@Ludak021 9 сағат бұрын
kurva =/= kurwa
@nenadkosic8713 13 сағат бұрын
Ja san živio punih 5g u BG 2000 do 2005 BG je super grad mene je prihvatio svim❤BG🇷🇸👍
@mikoprevara1644 13 сағат бұрын
English or Spanish
@milancuk1563 15 сағат бұрын
Dobri ste .Drago mi je da ste ovde , bogatiji smo sa ljudima kao sto ste vi.
@user-cc4mu4zv1w 17 сағат бұрын
Ne znam zašto se svi čudimo što stranci vole Srbiju?Ova naša zemlja je toliko lepa i ljudi su toliko posebni da samo oni ljudi koji nisu bili nigde po svetu ne mogu da vide sve naše blago,jer ne znaju za ništa drugo i uzimaju sve zdravo za gotovo.a svi stranci se oduševio Srbijom jer je ona stvarno zemlja slobodnih!!!❤❤❤❤❤🇷🇸💪🇷🇸💪🇷🇸💪🇷🇸💪🇷🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️
@mr.voodoochild9744 17 сағат бұрын
Bro, Serbia is the greatest country for life today.. last free country on this planet...
@marija1ful 18 сағат бұрын
Spasio se covjek.To ne postoji u Londonu a ni sire😂
@Hydemic 19 сағат бұрын
He seems so chill and cool. I am glad you're enjoying here in Serbia bro ❤😎
@robertmiloyevich6785 19 сағат бұрын
Bravo , kako smo pametni, sad ce svaka susa da se doseli na ex YU teritoriju a sve mlade sa ovih prostora gurate u roblje po zapadu . Naivno , dovoljno je da neki vagabundo sa zapada dodje I da vam kaze par hvalospjeva I odmah vam je miliji od rodjenog tate. Pametno zaista. Nije rijec o desetini dosljaka samo se postarajte da vas jednog dana ne nadnase po brojnosti.
@politica6271 Күн бұрын
Serbia is the best country in the world. Basically if you have money.
@saintmihajlo Күн бұрын
the girls are nice and very erotical 👍🏿 I like serbia too
@zlatkodraskovic5532 Күн бұрын
Good for you, good luck to you🇦🇺
@Lezilebedatejedem Күн бұрын
Obicno Crnogorci kad dodju u Srbiju,posle 5 godina postaju Srbi...
@vatrweaver5169 Күн бұрын
Dont call Serbia small. It's not small, it's not small, 3 times went to war.
@ICEnovaTI Күн бұрын
@Renak036 Күн бұрын
Jel vi čuli za ženski rod? Ovde sve prevedeno u muškom rodu!
@Aleks-Milenkovic Күн бұрын
Paul I really need help I am british on the streets of beograd the airport took my passport I need someone with a western union account I can put money into so I can eat atleast, my new is coming but I am starving until then next week please help
@ivogalabov1973 Күн бұрын
Serbia is a Putin's puppet state!
@vojinradovanovic9473 Күн бұрын
Awesome video. Being from Serbia and having also lived in Russia I can totally relate to a lot of Vika's points. It's so interesting to see your own country from a different perspective, but even more so for it to come from a foreign who calls Serbia their home. She also demystified a lot of things for me, I noticed a lot of Russian immigrants talk about "polako" and I was very confused, I always took it as something natural 😅 Awesome videos, subbed
@user-xm4bo4qp5c Күн бұрын
Serbia is the world's greatest dump of war criminals who freely live there 😮
@FlymanMS Күн бұрын
Awesome guy, thanks for the interview.
@FlymanMS Күн бұрын
Her accent is super interesting, definitely got that Belgrade girl sound to it haha
@zarkodobric1706 Күн бұрын
Ti meni govoris o tome,smesno,inace Rusi ovdje godinama zive i ne govore srpski ili ga jako lose govore,znam desetine takvih a oni koji ga govore to rade sa tipicnim naglaskom .Zato umni zadrzi za sebe
@sln786 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for mention the book, it could be helpful💛
@Familjen-Ademi 2 күн бұрын
He is like me born in us serb and me Sweden and don't trust this m fuck seriba and serbia is ILLYRIAN LAND go back to putinm We love 🇺🇸❤️🇽🇰❤️🇦🇱❤️🇭🇷❤️🇮🇱❤️🇬🇧🇧🇻❤️🇩🇰❤️🇨🇦❤️🇩🇪❤️🏒👍🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@Djomla911 2 күн бұрын
Promaja kills thats a non writen rule in Balkans🤣
@dusandragovic09srb 2 күн бұрын
Браћа Енглези!💪🙏
@djordjepopov3359 2 күн бұрын
Поздрав за брата Мигела! 🇷🇸🇪🇦💪😎
@michelangelos-pizzeria 2 күн бұрын
It's not Spanish/Italian like, it's Greek. So it's the common child of Russia and Greece.
@perceptoshmegington3371 2 күн бұрын
Well the stag parties know now.
@denidordevic8343 2 күн бұрын
Love the videos keep them coming
@dusandragovic09srb 2 күн бұрын
America is New Serbia #Anarchy
@pticurina 2 күн бұрын
Fatajte ga SPIJUN !
@shunkun8668 2 күн бұрын
He's had such a great time here. From being bombed for his country bombing ours, to having his guitar broken 😆😆😆
@lifeline025 2 күн бұрын
It is too late to say welcome to Serbia but WELCOME!!! Very honestly speak, wish you a very healthy and long life here in Serbia , if you decide to travel and know us even better I invite you to stay at my place in my small home town Apatin to try beer older then USA, riblji paprikas (fish paprikash), domeetic rakija and enjoy in the nature, nature activities, fishing, watersports all in the national reserve Gornje Podunavlje.
@armoproten 2 күн бұрын
Nobody asks 'would you like anything else'... in LA they dont let you seat in a restaurant unless you order something new every 10 minutes
@shanewildwest1390 3 күн бұрын
You see i am a Serbian American 🇺🇸,born in Serbia,actually Yugoslavia,back then,but I would always choose to live in USA 🇺🇸 before being in Serbia 🇷🇸 or any other part of former (Juga).The reasons are very simple,let’s just name few: All former Yugoslav republics are inhabited mostly by backward looked people,very nationalistic oriented,economy sucks,each ethnic group on Balkan Peninsula thinks of them selves as the best and God given on earth! They hate each other and looking over the border,praying for neighbors to be in worse situations than themselves,instead to be hoping and building economy and bridges between themselves and future generations! That’s all! Now don’t get me wrong,there are many many good and honorable people living there,but politics and crooks that are running the show are on different level!
@zoran.stojkovic 3 күн бұрын
you should talk with italians about going out with the wet hair. it is more strict there, than in serbia
@rebel__son 3 күн бұрын
Considering her words about Crimea, I just wonder what she thinks about Kosovo?
@SlavMarine 3 күн бұрын
Dobro je Miguel naučio Srpski. 🤨 Svaka mu čast.
@kaj979 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, nato bombed them cuz they were slaughtering ppl all over croatia and bosnia....
@kaj979 3 күн бұрын
If you knew what is good you would move to slovenia or croatia
@kosovosrbij6135 3 күн бұрын
Guys, you just beat England on Sunday 😊
@left-handedsailor4772 3 күн бұрын
Well, problem is that someone with starting capital can survive in Serbia, average person from Serbia finf it hard. Because of that, from average dude perspective, I don't like westerns move to Serbia, that makes somewhere prices higher and then average person have less financial power, and salaries stays almost the same despite price growth of groceries, bills and fuel. On other had lot of people from Serbia go to Germany to work, to fill one economy one country then lacks lot of workers, and then Serbia slowly accept more and more Arabs, Indians, Asians and others. I see it as big chaos, and wish that we can reset the score and make all the people that's not Serbs outside of Serbia, anywhere where you would like, but not in Serbia, we are already in big mess, and we need much more years maybe even centuries to make our mentality more clear, to better organise our land and instinct current politicians and become stable state again. In our history we made wars with all the countries, Ottoman empire, Austro-Hungarians, German empire, German Third Reich and US and NATO at its most dominant days, now is time to become more clear and not randomly fight but to develop awareness of our citizens, that gonna lead to normal state. Also, about safety in Serbia, we have for sure more than 100 000 police staff, and still they exist and spend our tax money for nothing, just lazy people that seek work with benefits to retire earlier but actually we dont need them that much. And despite all, we had problems with shooting in schools, check on news. Situation in Serbia is not Belgrade and Novi Sad (I wish they dont exist so people can go back to village), real Serbia is outside of capital city, our industry is 0 after NATO agression in 1999 and we still have a lot of people who finish the school but have to leave because our system is broken, only on village you can survive without stress. And current political situation is worst in our history, at the end of WW1, we had Macedonia (South Serbia), Montenegro, and half Bosnia declared unification with Kingdom of Serbia at 1918/9. We succeded to lose all that, split with our brothers in many lands, and live like Africans and slaves in our own land. Thats reality my friend. I dont hate you, people from abroad just make prices higher and life harder for our people. So from average Serb, you re not welcome. Also, NATO was not effective on land, just from air, even French special troops didnt succeded to break the line on south Kosovo back then, but warplanes destroyed most things. And you have video: "Možeš da nam pušiš Klintone". That was most badass moment from one little country on world map.
@petar_mrkonjic 3 күн бұрын
Не разумем ово баш око држављанства, кад може да се има нпр. Хрватско и Српско заједно или Босанско и Српско или Мађарско и Српско има још примера
@stralegaming2597 3 күн бұрын
We say Englez not Brit
Hi there, I watched 2 of your videos. I think you have a very good idea with making this channel targeting expats who may want to move to Belgrade. A good niche my friend. I hope you don't mind me giving you a few suggestions. And in case you ask who am I to make suggestion.... I have been doing content creation for over 15 years... And I have also a quite successful KZbin channel... But I am not writing to you to brag about myself. I am exactly the Audience which you seem to be targeting. I am considering to set up a 2nd home here in Belgrade.. . And of course I have a few questions and concerns... .and if your channel can address exactly those questions you may have a winning preposition. - How to get Serbian residency - How live as digital Nomad in Serbia - How to find the right appartment / best areas for expats / typical rent prices - How to make a bank account in Serbia as a foreigner - Setting up a business as a foreigner in Serbia and and and and... I am sure you get the idea... .And I am sure you are already planning to do many videos on exactly those topics... And pls do not misunderstand my comment in that way that I am hoping for you to answer me those questions... here... Not at all.... It's just that I like your channel and I wish you success... If you interested to do an interview with me... something along the lines of: "What are the most burning questions of a Digital Nomad wanting to set up camp in Belgrade...." hit me up on WhatsApp at: +62 813-1283-1800 Have a look if you want on my channel to see if I would be a match for your content. I am still in Beograd for approximately another 2 weeks. If you are not interested - nema problema - thanks for reading my "longish" comment. Cheers - DOMINIK
@QQr00z 3 күн бұрын
its opposite for black people, they have positive rasism here, they get with things even more than you do, especialy with women, and even more l if you play sports.
@racimegacar 3 күн бұрын
Pozdrav za Migela!!! Ziveli!!!
@VladimirSM88 4 күн бұрын
Ovaj bolje razume pravoslavlje i postuje to - biti srbin nego 70% ljudi rodjenih u Srbiji...