1980's Best Kept Secret Album Revealed
The Silent Reason Oil Prices Are Falling Fast
@PatrickHunter-hz2og Минут бұрын
Kinda reminds me of Paul Gottfried (in Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt) describing the difference between the Multiculturalism of the Hapsburg empire or New York in the early 20th century and modern Multiculturalism which focuses on beating down the native population.
@timcornish2788 3 минут бұрын
The flat cap, nice
@oldjt 6 минут бұрын
This is a very good point from AA. My family are all Irish and moved here before I was born. Ireland and Britain have a complicated history but at the end of the day it’s the white country next door. And when I was at school and we had Cromwell and so on - to me they were the bad guys. How much more so must it be the case for Muslims or Hindus or whatever else from half a world away?
@tezausbra8 9 минут бұрын
Cannot be said enough. Great work AA. Shakespeare was incredible far sighted and saw all these things centuries ago, definitely one of the greats.
@TheFellowshipoftheUK 18 минут бұрын
Ethno-nationalism is the most natural thing in the World. Your viewers might be interested in finding our about our organisation...as all of us has a role to play in saving our Country.
@Bombsquadcomedyshow 21 минут бұрын
Dave and Rob inspired me to get into comedy. Got my first paid show on Feb 19th. Thanks guys.
@samueldeandrade8535 21 минут бұрын
1:49 Omg, this guy that appears here ... what's his name. He was awful!
@Lawtasaj 23 минут бұрын
she won't be going anywhere...trust me...
@monophthalmos9633 25 минут бұрын
To bolster your point: When Communist Poland was set up, a mass ethnic cleansing took place which did homogenize the country. On the other hand, Communism culls to much, as Banania would put it "elite human capital". So while the homogeneity might improve, the quality of the people degrades.
@dannydore8038 26 минут бұрын
Like a bloody Cornish farmer with that peak cap. You can not lose!
@jameswilliams2269 27 минут бұрын
Pakistan is also diverse. For example, it has many different languages.
@ArmiesAndBattles 30 минут бұрын
You can integrate individuals, but not communities. Communities have a habit of policing their own to avoid integration with wider society. Multiculturalism is a modern concept to facilitate the introduction of foreign cultures in mono-cultural societies under the pretense that all cultures are equal, whether they are indigenous or not. For the overlords it does not matter whether people integrate or not, because they see them merely as consumers/producers. They have the luxury to avoid the negative consequences of cultural clashes.
@exebit9366 37 минут бұрын
Would we be having this conversation right now if the Christmas / NyE atrocities and the gro-oo ming gangs had never happened?
@anomonyous 40 минут бұрын
I realise the implications of this reality. It's not pleasant. But it is what it is. And even if integration worked, I should still be against it. As it inevitably spells the destruction of the receiving ethnic native populations and cultures.
@PvtSchlock 40 минут бұрын
I got some advanced research from America for Farah: it takes longer than 250 years. Its important to pack you bags but its more important to get out.
@anomonyous 42 минут бұрын
The results of this are always tragic and sad for everyone involved. Which is why peoples know to never do it. The only people who benefit from it is the globalist regime. Those that feast upon the corpse of ancient cultures and peoples.
@jacobzindel987 43 минут бұрын
Does AA himself think he has integrated? Is he going to accept his authentic Persian self and move to his father's country of Iran?
@joaopedrobraga9624 46 минут бұрын
I recommend brazilian’s sociologist work “Gilberto Freyre”
@anomonyous 46 минут бұрын
Ethnicity matters. And genetics are a thing. Simple as. The effects of ignoring it can be, and often are, disastrous.
@nicholasfevelo3041 46 минут бұрын
I am an American of Italian heritage. I live in Italy. I have an affinity for British historical figures because up until recently, England was so much a part of America. So it is can be complicated. I also unlike Farah am a Westerner.
@jackdeniston6150 48 минут бұрын
Only an Academic would argue against the overwhelming evidence. Idiocy so complete. Quoting fiction as truth.
@nihilistlivesmatter 48 минут бұрын
Farrah's feelings or Sarah's safety?
@dbrennan6041 50 минут бұрын
Integration into a civic (supra-)nation that doesn't exist. A country that can only come into existence by reducing the native populations to a minority, irrevocable decline, and eventual extinction. For the common good of a supra-national trade union of politicians and bureaucrats. Call Farah Welsh, it's more accurate.
@nicholasfevelo3041 53 минут бұрын
Integration is possible when it comes from cultures within your civilisation.
@gavriloprincip11 53 минут бұрын
Nobody thinks if Tokyo was 40% Branch Davidians from Waco or Bankok was 60% Mormons they would have a stronger culture
@anomonyous 56 минут бұрын
Integration is a pipe-dream. Multiculturalism simply doesn't work. But, generally, for many people, integration is indeed more problematic.
@CosmicMystery7 57 минут бұрын
If I were forced to choose, I'd much rather live in a society segregated along ethnic lines (a'la North America in the early 20th c. with neighborhoods and enclaves for each ethnic group) than one were everyone is encouraged to "integrate" into one uncultured mass.
@raystargazer7468 Сағат бұрын
that ad xD I hate ads but i make exceptions
@DjinnandTonik Сағат бұрын
Mass Immigration is capitalist it's true, it's the movement of capital without borders, immigrants are the resource. However, it is also the case that the standard of living in capitalist Britain would not be maintained without immigrant labour, from healthcare, transportation, services. The declining birth rate alone would crash the economy. This video makes the mistake of hating the players along with the game. That's not socialist either, thats national chauvenism, rather than international solidairty. Truly remarkable this youtuber blaming Grenfell on undocumented people who are trying to survive. Interestingly the video atrracts racist comments like "Had a converstion with a jooish lady who had spent a lot of time in hospital. "All colours and creeds work there; it wouldn't work whithout them..." I pointed out that when the NHS was founded there were virtually no ethnic minorities involved, and it seemed to function well enough. I also pointed out the self-fufilling aspect of prioritising ethnic minorities (and gays and women) in recruitment and then declaring that you can't function without them. "And you can't understand what they're saying", she said." - Total ignorance - the NHS was established in the post war period, which is exactly when immigration rose to large numbers from former colonies. It was precisely to staff the NHS. Without them, there would have been no labour for the NHS to function. It's easy to make faux anti corporate youtube videos while feeding parasitically off the brain drain of the global south everytime you go to the GP, innit?
@marktregear5776 Сағат бұрын
As was done by the British in India, for example
@cobusvanderlinde6871 Сағат бұрын
I think you are overthinking this. The big issue people have is the formation of foreign enclaves. These are dangerous for civic and political reasons. However you deal with immigrants you cannot afford to permit the formation of enclaves. This means that they must be dispersed throughout, spread thin and isolated from their co-ethnics. Integration would be one of the possoble outcomes of this dispersal, that the descendents of these immigrants end up being raised in a way characteristic of the native upbringing, and if they succeed in taking [native] spouses, their descendents would quickly be completely characteristic of native culture and not the immigrant culture of their ancestors. Of course no such effort can start untill native culture is restored.
@nihilistlivesmatter Сағат бұрын
Uhm didn't the Indians & Pakistanis change their mind & showed us the door?
@marktregear5776 Сағат бұрын
Using criteria of pure snobbery I would suggest that the upper strata of other societies can and should be integrated but the lower classes should not
@filled_soda Сағат бұрын
Based video. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling relieved that we didn't have to hear O'Brien.
@delta-9969 Сағат бұрын
There is no such thing as a multicultural society. If you are not united by a shared set of values, norms, morals, expectations, and priorities, you do not have a society. You have a bunch of antagonistic strangers forced to live together. And the absolute dysfunctional hellscape of major cities all across the West is a perfect illustration of this. You can have a multi-ethnic society, but not a multicultural one. I'm American; the US worked because everyone that came here was AMERICAN. Everybody assimilated and embraced American values of hard work, family, self-reliance, meritocracy. If your ethnic, religious, or ideological commitments are incompatible with American values, then you should not be here. It's that simple. If you don't want to become culturally American -- or culturally British, or culturally Norwegian, or whatever -- then you SHOULD NOT BE THERE.
@esoteric_ealdorman Сағат бұрын
Thanks great video...Is the 82% white other employment rate versus the much lower ratesof ethnic minorities also an argument for why Brexit wasn't great? I've been imagining what would happen if Starmer, Kemi or Farage gave a speech where they commented on these stats and some others and said "look Brexit was a disaster, we've swapped hard-working Europeans for people who just don't cut it, we need to reverse course". Obviously none of them would ever say that but I'd like to hear what the Tory boys would say to this and what the standard Libtard like Jame's O'Brien would say. For Zoomers, when you'd go to the pub in London in 2016 you might well get served by a pretty Polish barmaid, OK she lacked the nostalgic charm of an old cockney girl maybe but she was preferable to the people pouring pints now.
@rexsarmatiae7897 Сағат бұрын
A synonym for „integration” is „deracination” and it is one of the cruelest things that can be done to someone’s sense of personal identity and collective belonging.
@geomancer6894 Сағат бұрын
What is there to even integrate or assimilate to? Western societies are just people patting themselves on the back and engaging in spiteful, moralistic, one-upsmanship over how more accepting and accommodating of whatever group is currently the most politically exploitable.
@andreasl_fr2666 Сағат бұрын
Integration is an unnatural, violent process that bureaucrats love because it requires infinite resources. Multiculturalism is the norm for human beings.
@Yonder792 Сағат бұрын
Notice they always call themselves British when none of us do.
@adjuchasbrokk8033 Сағат бұрын
It is very sad, but I'm LONG over feeling any empathy. The English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish (as well as the other indigenous people of Europe) did not ask for it, but we have sure as hell paid for it.
@goldenox7896 Сағат бұрын
I live in London and I work with many immigrants. Most rent their room in a house share for under £1K a month, this is perfectly affordable on service/hospitality staff wage. We don’t suffer from a lack of labour here; we suffer from a broken and inflated economy that RELIES on cheap imported labour. Why do companies need cheap labour? Because rates, rents and stock costs so much now.. or in the case of bigger companies it is to pay shareholders dividends. Immigration, dependants and their offspring put a massive unsustainable strain on the infrastructure here. Basically it’s an oversaturated labour market that is used as a band aid to keep wages down and to sustain the overly inflated economy/housing market etc etc..
@Mrmaverickism Сағат бұрын
This was the harm of those who let it happen. Let Farah know it was them who ultimately harmed her and the culpability lies, as it so often does, with dead men. Then tell her to GET OUT
@jeffreylysen7647 Сағат бұрын
Multi culturalism is destroying the West. We are not obligated to have people there don't respect our beliefs
@hannesocallaghan Сағат бұрын
Ultimately, these people are a different race. No matter how well intentioned they are. And however brutal it may seem to modern ears, you must look at the world through racial eyes. It is not personal, it is practical. It is your forefathers fault for not adhering to the laws of nature in the first place, so now we are left to do the difficult cleanup; like a Spartan elder examining a newborn baby for any weaknesses and ready to throw it off the cliffs. Because if you continue to refuse to be strong, nature will punish you, your family, your family tree, and your whole society. Nature will not be put on its head for your preferences and weakness for very long. And your precious house of cards will be wiped away with a tidal wave. In the end, no matter how "British" they seem, no matter how well integrated they are (unless they are racially half British, that's the exception) you must look at this world with intention to secure the future of your children and 7th generation grandchildren, and that means removing any genetic weak competition from your homeland.
@peterc3262 Сағат бұрын
I hope I live long enough to see this happen. Also, I think I need a merit based advert.
@pav2764 Сағат бұрын
It’s doable once the collapse occurs. Those loyal to England their native land will stay , the rootless cosmopolitans will leave
@jeffreylysen7647 Сағат бұрын
How bout no. Just no.
@davidadiwego4608 Сағат бұрын
Farah, judging by your accent, your "I'm a social better" way of speaking, integrating yourself into the, "yu knu", middle class may, "yu knu", be the thing that, "yu knu", gets you returned to, "yu knu", your ancestral motherland one day. Foreigners (/foreign descent) in Britain being the socioeconomic equal of the British working class is one thing, but you being their "social better"; you being ushered into the middle-class as a result of some neo-Dickensian (to coin a phrase) social-conscience of the upper-classes (a much easier and cheaper social conscience to please than the old one, I might add)? That might not sit pretty much longer with an increasingly down-trodden British working class. You may have unwittingly positioned yourself as a prime scapegoat, "yu knu"?
@MrStax40 Сағат бұрын
The truth is she will never be true British , not because she is brown more the culture she is from , her root ancestors . I've lived long enough (now 55) to see and experience things for myself, nearly every ethnic minority I've known and come across does not have the same affection and relationship with the UK's history and love of the countryside as most of us native indigenous Brits do, and never will.