@jnannini99 16 күн бұрын
I,m 56 years old active and "helathy", gleasson 4+3, I thinking to take VMAT radiotherapy+ADT instead of da vinci surgery as my first treatment, what do you think?
@ozorena 17 күн бұрын
Chris hi , what were your psa levels over time after surgery? were you taking 100mg on a daily basis?
@briangee2869 20 күн бұрын
I guess I was super lucky since I regained full bladder control about 7 days after catheter removal. I was initially planning for the long haul due to the free flow of urine once off the catheter, but here I am with a serious oversupply of pads. I guess that’s a nice problem to have. Good luck to all with your recovery!
@lesprudence374 24 күн бұрын
My experiences are identical to what you have said in every way I am 3 weeks post surgery now. Mine was done by top surgeon and da vinci robot. Good luck and speedy recovery
@frederickbach2760 Ай бұрын
When I do the legal exercises it makes me pee instead of stopping it I'm only 5 weeks after surgery but I'm not getting any control. Why
@timwenzel6565 Ай бұрын
Hello Chris, I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and came across your channel. I just finished watching all of your videos and I wanted to thank you for documenting and sharing your experience. I want you to know that I admire your courage as well as your candor and straightforwardness. You have expressed how you hope that your videos will help others. Trust me, they really have. I sat with my notebook while watching, jotting down points to discuss with my surgeon. Wishing you all the best in your continued recovery! Thank you!
@szkola-inwestowania-walen Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing.
@ricknowak4582 Ай бұрын
You are such a nice person Chris I feel so sorry for you. I know you don't want people to feel sorry for you I know that but I have emotional feelings listening to your stories. I am dragging my feet on treatments. I'm 70 years old 3 + 4 = 7 and 2 biopsy opinions. The initial report I would consider favorable Gleason 7. A 5% volume on the four. But I did have multiple cores. But the second opinion from John Hopkins came back 40% and 50% on the fours. Which is not good. I am waiting for a third opinion! But for some reason the doctors are dragging their feet on ordering it. Which is giving me a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety.
@ricknowak4582 Ай бұрын
I am debating between surgery and proton therapy. Does anyone know what the percentage of reoccurrences with ... Surgery? I thought my doctor told me 40%. Which is very high I think. Does anyone know.
@ricknowak4582 Ай бұрын
38 radiation treatments! Because you had a PSA of 0.45? Wtf! This is why I don't even want to try any kind of treatment when I hear stories like yours. Why would the doctors radiate their pelvic area with such a almost undetectable PSA score! I would think they would have to get it up to one and a half or two! So they could at least see where the cancer is with a PSMA pet scan! Comments thoughts please. It's becoming so frustrating when I hear stories like yours I could be wrong but man I don't think so bro.
@doloopPi Ай бұрын
What was your initial Gleason score?
@ricknowak4582 Ай бұрын
What kind of doctor would not insist on an MRI before the biopsy! Wtf! You can have such better accuracy with MRI guiding the needles.
@elperrote660918 Ай бұрын
Can you recomend the rigth kegel exercises to do?
@JasonSmith-qt2xk Ай бұрын
I had a radical prostatectomy one yeaar ago and now my PSA is 23. I'm booked in to see a Radiation Oncologist this week and deoending on PET results i might ask for some time, like 90 days where i can go hard on every alternative natural treatment like fenbendazole and ivermectin, RSO, CDS, everything thats too much to list but what I've researched over the past year.
@ericfortier983 2 ай бұрын
Merci Chris…..from a french canadian. You’re videos are very useful. I went to surgery on june 4th, had remove the cathetar and had to be put on because of problems….had it remove for the second time 3 days ago….living with a lot of dripping but i keep the spirit…
@robertrosanelli444 2 ай бұрын
Glad you are off Lupron, as that medication has horrible side effects, which I am sure you experienced. I am sure Lupron is effective, however, life without testosterone is miserable.
@ricknowak4582 Ай бұрын
I've been finding studies that say lowering testosterone is a bad idea! I personally don't believe testosterone is the fuel that feeds the cancer. So therefore you wouldn't necessarily need any hormone treatments. Just saying my thoughts. One friend of mine was supposed to take lupron for 2 years. After one year the side effects were so bad he says no more! So he didn't take anymore and he had no problems with the cancer.
@Criticalthink21st 2 ай бұрын
Surgery a week ago. How are you?
@ricknowak4582 2 ай бұрын
Chris I've seen all of your videos. I feel so sorry for you and what you're going through. It makes me think that I should not do anything if I hear what you're going through. I have a bunch of Gleason 7 cores in the doctors want to start radiation or prostatectomy. But I am delaying. I'm hoping that active surveillance with a very healthy diet and exercise might suppress the cancer. Stop it from growing. Because I know once I start treatment I'll be a customer of the medical profession for life! It terrifies me what I would be going through.
@gioQ1953 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, your videos help a lot!!!!🙏
@waynesutherland-rs6ct 2 ай бұрын
@hectormedina7198 2 ай бұрын
Nice to hear that you are doing well. Cheers!
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
Chris I have listened to all of your videos everyone!!! But I can't remember recalling what was your original Gleason scores. Very important for me to know. Cuz I am researching deciding what treatment I am going to take. I'm sort of leaning towards proton therapy. But I plan on refusing all hormone treatments. Also, would you happen to know the "volume" of those scores. Thank you so much.
@ericschwartz9584 3 ай бұрын
Incontinence was terrible for 2-3 weeks after surgery but if you are religious about kegels it can make a difference. I can hold at night now to sleep, but the daytime standing upright is a different story. A penal clamp by Weiss gave me mobility back. It has been a life saver but is not a replacement for doing your pelvic floor exercises.
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
I wouldn't have too much faith in that urologist of yours Chris. He didn't get to all the cancer out number one. You're incontinence lasted a very long time and now this!?!? I wouldn't go to that guy I feel so sorry for you Chris. I have listened to all of your videos so far. Following your story. I am learning a lot too. To me listen to your stories and others I don't believe there's a cure for this cancer. Seems like it's only benefitingthe doctors and chemical companies. And the radiologists and their big expensive machines which they have to pay for. Ha!
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
Chris I wanted to ask you this question a few weeks ago but I forgot. What do you do at night when you're sleeping as far as the incontinence goes. I pee a whole lot at night and wondering what do I do to stop my bed from being drenched in urine!! Would I have to set my alarm every 2 hours to wake up and change my diaper?
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
I am 70 years old and have Gleason 7 in five Coors. Which isn't too good. I've been juicing eating alkaline vegetables and fruits no milk no carbohydrates. Play tennis everyday. I am trying desperately to avoid any treatment with metabolic therapy. But listening to your story healthy young guy didn't help beat cancer. It too makes me very angry.
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
I've been listening to all your videos so far Chris and I truly thank you so much for taking the time and chronicling your journey. I didn't do anything yet with my prostate problem. Still deciding what treatment I am going to pursue.
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
I tell you what ....listening to this video the night before surgery is sure ....FREAKY!!!
@ricknowak4582 3 ай бұрын
You think that the hospital or doctor would provide those diapers!!!WTF!! They know which ones work the best!! That I don't get it all. Just a few just to let you know what kind is the best!!!
@user-we9rb5lo5f 3 ай бұрын
Great news Chris..👏👏💪❤️
@brianduffy3125 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story i just had my biopsy and i find out if i have cancer or not it runs in my family my PSA number was 9.8 my brother had his prostate removed 6 years ago he is doing well
@RichardMcN 3 ай бұрын
Hi Chris thanks for your very helpful advice, you have been through it all. At 70 yrs and a year after surgery I have 100% ED and not prepared to waste time with pills and injections my best option seems to be an implant. Same as you it's a last resort and worried about the risks. Are you still satisfied with your decision and does the need for ongoing treatment due to increasing PSA have any implications relating to an implant? Thank you.
@Alice-qh2dm 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for explaining it in words we can understand. I’m just wondering coming in late have you had your pr ostate removed - or is this some other form of treatment.
@travelconxtions 3 ай бұрын
Hi Chris don't know if your still answering questions. So am questioning if you had the lymph nodes out how come you don't have a drain bag fitted?. I'm in the UK 🇬🇧 and just had Radical prostatectomy and they also took out the seminal verciles because my cancer reached there. But unlike you I have a drainage tube draining lymph fluid from my side . I've been sent home with the tube attached and am having to count the amount of fluid that is draining. Currently it's 200 - 400ml within 24 hrs . It must get down to 50ml in a 24hr period before they will remove the pipe.. Maybe they drained your fluid in the operation. Maybe it's a different procedure here. I'm wondering why they didn't drain my lymph fluid while I'm in the operation? They also told me that my bladder was leaking during the operation so I have to leave my catheter in 3 weeks instead of 2 and before they remove it they will scan me with a cystascope to make sure my urethra and bladder have joined correctly and that there is no leak. I'm glad that I watched your vloggs weeks before I had surgery as originally I had chosen to have TURP then Radiotherapy. But your vloggs changed my mind . So thanks for all your information.. And hope your still doing great. I started running before my operation then changed to nice walks now bought a bike. And I will be back into walks and bike rides as soon as possible.. Hope your still running.
@mikebordeaux8218 4 ай бұрын
I know this is an older video but i just wanted to say your video was the inspiration i needed, my surgery was 2 weeks ago.
@markfll 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the information. My surgery is scheduled for may 29th, 2024. Gleason score of 4+5.
@gioQ1953 2 ай бұрын
I just came home from the hospital, after my surgery. I hope all is well with you sir!🙏
@markfll 2 ай бұрын
​@@gioQ1953I've been recovering pretty well. It's just been over 20 days. I had a setback last week when I fell going into the bathroom. Dislocation my shoulder, stiches on my head, cut leg, and bruised torso. I don't have too much leakage problems, although I'm still using pads in my underwear, just in case. Urgency is still present, but flow is much better. Post-op pathology report shows the cancer has spread to one of the removed lymph nodes. Will check PSA in 6 weeks. Good luck with your recovery.
@naze00011 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this... it is a struggle on not getting overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions.
@naze00011 4 ай бұрын
Good evening Chris.... 1st of all congratulations on your pathway to 0 cancer. I wanted to ask a question regarding the salvage radiation. I had my prostate removed my PSA was 11 and arising in June of 2023 after 2 recent PSA checks it was 0.16 and it is now 0.22. My urologist is suggesting salvage radiation. I watched the video with this title and I just wanted to say thank and I pray for your continued recovery and for all of us in the chat. I am nervous about this as much as anyone else would be.... I ask that you just pray for strength and courage for all of us. Thank you for sharing this information to help all of us.
@danaiyuvaboon9005 4 ай бұрын
Thank you very much, you story is very informative and helpful.
@aliasi-sv6xb 4 ай бұрын
thank you for sharing very helpful in my case i started my treatment in hormone therapy and my doctors do not recommend surgery so i started with psa level of 62 and gleason 3+4 now my last test for psa after 2 months is 5.3 if anyone and you can help if i am in the wirght path i will appreciate that thank you
@fredflintstone8574 4 ай бұрын
With PSA 3-5 a PSMA scan should see it. Since it's not, you may have a variant that will more likely show up on a scan like a choline scan. I think there are also others like it that use the cancer metabolism to image. I know Mayo does Choline scans. Perhaps one of these types are available at Anderson.
@joeax61 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience Chris, and glad that you're doing okay. I'm new to your videos and happy that I've found them. Having my prostate removed soon and trying to gather as much information as I can, so thanks again for your videos and your time. Best wishes, JA
@andrewgreenway3649 5 ай бұрын
As a medical professional as well as durable prostate cancer patient (post Proctectomy, in radiation) this sharing of yours has been most helpful to me. It is difficult to discover stores of patients who display such a high measure of honesty, clarity, filtered through realistic expectations. I thank you for sharing and I am happy that you are navigating this so well.
@markcoffin9130 5 ай бұрын
i am 8 months out from prostate surgery, my last psa was .014 or undetectable. im a so lucky here, my leve was a 5/4. so far it has not spread to the lymph nodes. thank you for your story. i find it very helpful. keep up the good work. bless you.
@tjc5624 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video, glad your doing well. What type of radiation did you receive?
@philremillard2668 5 ай бұрын
Thanks. Super good to hear.
@BrentonFernandez 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your life Chris. So happy your are doing well. Stay strong.
@Carlosib 5 ай бұрын
Can you please link to the last thin pad you mentioned, thanks.
@Liquid_People 6 ай бұрын
@kylekohberger9663 6 ай бұрын
Hi Chris. What is the app you use to help with the kegal exercises? Thank you for the updates. Very informative
@chrishartley6966 6 ай бұрын
I don't see the one I used in the Google store anymore. Search for counter. I saw others that do the same the thing.