英国の Jonathan Swift が書いた有名な本 Gulliver's travels(1726年刊) の元ネタは日本のお伽噺(おとぎばなし)の 「御曹司島渡(おんぞうししまわたり)」だという説がある。これは1726年より300年も前の時代に書かれたものだ。 両者は驚くほど内容が似ている。ここでいう御曹司とは、源義経のこと。
The most important thing when sharpening a Japanese sword is to give it the finish that is most suitable for that sword. Therefore, not all swords are given the same finish. Naturally, the whetstone and polishing method will differ depending on the sword. What is most important for a craftsman sharpening a Japanese sword is a flexible mindset and the sensibility to observe the beauty of various arts and nature. There is no need for the "self" to think about who finished the sword. The main focus is always the beauty of the "sword".