@siriusgaming7238 Ай бұрын
New player here and I picked it up asap, because I enjoy sniping. Really been enjoying, but thought maybe it's bad against end game content. This reassures me.
@vh2802 Ай бұрын
My only gripe is that it doesnt have a crosshair like the autocannon does
@jiby911 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, this was really helpful fellow diver! I've switched over from bugs to bots. It's a challenge, but i absolutely love it
@perinoid1506 2 ай бұрын
Very well put together video! Thanks for the info and I may be back again!
@kev-othegamer 3 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@EmeraldNep 3 ай бұрын
UPDATE: Patch 1.000.400 Brought with it some changes, and I will address them here as i find them: -Gunships now spawn with patrols, so you'll see plenty of gunships just roaming around. -impact grenades seem to not kill tanks if you hit them in the front of the turret anymore. Though my test sample size is 1 currently, so it might be an anomaly. -SEAF artillery is very capable of taking down stratagem jammers. A regular explosive shell will kill it in one shot. Super useful considering the change allowing SEAF artillery to be used even when jammed and after the destroyer leaves.
@Pr0digyZRX 3 ай бұрын
With the detector tower you can also run/sneak up to the point closest to the tower outside the base and drop a hellbomb close-ish to the wall and itll take out the detector tower without even having to go into the base
@rohesilmnelohe 3 ай бұрын
incendiary breaker > sickle Support: AMR(bots)/flamethrower(bugs)
@nicbarrax76 3 ай бұрын
I fucking hate berzerkers. Just wanted to vent.
@Manny-Prime 3 ай бұрын
Advanced solo tips: 1. If you destroy fabricators on any base without engaging enemy forces, they will move around your last known position (the last time you made noise or 1-shot an enemy). From there, if they do not spot or detect you, they will form a patrol and march off the map to despawn. 2. Orbital Precision strike is your faster unguided version of the railcannon strike. It can 1-shot hulks and tanks even if they are not directly hit AND it has a fast cooldown. 3. If you're not keen on headshots, aim for the hip/ "dick" or tummy. 4. You generate a threat the longer you reside on a map. You generate more threat if you are throwing stratagems (this counts for support weapons AND supply drops, not sure about objectives...) left and right and getting drop ships called down. This causes more and more units to be summoned per patrol and dropships as well as the number of dropships in general. Its ridiculous because stratagems can clear enemies and bases faster than traditional weaponry. 5. Stealth extractions only apply for when the timer runs out and the pelican is summoned automatically. Inputting the sequence is akin to ringing the dinner bell. 6. Always put a supply drop at extract as early as you can. You never know what will transpire during a mission. Spill oil, squish bugs. SES WARRIOR OF IRON
@zemufinman1639 3 ай бұрын
7:27 I love it when a rocket dev, heavy dev or scout strider just straight up blasts a scout strider pilot. Like, that wasnt even close to me you just had beef with that dude and wanted him dead for stealing your jerry can 😂
@zemufinman1639 3 ай бұрын
7:27 I love it when a rocket dev, heavy dev or scout strider just straight up blasts a scout strider pilot. Like, that wasnt even close to me you just had beef with that dude and wanted him dead for stealing your jerry can 😂
@zemufinman1639 3 ай бұрын
I hope they buff rocket devastators By that I mean I hope they put 2X as many rockets per salvo and give them a max of 2 salvos before they run out. Or even better just give them a 2 salvo limit without the buff or make it so they blow their whole load in one go.
@zemufinman1639 3 ай бұрын
Every time I hear the automaton theme I can hear them saying SCUM and then the sound of a rocket salvo ragdolling me across the entire map
@anthonyb7064 3 ай бұрын
I have watched several of these videos and none of them mention team load. That is huge with speed.
@jnng2058 3 ай бұрын
Don't sleep on the plasma weapons vs Bots. The Scorcher has a lot of fans, but personally, I like the versatility of the Plasma Punisher. There's a learning curve, because you need practice to get used to arcing your shots in, but once you get it down, the high stagger lets you deal with Berzerkers pretty easily. It's not great against the heavies, but no primaries are, so make sure you have a good support weaspon on hand, I like EATs, but YMMV.
@plssuscriber9966 3 ай бұрын
Whats the point of hitting the bell notification if im never notified. Ah curse you KZbin you must hate us Turkmens🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲
@nikman5541 3 ай бұрын
Playing 5 and 6 levels and giving advices rofls
@Guetchers 3 ай бұрын
averaging 10 views a video and giving youtube advice rofls
@timb499 3 ай бұрын
shuddup smelly
@plssuscriber9966 3 ай бұрын
Ring ring ring um the dork convention is calling (it's for you) Yep I believe you were um owned? XD better luck next time troll
@dylanbristow7780 3 ай бұрын
SHUT UP!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!
@Jewls1 3 ай бұрын
The punisher plasma shotgun is probably a better pick than most of the primaries for bots since it instakills the small guys, stunlocks devastators and berserkers to death (even heavy devastators, which stops them from beaming you with their MG), and kills the AT STs in two good hits. The ammo is a bit a problem if you can’t manage it though
@dysonsphere 3 ай бұрын
Slightly up and to the left of the reticule? How does this happen?
@Bondrewd_The_Based 3 ай бұрын
I can't decide if the SEAF AA sites are so bad that they're funny or so useless that they're infuriating. SEAF Artillery sites can cover the whole map, and while limited on your number of shots, you can choose what type of shells you want to fire and the order they'll fire in. Mini-nuke, HE, and regular explosive shells are awesome for clearing enemy bases and tough individual enemies. Napalm and static shells are great for crowd control, especially if your team is defending a location and getting swarmed. Smokes are useful for escaping hairy situations. In contrast, AA sites have pitiful range, are way too slow to reliably lock on dropships, and send most of their ammo off into the horizon unless whatever they're aiming at is moving in a straight line towards the site. On difficulties with gunships, they are completely useless if they aren't near a gunship fabricator and even when they are, they quickly exhaust all their ammo just to put a small dent in the numbers. In my experience, the AA sites (if they actually can hit what they're firing at) tend to only kill ships AFTER they've already dropped their reinforcements or AFTER a gunship group has already obliterated your position. I don't even bother with them anymore, the waste of time required to activate them is just that: a waste.
@Bondrewd_The_Based 3 ай бұрын
Just for the sake of including it, here's my usual SEAF Artillery setup: I'll load the usual explosive rounds (green tip) first, the HE (yellow tip) and mini-nuke (black tip) second, and then smoke (grey tip), napalm (red tip), or static (blue tip). I try to save the shells for as long as possible, I'll keep it in my back pocket and try to continue wiping out bases with my usual loadout/renewable stratagems. I'll save the largest bases for last and initially approach with the usual means of destruction (grenades, anti-armor weapons, or offensive eagle/orbital stratagems). I'll usually exhaust my ammo before finishing the base, so that's when I use the artillery to mop up. I'll use the regular explosive shells first to clear any structures that are left over, then save the mini-nuke or HE shells as I retreat to destroy any big-boy enemies that try to chase me down as I retreat from the area in one shot. I'll pop the smoke to safely escape the area and then rely on napalm or static for crowd control once I'm back at the extract zone. Napalm for bugs, static for bots. You don't always have the same shells available as the supply around the site is random, but I'll try to stick to the general plan with whatever I can. Say, 2 explosive shells, 1 mini-nuke, 1 smoke, and 1 static. So, I'd clear the remaining fabricators with the first two shots, then the mini-nuke to deal with something like a horde of devastators or tanks that are trying to chase me down. Drop the smoke, and head to the shuttle. I'll try to defend the shuttle area for as long as I can, but I'll drop the static shell if I get overrun or if there's a bunch of enemies surrounding the Pelican and I would probably die trying to board. I know that no one asked, but I wanted to leave it here anyway.
@Commander_Appo 3 ай бұрын
9:11 FINALLY!!!! Someone not calling them AT-STs. They have open cockpits, not closed ones like the AT-ST.
@tbohn10 3 ай бұрын
Theyre AT-RTs
@petergriffinson1907 3 ай бұрын
Hate berserkers so tanky.
@Dark_Tesla 3 ай бұрын
I can’t imagine fighting bots without my AMR and EAT
@SuperCosmicChaos 3 ай бұрын
sword/pistol guy call in bot drops before any other bot first.
@Manny-Prime 3 ай бұрын
Any 'infantry' for the automatons can call a drop. Devastators cannot and the rider of a scout strider can if they survive without receiving arm damage.
@liliththeoshwaire7698 3 ай бұрын
orbital precision strike can destroy detector towers and dropship objectives and oneshot hulks and tanks so it's a great pick. orbital gatling barrage and orbital airburst are also great for clearing entire patrols since they do medium armor penetration and explosive damage over a wide area. That plus the low cooldown (80s for gatling, 100 for airburst) makes them SUPER versatile for bot missions. the deligence counter sniper also one shots devastators to the head so i like to bring that + recoilless rifle for hulks. great video btw! love the editing and voiceover.
@Rkmer28 3 ай бұрын
Imo the Scorcher and the Dominator are the best primaries for the Bots. Just out of curiosity why do you believe the Breaker, Sickle or Liberator are better?
@EmeraldNep 3 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say they're better, it's just what i use. They work well for killing chaff. I used to use the scorcher a lot and i loved it, honestly idk why i stopped using it. The sickle specifically is my go-to because effective infinite ammo and large "magazine" size, lots of fun to just hold M1 and hose down a group. One of my friends uses the dominator almost exclusively i believe. I don't mind it, i just don't use it often.
@Rkmer28 3 ай бұрын
@@EmeraldNep Thanks for the reply.
@Noobish_Camper55 3 ай бұрын
Orbital laser trivializes many level 9 destroy missions. If you think bots is hard just run orbital laser and get it semi close to the objective. Could not even bring a gun and beat a mission.
@Spectre7814 3 ай бұрын
Fantastic video and comm, I definitely learned a few things that I wasn’t aware of 👍🏼 great work 👏🏼
@wotlessvenom1650 3 ай бұрын
I enjoyed watching 👍🏾
@ZaneDidIt 3 ай бұрын
Nice vid. Subbed
@coleostimie9725 3 ай бұрын
The mini nuke from the seaf artillery can destroy gunship fabricators. Precision orbital strike and the orbital laser can also destroy detector towers.
@istvanlovasz1221 3 ай бұрын
The explosive SEAF shells are based on the stratagems you can call in: Explosive - Orbital Strike High-Yield Explosive - 500kg Mini-Nuke - Hellbomb, hence its ability to destroy Gunship Fabricators
@coleostimie9725 3 ай бұрын
@@istvanlovasz1221 really!!! I never would have guessed it 🙄
@neutralmob4739 3 ай бұрын
7:56 you can shoot the arm off pretty easy and impact grenades one shorts them, even if you hit the shield.
@thesaucyprophesy2939 3 ай бұрын
Thought I’d mention that mortars/AA emplacements can actually be shot from any angle with the AMR/Autocannon, you don’t have to shoot the vents! Autocannon kills each one in 4 shots, you can destroy them from pretty far away if you have a good sightline or elevation
@istvanlovasz1221 3 ай бұрын
The barrels of mortar cannons also count! They point upwards, so if you're really good with aiming, you can get rid of them from a long distance by targeting the barrel!
@nicbarrax76 3 ай бұрын
This is my favorite way to wreck the emplacements. Autocannon... 🥰
@RDMatija 3 ай бұрын
Additional scout strider note: since mostly everyone is running the grenade pistol you can shoot the pistol in the metal plate and it will kill the driver. basically one tapping them. i found it easiest to swap to grenade and hit the big metal box, instead of using an actual grenade, shooting the joints with primary or walking behind
@Pyromaniac77777 3 ай бұрын
2nd this, also it’s surprisingly easy to just step behind them if you’re in light armor. Very little risk and very quick, so long as you’re not running into a wall of rockets
@memback 3 ай бұрын
I have recently found that you can bounce the rounds off the ground and into the belly of a charger.
@cranelord 3 ай бұрын
This is my go to for automatons. Great for long range teammate support. And the sound design is magnificent. Mag dumping the back of a tank really activates my neurons.
@TheAnt184 3 ай бұрын
Veeeery useful thank you!
@RenderBenderProductions 3 ай бұрын
very useful, awesome video
@JaredJanhsen 3 ай бұрын
Biggest thing about auto cannon reloads is that it has a 9+1 round capacity. The magazine holds 9 with 1 round in the chamber. You reload from the backpack in 5 round clips. You can only reload a whole clip at a time. If you have 6 shots left there isn't enough room for another clip. If you reload with one shot left you'll only put in 5. Empty reloads on the autocannon are Insert clip, cycle action, insert clip. If you're reloading with one round in the chamber, you want to reload again after your next shot to get back up to 10. Always, of course, the Auto cannon supports team reload. Arrowhead did a great job making their sci-fi guns behave the way real firearms do.
@kiitaclyzm 3 ай бұрын
I love EAT, my only thing is the delay when trying to go to first person ADS it gets stuck waiting for the sight to pop out it seems like for a whole second
@Tombking82 4 ай бұрын
Double Autocannon Team rocks 💪
@DudeLongcouch 4 ай бұрын
That tip about taking them out of the pod is such a good thing to know. Thanks!
@Voicesit 4 ай бұрын
How much dps of this gun
@sleazydzx 4 ай бұрын
I never used the EAT cuz with it being expendable i just didnt feel like i could get much use out of it. However just last night a teammate was using them and dropping them everywhere. I started grabbing them for myself as needed and man it was nice. Very short cooldown and no backpack has this has my go to support option now.
@РоманЖуравлев-п4б 4 ай бұрын
S tier easily. I use it almost every game.
@HeartBreakerForever 4 ай бұрын
AMR is honestly my favorite.
@Dekison 4 ай бұрын
this is literally the only weapon I use. - the fact that you dont need to loot supplies for ammo makes its amazing
@sirjose7478 4 ай бұрын
Incendiary Breaker is go to for bugs because when you have to deal with shriekers it absolutely shreds them with just a single pellet of fire
@jeffpadilla9891 4 ай бұрын
I hope they make a new version that is medium armor piercing.