私たち在日アメリカ人もすべてのアメリカ人も、武道を作法と礼儀を重んじる日本人を応援してます Both American Americans in Japan and all Americans are cheering for Japanese who respect martial arts and methods and courtesy 우리 재일 미국인도 모든 미국인도 무술을 예절과 예의를 중시하는 일본인을 응원하고 있습니다
@elizanan445 жыл бұрын
@加藤ジャック ご丁寧に翻訳して下さり有難うございます。 礼儀、作法は日本国民の誇りでありその志はたとえ時代が変わろうとも薄れゆく事はありません。 Thank you for translating carefully. Courtesy and manner are the pride of the Japanese people, and their will never fade even if the times change. I am sorry if there is something unusual because I'm going through a translator
Kendo matters that following their manner. This is why they don't have celebrated victory as soon as they won the game. Your opinion and Kendo's manners was originated by Japan's unique culture called Meiwaku, Honne and Tatemae. Boxing and Mma are also originated by skill that killing each other. And their players have celebrated victory themselves as soon as they won the game.