Favorite weapon moves
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What I miss about larping
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Ranked! Amtgard classes by difficulty
Getting Into Shape For Larping
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SOLAR Larp Disaster!
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Should you dress up for larp?
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Crafting in larp How, Why, and more
Will the plague kill larping?
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Large battles in Belegarth
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Why are most larps fantasy larps ?
Benefits of larping (in general)
Problems in larping
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Alliance larp disaster!
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Barbarian! #short
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Choosing a class in Amtgard ranged
Choosing a class in Amtgard : melee
Belegarth 2 handed weapon tips
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Belegarth games
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Belegarth archery tips
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Belegarth shield kicking
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Wounds in Belegarth
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Basic rules of Belegarth
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The obstacles to Belegarth
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What is Belegarth?
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@TheTaz8626 3 күн бұрын
After I got level 2 I took 6 shoves and it's hilarious
@TintagelEmrys 4 күн бұрын
Do you always keep the enchantment ribbon on? You don't have to move it depending on if you have protection or not?
@stillframe5 9 күн бұрын
I feel like assault and smuggling in drugs are criminal offences so like, they are criminals XD
@appletree3541 2 ай бұрын
healer is the easiest class give out some persistent enchantments watch the enemy team panic for a few minutes to confirm that they have no dispells cuz no one ever has dispells in felfrost than your team has monopolized magic and you are free to screw around fighting barbars with your sword or just seeing how many spells you can chain on the one silly flanker that got hit by an abeyance. some people think healers should like... heal... and release.. and resurrect! pshaw! your job is abeyance. thats it enchants are just smt to put your spare points into. itll make your team less incompetent in defending you. thats it
@gothicfly 5 ай бұрын
Why are your bows so strong? We have a restriction to use only 25 pound bows, our arrow heads are quite big and our shields cannot be destroyed and bows are still incredibly strong. Also why nerf shields by having red weapons be able to destroy them? A weapon like a halbert would already be very strong vs shields as you can also just pull the opponents shield down and stab them. Also our armor equally protects from all hits.
@NicholasNappi 6 ай бұрын
I have been to many larps. I personally got very hurt feelings at a larp event in my area. I am very passionate about playing a executioner in the game or reasonably working towards that. I remember at a particular larp in nj I was taken into the office and told that I can’t be the executioner because I have to wait more than 5 years in order to do so. I personally felt like I was takin into the principals office like I was in high school. So I felt bad. I isolated myself the whole time and actually ended up leaving early because I was so sad. But what happened the day after was so wrong. I got a email saying I bought two real knives. I didn’t do that at all nor am I the type of person to endanger others at all. I actually bought the two latex boffer daggers from a vendor at the that larp event. So obviously the people just didn’t like me or were just bullys. And another larp in nj I wanted to go to. Ta person online that was one of the main people there told me that I probably shouldn’t come. Which is hurtful. I let the game runners know ahead of time that I want to play a character who is a executioner and have a fair chance of working to becoming the town executioner in the larp game. The person told me that they already have someone who is the executioner and they told me that I should not come. This actually really hurt me because I don’t want to take a position away from players but I rather share the position eventually and coexist. I have yet to find a larp that is willing to actually allow me to have a chance to become what my character is. This is very hard for me to understand. Why. I however am a part of amtgaurd and I truly love it. The thing about it is the kind of role play that I dream of playing amtgaurd does not have. But I still love amtgaurd. I however do hope to find a larp that will actually value me coming and allow my character to evolve and thrive in a more fair way. I live in nj I personally don’t post on social media group chat anymore because I was not treated very kindly by some people and it was not okay. So yeah. I really hope somebody will actually allow me to actually achieve my characters goals by not taking forever. And be more kind and understanding and share and be more willing to help others.
@dragen3 7 ай бұрын
Coup De Grace is pretty foul but it can be blocked by Resistance or Immunity to the Death School, which is uncommon but can be found in certain classes and enchantments, and is a magical verbal which means it will not work at range on somebody with Enlightened Soul.
@petervankauwenbergh3375 7 ай бұрын
This is a great video. Stonebeard Warfist
@isaacrodriguez8353 8 ай бұрын
There are so few magical people on my field that getting someone who can give me void touched in a struggle
@appletree3541 8 ай бұрын
10:18 adaptive protection.
@appletree3541 8 ай бұрын
how is it questionable to take dispel as 6th lvl? its a third level point that will do the job vs a sixth lvl point that will do the job a bit better. there are other things to spend that point on. dispel isnt often needed on my field so maybe we just need different lists but ive never needed more than 1/Refresh dispel
@appletree3541 8 ай бұрын
Cancel is a free dispel in games where you constantly switch teams. I generally just don't persistent enchant people in those types of games but cancel could conceivably be theory crafted to be useful.
@jenniferhartshorn2391 8 ай бұрын
I'm not sure what this guy's "academia" credentials are, but.... this is not representative of an actual academic take on this subject. There is ample documentation (police reports, incidents with dozens of witnesses, etc.) of things that happened with Scott Neely. Yes, Jay S. is a great source of information pre-1995 or so, but sourcing some people more familiar with recent events would have been a good idea. There are some pretty big factual errors - Texas is not anywhere near Georgia (?!), and Minnesota has had chapters of other NERO-spinoffs, but definitely not SOLAR. Pretty sure he misspoke and was talking about another NERO spinoff, though the Carolinas branch also had ample problems (thankfully not of a similar nature to Scott's). If OP's goal was to ask how did this happen and what can we learn from this, that would be very worth doing... but that's not remotely what this is. The overall message here - SOLAR was deeply flawed, functioned like a cult, and shouldn't have survived as long as it did - is absolutely valid. I was warned in *1994* that SOLAR was a great place to buy drugs and pick up high school girls. I've put significant time into this specific issue (10+ years playing SOLAR, 30+ years larping, I'm a published professional designer and oh yes, also a professional academic), and there are many reasons why this kind of abuse happens in larps, including boffer larps, vampire larps, and other similar organizations -- social inequality baked into the game setting, in game ways of making people do things against their will, the typical audience for larps, the culture, etc. and it's a topic that deserves more serious inquiry....but that's not what this is. He is absolutely right in that SOLAR was a fine example of What Not To Do in a Larp, dating back 25 years, but this doesn't address the reasons why it got that way or how to avoid it elsewhere, and it definitely doesn't do so using anything remotely like an "academic" methodology. Reddit is not exactly a credible source. Also - I think "SOLAR refuge" was only a thing for a very short while; I believe what he's talking about evolved into the game "Awakening" (awakeninglarp.online/#page-top) - also flawed, but in completely different and much more benign ways than SOLAR. However, there are many larps in the southeast and elsewhere, none of which is as toxic as SOLAR was.
@starolite 8 ай бұрын
FYI Scott is under GBI investigation and has a warrant out. For anyone watching this, know that there are still an amazing group of people actively perusing justice for a lot of the people harmed by Scott and his core group. If you hear about or from him, please report it. Thanks...
@MakingChange-mh8sr 7 ай бұрын
The fact that these people have gotten away with decades worth of BS is mind blowing.
@georgew5038 5 күн бұрын
I only have good memories of Scott there was 0 tolerance for any misbehavior from what I saw. Never felt he was doing anything inappropriate.
@Sal13414 9 ай бұрын
why use foam? looks lame asf
@coleriedel751 10 ай бұрын
H A M M E R ! I REALLY want to start getting into larping... with full plate
@coleriedel751 10 ай бұрын
I want to be a full-plate juggernaut now! Damnit! ...where do I get everyday-wear plate... ?
@coleriedel751 10 ай бұрын
Okay.... must find where to buy plate armor. Also cardio
@coleriedel751 10 ай бұрын
As a dude looking to maybe being an Amtgard adventure... these are invaluable!
@joek-4784 10 ай бұрын
Dude, I hate this. Without context, I have no idea what they’re talking about.
@redwolf8u 10 ай бұрын
Awwwoooo 🐺 about time you made this druid video bro!!!!! We miss you keep up the good work 🐺
@Yeeleaf007 11 ай бұрын
Great video. Can you make a video on how to make a sword please?
@Yeeleaf007 11 ай бұрын
Great video
@roastbeefguy 11 ай бұрын
I like that you didn’t even bother to talk to anyone who had anything to do with SOLAR and made up a bunch of nonsense based off of third hand conjecture.
@roastbeefguy 11 ай бұрын
Dude, you have so much information that is completely wrong. There is no SOLAR chapter in Minnesota, and whatever you’re thinking of has zero connection to Scott Neely. This video is…ridiculously misinformed.
@roastbeefguy 8 ай бұрын
Also, I am absolutely in no way defending the piece of dung, Scott Neely, @jenniferhartshorn2391. I'm saying that this video is wildly misinformed about what happened, and honestly didn't make him look bad enough to truly capture how awful everything about him was.
@gravedgr01 Жыл бұрын
I haven’t stayed in touch with the SOLAR crowd, but I was there at the very beginning (Jay S, Jay F, Bill S, Ed M, myself and a couple others in Jay F’s basement planning events in 1990). The transition from NERO to NERO SE to SOLAR isn’t characterized very well - not sure where that got off track - but Scott’s influence and behavior habits were evident to everyone by the mid-90s. I have been in Scott’s inner circle, and I have been on the outs. I ran one of the first ever NERO events when they were one-day events at Ft. Yargo state park. I was at the first three-day in 1991 and played through the late 90s. I was on the plot committee more than once. I’m willing to share more details, but I recognize this is a two year old video.
@himonightbreeze Жыл бұрын
If you're looking to stay in shape between games, burpees are probably the best workout you can do without going to the gym. Especially if your goal is to burn fat and improve dynamic muscle movement. If burpees are too much for you, you should at least be incorporating squats and push-ups (even if they're on your knees) into your routine. For your core, I'd recommend starting with low impact workouts like planks before working in crunch and leg raise variations.
@davidjordan2446 Жыл бұрын
I played Nero in the mid/late 90's and it was nation wide once. It is to bad territory are even a thing. At one point I played two nero campaigns out of one site, and traveled an hour down the road to another at times, some people traveled 2 hours down the road to a 3rd chapter. that way during larp season you could play every weekend the same game and keep your story going. there was even a guild that had a black market where chapters from the east where selling stolen goods in chapters in the west because it was a nation wide guild doing shady stuff. it was great. do have to say now I'm jumping around to smaller games and that is fun as well. unfortunately i think at this point the Die is cast, the systems are getting so drastically different. the weapons and props people are using are getting different. i don't see one game ever getting that big again its a lot of small community. and the worst thing i am seeing is the bulk of the "alliance" or "nero" style games games appear to become 18+ which is going to cut out the younger larpers. more then likely if another system dose get big it will be a different type of larp that is allowing in the next wave of larpers.
@jamesgoodwin1741 Жыл бұрын
can you UM/GUM the enemies?
@patricklee465 3 ай бұрын
3. Enchantments may only be cast on willing players. from the ROP the answer is no
@jamesgoodwin1741 Жыл бұрын
imbue your own shield since you're a squishy healer?
@evildarklemonsdark1302 Жыл бұрын
You can't imbue your own sheild. But you can to others
@michaelestrada1564 Жыл бұрын
Im a 4th level barbarian. If i look the part before level 6 do i get one blood and thunder / refresh? Great video. Love the excitement in all of your barbarian explanation videos
@jamesgoodwin1741 Жыл бұрын
The charge incant is the antitheses of catching your breath
@devin7161 Жыл бұрын
I love this channel, excellent work as always!!!
@itslennyyaknow8006 Жыл бұрын
My man alive?
@evildarklemonsdark1302 Жыл бұрын
14:10 summon dead
@Barbariandisks Жыл бұрын
I see assassin, i start tracking
@Yeeleaf007 Жыл бұрын
I’m still confused about the level of a monster and how it works, please explain in more detail. Also the color of the monster stash?
@samhughes1140 Жыл бұрын
One of the biggest non-fantasy LARPS in the world is Model UN, but most people just don't think of it as a LARP.
@JOENAD0 Жыл бұрын
Is the short sword thing still true? With new rules and changes should I get a short sword?
@bwolf23 Жыл бұрын
nice tunes
@vallopallens Жыл бұрын
I do not know any of the victims and it sounds like a lot of the problems started around 2016-2017. I played in the early years and was present for the split from NERO. Jay's recount is accurate, though I will say that any group of people will have differing viewpoints on leadership and the direction of an organization. I think one of the early mistakes was allowing children to participate, but back then, (circa 1993-1994) it seemed a bit more family-oriented. As far as the relationship with NERO in Boston, part of the reason for the split was Ford Ivey's desire to really keep a stranglehold on rules, on character progression and most importantly - how much money he wanted to filter back to Boston despite the fact that NERO provided almost no support for us in Atlanta. The in-game reasons also made a lot of sense. Not here to defend Scott or refute any sexual allegations, but I saw none of this pre-2000 and, in fact, Scott was pretty adamant about making sure that everyone was protected in SOLAR, including minorities, women and LGBTQ folks. There was always controversy over how things were run and, as usual, some people went away unhappy. But like many organizations, the beginning is often quite different from the end and it's sad to see it go. I had many, many fun events with the crew and loved my time there.
@MakingChange-mh8sr 11 ай бұрын
Of course he is going to project a friendly everyone is safe and accepted here vibe. People weren’t going to give him money to support his meth habit if it comes out and publicly admits he and his friends are a bunch of predators. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@starolite 8 ай бұрын
@@MakingChange-mh8sr correct, and abuse started as early as 2006.
@MakingChange-mh8sr 7 ай бұрын
@@staroliteI started playing around 2002 and it had already been going on before that. 😢
@austinvangaal621 Жыл бұрын
Love your video
@alexkk6zly262 Жыл бұрын
This is great info! Thank you!
@alexrothman2078 Жыл бұрын
A favorite move I had required a 1 handed axe/hammer preferably latex. My game allowed 42inch max length 1 handed. I would repeatedly attack at the targets shoulders while in close with my hand half way up the haft. Feint on last time high, extend the grip all the way for max reach and swing at their legs. Even if they backed up the target almost always miss calculated the range I had.
@Akumatron Жыл бұрын
Being stabbed with a blue hurts a little bit? Maybe pad your weapons better and it won't. Biggest pussy shit I have heard.
@johnbentley2331 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe your videos aren't way more popular.
@DrX6xx Жыл бұрын
i will have to say v9 feels a lot more like people hiding in a room in v8 they where completely transparent to all of amtgard from the 1st writings from my perspective of being heavily evolved in the v8 writing the problem the core team ran into s thinking they knew better then what the community was telling them no less than 10 things i personally pointed out and was told to be quite about got patched as soon as the play test hit mainstream or shortly after main release
@Barbariandisks Жыл бұрын
Replace javelins with heavy throwies, like axes or hammers
@itslennyyaknow8006 Жыл бұрын
Hope he's doing ok.
@AccessAccess Жыл бұрын
My favorite "stupid" move sword and board is to spin around and attack from the other side. Using your shield to protect your back as you spin. It's not the most practical but I've had cases where it was so surprising and unexpected it almost worked.
@edwardnammur5962 Жыл бұрын
When is the next video?