@ageofalbion 13 күн бұрын
Yeah authenticiy on youtube and just being yourself. Same just want to get my message out and i also just like doing it rather than for attention
@ageofalbion 13 күн бұрын
Completely agree, to be truly present is the key . We will never truly live by living in past or future. The best future can only come by having a vision but realising that it can only come from the present. Ive experienced it too, its exhausting to live in the future
@derin4576 Ай бұрын
Fear shouts intuition whispers✨ -Esotarot
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@derin4576 I like it.
@dallassukerkin6878 Ай бұрын
It's one of those decisions that is entirely personal and yet, on aggregate, determines the fate of the whole species. If you don't want children then you probably shouldn't have them - a sense of obligation is not a good motivation when it comes to caring for people because it will, as sure as night follows day, foster a seething resentment over time. But far too many are being 'nudged' into not reproducing and, because those doing the nudging are experts at the technique, they think it is their own choice. The end result will be civilizational collapse and much sooner than people are generally aware of. The whole "There are too many people anyway" argument seems logical on the surface but, as with anything, moderation is the key ... the population falls coming in the next generation or two are *not* moderate. What happens if the old outnumber the young is that the economic wheels come off and quite quickly. When that happens the population levels plummet ... and not for 'nice' reasons. Combine that with the loss of expertise that is being witnessed (yes, I did just say the young are not as clever as they think they are :D) and very dark times are coming if the birth-rates are not restored to survival levels quickly. It's knowing what is coming that is partially behind the governments of the wealthy Western nations importing vast numbers of people - it's a prop to keep things going a little longer. But it will fail as those coming in are adopting the reproductive habits of those already 'here' i.e. the line will continue to steeply slope down.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@dallassukerkin6878 that's a rather apocalyptic outlook, but probably likely some day.
@jmwoods190 Ай бұрын
27 male here, and I find both pro-natalists("Just have kids") & anti-natalists("Don't have kids") extreme, cavalier and grossly oversimplified- Not everyone is in a position to have kids for a variety of legitimate reasons eg finances, personal situation, physical/mental health, etc. and of course there are various reasons why certain people want kids. Such things can change in either direction over time, or yet they won't and it's all okay. Everyone's circumstances are different, and only you can decide IF AND WHEN you'd want to kids, and I frankly believe that not even your own family should be pressuring you to have kids if you're not in that position. Live your life and see for yourself, and you shall find your answer eventually. PS For the record: I'm undecided on having kids or not, but if I ever do it'd be after I turn 30 as my current life isn't ready for a kid or two.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@jmwoods190 there's definitely a lot more nuance to the questions than simply having or not having kids.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@jmwoods190 for me it's the uncertainty as well. I like to have plans for the future, but when it comes to this one I don't have one apart from live and see. What if I'm so busy I miss the opportunity because I was enjoying myself too much and having kids simply didn't cross my mind, will I regret it? Wouldn't want to live with regret.
@Shaylarosee_ Ай бұрын
Yes this is very much me 23 and I don’t want children.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@Shaylarosee_ what is your reason? Do you think you'll change your mind?
@kythrathesuntamer9715 Ай бұрын
I don't either.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@kythrathesuntamer9715 why?
@kythrathesuntamer9715 Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites they take over yyour life become your single biggest priority it cost on average $237,482 to raise one that's at least a massive down payment on a home combine that with weddings cost and it's all just .... life hack don't do either. if you must marry elope and do it on the cheap. my hobbies can sometimes be expensive I don't want them being my primary focus um if I dated someone I want their attention on me as much as possible I don't want to have to be lower on her priorities than our kid. the planet is afflicted by global warming which is very real CO2 has a well known greenhouse effect which is easy to confirm for yourself with experiments if you don't believe and even if it makes plants grow faster you're talking unleashing it across the planet into a completely un controlled environment like that's only good for growing plants in a lab. I think it would be rather heartless to subject my child to what's happening to nature which is clearly pissed off.
@DeemanThomas Ай бұрын
I'm looking for a childless woman who feels like her fuck a family
@calcium-ii4lp Ай бұрын
I agree that having kids shouldn't be taken lightly. Some people decide not to have kids out of selfish reasons but other times it's out of genuine concern about one's ability to raise children well. Sometimes it's both. I would never try to shame someone into having kids if they don't feel comfortable or prepared for that kind of thing.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@calcium-ii4lp yes indeed, it can be both. I don't know your personal situation, but do you plan on having kids?
@calcium-ii4lp Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites I would like to have 1 or 2 kids one day. However, it'll take years for me to be financially ready for that, and I'd need to find a girl that wants kids with me. I can understand why many young women today are unsure about having kids, so as a guy the best you can do is demonstrate that you're financially prepared and mentally mature enough to be a good parent.
@3O2MuStAnG Ай бұрын
There are 8+ BILLION people. It's good people are starting to think and decide on this topic like true individuals.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@3O2MuStAnG it shouldn't be taken lightly.
@andrewmeiklem5098 Ай бұрын
40. No kids. Love life. See my friends stressed out and im so happy i can visit and then go home to quiet space ❤.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
Sounds like a lovely life :)
@quadders9198 Ай бұрын
I'm a 46 year old Brit male. Looking back I'd say 90% of the women I was at Uni with, or work colleagues or friends would proudly state they didn't want kids(back in 90's). Personally I now see this statement less about not wanting kids and more about making a statement of independence, I am the captain of my own ship etc. Anyway now at 46 half of those women that back in my twenties who didn't have kids never had kids and the majority of that half that never did massively regret it, cry about it, do things like freezing eggs etc. I don't see as much regret with the half that did actually have kids. These are my subjective life observations, make of it what you will.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@quadders9198 thanks for sharing that.
@elizarosalind Ай бұрын
We are so fortunate to be able to choose, I always knew deep down I never wanted kids but only felt courage to say it in recent years. My partner and I both love our independence too much. There is this beautiful fantasy of having children… but the reality of being a parent brings it crashing to reality
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@elizarosalind I can relate do much with what you've said here. I feel like people romanticise the whole idea of having kids, but the reality is utterly different. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@elizarosalind Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites we live in a crazy world too, I couldn’t imagine how a child would navigate this world!! I’m in my late thirties and I struggle myself sometimes 🙉
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@elizarosalind honestly, I have no clue how to navigate my life either, and the thought of having to show someone how to do that is even scarier. I'm sure most people who have kids do their best, but is that something I want to spend the vast majority of my life doing? I'm not sure 🤔
@elizarosalind Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites yeah girl, we have one life, let’s enjoy it and live it for ourselves 💕
@mstash5 Ай бұрын
This saddens me.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@mstash5 why?
@mstash5 Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites several reasons. Should I leave it at that, or go into why I think you may well end up regretting this decision?
@jakejoyride Ай бұрын
I don't want the kids simple as that
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
Well, it's not so easy for women to just say that and for people to be ok with it for some reason.
@j.l.w9563 26 күн бұрын
​@KarolinaWrites Well, the social control for child raising still exists it's just men are prevented from controlling other men due to the law and such. In the "Wild West", 30% of the marriages were shotgun weddings.
@KarolinaWrites 25 күн бұрын
@@j.l.w9563 I would agree that there are still social pressures and control.
@j.l.w9563 21 күн бұрын
​@KarolinaWrites well, guys contribution is how hard they work and such - guys pay the majority of taxes. So it is more than social control it is the literal guns of the state. In a system without that imposition of force, women in general would be in more of a trade relationship with men.
@FriggaRedSkye Ай бұрын
33, I didn't think of being a mum when I was young and still feel the same way. I don't think I ever will be a mum, no instinct has kicked in here and I don't expect it to. I'm with the right partner but have no desire because of the medical risks, our financial situation, it's not part of my identity as a female, I'm not emotionally in that place and I want to travel. Whatever you choose, you'll do what's right for you! I'm changing even without kids but I really want freedom for myself as I grew up constantly considering other people's emotional states. I think I would be good but I'm on a mystical path too and other saints didn't have children either so I feel at peace with that.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@FriggaRedSkye thank you. It makes me feel a lot better that women out there feel the same. Society definitely puts pressure on us, but ultimately it's our choice what we do with our lives.
@dracocaelestis6370 Ай бұрын
you’re only 26. at that age i didn’t want kids either. i was also never a “mommy” type of girl and never daydreamed of having babies when i grow up. parenting is not for the faint of heart and just like you i wanted to do it properly, if i was going to do it at all. i was ok with both having or not having them. i also have an autoimmune condition that made me unsure if i could have them at all. in the end i had my first at 37 and expecting my second at 39. so who knows what’s in the books for you. don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right or because others want you to.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@dracocaelestis6370 thank you for your wisdom :)
@rubensano4860 Ай бұрын
But you're a woman. That is why you are here.
@keeperoftekia4842 Ай бұрын
If you don’t want it, why should a man pay for your "desires" by dividing property and paying alimony?
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@keeperoftekia4842 jeez, no need to go there's nobody ever mentioned anything like that. Keep your anger to yourself next time.
@keeperoftekia4842 Ай бұрын
​@@KarolinaWrites Correct answer. No need.
@kateparker2988 Ай бұрын
You seem so apologetic in this video. There’s nothing to apologize for and you don’t need to worry about anyone else’s opinion. It’s your life. I get the vibe that you’re feeling a lot of pressure from society to make a decision. The way I see it, if you’re not feeling 100% certain that you want kids, then don’t have them. People are afraid of regretting not having kids, but there are so many people who regret having them but can’t talk about it because of the stigma. I got my tubes tied 4 years ago and it was so freeing
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@kateparker2988 there's definitely a pressure. However, I certainly won't have kids until I'm certain I want them, and that might be never but we'll see.
@Katasia620 Ай бұрын
I appreciate that you started by saying you were not entirely sure about having kids. I think that is a reasonable place to be. I would say just dont fully close off from the possibility. I used to say some of what you are saying when I was younger, but now that I have children, I love being a mother. It brings me joy and fulfillment in ways I could never even fathom or describe prior to having children. And childbirth? As a woman, that is an experience that teaches you so much about how strong and resilient you can be. You grow so much when you have children (man or woman). It's hard work for sure but the things that bring the most reward in life are never easy. Good luck and stay open to possibility. I wish you the best. ❤
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@Katasia620 thank you! I will definitely keep that door open, we'll see what the future brings. All the best to you too 😊
@dynishaabreu4544 Ай бұрын
Theres no reason to attack you, your life, your choice!
@orangejacket4551 Ай бұрын
Me neither. I cant take care of them. I’ve tried with babysitting before and I just couldn’t take care of the child.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@orangejacket4551 must be hard to take care of one kid, let alone multiple.
@CodyseusRex Ай бұрын
Go ahead, be a genetic dead end😂
@j.l.w9563 Ай бұрын
I can't really advise you on something like this. There are a lot of really horrible mothers out there. Women that get to about 50 and their narcissism takes over and they start telling their children what a burden they have been and all that. My question though is... If you don't have kids... What are you going to do with your time? For me personally, IF I could then I would probably have a lot of options. I have a lot going for me it's quite frustrating in a sense. I look good. I am kind of naturally muscular. I have that talented degenerate musician vibe, even if it might not be what I would choose and I have often found it easy with women. Felt I am very in control in conversation. I m also motivated to do gym and punchbag and such I have a lot of aggression. But I have a disability. So it's not an option. It's an invisible disability. But sometimes due to it I lose entire days to just sleeping while only being up for a few hours at a time and my money situation reflects this. I feel that the things that I talk about and am interested in represent a kind of spiritual mission in a way. I am good at music and the subjects that I research and talk about are off the wall and interesting. But I can't have kids so it makes sense that "God" in a sense gave me a "replacement mission" to, not fill that void, it can't be filled, but to subsidise it a little. Do you feel the same way? Do you feel that you know what you would fill your time with if you don't have kids? Is leisure and holidays what a lot of women like enough to fill that void?
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@j.l.w9563 I have a lot of things I fill my time with already, and still so many things I want to do, and I feel like with kids I wouldn't be able to do those things I still aspire to do. Though I know of people who have kids and still go after their dreams, but I'm sure the sense of freedom is not the same. Let's put it this way, I already have a dog and feel bad for having to leave her when I go away. With kids that feeling is most definitely worse. But it's not just about the feeling, because we can rationalise that feeling. It's more about not wanting to miss out on things with the kids, and sacrificing my own desires and things I want to do for that.
@stue2485 Ай бұрын
I agree happiness comes from within
@KarsonsChannel Ай бұрын
"Stop being lazy and pathetic!" - Karolina Writes Also Karolina Writes: "Slow Down!" You should read "Burnout Society" by Byung Chul Han. It explains your predicament precisely (and everyone else in society)
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
Slowing down doesn't mean you have to be lazy and pathetic- they're not mutually exclusive.
@stilgarfremen804 Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites 100%. Being thoughtful and deliberate is underrated.
@DinkoCentar Ай бұрын
If they're not making me miserable that's great
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
That's an interesting take
@AmitJaiswalc34 Ай бұрын
Even though you are not looking happy
@NobodyAtAll33 Ай бұрын
This is exactly how I feel. Thank you.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@NobodyAtAll33 no worries :)
@AnBar-ki4lc Ай бұрын
i don't know why relationships in western countries ends with divorce
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
A lot of different factors I would assume
@prashantsharma3529 Ай бұрын
Yes but how to find girl like u
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@prashantsharma3529 you'll find her one day ;)
@prashantsharma3529 Ай бұрын
U said Right but why u speak so fast ?
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@prashantsharma3529 I don't hink it's that fast 🥺 it's just how I talk 🤷
@prashantsharma3529 Ай бұрын
U said right in India as our National Language is Hindi we are fluent in it in speaking as we know English also like that your National Language is English thats why u speak so fluently thats why it sounds like u r speaking fast
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@prashantsharma3529 I get you 👍
@coachedby.karolina Ай бұрын
Focusing on the present moment is key
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@stevenwarner9581 Ай бұрын
too right, there is never anything wrong with honesty
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@aeligos Ай бұрын
From what you said, it seems he did not change, but you did. Your tolerances changed. And arguments were had because he wasn't being proactive enough in supporting your activities (home chores were they?). I'm glad you broke it off. I'm glad for him that you two did not get married. If your country's laws are similar to those here in the US, you would have been legally entitled to acquire every thing he owned. And all because you changed? That is what happens here a lot. A couple in love, they get married, then for whatever reason, she wants out but takes the kids, the house, the car -- everything. I'm glad you were honest with him about the other man. Infidelity is not limited to physical contact. I hope he recovers and doesn't see all women based on what you showed him.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
thanks for the comment, but I don't appreciate the insinuations. From the way you're writing sounds like you're a guy. Even though you started off with an understanding piece, you had to of course later in your comment dump all women into one bag. Guys don't like women saying "all men do this amd that.. blah blah blah...", yet guys do it all the time. Saying that all women take things away from them. If you both worked equally as hard then no one is taking anything from anyone. Had we got married we would have gotten a prenup, something we discussed and both wanted as we both wanted to keep our own money that we made. We bought everything 50/50 and the things that he didn't want I paid him back for everything. I detest it with a passion when guys make comments like this. You think all women are there to take things from you, well maybe you're hanging out with the wrong kind of women.
@prashantsharma3529 Ай бұрын
U said u dont need make up u r super Wonder Women
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@prashantsharma3529 thanks :)
@prashantsharma3529 Ай бұрын
Dont listen to them u look Pretty useless jobless and jealous people make comment like that
@minacamoglu1419 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this honest video!
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@minacamoglu1419 always 😊
@AnBar-ki4lc Ай бұрын
I am not jocking. I am a humanbeing like you and i search to live with and protect a girl forever. That is marriage and that is the real relationship for me.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@AnBar-ki4lc you will find a girl, I'm sure of it :)
@AnBar-ki4lc Ай бұрын
a beautiful girl like you deserves a bodyguard like me.
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@AnBar-ki4lc you have jokes 🤣
@AnBar-ki4lc Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites I am not jocking. I am a humanbeing like you and i search to live with and protect a girl forever. That is marriage and that is the real relationship for me.
@AnBar-ki4lc Ай бұрын
you still don't want to marry me ?
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@@AnBar-ki4lc no I don't 😅
@A2k628 Ай бұрын
U looking good mam ur personality like wow 🎉how old are u
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
Thank you. 26
@A2k628 Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites oh😶
@prashantKumar51647 Ай бұрын
R u Married or single ?
@KarolinaWrites Ай бұрын
@prashantKumar51647 Ай бұрын
@@KarolinaWrites means ?
@fellonahardrock 2 ай бұрын
We've all been there, Hun.
@KarolinaWrites 2 ай бұрын
I hope this video brings a bit of light to those who are struggling with it right now x
@CodyHomes 20 күн бұрын
Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone.
@ephebo2027 2 ай бұрын
i wish had sum1 2 break up with
@KarolinaWrites 2 ай бұрын
@@ephebo2027 it's not a nice feeling.
@pierre931 2 ай бұрын
after 10 years that i was with a woman, she has left me with a stupid exvcuse.she has just another from long time.she was a bethrayer and i have know the last times she went with many men.she stayed with me cos i was fiel, affiable and responsible.she had the good m,an at home and does her own interests out.many peoplòes do so, especially the narcisists
@KarolinaWrites 2 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear this.
@shamaaakhtar8561 2 ай бұрын
Sending lots of love ❤❤❤. You got this girl. It will all fall into place xxx
@KarolinaWrites 2 ай бұрын
@@shamaaakhtar8561 thank you hunny xx
@KarolinaWrites 2 ай бұрын
These are only tips. Only you know best what you need to do.
@coachedby.karolina 2 ай бұрын
anyone looking for advice, I hope this helps, but always listen to your own heart and brain.
@KarolinaWrites 2 ай бұрын
You know best what you need to do.