Saying Goodbye to 2022 with Toks Ogun
@normonmoton2396 2 күн бұрын
We all r people and we all have our culture we all people and each individual know what they want
@ELWATCH01 2 күн бұрын
Raised to believe it's all about yourself. When it's all about you, there is NO room for anyone else.
@relentless3781 5 күн бұрын
Why do cisgender heterosexual women treat bisexual men like we're lesser than straight men? I find this take as a slap in the face to all bisexual black men everywhere, including me. this was a fucked up hurtful thing that this woman just said without even an ounce of empathy for bisexual men at all. we bisexual are not the bottom of the barrel when it comes to dating pure and simple wtf. Bisexual men of every race don't deserve to be treated like this or talked about like this. Othering us bisexual men is so wrong . Pure and simple. 😡🤬
@jdawg874 8 күн бұрын
Black women aren't meant to be wives, I will never marry one period
@miss_whitney 8 күн бұрын
I do agree with her when she said that we have had to grow up being very tough and that we’ve had the short end of the stick. I’ve seen both black women and black men struggling I think, for the black woman are often raised by broken mothers where the relationship ended toxic and badly, and you have the mother to get over those relationships and pass on their insecurities their problem with men to their daughters and sons 2
@dorothycrawford3569 14 күн бұрын
Nigeria 🇳🇬 mens are something else just like America 🇺🇸 men's are too
@dorothycrawford3569 14 күн бұрын
It's because alot of you guys are womanizers and igbo men's they are aggressive
@dorothycrawford3569 14 күн бұрын
I getting ready to marry in Nigeria next year so I love family there I love family here not all ladies are like that sir in America
@dorothycrawford3569 14 күн бұрын
This lady is to much and she acts like she to beautiful to understand and I am beautiful also and by the man come out the country to your country teach him she too much so she will never marry a Nigerian man she too much
@dorothycrawford3569 14 күн бұрын
Girl stop downing us America ppl with your wanna be Africa woman go to Africa and you will see he sound like igbo bullshit
@KraigMoultrie 14 күн бұрын
This interviewer was a bit comical ( not in a good way:Ive gotta be honest). Why would a man pay the bills of a woman he doesn't live with or marry. Even the Nigerian man said he doesn't like "gold diggers". What percentage of ANY men anywhere can pay your bills and his? Goofy
@letstalkovercocktails 12 күн бұрын
@@KraigMoultrie the questions were surrounding around questions that were presented from viewers and his personal experience…Goofy 🤪
@Monaedeezy 15 күн бұрын
I don’t struggle with my identity at all. Speak for yourself.
@nebiat203 17 күн бұрын
WTH 😂😂😂
@nickmegadeth6633 18 күн бұрын
from my experience Nigerian culture is very materialistic... and most Nigerian women are looking for money wich is ok but as a European I dont understand it.. nothing better than a black American woman!
@letstalkovercocktails 18 күн бұрын
@@nickmegadeth6633 interesting… thanks for sharing your perspective!
@robertmiles1132 21 күн бұрын
Black women were raised by women who listened to bs and that came from the white women who tricked black women out of their position and even today you see the most vile behavior from black women If you think im lying ask yourself why is it that black women are wearing more blonde wigs and weaves because they are trying to be something they are not Because they lack self love and worth mistakes are apart of life but its about how you learn from those mistakes if you continue to do the same thing and be super soft women never learn properly
@robbiebouldwin8954 22 күн бұрын
To me , I stay away from black women in my younger years due to the fact that when I was in a relationship with black women they tended to be with another man by arguing about nothing just to be with another person.
@BheeOrgh 26 күн бұрын
A lot of boys had to "grow" quickly, that's not an excuse. black women take on, and surround themselves in, generational trauma, they cling to it like a security blanket so as to deflect adverse situations onto external parties - mostly men.
@csmith7912 29 күн бұрын
I don't agree with this .I had a mother and father...parents married dam near 50 years...I was raised to be a wife and a mother..
@Glammomtips 29 күн бұрын
Shout out to tastebudking
@shiyanvillarrel1936 Ай бұрын
She so ignorant it’s sad I had to hurry and click off even my nija friends said she doesn’t know what she’s talking about yet alone him smh
@letstalkovercocktails Ай бұрын
@@shiyanvillarrel1936 thanks for clicking 🫶🏽
@darealbobbyjjonson Ай бұрын
Get help lady 🤣☠️💀💀💀
@BrittneyCaldwell Ай бұрын
African-American woman. My hsuband married me. Not for a green card. We are both the same age. Life has been well for us. <3
@MrEric4656 Ай бұрын
Oh you think it’s feasible to be a mother without being a wife first, sit back and witness the decay. Watch a community desolve to nothingness, it won’t be the first, many were and are no longer.
@tammybritton2991 Ай бұрын
Wow this just popped up. It sound like he was saying AAW are hoes. I have been married to a Nigerian from Benin City for 30 years. We mic our culture
@hiphopliberation 7 күн бұрын
He did and the sad part the host didn't catch it because she a bird brain.
@ekell7472 Ай бұрын
Do not get married under any circumstance Men run for the chopper 😂
@DJHershey Ай бұрын
@p9a9r21 Ай бұрын
THE INSIDIOUS WORK OF THE SISTERHOOD OF SINGLEHOOD Black women excel at evasion of accountability and delusion. The false narrative being espoused in this video is growing up black girls encounter a far more difficult and challenging environment that requires them to become overly masculine and aggressive in relationships. But crime statistics show it is black boys who are the overwhelming perpetrators and victims of violence. The primary source of young black girls overly masculine and aggressive personalities is the predominance of hyper masculine and aggressive older women; their single mothers, single aunts, single grandmothers etc. Young black girls are socialized by other black women to be "strong and independent" . It is the cadre of single, hyper masculine older black women that indoctrinate young black women into the social value of "not needing no man". At present over 60% of single black women have children while almost 55% of single black men are childless. The disconnect between single parenthood between black females and black males is a direct consequence of intergenerational single motherhood among black women. The Sisterhood of Singlehood permeates the domestic black community and is evidenced by black women being the least married female demographic in America.
@lorrainefoster1320 Ай бұрын
My goal since I was little was to be a wife and mother. My sons (10 and 12) talk about having a wife and kids. They get grossed out by my hubs and I😂, but we are showing them what marriage is. My parents did that. It starts with the parents modeling.
@dondattaford5593 Ай бұрын
Black women are not being raised to be feminine women instead they are lock step with men
@alanbarnes3569 Ай бұрын
You don’t struggle a little bit, you struggle a lot!! Kevin Samuels talked about this endlessly, taking accountability 😮
@Detroitburke79 Ай бұрын
Stop making excuses…. we have all been raised how we have been raised. At some point, you’re an adult and have had enough experiences to know right from wrong, even if your view of right from wrong has been skewed you make choices. We all have made mistakes, but if you’re over 30 and still trying to decipher your childhood, and adult version of yourself, well, we see the results. Take accountability, without excuses, caveat or long winded, monologues, trying to explain the ”why” of it. Why doesn’t matter
@UdobiMusic Ай бұрын
“Partnership” 🤦🏾‍♂️ “Men are in love, women are in business”-CGA
@johnbuckeye9590 Ай бұрын
Men and women are "Not" partners.. Stop it already .
@SweetArt360 Ай бұрын
I saw the channel mention in a comment about how its not a culture others/many can relate to. I think part of that is also how far out the US is from the rest of the world. Whereas in continents such as Africa, Europe, or Asia the countries are more connected sharing more similarities. It's likely also more easier and affordable for people to relocate or visit all over it. Whereas north America is a lot more disconnected from the rest of the world, leading to a more different culture and one that others may find less relatable. Though to me that's okay, being unique is also good. 😊
@ramonataylor6246 Ай бұрын
Sorry, not sure how this came up on my feed, but the host is so lost, I had to turn off of it. Black culture is the greatest “export” to the rest of the world. Ok, but you say, it’s only entertainment contributions. No ma’am, that’s just what the world, including Asian, African, and European artists and commercializing wants to take from us. That’s what’s trending or popular or can make them money-from gospel, to jazz. Blues, rock, country, R&B, hip hop, slang words, and fashion-those are what people see worldwide. But YOU, as an AA should know better, that until one comes to live here or takes time to read, they will only have our entertainment exports, which by the way, I’m proud of also. But we are so much more. We literally built the US, and much was our own style of architecture and farming methods, adopted from Africa and diffused with native and European cultures, our own DNA is a beautiful cultural story! You had an opportunity to school this polite man, but you did not. You are so misinformed! Even scholars have studied Black American culture, it’s called anthropology. Mac n cheese is not even a traditional dish until the last recent generations, but gumbo, johhny cakes, creole fish, and cornbread dressing are! Letter to this lost AA host: By way of slavery, Blacks from LA to Panama have adapted a unique culture across hundreds of years. You are not very educated, please please go back and learn, and study cultural anthropology. Each culture developed in the diaspora based on tradition from Africa and some of it that was lost and diffused with Spanish/French Catholic or English Protestant cultures. This new identity and culture is absolutely culture. From LA to Panama. Okra, plantain, rice, fried foods, red colored drinks , Juneteenth celebrations (I’m a Texan), music born from our own communities now emulated all over the world, such as gospel, jazz, blues, country, rock, R&B, rap, historically black frats and sororities that are mostly generational and now have West African college student members, black inventors, debutante balls among the upper class Blacks,, the Harlem Renaissance which influenced literary movements and revolutionary movements worldwide from the 1920s to the 1960s, the Black church in itself had enough culture to circle the earth-from the large hats designed by black women to the linguistical oration of black preachers emulated by both White American and international preachers worldwide, to fashion trends, and even “slang” that becomes so popular, it changes the American English dictionary! The Geechie and Gullah cultures along the SE coast of the U.S. The creole cultures of Louisiana and distinct styles of dress and dance and Vodun rituals for ancestors derived from both Africa and converted Catholicism, to gun shot style architecture of Louisiana, and I, myself am a proud descendent of black farmers in Texas. Our Family reunion has been on held our land each summer for 70 years. I have my masters in history, because I love and admire ALL cultures. Everyone has a culture, including my Nigerian husband of 18 years! He has been so open to learning about Blacks’ past in America. I’m sorry YOU are not cultured, but at least you could’ve done some homework and understood this man is very limited in his exposure to AA if you were going to host a so called real conversation.
@tyronelorenzovalentio3414 Ай бұрын
@@ramonataylor6246 greatest export what😂
@ramonataylor6246 Ай бұрын
Sorry, not sure how this came up on my feed, but the host is so lost, I had to turn off of it. Black culture is the greatest “export” to the rest of the world. Ok, but you say, it’s only entertainment contributions. No ma’am, that’s just what the world, including Asian, African, and European artists and commercializing wants to take from us. That’s what’s trending or popular or can make them money-from gospel, to jazz. Blues, rock, country, R&B, hip hop, slang words, and fashion-those are what people see worldwide. But YOU, as an AA should know better, that until one comes to live here or takes time to read, they will only have our entertainment exports, which by the way, I’m proud of also. But we are so much more. We literally built the US, and much was our own style of architecture and farming methods, adopted from Africa and diffused with native and European cultures, our own DNA is a beautiful cultural story! You had an opportunity to school this polite man, but you did not. You are so misinformed! Even scholars have studied Black American culture, it’s called anthropology. Mac n cheese is not even a traditional dish until the last recent generations, but gumbo, johhny cakes, creole fish, and cornbread dressing are! Letter to this lost AA host: By way of slavery, Blacks from LA to Panama have adapted a unique culture across hundreds of years. You are not very educated, please please go back and learn, and study cultural anthropology. Each culture developed in the diaspora based on tradition from Africa and some of it that was lost and diffused with Spanish/French Catholic or English Protestant cultures. This new identity and culture is absolutely culture. From LA to Panama. Okra, plantain, rice, fried foods, red colored drinks , Juneteenth celebrations (I’m a Texan), music born from our own communities now emulated all over the world, such as gospel, jazz, blues, country, rock, R&B, rap, historically black frats and sororities that are mostly generational and now have West African college student members, black inventors, debutante balls among the upper class Blacks,, the Harlem Renaissance which influenced literary movements and revolutionary movements worldwide from the 1920s to the 1960s, the Black church in itself had enough culture to circle the earth-from the large hats designed by black women to the linguistical oration of black preachers emulated by both White American and international preachers worldwide, to fashion trends, and even “slang” that becomes so popular, it changes the American English dictionary! The Geechie and Gullah cultures along the SE coast of the U.S. The creole cultures of Louisiana and distinct styles of dress and dance and Vodun rituals for ancestors derived from both Africa and converted Catholicism, to gun shot style architecture of Louisiana, and I, myself am a proud descendent of black farmers in Texas. Our Family reunion has been on held our land each summer for 70 years. I have my masters in history, because I love and admire ALL cultures. Everyone has a culture, including my Nigerian husband of 18 years! He has been so open to learning about Blacks’ past in America. I’m sorry YOU are not cultured, but at least you could’ve done some homework and understood this man is very limited in his exposure to AA if you were going to host a so called real conversation.
@luckylu9780 Ай бұрын
Africans think there better than African American women and men they value and marry white women who play the long game but secretly hate them and take them for everything there worth look at that black soccer player that white women took all his money ran him from water white countey that was then he went back and married black African woman that truly loved him....smh
@effervescent_smegma-s1w Ай бұрын
She knows she cant keep the man she finds attractive longer than what it takes for her to get pregnant 😂 thus she plans accordingly 💯
@osasvictor1786 Ай бұрын
What's really rubbed black ladies from from your supposed marital home is actually when the mentality of a strong independent woman that have the same authority in equality with a man with 0000000000.0 sense of respect and honour for a man that is when the problem of black women started no man wants a second man in same home no man wants to have a woman that order and talks to him with a 00000 sense of respect it doesn't matter if you like it or not if you black ladies continue like this there are going more single mother and ladies that are never even married and sooner or later there is going to be a whole lot of frustration and confusion among ladies I pray there won't start dieing of loneliness and frustration in large numbers and it gonna mostly be seen among black Americans women
@peggybutler5650 Ай бұрын
Lady we do have a culture. The whole world mimics African Americans styles! Do your research sis!
@letstalkovercocktails Ай бұрын
@@peggybutler5650 Hey Lady, I’m speaking of “traditional” culture. Thanks sis.
@hiphopliberation 7 күн бұрын
@@letstalkovercocktails Black Americans have a traditional culture as well. Just because you have never indulged or educated yourself doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We have our own food, music, fashion, customs, and a history that spans hundreds of years that has always been under attack even today that push not only Black America forward but the entire diaspora more than any group ever and for you to shht on that is your thing but its ignorance and self hate. BTW I laugh at this video because the Nigerian guy said right to your face Black American women are good for Sex and not marriage in the most circular way and all you did was Ki Ki it up which shows bird brain energy.
@stevelumumbashabazzz5087 2 ай бұрын
Blk men from America don’t marry them which means African men definitely wouldn’t marry them
@helenspencer9847 2 ай бұрын
I’m a white English woman who has a beautiful Nigerian guy he’s coming to the u.k. to be with me I want to learn everything about his culture ❤
@letstalkovercocktails Ай бұрын
@@helenspencer9847 it’s a beautiful culture…from traditional food, clothes, language, flag, community etc. 🫶🏽🥂
@ramonataylor6246 Ай бұрын
We have ALL of those things, and even now a Juneteenth flag, our own freedom. I really wish you’d study more. I’m not sure where you’re from, but you’re welcome to come explore the Texan foods, big church hats, black farming land, black country music, hay rides, horses, as well as the creole cuisine and architecture of Louisiana., even to the preaching orator styles and funeral styles. AND my husband of 18 years is Nigerian, and I can appreciate his culture while schooling him on mine!
@PinupEntertainment 2 ай бұрын
Amazing show! The host is beautiful!!
@leophoenix1452 2 ай бұрын
African americans are found their way even spiritually but its been invaded still... There was alot of positivity in their remodelled culture but we see that its been invaded but the pawns of the invaders are african americans sadly... Some of them are used to destroy the positivity...
@newjerseyselfdefense6199 2 ай бұрын
Yes queen…. Right…. Mmm hmm…. 😂😂
@AmramEL-oo1jm 2 ай бұрын
More of no accountability
@ronaldboykin9755 2 ай бұрын
Black women haven’t been raised to be wives for generations but black men have gone elsewhere to find wives!
@blackjaguarlord 2 ай бұрын
The self-hate is real. We AAs do have culture; it's not that traditional, ornamental, ceremonial and not very formal and codified. We language, art, history and a legacy of achievements.AA culture has influenced the entire WORLD. She oughtta pick up some books and read them.
@letstalkovercocktails 2 ай бұрын
@@blackjaguarlord definitely no self love issues… when I spoke about culture, I was specifically speaking of traditional culture- in which you just agreed.
@blackjaguarlord 2 ай бұрын
That's not what you said and not what anyone else heard. Nonetheless, we have plenty of culture beyond what you mockingly described.​@letstalkovercocktails
@cantgetright888 2 ай бұрын
These african people will make you hate them... im so sick of these tethers we always in there heads
@venoltoney4845 2 ай бұрын
Black people do not love their black color ,they love Brown colors,so for black people to unite as one the black color need to change to brown.