@SethAbercromby 18 сағат бұрын
You don't have to like every game in the series to still enjoy the series as a whole. I didn't like the mechanics and weapon juggling in Eternal, I don't enjoy "developer enforced player expression" where if you aren't using the mechanics as designed you're just crippling your own gameplay progression. I enjoy DMC and Ultrakill because they respect player freedom while giving you a diverse toolbox to experiment with. And while Eternal undeniably has its fans, I'd say it's pretty evident that id has realized some of those flaws themselves and have gone much more into giving every weapon and tool its own power fantasy and giving players more freedom in how to use them instead of developer mandate.
@BillB808 18 сағат бұрын
Its just not as fun as doom 1 and 2....the flashing enemies never did it for me....the colors and death animations on the old skool games they've definitely not beaten it yet
@el_dani 22 сағат бұрын
2016 story was meh, Eternal is just ass: Vikings and angels? Common shut up
@el_dani 22 сағат бұрын
I quited when I had to show perfect jump sequences: I‘ve got Celeste or N++ for precision tasks.
@TokyD0069 23 сағат бұрын
I mean I know someone who never even finished eternal because of the platforming. He loved 2016 tho
@JackGibson-k6x Күн бұрын
Great video and I contend that for a general audience your breakdown about weak points, ammo economy, etc is wholly valid and it's unambiguously true that a lot of people did complain about and not enjoy that the game points you very strongly at a particular way of playing. At this point a lot of us can rip and tear hud-less on nightmare while largely ignoring the weakpoint system and weapon weaknesses, but you can bet your butt that I, and a lot of others, played much closer to the "prescribed" strategy on our first playthrough. Great vid, liked and subbed
@JackGibson-k6x Күн бұрын
Doom 2016 is undoubtedly goated. 6 or 7 playthroughs so far and doubtless more coming over the years, truly a masterwork
@Simian33 Күн бұрын
I agree the game was very ok at best but at times frustrating. I got lost so many times and some of the enemies are BS. I hated the invisible enemies and the little critters that scurried around plus some enemies are to tankie. But the one thing that did it for me was that stupid end boss that pulled some random crap out of it arse like waiting for it to attack so u can dodge which was never a mechanic and just made me give up, it was not fun to play.
@mike13foxtrot79 Күн бұрын
Whenever I fire up the gaming rig, I play at least a level of Eternal, which I just upgraded to a 7800x and 64GB ram. Saved 150.00 on both at Cincinnati Micro Center. Built in Feb 2020. Then found 2016 for 9 bucks at Wally world. Then beat the game by Mar then of course Eternal was released. So now go from 10 years of not playing to 4TB of stored games. Now 8 core CPU all for Dark Ages. Built my desktop, Gaming rig is behind me. I still have the Original DOOM floppy disks. Built the PC in 1994, to better play DOOM. First FPS was Wolfenstein 3D shareware. Then DOOM. The comments I get are those who start with Eternal then go on to 2016 and Doom's past.
@Chasodey Күн бұрын
Vid is pretty cool and Doom Eternal rocks but my god it demands to be played 120 FOV and mouse and keyboard. And Nightmare difficulty of course. THIS is the most doom experience you can get. Yes, I'm biased and I kinda not approve these sticks movements of camera.
@ASLB247 Күн бұрын
I’ll admit I do take some of the more critical videos of doom eternal pretty personally, not just because sometimes the person might have an air of contempt for the people who will defend it (not all of them. There are people like OregonPacifist who were relatively cool about it), but because…man I wish the people saw what I see in eternal: A high energy, colorful, hard as hell, arcadey, heavy metal FPS that just wants to show you a fun time. Yes, it’s less grounded than 2016. Yes, it’s more demanding. Yes, it’s super arcadey. And yes, the story is pretty over the top and dumb, but I love how this game plays so much to really care about it. It’s not perfect, the blood punch can be super finicky, the way the lost souls and power ups (especially the berserk) were handled is disappointing, and the unmaykr is a downgrade from its doom 64 counterpart, but everything else just feels so much tighter and more refined compared to 2016. Though what you said about the two games’ differences enhancing each other I 100% agree with, because even though Eternal’s my favorite doom game with 64 right behind it, I still go back to 2016 whenever I’m in the mood for it and appreciate what that game did right compared to eternal. It is still my 3rd favorite in the series for a reason, and playing eternal has gotten me to develop some habits that do carry over and help me enjoy it a bit more…even if I do tend to just rely on siege mode.
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
I love Eternal. It’s my preferred game, although I think 2016 may age better.
@TWINCASTLE777 Күн бұрын
Last comment. No game caters to everyone. That's why I'll never dis a game for a few things I don't like. The game isn't tailored to me, it's for a LARGE, VERY LARGE AUDIENCE, so I know no game is 100% perfect for everyone, but some are very close. My point, DON'T NIT PICK.
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
No game caters to everyone. Sekiro doesn’t cater to me in the slightest.
@TWINCASTLE777 Күн бұрын
You used the Gatling Gun cause it was easy. I think all your complaints are just cause it's harder. That's not a dis that's just what I hear. They added GREAT, GREAT new mechanics that made the game that much better. I just think it's strange you compliment it in one breath and insult it the next. This game did a lot of things great! I don't think you liked Sekiro cause you didn't GG. Same with the game GG!
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
Dude just read the pinned comment. Or go watch Under The Mayo’s most recent video, which is on my video. Idk what else to tell you.
@TWINCASTLE777 Күн бұрын
Alright I gotta comment to this video. First off I love your video thank you very good video. Second how in God's name can you not absolutely love Sekiro. That is probably one of the best games from software has ever made the quality in that game makes it a masterpiece! And that brings me to my last point you say you can't play a game unless you wanna play it how you wanna play it but no game is made to be played exactly how you wanna play. Every game has its mechanics every game has its style 1 way or another and if you want to just play games that have no thinking no strategy NO mechanics then what do you wanna play I don't understant that. I'm trying to think of a game that lets you play however you Want To play but I Really can't think of one. Matter of fact I hate those kind of games that have no thinking no strategy that's why I love the soul's formula so much because the soul's formula introduces highly rewarding gameplay. Extremely difficult gameplay that you must learn to master it's mechanics. Let's take Horizons Zero Dawn for instance in Horizon Zero Dawn you have to switch to specific arrows for specific enemies you have to properly maneuver to field and get your help and things with that nature. Assassin's creed you had you know climb everything and get to the top and you know fill up your map and do assassinations from above or from below a specific style of play. I think I understand what you mean about not thinking but I think those games are probably the worst. That's why I don't play COD because it's no that fun I mean for me it's not you just get thrown in a map and you start shooting at anything that moves I mean I just don't see any fun in that I mean it could be fun. It's fun don't get me wrong but it isn't a 1000 hours worth of fun like I put in with my souls games I mean bloodborne I must have played I don't know 1200 hours of. Elden ring Dark Souls 3 these games are the top tier of gaming there's not a game in the world that even comes close to the soul's formula not one. If you can name one game that comes remotely close to your favorite Miyazaki game then I want you to tell me. Cause I will play It tomorrow. Matter of fact I will play It right now. I'm kind of rambling now because I don't know what else I Want to say cause I think I made my point but I feel like I forgot one. I hope you can comment back I'd really like to know what you think about what I said if you can name a game that doesn't have a specific way to play. Now I know what I wanted to say you said Doom Eternal doesn't let you play the way you wanna play but it does. It gives you 2 guns for each ammo type so you don't have to use a certain gun if you don't like it, But of course it gives you different weapons to give you what you need. For instance the flame belch I absolutely love that mechanic that you get to roast everything before you shoot it for your armor how you have to glory kill for your health and chainsaw so for your ammo I mean that makes the game difficult which makes it THAT MUCH more FUN. If you take away the difficulty if you take away the mechanics if you take away these specific ways to fight then you're just running around with a Gatling mowing everything down. What fun is that. That's just TOO easy! What makes Doom Eternal so damn excellent is it's difficulty. And REPLAYABLE. If it wasn't difficult, I'd beat the game and never play again, but because it took a full game to get my muscle memory down, the 2nd and 3rd play through, on harder diff. was that much more REWARDING. That's the important word I think "REWARDING". Take that away and you lose replay ability and the high stakes high reward factor. So they'd why I really loved Eternals new mechanics & how to properly take down enemies. Just like the souls formula Specific enemies are weaker to fire or magic or holy damage. I guess I'm rambling still but I'm just kind of shocked that you don't think Doom Eternal makes the Franchise that much better with its mechanics and need to like you said micro manage your inventory. I mean let's be real here and yes I am gonna compare to real life even though it's a video game because that's what we want we want something that feels real otherwise it won't pull us in. So in real life you do have to conserve ammo you do have to think about your strategy so of course thinking and getting good is the best part of the experience. I really want somebody to name a game that they think is great where you don't have to think or has mechanics or gameplay that forces you to react properly to your situatian. On the level as a game like Elden ring or Doom Eternal. I'm trying now to think of one game that I love as deeply as my top tier games that doesn't have what you are saying "forces you to play on their terms" and not the way you want to play. Maybe GTA. GTA I can't think of any mechanic or anything that you have to do that's specific. But then again that game is nowhere near as rewarding as a soul's game. Maybe Lies of P. Who knows. I'm just talking here, but I do think the difficulty and the mechanics set in place to follow a blueprint to GG is what makes a game great! I thought I would never beat Sekiro, I remember getting mad that I couldn't beat the first main bosses or was extremely difficult but then I practiced learned the system and it became one of my fav games of all times. All THANKS to a very different style of play and difficulty that was new and I loved learning to master it.... Just like Doom Eternal. Thank you!
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
The point of the video was trying to get across that a lot of people like to play their way, and not by the rules of the game. I love how Eternal plays. As for Sekiro, I’m seriously not a fan of anything Samurai or Ninja or anything like that. And on top of that, I like using the biggest, heavier swords in souls games, or magic. Not stealth and parrying. I beat sekiro once and never played it again. It’s just not for me. It’s an excellent game with a well designed combat system. It’s just not my cup of tea. Lies of P did rule though
@jacobgangwer2749 Күн бұрын
Once eternal clicked for me, it became one of my favorite games ever. So much raw fun.
@anonymousprime948 Күн бұрын
You can absolutely incorporate the mobile turret, using nades to falter will help you. Just don’t use them at the same time. Use the second nade just as they’re about to get up prolonging their inability to fight back. The energy shield is better because it’s broken but mobile is still good. As long as you’re not only spamming mobile you should be fine.
@wodensthrone5215 Күн бұрын
I still enjoy Doom 2016 more than Eternal, glad to see Doom the Dark Ages taking it back to what Doom 2016 is but better
@lolekorn204 Күн бұрын
I have spent 2,000 hours on this game
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
Dang. I got the platinum on ps4, but I certainly didn’t play for 1,000 hours. I DO have like 400 in RE4 Remake though. So I get it
@lolekorn204 Күн бұрын
Doom 2016 is the most metal scented blood rusty texture game I've ever played and it will forever be my favorite doom game
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
Doom2016 absolutely rules
@genki23 2 күн бұрын
I love both Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, I found both games to be great. I didn’t know it was so divisive
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
They are both absolutely excellent. But a lot of people feel VERY strongly that one is better than the other.
@Simian33 2 күн бұрын
I wanted to really like this game everything about it screamed fun but as u stated in the video enemies were too spongey and numerous. Certain points in the game it became way too difficult and unfair. The lack of ammo really kills the game. If the gameplay was fun then everything else could have been forgiven.
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
@HexenStar 2 күн бұрын
Actually, Doom2016 is quite far from being as flawless as you describe it. It is a good game, but has several blunders that keep it far from the top-whatever. For starters, its action VS walking around ratio is horrendous. Especially for someone who is making a first/second/third playthrough. Unless you memorize/write down everything (or are a speedrunner), - you get 5 minutes of action per level at best, with what can end up to 45 minutes of just walking around. Even in Doom-3 you kill stuff every couple of meters, same in Quake or Quake2, but here - you play a walking simulator for over half of the game. BTW, a modded Doom3 - is a vastly different game than the underdeveloped nonsense that ID threw to the shelves back in 2003. Secondly, for all intents and purposes Doom2016 has a terrible soundscape design. Enemies barely make any sound, and with the exception of mooing here and there - most of the game is very much mute. Pickups sound identical, effects like enemy pain, attack, active, death, falling body parts - nonexistent, ambient FX are barely there and so on and so on. This is pretty pathetic, especially to someone who designs sound effects. Next we have...music🙄it all boils down to: "Mick Gordon this, Mick Gordon that..." Who's Mick Gordon? I haven't heard any. Ah, you mean those 20-second repeating mediocre guitar riffs with zero soloing? And you call that a soundtrack? 🤨Okay, got it... I thought there was Iron Maiden hidden somewhere in there... Lastly, Doom 2016 has the feeling of you fast-forwarding through demons, rather than fighting them. Especially as you get better and better at the game. And while this may have an appeal of its own, but has an effect of something out of a PG-13 product. I remember fighting the Ogres. I remember fighting Phalanx Gladiators, Gunners, Shamblers (especially when they come in pairs) OG Arachnotrons and the OG Cyberdemon. I sure as hell remember Imps from Doom3 (modded, of course) with their feint attacks. Unfortunately - i can't name a single memorable encounter from Doom2016. They are all repetitions of the same unremarkable self. As a bonus - add how slow and heavy the protagonist is in 2016, especially in mid-air. The lack of dash is felt. So there is quite a lot of what could be improved. Eternal, however, didn't improve it per se - it rather took the things into its own direction, for better or worse. The art style of which doesn't do it any favors either, as no matter how good the ambient shots are, - what's right in front of you looks like it was bought in Toys-r-Us. If there is one Doom that truly is eternal - then it's the one ID made in 1993, particularly after it was reforged by the genial mind of Sgt Mark IV.
@UngliYT Күн бұрын
@@HexenStar that’s a lot of words. Too bad I ain’t readin’ em
@michakrzyzanowski8554 2 күн бұрын
The berserk is one of the most memorable moments I've had with this game. You feel like an unstoppable force, especially with the music playing.
@devendoffing7004 2 күн бұрын
The only thing I really never liked abt Eternal is that it lost its dark, gritty atmosphere and environments. I know they wanted to make the game feel more arcady, like the originals, but I feel 2016 nailed the atmosphere perfectly and would have loved to see that again.
@devendoffing7004 2 күн бұрын
The reason I prefer the darker atmosphere is because these are literal demons from Hell you’re fighting. They’re actual monsters that are incomprehensible to the average person, so they should be terrifying. But you’re even scarier. That’s the best atmosphere for Doom in my opinion.
@UngliYT 2 күн бұрын
@@devendoffing7004 I know what you mean. I love Eternal but the atmosphere in 3 and 2016 are excellent
@megalinc 2 күн бұрын
Bro plays the hardest difficulty and complains that the game gives you challenge like bruh, play on violent and chill with the turret mod
@megalinc 2 күн бұрын
(still a good video tho)
@UngliYT 2 күн бұрын
I wasn’t complaining. I was saying I get why people wouldn’t like it.
@gameindustryinsider6450 2 күн бұрын
DOOM 2016 excelled due to its brutal simplicity. Eternal was overly complex, with a tedious resource management system (including “push this bottom every ten seconds” for amor), every enemy requiring a different approach and a long winded narrative I could care less about. The gameplay felt like work compared to its prequel, and everything that was fast and fun before became tedious button mashing.
@SirMattomaton 2 күн бұрын
Where the hell did all this "Doom Eternal divisive" talk come from? I remember everyone loved the game. Then Reddit gremlins decided to pick a dumb fight...
@UngliYT 2 күн бұрын
It was there from the start. It was always which one is better. And it was a deep divide with people growing more and more toxic over it.
@beedtusgang3519 2 күн бұрын
here before 2k subs
@UngliYT 2 күн бұрын
Glad you’re here
@sagelight7777 2 күн бұрын
Think you have this one wrong. Doom 3 is by far the most divisive. Doom eternal is loved as the best Doom game by a margin
@UngliYT 2 күн бұрын
Just take a peek through the comments in my doom videos
@sushiIabel 3 күн бұрын
i see the top comment. i just wanted to say overdrive rune+jump on scroll wheel alternating between ballista and super shotgun is easily the most fun i have ever had in a doom title. air control/glory kill reach/time slow mod it’s literally quake 3 cpma/reflex easy movement movement mode which IMO is the purest form of freedom of expression in a shooter.
@Concerts_Joel_Has_Been_Too 3 күн бұрын
Amazing Fucking Video man I’m gonna go replay Doom Rn
@UngliYT 2 күн бұрын
Doom rules. Have fun ❤️
@lithium1770 3 күн бұрын
titanfall 2 is im the same tier for me
@otogaal6098 3 күн бұрын
You know that chainsaw is for making ammo?...,tacticaly, experienced you never be without ammo, rise up difficulty often
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
@professionalagent420 3 күн бұрын
the game is a complete joke. SSG/Ballista combo destroys everything. these losers like to say that this game is hard as f*ck but it's not. it's easy as f*ck. like I said, the game is a complete joke
@threadsoflifebooks1878 3 күн бұрын
Doom might be Eternal, but I got a hunch it's heading for a Dark Age.
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
If there’s not an Army of Darkness reference, I’ll be pretty upset.
@neighbourhoodmusician 3 күн бұрын
The story is silly Saturday morning cartoon stuff, but my god the gameplay is refined to an art form. I haven't played in a while but it kept me entertained and young difficulty for like 3 years.
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
I LOVE the Saturday morning cartoon story lol. Also yea gameplay is killer
@neighbourhoodmusician 3 күн бұрын
@UngliYT I think I got what you mean about the gameplay though. It's like Dark Souls, there are strict constraints imposed on you by the game that force you into its groove, which feels restrictive compared to the easier Doom 2016, but once you 'get it' and adjust your approach to those constraints then there's a lot of creative expression available within those constraints.
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
@ that’s the ticket
@Demonicangelgaming2 3 күн бұрын
Never used shield in doom eternal
@wladdragwlya 3 күн бұрын
BEST 1st person shooter ever created??? ARE YOU HIGH?? is a f console game especially in the gameplay aspect port that has been ported to PC The consoles trend.. well It started almost 20 years ago: with Doom3, Carmack would later ADMIT that, yeah, when we build the Doom3 core we had xbox in mind -hence another atrocious single player game.
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
Feel free to make your own video on the best shooter ever created.
@boredbales12345 3 күн бұрын
I love Doom 2016. Its a good stepping stone game. It was as good as it was, so Id Software could make Doom Eternal better, and boy did they deliver. No game is perfect, but DE is, hands down, the best FPS game Ive ever played in nearly 30 years of gaming. Im so excited for DTDA. I think its going to rock.
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
I love every Doom. And I love fans of Doom. TDA looks sick as heck. Lever Action Super Shotgun. You should stick around for that video but I imagine it’s just me saying Lever Action Super Shotgun for 30 minutes
@boredbales12345 3 күн бұрын
@UngliYT I'll definitely check it out. Always happy to welcome a new Doom-tuber. Not enough Doom in the world
@Melchizidek777 3 күн бұрын
Doom Eternal: the first person shooter about using gymnastics in defeat your enemies while only being able to carry 8 shotgun shells. The doom slayer can’t be weighted down by all that ammo while moving at the speed of autism. Ok it’s not a bad game, takes skill for sure but some of the criticisms in this video are genuine.
@viraticwars 3 күн бұрын
This game doesn't feel 9 years old...
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
Our bones are turning to dust I fear
@PS1DOOMGUY 3 күн бұрын
I’m a 30+ year Doom veteran and DOOM (2016) is the ultimate Doom experience in my opinion. Also it brings back DOOMGUY! 🔥
@leonsk1787 3 күн бұрын
I will say for like the first 3 or 4 levels of eternal, i was kinda bored. Then, when everything finally clicked together for the game, I started to have a lot of fun. It just took a wile for all the systems to meld into the doom dance.
@juliocesar-po6hu 3 күн бұрын
For me eternal was really good but the combat was really exhausting after one level or one and half, while doom 2016 i was able to beat 1/4 of the game in one sitting and not getting exhausted.
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
It is exhausting, but in the best possible way for me. But yea after like 2 levels, I had to take a break. Like jeez
@illk1978 3 күн бұрын
2016 was mad
@Iceyraven_ 3 күн бұрын
Doom eternal is fucking perfect to me, only nitpicks I can complain about is the boss fights were lacking and I didn’t like the marauder not hate him just didn’t like him, eternal is about the gameplay and that’s why people should play it.
@UngliYT 3 күн бұрын
I love Eternal. ❤️
@cyberdemon6517 3 күн бұрын
i 100%'d this game in 2022, and proudly so so yes "What else ya got"
@charlesweinerpiano2920 3 күн бұрын
Fantastic video man, your review is funny, well written, and structured in a great way. Thank you for raising awareness of this game, you are doing the lord's work. I think Bulletstorm is easily one of the best FPS video games of all time. The sheer fun and creativity of the combat system is just hard to find anywhere else. It's affirming to find another fan of this game who can articulate its genius and wants a sequel as desperately as I do. Apparently the remaster sold pretty well, so there is hope! Anyway, thanks again.
@mikeyder344 3 күн бұрын
The chaptoc nature of this, to me, looks like the bullshit I do in Warframe. Except this is in first person, and they killed my bunny so someones gotta fucking pay.