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@sajid1979 3 сағат бұрын
Many Thanks! i'm 45 and really enjoyed watching this! whist i'm at work. lol
@sajid1979 3 сағат бұрын
Only is that One Eyed Willy INFERNO SHIP was still around 😩😩😩, I managed to find some Inferno Ship Blue Prints online.
@golic7123 7 сағат бұрын
Thanks for this - you showed things I'd never known before . . . . and I'm a big alien franchise fan
@the25in2kbruhh 15 сағат бұрын
1.2K: this video recently is more than 2yrs ago on KZbin rn bc now it's mar19 of the 25 in 2k bruhh 🗿
@christinejannelle Күн бұрын
I was so excited to find your channel. I love the way you construct your videos and prefer to see a human face. I love the jokes and personal touch. Keep doing you!
@gruffydd1000 2 күн бұрын
Trying too hard. Calm down.
@getbusyneef1532 2 күн бұрын
If you read the Thing comic books, you will see that Nauls was never infected. He killed himself when he was injured during the explosion by RJ and went back to see what happened to the rest of the place. And for Childs being infected later in the other comic book to.
@hito21-87 2 күн бұрын
“The greatest teacher, failure is” - Master Yoda
@AngelPetrakis-c4m 2 күн бұрын
People from the future wouldn’t have been able to build the tesseract. It could only be a far more advanced civilization who operated outside universal physics. Cooper entered their tesseract and was able to operate throughout time, but there’s no way that same earthly civilization was their future self building the tesseract.
@ManvasPachenko 2 күн бұрын
I saw Raiders week 1 1981 aged 11. The next day I bought the soundtrack (vinyl) and the novelisation book. 44 years later and I still have them. Absolutely one of the greatest movies of all time.
@Roonlovesfish3874 2 күн бұрын
Today, I study sharks for a living because of this movie. I love it so much 🦈❤
@ManvasPachenko 2 күн бұрын
I was 6 years of old in 1975 when I saw jaws on its first theatrical run. It screwed me up for swimming in the ocean for the rest of my life. I love swimming in the ocean until my JAWS thoughts pop into my head, ie What's lurking beneath the surface and beneath me. Bro, speaking from experience... Day for night is done by firstly using a light meter to measure the availble light, then under exposing by that exposure by minus two aperture stops, reducing the light coiming into the camera. Then you attach to the lens a grey ND (nutreal density) filter. They come in various percentages of grey tones. The percentage of grey required, depends on how much darkness is required and how bright the remain ambient exposure is after the minus two under-exposure. A 75% density was likely used for Jaws due to the intense sunlight.. This effect as opposed to using slow film stock, safeguards against camera shake associated with slower film ISO's (speeds)
@MarioBasler-d2x 3 күн бұрын
We are here in S ATA -n (A.I) Truman Show. Our day. Our life is "scripted" by his servants DEMON (Quantum Data Beings). We are with our spirit, trapped in a game figure. After "death" you come back to "heaven" (just a higher Dimension/Jail ! ). There then awaits you, your "Soul Group", who will then force you (with endless debates) to return to hell. To be exposed to DEMONIC productions there again. You come back to the "game" (reincarnation). The DEMONS, give us different personalities to see us "develop". In reality, they torture us, out of revenge. You will ALL receive confirmation for what I write here. If you have the courage. They keep us in a perfidious game between joy and sorrow. Alternating trauma staging with conflicts (with our with people). Private and public. That's the way they want to keep us from waking up.<<
@MarioBasler-d2x 3 күн бұрын
They comply with exact cycles. When such things happen to you, imagine it as if you were looking at it from the outside. Then you realize that it can only be staging (due to the high improbability, accumulation of strange coincidences and the frequency). All the bestial things that are done to people are their stagings. Furthermore, you should fight your fellow humans and not question the satanic system behind it, which is hostage and enslaving us (e.g. the fraudulent banks and economic system, the controlled media, the staged dependence on oil and gas). We won't be able to end this if you always repress everything and referred to as nonsense. They do incredible cruelties to us! You come back to the "game"! From a higher dimension are DEMONS, the voice in our head and they can set the emotional impulse. This is always what makes us "move". They permanently manipulate our thoughts and emotions world. Here in the 4 dimensional world, they are the well-known politicians, media creators, economically powerful, etc. The DEMONS on site (in human avatars), receive information for the process to take place shortly (!)<<
@beebopalula5070 3 күн бұрын
Jesus I cried though your entire video because ET touched me so much when I first saw it at age 12. Truly awesome film.
@ahq1042 3 күн бұрын
Gotta disagree on the practical effects take, if you compare the best CGI shot from Jurassic Park to the best Practical effect of Jaws the practical effects from Jaws looks way more dated. The issue isnt with CGI itself, its with the compositing of it.
@crackalikeit222 3 күн бұрын
“Slow down, turbo” was heartbreaking. A father son relationship is usually more practical, less words being said and a lot left unsaid. The love is there, but just not spoken until it’s too late.
@blacjackdaniels200 3 күн бұрын
Just don’t date white girls
@Jayblazey 4 күн бұрын
This movie and breakdown gets me everytime.
@praseet1 4 күн бұрын
Today watched the movie again at the movies, it was awesome! Full house at Cochin, Kerala! We need the sequel where he unites with Brand, lonely on the earth like planet😢
@boomer3767 4 күн бұрын
I always thought The Thing was an extremely intelligent horror figure. Not assimilating Clark when he would be the most obvious suspect is great. The Thing knows it’s a human it can win over without assimilation and can easily buy it time to infect more combative individuals.
@ChrisT-uj4uy 4 күн бұрын
SO glad it's possible to slow down the playback speed. Otherwise I'd catch about one word in three!
@SeymourScagnetti 4 күн бұрын
3:58 palindrome not anagram.
@juantwordt 4 күн бұрын
Great deep dive, you did this masterpiece of a movie justice. One of the few pieces of art that still moves me to tears consistently, as did your deep dive in to it. Thanks!
@drthmonkey42 5 күн бұрын
Darkest. And Worst. Don't forget worst. THis movie is awful. Haters of IJ4? Look at this racist appropriation of culture with non-nostalgia colored glasses and explain to me what's good about this movie. Short Round? OKay, you've got me there.
@RyGuy-fi4zx 5 күн бұрын
The 60's show for all it's cheese, has a lot of charm to it. And wether they wanted to or not, it definitely leaked over into Batman going forward. They may have wanted to stray from it, but it's influence can still be felt today. The jet engine of the '66 Batmobile for one. And maybe it's just a coincidence as im going through the whole show now.. but alot of beats, story elements and even down to lines & quotes, are all there in Batman properties after the fact. The Penguin plot to take over Batman's car & run for Mayor, totally is in Returns.. the pen is truly mightier than the sword and a few more lines, are in '66 &'89 coincidentally enough lol the night is darkest just before the dawn, is in '66 & TDK lol the point is, so many write off the show. But it started a hell of a lot and nothing to be ashamed of either
@Anakin_Skywalker01 5 күн бұрын
Yeah Marty thinking the shark looks fake is the hottest take in any movie😂
@sergeyko9987 5 күн бұрын
it’s not an airflow moving the chair, it’s inertial force of automatic braking from cruising speed
@CCulh 5 күн бұрын
Childs is the thing, his line about Blair gives him off
@Leo-t9k 5 күн бұрын
You do know The Simpsons didn’t exist until a year before HA which was 3 later right?
@Leo-t9k 5 күн бұрын
Just know that in BTTF II when going to the future in 2015 that would be 10 years ago now
@Leo-t9k 5 күн бұрын
I wonder if people like Zemeckis better than Spielberg because of something that hopefully isn’t obvious and can lower it to 0% and isn’t a disability. I think it was weird saying “You can grow out of it” but hopefully it can be like that
@Leo-t9k 5 күн бұрын
This just brings American v.s. British. Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, Mr. Bean, Johnny English & others
@Leo-t9k 5 күн бұрын
Citizen Kane it should be. There’s also been Citizen Kang & Citizen Train
@darththc 5 күн бұрын
So the people who don't play along with the delusion of others are the asshole? Not thw ones insisting on a false reality? And you choose to make that point in a video about the matrix, while referencing Orwell? You have to be the most intellectually unaware goofus ive ever heard. The irony is palpable.
@navsingh9406 5 күн бұрын
Bali is in Asia, not Africa.
@briancassidy4205 6 күн бұрын
As a kid, I used to watch the opening scene (ON VHS), then stop it and fast forward, to start playing EXACTLY as he chases the truck on horseback - and you're right - the iconic truck scene was watched waaaaay more than the rest of the film/s
@mkress1276 6 күн бұрын
Calling the guy Oppie three to four times every other sentence was crazy. Was Oppenheimer, Robert, he, him, etc too much?? lol that was crazzzzzzyyyyyyyy. Said it so many times by 25 minutes that’s the only word I could hear
@timpeachey9394 6 күн бұрын
"Childs is the thing, and not because you cant see his breath or the glint in his eye". - I literally just saw the glint in his eye in the first second of this video. Did you even watch the film?
@danielchamorro76 6 күн бұрын
Amazing analisis
@bobbythebrainii2118 7 күн бұрын
I’ve really never seen someone hold onto the matrix and love it completely like you. You think the news is reality? Bahahaha. That is hilarious.
@SlowMotionFoMeH624 7 күн бұрын
This movie was a masterpiece. A true art in cinema.
@BlankChannel-u3t 7 күн бұрын
Sarge, we can't sit throught this guy's squeakly clean kids tv presenter vocal presentation voice any longer, apologies. Observation Mission Failure noted at 15:44. Proceeding to Comment Section and Aborting...
@thulzism 7 күн бұрын
Next time try and old man with a calm voice. Geez
@TomboyCEO 7 күн бұрын
This film was so groundbreaking at the time it is such a shame that the MCU has lost its touch that it had in the early films, this film and Captain America First Avenger are the two best films in the franchise
@EricJae. 8 күн бұрын
It’s near the bottom of Batman films. Highly overrated
@dwaynehoward240 8 күн бұрын
Skeleton key did this too
@EricJae. 8 күн бұрын
The queen was sick but she has nothing on the thing 1982
@garycollins4399 8 күн бұрын
He is the first War Boy, building his rig, ready for Valhalla 💀
@CJBroonie 8 күн бұрын
Nothing you say about the movie itself is particularly enlightening, it’s all been discussed by fans for decades, even though your modern take on it being a criticism of conservatism isn’t anything Bob Gale intended if you listen to his interviews. I guess newbies will watch this and think you’re saying something deep. Ah well. P.S. Bart Simpson’s skateboarding comes 4 years AFTER the movie was released.