopelessdecoy the point is that they pretend to be doing multiple jobs AT THE SAME TIME. (sometimes several jobs), essentially charging multiple hour rates for the same hour of "work".
@calholli 19 күн бұрын
Why am I just now realizing at 42, that I should have been a software engineer? I like this stuff
@sweatshirt4974 17 күн бұрын
It is never too late to start, though trying to get a job currently has been a nightmare, even for engineers with many years of experience.
@hopelessdecoy 17 күн бұрын
@@sweatshirt4974 Not if you aren't expecting a 6 figure salary. There are a number of lower paying positions out there but skilled engineers from a FANG company don't aim for a job with the state of Kansas as a data analyst or an entry web position at a crossbow company.
@mattymattffs 17 күн бұрын
Get into the software space that relates to previous work experience. If you did retail, you could do CRM or ERP. If you were an accountant, finance software, and so on. That domain knowledge is invaluable. I'm in ERP and we've hired loads of warehouse people as devs with zero experience because the domain knowledge helps
@BryantSuiskens 15 күн бұрын
I'd learn it on the sides for the next 2 years or so, currently the entire junior market shat teh bed so its best to stay on safe shores atm
@sweatshirt4974 15 күн бұрын
@@hopelessdecoy Sure if you are willing to perpetuate the bad practices of the industry then you can find a job, like Oklahoma City Thunder hiring data science interns for $12 an hour. But you’re not getting paid your worth and you’re signaling to companies that they can keep screwing people over and get away with it. However, if you are looking for an actually sustainable job position, it’s hard to come by. You might as well go work retail at Target instead. If you’re crazy enough to consider it for the experience good for you, but you can gain that same experience through side project while getting paid more as a waiter or something. I realize I am mentioning mostly internships, but there are a number of full time positions with the same issue.
@craigdanielmaceacher 21 күн бұрын
Why are all these terminal emulators run by a**holes? WezTerm broke the mold, he's nice and polite, but wezterm feels like a 3/4 finished terminal that you have to complete yourself by writing lots of Lua - at least that was my experience.
@fi.delio_ 21 күн бұрын
can't wait for it to release in dec!
@AmirHosseinHonardust 21 күн бұрын
I'm not seeing anything that I'm not already getting from a simple terminal emulator like foot. Gpu acceleration seems nice, until your GPU driver have a bug and suddenly, your terminal stops working. At the same time, even though I have been almost exclusively living in the terminal for the past five years, I cannot say I have noticed any advantage in GPU accelerated terminal emulators over foot. The only advantage, I see here is that foot is for Wayland only. Seeing as Linux is moving towards Wayland, I say that the claim over ubiquity of ghostty is a bit of an exaggeration seeing as the heaviest terminal users are in Linux. There might be something to ghostty that I would appreciate, but honestly most of the points in this video does not seem that convincing for me.
@KannadaLofi 21 күн бұрын
Does it allow key modifiers like item2 does ??? I swap ctrl key with cmd key on the left..
@voodookiidoo 21 күн бұрын
>nice configuration >config through a file bruh
@levinduest 21 күн бұрын
If you don't see the appeal of configuration files especially a simple one then you're not the target Audience.
@JohnCodes 21 күн бұрын
lmao give me config file over menu diving any day.
@vaayuo 21 күн бұрын
So it's just a kitty clone written in zig?(Jk jk) I say this because of the list-fonts command
@theunnamed89 21 күн бұрын
How is this terminal better than Warp? I've been using Warp for more than a year and it is brutal how far better it is from any other terminal. I just saw your review and I don't think it is better then Warp.
@IshCaudron 21 күн бұрын
But it requires a login, doesn't it? A login to use a terminal? That's stupid.
@JohnCodes 21 күн бұрын
Warp's a non-starter for most people since it's been "productized" to hell. I don't want to sign in or use their cloud syncing service: I just want a terminal.
@Coop____ 10 күн бұрын
@@JohnCodes they removed it, but ya its too annoying and ai for what?
@theunnamed89 21 күн бұрын
Hey John, what is your camera set up?
@JohnCodes 21 күн бұрын
Camera: Sony A6300. Mic: Shure Sm7b into a cloud lifter into a scarlet 2i2. Recording: OBS.
@zosthegoatherd 21 күн бұрын
Maybe it will tempt me away from st...
@metaltyphoon 21 күн бұрын
"sane CLI" ... ghostty +list-fonts None of the CLIs tools I use, there is a + in front of a command. These tools here but not limited to: gh, rg, fd, bat, lazigit, fzf , jq, zoxide and many others...
@theycallmesloth 21 күн бұрын
I've used some cli with + prefix, I don't remember which one but it served a purpose.
@JohnCodes 21 күн бұрын
It's all over the place - for example, in the nix ecosystem, "nix-shell +pkg". It can also help avoid system wide conflicts since "+" isn't really used anywhere.
@cybernit3 21 күн бұрын
I was planning to take a look at it when it is released Dec/2024 and I use Linux. Ya, the Alacritty config file format switch from yaml to toml messed me up but had to tinker to get it to work properly. Thank you for a key points overview,this will help us all decide whether to switch to it.
@maicon9 21 күн бұрын
wezterm ftw
@rogerdahl0 21 күн бұрын
I recently switched terminals as well. For me, it was from Konsole to WezTerm. I had used Konsole for something like 20 years. I use a Gnome based desktop these days, and would still pull in a large number of KDE dependencies, just to have Konsole. But Konsole has started picking up some quirks over the last couple of years, related to font rendering and dark theme (maybe due to KDE Plasma rewrites) so it was time to move on. I did a bit of research. Alacritty's lack of tabs made it a non-option for me. Kitty is written in Python, with some C mixed in, which is definitely weird for a terminal emulator. WezTerm was written in Rust, and uses Lua for the configuration, which are both positives for me.
@Arek1125 22 күн бұрын
i think Cachy Os is also good choice for gaming,better or worse i just can not say both Os are optymized for gaming out of the box
@barefeg 22 күн бұрын
Does it support tmux -CC? This is the only reason why I don’t leave iterm
@linkarzu 21 күн бұрын
Yes it does, and wonderfully, it even supports images in neovim
@linkarzu 21 күн бұрын
Oh, I guess -CC means something I don't understand, what is that?
@barefeg 21 күн бұрын
@@linkarzu it makes the panes and tabs, etc. of tmux work as native windows/tabs/etc in the application. Think of creating a new window in tmux actually spawns a new terminal window in your OS
@JohnCodes 21 күн бұрын
It doesn't seem to support Tmux control mode: I've opened an issue for the maintainers to look at supporting it!
@linkarzu 21 күн бұрын
​@@barefeg Interesting, I didn't know that was a thing, I learned something new today, thank you. Out of curiosity, why would you want tmux to create a new terminal tab instead of just using a tmux window that is similar to a tab?
@sm5172 22 күн бұрын
Looks very promising, thanks for the tip! I'll keep an eye on the public release and give it a try. As a side note, I've noticed that developers who like the Go programming language and use it well also tend to develop great OSS. 🤔
@defnlife1683 22 күн бұрын
Well, my theory is that it's simple and small enough that it forces you to think about what you're writing without spamming libraries. I could also talk about how go devs probably tend to go into the rabbithole of code written by ken thomson and rob pike, but that's probably a stretch.
@Lockwood360 22 күн бұрын
I really want to switch, this video was very intriguing to me, i just worry about game performance vs windows. Can i tune my 7900xt on linux? i play a lot of UE5 games and i heard they werent the best on linux. On Stalker 2 rn its great.
@CommanderBeefDev 23 күн бұрын
oh well fuck alacritty devs, wanna know why mine works fine? i asked chatgpt how to set up the toml, i can host my toml on github if you want just hmu
@JohnCodes 22 күн бұрын
@CommanderBeefDev 23 күн бұрын
whats wrong with alacritty? its gpu accelerated and you can customize it
@sarlalian 22 күн бұрын
The funny part is he covers your question in the video. Alacrity config file is complex and they refuse to provide an example config. Also lack of tab support.
@JohnCodes 22 күн бұрын
+1 - used to really like Alacritty when it was early days of the project. But the maintainers basically refuse to take any feedback. Kitty was never quite as fast as Alacritty but not Ghostty seems to surpass all
@alienman5000 21 күн бұрын
@@sarlalianwhat part of it is complex? I believe they have a very good documentation page
@Kenshin-z5m 16 күн бұрын
Tabs. I use alacritty but tabs are necessary
@jtarchie 23 күн бұрын
Ghost aren't Sexy!
@JohnCodes 22 күн бұрын
That's like, your opinion man!
@dabbzgaming Ай бұрын
I feel as if anyone that says linux runs games amazingly they're never using nvidia?
@messiahmozgus 16 күн бұрын
I always assume so. I just benched helldiver's 2, hitman, and hunt showdown. Linux mint had about 10% less.
@suminshizzles6951 Ай бұрын
Ive used windows since the MS DOS days. My certs are on the windows platform. But i am getting creeped out, at how intrusive windows now has become with its built in telemetry/spyware/rootkits and the soon coming to a PC near you, Recall. It was Recall that was the final straw for me and the fact that without a uproar about this, it would be rammed down your throat if you liked it or not. I used linux a few times for my certs as it was mandatory to know a few things but ive not touched it in over 10 years now. But Oct 2025 will be my last day using windows and i am moving over to linux. What i need to sort now is the games side of computing. I play a fair amount of games. Modern games like DCS on Steam. WOW on private servers. I know wow will work on linux. But it is getting the hardware joysticks and infra red head tracking unitis to work in linux that might keep a M$ partition/drive around for a bit longer. I just bought a new mobo today on the old AM 4 platform. This board has two M2 slots so i can now start to truly dual boot without needing to do that on one drive. I want to keep the M$ side of things totally on its own drive well away from personal stuff. I dont ttrust M$ now as far as i can throw them. Thsi video has been brought to you, the viewer. I dont watch you just managed to hang onto me.