@dakbassett 2 сағат бұрын
Forgot too mention that gwen is broken af.
@chrisomatic3228 3 сағат бұрын
ha the season i came back to league, so much had changed
@nathanhostetler2558 12 сағат бұрын
He just wants that dussy.
@dxrevelations5111 12 сағат бұрын
the only tip u need HAVE GOOD TEAM MATES.
@trashpanda476 14 сағат бұрын
The video is 44:43 not 44:44 for me. Quite odd
@forgedwithsteel 15 сағат бұрын
ah yeah xayah is worse than smolder xd
@becharac 15 сағат бұрын
The day Riot reworked Yorick is the day i stopped playing League for 4 years
@shinshinthant3099 16 сағат бұрын
bro is a only one to tell us about mental and positive mind set about league
@LilItaly 19 сағат бұрын
Speaking of Leblanc support. You just unlocked a memory of I getting smurfed on like ~10years ago by a LB sppt. Got like 3/4 kills bot, bought mobis and murdered my entire silver/gold team.
@jobbette2950 21 сағат бұрын
very good righhhhht up until the soapbox about "get gud" as if it isn't still just a video game for those people at the end of the day
@frosy1180 21 сағат бұрын
Gotta say , the OG map had a lot of personality , too young to remember it but i did play in it with my raging brother xD
@user-dg8zj8hu1h Күн бұрын
Gay muritard play RIVEN, what a surprise!
@AhmadHossam Күн бұрын
8:55 nexsus then baron then the tower so many low elo ideots get thia confused
@rex1800 Күн бұрын
15:12 i was in stream for this play :)
@rex1800 Күн бұрын
“skarner too tanky” me who plays a champ that has chogath ult every 2 seconds 😊
@pinoynurse8420 Күн бұрын
after they rework irela , i never play her again .
@kelzzo9733 Күн бұрын
omg pls make a full video on lillia mid
@chozer1 2 күн бұрын
The old map was better in the sense of being more alive
@Franic19 2 күн бұрын
I still miss Twisted Treelines (3v3) to this day. It was the perfect little playground if a new champ got released and to test it out and get some experience in that champ before hopping into 5v5 and getting flamed for not being a pro at them immediately. It was way more relaxed. URF was also just perfect because everyone had fun. League is stressful and infuriating most of the time, so having a game mode where you just have fun and turn your brain off while pressing buttons was amazing. League just got way to competetive and serious, so we seemingly can't have fun anymore, but instead have to deal with toxicity in game modes where that it is a constant, do what degree just depends on who you got paired with. I just miss when League was fun. I barely play it aside from ARAM nowadays because I want to take my mind off of things, not deal with stuff outside and then play a game with toxic people... That just doesn't help taking your mind off whatsoever.
@DontFlinchxD 2 күн бұрын
Faster time to kill than ever before??! Bro are you okay?
@carmpulse9712 2 күн бұрын
Eve is also not the same
@XodiaqKey 2 күн бұрын
I miss my old Crit Damage rune page. It was terribly unreliable but at level 1, when that 8% crit chance from Brawler's would actually proc, I'd watch half my lane opponent's HP disappear.
@jumpinjeff1709 2 күн бұрын
Season 5 is what made league have its longevity. A lot of other modern games hit the scene with a lot of impact, but overtime become stale because theyre too afraid to move on from "the good times".
@monsteralta 3 күн бұрын
2:10 its funny if you know chinese, the words on left top corner translated as: thousands LP sweety chick play with you/for you
@Naex__ 3 күн бұрын
they can't ever leave yasuo yone bad af in the gutter for once, they really have to buff them to be the strongest dumb shit each and every single patch, great
@EmberMusic000 3 күн бұрын
I still play Zeri every chance I get. Shes garbage and we lose, but shes too much fun
@IHateRiot 3 күн бұрын
Why riot dont make a legacy mode from S1?
@yulian545 3 күн бұрын
What about Ivern and Rakan?
@FioraParriesU2001 3 күн бұрын
Samira next
@Siigrit 3 күн бұрын
Time to pick yuumi top back up 💪💪💪
@novahina 3 күн бұрын
Smite Ezreal comes from the S2 event, I believe It was around 2010, when Ezreal and Twitch used this super OP build paths with the jungler effect.
@ongxuwei 3 күн бұрын
Rengar, Taliyah and Karthus are actually good junglers, but as what he's said it requires you to be REALLY good at the champ to bring out the best in them. Karthus - how to kite camp with Q, how to balance mana, how to Q ahead to the next camp to minimise travelling time between camps, how/when to gank (is where most Karthus players struggle, and end up playing him like Master Yi and playing Farming Sim) Rengar - How to do animation resets, the triple-Q combo, who to jump on from ult, who not to, when to use each of the empowered Q/W/E. Many rengars tend to only use the empowered Q due to damage, and don't know when to use the heal or root. Taliyah - How to maximise clear damage from the E > W combo. How to balance between normal Q, and the single shot version of it. I think the biggest difficulty is how to use the ult. How to utilise her wallriding passive to run from camp to camp or even gank a lane faster than people expect.
@DontKnow-hr5my 3 күн бұрын
9:45 Ah yes, the Dragon that even if you gave him the order to attack an enemy champion, would still attack the minion next to it... it had such great ai, it had like a 20% chance it would do what you tell it to with a 35% chance after that to just randomly change target being stuck in attack animation
@novahina 3 күн бұрын
Incorrect informations on Ahri and DFG. DFG has never been an Ahri item, It was a myth created out of misunderstanding. Ahri was nerfed on Jan 2012 and never became AP ever since her release date in Dec 2011. She was mainly played with Abyssal and Gunblade (removal due from Eve, Kat, Akali build).
@DontKnow-hr5my 3 күн бұрын
OId League > New League
@labajyotidas2661 3 күн бұрын
Sorry but I have only heard everyone say that yas yone are bad right now so I don't agree lt removal did hurt them. Their early game is so shit now
@naisuuart 4 күн бұрын
because the "mute all" option u have to enable every game i just change chat to "premade only" so chat is always off, i play to have fun idc what these ppl got to say.
@trecridder 4 күн бұрын
I really love this video man. Like THIS is quality League content. THIS is what I thought we lost years ago. The mixing, the information, THE VIBE!!!!
@trecridder 4 күн бұрын
Excellent video. Keep it up.
@riteliliaren9734 4 күн бұрын
"Oh cool a video on current patch from a guy who's uploaded some nice retrospective videos I've been watching and am currently kind of interested in playing again." >Bot lane is diverse but my favorite ADC is specifically called out as being the worst in the game. Welp.
@skeley6776 4 күн бұрын
Shaco not being mentioned even once is kinda sad especially because S14 is the best Season he had in the last 5years...
@metalmagerin3 4 күн бұрын
Oh good, he hasn't realized the Quinn synergy with Synchronized Souls' enhanced recall yet, giving a free ult reset every 4 seconds and making Quinn a manaless champion.
@freekiexxxxx4874 4 күн бұрын
"riot doesnt like the idea of tank who also did damage" some years later: *Sion rework *Release ornn *Release K'sante *HEARTSTEEL Good Job Riot!!!!
@hozimina 4 күн бұрын
Skarner got passed around too much, and is now a poke mage that builds tank. I feel that the only way we can make this version "balanced" is to hard nerf his base numbers and give him JG mods as compensation which if you are giving a jungler, let alone a tank jg, moster mods then you really fked up this champ.
@cursedwyvern3044 4 күн бұрын
Poppy support? Bro I was playing that in 2018 with a 70% win rate. And I know it wasn’t just me.
@nicklasveva 4 күн бұрын
I hate that LoL has become item and damage based. Items do more damage than champions themselves. The best way to win is to one shot the opponent before they one shot you. Lethality Aatrox should not be a thing, but it's the most viable.
@nicklasveva 4 күн бұрын
Akshan is like if Talon was ranged, which he isn't supposed to be. Because that would be buttfck insane.
@tosfriendly 4 күн бұрын
@Moakmeister 4 күн бұрын
Skarner’s not even very tanky tho. He has a pitiful shield and no damage reduction anywhere. He gets blown up pretty quickly for how much health he stacks.
@jesusboira1516 4 күн бұрын
Actually Nami's far from being the best supp for Lucian since the second's changes to his passive