The best Qur'an recitation

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das ist eine super Stimme MaschaAllah

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@OmanLoverCallOfDuty 15 жыл бұрын
ما شاء الله...قراءة جميلة أسأل الله أن يسعده في الدنيا والآخرة محبكم في الله....نداء الواجب
@click2112 16 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful human being, Mashallah. I love his clothes and beard. Allah has blessed him with the voice of an Angel.
@ibrahiiim112 15 жыл бұрын
MASHALLAH !!! beutiful voice :)!!!
@almuumin 13 жыл бұрын
@QuranTafseer he s a maroccan who lives in germany
@kamron456 17 жыл бұрын
its funny at the end but nice voice
@TheThankfulServant 3 жыл бұрын
12 years later still listening Love it
@Sh0SUPERMAN 13 жыл бұрын
Amazing recitation! SALAM from Canada to all my German brothers and Muslims worldwide
@HijabiGirl09 15 жыл бұрын
Masha'Allah your so good...Marry me please:-)
@syedkaiser 15 жыл бұрын
Shaikh Abdul Adhim.
@Kuwaiti55 16 жыл бұрын
{قل لا أملك لنفسي نفعا ولا ضرا إلا ما شاء الله ولو كنت أعلم الغيب لاستكثرت من الخير وما مسني السوء إن أنا إلا نذير وبشير لقوم يؤمنون}. اين الشيعة من هذه الاية ... فالرسول عليه الصلاة و السلام لا يملك لنفسة نفعا ولا ضرا الا ما شاء الله فكيف يطلبون العونو الغوث من اهل بيته الابرار والله ان اهل البيت بريئون من شركهم !!!
@WeBorn2DieAnyTime 13 жыл бұрын
As Salaam aleykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh. Allahu Akbar Masha Allah Ramadan Kareem Jazaka Allah kheiran for sharing wasalaam aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakkatuh
@WeBorn2DieAnyTime 11 жыл бұрын
As Salaam aleykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuh, MashaAllah, BaarakAllahu feek for sharing, wa Salaam aleykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuh .
@mado9111 16 жыл бұрын
to the brother who was swearing... the prophet pbuh was sitting beside abu bakr and a man came and kept swearing abu bakr..and both of them kept silent..until abubakr couldnt bear and swore at the man the prophet walked away ..abu bakr was shocked and ran at the prophet and asked him why did u walk away ..he answered "when u kept silent the angels were surrounding the place when u swore the devil came,and i dont sit at a place where the devil is present"
@almuumin 13 жыл бұрын
@QuranTafseer yes akhi, many strangers live in germany and most 1. turkish - ca. 2 Million. 2.from ex-yugoslawia ca. 1,5 Million. 3. italian ca. 700000 and many others like greeks, poles, spanish, africans, arabs, morrocans...
@lavidaspeligrosa 12 жыл бұрын
Even if your right, your djahil to bring such subject in this specific video clip. Once again, many words are borowed from latin if you try to be precise about the name and function of medicen, healt etc etc. Here i got Latin Phrases and Terms Used in Medicine, go and help your self: Acerbus - Sharp, harsh (to the taste). Ad conciliandum gustum - To suit the taste. Ad duas vices - At twice taking. Adde, Addantur - Add, Let them be added. Adstante febri (Ads. feb.) - While fever is pre
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
honey, I am a native speaker of arabic, your tricks won't work, it is not about Latin, and arabs don't use much latin (nice try usign PARACETAMOL) ? many words in medicin are arabic, and it is limited, that is why they have problems, then they use ENGLISH words, for exampleL DNA they say in arabic: DANA did you know that, which is a compete trash (they do that in syria) then arabs in egypt call it something else and so on, because arabic is NOT an updated language, not like german , or english.
@lavidaspeligrosa 12 жыл бұрын
First of all i am not stupid, i know you are. Secondley i`ve replyed to you but on Iphone it doesnt add to your comment. Human progress? listen, the words YOU use for chemistry and others are words that are BOROWED. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, THUS IT GOES TO YOUR LITTLE PINDA BRAIN. In Arabic we use the words what we and YOU (EUROPE) BOROWS (mostley Latin words). example: paracetamol? yes in Arabic we use the same definition becasue of the BOROWED language. BOROWING=Up-To-Date. UNDERSTAND?
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
woooow, how on earth you got that number ???? 40 millions, there is no language on earth has 40 million words.. I know arabic has no 40 million words, but ok let's say it has, does that make it a better language ? no human on earth can learn 40 million words, not even one million are you kidding me?? i know arabic very well, arabic is a nice language,but not updated, you cannot easly study medicine, computer science, and advanced topics because simply it is not updated .. not like german english
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
yes you did say that, human are different from animals human have brains, and then you used a stupid argument, I never said that there is some palace that is made by itself, yes, mountains, rivers, life, all are made through the consistency of physics (constat physics, we use the word constant to indicate, that it does not change,this consistency make everything so stable, but not designed, they are a result of it .I assmume things and I argue them, like what ? what is the thing I am assuming?
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
u reminded me by a story showing the nonsense of Athiesm,a man found an astonishing palace and he was told that wind gathered sand and formed perfect cubed stones then hurricanes gathered these stones each stone in its position forming walls,then wind blew and bring cement between stones then it rained to hyd.cement,then tornados bring trees cut it doors and window frames and put them in places,lighting strikes sand forming glass then by wind formed to windows and moved by wind to its place
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
so there is no difference between u and a chicken :D,we humans have something called mind that makes u think and choose , your choices makes ur life and ur hereafter and who said that animals won't be judged in islam animals will be judged one who geats beaten will get its right from one beated it,u have no answers and this very slow process and the first cells created itself ? athiesm is not a solution it just escaping
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
not because you formed a question,that means it has a coresponding answer, not every question has an answer, Human came through a very slow process called natural selection,planets came from Bing bang, the balance in the universe is through the constant physics (becuase it is constant),yes no one will be judged. is there a judgment day for chicken ??? they are a life as well. ohhh yea it is about human only from alll other forms of life.everything I mentioned has nothing to do with coincidence.
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
god orderd us by these laws they are so hard but there is a 1 % probability of applying them so this 1 % prevents criminals from commiting crimes and save probable victims isn't this logical ? so applying these laws require alot alot of conditions , it is like reaching an islamic youtubia where everything is available so the one who commits crimes should be punished understood my friend . do u belive there is a god ? and if u believe what is ur belief ? i am just wondering
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
i want to tell u something about hodood (punishment laws) they are terrifying but there is a very small chance that they will be applied to any one because there are a lot of conditions that should be available to execute these laws , if he denied it he wouldn't be punished , if he was pushed to commit this beacuse there are no jobs he wouldn't be punished , if he repented before being caught he wouldn't be punished , if people didn't deliver him and forgave him he wouldn't be punished
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
no my friend i said some scholars said that , and u will find them making sense if u live in insecure places i am talking from a personal experience, and what doesn't make sense? i told u these punishments are to avoid crimes and to stop them so they are so hard , isn't this logical , u are just repeating saying cutting hands and legs as if we are going to run in streets saying" oh he has a hand, cut it :D "
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
no matter what they do how? so why aren't all punishments the same no matter what the crime is , i am not enforcing it i am answering ur question about it, no one will use it because no one will commit such crimes not because it is meaningless. and after all this there are scholars who said that there are 4 types of punishment including exilation and the governer can choose between them
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
in fact a god who talks about these things is real god , isn't it for all humans and who doesn't care about money and marriage for verse 5:33 , if someone stopped u and take ur money and killed ur wife what would u say that should be done to him , i am from egypt after the security was too bad since revolution and we heard alot been kidnapped and raped and killed i used to say these criminals should be treated by this verse
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
Before we go into this i must mention an important concept; only the creator knows what is best for the creation and gives it ITS PURPOSE. e.g. a chair cannot decide it wants to be a toothbrush one day or vice-versa. it was the one who made the chair that had the purpose of what he/she is making in mind. the same way the creator is THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS OUR PURPOSE, and WHAT IS BEST FOR US
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
Now for us to be able to say anything more about the creator, we would need proof. but we cannot attain this because it is outside our scope. e.g. if someone knocks on a door then you know someone is behind it however you do not possess any other information and you cannot because you cannot open the door. therefore the only way for you to know anything more is if the one knocking tells you the information.
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
What we do know is that 'the creator' is outside and separate from creation i.e. the universe and its laws (including time). this tells us that since we are outside the natural laws of cause and effect we cannot attribute this with 'the creator'. therefore the creator had no cause otherwise we will go back to the infinite problem. all that is being said is that SOMETHING was there at the start that had no beginning and started the first event which has progressed like a domino effect up to now.
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
but the problem is that if there is an infinite number of events before the one now. that means that now does not exist. I.E. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS INFINITE IN REALITY 6) therefore there must be a cause which started the chain of events, but the cause itself was not caused we will call this first cause 'the creator' 7) This is the proof of God/Creator but remember that right now we cannot say much about the attributes of 'the creator'- that is proof of Islam which i leave to my brothers iA
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
2) everything has been created by something i.e. every cause has an effect in the universe, therefore we did not come from nothing nor did we create ourselves 3) If this is the case then what created the universe? scientific answer: the big bang. ok, even if i were to agree to this i can still ask what created that? Scientific answer: no response because science is measurement WITHIN the tangible reality
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal monkeys have emotions. Ignorace has generated a word "Soul", that does not mean it exists, if i tell you behind there is always a man, you are the only one who can see it, but when you return it disappears, and this man is called "Jabusa", now I ask you, can you prove scientifically the existance of "jabusa", this is exactly soul, with ignorance , they creat the word soul, then science has to prove the existance of it , you see how funny is this......
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal seems like you don't understand science, Darwin's view is one single thought that people logically keep building other thoughts on the top of it, so evolution is a theory that has been developing for sometime, and it will , it is not like Quran, written 1400 from primitive ignorant people, and it cannot be changed ... you are in very silly manner, Darwin is dead, that means evolution theory has stoped since that time, you are funny man.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal so you believe we started from Adam, what about revolution, what ever god is, islam cannot be true, the evidence that it is human made is simple, god talks about money ? talks about women ? talks about Jezya ? .. it is easy to tell that islam is human made..... the defintion of god according to islam does not make sense, so i refuse it, I dont belive in your definition of god, Allah is wrong, we should not follow it.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@Yonja011 there was a discussion, that not every well formed human language question is legitemate to have an answer, please google"what is the purpose of the mountain",you will have the answer,it is not necessery that life has a purpose, it is something that just happened like a mountain.I told you many times I dont care about the bible, all religions for me are silly, I am an atheist, Muhammad is the last massenger, well guess what. I am a prophet from god , but you wont blieve me. thank you.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal I dont know what god is, i cannot say it has no beginning nor has one, neither you, you cannot prove nothing other than using unbelievbly meaningless sentences .... islam is a human made religion, quran had been modified, and it contains many violent verses, le'ts say there is something called god (i dont really agree in sense of islam) , but how would that prove that islam is right ? how do you know that ? you cannot prove nothing.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal I dont agree there is a god because simply i have no idea what this word means , and i dont about it as long as you cannot prove nothing about it .......we are not the creators, i never said that, dont put words in my mouth...... and you cannot prove that there is a creator, becuase what is the creator of the creator ? you cannot answer that, and you cannot say that i cannot ask .... God, Allah are silly words, have been used for thousands of years ..... please.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal oh and by that you proved that Allah has not beginning, I am really convienced, Quran proves nothing, you cannot use it, what observation are you talking about ? I wish you could prove anything so we can discuss it... you proved nothing. god. Did you prove that Allah has no beginning, other than saying oh it is written ??? well in bibel there are other things that are written conflict with islam... your argument with all respect is really weak ... thank you.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal how do you know whatever you call it Allah , it has no beginning, if I ask you where Allah came from, you would tell me our limited brain cannot figure out that complexity, but you can figure out that Allah did always exist .. I don't believe in christianity, I dont care what it says,I know people like you think that either you a muslims, a christian, etc, you talk about allah that has no beginning, is one, created everything, all these are assumptions, you cannot prove nothing.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal so now this way you could prove it , Woooow, so there is a god , because that means, there would be time that god did not exist, but god always existed then he created time which WE DONT UNDERSTAND , you have no idea what you are talking about, first you argument is silly, i can say, time always existed, then though time the universe got started without this word Allah involved......... you should know that no one understand the word Time, we use it , but we dont understand it.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@1986Faruq that is funny, when I make a claim that life ever existed, now you use logic and science, but whe I tell you proof to me what ever it is you call it god ever existed, you dont have to use science, you just say it does, you are funny man, I am enjoying talking to you..... make some sense in your arguments, I feel I am debating a babey ...... how can you proof to me that Allah whatever it is it has no beginning ??? ohhh yea ... you talk to him .. he no she is your invisible friend
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@1986Faruq I understand islam very well .... your arguments are unbelievably silly and simply ... you asked me how life began ? ohh and the answer to that will be : Allah ... well .... let me ask you then .. how Allah began ??? .. and yes you believe in Allah, angels , devil, you talk to them .. these are your invisible friends .. in addition you believe in Adam and ave, ave spoke to a sneak .. that talking sneak ... sooo please dont tell me I dont know .... and I am mixed up ... it is you sir.
@ramiBudemaris 13 жыл бұрын
@Abiduly1 besides in Quran verse 5:33 says: wagin a war against Allah and Muhammad ... that does not mean necessary a real war ... it could be me ... I am wagin war agains fundamentalist muslims who claim that quran is soo perfect .. they are illuted people and i find them dangerous ....... according to this verse .. you have the right to cut off my hands and legs ...... the only way for islam to survive is to adopt .. just like christianity ....... you should not be attached to quran much.
@myyou1 13 жыл бұрын
@vimizum2 Here is the Aqeedah of the people of accusing of disbelie - pure and based on Knowledge: "Sufyan Ibn `Uyaynah (d. 198 H.) said: «Everything that Allah described Himself with in the Quran, its interpretation is its recitation, without (asking) how, and without likening Him (to creation).» " The Ahbash and other misguided groups try to use Taweel and thus deny the attributes of Allah. Do these misguided groups know better than Allah (subhanehu wa ta'laa) and his Messenger?
@myyou1 13 жыл бұрын
In Summary, the Aqeedah of the people is, accept the attributes of Allah as they are with out change and affirm the belief that Allah is Free from any likeness to His creation. The basis for this is the Saying of Allah -translation of the meaning-: {There is nothing like unto Him} [Surah 42:11], {Do you know of any who is similar to Him?} [Surah 19:65], {Nor is there to Him any equivalent.} [Surah 112:4]" Accept the attributes, as Allah and his Messenger informed us with out interpretation
@myyou1 13 жыл бұрын
Part 2: "This is the saying of the scholars of Ahl As-Sunnah Wal-Jama`ah. As for the Jahamiyah, then they rejected these narrations and said that this is tashbeeh. In more than one place in the Qur’an, Allah Mentioned His Yad (Hand), Basar (Sight) and Sam` (Hearing); The Jahamiyyah made tawil of these ayat, and interpreted it differently than how the people of knowledge interpreted it, and they said: Allah did not Create Adam with His Hand’, they said: ‘The meaning of yad (hand) here is ‘power’”
@myyou1 13 жыл бұрын
@vimizum2 I believe you follow the false accusations against the Aqedah of people from misguided groups such as the Lebanese based Ahbash group who lie. For space limitations I will put the Aqeedah of the people that you falsely accuse in 2 parts: Part 1: Imam Tirmidhi (d. 270 H.) said in his Sunan: “This is how it has been reported from Imam Malik, Sufyan bin `Uyainah and `Abdullah bin Mubarak, that they said about these narrations, ‘Pass them without getting into their ‘how-ness’’.
@coolay11 13 жыл бұрын
@2urita no way, allah challenging the science facts history + present + future and what's behind future if there is since more than 1400 years without " Updates " W I T H O U T any U P D A T E S as All the science do..... Who knows more than your limited known ;0') 2'nd : give us a proof of what u say, Allah teach us to make sure from things by this way " A P R O O V A L NOTHING BY IMAGINATION " ;0)
@dontforgetwat 13 жыл бұрын
@Jesuspaidoursindebt well said, as a muslim i totally agree with that statement. Jesus (pbuh) was the way and the light, as he was the living example at the time as to how people should follow and know God (our father in heaven). just as all the Prophets Noah / Moses / Muhammad (pbu-all of them) were the way and the light and the means to which people were to know the Father during their time on earth. I hope you understand my friend. Jesus never ever said in any bible "i am god" or "worship me"
@novan08 16 жыл бұрын
It was not a threat to non beleivers in general. If you read the chapter in context - in fact, it is about a particular battle the Muslims had against "the unbelievers" , as they are often called, which were the anti-Islamic tribes that persecuted and bullied the few Muslims at the time. The verse says Allah sent angels in the battle to aid the Muslims against "The unbelievers", and he would strike terror to them in the battle. NOT to unbeleivers in general.
@lavidaspeligrosa 12 жыл бұрын
You know why? You talk about medicen? They use latin words.. German words? Yeah right, and i am a German too. You must devide languages in seprate aspect and for what use and cause. Furthermore, you say Arabic isnt up to date? Tell me how and from witch point of view do you see it? Because you are very unclear in what you say.
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
, frankly i used to think that it is so hard and unapplicable now but once u are faced by criminals and their crulety u start callin for applying it on them , and if its done i think no one would do such crimes because he knows what is going to happen to him its for preventing not for cutting people into pieces
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
who said I woud use science to deny the word God, you are wrong, .. I use logic, God in the sense of abrahamic religions does NOT exist, a God who talks about money, and marriage is not real God, is too much local thinking ........ and by the way you don't even dare to answer is verse 5:33 can be used in our time.
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
therefore if there was communication between 'the creator' and humans only then will mankind know what its purpose is. but many people claim to have communication with the creator, how do we know which one is correct? remember it is the creator that created the universe AND ITS LAWS, therefore the creator is the only one that can break them or go against them.
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
5) However there is a problem... AN INFINITE NUMBER OF EVENTS CANNOT EXIST! as soon as you say that there is infinite number of events you are basically saying that we do not exist. remember that for one event to happen (effect), the previous event must occur (cause). e.g. for a glass to fall on the floor from my hand i have to first let it go.
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
4) Yet if we were to assume that there were causes one after another then when do we stop? i.e. if we want we can keep on going saying that one thing created another. what does that leave us with then? infinite. at first sight we would say that history does not end and that we can keep on going back to different events that took place before the universe
@50hussain 12 жыл бұрын
Bismillahi Rahmaani Raheem before we go into judging whether the Qur'an is a valid source of legislation lets go back a few hundred comments that were made. 1) Proof of God has to be rational because science is a measure of all that is tangible but you cannot measure what is outside the existence of universe so the scientific method to prove OR disprove God is flawed.
@Yonja011 12 жыл бұрын
@ramiBudemaris . Then what is your purpose ? you cant just live life without thinking about your purpose. if you believe in the bible then the bible itself says that there will be another prophet coming , and to follow him , who else came but Prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him ) if you don't accept then please take your comments elsewhere. thank you :)
@sultanyaseen 14 жыл бұрын
@bigspittaz Its From surah Al Araf verses 188 to 197. Masha ALLAH brother has recited well but i would like to mention some mistakes. In start of verse 188 its .هوالزى ..not وهوالزي verse 190 its شركاء (Shura'kaa' a) verse 193 its لايتبعوكم (Laa' Yattabi'ooou'kum) verse 195 قل ادعو (Qulic'oouu)..Anyone can confirm from Al-Quran-ul-Kareem
@yutubee2 16 жыл бұрын
Their actually not. They've made huge contributions in the past and their continuing to do so today. The issue is that their not recieving any recognition, therefore, people don't know that muslims are contributing to these fields. When we think muslim, we think hafiz, alims, maulanas and that's only part of the issue. AllahHuAlim. SalaamAlaikum.
@1986Faruq 12 жыл бұрын
@ramiBudemaris well ask a scientist if this universe had a beginning and he will say yes, ask him did if human always exist he will say no, he will also tell you we have a common ancestor and that somewhere along the lines there was a first human mating pair. Allah is the one who makes the earth spin and the sun shine, the sea water and the fresh water. It is the creator Allah who gives life and takes life. Islams history and the science of thee Quran and the predictions of the future prove this
@1986Faruq 12 жыл бұрын
@ramiBudemaris Whats a talking sneak? i do believe in adam and eve, and genetically there is a adam and eve because science proves that. I dont talk to devils or angels but i do speak to Allah. He created me and i owe him everything. And once again you do not understand Islam. Also you never answered my question because you dont know. I will tell you that Allah is not created and has no parents. He is Ever living and never dies.
@1986Faruq 12 жыл бұрын
@ramiBudemaris I am saying that i would rather live according to the laws of Islam than the the democratic elected people that use the majority vote to suit their own desires. Could you tell me how life began? Could you tell me where the entire universe came from? I talk to invisible friends and believe in speaking snakes, could you please tell me where it is an article of islamic faith to believe this? Which invisible friends? I think you are mixed up and do not understand Islam.
@1986Faruq 12 жыл бұрын
@ramiBudemaris Lol clearly you need help understanding The purpose of your existence. I am scottish i am white and i grew up in a democratic society and i CHOSE islam as my way of life. So for you to make the statement that i dont understand democracy is showing how ignorant you are because i know democracy and i prefer the system of Islam because i feel it gives justice to the people and it rewards the decent people and punishes the evil. Victory as is described by the hadith and Quran
@QuranUltimateMiracle 14 жыл бұрын
@HasnainM786 Salamo Alaikom, the rule is that you read ONLY what you see and that you ALLWAYS have to say a'udhu billah .... Because Allah commands us to seek refuge allways before reciting quran. So when you start reciting from the beginning of a chapter you say both a'udhu and basmala. In all other cases you just say a'udhu ... and recite. Hope that answeres you question. Salamo Alaikom
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
cuting hands and legs will never be axcepted, and used, in other words, Allah gives as you said options (4 types), that most of them make no any sense whatsoever , that is funny .. Allah says many thinks that makes no sense .. i though allah is perfect .........
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal you have not yet figured out that I am an Atheist, ..... you make no sense in your arguments.. what point did you make now ??? ok Allah, God , Gott, Gasbod, whatever it is ,,, you cannot prove it has no beginning other than saying it does, ... stop making childich arguments , please.
@Mohsin786Khan 13 жыл бұрын
@miladmeah Eternal punishment is justified as a person only sinned for a limited time only because their life is limited. Had they been given 1000 years to live they would sin for 1000 years and had they been given eternal life they would sin for all eternity.
@kamz87 17 жыл бұрын
relax, for the day will come when everyone will be accounted for inshAllah, so do not occupy yourself with these idiotic and immature comments, for we have to prepare ourselves in many ways for that day so inshAllah do not get so deeply upset by uneducated people. Wa'salaam
@marcelcol69 13 жыл бұрын
@HasnainM786 from what i remember, the basmallah doesnt have to be said when your reciting from a middle of the surah. i think also in the beginning of surahs which are not al-fatiha because technically the basmallah is not really in part of the surah but seeking refuge in Allah from shaytan the accursed is always to be done no matter what before reciting the qur'an
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
German is a very beutiful language, Arabic is a nice language but it is almost dead language and is really old and cannot be used much in very advanced topics .. German is a pretty update language .. German language is in much stronger position than arabic.
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
the fourth punishment "exile" i wrote it exilation sorry , well if we have to cut a hand and a leg of a criminal who desesrved this punishment by his actions to avoid hundreds of other crimes by whom will be afraid of punishment i see it logical
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
also there is a reply on this prespective issue , if u believe that there is a god and he knows best and our view isnot an overall view , and that punishment in life is better than punishment in hereafter i guess u will accept these laws
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
and that would suppose to mean, you are just a blind believer, you don't understand the context of the verses you are reading, and yetm you want people to be blinded like you .. 5:33 is a great example, can you say we can use it in our time ????
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal as always, you cannot prove nothing, what did you say proves nothing about Soul. you cannot prove that "Jabusa" is not real as well , because "Jabusa" is soul eventually, ... did you say we ??? so I have been talking to a set of poeople woow.
@Abiduly1 13 жыл бұрын
@ramiBudemaris yes it does say this but also read the context of that passage: it is a war. if you're not gonna kill in a war then what the point of you being there. therefore pls dont speak of something you have NO knowledge of!!!
@mawenir 13 жыл бұрын
@vimizum2 stop talking brother i see in your page taht you are sufi as i belive that sufis are invention( bida3a) stop judge people and let creation to the Creator, And work on improving yourself instead of commenting on others
@asdflkjhasdlkj 14 жыл бұрын
assalamualaikum... hey hasnain786 actually if u r reciting from begining of surah so u hav to say both..ta'oz (aaozubillah..) and tasmiyah(Bismillah...)..and if u r reciting the surah from middle ayah so u hav to read jus ta'oz... i hope u understand....
@1986Faruq 12 жыл бұрын
Look if there is no god as you believe then why are you wasting your time commenting on a video about the recitation of the Quran on how you disbelieve in it. Surley you believe in your own life and that it will end one day? then you should live it to the max as you never know when it will end.
@1986Faruq 12 жыл бұрын
@MyAbzz Ignore him my dearest brother and do not let his misguidance upset you too much akhi. You done your part and advised now its up to Allah to do as he wills. Plus it is a sign from Allah when the munafiqeen show their true colours that victory is coming InshaAllah
@lavidaspeligrosa 12 жыл бұрын
Arab has over 40 milion words, and its considering ine if the oldest and authentic language in the world. Arabic is far more complex but special in anyway, besides many words in european are from arabic. think like benzine.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@ramiBudemaris I wish you could make any point, other than at the end you say: there is no compulsion in Islam .......... you could not prove your point ? did you prove to me the word Soul ???? .. I don't think so.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal do you believe in evolution ? so you believe we came from Adam and ave, a complete human being.............. the word god has no specific meaning, so stop saying i cannot deny it ...... you are brain washed sir.
@Jesuspaidoursindebt 13 жыл бұрын
Jesus answered " I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him." John 14:6,7
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
who are you talking with ? as I said, if you have a question please just ask it ... to clarify things, if you think that I don't make sense, please tell me where, and we will discuss it. thank you.
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
you are funny, what do you know about arabic ? do you what happens when arab wan to use arabic to study medicin ? computer science ? and advanced topic ? arabic is not up to date language.
@myyou1 13 жыл бұрын
@vimizum2 I consider the Ahbash as misguided Muslims. I will not be so bold as you to call any Muslim who says the Shehadatdan, and performs Prayer "not Muslim". May Allah (subhanehu wa t'alaa) guid you.
@wikiwikiwhoaw 16 жыл бұрын
i thought saying auuthu billah... when said at the begining of a gathering etc.. it counts for everyone in that gathering, but idividually saying bismillah... brings in the barakah of allah into the act.
@zephyr789 17 жыл бұрын
Mashallah.. One of the nicest recitations I've heard in a looong time. (btw he is reading in Riwaayah of Warsh (rh) (as opposed to Hafs (rh) which we are all familiar with) from the tareeq of Azraq). Z
@mahmoudshehatarady 12 жыл бұрын
u assume things and argue them , i didn't say they don't have brains ,so from where these first cells came from ? and don't say constant physics ( by the way it is called physics )
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
what is so wrong??? verse 5:33 is not a violent verse, people like you really sacre me, I doubt your mentality ....... and maybe yet you would say, we can use it in our time .
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@bangkitasal my god, what you wrote it really funny, no matter what you say, you cannot proof that there is no beginning of god, because simply you dont know what god is .. thank you.
@meditatorus 16 жыл бұрын
Wow you know guys this Shikh's voice reminds me of Shikh Abdullah Al Kheyyat may Allah rest his soul in peace. Mashallah a true heavenly voice seldom anyone can find nowadays.
@Sense1A 16 жыл бұрын
MashaAllah. Allahuakbur, jazzaqAllahu kayran for the post and sharing with us all. Is there any more recitations from this blessed brother? JazzqAllahu kayran and thankyou very much.
@X1600X1600 12 жыл бұрын
so wrong my friend .. if that is what it means ,, tell me why there are over 3.5 milion in makkah last year ?? so you didn't understand the holy Quran ,, I hope you find the truth and maybe meet you in makkah next year .. :)
@killercobra123456 15 жыл бұрын
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم (كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان ثقيلتان في الميزان (سبحان الله وبحمده ** سبحان الله العظيم)
@ramiBudemaris 12 жыл бұрын
@1986Faruq victory for what ? you really scare me muslims, when you talk like we are in a war state ... WHAT VICTORY ??????? what is going on in your head ?? I petty you ..
@aqalidost 16 жыл бұрын
No, the English translation says that God created us humans from one single soul... which is a pretext for human equality and human rights. Peace be with you
@HasnainM786 14 жыл бұрын
no offence but wheres the bismillah hir rah ma nir aheem.... cuz u only said ahdu billah hi minash atah
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