1.09 Platinum Character Tier List (Mass Effect Andromeda Multiplayer)

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@gnperdue 7 жыл бұрын
Very interesting analysis, thanks
@jamesbell5696 7 жыл бұрын
This is really good.
@jmiles3846 6 жыл бұрын
Human Sentinel is god mode. Shields for the whole team, combos galore, staggers, aoe, "oh crap" drop shield.
@ErelasInglor 7 жыл бұрын
Huh, interesting, Asari Duelist depends on the player I guess, it should be up in the A tier for Platinum alongside the Human Vanguard.
@ssarellas 7 жыл бұрын
Human sentinel has the highest survivability because of damage resistance from Tech armor and energy drain. Also, she has extra protection with Barricade and the highest weapon damage boost from passives. I think she's doing better on platinum than the Asari sentinel.
@TheEcuaking 6 жыл бұрын
I started doing platnium w human infiltrator and realized it was O.P with 90% gun bonus plus sustained fire of 24% more damage add some stickies to that. But now that i grinded premium packs i play with w.e they need
@batripes 7 жыл бұрын
Scrapper is S. You can solo burn hydras, fiends etc in seconds with snap + flak. Some of my pugs didn't even need cloak for hacks everything died so fast... Things like blaze hydras, behemoths, berserkers become trivial with snap, just as long as you dont have people detonating snap. But if they do i just usually target other targets then them and burn them fast solo or time snap durring the "combo immunity" window. To be honest I wouldn't be suprised if they nerfed it. While adept is fun and one of my most played kits on plat S is a bit high, maybe A is more accurate. It's nice to rack up points thanks to assists but compare it to a scrapper that can annihilate 4 berserkers for example in the same time adept kills one... No contest. Hsol is also great if you skip turbocharge and go full into frag and concussive for burning fast hydras, berserkers, fiends etc. Krogan merc C? Any class that has flak is at least A imo.
@byfo1991 7 жыл бұрын
Hey man, could you tell me your exact build for Batarian Scrapper? I want to try it out as I finally unlocked at least level V character card. Would help me a lot, thx :)
@batripes 7 жыл бұрын
I'm running 6-6-6-4-4. Would go 6-6-6-6-1 if i had a dedicated team and not pugging. But as you learn to play with the class i'd recommend maxing fitness. and since you don't have it at at least rank X skip concussive i guess. For snap freeze i went reach, brittle and anti armor For flak 4 is your choice, i went with damage but if you want more flaks instead and less damage it's okay too i guess. 5 anti armor 6 i went with shredder, haven't tested flak yet. Munitions 4 power and melee Fitness 4 health and shields If you're gonna skip concussive and want to max both munitions and fitness at rank X go with sustained fire at 6 in munitions and all top ones in fitness. Test it, change as you see fit to suit your playstyle For equipment i use warfighter package, and for consumables combat power damage or capacity. 2nd consumable i tend to go with cyclonic mod since i don't max fitness but if you do, weapon damage for exmaple is a good choice. Basically find armored target, snap freeze it, then shoot flak directly into the enemy and it melts. For big targets snap when your team already detonated combos on it to avoid them detonating your snap as soon as you cast it, but from my experience more and more people tend to learn not to detonate it asap, but many still do ;)
@tbxvividos 7 жыл бұрын
scrapper has ok regen, not the best, requires cover. also, as you said, teammates could detonate your snap. adept has saving barrier and no way for teammates to mess up your singularity or shockwave. none of the classes in the S tier made it there because they were good at one thing. they made it there because they're strong in EVERY way. Also, human soldier an batarian scrapper are basically different flavors of the same thing. they both rely on cover for DR/Regen, both go for a power cell spec, and both annihilate armored targets when spamming abilities. difference is that teammates can mess up your snap freeze with batarian, whereas only you can mess up your aim with frags. batarian is very popular right now, but people seem to be not realizing that the human soldier is just as powerful. regardless, they both are not as powerful ALL AROUND as the classes in the S tier.
@batripes 7 жыл бұрын
I guess we look at S differently. I won't argue as to whether adept is good or not cause it is great, one of the 3 kits i play the most often on plat(the others being Scrapper and ghost) followed by Hsol, avenger and operator , and often i don't even use any first aid packs or revive packs (or very little) thanks to saving barrier. But i'm also of a mind, if you can kill things fast enough you don't have to worry much about difficulty to survive ;) I see your point about why you classify kits as you did while i disagree with some choices to each their own.
@byfo1991 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks man, very helpul :)
@concinnus 7 жыл бұрын
Exemplar is fine, but if a couple players have Disruptor ammo on and you're camping together, you won't add much CC since detonations have a timeout. DPS is competitive only with high Veteran Bonus, so ~40,000 APEX. GL with that.
@ivanwyatt6069 7 жыл бұрын
TY. U mentioned survivability of lower tier. W siphon weapons, does it help enough? Architect etc.
@tbxvividos 7 жыл бұрын
Ivan Wyatt not that much. Shield Regen is more important than health
@raijin7707 Жыл бұрын
People sleeping on the human sentinel, she's my favorite of the bronze class and I play her and the Angara Avenger on plat.
@HeavyC31190 7 жыл бұрын
Also, could anyone explain what I'm missing about Flak Cannon?!?! I don't see the hype. Massive capacity and decent stun. Honestly, I'm probably specing wrong. Would love to respec KroMerc to flak instead of Flamethrower (since enemies can stun me and waste a cooldown).
@charles3000ify 7 жыл бұрын
On plat, u should try anti-armor instead of stun, same on flamethrower, armor damage is so important in this mode.
@HeavyC31190 7 жыл бұрын
I think an argument could be made for Kro Merc being a "B". Your current build is missing about 400 health & shield. Which when stacked with Fortify's 70 DmgResist translates to a lot more survival. Even more if you go R6 Inspiration in Rage. I do prefer R6 Berserker for the auto rage on low health, less kills required, and increased duration. But for Plat the increased sustain is probably necessary. Especially since it seems bugged and sometimes triggers Rage on a nearby teammates kill.
@tbxvividos 7 жыл бұрын
its not about the damage reduction, its about the lack of health and shield regen.
@0oMatthias0o 7 жыл бұрын
Turian Havoc F? ... ??? I play it like most of the time.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 6 жыл бұрын
where is human elite soldier? Btw. Asari duellist is A but very difficult to play
@GandalfTheSilver 6 жыл бұрын
Salarian architect main here. I love the character, but in my experience, my Asari Huntress and Angara Insurgent far outclass him. It makes me sad.
@fernandoferrari100 7 жыл бұрын
Hey you think the hacks and uploads will be changed? it gets really hard on plat with randoms that dont leave those to the guys with stealth grid, or maybe buff the missiles to 1 hit everything like in me3? Btw its crazy you dont have the angara exemplar do you also use mission funds to buy the UR characters on the store?
@tbxvividos 7 жыл бұрын
fernandoferrari100 I wouldn't be surprised if there is a change coming to hack and upload. I won't theorize what the change will be, but given the situation with devices at launch I'd say it's likely bioware addresses the reliance on stealth classes in plat. I haven't used mission funds or real money at all. Funds all used on equipment.
@fernandoferrari100 7 жыл бұрын
tbxvividos yeah hopefully, thanks for the reply!
@turakaisenvideot 7 жыл бұрын
Where's Angara Exemplar? That character simply makes pancake out of anything - it's the Ultimate combo-detonator class with also a support role as he can regenerate ally shields. Have you not played with it or is your Exemplar low card?
@turakaisenvideot 7 жыл бұрын
Oh, just saw that you don't have Exemplar yet, hope you get it as it is S++ on platinum - yesterday played with a group where everyone was Exemplar - no a single enemy could even get close to us as that class can stunlock enemies and then detonate every one - and everytime you kill even one with a combo detonator you get your skills back up superfast so it is an endless stun/prime+detonate spam - easiest way to play Platinum. I hope they don't nerf this class anytime soon.
@Luke973T 7 жыл бұрын
Aaron Clover I have him at rank 2....how did you spec him?
@turakaisenvideot 7 жыл бұрын
I made it so that Overload targets as many enemies as possible (it stuns and primes everything, even armored enemies) and then I use my Energy Drain to go nuclear boom on them all - and if even one dies to the explosion I get my skills back up very very very fast - so I go again and again and again
@Luke973T 7 жыл бұрын
Aaron Clover I'll respec him then thanks. The recharge bonus seems to work differently than what the description says.
@turakaisenvideot 7 жыл бұрын
Remember to spec the energy drain also so that in targets multiple enemies. You won't heal teammate shields this way but man you gotta love those killfeeds and explosions :) You do need a high level card for this build.
@Flakzor123 7 жыл бұрын
Whats with the low health on your krogans?? (edit, just saw you havent specced them since last skillrefund.. ok... ) Since they retooled rage you really need to spec into at least rank 4 but preferably rank 6 (inspiration) for any krogan capable of killing stuff at short range, it no longer needs melee kills to proc, just kills within its range. Especially the krogan engi is a great combo class (and yours isnt specced for that :D) that used to tear up gold with incinerate specced as a detonator and assault turret specced for cryo and omni-link, the only problem there is most kills happen outside ragerange so it doesnt proc. (rage is still useful though since all the shield/hp bonuses in there are passive regardless of rage being active or not) For kromerc the hard part is figuring out what skill to sacrifice, flamethrower is awesome and so is flak and fortify. Survivability used to be a problem in gold even for that class due to the amount of facetime with the enemies. Having said that: I wouldn't really rank the classes much higher than you did on account of krogans feeling a bit chunky and slow to get into cover. (just a personal feeling) any flamethrower fans are better off bringing the turian agent in 99% of the games tbh. Kromerc can work in a team that likes to stay near him benefitting from his rage inspiration and increased survivabilty due to enemy dps debuff from flamethrowers "blinding heat" at rank 6 but even in this role the turian agent performs better because of "tech sabotage" passive unless you have another class already providing that debuff (assuming they dont stack the same debuff from multiple sources). Edit 3: Salarian architect: no way to restore shield? tried barricade with regen spec at all? I kindof agree with your rating of the class though, not a fan of it.
@tbxvividos 7 жыл бұрын
you can still die while casting barricade, enemies at higher elevation can shoot over it, and there's the possibility of running out of energy cells. i know i'll frequently (on any power cell class) attempt to use the ability, it doesnt go off because im at zero, so i pop a resupply and then cast again. That takes time. Even if it's only a second or two, that series of events takes time that bullets are flying at me during. it's a clunky mechanic, while also being the only source of regen the class has. definitely not the most reliable.
@Flakzor123 7 жыл бұрын
I find it very useful for classes that have it, so much so that I consider it more important than tech armor for my human sentinel.
@zibbie17 2 жыл бұрын
The game developers forget to add a Quarian character
@BlackArt0110 7 жыл бұрын
hey do you still recommend building the human vanguard as per your previous (no melee) video?
@tbxvividos 7 жыл бұрын
thats still how mine is built.
@julofluffy3227 7 жыл бұрын
How would one spec salarian infiltrator ?
@tbxvividos 7 жыл бұрын
Julo Fluffy cloak all the picks that aren't damage, energy drain for team heal, smg or shotty.
@julofluffy3227 7 жыл бұрын
Thank U so much :D
@grant9005 6 жыл бұрын
Not even close...
@SalachadDin 7 жыл бұрын
Lol. Turian Havoc. You failed there. At least you realised that Human Vanguard is very powerful while many fail there. Not bad.
@tbxvividos 7 жыл бұрын
the best part about havoc supporters is that no matter how many facts and no matter how much evidence you provide that their class is sub par, they still show up to say i'm wrong and their class is great. trump supporters do the exact same thing.
@SalachadDin 7 жыл бұрын
tbxvividos lol you asume I watched your all videos. Wierd political statement doesnt help at all. I dont even know where to start about havoc as I dont see any weaknesses. Its just a shooter class with staggering options. Its as good as one playing it. Maybe I will check your built and will help you in the future. Will thank me later ;)
@yeldacimenbicer9609 7 жыл бұрын
Turian havoc is one of my preferred platinum classes, too. She can kill any enemy very quickly with turbocharge using hurricane, stunning with flak cannon whenever necessary. Though, most of the platinum dailies have weapon or ammo penalties and it is almost impossible to finish the missions without a stealth class in platinum.
@grant9005 6 жыл бұрын
lmao using a political joke over a game, typical moron
@leonardodavinci7425 3 жыл бұрын
@@grant9005 Trump is a Gobshite tho
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