sura Nuh  Hört euch das an
17 жыл бұрын
The best Qur'an recitation
17 жыл бұрын
17 жыл бұрын
@MrBobHaley 3 ай бұрын
@Muhammad.63 4 ай бұрын
@TheThankfulServant 3 жыл бұрын
12 years later still listening Love it
@ahsansamsheer5021 7 жыл бұрын
@schwaibuugah7238 8 жыл бұрын
@catlover1633 11 жыл бұрын
@abduli67 11 жыл бұрын
@louchirinail4868 11 жыл бұрын
@bodybybalance 11 жыл бұрын
Beautiful Recitation
@kirsehirli91 11 жыл бұрын
Einer einer lieblings rezetationen
@WeBorn2DieAnyTime 11 жыл бұрын
As Salaam aleykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuh, MashaAllah, BaarakAllahu feek for sharing, wa Salaam aleykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuh .
@kirsehirli91 12 жыл бұрын
möge Allah dıch dafür belohnen ! amınn
@kirsehirli91 12 жыл бұрын
abdul athımmmmm <3333 barakallahu feek akhı
@abdelhadinamrani 12 жыл бұрын
MaschaAllah Great
@molious101 12 жыл бұрын
mashallah beautiful recitation <3 what language is he speaking at the end? German or Norwegian???
@lostinthedunya 5 жыл бұрын
Sukar German
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
no problem, we can pick another subject, how about , islam is a violent religion, verse 5:33 is a great example how islam dangerous.... how would your repond to that.
@lavidaspeligrosa 12 жыл бұрын
Even if your right, your djahil to bring such subject in this specific video clip. Once again, many words are borowed from latin if you try to be precise about the name and function of medicen, healt etc etc. Here i got Latin Phrases and Terms Used in Medicine, go and help your self: Acerbus - Sharp, harsh (to the taste). Ad conciliandum gustum - To suit the taste. Ad duas vices - At twice taking. Adde, Addantur - Add, Let them be added. Adstante febri (Ads. feb.) - While fever is pre
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
honey, I am a native speaker of arabic, your tricks won't work, it is not about Latin, and arabs don't use much latin (nice try usign PARACETAMOL) ? many words in medicin are arabic, and it is limited, that is why they have problems, then they use ENGLISH words, for exampleL DNA they say in arabic: DANA did you know that, which is a compete trash (they do that in syria) then arabs in egypt call it something else and so on, because arabic is NOT an updated language, not like german , or english.
@lavidaspeligrosa 12 жыл бұрын
First of all i am not stupid, i know you are. Secondley i`ve replyed to you but on Iphone it doesnt add to your comment. Human progress? listen, the words YOU use for chemistry and others are words that are BOROWED. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, THUS IT GOES TO YOUR LITTLE PINDA BRAIN. In Arabic we use the words what we and YOU (EUROPE) BOROWS (mostley Latin words). example: paracetamol? yes in Arabic we use the same definition becasue of the BOROWED language. BOROWING=Up-To-Date. UNDERSTAND?
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
are you stupid? I told you when you talk to me send me a reply, so I know you are talking to me daaaaaaa,unclear?did you read what I said,you cannot study medicine and computer science, economy,chemistry, biology very well in arabic ,is that clear, or you are going to tell me not clear,Arabic is not updated language, they did not follow the human progress, and adopted the new words that were generated from modern time,please ,this is very clear,if you want to write me, press reply.
@lavidaspeligrosa 12 жыл бұрын
You know why? You talk about medicen? They use latin words.. German words? Yeah right, and i am a German too. You must devide languages in seprate aspect and for what use and cause. Furthermore, you say Arabic isnt up to date? Tell me how and from witch point of view do you see it? Because you are very unclear in what you say.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
who are you talking with ? as I said, if you have a question please just ask it ... to clarify things, if you think that I don't make sense, please tell me where, and we will discuss it. thank you.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
woooow, how on earth you got that number ???? 40 millions, there is no language on earth has 40 million words.. I know arabic has no 40 million words, but ok let's say it has, does that make it a better language ? no human on earth can learn 40 million words, not even one million are you kidding me?? i know arabic very well, arabic is a nice language,but not updated, you cannot easly study medicine, computer science, and advanced topics because simply it is not updated .. not like german english
@lavidaspeligrosa 12 жыл бұрын
Arab has over 40 milion words, and its considering ine if the oldest and authentic language in the world. Arabic is far more complex but special in anyway, besides many words in european are from arabic. think like benzine.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
when you write me, send a reply, ... if you have a question, ask it ..... if that how you make your point, just stay away please. thank you.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
you are funny, what do you know about arabic ? do you what happens when arab wan to use arabic to study medicin ? computer science ? and advanced topic ? arabic is not up to date language.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
yes you did say that, human are different from animals human have brains, and then you used a stupid argument, I never said that there is some palace that is made by itself, yes, mountains, rivers, life, all are made through the consistency of physics (constat physics, we use the word constant to indicate, that it does not change,this consistency make everything so stable, but not designed, they are a result of it .I assmume things and I argue them, like what ? what is the thing I am assuming?
@amatoellaaha4257 12 жыл бұрын
Ma sha Allah!!
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
u assume things and argue them , i didn't say they don't have brains ,so from where these first cells came from ? and don't say constant physics ( by the way it is called physics )
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
ignorance is your supporter,all your arguments are based on ignorance, animals have brains,don't say they don't,your example of the palace is really stupid, you are saying that mountains were desgined, deserts, rivers, and oceans,all these were designed, you are ignorant,I told you, there is a constant physics that make this universe in this shape,it is a slow process through consistent rules,they are not designed, they are happening,developing, through the consistency of physics. use your head.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
German is a very beutiful language, Arabic is a nice language but it is almost dead language and is really old and cannot be used much in very advanced topics .. German is a pretty update language .. German language is in much stronger position than arabic.
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
u reminded me by a story showing the nonsense of Athiesm,a man found an astonishing palace and he was told that wind gathered sand and formed perfect cubed stones then hurricanes gathered these stones each stone in its position forming walls,then wind blew and bring cement between stones then it rained to hyd.cement,then tornados bring trees cut it doors and window frames and put them in places,lighting strikes sand forming glass then by wind formed to windows and moved by wind to its place
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
so there is no difference between u and a chicken :D,we humans have something called mind that makes u think and choose , your choices makes ur life and ur hereafter and who said that animals won't be judged in islam animals will be judged one who geats beaten will get its right from one beated it,u have no answers and this very slow process and the first cells created itself ? athiesm is not a solution it just escaping
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
not because you formed a question,that means it has a coresponding answer, not every question has an answer, Human came through a very slow process called natural selection,planets came from Bing bang, the balance in the universe is through the constant physics (becuase it is constant),yes no one will be judged. is there a judgment day for chicken ??? they are a life as well. ohhh yea it is about human only from alll other forms of life.everything I mentioned has nothing to do with coincidence.
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
so did u find answers in athiesm ? where did human came from ? these galaxies planets billions of stars are just there by coincidence? life on earth and this balance is a coincidence too ?no one is going to be judged ? no good is going to be rewarded and no bad is going to be punished ? we will just be dust we don't have spirits or souls ?answer each question plz
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
i make sense u just don't show where is the nonsense by logic look at ur replies ,it is all about saying i am brain washed terrorist u don't show what is wrong with my answers bla bla bla , u would understand this if u we were attacked or one of ur family got killed because of greed and theft so u grow up , and i know that alot of muslims don't follow quran litteraly so what? i am not asked to apply these laws it is the resposibility of governer
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
god orderd us by these laws they are so hard but there is a 1 % probability of applying them so this 1 % prevents criminals from commiting crimes and save probable victims isn't this logical ? so applying these laws require alot alot of conditions , it is like reaching an islamic youtubia where everything is available so the one who commits crimes should be punished understood my friend . do u belive there is a god ? and if u believe what is ur belief ? i am just wondering
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
i want to tell u something about hodood (punishment laws) they are terrifying but there is a very small chance that they will be applied to any one because there are a lot of conditions that should be available to execute these laws , if he denied it he wouldn't be punished , if he was pushed to commit this beacuse there are no jobs he wouldn't be punished , if he repented before being caught he wouldn't be punished , if people didn't deliver him and forgave him he wouldn't be punished
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
the fourth punishment "exile" i wrote it exilation sorry , well if we have to cut a hand and a leg of a criminal who desesrved this punishment by his actions to avoid hundreds of other crimes by whom will be afraid of punishment i see it logical
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
no my friend i said some scholars said that , and u will find them making sense if u live in insecure places i am talking from a personal experience, and what doesn't make sense? i told u these punishments are to avoid crimes and to stop them so they are so hard , isn't this logical , u are just repeating saying cutting hands and legs as if we are going to run in streets saying" oh he has a hand, cut it :D "
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
you are brain washed, a repeater, you don't make any sense , you just keep talking and talking, and there is no logic involved .... you are not even listening, i dont respect any books say: it is ok to cut hands and legs, Allah is no true God, and any one on earth says it is ok (as you are doing now) he is a terrorist, potentially dangerous, and should be stopped...i will never accept such laws .. if God does really exist, and tells me it is ok to cut hands and legs, I would tell God fuck off.
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
also there is a reply on this prespective issue , if u believe that there is a god and he knows best and our view isnot an overall view , and that punishment in life is better than punishment in hereafter i guess u will accept these laws
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
cuting hands and legs will never be axcepted, and used, in other words, Allah gives as you said options (4 types), that most of them make no any sense whatsoever , that is funny .. Allah says many thinks that makes no sense .. i though allah is perfect .........
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
no matter what they do how? so why aren't all punishments the same no matter what the crime is , i am not enforcing it i am answering ur question about it, no one will use it because no one will commit such crimes not because it is meaningless. and after all this there are scholars who said that there are 4 types of punishment including exilation and the governer can choose between them
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
no matter what they do, cutting hands and legs cannot be accepted in modern life, if you are a muslim please don't enforce your ideas on others , and say: let's do that in the community, it exists in Quran , but NO ONE will use it, so the words of Allah are meaningless and cannot be used, so why Allah said them at first place .. funny isnt it......... Quran contains plenty of verses, that no any modern community would adopt, so Allah's word are meaningless from this perspective.
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
, frankly i used to think that it is so hard and unapplicable now but once u are faced by criminals and their crulety u start callin for applying it on them , and if its done i think no one would do such crimes because he knows what is going to happen to him its for preventing not for cutting people into pieces
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
in fact a god who talks about these things is real god , isn't it for all humans and who doesn't care about money and marriage for verse 5:33 , if someone stopped u and take ur money and killed ur wife what would u say that should be done to him , i am from egypt after the security was too bad since revolution and we heard alot been kidnapped and raped and killed i used to say these criminals should be treated by this verse
@monamar 12 жыл бұрын
sorry 188 - 197 chapter 7 inshallah
@monamar 12 жыл бұрын
its 7 : 187 to 197
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
who said I woud use science to deny the word God, you are wrong, .. I use logic, God in the sense of abrahamic religions does NOT exist, a God who talks about money, and marriage is not real God, is too much local thinking ........ and by the way you don't even dare to answer is verse 5:33 can be used in our time.