@Agent77X 4 сағат бұрын
Women it seems will have sex with you before dating you if you are their Chad or Tyrone!😊 Otherwise you are their financial wallet guy!😊
@honestystegall4140 4 сағат бұрын
I found that these lessons that I learned I want to flourish
@jayaCatLvr-ys5ix 11 сағат бұрын
If u have 1 kid and hate it, y have more?
@ioanaboanta4136 13 сағат бұрын
I had a car accident and they expected me to come after 3 days and when I didn't I received blackmailing through WhatsApp
@YouCantSeeMee4 14 сағат бұрын
The one about the friend who made the comment about her late husband is evil .. she’s sick in the head
@eunishalloyd3451 15 сағат бұрын
I regret having kids, I definitely romanticized it smh lol even worse I have twins ! I’m never having kids again but I definitely never should have became a mom
@ellaeadig263 15 сағат бұрын
We need a scientist to verify the purpose of the postpartum smell. We can't really say it's so your baby can find you to come feed - newborns cannot crawl or walk so how is the baby gonna come find you??
@kevinc8955 18 сағат бұрын
Seeing this makes me happy I never had kids as a gen Xer. Millenials and especially zoomers are truly awful people. Some of these gripes seem petty. Oh and have fun paying for childcare when you have kids of your own because you don’t have those free babysitting grandparents. There’s a reason they say it takes a village. It’s 20% of your household income…so start saving now.
@EnglishApache26 20 сағат бұрын
The one with the couple with the narcissist parents really hit close to home. When my wife ended up having our first child, the first thing out of my mother’s mouth wasn’t “congratulations” or “Oh My Goodness, I’m a Grandmother!!!” It was “How could you do this to me?! You weren’t supposed to make me a grandmother before I turned 50! Do you even know what my friends are going to say?!” That was the final straw and I told her to go fuck herself and to rot in hell. For a few months, my family tried to guilt me into forgiving her, didn’t work, I had enough. Eventually the majority of them got the hint, especially after I played them the recording of her reaction (I thought her reaction was going to be positive, but I saved it on the off chance she tried to spin the narrative to make her the victim). About 3 years later, I ended up getting a call from a family member telling me my mother ended up dying and that her dying wish is that I was to attend her funeral, I told them I wouldn’t. When the told me that I would end up in hell for denying a dead woman’s wish, I told them, that IF I were to go to the funeral, I would dance on the bitch’s corpse, dance on her grave, and the piss on it all to the tune of “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” the DID NOT want me there. And that if I end up in Hell, I’ll be in Good Company as long as She isn’t there. They then told me that she wasn’t dead, they just wanted to see if I still cared about her. I told them that they were just as fucked up as she was and don’t ever call me or my family ever again. When they told me that they were my family, I told them that they were nothing to me, have been nothing to me, and will always be nothing to me. And in typical childish fashion, they screamed and hollered that when they make it and become rich, don’t bother contacting them. I honestly couldn’t stop laughing when they said that. They ended up screaming more, but I told them don’t worry I couldn’t care less what happened to them, hung up, and block them. Haven’t heard from them since
@worldadventuretravel 22 сағат бұрын
Most of the reasons have children are so self-centered it disqualifies them from being parents. If you want kids so bad, there are millions of children in foster care and group homes looking for loving parents. Quit being a narcissist about replicating your genes and learn how to love someone unconditionally that doesn't look like you. Ugh. Also, never listen to men pressure you for children. Many of them just trap women with babies to slow them down and make them dependent.
@Pin12328 22 сағат бұрын
I had a friend who would ask me for 100 dollars every time we hung out. Then she asked me for 680 dollars one night and yelled at me because i said no . Haven't talked to her since.
@worldadventuretravel 22 сағат бұрын
Women have one baby only to find out their man becomes their second child (if they don't dip altogether). What more do people need to know? Also why does nobody know it costs $400,000 PER CHILD to raise them to the age of 18? And that's only if they never have any disabilities or catastrophic or chronic illnesses or injuries-- nor does it include college. This should be common knowledge.
@worldadventuretravel 22 сағат бұрын
When I see these men online I started telling them they are the ab0rtions their mothers wish they'd had and the reason smart women will never replicate their genes by giving them children. Hit them below the belt. Sometimes people have to get shocked out of their fever dream with hard truths.
@worldadventuretravel 22 сағат бұрын
Keep putting this content out there! People need to see this in their face all the time and have feelings about it. Great work!
@iControll65 Күн бұрын
Can't be a trend if people have been doing it since the dawn of time.
@Tarotbyjessa Күн бұрын
And when the Woman has had enough of all the incompetence combined with infidelity... All of a sudden she's Crazy. Notice how it's mostly men who are against divorce? Marriage is a binding contract of servitude to Men. 😢
@TiktokTownhall Күн бұрын
After an hour of being at a sports bar with my guy, he literally wanted us to switch the side of the table I was sitting on bc he had a fear of someone else catching my eye lol.. I said NO.. Relax
@LA-mz1dd Күн бұрын
I love that all these parents are supportive of the childfree people. Thank you for adding to the list!
@ohcrap3263 Күн бұрын
I’m a boomer that sees these issues from younger people. They are paid well . Much better than I was starting out. (Even adjusting for inflation) Now I do skilled labor and it’s rare to work with a younger person who wants to really put the effort into their work. I tell them the secret is to be an asset not a liability. Assets are grown and taken care of. Liabilities are reduced and eliminated. Advice for life. Could be wrong.
@nuni5988 Күн бұрын
Boyyyyy do I have stories to tell!
@gwynk78 Күн бұрын
Some people find success by being competitive, some find it by being popular, and others find success by following the beat of their personal drum. 🪘 Notice how the first two groups are bound by design to always be watching what others are doing. This third group DGAF and that’s why they hate us. They cannot stand when somehow we win and also grow to be most popular without ever thinking about it. That’s why they hate us. Too bad for them, really.
@claudiasoler7328 Күн бұрын
Maybe the "test" isn't the best way to go around it but they DO show quite a lot. If a grown ass man cannot clean spilled ketchup what that means is that he has never ever had to clean before. Which means that someone else did it for them (i.e. their mom). I cannot speak for anyone else but I am not willing to go out with a man-child that cannot even do something as simple as cleaning spilled ketchup. I am not willing to mother my partner in any way shape or form. It is not my job to TEACH them basic life skills like cleaning or cooking or sewing. "It doesn't mean they are a bad person" but... it means that they have gone their entire life without helping out at home. It means they have seen their mother (or whoever did the cleaning) break their back cleaning and NOT ONCE did they have the will to help out. The ketchup test is stupid and putting it online is disrespectful, I agree. But it does reveal quite a lot.
@shinyrodstudios6261 Күн бұрын
Always wild to me that they take no or minimal accountability for what led to their adult child feeling the need to shut them out of their life. Instead they start forming "estranged parents" support groups where they all circlejerk about what great parents they are and how awful and evil their kids are. And when that's not scratching their itch, they seek out videos like this one to spit their venom all over the comments section where people are sharing their experiences for no purpose other than they're hoping to hurt a few feelings because the person they're desperate to punish has made themselves inaccessible and they can't stand it.
@lauratharby6521 Күн бұрын
I get the frustration but what r u gonna do sit there and cry and expect crap to fall from the sky
@eiguajardo 2 күн бұрын
Dont broadcast how you regret your children, bc if you do, you do not love them and you want them to know and feel that rejection and resentment, so dont say "oh these are great parents posting about how they regret giving birth to them" , if they feel the need to hurt them so they can blow off some steam. The amount of rejection ad abandonment issues these generations are dealing with is costing us, everyones identity is lost, no ones knows who they really are or how they should feel about themselves, they are all confused and then others tell them is ok to feel or think or be whatever they want, bc is their right to be a mess and then they celebrate the "Im a mess national day" , and their therapist are part of that lost generation too!
@ScriptureMonkey 2 күн бұрын
If you hate kids, there’s definitely something wrong with you.
@llianneolivoreyesmusic 2 күн бұрын
Hear coworkers talking about me sometimes when Im right there watching their bad karma levels increase lol
@STAWTEREHWYREVE-dx7si 2 күн бұрын
I have a special shower head next to my toilet and I had never an infection or some other issue ever since. I don't remove my body hair for some hairy swamp creature, I feel more comfortable and it's more hygienic.
@Georgesoros7790 2 күн бұрын
UC tards shoulda went to a community college for cheap and worked part time. Nah tho you wanted the ”experience”😂
@adrianchavez6193 3 күн бұрын
IMO, these degrees are the best for making money - Computer Science, and most engineering degrees (i.e. Electrical, Computer, Physics, Aerospace). Also, Medical degrees... All the other degrees are just fluff and may help you become a manager somewhere, but most will just get you a Starbucks job. Of course, there are a few exceptions from people getting lucky in a field that pays them well. Oh, btw, the so called useless degrees will even prevent you from getting many minimum wage jobs because you are now "over qualified" and they'd rather hire someone that doesn't have a degree. So this situation a lose-lose one...... So in other words, GET a useful degree before pissing your money down the drain.
@SS-cp7sl 3 күн бұрын
People going at childfree people using "who will care for you when you get old" as reason, should take a look at this. Some people should NOT be parents, shame they don't realise it, whilst those who do and stay childfree become targets. Messed up world we live in. People are crazy.
@wilberwhateley7569 3 күн бұрын
As a millennial that’s pushing forty, I understand this - I tried to play by the rules for years: get your degrees, put in the hours and watch your career take off! Except the last part never happened regardless of my efforts! Corporate doesn’t care about us - we are just labor units to them! To hell with those bastards! I just want my assets and my own money so I can live far away from the lies of the rat race…
@ga7654 3 күн бұрын
Raise your own kids.
@dollysclub 3 күн бұрын
The woman with the friend who let her starve is questionable. I would never let someone starve, but it sounds like she hasn’t had her stuff together for a while. I had a friend who became homeless due to her poor actions. Literally tried to help her and offer advice. I didn’t want her living with me because she was not responsible (clearly) and when she came over instead of showering and getting back out there to hustle she’d rather text or call people that serve no significance in her life. The girl stayed at her mama’s house, stayed at her friends new place and is expected to also feed her. Now it’s evil to laugh at someone who you know is starving in their face. I don’t agree with that. But it also sounds like this girl makes poor choices and doesn’t handle her money well either. Okay if she talked to the mom and let’s say she made $400 every week maybe she could have given $200 and save the rest (MAYBE) but it sounds like she’s also a problem. I’m sure you became a burden to your friend. And on top of that complaining that people want to charge you for living there as if you HAD to stay. If you don’t want to do that go stay in a shelter!! Save every dollar and have 0 bills and they feed you. Does it smell nice? No! Do you have privacy? Probably not! But you would have no bills. I will never understand people who make bad decisions then expect everyone around them (friend or not) to be responsible. You know I almost got evicted once (my mother) who I have never in my 30 years asked for help shamed me. I almost became homeless. I promise you I did everything I could to never have that happen again. Remind me now I do need to pay her back
@PatriciaKyle-gd1pz 3 күн бұрын
I hear you sister 👍🫶🤗. When you feel like that it's probably true 👍👏. I will go out of my way to be there for my "friends" cook for them, be a shoulder to cry on, fight for them and always have their backs no matter what!! Leave my house just to go to their house and they won't set foot in mines😠🤬. 🤷🙆 I'm better off alone 😢😠👏👏👍
@rambok-gi7zp 3 күн бұрын
I am sorry but no real man wants a feminist , feminist only marry simps and gays !
@annakempinsky3825 3 күн бұрын
When they copied me , got success of it, and isolatet me as psychic and no one helped me
@ATChick 3 күн бұрын
First, she attacked me and I forgave her years later because I was abused at home and didn't know any better. Then years later she used me as an excuse to cheat on her husband. He figured out she was cheating on him and confronted me, which I knew nothing about it. You don't do that to someone who's supposedly your best friend.
@Kiara-hq9et 3 күн бұрын
Have kids for the right reason and not the wrong reasons.... Its called keep your legs closed or use birth control, and choose someone who doesn't want kids like you... It's not hard just plain common sense.
@Kiara-hq9et 3 күн бұрын
You can still have dreams you just gotta work harder. You women are lazy.
@Kiara-hq9et 3 күн бұрын
No, you need to be accountable for opening your legs because if you are not mentally stable, you don't need to have kids. I can understand if you regret having kids with the wrong person. The real reason alot of you have had a kid(s) is for the wrong reasons and now you want someone else to take care of your responsibility.
@Shelley6821 3 күн бұрын
glad I trusted myself and did NOT have kids.
@kalleebellemare3444 4 күн бұрын
Yup.50 year old farmer here. I look 50.
@karmiahamilton7222 4 күн бұрын
I accidentally overheard my "church friends" talking about me. Good Christians all. I don't go to church anymore.
@ATChick 4 күн бұрын
I hate to tell you, but if you work in healthcare or home care you can probably get pinworms too. Wash your hands!
@Jose-ht2lw 4 күн бұрын
People on't need comprehensive education to be a parent! Take personal accountability and just look around or volunteer somewhere with children you come out childfree, guaranteed!;
@sfm5086 4 күн бұрын
Just change the word "Influencer" to "SALES person" and you'll know where you are. Simples.
@livmagnolian5320 4 күн бұрын
Choosing to go no contact was a difficult process, one I went back and forth on as I’d cave when I’d get love bombed and remember “the good times” instead of the bad. I set all sorts of boundaries and reduced my contact, but those boundaries would constantly get trampled on, and my biggest one was for my parent to stop 💩 talking about my other parent and my sibling. I took it for 5 months, thinking they’re getting divorced, they’re angry, it’ll stop soon… It never did. I was this parents punching bag and every convo would end in arguments protecting my other parent and/or my sibling. There was nothing but lies, deceit, emotional and psychological abuse. I don’t know how or why it took me so long to realize it, but when it finally clicked, yeah you can bet it happened fast! I had enough of taking it and taking it… Didn’t know how much it would hurt, the guilt I’d feel (and sometimes still do despite all the awful things this parent had done) and how scared I am of running into them one day. The physical aspect of it all is 100% real, in the midst of all this I had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder (that they were saying I was faking BTW) and then later got hit with Fibromyalgia, that I’m absolutely convinced came on as a result of the family stress. My other sibling went no contact a year after I had.
@ruthgl2650 4 күн бұрын
I feel bad for all of you,I'm sorry your dealing with it.Not all boomer parents are like that.I live an hr or more (in the winter)I have never said no to my kids.I'm tired and old an sore but go by whenever the kids are free.Iwill watch them,stay overnight ect.I am a caregiver to my mom and have a dog that is upset when I.m gone but they are my babies I am a better grandparent than I was a parent.It'smy way of showing that Ilove them
@angelicarcturianmessagesan2830 4 күн бұрын
I love this for us ❤️