What Kept the Early Church Going?
2 сағат бұрын
Trump Saved on Another Marian Feast Day
Asking the Pope to Step Down...
7 сағат бұрын
Catholic Bishop Reacts to Debate Results
What Really Is "Synodality"?
21 сағат бұрын
Discovering the Secret of La Salette
@ChersJourney 25 минут бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻
@tp-officialz9852 57 минут бұрын
I listen to the show regularly. God bless 🙏🏽
@tp-officialz9852 57 минут бұрын
Exactly Mr. Jesse! You just said what the Pope said to those kids of other religions, that God is going to judge accordingly! 🤦🏽‍♂️ Be very careful before trying to "correct" 'Moses, lest you get plagued and God affirms that Pope is in charge. Jesus told Peter that he was going to bring everyone back to their faith. I believe that prophecy that Jesus made to St. Peter.
@tp-officialz9852 Сағат бұрын
Pope is talking INTERELIGION. Y'all don't teach the Catholic doctrine on this show. Why? Because this show is about talking about all issues that are going on in the world! Y'all teach doctrine in other settings. In this setting (radio) y'all are informing. Pope was talking inter-religion. Y'all think he doesn't know this is the true church!?
@tp-officialz9852 Сағат бұрын
Terry, if your dad would tell you to do something that you think is wrong, you still got to obey him even if you tell him to " stop it, it's wrong". Come on now. Am I on to something brother Terri?
@tp-officialz9852 Сағат бұрын
Be careful! Y'all got brother Michael voris as an example. For criticizing the Pope.
@tp-officialz9852 Сағат бұрын
Y'all just like the son that stayed with the father and got mad at the prodigal son!!
@hawagabriel4786 Сағат бұрын
First , why Vatican take away “one God “ And teaching us just God?
@truthseeker1693 Сағат бұрын
Rise of the Beast With the Number 666 kzbin.info/www/bejne/sGKbdod8fbGbpKcfeature=shared
@uncatila Сағат бұрын
@brucesabalaskey5106 Сағат бұрын
Apoc 13:11. Francis is the false prophet preparing the world for the one world religion of antichrist.
@Fatima_Garabandal2251 2 сағат бұрын
The reason why the 3rd Secret of Fatima has NEVER been released is because of the inevitability of the ANTI-POPE and the description of exactly what he would say and do.... I think there was more to Our Lady of Akita's warnings which is why the kept Sister Sasagawa cloistered away. Remember the statue of St. Peter where PF is from was struck by lightening ON HIS BIRTHDAY... the halo and the keys fell.
@elijahmountainfire888 2 сағат бұрын
Don't wanna get on the ark with woke spineless captain at the helm.
@peterzinya1 2 сағат бұрын
the catholic handbook say everyone must be catholic. it staggers the mind that people actually believe this stuff.
@georgeortega534 2 сағат бұрын
In Jesus name Amen
@elijahmountainfire888 2 сағат бұрын
Fratelli tutti. Wouldn't want to step on someone's toes. Especially on sick sikhs' toes. Or followers of shiva the butcher. Wouldn't wanna rub those guys the wrong way. Wouldn't wanna 'confuse' the kids. Spineless, powerless, keyles woke globalist pope. The world loves and adores him. Something to think about.
@MarkBerg-tk8js 2 сағат бұрын
No salvation outside his church. Jesus founded one church, his words all in the singular. There are about 34,000 heretical religions on USA. Wake up!
@coop2011r 3 сағат бұрын
Christianity Is the World’s Most Persecuted Religion, Pope Francis offer an important antidote to religious violence. The group Open Doors USA figures that 360 million Christians last year lived in countries where persecution was “significant.” Roughly 5,600 Christians were murdered, more than 6,000 were detained or imprisoned, and another 4,000-plus were kidnapped. In addition, more than 5,000 churches and other religious facilities were destroyed. The Pope is fully aware of this things, . The persistent calls for patience, tolerance, understanding, face-to-face dialogue and reconciliation are more important than ever given today’s spiralling polarisation and the dangerous anonymity provided by social media. Pope Francis is a shepherd, signifying his function as a spiritual leader who tends to the flock in a similar manner to how a shepherd directs and provides for the faithful, carries on Jesus' pastoral duty and is referred to as the Good Shepherd who knows and loves his sheep.
@Westyrulz 3 сағат бұрын
Buddhism is the go.So easy and laid back.See Y'all in paradise.
@enricap3904 4 сағат бұрын
Jesus tells us to follow His ways to go to God and proved it by dying on the Cross.Catholic faith is not the only true faith on the path to God.The Pope want to stop divisions among people,me against you, what good is it ? As the Bible says many times: God wants mercy from us as He is merciful. Preaching like the Pharisees men made laws is not a pathway to God. Be open to the Spirit.
@AndarComFe-ix8ik 4 сағат бұрын
Satan loves to promote Buddhism, yoga, meditation, New Age, Islam, Zen. Anything but our God Jesus Christ. This is blasphemous what the pope said
@Stephane.French.Catholic.An.33 4 сағат бұрын
be careful because the Pope said contains a Truth in the face of all these representatives of different religious confessions, he clearly said that if God is for all, then all are children of God, which means clearly that God is Father and if he is Father, it is because he has 1 Son Jesus Christ and all these people know in whom the Pope believes : God Father, Son and Holy Spirit : The Holy Trinity ! so they know what to expect and therefore come to this Truth which is Jesus Christ SON OF THE LIVING GOD since they applauded the Pope's speech telling them that GOD IS FATHER! the pope does what Jesus told him >>> “he who wants to be first, let him be the servant of ALL!” and in all this, look: there is the pope (successor of Peter) who makes this speech, there is James 1v26 to 27, there is Jesus in John 10v16! and you have with all these people: the Head and the body of Christianity. The columns and supports (Peter, the Pope, James and John) of the Truth (Jesus Christ) <<< 1Timothy 3v14-15 ! and which tell the world THAT GOD IS FATHER the pope in relation to James 1v26-27 shows the humility of the pope in the face of those who are not religious but who every day of their life come to the aid of widows and orphans and who among us could judge of their " filth" of this world! Be careful because Jesus also says "Come, those blessed by my Father, for I was hungry, I was thirsty, etc..." and these people who apparently did not know the Lord were still welcomed by Jesus in the beyond! Remain Catholic attached to Rome as prescribed to us by our fathers of the church, particularly Saint Irenaeus of Lyon. God Give faith, not Catholic church ! God makes us justs by His Grace ! read Romans 4 "Abraham BeCAMe a just... " <<< how and by WHO ? church or GOD ? and read also Peter in acts 2v39 : "For *the promise is* for you, and for *your children* , and *for all whom the Lord God will call, even though they are far away* .” <<< this last category is all peoples who have not yet received the faith given by God ! God will call them when He decide. we cannot know who the Lord will call into this world, to whom HE will give faith! The Catholic Church says, but does not make believe! remember Saint Bernadette Soubirous who said “I am responsible for telling you, not for making you believe” It is not only what the pope says here but also *all his gestures: smiling + pointing + opening his two hands to tell them that it is an obvious reality that: "*MY GOD IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR GOD AND IT’S TRUE*!” <<< here, the profession of faith of the pope who is the successor of Peter and whom Jesus prayed so that his faith would not fail, and here *the faith of Pope Francis is always preserved by the Most Holy Trinity* because I re-quote: “*MY GOD IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR GOD AND IT’S TRUE*!” with a smile and pointing his finger and opening his two hands whoever wants to say it is an obvious reality that *MY GOD IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR GOD*” and the pope in saying this demonstrates *how the power of God acts with the Pope even if in the eyes of the world it may seem scandalous*.
@favourejemi1279 4 сағат бұрын
You both are sincere but your youth was already brain-washed to believe that the Roman Catholic church is the only true church
@BrianBenson-rc9mu 4 сағат бұрын
What’s the point of him stepping down so the next Vatican 2 modernist can take over? Vatican 2 is a failure and should be thrown in a dumpster as well as any clergy pushing this new religion on us.
@leonardgalozkil9671 5 сағат бұрын
This comment shows that Francis is indeed a false prophet.
@Adam-ue2ig 5 сағат бұрын
The average Catholic online basically argues that Protestants have a minimal chance of being saved as potentially "seperated brethren " or invincibly ignorant if they even accept Vatican 2 teaching...While the trad Catholics or "rad" trad take a harder view on Protestants all the way to the point of Protestants not being saved in the case of sedevacantists while your pope teaches all religions are paths to God...quite the polar opposites. How can you convince a conservative Protestant to convert when your pope says all religions lead to God. Why would we want to be under his supposed authority and supposed authority of liberal magisterium.
@jacksoncastelino04 5 сағат бұрын
@Adam-ue2ig 5 сағат бұрын
It's even later for men the pre frontal cortex moral decision making fully develops as late as late 20s.
@racheljames7 5 сағат бұрын
I have more respect for Bergoglio than the Popesplainers do because I dont think he's as stupid as they make him out to be. He knows darn well what he's doing. You dont accidentally protect child molesters and lead people to hell.
@racheljames7 5 сағат бұрын
Well said, brothers. Bergoglio is a wicked man. We all found out that in 2018 he protects and promotes child molesters. Nothing he says or does shocks me now.
@eileengaffney 5 сағат бұрын
JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TRUTH LIFE 🙏 Praise the name of Jesus forever 🙏 🙌 Father Son Holy Spirit ONE GOD forever 🙏 🙌 please Holy Spirit fall afresh on Pope Francis 🙌 🙏
@jasonhayward6965 6 сағат бұрын
OK so you have to understand that Rome is royal order metal Empire which means these people only serve royals the pope actually stands for pretorian order pretorian Empire Peter was never a real person none of the people in the New testament are real people they are styles of government which were running during the time when Jesus was formed and Peter means pretorian Empire territory Empire rome. Ok so this is the way it happened after the Israelites were kicked out of Africa they wanted to develop a new system of government so what they decided upon was to have the three arms of the government and the separation of powers and they called this Jesus because Jesus is an acronym it actually means justice executive senate under star and there were a few reasons for this the under star was because they created a terrestrial engine to become part of progressive civilization as the government and they also wanted to break away from the celestial Egyptian gods now as I said none of the people in the New testament were real what they actually represent is the way all the other territories run there nations for instance Matthew Mark Luke and John are all acronyms mark means metal alliance royal knight, Luke means legion under knight Empire and John means justice order hathor nation. So this is the way they run their military forces and their farming forces that's why it says Jesus said come unto me for I am the way because Jesus is a much better system so when you hear stories in the New testament like Jesus died but then Rose again from death what did actually means is when they were forming Jesus someone put a bill in before government but the build didn't go through but then later they tried again and it did and Jesus was in acted which means become an act their keywords that they use all the time the cross the spear they both acronyms the cross means Centurion royal order star state and what this means is the centurion royal order is a bill and there's only ever one you can only put one bill in at a time in government and the star state means it was a state which means its state now the spear is an acronym it means star pretorian Empire alliance royal that means of royal blocked the bill when it first went in and they made a story out of this later and they called in a book to you testament and then later the roman empire in 79 ad made it a religion but the New testament wasn't written really until about 1490 something and Rome was only still being built at this stage so it's an interesting story. Most of the religious words used are all acronyms you have to understand English didn't exist then and the language had been created to mimic exactly what people wanted it to be so words like god gods and acronym it just means grand order Dynasty and it used to be gae which was grand alliance empire and there was a couple of variations on that which went back a bit further Gaya Gaia. So there's a lot of things that are just completely interpreted incorrectly so the concept of things like and I'll tell you a few extra words like the devil it actually means Dynasty Empire Rome imperial legion and that was because Rome once had a small legion dialogue killed and they called it devil the word Lucifer just means legion under Centurion imperial forces Empire Rome and that was because one dude was in charge of a thousand men and they called him Lucifer now Satan is really just star aligned territory alliance nation and the reason for this is later the Israelites and the Romans both fell out with Egypt and obviously they would totally an utterly against the Star alliance or star empire and of course the celestial gods of Egypt because ultimately Africa refused to keep selling Rome food and Rome folded and the Israelites were kicked out of Africa if you look at Africa like it's a really big area and you understand the concept of being kicked out of something you normally tend to walk to the foot path outside of that place and say art will have left you can't say anything now and that's basically where Jerusalem is if they say they demanded to leave if you want to leave an area or you want to leave some place you would normally travel a little bit further away than five miles up the road. So remember that Rome is an acronym and it means royal order metal order the Rome serve royals that don't serve anyone else most of the royals all become Saints because well Rome controls all of that you have to understand Rome made this book a success because you know they empowered themselves with this book unfortunately now because we're heading into space we need to understand this terrestrial engine that's become Jesus and how it really is the three arms of the government the separation of powers and how it's just the government if you're in a western world it really is running right now but we need to fix this rift because humanity needs it's senses back we need to start looking towards space again we need inside full intuitive connections to protect us when we need free will again and the Catholics use words like anti Christ which is really saying anyone who wants to destroy royals or anyone who wants to support the star territory is the Antichrist it's just a word they're using to try and block people because we're going into space blind as long as this Jesus is not understood that God is just grand order dynasty that these words were created by people . If you don't know what an acronym is I'll give you an example the word scuba is an acronym it means self-contained underwater breathing apparatus that's what I'm saying about all the religious words they're all acronyms so if you studying philosophy or religion it always pays to also study history is where you're going to get your facts from if you had your facts and you need a timeframes you'd be able to work all this stuff out the word Bible is an acronym and means Bedouin imperial Bedouin legion Empire. Okay so here's another story Jesus fed thousands of people were for basket so what they're actually saying you have to start using your adult brain Jesus I've already explained as an acronym and basket is an acronym basket means (b)Bedouin (a)alliance (s) star (k) knight (e)Empire (t) territory. Ok so this means basically the three arms of the government they had the justice executive and senate under star in the area and the basket which is better when alliance which is the tribes of the area and they had knights with them in part of the empire territory which is like a new area it's not a state yet but it's a territory and they were working together and they said people but when you hear the story they say the child version you have to understand that even when the beginning of Jesus started they said three men followed a star that's one way to say it but the truth is the three men represent the three arms of the government the justice the executive and the senate and they were also under the star that they followed and understand has been used before with Zeus which means sea empire under star and what that meant was is basically the trade across the oceans of produce of goods of products and that's what Zeus was called. Ok so all of this has to be taught to all the people of men and they have to know the truth and this rift between the Israelites the Roman Catholics and the Egyptian celestial gods Must be put to rest so humanity can move forward into space with their intuition and their sensors to be able to be safer the way it stands it's not in the creators best interest to allow it to stay the way it is it's now forced to become known to all people the truth about Jesus the truth about god the truth about the New testament so that we can go into space safely. So if you want to help a guy out read this and try and learn something if you want to learn some more just ask me I'll always tell you the truth so I serve the creator and I would not lie to you.
@RosaryWarrior15-bf2nc 8 сағат бұрын
"Lady Liberty" is Lucifer Mr Romero time to wake up, have more Devotion to Our Lady if you need to
@robertteh3056 8 сағат бұрын
Bringing peace between muslims and christians is no heresy!
@Mark3ABE 8 сағат бұрын
Until now, the Popesplainers all used the argument that the Pope’s verbal statement, in Spanish or Italian, had not been correctly translated into English, or not, in any event, in its proper sense, even if literally correct. We are now in any entirely different situation. The Holy Office, very discretely, tried to slip out an official English translation of what the Pope said in Singapore, to remove some, at least, of the heresy from it, or at least, to put it into a less damaging sense. The Pope, however, found out and was furious. He ordered that an accurate English translation be prepared, giving the exact words and correct sense of the original Italian. So, the Pope has made it clear that he is, in his Theology, Syncretist, Universalist and Indifferentist - he believes in some vague concept of a “Great Architect of the Universe” as the Freemasons do and denies the one true God, Yahweh, the Lord God of Israel, and his only begotten Son, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, only in whose name can any be saved. Just what should the Faithful do when the Pope does not “slip up” and accidentally teach error, but does so deliberately, knowingly and in a way determined to ignore the advice even of his best friend Cardinal Fernandez, who wishes to preserve the institution of the Papacy intact for himself in due course and does not wish to see his friend Jorge destroy it before he has a chance to sit on the seat of Peter himself.
@SaintMichael0825 8 сағат бұрын
Amen. But what if, Pope Francis was talking about Jesus Christ? All paths, all religions lead to Jesus Christ?
@bonepaetz7683 8 сағат бұрын
When the pope is trying to make peace with all non-christian religions, he don't realize that he makes Catholic Church divided into pieces .... 🤔🤔🤔
@louischoi4675 9 сағат бұрын
Pope Francis is manifesting its true face, Bible in Book of Revelation foretold it is the false prophet in end days to persuade people to knee down to the antichrist, its outlook alike a lamb with 2 horns but spoke like a dragon. Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. Revelation 13:11
@lulucarvalho2199 9 сағат бұрын
Thanks Scott gor sharing your hearfelt experience. God bless and reward you.
@KingofGodsPeople 9 сағат бұрын
No man is good
@robertteh3056 9 сағат бұрын
Bringing peace between muslims and christians is no heresy!
@urhumbleservant 9 сағат бұрын
13:40 Personal note
@coop2011r 10 сағат бұрын
How is it that religions - which supposedly espouse peace, love and harmony - are so commonly connected with intolerance and violent aggression? For millennia, every religious tradition has either fallen victim to or sanctioned violence. Religious leaders are often criticized for not doing enough to stem religious violence. By not publicly condemning every act of extremism, entire faith communities are presumed to be somehow complicit. In an era of turbulence and uncertainty, interfaith action may offer an important antidote to religious violence. Religious communities can and do offer a reminder of the core principles of our common humanity. While not the exclusive preserve of faith-based groups, the conscious spread of values of empathy, compassion, forgiveness and altruism are needed today more than ever. The persistent calls for patience, tolerance, understanding, face-to-face dialogue and reconciliation are more important than ever given today’s spiralling polarisation and the dangerous anonymity provided by social media. The parable of the Lost Sheep is found in Luke 15:4-7; Matthew 18:10-14. The Pope is following the parable. God bless the Pope.
@Donald-lb4nn 10 сағат бұрын
@Hope_Boat 10 сағат бұрын
The orthodox Church remains relevant by not changing. Others change in hope of remaining relevant and fail. Lord have mercy on us all sinners. Kyrie eleison ☦️
@WONDERring 10 сағат бұрын
@anthonycalipjo8669 10 сағат бұрын
Hahaha 😂😅😊 the phareeses and saducees are offended by the statement of the pope...self righteous man full of pride....
@bridgetlewis9338 11 сағат бұрын
Pope Francis is in need of extreme intercessory prayer. His responsibilities are very great, therefore his failure to accept them and carry out the task he has been given makes his likely future judgment before Christ extremely harsh. He needs to lose his extreme pride and repent, before he dies, but at the moment he can't see that. We need to pray for divine intervention for him, because that is all that will save him. Dear Pope Francis read the passage in Holy Scripture which says "Saul,Saul, why do you persecute me?" Christ Himself will ask you that question face to face if you continue to be unwilling to face it now.
@racheljames7 5 сағат бұрын
He's had Catholics all over the world praying for him for over a decade. He doesn't want to be or do good.
@Pervirtutempax 11 сағат бұрын
Thank you. Yup, the enemy wanted me to jump ship at one point due to my outrage about Francis. Our Lady calmed me down. Funny but true. 😇
@elaine-65 11 сағат бұрын
May God protect the Trump family and the Vance family. May God have mercy on those who wish him ill.