The ethics of reading tarot...
@alfonso8843 2 күн бұрын
Great video, I am barely learning about the Great Goddess and her mysteries. The stories of Dionysus, Peresophone, and Demeter are rich with wisdom and insanity. Keep it up!
@Magicisreal66 3 күн бұрын
Patriarchal is a term that describes a society that's ran and ruled by (MEN)- But, What you're talking about, is what took place when the inception of religion/Christianity and the patriarchal regime along with it. Patriarchal shouldn't even be used in this term, because there wasn't one f****** real (MAN) amongst them! They were a bunch of cowardice narcissistic sociopaths that were following the orders I'm a very very dark force-it was done intentionally to put everything else off balance, and making the (indoctrination/infection) much easier. That's the truth of what really happened- but very few have the balls enough to admit it! And when they took over, they ran this world into the f****** ground and continue to do so.
@PoppyRoseWitch 3 күн бұрын
Incredible book review! Thanks for being so detailed! ❤
@LeahIsHereNow 4 күн бұрын
Are you Audrey Plaza’s twin? Tell her to stop stalking me. Love her work, but… 😂
@redflag4255 4 күн бұрын
You would really like Ammon Hillman's content. Look for his channel called Lady Babylon. Ancient Greek Lesson 7. You are wrong about "The Patriarchy". Your problem started with Abrahamic Monotheism.
@redflag4255 4 күн бұрын
I think you are confusing the Patriarchy with the Church. Patriarchy by nature is not against women. Christians burned down Alexandria and the dark ages happened because of the church. We lost Athena as much as we lost Adonis worship. Patriarchy in combination with Monotheism in the belief of a Demonic Male Demiurge (Abrahamic) is what the problem is.
@PersephonesSister 4 күн бұрын
Patriarchy is a social construct that is very much predicated on the submission and dominion over women. Patriarchy is not the Masculine Principle, which is what you seem to be referring to. My terms are based firmly in scholarship.
@onalightmission 5 күн бұрын
Thank you!!!
@traceysmallwood7489 5 күн бұрын
I come from a long line of healers. This does not me any different to people who are starting out.
@patatto4715 5 күн бұрын
astrologers tell them anxiolytic 19 to endure 95 summers
@alanjones180 6 күн бұрын
so good
@camilusmbago3053 6 күн бұрын
You ae the most delusional woman ive seen in the internet
@shelbyheavens2997 7 күн бұрын
In what Bible is the story of Lilith in. And dont say the Bible is unreliable bc we have an abundance of actual proof and from many cultures there is proof that the people and their stories are true. We have a creator. Everything within this galaxy is proven to be created by an outside creator...God. please also give this a chance too.
@NeoJointnope 10 күн бұрын
astro & tarot medics need a long time to diagnose anxiolytics 19 before injecting them with medicine
@gervaisfrykman266 10 күн бұрын
I have exploded into Goddess consciousness in the last few days, and have a huge desire to hear and speak of her, This video is extraordinary. It is not opinion or dogma or scholarship but energy, most attractive.
@jamesedwards.1069 10 күн бұрын
It's amazing how it always seems to come back to Trump Derangement Syndrome. As bad as men are and have been, women are far more megalomaniacal, in my experience. Women are far more prone to have an ax to grind that gets in the way of accomplishing the mission of surviving and prospering.
@Kimak1437 10 күн бұрын
@giannouladimas888 12 күн бұрын
Sooo lovely to see the warmth of your rapport on display! The discourse is effortlessly beautiful ❣️ Thank you for your engaging episodes, I cherish carving out time to listen in 💙
@PersephonesSister 12 күн бұрын
Thank you so much 😊
@georgedickson1410 12 күн бұрын
Witches are far from ugly 😏
@muddyshoes4517 13 күн бұрын
I just learned about sophia, stumbling upon her in a mystics book about Jesus, and as soon as I heard about her I knew her already. First, the name sophia is one that has always been on my mind as one of the names I selected of I ever had a daughter. Additionally, learning about her is like a missing puzzle piece that I intuitively always have known. Thanks for you video. I'm SUPER DUPER interested in the seminar you mention. I don't see it on the link. Is there a recording?
@PersephonesSister 13 күн бұрын
Wow that’s so powerful! Yes, here’s the link:
@nickymaz05 16 күн бұрын
A beautiful and inspiring video. Thank you.
@earthandcraft 16 күн бұрын
This is the most sane while remaining spiritual take on Mary Magdalene I’ve come across. Many people are making her out to be things that are historically and culturally inaccurate and just plain making things up. Mary Magdalene is enough as she is in her devotion and in her strength.
@pabloashan-deleon3088 18 күн бұрын
🙄 Mariana, Where Can I Find, The *"ORIGINAL"*, *"ANCIENT WRITINGS"*, 🔰 REGARDING, THESE STORIES ❓️🤔💭⏱️
@212bellota 22 күн бұрын
Thank you! I really got what you're saying, it's been hard for me to put my understanding of the archetypes into words and it's a pleasure to watch you do it so meaningfully.
@dordagiovex9989 23 күн бұрын
i see nuclear mushrooms incoming, brought about by expansion regardless of boundaries, fear and little rationality. Feminine is nature and chaotic growth and random death, masculine is society and orderly structure., strategy and control
@rajkamalbharj2401 24 күн бұрын
Love your energy ❤😊
@jeffy225 25 күн бұрын
Your eyebrows talks as you speak.
@BobbyBrewers 26 күн бұрын
I didn't start to believe that God is female until I heard her voice give me a message. 7 days later, someone spiritual told me what she said, and it amazed me. I have been following those words and my life has changed for the better. ❤
@danielagarcia1534 27 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! If you haven't yet read The Chalice and the Blade, I think you will love it <3 Love all of your content! Currently watching your class on Sophia <3
@OneximusVerseAI 27 күн бұрын
Sopia is the Holy Ghost, something the churches have been hiding since the 4th century
@Arthur-ur1iq 28 күн бұрын
Which witch is witch?
@Bideosmedia 29 күн бұрын
Hello Mariana, I have watched some of your content now and have subscribed to your page. I have a question. You mentioned in one of your videos that the black Madonna relates somehow to Pistis Sophia. Do you remember where you read or heard that by chance? Thank you!
@Robert-eb9oh Ай бұрын
Thank you for your amazing self . I truly appreciate your time that you give to us all with great energy and knowledge. thank you.
@alectrapaw Ай бұрын
thanks for answering all my questions :P this was fun to listen to!
@Robert_Shmigelsky Ай бұрын
Why do you think there was an ancient Matriarchy? Those statuettes? Those had nothing to do with goddess worship but food. The less food there was the bigger they were -- the more food the smaller they became. Our distant ancestors were probably patriarchal long before Cro magnon showed up.
@PersephonesSister Ай бұрын
I don’t think there was a matriarchy. Listen to the video more closely 👍
@Robert_Shmigelsky Ай бұрын
​@@PersephonesSister You said patriarchy was something that happened, but it was always patriarchy. Yes, you said egalitarian, but I don't think it was even that. There is a lot of skeletal evidence of violence against prehistoric women, sorry to say.
@PersephonesSister Ай бұрын
@Robert_Shmigelsky yes of course there has always been violence against women because people are still people. That does not prove patriarchy has been the social paradigm since the beginning of time.
@Zetta333 Ай бұрын
I’ve been struggling with loving the Tarot and also being Christian lately. The Bible does say divination by laypeople is wrong…but that’s the in the same record of laws that puts people to death for random things like having tattoos, so….are we really supposed to take those ideas seriously? As for astrology, in Genesis 1:14 it says, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” That to me is a clear indication that we are meant to study the stars/planets, you know? I don’t know how Christians ever began to think differently about that.
@PersephonesSister Ай бұрын
Yes absolutely it’s a challenging thing. The shunning of divination and astrology has more to do with the scientific revolution than religious law. I think it’s all in HOW you use these tools. If you’re using them to replace faith then yes, that’s bad. If your using them to reflect on how to support your faith, then they’re so beautiful and powerful ❤️
@user-bz5hb2pu6n Ай бұрын
I prayed for wisdom and Sophia appeared. They have hidden the keys to the Kingdom. But as Daniel proclaimed that knowledge would increase in these times.
@MysticRob82 Ай бұрын
Thank you soooo much for the review I really found it very informative, I have been thinking of post a video of my book collection to my channel. I have subscribed to your channel so I can watch more often…😊
@strykah41 Ай бұрын
Mary is Sophia incarnate, the queen of heaven
@mmafinesse Ай бұрын
Very helpful video.
@lucyschaaphok Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. I have been working with the divine feminine for sometime now and working with SoulCollage® helpen me to connect with her on a veey deep level. When i was making a card about the chartres cathedral with the labyrinth and Mary's I felt a powerful energy that said "I want to have my own card". This was the image of the glass stain window of Mary. I listened to that and later I did the I am one who procesa with the card and I never have felt such a feminine power before. I called it the amcient femine. I also loved the story you shared about the murder. Thank you
@talkmone Ай бұрын
My recommendation: Women who Fly by Serinity Young. Great Video ❤
@willroth7521 Ай бұрын
I absolutely love this, great video, thank you!! :)
@KaraTarot-4enlightening Ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I think a lot of us are on this bandwidth now. ❤ Is there a new link for the free archetypal booklet? That link says it doesn’t work.
@PersephonesSister Ай бұрын
Hm that’s so odd, it seems to be working. Try this:
@Bideosmedia Ай бұрын
9:12 into the video you said the black Madonna is known as Sophia. 🙏 is this idea written or is this discerned?
@sage4nowty129 Ай бұрын
Your explanation does not really hold. If the Madonnas were darken by smoke, why not paint them white again. And I think this does hold significance today with how Black people are treated. In many cases they are looked down upon and treated as inferior people or dangerous people. Yet some Europeans are worshipping a Black Modonna? That is really hypocritical.
@ValenciaMHaile Ай бұрын
The depth and Glory of a black woman. Through All her life's dark trials and tribulations, just to happily exist in the very same world for the lighter skin. It may be symbolic for all of the things said above. But this black Madonna is only a new reveal,that if there is a correlation to black and greatness involved in the same sentence.. American culture will not Accept but use every attempt to strip it down to make sure it is non-existant and just skeptical. This is true systemic racism . The truth is is that statue couldve had "I am a black mother" engraved on it and they would say that it was the goddess of "death" because they wouldn't allow simply be a black woman leading anything unacceptable.
@phadrus Ай бұрын
Could the black be related to the Devine feminine being hidden ?
@DHRadioGal Ай бұрын
@Ithasneverbegan Ай бұрын
I asked for signs, i found them, i always ended up crying. first sign, one years ago i was not into Gnosticism at all, i asked my tarot a stupid question: Who am i ? and a card fell out, it was the high priestess, i never knew what that means until now, we are all the high priestess. second sign, 2 weeks ago i was learning more and more about sophia but what the Gnostics was saying is that they believed only their experiences, so i still was skeptical, i was meditating alone in my room at 2 am normally i always close my curtains at the time but during the day my bro broke them, so during my meditations i was thinking about Sophia and i kept on begging fora sign i said give me a clear one, a quick one, as soon as i open my eyes a lighting appears, the biggest ever made y birds shut up and my bro woke at the same time as my mum, no storm after this, until the day after. I was still not satisfied so third sign i asked for a white feather i said white because none of my birds have any white feather. I had to go out on that day to meet my friend 3 things happened, some kids was playing outside with a pillow they broke it and a lot of white little feather came out of it in front of me, i was still skeptical, then i arrive at my friend's house what do i see ? she is wearing a white t-shirt and she has a big white feather on her hair, but she is not into spiritually at all and she never wears that kind of things, and then on my way back home i meet a group of people that talks to me about their group, The White Feather. I started questioning myself, at the end of the day i was literally shocked. And yesterday still not satisfied i was thinking about a bird of mine that died nearly one year ago and i was like maybe i can ask her to see if she can give me a sign, so i don't know why but i asked to see a crow and 3 of them during that day passed so close to my window and it literally never happened before. so yeah should i stay skeptical ? I think it is just hard for me to admit that i could perceived any signs. but anyway i apologize for my english i speak french normally, thanks for the video and i hope you will all have a great day ❤
@danielagarcia1534 29 күн бұрын
girllll, dont doubt! she is singing loudly and clearly to you. open your heart <3
@SOLSTICES41 Ай бұрын
Truly in love with every single episode of this series, thank you ladies so much for what you are doing.
@PersephonesSister Ай бұрын
Thank you so much, that means a lot 💕